HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1923-01-12, Page 8wit;' yiri' i e
mily Group
' $atographer.,
E4 0W : ONT.
Style, Qaulity and Service con-
sidered, our Prices on Shoes and
Rubbeee' are the LOWEST.
7% pound all -wool Blankets ....$7.50
8 pound all -wool Blankets $9.00
, Heavy Stripe Flannelette, yard
wide 30c
Heavy White Flannelette, yard
wide 30c
Horse Hide Mitts, per pair 85c
Finest British Fingering Yarn,
per pound $1.20
r ''aid For
Highest Trade l'rices
New Laid Eggs and Dried Apples
Phone 72.
Peanuts, fresh roasted and
sweet, pound 20c
Tomato Soup, 3 tins for2Jc
Corn, Golden Bantam, solid
pack tin 22c
Sour Kraut, large tin 20c
Sure Whip, for Whipping
Cream 25c
Heinz Sweet •Pickles, per
pint 40c
When you want anything
in extra quality, go to
Sproat & Sproat
Hutchi son's
OYSTER SHELL --Now is the time
to help your hens in the manufac-
ture of the season's eggs by feed-
ing plenty of Oyster Shell. Cheap
at 2c per lb, or per cwt $1 60
SALMON;—Three different brands of
Sockeye Sahnon, per large tin..45c
RED COHOE SALMON, per tin ..30c
25c, for 15e
VINEGAR—Specially fine for table
use, per quart 50c
COFFEE at 40, 50 and 60c per pound
and every one a special.
DAIRY BUTTER—If you have diffi-
culty in getting good Dairy Butter
come to us. We have hundreds of
pounds of Good Dairy Butter,
ing) at l6c lb, or 3 lbs. for 23c
OLIVES—McLaren's for this week
only, Imperial quarts 75c
'Pints 50c
After this week the prices will be
$1.00 for quarts and 75c for Dints.
First CIass Dairy Butter, Fresh
'Eggs, Poultry, alive or dressed, and
Dried Apples wanted in exchange for
Phone 166.
F. P. Hutchison
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
All Kinds of Grain
Milverton Flour,
Bran and Shorts.
Grain Buyer.
Custom Chopping.
Phone 25
Seaforth, Ont.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Stratford, Ontario.
*Rai, wits 1>R4M
$1 'Mitt to.
taoig "lira'tiefl ttmn C
a• 1Dk•ofWWeateril Ontario. r"y.
* Where you get a g
under cotnpet E
C6 nalercial, a
pint De, B
t trtminfinnanitr
Camaron—Walker...• /1r, and ,Mrs.
W. J. WalkerS ortb alwounce
Oaf ,
the marriage of their daughter, Grace
Isabel. to Mr. James Galloway Cam-
econ, of Regina, Sask., at Old St,
Andrew's Church, Toronto, on Satur-
day, January 6th, 1923.
Hockey.—Seaforth and Mitchell op-
ened the hockey season on Thursday,
January 4th, before a large crowd,
Seaforth winning by eight to five.
The game was a fair exhibition con-
sidering the practise these teams
have had. Seaforth was minus two
of the regulars in Nelson Govenlock
and Joe Dick. These players will be
available for our next home game on
Thursday, January 18th, against New
Hamburg, who am reported as the
tents to win for group honors.
Egmondville Briefs.—The Neil Shaw
Auxiliary held their regular meeting
in the basement of the church on
Saturday. An interesting talk on
"The Need of Missions," was given
by Mrs. W. B. McLean. Miss ('lairs
Sproat rendered a very pleasing solo.
The topic was taken by Miss Margaret
Grieve, who tell of the work being
done in India. Mrs. Elgic's reading,
"New ''ear's Resolutions,' was very
appropriate. An instrumental was
given by Miss Grace F.lgie. Arrange -
• is were made for the Arrange-
ing the year.
For Regular Attendance.—On Sun-
day last the following scholars of
First Presbyterian Sunday School
were presented with prizes as awards
for regular attendance during the
past year: Primary class, K. Beat-
tie, Billy Scott, -B. Wiltse, J. Dor-
ranee, D. Stewart, J. Scott, K. Mc.
Lean, K. Chittenden, K. Stewart, H.
Rankin, M. Drover, E. Drover,
Ament; perfect attendance during
every Sunday of the year: Margaret
Grieve, Janet fluff; absent for two
days, C. Hays, A. Edmonds, H. Cum-
mings, A, Stewart, B. Dorrance, M.
Turnbull, M. Stewart, M. Hays, M.
Thompson, B. Grieve, M. Stewart, J.
Brodie. --_,-
G.N'-Y.A. Notes.—The Executive is
' extremely well pleased with the suc-
cess of the Christmas and New Year's
dances, these were well patronized
and everybody reports a good time.
There will be most likely another
challenge euchre towards the end of
the month and another dance. A
masquerade dance for Valentine Day
has been mentioned.
—On the evening of Monday, Jan.
15th, the ladies of the Auxiliary will
hold a membership euchre. There
will be no extra fee except what fee
is chsarged for membership, and as
all ladies using the Club Rooms
I should be members, a large,. attend-
ance is expected. Don't forget the
date and the fact that all ladies wish-
ing to join the auxiliary will be wel-
Death of Miss Torry.—A very sad
death occurred in. Egmondville on
Tuesday when Miss Agnes Irene
Terry passed away at the home of
her parents, after only a vreek's ill-
ness. Miss Torry was the youngest
daughter of Alexander and Sarah
Torry, and was born on the 7th con-
cession of Tuckersmith Township on
March 17th, 1891. Eleven years af-
ter she moved to Egmondville with
her parents, where she has since re-
sided. Besides the father and mother
a family of three sisters and four
brothers survive, Mrs. Crooks, of
Beamsville; Mrs. Rigney, and Miss
Elizabeth, Detroit; John, of Winni-
peg; James, of Pie -pot, Sask.; Robt.,
Beamsville, and Thomas, of Stockton,
Manitoba, all of whom have the sym-
pathy of many friends in their sad
and sudden bereavement. The fun-
eral was held from her late home on
Thursday afternoon, interment being
made in Maitlandbank Cemetery.
(Death of George Brownlee, Sr.—Mr.
George Brownley Sr., one of the old-
est residents of this district, passed
away at his home on James Street,
Seaforth, or. Friday of last week, in
his 75th year. He had been in poor
health for a number of years and over
a year ago suffered a stroke, since
which time he had been a complete
invalid. The deceased Was born in
the County of Peel, but came here
with his parents when a child. For
some years he kept hotel at Alma,
Kinburn and Black Horse, near Kin-
cardine, after which he purchased a
farm on the fourth concession of Tuck-
ereinith, where he resided until ten
years ago, when he disposed of the
farm, and r. tired to Seaforth, which
has since been his home. Mr. Brown-
lee was twice married, his first wife
being Miss Rebecca Carter, of Clinton,
and to this ,bion was born a family
of four sons and one daughter, Mrs.
Harry Little of Windsor; Robert
Brownlee, of Salem, Oregon; George,
of Seaforth; William, of Edmonton,
and Russel,cf Saskatoon. In 1905 he
was united in marriage to Miss Mary
Little, daughter of the late Thomas
Little, of Clinton, who survives him.
The funeral was held from his late
home on Sunday, and was ander the
auspices of the Canadian Order of For-
esters, of which the deceased had long
been a member. ' The services, at the
house were taken by Rev', Df. Larkin,
and interment vVas made it the Mait-
laiidbankcemetery. The 'pallbearers
*ere Meseta. E. Mole, J. B. Thomp-
sun, William Bart* W.' , Edmonds,
it. Allen and J. Storey, and among
those from a distance who attended
were Mr. and Mm, Harry Little, Mr.
and Mrs. George Little, and Mies Lit-
tle, Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. Glew, and
Mr. and Mrs. Miller, Clinton, and
Mr. and Mrs. Sturd, Goderieh. •
riproa • Old Boys of Toronto.—: -The
Barbel Old •Boys+ Aseociatlon of To-
. *Mtn marked the twenty-third year.
• Of- its estenee Friday night 'when
the munsbbera gathered. in annual,
ndetn$ Me dsaembtqRS
I =see rtil,'enttof ;ton
Th• e ko1 pprat' , :pf
ted as foil ;}Iottore
'1409g1'iggart and 1! W. dn;
Preai4ient, J A, ,MuLaken; at -trice,
president, Mrs. L, S. Soots¢ 2nd'vdce>:
president Mrs. R. G. Him; third
vice-president, Mrs. 14.k.B. Uobbiediej
Secretary, E, Flood assistant-aoc.
rotary, Mrs. L. M.' Flynn; financial
secretary, Miss (race Newton; treas-
urer, John Robertson; auditors, J.
A, Cameron and R. S. Sheppard;
Executive Committee, Mrs. Martin,
Mrs.. Beck, Mrs. Floody, Mrs. Fagin,
Mrs. Morris, Mrs. McTaggart, Mrs.
McLaren, Miss Campbell and Messrs.
I;. W, Timmins,4R. Holmes, H. J. L
Mprris, S. ,, Scott, H. Martin, R. C.
King J. R. Lyon, G. A. Newton, R.
Crocker N. B. Cobbledick, W. J.
Young, E. J. Walsh, J. Phillips, Major
Joseph Beck and Dr. R. B. Stanbury.
This marked the twentieth consecutive
year in which Mr. Floody has been
elected secretary. Rev. C. A. Seager,
provost of Trinity College, was chos-
en as chaplain. It was decided to
hold the annual at home on February
16th next in Oddfellows' Hall. The
association has now a membership of
seven hundred. During the past year
it has been the practice to hold meet-
eetings of the Executive at the homes
of the various members of the execu-
tive, and this has developed a social
spirit among the various members
that has been very enjoyable. This
organization is recognized as one of
the permanent institutions of its kind
in the city, and its functions are al-
ways looked forward to with antici-
pation. All parts of the county arc
represented in the organization, and
the. very best of spirit and camaradie
is displayed.
For Sale. Coal heater in good condition.
Apply to Jamin Purcell, George St. 2874-I
For Sole.—One wrought iron Home Comfort
range, Komi as new, in good condition. Apply,
to Alex, Kennedy, North Main Stree•L 2574-1
Wanted.-- A good girl for general horse
mak. Good wags' and no washing. Mrs.
'Hdrry Stewart. 2874.1
Or. Prater, of Stratford, will not be in
Senb,rth on Wednmday of next week. owing
w Jl ne+.s. 2874.1
Wanted. Desirable house in Seaforth with
modern conveniences to rent or would eon -
eider purehnxe it price suraetire: write to
tics 157. Seaforth. 2859 -if
Nouse For Sale. -In Seaforth, on Wert St.,
S -roomed frame house, full basement, cistern.
electric lights, enrage and hen house. Apply
to Charles 'Farquhar, Senforth. 2874%1
Wanted to Buy in good locality, small house
with three bedrooms; must be in good state
of repair and price right. Correspondence
erectly confidential. Box 266, '2875-tf
Encyclopedia For Sale. --For sale a Uni-
roal Encyclopedia. published in six volume,
in 1920. Apply at Expositor Ofltce. 2874-1
Wanted,—Live poultry every Wednesday
forenoon. rat the Royal Hotel atablm. High-
est cash price. J. G. McMichael. Phone
6-247. 2864-tf
For Sale ---One 'Welcome National .wood or
coal range with reservoir.
ry almost as good
snew. Apply to Men. M. Corbett. Market
treet. 2874-2
Cows and Young Cattle for Sale.—A car
load of choice Durham COWS of good milking
strain. coming in soon, also some good , young
rattle. Apply to GEORGE T. TURNBULL,
Phone 94, Seaforth. 28724
House For Sale. --A comfortable 2 story
residence !,for sale, equipped with modern
conveniences, including furnace, bath room,
electric lights, has splendid cellar, 9 rooms,
and is in first class state of repairs. Apply
to H. Edge, Seaforth, Ont. e2874-tf
Special Optical Offer, —High grade' geld-
611ed apelacles and eye glasses with best
flat spherical tense, for only 511.50. All other
kind of frame and lenses at lowest prises.
Eyes examined by Mr. Hughson, formerly
optical expert for Kent's, Toronto, and later
for Henry Morgan St Co., Montreal. The
beet optical work to be obtained and at
moderate prism. Tun days only, Monday and
Tuesday, January 16th and 16th. Come
early. Beattie,% Fair, Seaforth. 2678.2
New Pastor Appreciated.—The S.
Catharines Standard .of January 2nd,
says: "A speaker of eloquence, zeal
and devotion, and a man of tone and
dignity, is Rev, Samuel McLean, the
new minister of St. Andrew's
church, Port Dalhousie. Two schol-
arly sermons were listened to on Sun-
day last by appreciative audiences
and his masterly deliverance from a
true heart fired by spiritual enthus-
iasm, justifies the unstinted praise of
his fellow workers in the ministry. In
addition to his ability as a student of
the Holy Word, Mr. McLean is k good
mixer of men, and his genial person-
ality has already won the love and
admiration of many with whom he
has come in contact. Following his
customary short talk to the children,
his morning contemplation was based
on the text "If ye then be risen with
Christ, seek those things which are
above where Christ sitteth on the
right hand of God," During his, stir-
ring address, he quoted various poets
comparisons of life. One compares
life to the stage, the stage is the
world and we are the actors, some
are playing their parts well, while
others treat life as a joke. Another
poet likens life to a market place
where buyers and sellers come and go,
and still another compares life to a
hunting ground where desires are be-
ing sought, but the speaker's one
thought centred on the fact that there
was but one thing only in life, the
joy, inspiration and eestagy that comes
to us by seeking the things from a-
bove. He reasoned logically, how,
what and why we should be seekers
of God's Kingdom. In the evening
Mr. McLean's tread of thought was
along the lines of "Biblical Stock
Exchanged' He dwelt on the com-
parison between earthly and spiritual
stock exchange. Of all the goodneap
and grace that we receive. if we only
give up wickedness, worldliness and
The Town lgiiridil.—The council
met st 11 a.m. on Monday, January
8th, in the council chamber and the
following signed the declaration of
officer Mayou W; H Golding, Reeve'
John GrI ,': Cour hots George P.
Cardno Robt, Sini ui,, Wiillian3 Chap-
man, W. A. Crick•arid J. W. Beattie.
Snaith- ,Chapman: -•.'hat the Mayor
and ;Councillors Beattie and Cardno
be a.committee to strike the standing
committees for 1928. The council
then adjourned to meet at, 8 p.m.
Smith---Chapman,--That the report
of etmjking committee be adopted.
Wet Striking Committee, Streets
4-• ` o .tori Daig9t; petty.
g , Urrieve, a dn; Fire and
We n'iitly tfoi,.Beattie; Char-
ity . ldin Cardno, Grieve; Financia
Sttdth Court of
Bevisimt--•Mayor, "Reeve, GItlg icf lora
' We have;
stock „again;
pare .favora
higher .lark ' ''tiro,. finis hed papers.
Come,In dflflareltt eizee o Note.
Paper and 1`trtituaefee, ' aide In Pads
and Papeteriee.. 'A High Grade
Paper at a Russo le Price."
�� a��t�+3nery ill
aper i4 of u4
eh_ and will Cooke
,lus..y of to
Cardno, Haigh, Smith. Haigh -Grieve,
—That the 'finance report as read be
adopted. The report of the Finance
Committee was adopted and the fol-
lowing accounts ordered to be paid:
Win. Gillespie, salary, $70; John
A. Wilson, salary, $75; Andrew Little,
salary, $40; John Knight, salary,
$65; American La France F. E. Co„
Inc., $26.96; King Jdward'Sanatorium
for con, acct., $45; G. T. Ry. crossing
pro., $2.87; Robert Bell E. & T. Co.,
$13.33; W. J. Walker & Son, $8.50; W.
R. Smith, 45c; George A. Sills &
Sons, $64.37; Municipal World, 47c;
Dominion Steel Products Co., $239.59;
Robert Edgar, wages to January 8th,
$42.50; James D. Hinchley, D.R.O.,
$3.50; William ilartry, D. R. 0.,
$3.50; M. Broderick, D,R.O., $3.50;
Aubrey ('rich, D.R.O, $1.60; Garnet
Chapman, pall clerk, $3.00• Andrew
Little, $3: Jas. Watson, polling booth,
$4; A, Sillery, distributing bills, 50c;
A. McDonald, $6460; George A. Sills
& Sons, $12.95; A. R. Box, $33.05.
Smith-Crich.—•That a copy of Mun-
icipal World be procured for each
member of council and clerk for the
year 1921. Chapman-Cardno.—That
no action be taken by this council
on the request of the Band until the
next regular meeting. Bylaw No,
243 for the Town of Seaforth for 1923
was given its several readings and
passed. This by-law was for the ap-
poipting of town officials. Cardno—
Chapman,—That the Seaforth Fire
Brigade he given their usual grant
of $300, also the Chief's salary of $75
and rebate of taxes of $5' to assessed
members. By-law No. 244, regarding
diseases of fruit frees was given its
several readings 'and finally passed.
A feature of the'council meeting en
Monday evening was the presenta-
tion by the ;Mayor to the Clerk and
members of last year's council of a
A Super Comedy
Mark Twain's
A Connecticut Yankee At
King Arthur's Court
Read our notion on Page 1 and
Don't Mists the . Picture
Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday
from the novel, "Wildfire"
featuring the Winnipeg Star
Claire Adams
't l
Leveleen," recently patented in
\Ottawa, is the ideal anti-
septic for a dentifrice. •
Brush your teeth with
"Leveleen" Tooth Paste,
no other quite so perfect.
Thursday, Friday, Sa+tgrdaY
with T. Roy Barnes, Lila Lee,
Lois Wilson, -.'Walter Niers
A Paramount, Picture
Grouches; Beware!
Clear the track for the jazziest
smile -picture ever'; made.
A whirlwind feature comedy that
showers laughs Mid chuckles, and
breaks all records for the running
broad grin. •
Gives the insidd do a on marriage
and tells why hos Ware home-
and come backAlso--all a.,
bout the lovely ela . tut that turned
a town upilde
You'll want tenth* this Show.
..1JStJAL Ci -.
Adults, ZOe, tthildten, 10c
11- gins ooulrteit g>l n gtuk ►t`.
ed'to sleet; t'�1te.,italt o 'Ute' aygr
• Le* 9fi1 }a . -.The annua1
of "t ie' Seaforth branch of the Bed
Gross Society will be held in . ibe
iJarnegie Library Hall, on ,Friday
aYterngon, January 12th, a 8 o'elociF:
Everyone interested is cordially -M-
ilted to attend.—Mr. Frame Devereux
returned'ast week from Detroitwhere
he Underwent . -an operation for the,
removal of a growth (role his neck.
The 4iperation wap entirely successful
and Mr. • Devereux is attending ,to
business again, as, usual..-Megsrs.
Robert Pinkney and Steve' Smith left'
this week for Flint, Michigan. --Mf.
J. J. Broderick hay returned from
Chicago, where he spent the Christ-
mas holidays. -Miss Dorothy Kennedy
has returned to Hamilton after spend-
ing the holidays • et her home here.
—Mrs. E. McMurray left on Thursday
to spend a few week§ 'with friends
in Toronto.—Mr. C. A. Barber is in
Guelph and Toronto this week at-
tending the Western Ontario Dairy-
men's Association Convention,—Mrs.
S. Neely has returned to her home
here after spending Christmas with
her on in London.—Miss Kate Broad -
foot is visiting with Hamilton friends.
—Mr. W. Hints and Mrs. Wm. Mc -
Gavin. of McKillop, were in St. Marys
this week attending the funeral of
their brother-in-law, the late Robert
Bruce, one of the pioneer residents of
Blanshard township. — Mr. Harry
Minett, of Toronto, was a guest at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Close,
— Miss Marguerite Yungblut, of Au
burn, who has spent the past week
visiting friends at Seaforth, has re-
turned to her home, accompanied by
Miss Sadie', Howatt, of Tuckersmith.
— Messrs. Thomas Hudson and Thos.
A. Walker, of Marlette. Michigan,
were guests over the week end at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. John Consitt.
Mr. Hudson came over to visit his
mother at Kippen, who is 83 years of
age.—Miss Etta Box, who was a
visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
W. T. Box, has returned to Toronto.
—The choir of the Methodist church
were pleasantly entertained at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex, McGavin
on Friday evening last.—Rev. W. D.
McDonald, of Egmondville, conducted
preparatory services in St. Andrew's
church, Stratford, on Friday last.—
Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Jones were in
Buffalo on Friday last attending the
funeral of the late James Jones, a
former resident of Seaforth.—Mr. and
Mrs. T, Swan Smith were in Toronto
last week—Many friends will regret
to learn that Mrs. W. Andrews is
very seriously ill at her home on
Main Street, South, and with very
little hopes of recovery,—Mr. William
McDougall, of Egmondville, is at
present confined to his home through
illness.—Miss Margaret Carrot, who
spent the holidays with her sister,
Mrs. J. MeClinchey, has returned to
Toronto—Mrs. G, M. Chesney has
sold her residence on Goderich Street,
West, to Mr. Fred Wigg, who will
get possession next month—Three
rinks of Mitchell curlers played a
friendly game on the local rink on
Wednesday evening, Seaforth being
some 15 shots up on the round—Mrs.
Pafford of Toronto, is a meat at the
home , f Mr. and Mrs, Offer Neil.—
eil—Mrs. F. H. Larkin, Mrs. L. T. DeLacey,
Mrs. J. R. Govenlock and Miss H. _I,
Graham attended the annual business
meeting of the Huron Presbyterial
held in Clinton on Tuesday.—Mr. Earl
VanEgmond, of the Post office staff,
has been confined to his home through
illness this week—Mrs. J. C. Greig
left on Tuesday to visit het daughter
in Winnipeg.—The Collegiate Insti-
tute Board have secured the services
of Mr. Bisionette, a student from To-
ronto, to fill the vacancy for a month,
caused by the resignation of Mr.
Russel, science teacher.—The annual
vestry meeting of St, Thomas' church
will be held in the parish hall on
Tuesday evening next—Mr. Archie
Barton was confined to his home
through illness last week.—"The Mes-
sage of Christianity to the Man Who
'Works," will be the subject at First
Presbyterian church next Sunday
evening.—Mr. W. Ferguson, of Bay-
field, was a recent visitor at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. John Goven-
lock, Egmondville.—Mrs. J. IT. Best
has returned from a visit at her
home in Toronto,—Mr. Harold Stark,
of Kitchener, spent the week end with
his mother here,—The snow fall of
the mast few days have made good
sleighing on both town and country
reads, --Mr. W. McLaren left on
Tuesday for Flint. Michigan,—Miss
Sadie Holman. of Toronto, is the guest
of Mrs. C. Simpson in Egthondville.
Sudden Death.—John Colclough, of
Blyth, was found dead in bed Sunday
morning at the Busfield home in
Logan, where he was staying over
night. He had been driving a truck,
selling cloth through the country, and
retired apparently in good health.
The body was brought to Boyd's un-
dertaking parlors at Mitchell and
later forwarded to Blyth, where the
funeral was held.
A Good Feeder.—On June 19th last,
Mr, W. Rion purchased 11 head of
cattle from Mr. P. O'Sullivan and on
Ddceinber 11th; when. he delivered.
theta to: this earns dealer, they showed
an increase of 210 ponnde each A;
gain like that shows good ,feeding,
and although Mei Rim does net need
the money,, if the Market price had
only matched the gain in Weight, .he
Would have been much here to pocket.
But at that he got the top price that
has ruled for 'otter a month,
to e Mantel' ',and it
TheyWilli'Mere return'
DublitOilitel tt Baited lirtho ,flit
t i 1 +d�;`,1��431s(i ilei Wi�:t
lieop t iii k ii i aet.Stt
. robes and btlgg$rtoilt.betng;
been. a•
.two s�t1pnaP 4'�t/l •� ,� 1 :l r �R
1Pt is
en� 0'� i'�
t!ep r _ . �
� i�
Wednesday.-- Oar, $drool 'ke4pened
'eat MPrtday after 6, tog closed It few
k eer'
�p1 the d leave i
Mie.lio tlui do e..heing returned o`
Mt.' JOhj do pt, by'a majority
days to t�a a aur hat thorn. a el hh 4puncillPre electte�dd were
AO more .oases 131 1iThtherla ink: l dames oilgleerlee .a�tiel Me•
section, : ,Carty, I;dw rd.: oter: and Dennis .
Mallonay l e`asrs, r IdaiBeelsor and
1;ioe old Rook of tat),, sear cgoneit'
SLAKE ware'defepted. lte'4eety rtloare1Idl
W. M. `S.—The annual • meeting; of 'ward Printer and Dapiel Mc4srty
thd'W,,M. S. was held in.th� church; The result in detail is ao 4ollaWe?-.41,
the, President, lire. 'Finlay, in 'the , • it &ed t:l
chair. The'several reports were re- "Poll. -4t.8-
calved and adoptee. The Soeiety'baa
bad the beat year yet; in aontribu• ce l
tions tboy have' gone beygod 'their pay Raeyp t a3f.
allocation." The officers for' # re li
;se foll oWe: President, Mr's: ` 1play; , >� a 1ph..... s e9 $5 so 21
let vices eaident; Mrs. John'ii3anadn; mammyror ammo, el
2nd vice Ideal, Mrs. Thos. Dins-
more; 3rd e -President, Mrs. Allan;
Secretary Mrs. Peter Manson; Treas-
urer, ,Mrs: R. Na Douglas; Home
Helpers' Secretary, Miss Mary John-
ston; Supply Secretary, Mrs, W. J.
Tough; Press Secretary, Mrs. Lundy;
Strangers' Secretary, Mrs. Lamont;
For Councilors.
Jae. Potiglea ,... 81 47 58 52.81 27 54--815
D. 11o0arty 45 27 6 88 48 84 64-291
E. Prueter 19 18 40 85 84 19 27--245
D. Mahoney . , 20 25 46 88 68' 14 28218
Geo, Ahrens 17 40 28 56 7 18 10-188
Louie Beaker r,.,, 7 6 20 60 19 81 11-168
John Hinz 81 42 14 29 11 16 20-158
Geo. Herbert ..,46 08 1819 8 7 16-152
Rhine •Rock 7 58 14.27 14 '1 6-110
Of Seasonable Merchandise
The Price Of
Remarkable because the
styles are so good and the
prices are so low.
A 'little money will buy a
beautiful Coat or dress at
this Sale if you don't delay.
regular prices, even o n
Coats and Dresses that
have only been in the store
a few weeks.
Regular' Price. It
Exceed ` Low Vices On
Buy AB You Need Por Some Time
To Mme:'
Your Opportunity Is Now.