HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1922-12-29, Page 8eYou Full Value For Every agar You Spend With Ua. • Clover Honey. per lb 12 Lard, per ib. itesst Clean, Currants get Seedless Raisins est Seeded Raisins .q ?arrest, .City Baking Powder it Grade Manitoba Flour... $3.65 t .Lemons, per dozen 28c chide Leather Mitts 85c r- n Certifieat9S.-The err• to of Ula Seafarth CeIleg ete' ute v w t,ed. in Juno et • accur d�plry issued by the, aliment of`ucation, if they eend-"an to the Principal of the Col- legiate ol le ' to Institute, Mr. •'M. J. O'Neill, aleir Departmental Certificates be- fore. January 16th, 1923. Won Many Prizes. - Mr. Peter Daley, the well known poultry fancier of this town, was a very successful - .exhibitor, at the recent Walkerton Poultry Show with his Silver and Golden Wyandattes. tie captured seven firsts, five seconds, three spe- cials and the medal for the best bird M the show. There were over 400 birds in competition. Hockey Notes. -The first home game will be played in the palace rink on Thursdays January 4th, at 8 c p.m., between Mitchell and Seaforth. 19c : Mitchell is reportef to be a strong 22, team under the coachery of Charles Lightfoot, of Stratford. Our team is 18c:Ing trained and coached ley our captain. Tor. Reg. Reid, assisted by the manager, A. W. Dick. We have sixteen players signed and are sure to take the ice with a real team. Be on hand to root aid boost the boys along to a successful season. • Y. P. S. C. E. -The regular meet- ing of the Young P`ople's Society of Egmondville church was held in the school room op Monday evening, De- cember 18th. The topic, "Why Are Young People's Societies Just for Us and Opportunities of Service through the Societies" was very interestingly taken by Miss Bertha Chesney. as- sisted by members of the Society. After the topic Miss Claire Sproat sang a delightful solo. The next meeting will be helld on Tuesday even- ing, January 2nd, when the topic will be taken by Rev. W. D. McDon- ald. The election of officers for the next three months will also take place at this meeting. al Yeast, per cake 6c Sara Electric Soap 60c anulated Sugar, per bag....$8.75 Phone 72. SPROAT'S Nuts, a fresh clean mixture, per pound 20c Candy, a 'Royal• mixture, - per pound 18e Dalton's French Drip Coffee, per pound 70c Oranges, only the best brands, per -dozen -50c, 50e, 60e, 70c, $1.15 Fillets of Meddle., slightly smoked and nd waste, per pound 20c Oysters fresh and meaty, OT 'Jar 1 50c e wish you one & all A Bright and Prosperous 1923. Sproat & Sproat - PHONE 8. "b-tratford, Ontario. WINTER TERM Y FROM .IANUAR2nd. may. The leading practical train- ingg school of Western Ontario. ,The 'School where you get a ,thorough course under compet- ent instructors in Commercial, p '.•Shorted and Telegraphy De- Fs enfis. We assist grade- ?�.. tes positions. Write for eatkloguei. D. A. McLA.CHAN, - ; Principal. S °LiiiuiiutnhiuhBnuiilhuuQ11ltitiltf i IHtliti IIVI01,411 ugNn11IllimillIDllflilmliBnBlCl 11111110ulllllllydi 192 Wt.:W.ish to Extend to •tIS '1'::014,x Patrons . , CRRISTMAS and NEW YEAR GREETINGS. 41 a1 rth Creamery Co., forth, "Ont. • goRIONNiOnnoilimanconsamiti 0 0114001 dance Tuesday erre nin>ii Wap a Xi, • zed ho Many e yc aitifui gastumes, together ,with the beet of music, . to provided by Krug'a Orchestra 6a�'P, the executive every reason to vie proud, of their ..Club. "Ind particularly this third annual Christmas events.' The ladies of the Auxiliary provided the lunch and under the diteetion of Mrs: Henrys Edge, served the 'same. leaving, nothing to be desired: -Monday evening, January 1st, the Club will put on a dance with Miss Irene Bolger supplying the music. The fee for Club members will be $1 a couple, and for non-members, $1,50 a couple. No lunch will be provided. This event is provided by the Executive towards helping provide amusement for our Christmas visitors hence no special invitation is requir- ed by anybody. ' -Wednesday, January 3rd, the ladies will hold the annual meeting of the Auxiliary. It is most desir- able that all ladies interested in the welfare of the Club, or who desire to assist in any way. will make it a point to be present at 3 p.m. in the Glob Rooms. Don't forget the date, Wednesday, January 3rd., Phone •1B.6. RISTMAS PUDDINGS, 1, 2 and 3 ,onndi,:to, elear at. 20% discount. rEA -• Our "Special in. Black or Mix- ": ell ▪ 2, -Pound package $1.20 'PLES--Good eaters and good -'ookere, at per peck 20c .O114l-..'$runt's • Diamgnd, Hunt's •-3lhorou ed, Purity, Rob Roy and iChieftA t: ,special prides for eitTlatl pgh or .trade. -A superior soap at RY. SOAP. -Twice Soap though lid est as gold, dther'i. Mend for ions anpd c fOr.toilet" atnd Wool S 1 p - in 081 edW rt' I oy 6T who se he Case •. Sunday School Conceit. -The an- nual Sunday School entertainment in. connection with First Presbyterian church, was held in the School room of the church on Friday evening last, and was a great success in every par- ticular. In fact, it was the best of many good programmes furnished in a number of years. The songs, reci- tations, dialogues and tableaux given by the scholars from the infant class to the seniors, were given with a pre-` cision and a freedom that more than, delighted the audience that filled to capac;ty the Large school room, while the carols by the whole school were given with a zest that was delightful. This annual entertainment is a heavy undertaking, but both pupils and scholars are certainly to be congratu- lated on the success of this one, Egmonds•ille School -The following is the report of Egmondville Public School for the month of December. This is merely the daily standing of the pupils. The results of the Christ-, mas exams will appear later. ntrance Class-Evalena Nott, John g, Gordon McGonigle, Laura Mci n, Lloyd Dinnin. Jr:. lIV- Winnifr use, Alex. Finnigan, 'Ford Spriggs. Sr. III -Jeannette Finnigan, Frank Kling, Leona Dupee, Jr. III -Willie McDonald, Myrtle Dupee and Raymond Nott equal, Roy McGonigle, Willie Miller. Sr. II. - Willie Dupee, Margaret Strong, Glen Hays, Mary Kling, Sylvia. Roney.Sr I. -Irene Strong, Bob McDonald, Harold Finnigan. Sr. Primer -Helen Charlesworth, George Kruse, Mar- garet Finnigan, Elva Kruse, *Mar- garet Case, *Vivian Townsend, *Palmer Coombs. Jr. Primer. - *Murray Spriggs, *Mary Case. No. on roll, 33; average attendance, 29.- A. M. Knechtel, Teacher. Serious Fire. -At five o'clock Thurs- day morning fire of unknown origin almost completely destroyed the frame block at the south end of Main Street, owned by Mr. W. E. Kerslake and occupied by him as a seed and feed store and warehouse. The fire is supliosed to have started in the warehousewhere there had been no fire and which was not wired, and the block being of frame, spread so rapidly that practically nothing was saved of the building and little of the stock. It was only by hard fightingthat the firemen were able to save the large two story brick -garage of Mr. Regier, which is sep- aratd from Mr. Kerslake only by a narrow roadway. The , stable and other outbuildings at the rear of the block were arse destroyed, but • the horse was saved. Mr. KerslakeA�lad practically rebuilt the premises only last summer and everything was in the best of repair and his loss, aside from the insurance, will be heavy, as he carried a large stock, and in addi- tion had recently received a car of corn and a car of flour, which were in the building at the time of the fire. Miller -Williams -A wedding was solemnized at St,- Joseph's Church, Clinton, at 8 -o'clock Tuesday morn- ing, December 19th, when Katharine Williams, - second daughter of Mrs. Matthew Williams formerly of Sea - forth, became. the bride of Mr. Joseph Miller, of Kalamazoo, Mich. Rev. Father.. Weber,, cousin of the groom, offictatedy;aapisted by the Rev. Father Gaffney, parish priest. Mrs. Daniel pp Harri e ar aSesta orh' rdso nandduMirnan the cotetnoa,y., The bride was given inmarriages her brother-in-law, ire+ John Hfieri and was owned Mr.Jo n ey g in brb broadcloth snit with fur- �t, het to match corsage bou- quettrlln , ag quet'of Columbia roses and heather and wore the groom's, gift, a string of pearls She was *Migrated by her sisterMies .Millie Williams, wearing ,a, if fern% Canton crepe- panne i t Ve h¢t,. and Corsage bougaet' pf aitfliiblie roses . and heather. it Weber, of Londe% Ont., sous r. the gr'ooiM. thlilInet;man. A4 1 }Jj hi y a *Zeldin g breakfast StFend and Norma, Spent hrletmae air Tepldelte of Mr at the home of rilx. HOWald 13 Ery,` Lodgers P'4 Book® Journals Cash Bo ,�,gas ,Minute Rooke Bola A mounter : Books .eroivable Bilis Payable les ,Binding Cases tak Paste. Muttilage Pen , Diaries Penettlldd Wanted.—A kitchen girl. Apply at Queen's Rotel. $eaforth. 287E-1 Brood Sows for ante,—sive large pure bred York pores to littera bout the end f Janu- ary. Apply to John R. Archibald. Seaforth. Cutter for Sale.—Por sale cheap, a piano box cutter. Apply to John Sproat, Seaford,. Ont. 2872x1 Wanted..—Desirable house in Seaforth with modern convenience, to rent - or would con.' eider pnrehase if price attractive. Write to Bot 167, Seaforth. 2869-tf Rouse To Rent—On Mill Street, good it• ed cottage. electric lights, furnace, electric stove. hard and soft water imide: garden and chicken house. Apply to Thomas An- drew,. 287212 Wanted.—Live poultry every Wednesday forenoon. at the Royal Hotel stables. High- est cash price. J. G. McMichael. Phone 6447. 2864-tf Cows and Young Cattle for Sale. A car load of choice Durham cows of good milking strain, coming in soon• also some good young cattle. Apply to GEORGE T. TURNBULL. Phone 94, Seaforth. 2872-8 Sang Before Western Audience. - The Provost News, of Provost, Alta., under date of December 6th, in its report of the St. Andrew's concert, held in that town, says: "Those re- sponsible, certainly' did a fine day's Work when they secured Mr. W. T. Hays to sing at this concert. It is many moons since anything approach- ing his efforts have been heard- in Provost. Ile sang six numbers and the audience were as enthusiastic in demanding encores in the last num- ber as they were in the first. It would be difficult to say which num- ber pleased most, but if tht applause is any criterion, "Flow Gently, Sweet Afton" must have been it, as this solo simply brought the house down. His opening number, "Down the Vale," and his closing effort, "I Hear You Calling Me," were autistic treats. Mr. Hays has promised to sing at the next concert of the Society and this in itself should ensure a full house." Mr. Hays is 'a former well known Seaforth boy and a son of Mr, T. E. Hays of this town. in • London. -There will be a special midnight service in St. Thomas' church on Sunday evening commenc- ing at 11.46 p.m.:. All are cordially invited. -Miss Harvey has returned from a visit with friends in Exeter, St. Marys and Fullarton.--Mr. H. M. Jackson, of Toronto. spent Christmas at his home in Egmondville.-Mies. Mary Hays, of Wellesley, is spending the holidays withher parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adam E:ays.-Mrs. L. G. Kruse, of Galt, and Mrs. Lawson. of Auburn, spent. Christmas with their mother, Mrs. W. Sclater. -Miss Ella Turnbull, of Torinto, and Miss Mabel .Turnbull, of Huntsville, are spending RUPERT. -HUGHES- film HUGHES film play of young married life DANGEROUS CURVE AHEAD Recall his "The Old Nest," "Come On Over," "Hold Your Horses" and "From the Ground Up." With a touch as light and deft as that of a master artist, this great writer presents a panorama of mod- ern life that is thrillingly real, unbe- lievably humorous, searchingly true. Helen Chadwick and Richard Dix play the young married couple. It is a performance that will alavays remain fresh in your mind. Here Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday -NOW PLAYING - CONSTANCE BINNEY in THE SLEEP WALKER A Realart picture. with the same winsome star, who appeared in the Irish Comedy, "Room and Board." Also COUNTRY CHICKENS ,leWks tt Bt t f $ n„ A? Christmas s ha of their roe titer, Mr. J. W. ,9eaftle.--^M Jae Carnoehan, bff, Tuckersmltb `iejt � Tuesday for Broc1Ften, Massaenneetta4, where she will "visit with h r' d ugh - ter, Airs. A. F Xirhby.-Judge. . A. Jaekson • returned to ..Lethbridge roti Wednesday morning. -- Mise Celina Embergor, bf Niles, Michigan, 'and Mr. Ted 'Bullard, ofNotre Dame, University. Notre Danle, Indiana, aro visiting at 'the latter's ,hom during the Christmas vacation. Z. and Mrs. Allan Stone and son, p„;,kb, Mr. and Mrs. S. Shannon Killop,'Miss M.. Etherington W. Hudson, of Stratford,` Christmas at the holte�@@,,,, of Ili' Mrs. James Hudson; ifl' Eggmon. dills, -Miss Hazel Winter. of the Toronto Conservatory of Music Staff, is spending the Christmas holidays with her mother and sister at their home on North Main Street. -Mrs. S. Neely spent Christmas with her son in Lon- don. -,.Mr. Jack Adams, of Toledo, spent Christmas at his home here. - Mr. J. C. Bell, of Toronto, spent Christmas with his mother and bro- ther here. -Mr. Russel Hays, of De- troit, is spending the holidays with itis mother, Mrs. John Hays. - Mr. Leslie Watson, of the Bank of Com- merce,- Windier, spent Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Watson. -Mrs. S. Oudmore and sons, of Usborne, spent Christmas at the hems of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Daley. - Mr. P. C. Calder, of Toronto, spent the week end with friends in town. - Miss Florence Thompson, of Toronto, is at her home here for Christmas holidays. ---.Mr. and Mrs. George Me - Kay, of Toronto, are here this week. They came up to attend the funeral of the late James McKay on Friday last. -=Mrs. T. J. Ryan, of Dublin, spent last week with Mrs. Nora -Carlin at Harmony Hall. -Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Carlin spent Christmas in Strat- ford at the home of the latter's sis- ter, Miss Way. -Mrs. W. E. South- gate, Sr„ leaves on Saturday for To- ronto, where she will spend New Years with friends. After she will spend some months at the home of her daughter in New York. -Miss Pearl Strong and Mr. Teamerson, of Toronto, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ,Robert Strong. -Miss Evelyn McGrath, of Hamburg, is spending the holidays at her home, Huron ad East. - Miss Florence Laidlaw, f Toronto, is spending the holidays with her mother, Mrs. J. C. Laidlaw. -Miss Leila seat, of Hailey - bury, and Mr. Russel Best, barrister, of Bracebridge, spent Christmas at the home of their father, Mr. J. M. Best. -Miss Sparks spent Christmas at her home in Stratford. -Mr. W. D. Stewart and daughter returned to St. Paul ofi Tuesday. -Mr. and Mrs. W. Morrow,. of London, are spending the - holidays with Mr. Morrow's . mother, -Miss M. Carroll, of.Tbranto, spent Christmas with her sister, Mrs, -- J. McClinchey.-Mr. Clyde Rankin, Bank of Commerce, Blenheim, spent Christmas' at his home here. -Miss Margaret ' Walsh, of Hamilton, is spending the holidays wiTh,.her .par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Walsh. -Miss Reta Kerslake, of ' St. Marys; is a visitor at the •home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Kerslake. -Miss Edith Scott, of Ripley, is at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Scott. -Mrs, Flett and children spent Christmas with friends in Grimsby. -Miss Mary Hab- kirk, of Woodstock, is spending the holidays at her home on John Street. -Miss Elizabeth Smith, of Ottawa, spent the holidays at the home' of her sister, Mrs. W. E. Kerslake. - Miss Marjory Brown, of Toronto, spent Christmas with her parents' at the Rectory: -Miss, Erma Freeman, is a guest at the home of his daughter ofToronto, spent the week end at Mrs. A. F. Cinff,-Messrs. J. and PP her home here. -Mr. Fred Faulkner, Du an, of Cleveland, are visiting of Windsor, was a guest at his home their parents here. -Miss Edith Gov - here ever the week end. -Mrs. Flab- heir , of Toronto, i9 spending the kirk, who has been visiting her bro- holidays at the home of het father, ed, WednesdayMJames Cowan,ndto left hMr. J. M. Govenlock, M.P.P., at rwith for Portland pspend thesWinthrop.=Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bar- GladysGladher daughter. - Miss ber and family spent Christmas at is spendingThthe ho of sSCatharines, Goorgestown.-The Misses Love, of' is the holidays with her par-oronto,' are spending the holidays at encs, Mr. and Mri{. J. B. Thompson.- ,sir home in Egmondville.-Mr. F. Mr.fand Mrs, MichaelChrist McQuaid, of R.Beattie, of Toronto, spent the holt- Stratord, were ristmas visitors at "day with his family herb. MY. Lorne the home of Mr. and Mrs, P. McGrath, Htltcllison;' of Toronto, is a guest at Huron Road. -Miss Mary Modeland,parentthe home of hit parents, Mr. and Mrs. of Chesley, is visiting at the parental home here. --Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mc -F D. $.utchison:-Mr. and Mrs. A. Nab and family, of Dungannon. spent E. Dunn and Miss. -Herten, of London, Christmas with Mrs. John McNab.- are geests at' the, home of Mr. and Mir. and Mrs: E. J. Box spent Chris- Mrs. F. L. Box. -Mr.' Ross Boyd, of toss in Port Huron. -Dr. Hill of New featuring the quartet of comedians, Louise Fazenda, Chester' Conklin, John Henry, Jr., and "Teddy,” the Great Dane Dog. f Matinees Saturday & Monday, 3 p.m. Tl • ' I Death of Mrs. Michael Hurley. - It is our sad duty to chronicle this week the death of Margaret Hurley, wife of the late Michael Hurley, which occurred at her residence on Chalk Street, on December 24th, The late Mrs. Hurley was born in Scar - bora, 67 years ago. When two years old she moved with her par- ents to Hibbert Township and in 1896 was married to the late Michael Hurley, who predeceased her four years ago. The deceased was of a kind disposition and was highly re- spected by all who knew her and was a devout member .of St. James' Cath- olic church. She leaves to mourn her loss two brothers and four sis- ters, D. Barry, of Eureka Gal., and James, of Los Angelos; Mrs. Mahon. and Mrs. Bosley, both of Eureka, California; Mrs. John O'Reilly, of McKillop, and Mrs, J. J. Hurley, of Seaforth. The funeral took place from her late residence on Tuesday to St. James' Catholic church, where requiem solemn high mass was cele- brated by Rev. Father Goetz, parish priest, assisted by Rev. Father White of St. Colum'ban, as deacon, and Rev. Father McArdle, of Dublin, as sub - deacon. The pallbearers were D. J. O'Reilly, Francis O'Reilly, Matthew Coyne, John Delaney, Peter McGrath and Dennis Barry. The sympathy of the community is extended to the bereaved ones. Local Briefs.-Christmas''Day pass- ed over very quietly in town. The weather was . clear and bright and there was a little sleighing. The , milder weather put a damper on the' curling, but there was skating at the rink in the afternoon. -Miss M. H. Young, of Toronto, spent Christ- mas at the home of her mother, Mrs. A. Young. -The annual business meeting of, the Huron Presbyterial Society will be held in Willis' church, J nils 9th, at Clinton, Tuesday,a Clinton, o ry 11 a.m.-Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Jaobs celebrated the 50th anniversary of their marriage • on Christmas Day. Many friends will join The Expositor in the wish thet they will be spared in health and ilhppiness ;to celebrate their Diamond Jubilee.:_ . Mr. W. Smith and Mrs. George Love and daughter, Miss Ella, of Milestone, Sask. are visiting relatives and friends in Seaforth and vicinity. - Mies, of Toronto,is Miss Hazel 1','tcoa spending the, holidays with -her father, Mr. W. Elcoat,---Mr. D. 11. the •f of Commerce, Wilson. of B nk' Grimsby, spent the „week end wit his parents Mr, and Urs. J. A. Wil- son. -Mr. James Gillespie of Toron- to, is spending the holidayst his home here. -,Miss 'Phemia and Miss Kate Cowan, of the Pend/rake take ;Col- legiate staff, are ,spending the -holi- datigs-With their. - renta, Mr. and Mrs. James' Cow iss Jessie NIeMillan of Sault Ste U1', r`ie, lent her...horee Egmondville fer the holidays.• -My. :.:Ha'rtr ' ttn'd da'tfghtira . Misses ri.n.eess `t, f ItIIIIt11111t111 I111t1Il1f1111111111U11111I 11iG To Our Friends And Customers We wish to thank you for your patronage in the past and assure you of prompt and satis- factory electrical service in the future. Wishing you all that's good for the year 1923, we are, 'ours sincerely, I ince Reid Bros, ii11111Ii I1111111111I1111111111 t11111111t11QIIOtIi "Leveleen," recentlypatented in Ottawa, is the ideal anti- septic for e. dentifrice. e A .°at gmr 0 � S iu y� • o i Brush your teeth with a "Leveleen" Tooth, Paste, no other quite so erfect. 9 P Thursday, Friday, Saturday An Uppercut to the Funny Bonel WALLACE- REIN id "The World', Champion" A Paramo t Picture Re licked every u in sightt Was a 'hl of lords and gg' S. tike t p �. But when he faced a certain girl -- Come and see hilar take the. count! -118.-- THE HALL BOYS ., • iii' "AT YOUR ;SERVICE" The Old Year Passes ' - Giving. Place to the -New. We will drop the second "2" in 1922, replace it with "3" and- thus the transit to the New Year is figuratively complete. Our Sincere Wish for You is that Health, Happiness and Prosperity such as you enjoyed in the Best Year of Your Life wi L be' surpassed, in every month during 1923. - his parents, Mr. and Mra. W. Ament. -Miss Mary Edmonds, of Agincourt,. is spending the holidays at the,,parent- al home here. -Mise McCartney,' of Moose Jaw, is spending some weeks with relatives in Tuckersmith.-Mr. Fred Larkin, of Windsor, spent Chris- tmas with Dr. and Mrs, Larkin, at the Manse. -Mr. Patterson, of Woodstock, Toronto, spent . Christmas with his with her s' Air. John i ern Univ holidayi Crawfo Tuesda the fi to •b' will #{ ere C 'neighbor of St, Phomas, spent the at his home- here. --Mr be Passmore, of Exeter, viz i�i this week. -Quite a number from this vicinity attended the concert in Winchelsea' school last Thursday evening. r, Mrs: W. H. Evans.- gle is hofine from West- ity.-Miss Clara Dill is at home. -Miss Helen returned to Toronto on orning.-A number are in for police trustees, so. it is oped that the newly elects ow how to build roads and ridges of a modern type. USBORNE mes Road Notes. -Miss, _ r1 of London, is.holida ng un +;;r arentalsresdiisaMrs:' Earl Jo fi' and baby, n oil :W .• lier pal'efatt9 n,, d'ir Jo'' liss Yi: 1 M Jo: days., -Mr. a1'. n, of ' Sluingtid O th.relatives In dd Clifford Wbitl +. York, spent Christmas with his broth-. parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Boyd. -Mr. i hLIMVILLE er and sister on Centre Street. -Mr. and Mrs. Smith, of Peterboro, ars The Nominations, -The municippal and Mrs, W„ Gillespie spent the holi- , guests at the home of Mrs. Janies nomination 'was held in the Ttfwn day at the parental home of Mr. and jBeattie.-Mies-Lees Docherty, of To, Hall last-hriday afternoon, n large Mrs, W. Gillespie, James Street. - +ionto, spent Christmas at her home crowd being present. The following Mrs. E. Chapman and daughter spent ; m Egmondville: Mr, .and Mrs. H. candidates' were nosniiyafed: Co n I Christmas with friends in Wingham, Eyre, of Sarnia, and Mr. Russel Bris- cillos, Messrs. Fred Stewart, Juries_ -Mr. F. G. Neelin, Collector of Cus- !tow, of Toronto, were guests this Ballantyne, Silas Shier, • John flan. toms, spent Christmas in Toronto.- week at the home of Mr. W. Bristow. nah, Samuel ZS Wellington Slain. Mrs. Clarence Hall and, son, of Tor- -Mrs, Scharn, who has,been the guest nor, Joseph' 'allow, and Arthur onto, spent Christmas at £he home of ' of her sister, Mrs. G. Hills, has re-Doupe; for Reeve, Williarn Coates Mr, and ,Mrs, John Horan. -Miss Ger- !turned to her home in the West.- I and John Duncan. The afternoon Ger- trude Cardno, of Milverton, spent the .Mra Leech, of Eden, is a guest at I wee spent in a hot digcusaion of week end at the home of her parents,•the home of Mr. A. Barton. -Dr. Gor- don, (municipal matters of- business, many Mr. and Mrs. G. P Cardno.-Mr, Eric of Toronto, was a week' end ' of those present taking, the oppor- Edwards, of Listowel, was a holiday guest at the home of Mr. L. r. De- tunity of giving their frank opinion guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lacey. -Miss Dollie Carlin is confined to the house with tonsolitis.-Mr, C. W. A. Crich. -Mr. and Mrs. Neil Beth- une, of Toledo; Mr. George Bethune, E. Napthaly, of Toronto is the guest of Port McNicholl; and Mr. Warner, , of Mr. and Mie. R. Bemuse Jones. of Toronto University, were Christmas guests at the home of Miss Bethune. .DUBLIN -Nisi Helen Dickson, of Toronto, is . Briefs. -Mr. Ale's; ,Darling enter-, spending the holidays with her mother ,' tained a number of gentlemen friends Mrs. Adam Dickson. -Mr. and Mrs. to a fowl supper on Monday ,night. 'Hoary Fowler and family, of London, Mr, Darlinngg's .getdal nature and his spent Christmas at his home on the good. fellowship towards men+,, it. Huron Road, west. -Mr. Garnet M. worty' of Mention. Cards, songs Case, of Toronto, is spending the holi- •games Were the chief patttlintls 'and' days the guest of Mrs. Nora Carlin the'•good ladies of the house served and family. -Mr. and Ms, J. L. Mur :,The fowl supper at 11 m-- r ray and daughter, of Hamilton and =-Tile children of St, Mary's Anglican Mr. W. Scott, of London, were Cln'168.' .church were treated/ to many gifts turas guests at the home of Mr. Mid' Froin their Christnias tree •,Thal eerie*° Mrs, J. J. Clufl': Mr W. 3.- Clark dren of the SundaySchots `gavel au. spent Christmas at In hotit8".in Ot- ' excellent programme ofdiigs' apd a.s,,,a_en 1611 tawa.-Mrs Cec l,. niit i, of Toronto, recitations. The chorus,' spent the %+vee, IA" a hone of his well " rendered. The ' t Page pparent:f; Mra' 'p� �is J H."Smith: Messr9f Vanseith,':1Nttr1'a; Miss Belle " Haien ty�e, of 'W'aterioa Da ling a'seisterl with the'', le a Chrlatniae v3 for at, home off,..? ,.'George" Hddb last fathef`-,1 $al b%�a , Cl a 8. 'sa= 'Warren A:ttOil s nt e of the dispensation of business- dur- ing the past year. A resolution,. was passed,authorizing the new council to levy an assessment in aid of the Fire Sufferers of New On Successful Concert. --,Th ncert, given in Winchelaeh school• ,.'est Thursday evening Was'.. one that , for quality and quantity, would be bard tosur The drills • the baPs ,passe d 1 by y and girls were exalt nt.'.•The Roos- ter anii°,'Hottentet d ls by ,the b. re' Certainly-amufing.'- • ]Melo songsand.recitations b hbth, � Y ., ed°�, people and - eciiolars,, display large amount of pr dtlse ends -pains q _ taking lirep aration. The rrolt0 n I rehire weal,paeked to the utmost limit and the best ender ,oeuailed throughout tits Wholes. pro`grainme which 1tistied ig was four htlirrs 'Mr. Wilson Haivltlile' es ..', anted'. as chaii•inan. A sunt, deal 0�1p Fid and dredit de d' err t : teaelier's Miso L. nose. McC'dlloli a Miss' Mo�eltatr, for_, sue . fA/kr,awning