HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1922-12-29, Page 5} Mr, a tial ria haat ltd a silk!, /ilyernut lien's via CONbTANCE Notes,—Mr. Arnold Colclough Ur -rived home from the West on Satur-' 1ast,—The Misses Livingatone's spending their :holidays under parental roof —Mise Buel;sh Scott is home for her holidays.--The'.Christ. mils tree 'entertainment was well ,attended; and the children had 21,;good time And went home quite happy' with Santa. Claus' gifts..—Mr. and Mrs. l Mathewson, of Harbor liei(ch,;.Mich., l' are visiting ,at the home. ofy..Ehen brother and sister. Mr. and Miss'Liv torsion: WIN'l'HR, Nates.—Mr. has been for the home zr r cane 'who ln' Detroit elk's; has returned S1 on'and. sister, Miss 'M1`)iett, of London, spent a with their parents, Mr. rs ' Jos. Bennett.—Mrs. Dor- - ranee and family spent Christmas -with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Govenlock. —Mrs. Geo. Eaton and Miss Isabel spent Sunday with Mrs. Harold Small - don at Cranbrook.—McKijlop School No. 10 ,gave_a very good rogramme :and Chas tree on Friday after- noon. The programme consisted of -choruses, recitations, readings, dia- logues, drills and Highland Ring danc- ing. The children. did 'their parts well. Mr. Ferguson acted as chair - .'man. Santa Claus was present and .delivered the presents to the girls ,and boys. Much praise goes out to Miss Jamieson for the interest she takes in the school and children.-- Miss hildren.—Miss Mabel Bullard, of the General Hosnet, Stratford, was home for the and Armstrong wedding, which '11t410 Place in Blyth on Tuesday, De- eember 26th. -Mrs. Love and Miss Ella Love, of the West, are visiting 31Ir, arid Mrs. A. A. Cuthill.—Mr, Wrn. Smith, of the West, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith. Miss Hazel Shannon, of Ford' City, .6 nt Chiiatmas with her parents, firs. J. S. Shannon: Miss Shannon in the employ of the Ford Motor, Pe. pany as stenographer, TUCKERS1111TH: :Schioof •ReporE.• he . following As !theschool; report, for -based Section No. 7, Tuckersmith, based on the --"Christiras-40minations; honors over '"i5;,pass over .60%: Jr. IV -Jean • 'Webster (Ii.), Rex McGregor (P.). Pearson Charters .(P.), Isabel Cam- eron (P:), George Coleman. Sr. III —George Black (H.), Margaret For - :rest (H ). Jr; III—Mona-McGregor. ($.), Isabel. Forrest (P.), Eddie. Boyes (P.)4 Sr. II—Arthur Thomp- son (H.), Helen Thompson (H.),. Margaret.. Iiroadfoot (P.). Jr. II. -- Lloyd McGee (P.). I.—Beth Forrest • '(P.). Primer—Jim McGregor (P.), Alister Broadfoot ,(P.), Jim Black and Bill Forrest (equal) (P.), Jean Webster had perfect attendance for 1922. Helen Thompson hadthe high- est marks for daily spelling. Alister 'Broadfoot and Jean Webster had the highest marks on the honor roll.—M. McNaughton, Teacher. West End Notes.—A very success- ful Christmas tree and entertainment was held at Turner's church on Fri- day evening of last week.—Messrs. H. 'Turner and T. Townsend, of Toronto, spent Christmas here.—Miss Myrtle Crich is spending the holidays at tier home here.—Mr. and Mrs. V. Terry - berry spent Christmas at their form- er home near Lambeth.—Mr. Cecil Matheson, of Toronto Normal School, is spending the holidays at his home here. slather a r erecite Mhster FraRo,gg, a en operonhole s reel t, die cgs i eta. The ""Agclety i'or byfuer girls wi s very v especially when they brought the house' by •quarreling over so the proniising young babel section. A' number of of fir ilio ues were giy'en in which; i li' deli Rerr perhaps proved bens , t "star. A drill entitled "'Tile ': a> sera' Class" b "live igrgp9'whom ncle Rastus (Master Omihles ' Anstay) tried to jeaeeh.h4R -to treat the ladies, was also Q@r� &ad. Perhaps the most pleas- iutg`numjler on the programme was a :pageant made up by the teacher, Miss Mabel Hogg, and pupils, in which Miss Minnie Habkirk, as Britannia, welcomed the nations. As they came they gave some song.er dance of their own nation. Last, but certainly not least, came Miss Pearl Webster as Canada, in her long flowing robes and golden hair. While she came the nations sang, 0, Canada. The pro- gramme shouldhave lost much had"it not had the Hogg- orchestra. This was their second appearance with their new instruments and they cer- tainly did well. We hope to - hear them many times in the fture. Mr. Oliver Elliott was also therewith his comic songs. -He is always welcome. The programme closed with a chorus by the school, entitled "Santa Claus is Coming." after which Santa came and distributed his gifts. The na- tional anthem closed the proceedings The proceeds amounted to $28. McKILLOP North End Notes.—The Christmas tree entertainment at Bethel church was very gond and the attendance was fair.—George Munn was at Blyth lest Saturday attending the funeral of Mrs. McMillan, who had been an acquaintance for many years.—Mrs. Underwood and two children, who have been visiting the foriner's father, J. J. Irvine, have returned to their home in Waterdown.— Messrs. Crawford and Mose were a- round collecting money for a man with a wife and family, the bread winner having been sick all summer. —Mrs. Thornton, Sr., is away on a visit to a brother and sister in Michi- gan.—It was a white Christmas here with mild weather and thin sleigh- ing.—We are informed that many Westerners will visit Ontario in the near future. All who paid their debts and behaved themselves . when here, will be gyelcomed back.—Many pergoles here were sorry to hear of the death 'of George Roe, which took place at the County Home a. few days ago. He was an honest and in- ' dustrious man. He and his wife separated over thirty years ago and he had been living alone since. Ow- ing to ill health he was sent "tb the Home last spring, the value of his little place going there also, Mr. Roe was 78 years of age. Roxboro School.—The entertain- ment and Christmas tree given by the Roxboro school was held on ' "i'hursday evening, December 21st and was a decided success. The recita- tions, drills, dialogues and choruses were given by the pupils and an amus- ing play, entitled "A Matrimonial Advertisement," was well performed by a number of young ladies and 14 gentlemen of the neighborhood. The songs of Messrs. Scott, Roxboro, were much appreciated. Messrs. Oliver El- • lidtt Walker Hart and 'Reg. Reid, of Se orth, called forth hearty applause by' `songs, also a violin selection ;by ,(1' r. Miss Jessie Walton I BIRTHS 'Baker.—In Seaforth, on December 25th• to • Mr, and Mm.' Albert Baker, a daughter. • Steep.—in Clinton, on December 17111, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Steep, a daughter. Tyndall—In Hallett, on December 17th, to r. and .Tyndall. M Nm. Frank a daughter (still born.) Trewartha.—In Mullett township, on Deeem- ,_ber 19th,. to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Tre- eartha. a. son. Oaocho.—At 2urioh, on December 11th, to - Mr. and Mrs. Sem Gaeeho, 'S- daughter. - 1'ettereon—Quanoe.—iSf, beeember led. at the Parsonage; First Methodist Church, Hamilton. by the 'Rev. Dr. .1. E. Hughaon, Blanche Quance, youngest daughter of Mr. . and Mm. Richard Quanta, of Exeter, to ,Clarence J., Patterson, son of Mr. and -Mrs. .Rat/arson. mf Hamilton. Campbell—Young.—At Lonldesboro, on 'Dec. ISth,, by, the Rev. Jame Abery, Muriel. only daughter of Mr. and Mn,, Robt. Young 'to Joseph Wilson Campbell, of Walton. ' DEATHS Clark.—in Seaforth, on December 24th, Flory ence' Clark, youngest daughter Of the ,hate • Wilaso, Clark, .aged 29 seam. ' Hurler.—to Seaforth, on December ' 24th. Margaret Harley, beloved wife of the late Michael Hurley; in her 67th year. Miller:—In Grey Township. on December 13th, .a John D. Miller. aged' 66 'yearn.' McDonald.—In Grey township. on December 19th, Alex. ii. McDonald. aged 77 years, 9 months and 18 days. IN MEMORIAM Nota—Items under this head will be charg- ed 00 cents per angle verse and 25 cents for each additional • verse. In loving memory of Walter Stewart, who departed this life December 24th, 1921. , He in gone from the world to the land of his neat, To the country of the happy and the home of the blurt; • Released from all sorrow, freed from all pain, Triumphant forever with Jesus to reign. 2872x1 LOVED ONES. a ]must for your everyday dmxIa . papa daring the -New Year -should ke bought at St:i't's, the ,qual- 1ctg+ means mar t -• We , dept id . ustomers' $'a s action fie well as ineats-.,.that's why our. business gra .'larger aviary year. b. I3 StI4WART amain Stfreet - Seaforth. Phone 58. WOO ANT NOTICES WOOD WANTED. --TENDERS WILL BE received by the undersigned until Jan. 19th,. for 12 cords of body wood, half maple and half beech, 8 feet long, to be delivered at Egmondville church by amt of April. By order.—H. M. HAMILTON, Chairman, R. R. Not 4. aeaforth. 2872-2 QHORTHORNS FOR SALE.—.FOR SALE 8 ]Shorthorn bull calves, ranging from 10 to 14 months. two roans and: one white. One is from our imported bull, Conqueror, and the other two from Conqueroo 'dams and off our young imported hull, Lancaster Land- mark. Will be sold reasonably on terms to suit Dutchaser. We are also offering our old stock bull. Conqueror, for sale. PETER Me- KAX, R. R. No. 4, Seaforth, or phone 8 on 181. 2872-8 FARMS FOR SALE FARM TO RENT.—FARM FOR RENT TO reliable party, mostly pasture. Apply soon. DR. JAMES BELL, Hensel]. 2872-tf VOR SALE.—I00-ACRE FARM. BEING [fit No. 7, Lake Road East, Township of Stanley, two mile Booth of Bayfield. Good water supply. r'eral mall and telephone; good barn and house and 10 acres good hush. For further particulars apply to THE JOHN RANKIN AGENCY, Seaforth. 2872-2 ,,r, ARMS FOR SALE.—RANGING FROM 90 acres to.200 soon in the. Townships of 'bunkeremlth, Usborne and Hibbert All ready fei'•,180•rrhg crop and eould give poeamelon . n,Wontha notice and some at note. All first laan,es ,,��nptd1 on pre-war prises. THOMAS ', iCAM HERON, Box 164, Exeter, Oat 2869.8 L� EOR SALT x. P )R :a4LE LOT 23., Oge,lupfon 2, H.R.S„ Taekemmith. Thin is an excellent farm with good buildings; 1% 'roller from Seaforth; 14 mile from @t<hpgl; ntl'B . ail OW phone. ` reowa iott giv e__n immediate y.. Will Ifs not, on excel- lent tormg._ For further. pantie5lam apply to 'trig JOHN RANKIN AGENCY, Seaforth. 2871.2 ✓ irtu FOR SALE,—LOT 24, CONCESSION .10, Hilbert' Township. 10q acres of choice land, well drained and. fenced with three good ,'gelid. ' Twenty-six . acres of fall plowing' doneI 5 acre of _wheat, and the rest seeded down. Frame hodse with wood - eked, bank barn 60060 with litter carrier; hog pen and hen house, driving abed 24x45. For further particulars apply to HENRY HOGGARTH, R. R. No. 1, Cynmarty, Ont'. 287224. CtHOICE FARM FOR SALE.—LOT 84. Concession 3, McKillop, containing 100 acre, all cleared: 85 acres fall wheat; 80 acres plowed; 1164 story frame house with furnace, hard and soft water inside, tele- phone and rural mail; large double' bank barn with cement stabling, new cement 'silo, driving shed and hen house; 2 good wells. Close to town of Seaforth. Will sell on easy terms. Apply to LOUIS EBERHART, R. R. No. 2, Seaforth, Oat 2871-4. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIr7 • Season's Greetings =` Wish Every Cus- tomer and Every Friend CARD OF THANKS \ = A Merry Christmas E. _ and a E. Happy and Prosperous Mr. and Mm. Charles Rol ph wish to = New Year. thank their kind friends and neighbors for = their klndnesa during Mr. Ralph's recent el- s illness, 2ills1 MP. bbd Mee, Charles Ralph. i! TO THE ELECTORS OF TUCKERSMITH Ladies and Gentlemen: Having been nominated again for Coun- cillor for the year 1223, I respectfully ask your vote and influence fo secure my election. If elected my aim will be economy on all linea of township work. and to further the beet interests of the township of Tucker - smith. .Wishing you all the compliments of the season, I am. Yours respectfully, CHARLES RILEY. Pember's Hair Goods J. B. Knight Late of Dorenwends, Limited WILL BE AT THE Commercial Hotel Wednesday, Jan .10 SHOWING LATEST STYLES IN Ladies' and Gent's Hair Goods Free Advise on Scalp Diseases. Phone Mr. Knight for appointment. W. T. Pember 129 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. J. J. CLEARY. Phone 117. JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIi .IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllll,". ASTMA SUFFERERS = Hilton W. Parks, Weterdown, Ont, = = writer: "I can safely bless the day you left a bottle of Asthma Remedy = = with me. I had relief from the first = dose and have been improving ever = = since; can lie down at night and rest: = = the cough has entirely left met I have = = gained three pounds since I started _ the bottle, which is now nearly finished. _ = The good news has spread around this = = district, and already several want to = ee try it. I feel so good over the new = = life, as it were, I like to tell others." F. 'BRIGGS' ASTHMA REMEDY' 51.50 Der bottle. Money back H not - satisfied. For sale at Umbaeh's Drug = Store, or by mail from H. T. Briggs, Whitby, Ont2802-20 911111111111111111111111111111RIIIIIIIIII JI11111ii MEN WANTED $6 to $12 P- er Day. We Will Pay Your Railway Fare EE To Toronto. Men wanted at once, both city and prairies; the present demand in auto- mobile mechanics and driving; tractor operating, tire vulcanizing, oxyacety- lane welding, storage battery and electrical work; we teach these trades, practical training, only a few weeks required, day andnight classes; write for free catalogue; big wages, steady employment. HEMPHILL AUTO GAS TRACTOR SCHOOLS, 163 King West, Toronto. Visitors welcome. 2870-4 THE SCOAs ENTI3 OF THE SEASON Tp All Clue Friends. co THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAJDiUP CAPITAL ' - $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND - $15,000,000 SRAFORTH BRANCH, J. G. Mullen, Manager. acLEOD'S THE PURE FOOD STORE Telephone for it We deliver to all parts of 190. Town and give Prompt Service. TELEPHONE 190 We Wish Our Patrons and Friends A Happy And Prosperous New Year THE NEW STORE You Cannot Attend a BETTER SO' WHY NOT COMMENCE THE WIN when School Re -opens Tuesday, January 2, AT THE SCHOOL. OF COMMERCE, Clinton, Ontario., STENOGRAPHIC -" SECRETARIAL COMMERCIAL . SPECIAL COURSES For full Particulars apply' to M. A. STONE, Com. Specialist, B, F. WARD, R4.. Vice President. PrilelpaL Phone 198. Students May Enter Any Time. .Happy New' Move on old 1922, for 1.923 is at.thedoor! - We trust the New 'Year -will always bea bright spot on your Meador We shall spare no sins d�mri = s . Calendar; p s A1,0*91 ing year to flfrnish the B&fi1�o *ear-tbe world produces, at prices that 'wi'll be sd,tis-- factory. , Soliciting your favors, we say uga A Happy, New. Year! FRED W. SUCCESSOR TO J. E. WILLIS DOM I NIO STO1tF$ LIMITED WE SELL TO SATISFY. Saturday Specials 10 pounds GRANULATSUGAR ED 83C , �I_ -.. -_ +•*+,.+*labs' CANDIES I No. 4 Tin Shirrs 's MARMALADE New 'PRUNES, 2 pounds 25C FINE ENGLISH PEEL Windermere Chocolates Lemon & Orange, lb....35e. pound 35c Citron, lb. 59i; Xmas Strings, each 5c Bulk Dates, 2 lbs. 25e Maraschino Cherries, Tohunters Nibs, lb. ....39c bottle 17e Jelly Beans, Creams, Hum- bugs, Kisses, -But- Z3 ter Scotch, lb. c CAMEL DATES, Navel ORANGES, 3 packages 27C large size, per doz... 50C.' a�� e RICHMELLO Finest TEA, lb. 69c Canadian The Tea with a Flavor. CHEESE ...... OQ AKER Tillson's 25clHEALTH BRAN ... 19c car. ± Machine Sliced Breakfast BACON lb. 37c PORT WINE, / 9c Quart Bottle Lt7 ALMOND NUTS 25c per pound CANNED PUMPKIN, 2 tins.. 25c Fresh Ground 39c COFFEE, per lb. Amtk 5 -lb. Tin Lily Whi SYRUP 48c Campbell's Horseshoe or TOMATO SOUP ... 1 C Clover Leaf Campbell's SALMON, Vegetable SOUP ....I tic 2 Tins ,f: yhrM'Oli<kria'AfiM?l.%a' We Wish One and Al A Very Happy and Prosperous New Year i p l� When you call for your Calendar You will see the Suitable Gifts for old and young, including Toys Ferguson & Co, GEORGE_FUi CHER: ' 21HOS. FERGUSON. acLEOD'S THE PURE FOOD STORE Telephone for it We deliver to all parts of 190. Town and give Prompt Service. TELEPHONE 190 We Wish Our Patrons and Friends A Happy And Prosperous New Year THE NEW STORE You Cannot Attend a BETTER SO' WHY NOT COMMENCE THE WIN when School Re -opens Tuesday, January 2, AT THE SCHOOL. OF COMMERCE, Clinton, Ontario., STENOGRAPHIC -" SECRETARIAL COMMERCIAL . SPECIAL COURSES For full Particulars apply' to M. A. STONE, Com. Specialist, B, F. WARD, R4.. Vice President. PrilelpaL Phone 198. Students May Enter Any Time. .Happy New' Move on old 1922, for 1.923 is at.thedoor! - We trust the New 'Year -will always bea bright spot on your Meador We shall spare no sins d�mri = s . Calendar; p s A1,0*91 ing year to flfrnish the B&fi1�o *ear-tbe world produces, at prices that 'wi'll be sd,tis-- factory. , Soliciting your favors, we say uga A Happy, New. Year! FRED W. SUCCESSOR TO J. E. WILLIS DOM I NIO STO1tF$ LIMITED WE SELL TO SATISFY. Saturday Specials 10 pounds GRANULATSUGAR ED 83C , �I_ -.. -_ +•*+,.+*labs' CANDIES I No. 4 Tin Shirrs 's MARMALADE New 'PRUNES, 2 pounds 25C FINE ENGLISH PEEL Windermere Chocolates Lemon & Orange, lb....35e. pound 35c Citron, lb. 59i; Xmas Strings, each 5c Bulk Dates, 2 lbs. 25e Maraschino Cherries, Tohunters Nibs, lb. ....39c bottle 17e Jelly Beans, Creams, Hum- bugs, Kisses, -But- Z3 ter Scotch, lb. c CAMEL DATES, Navel ORANGES, 3 packages 27C large size, per doz... 50C.' a�� e RICHMELLO Finest TEA, lb. 69c Canadian The Tea with a Flavor. CHEESE ...... OQ AKER Tillson's 25clHEALTH BRAN ... 19c car. ± Machine Sliced Breakfast BACON lb. 37c PORT WINE, / 9c Quart Bottle Lt7 ALMOND NUTS 25c per pound CANNED PUMPKIN, 2 tins.. 25c Fresh Ground 39c COFFEE, per lb. Amtk 5 -lb. Tin Lily Whi SYRUP 48c Campbell's Horseshoe or TOMATO SOUP ... 1 C Clover Leaf Campbell's SALMON, Vegetable SOUP ....I tic 2 Tins ,f: yhrM'Oli<kria'AfiM?l.%a' A...blHappy` Christmas . . hristma �' and New Year To All When you call for your Calendar You will see the Suitable Gifts for old and young, including Toys THE BIG HARDWARE H. EDGE oar Seaforth acLEOD'S THE PURE FOOD STORE Telephone for it We deliver to all parts of 190. Town and give Prompt Service. TELEPHONE 190 We Wish Our Patrons and Friends A Happy And Prosperous New Year THE NEW STORE You Cannot Attend a BETTER SO' WHY NOT COMMENCE THE WIN when School Re -opens Tuesday, January 2, AT THE SCHOOL. OF COMMERCE, Clinton, Ontario., STENOGRAPHIC -" SECRETARIAL COMMERCIAL . SPECIAL COURSES For full Particulars apply' to M. A. STONE, Com. Specialist, B, F. WARD, R4.. Vice President. PrilelpaL Phone 198. Students May Enter Any Time. .Happy New' Move on old 1922, for 1.923 is at.thedoor! - We trust the New 'Year -will always bea bright spot on your Meador We shall spare no sins d�mri = s . Calendar; p s A1,0*91 ing year to flfrnish the B&fi1�o *ear-tbe world produces, at prices that 'wi'll be sd,tis-- factory. , Soliciting your favors, we say uga A Happy, New. Year! FRED W. SUCCESSOR TO J. E. WILLIS DOM I NIO STO1tF$ LIMITED WE SELL TO SATISFY. Saturday Specials 10 pounds GRANULATSUGAR ED 83C , �I_ -.. -_ +•*+,.+*labs' CANDIES I No. 4 Tin Shirrs 's MARMALADE New 'PRUNES, 2 pounds 25C FINE ENGLISH PEEL Windermere Chocolates Lemon & Orange, lb....35e. pound 35c Citron, lb. 59i; Xmas Strings, each 5c Bulk Dates, 2 lbs. 25e Maraschino Cherries, Tohunters Nibs, lb. ....39c bottle 17e Jelly Beans, Creams, Hum- bugs, Kisses, -But- Z3 ter Scotch, lb. c CAMEL DATES, Navel ORANGES, 3 packages 27C large size, per doz... 50C.' a�� e RICHMELLO Finest TEA, lb. 69c Canadian The Tea with a Flavor. CHEESE ...... OQ AKER Tillson's 25clHEALTH BRAN ... 19c car. ± Machine Sliced Breakfast BACON lb. 37c PORT WINE, / 9c Quart Bottle Lt7 ALMOND NUTS 25c per pound CANNED PUMPKIN, 2 tins.. 25c Fresh Ground 39c COFFEE, per lb. Amtk 5 -lb. Tin Lily Whi SYRUP 48c Campbell's Horseshoe or TOMATO SOUP ... 1 C Clover Leaf Campbell's SALMON, Vegetable SOUP ....I tic 2 Tins ,f: yhrM'Oli<kria'AfiM?l.%a'