HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1923-01-26, Page 344, r.. 4A1P9A; Hop: are;, '17b1,U29 LHS. 1NCIEASE` FO,E I d#d t Fo01 " either+ : his te the ire= p which r ai *fli' irblic faro ch •has ¢' droit nAgg p22. Gbebii15 to iii aria bier'' te+►pot lief u• AO ittfis airt t iat;hla.r .one hen et'ir' ei g for gown inter- est dstr aurid lairs re rege ass of • the VOODOO cdf thesti.:r,6andtabout him, ,/ll(rrthle aae,) ah':inidlvidttal by name i titrant— ' A/0 described ae qua an being pear+ to 'the extent. o! dire nov- o er'ty—a .beggar who was, iii and a leetbeoare. tfa►ll of sores); not able .even to silt, for we' read he was laid at .the d te. Someone had had com- paseion• on' him and pit him fn the way. of. securing, at least, the leav- ings eav ings of the feast. His desires were meagre for we read he desired to be fed with the crumbs. In this we see not only the desires of the poor man but his disposition. He would be satisfied with the dog's portion—the scraps that fell from the rich mal's table. Being poor in spirit he was the reward that follows humility— Blessed are the poor for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven (Matt. 5;3). Wo are not told that the rich man -bused Lazarus, he just treated hint as though he were not lying at his gate at all. Indifference is often harder to bear than actual abuse. Christ ini another place gives utter- ance to his condemnation of such neg- lect in telling words, "I was hungry and ye gave me no meat." The poor man was taken notice of but it was a disastrous nesting season. by the dogs who were more kind than their master. Verses 22-25. WINTER HARD ON BABY 1 Contrast now the condition of the godly poor man and the wicked rich The winter season is a hard one on man at and after death—Death a - the baby. He is more or les confined waits rich and' poor alike. to stuffy, badly ventilated rooms. It "Death with equal pace, impartial fis so often stormy that the mothei ' re. should. Ile catches gate." P DESTRUCTION OF EIDER DUCK Ottawa, Qnt,—A considerable de- crease in the, number of Eider ducks, one of the ,most valuable of the water fowl protected under the Migratory Birds Convention Act, is reported this season by the Chief Migratory Bird Officer. for the Maritime Provinces. This scarcity is more noticeable along the sea coast of Nova Scotia, one of the principal lanes in the migrations of water fowl, this official states in a recent report.,to the Commissioner Of the Canadian National Parks. Sim- ilarly in Massachusetts the Director of the Division of Ornithology of the State Department of Agriculture in his "Notes for Observers," of No- vember 15th, remarked that Eider as well as other ducks and geese were appearing in Massachusetts water with few if any young, testifying to • does not get him out in thefresh air Knocks at the palace, as the cottage as osteo as auc colds which rack his little system; : In due time death claimed them 1 th Th nothing said about der and becomes peevish an cross. drain on your healthreserve, which To guard against this the mother with indecent haste he was hurried to can result in but one thing—a nerv- td a box of aby's Own Tali the grave whereas the rich man was re breakdown. Cir ' IT - 1. 15r Q et ` ',.tirkontivo we oufibt t;.v t 9'dFe that •positi'� fit more earT}eab• heed tel ,'tie :ilago tpeeneh" o! i a WOO )ye have . and w legit J at' any a81i a1 MO et.,the iferre iep sirolald. et t el4: t"a "`r'�iio ottly il, lea, 'the: word spoken* irk .4 WOO ilea it tire.;aena t}, !flim ,etedi,aet. aAd every` trare gxerte en anij invalids ,eater war' 7d parts.",Wa,.. diaob nfet received a .441,3t retdora•� tpa'e` le not 4gira ,tob of repalre Pinola o XtWard4 how, shall lye escano ing the darnagee'MOW y leprosy,. if e�wre .neeieCt"•eo woo' `sal'fUien . I yentore to Spa bewooden- (fie Ms ooden-(fiebrMs Uri -a, fully net rral ands,, fikigel;s and ibbbs 'World Mberifins which EnugIa'od ae,d Prance have ; 17. 0. Ent our men; enp led b '' . Bongs in Formes the war.These, almodt.perfect meai- ($y ;Rev. , Geo, A. Williams) bers' nought be - a great; help to die. We are enjoying our work and charge lepers, . >t)r, Goodhue admitted singing a song of gratitude here in tie trut i of this suggestion and went far Formosa. During the past year on to remark that leprosy is not here. we have experienced the good hand ditary. Fere' example, out of a batch of God'upon us. - . of twenty-four children of leper par - ear has been spent mostly in onts, not one has developed the die- langua stgdy, although I have been ease. Leprosy is infectious by inoen- able to make many trips into the lation—a alight cut--+touch—close as - country proclaiming the good nes aoci; tion, and there are cases where to the benighted idol -worshippers:' poop have 11 =. for years with lep- Thank God, Ile has enabled me to era a d never .speak the language sufficiently to A j preach with a fair amount of free- dom and I am now realizing the true - joy of missionary work. Everywhere I have gone I have found people ready to listen to the Gospel message. There seems to bo very little prejudice against it. The greatest difficulty is the super- stition of the people who are afraid t, leave their idols for fear of some calamity overtaking them. Their main desire seems to bo for material benefit rather than spiritual renewal. However, souls are being born again, and the Kingdom of God is being established. God is choos- ing out from among the Formosan„ a people to bear His Name.—The Itt cord. en: i era eons. eovd. diaI b added vire °the restoie�'d Scripture )?assagerePs, 22 Z turned ou forp Y WIZEN NERVES ARE NEAR EXHAUSTION The Right Thing to 1/o is to Take a Tonic for, the Blood. When you become so exhausted after a day's work that you cannot sleep, or sleep fails to refresh you. it is time to look after your health. his and heeli and bowels i h outofof or- io There is o Failure to act at once means a steady tin burial of the poor man. Perhaps h• b b: n afflicted. i` has a leper wife wit . whom • ves.—yet he re- mains without a blemish. It is a mystery why some people are liable to the disease and others not. The doctors claim that tuberculosis is much more contagious than leprosy, and muchxn;ore dangerous to human- ity. As a" matter of fact, ten times as many .people are suffering and dying of tuberculosis, yet they are at large. The use of the chaulmoogra oil goes back to antiquity; for years it was used internally in the crude state, bat it is obnoxious to the stomach; even when taken in capsules. I•b% those who cannot retain the oil, the injections are restored to, to aichieve the same effect. The Dean specific, says Dr. Goodhue, in addi- tion to other advantages, has been of untold benefit in cases of chronic eye trouble—and the sight of the I:i,tients so afflicted is improving steadily. The seeds of the real'chau- nioogra tree are found in Burma, and many have been sent to the Hawaiian Islands. SHRINKAGE IN SCORED HAY Almost every buyer of baled hay has felt either annoyed or elated at finding the actual weight of the bale that he has purchased either more or shoo keep ous lots in the house. They regulate the buried with all the ceremony befit- s not wait for a breakdown. The less than the tagged weight. Of if he is not a spiritual being, both stomach and bowels- and break up ting one of his position amongst his course. the popular opinion is that -he colds They are sold by medicine deal- fellow men. But death did not end treatment is simple enough if you do t 1 ht f thebale more of religion and morality are a delusion. •ri o =�++1 of not let your condition become too far than r than the And ry $ y reinim itnn.1 imaliaiiwvur 0109 i®n•.., s For those who roll their own, - ASK FOR OGDEN'S FINE CUT (In the green packet) era or by mail at 25 cents a box all for either of them. from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Lazarus was borne aloft by not one Brockville, Ont. but an escort of angels and given in- to the care of Abraham. In this life Abraham was a great and rich man, SUNDAY AFTERNOON but he was also the father of the faithful." It was a belief of the advanced. The treatment is one re- quiring an effective tonic to enrich the blood and feed the starved nerves. The most effective tonic known is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills which act direct- ly on the blood, and with, proper diet have proved of the greatest,beinefit in (By Isabel Hamilton, Goderich, Ont.) Jews that the happiness of the right- ' ight I nervous troubles and all .conditions 'The Lord knoweth the way of the coos at death was expressed in three I due to impoverished Mrs. righteous; but the way of the un- ways; they go to the Garden of Eden; Mary Hanson, Braeside,blood. Ont., has godly shall perish r. 1-8). • glthory, go andothey go under tothe throne bosom oft proved the value of )r. Williams' Prayer glory, Pink Pills and says:—"I was taken Almighty, God, surely thou hest Abraham. The rich mans soul went ill with what doctors whom I had con - good up for ; in thy law a store of to helland his As conditiontis a very till called neuralgia of the tissues ear, things; givens 'the hearing wretchedhfulone. se ate souls of the of the system. I was a complete ear, the aeye, the thy reases faithful do immediately pass re intoe wreck from constant pains in my body ing heart,d thatnnone ofe treasuresthglory and Lord are joyful id the ps hn and limbs, dizzy headaches, fainting ssted on us. We have heard y separated the - Lord so ckedtbi south whenv[polls and constipation. So intense words of the wise, and behold they separated from the times they love was the pain that at times it caused are as ease fastened in a sure emost are in torment. inen,ter toe, the vomiting and I would have to go to may we receive the_ same and ordering seeing Lazarus his state is aby bed for two or three days, only to fur life the, way o them, that beiny seeing gs,whin such doubt happyr [m` upso dizzy and so weak that I alsoal the, way p wisdom- le may roundings, which no n brought get sieo walk in the paths of pleasant- to his mind his own neglect of him ' could not cross the bedroom without nese aid find enjoyment and peace as on earth. The veil being lifted, we aid, and while these spells lasted I we advance from step to Step. We I see that the two have changed places could keep nothing on my stomach. heard also the words of thy in very deed, for it is the rich man I doctored for almost a year, but h beneficial results Finally to actual wale o a e is - I think eve thin in flail life ten less itis more a and experience proves that conclusive- uretagged wrht. There o some mea- ly, So, as I desire a happy and pros- oftenfre of truthiin this contention but perous world, I desire also a great ersso injustice is being done ich religious revival. Such a thing is pos- peruall who buys a bale of hay which sible in a way that it hardly was Tessthana weighstagged a very few pounds before the war. I should not like to less the weight that has say that it was probable. The sec- Letbeen paid for. and gift for my generation that I us consider just what shrinkage a- de - consists of and whery the greatest a- sire is a clear conception of orals. mount of it occurs. The making of ' In the present chaotic state of oral hay from the freshly cut' forage planta thinking in England it is not eas consists chiefly in the reduction of the get any clear agreement as to what moisture content from approximately is right and what is wrong. It is 657, 75% to from 12-15%. When the harder still to get most people to newly cured hay is stored in the barn explain on what grounds they base or stack it goes through a process their judgments of right and wrong. that is generallj' termed "sweating" Now I will not be so foolish as to try during which rocess still further to work out a theory of morals in a moisture is lost. Of course we have single short article. But of one thing other changes going on as well but I am sure. Morals are the outcome the thing I wish to bring out is that of various relationships. A man a - shrinkage in weight during the whole lone on a desert island would have process of curing hay consists almost no duties. So then as a first step we entirely in the loss of water and not want a revival of the old recognition in food constituents. If only proper- of duty to .God, duty to one's neigh- ly cured hay `has been baled no alarm or. and duty to the whole commun- have ea with no or annoyance should be felt at a Ity. To these I should add, as involy- dear Son, our only Saviour; we be- , who begs now, and not for food as the last doctor who attended me said small variation from the original tag- ed in the other three, duty to oneself. sacci thee to make a highway to' our Lazarus did, but for a rgent drop of medicine would not benefit me.p I ged weight. This variation is water Let a man, the next time he is dis- Wetfor thea progressatof his kingdom. water, hen he how pr ant a his and not food material and the bale cussing any question of morals, such the thank thea that he came to set up I need when he would plead that the musthaveperfect rest, - and send has just as high feeding value as as gambling, divorce, sex relations, or the kingdom of heaven upon the I one to an he his own dogs were more most of my time in the open air. He when first put up and weighed. what not, consider it from each one earth and that there is room for all kind than was, should be sent to gave me very poor encouragement. By properly cured hay is meant hay of those points of view, and he will within his realm. Amen. relieve his awful thirst. He who on Knowing that the mother of four dill- that has been pro) erly handled prey- P (Parker's People's Bible). earth refused a. crumb is now him- dren could not spend all her time in be surprised to find haw much of tout: to being put in the barn and has what is daily said, as if it were ab - SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON FOR ]f d d drop Here the el' idleness, I told my husband I was ; . elves truth and wisdom, is indeed oh - Lesson T 28th, 1923 f I Ing to try sonic Lesson Title—The Rich Man and cess which is normally ode L se cola a lcgue begins grid we see how intense- thiough with doctors and I was go- ;subs uently gone through the sweet- ly in earnest the lost soul is or he other remedies. I!: pr d implores the help of one whom upon got one, but after taking it for a f in about a month afoot storage. e despised and no benefit. Then I de -I ,;. where ha recognizes in Lazarus a former ac- cided weeks I found ;is a e e ors going quaintance, for he calls himftneeded. With' lice too the title he gives erah c.,original vious nonsense and falsehood. Thirdly, I should like to see a great development of'a sense of social duty. In one of Sir Henry Newbolt's poems he speaks of the religious teaching of one's boyhood as a thing which the touch of life shall tarn to truth." So, too, with a thousand catch -words of the college lecture hall. We used to be taught at Cambridge that Kant laid down as the founda- tion of all morality that one should only act on auch maxims as one could will should become universal laws. Which sounds very uninteresting and remote from life until one asks one- self what would be the effect on Life in Manchester, in 1928, if no man did anything which he would not wish every other man in his position im- mediately to do too. The man who to -day bets, or drinks a little too much, or lives a little loosely, because he "can't see that it makes any great difference to anyone" whether he ab- stains or not, would see things very differently if he knew that his bet meant a hundred thousand other beta, his fuddle a hundred thousand other fuddles, and so on. Kant's seemingly musty old maxim is really practical morality in a nutshell, and ita strict observance would seem social duty realized. Fourthly, I want a great•' deal more direct moral teaching for the young. "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." And as boys and. girls can only be taught things that really matter by people whom they know and love, and who know and love them I want a greal deal more social work bf the Lads' Club, Brigade, Scout, Girl Guide, and Happy Evening type. Miss Boyden says that young people will not accept our moral standards azarus. There are cases, he i Iver, Lesson Passage—Luke 16:19-31. earth h d p ed and ignored He nib dhto try Dr Williams Pink Pills, • b 1 d b e hrough the en , just because they are ours, a is olden Text s Tim. heist gg In this Lesson Christ is indeed 11 by Anbme tin se twei'ee what I e ire curing process In Such mstuuc I •- the bale dos mot contain speaking in parables and in his strik-—nn all of the food constituents that i. ing parabolic language he vividly ham. He calls him "Father Abra- nerves worn threadbare from all e , should because of the excess moistwe pictures the contrast between the ham" as he pleads for mercy. Moro suffering of the past, I continued the lives of two men—he first con rants , than the actual refusal is the remind- use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for i the condition of a worldly rich man i er in the words, "Son, remember." three months and by this time I was I it carries. The shrinkage in such hay does represent a loss that the buyer with that of a godly poor ma in 1 The awakened conscience is the keen- able to do most of my own housework. i has a legitimate right to complain of. this life and then, reversing the or- est tormentor. He v prompted to In fact I soon felt well and was able The looseness of the binding wires l often indicates hay baled before res der. he contrasts the condition of the remember how on earth he had had to do any kind of work without -feel- be- godly poor man with that of the his good things and Lazarus his evil ing tired. Since that time I have con-$ properly cured and where this worldly rich man at and after death. things; and that he by his selfish- tinued to do all my own work and Ho does this in order to rouse His nese had cast himself into hell. His have had no return of the dreadfuloccurs the buyer is well advised tocheck up all tag weights and if pos- listeners to serious thought about the eyes are now open -whereas they had pain I suffered before. I have re Bible buy only by actual weight at future life. Later on he lifts the been blind to the needs of others— commended the pills in many cases time of delivery. next and have always seen good results Where hay, either inose or in bales, veil it were between this life and He had not learned that: is bought according to weight at time the next and lets his hearers listen "The quality of mercy is not strained from their use." of delivery the last tont in value can to a dialogue between a redeemed It droppeth, as the gentle rain from , medYicine deu can fer or by mail atet these Pills r50 cents obtained by purchasing after a saint and a condemned sinner. In heavenlong dry period. To the seller of. hay Christ's mind atleast there is a Ilea- Upon the place beneath; it is twice a° or six for Medicine $2.50o.roBro k be hold, the greatest von—there is a Hell and the souls of blessed; weight reverse a would quantity of cured glory at do immediately.whiln pass into It blessethtakes." him that gives, and him villa, Ont. given IIftat death. wine all. unbelievers do that take -p hay being •after a prolonged period gift rs their oyes in hell In ham of `pleads with Abraham, of damp weather. As both the buyer Verses 19-21- Abraham not'only assures him there and seller cannot be accommodated Here e ei read of a but iso rich carr• anoiabating of his tormcannot be at the same time in this 'matter the mar. He it at named but taken but he also Mlle him therd cannot be fairest thing to do is for. the producer to represent a class so that none hel 4 any cornmvnication A piece of rare to" see that only thoroughly cured hay lthe it particular wasnthesone JesuswashitoYnf Thowretched ones wigrll not be the unique opportumty to m 'p baled and for ecdn u hay' }i erect with the feel knowing that he weight getting such hay referring theo. He an. fie was, but permitted to do know he is he i for., rot so poor man. ,He was La- would gladly escape from hell can- Hawaiian TerritoryU.Molokai. S. A., On y earns, meaning God helps. The rich not The decree but man is described as belonging to the h Cameron princely order, being clothed in purr lather character m Southern (T F' h U win NEW YEAR'S GIFTS pie and fine • linen; but we will , see and destiny is unchangeable. h 5 t -that position, even that of royalty, I have been thinking what I does not make character. Then too The wicked i 1 ted yet o should desire for my country gifts the he had a retinue • of mansion his t and it iq inquire dition listen new year. Well, first of all, if 1 in keeping likely hi ti. othto is he makes get if they have any could have my way, I would ask for in keeping with his clothingeryda and its and assist the ff A d 1 a great religious revival throughout farieg sumptuously f every day. occurrence hole He begs I legislators b k d at the whole land, and indeed through - in n6 doubt of fhathe ests le d a chance Itonolnlu on the S. S M'k y l Ili ont the world. Theis fs no basis for b thatn mansion and the Christ would only women of h p rt. th morals, but in the spiritual nature of be kindred spirits. Christ was not to escape his "They hove man and of the world. There is no ofndemning the having and the using other secure basis for either thought of riches the rather the misusing of hear and the them." In these let them self. e truth That to happ happiness dos . riot neon 1 they will see there lis9anotherf olife af- the island, and 90 clean people, read At present there are 512 whilst aboutaction man thans that heBut is a spirit'tal asman possesses isdbof the rought out in1wardedter sin andwhehevilepunshed. He chaumood are re- 175 oograare now oil treat.mentgbutgular the can onlythen behis attaindsbydtheofillest thia lesson. The rich man's. sin continues to urge his request' by supply of oil. bas been difficult to ob- possible recognition of that fact. And Ir between the two o would to the apo e' so; and those who has been fixed. Death does •not change character, determines destiny Verses 27-81. one s notsilenced Though silenced on his own account another request Still through Lazarus he hopes to praythee, there- fore,'" that his relations still living rimy be warns and50 given fate. Abraham refuses this request, too, saying, AMONG THE LEPERS IN HAWAIIA good fortune gave- umslators of the e Leper Settlement at once in two years, says Charlotte in her new book,"Two Years Seas" Fisher Unwin, 21s. net), dote Senators andRep- resentativesf the Government pay ,a visit to the martyred lepers, to as to theircon to their complaints. , sufferers. delega- tion of fifty em ar e 1 a 6 a. e the party were e Rev. Mother Superior, a nun, and my - both right and wrong. They will not accept them because they are ours if they are presented in a neat volume bound in cloth. They will eagerly ac- cept them, and retain them for life. if presented to them incarnate in a magnetic personality, and by some- one they love, and admire who lives those principles every moment of his or her life. Then I want to see more develop- ment of the best part of the nature of our young. people. Some time ago I asked a class of boys in day school to tell me something noble they bad heard which made their hearts glow. Of course I got the tale of Sir Philip Sidney. Then I asked for something beautiful they had themselves seen. Presently a small boy of 13 held. up his hand and said: "Please, sir. Our first week -end camp. The hill oppos- ite; all broken up, with bnsbea and trees, and bluebells in betweee' I can see them now when I shut my eyes." I do not suppose that boy will ever write a line of poetry, but he is not far from the feeling of Wordsworth when he wrote— And then my heart with pleasure fills And dances with the daffodils. I find I have said nothing about better trade or less unemployment in the new year. Is it because I think these things do not matter? Heaven knows it is not. But vital religion, a sense of duty, the spirit of service, and a soul trained to love the beauti- ful wherever it is found, seem to me to he the hest New Year's gifts to man or nation. A "Department Store" LAUNDRY Service No. 1—Semi-finish—Bed and table linen finished ready for use; wearing apparel washed dried (starched if necessary), $1.00 � n pounds - Service No. 3—Bed and table linen. Beau- tifully washed and carefully ironed. Returned ready for use. 12 pounds $1.00 Service No. 5—Shirts and Collars. Our high grade work in this department has set a stand- ard for Western Ontario. Service No. 7—Dry cleaning. Men's and Ladies' Garments, house furnishings and furs. Service No. 2—Economy Wash—Entire fam- ily washing, machine ironed, only a few fussy corners left for you to touch up. (No starch). 15 pounds Service No. 4—Finished Family, all com- pletely ironed, ready for 'use (no starch)$1$0 ,pounds Service No. 6—Dyeing—Men's and Ladies' garments, curtains and portierres, dyed any shade you wish. Service No. 8—Ruga. All kinds of raga cleaned or dyed. We start in where the other fellow calls a finished job. An Agency in Nearly Every Town; if not Send Parcel Post. Someway and Somehow THE PARISIAN should be your LAUNDRY Launderers, Dry Cleaners, Dyers and Rug Cleaners. Local Agent MAC. McKELLAR, Phone 191. ll ,3 fi