The Huron Expositor, 1922-12-22, Page 5as glib anovemej e deli; teckleee ere ape. A; early,a ip 00idemt ressip1l';#` °flay of the', Old he .an I/lfie, and :. co ntlly where, e time to aro there le ».. Which testify. : o the $ho - .raoour ie spreading. ihel'.,ilt,liien lionif lett 12.80.. to S .a,ra the Ming hours, while 12 t0,4 is hardly .an ex ept�ori. `Bhopkeepere .• welcome ' this little breathing •apace in the ?otiose ex-' ache of goods against worthless e p' ids'' the shops .present a rather. ell**appearanee. Viewed "a vol d'oiseau". the surging crowds recall s..mass meeting, but there the re- semblance with sale time ends. There is none et. the endless handling of wares , : the deliberate • bargain- hunte1r's zeal and Critical eye, none of the Seam - pulling and vgiue-teat- inp.''The striking thinghere is the swiftness with which purchases` are made. ,You barely examine ` geode,, and never get whdt you want. Goods. are either too large or too small; or too thick"or too'thin, or not of the right shade, but ',you buy regardless, of thesh} minor,` defects, regairdicss Glee• of quality, especially regardless i`cuf price, -intent' only upon obtaining articled of stable value in exchange ,r, _ for a 'depreciating paper. The almost complete indifference to price is the most recent phase in the shopping fever. Each successive wave of exchange depreciation im- poverishes larger and larger sections of Germany's population, but those who can still afford to buy care little if they spend 10,000 marks more or leas .. oat 4 is "cheap,"as big , �th twice, three a rice cI ., CO ld o, "Old o '•'s''d t¢'ea- are,intent only ` uttoh' aeethnuhtting goods, whe- ther needed or net; 'tangiblethings+ whose value will not e'vapora'te. The _results,, of the. buying if ver' are some. .. Wires grotesque, and the purchases bah a 45f , t'ntertairdng, they'fe -three pianos and six tiewiaig maachines•of .the well-to-do or the. seven pairs of cotton gloves ichere the treasured hoard of t o ch { ) he week" t11ds titsappBsred from the German' vocabulary. In its *teed is atibhtituted "preiswert"-i.e-, "worth the money,": which has a fetich of unconscious humour about it ...Sombl thaw ago "dear" was per- haps the. hardest -worked German word Now it is hardly ever used. Eben the price of food -that topic of unflagging interest for'young and old, rich and or -seems: to have had its day. A general' apathy has •come over the population. There are- -no longer shouts of indignation when eggs rise from 40 to 60 Marks apiece or when the price of,_bread rises 100 :'r13ho ere Parilh' paper hBrveet• with which. they may, if they buy skilfully, replace a quarter of their stock. Small wonder they are disin- clined to sell. Many shop windows bear the legend "Maseenabgabe ,Vorbehalten " which 4neans that they will only supply you with one article of a particular kind. Germany is heading for the day when its shop- keepers Will follow the Austrian ex- ample and close down altogether. SEAFORTH MARKETS , Thursday, December 21, 1922 _HHoge, per cwt. $9.50 Eggs, per dozen 52 to 56e Flour, per cwt $3.35 to $3.75 Butter, per lb. 83 to 85c Wheat, per bushel Oats, per bushel 40e Bran, per ton $24.00 Shorts, per ton $26.00 Barley, per bushel 55c Peas, per bushel $1.40 Potatoes, per bag We $1.10 LIVE STOCK MARKETS Montreal, December 19. -Cattle -Receipts. 1.743. There were too many common and medium cattle on sale for the actual needs of the trade. Buyers wereoBering lower prices and u$ ton only a few odd vales FARM FOR SALE, -FOR SALE LOT 13, were recorded. FFive steers averaging 1,600 i Concession 2, MES., Tookersmith. This bounds_ were sold. for $6,26. Twelve steers is an excellent farm with good buildings • of light weight and good fleshing broughtP/ mites from Seaforth: '/o mile from $5.60, and a load of branded cows brought I school, rural mail 'and phone. Posse$elon $3.78. A load of very good Ontario cattle. i in which were a few choice animals, was 'given immediately. Will be sold on excel - being offered for $8.60. Dealers were pre- I lent terms. For further ENCYlars DDIY dieting that a large. part of the cattle would to the JOHN RANKIN AGENCY, Seaforth. be left unsold. 2871-2 Cal R •Dta 998 Good veal calves I t Marla 1 Ivdtba; <Itpii� ' htll9 14thMn merildfoRjf to Mew MAW* of of; Mg. Joel-, n1o Hcatoitalon" . December 23ih; •James II rEs,}+ 59 Te18.4.6441' Montba, Carlin oA o� icer 17th, Jaunts Can to, ib 11 p, G Ban Ifi ,Bea- Oat r .18th, Tot, ,rib Yea ,W4 r on'o member h Il t,, HIM i• d. He, wi ea the tate .iara0a wilt 1, in her 8 year. t3 Lens Mar •ldaughterillssels. on December 12th, ea18 mars,. daughter of the late George and -Mm, Sparring. In hoc 27th year. Hogg.-ln Brussels. on December 6th, David (4. Hogg, aged '77 yearn. MdKay•- p IN MEMORIAM Note. -Items under this head will be charg- ed 60 tents per single verge and 25 cents for ,acts additional verse. Bolton. -In lovipg.nmmory of Mary Rebecca Bolton, who died December 21; 1018. Short .9nd sudden was the call (Wane so dearly loved by all. . The blow was .great, - the shock severe, We. little thought her death po near, And only ,those who loved can tell. May the Smile of our darling Becca be the Hist to greet us when we enter Heaven, MOTHER, FATHER, SISTERS. 3 v • living memoryqg any dear husband. .ta f�pss Reseed away on Decem- ,ber�22nd, • 1821 i,,• -No vtne 7dYowa thela.014`ii6.- heartache, Duly they can tell Whei 'aka loel a loved one - Withost a lad! farewell, , The happy hours we once enjoyed, How sweet their memory still, But death has left a vacant place This World imn never SAVING WIFE. CARD OF THANKS ' imn Grace Dorrbtge Whales to, thank her 'neighbors. the Rebecca Lodge and the pear plc of Seaforth and surrounding , community for their.many kt to Hanel. AU' FALLS AUCTIONS M8. MAS BROWN ha¢ been inti ., .'.to' 1- by public tuc-. Itio at the t of.• the undeieigned, .MBS Raid,,. qa Wdd$gnday. - December 27th, at 2 p.m.; the following House and havoc. hold effeob,,, consisting of, . I oak dining roans'. finite,. buffet, t%Mte and- chairs, three ;iron" beds,' springs and mattrgwer, 2 drma- ers, 'White Sewing machine al'pe0t new, Home Comfort raga* end pipes, kitchen table, chain, and. cupboard' end other articles ; aloe 24 White. Wyandotte pullet, nix -roomed house, 1 Orland with fruit, large hen house, 'aedd 'welly. Termer F. J. (3PRTGGS, Proprietor, MBI sad I. T. Brown, Anctioneec, IMPORTANT _NOTICES WANTED. TO PURCHASE AT ONCE, cattle to feed, 2 or 8 years old. Apply to LOUTS EBEB.HART, Seafortb, or phone 10-236, McKillop. 2871-1 WOOD FOR SALE -DRY, MIXED WOOD, 16 -inch, 33: 2 feet, 34: 4 feet, $5.00 per cord. T. W. ALDINGTON, Cromarty. 2888x3 LOST. -ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19th, a dark grey satchel. on North Main St. containing a sum f money. Liberal reward offered. Apply to MISS ELIZABETH HEN- DERSON, No. 6, Seaforth, or phone 239-1. ESTRAY CATTLE.-- STRAYED FROM LOT 20. Concession 3, Hibbert, on November 24th, three Holstein cattle coming 2 yearn old, two heifers nearly white, steer black and white. Anyone seeing these•cattle please notify JOHN J. BRENNAN, Dublin, Ont., o phone 12 on 17, Dublin, at my expense. r 2860x8 FARMS FOR SALE FARMS FOR SALE -RANGING FROM 50 acres to 200 scree in the Townships of Toekemmith, Usborne and Hilbert. All ready for spring crop and could give possession on month's notice and some at once. All first close and on pre-war prices. THOMAS CAMERON, Box 154, Exeter, Ont. 2869-8 vee - ace, were in fair demand, and sold at about steady prices. The best veal,, offered brpught around $10, and common ones from $8 up. Grassers were from $3.76 'le $4.26, with bulk of sales at 84. Quotation: Good veal, $10 to $10.30: medium, $9 to. $10; common, $8 to $9.8.01 arses. $8.76 to $4.21. , 'Sheeo-R.ecetpta. x,960. The lamb Market •wer lower and straight low of „good lambs were sold at'.$i2; with a few sales of picked, lots at $12.60. Bulk of good lambs, $12 and eoraniorr to medium low from $10 up. Sheep were 51,04 Id"lver and fairly good lots old .far .$t.t0s.:-dvith Mixed tote' of light a13011'15ot0g'. alt- 6k ' Qnotatiensi 'EwN. 111.00 to $6.60; lambs, good, 912 to 912.60; common, $10 to $11.76. Hoge-dteceipte, 2,498. Hog. market unet- tied. Salm of ...good hogs were ,made all the way from $11'50 $11.26, with•.two loads re- ported at $31.761 *weighed Off 'cam Antall iota to local butchers realised 211.25. to $11.69, but indication are that$11..will, be the price when the market settleh. Sown were from. $0 to :9.60. Quotations: Oil -ear weights, aeleeta, .8111 to $11.10; sows, $9 .to 19.6$. Union Stook Yards, Toronto; December 19 • -Including holdovers from loot week, there were over 8,000 cattle for sale this morning Old though the offering was' only half that of h week ago, it was too heavy, and price9 rails,MMidi `(Vere bogelyr atefdi•. pAbOut half' 2he.;Il$IteId in the fresh receipt wereafi+om the• Went, and though some of them dere of very good quality, they arrived too late for the Christmas 'demand and brought nothing higher than 61/r cents. Small butchers were the only active purcheaera of butcher atom end heifers, the packet buycm confining their acYvities !mainly to butcher' acted. which - ware also in demand for export. About linlf the total supply bad been sold at 2 O'clock, do. g6T6d, $5.55 to $6.001do. medium, $4.00 ,..•t$. :::9600 do. common. $3.00 to $4.00; tit' .1eifem, choice. 66.00 to $0.50; do. Bita.-1111,00 to 94.00; do. common, $2.26 to':$1X1 feeder, steers, good, $6.00 to 6.64; Quotbtfdptt"..-Heavy steam, $6.04 to 1199ff '19ibebfiVit,hersi choice. $0.00 to $6.76: CHOICE FARM FOR SALE. -LOT 94. Concession 3, McKillop. containing 100 acres, all cleared; 98 acral fall wheat; 80 acres plowed; 1% °tory frame home with furnace, hard and soft water -inside, tele- phone and rural mail; large double bank barn .with cement stabling, new cement silo, driving shed and ben house; 2 good wells. Close to town of Seaforth. Will sell on easy terms. Apply to LOUIS EBERHART, R. R. No. 2, Seaforth, Ont 2871-4 Huron County Lreeders Q rTi ' CHRISTM DINNER What , Shall., it be A turkey,' duck,,' chicken -ea roast ofsolne kind -a, nice thick steak? What,.: evee.:lyou choose at' this butcher ph,op:>lt will please you and',your guesta, Our ;Meats are coned. ered. the bestthe market. They satisfy -the: most particular. D. H. STEWART Main Street - Seaforth, Phone 58. gh i8 it 1i 4 R tom, r of aly + t es a very t. ac ta))e' C, tmaa +l if Come an4 seat many>varieties and shades 9f Slippers we ,i:'e showing, ,.bitable for anymember of the family, and you *ill be convinced out Store is the roper place to buy Christmas 'Gifts MEN WANTED $6 to $12'Per Day, We Will Pay Your Railway Fare_ To Toronto. Men wanted at once, both city and prairies; the present demand in auto- mobile mechanics and driving; tractor operating, tire vulcanizing, oxy-ace - lene welding, storage battery and electrical work; we teach these trades,. practical training, only a few weeks required, relay and night classes; write for free catalogue; big wages, steady employment. HEMPHILL_ AUTO GAS TRACTOR scnoo..S, 163° King. West, Toronto. Visitors welcome. 2870-4 m1111111ti11III I III111110111II I It1111UIlIUIn ASTMA SUFFERERS x = Hilton W. Parks, Waterdown Ont, := writes: 'I can safely bless the day = you left a bottle of _Asthma Remedy with me. I had relief from the efst = does and have been improvingever _- = sloes; can lie down at night and reit;.= = the tough has entirely left me; I have' C-' E gained. three pounds .Ince I started - - the bottle, which -is now nearly finished. = = The good news has spread around this = dlntrict, and already several Stant to = = try it, I Seel se good over= a ,Le = life, .e it were,,I lite to tell alheref've = 'BRIGGS' ASTHMA REMEDY' " _ $1.60 per bottle.' Money bite* if' not E = satisfied. For male at Umbach'a Drug = - Store, or by mail from H. T. .Briggs, =. = WMtby, Out. ' 2802-20 a 1i111iP111I11I ti11111111IltI$IIIt11111itit111Uthe f3tratfo0, Ontarlio. 'WINTER TERM FROM JANUARY 2nd The leading practical train- ing school of Western Ontario. - The school where you get a = thorough course under compet- = ent instructors in Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy De. = partments. We assist gradu- ates to positions. Write for free catalogue. D. A. MCLACH,AN, _ Principal. 5 :IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllilllill111111l .9 W. WIGG SUCCESSOR TO J. E. WILLIS "2 C Il -g.. Hu o i'S Gtr? .a Seaford* ,l A' Terry Happy Christmas 'and New Year To All When'you call for your Calendar You will see the Suitable Gifts for els and young, including Toys THE BIG HARDWARE H. EDGE - Seaforth '!lllllllClllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllfIIIIIIIIIINI!IIIIIIIVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICIIIIVI!nlllllllllil n We Wish to Extend to Our Patrons CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR GREETINGS. Seaforth Creamery Co., Seaforth, Ont. 0dlllllll 1111111111111111111llllllllllll11111llllllllllillillll011111]11111!IIi11111IIIIII1111iIIIIIIIVIIIIII 11111III1t1111IiIIIIIIfIII11111II111111II111111111rp , Season's Greetings P. We Wish Every Cus- tomer and " Every Friend A Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year, The Huron County Breeders' Association = J. J. CLEARY. are holding a sale in Wingham about March = Phone 117. = 1st Panties having stock to dispose of are = --., requested to give this information to the ;1 • - Secretary, S. B. STOTHERS, Clinton. Entries 1111I111111111111111111I1111111111111111111IIIIItilil close January 15th. - 2870-2 You Cannot Attend a BETTER SCHOOL WHY NOT COMMENCE THE WINTER'TERM when Sdtool Re -opens Tuesday, January 2, 1923 AT THE SCHOOL OF COMMERCE, Clinton, Ontario. STENOGRAPHIC SECRETARIAL -COMMERCIAL SPECIAL COURSES For full Particulars apply to • M. A. STONE, Com. Specialist, B. F. WARD, B.A. Vice President. Principal. Phone198. Students May Enter Any Thine. MacLE OD' S THE PURE FOOD STORE ► Telephone for it We deliver to all parts of i 190 Town atld.give Prompt Service, TELEPHONE 190 1 1 FOR CHRISTMAS, ONLY THE BEST IS ► GOOD ENOUGH. OUR STORE IS FULL OF ► GOOD THINGS. COME AND SEE.' • :Christmas Special -5 lb. box Rob- ',ertson's Assorted Chocolates,never before sold below $2. Now $1.50 Muscatel Raisins, 3 crown, pound 20c Seeded Raisins, (choice) pound 20c Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs for 33c Currants, lb 22 and 25c Lemon and Orange Peel, lb. 37c Citron Peel, ib. 60c Shelled Walnuts, broken, lb, 60c Shelled Walnuts, (whole halves), Ib, Shelled Almonds, lb - Glace Cherries, %-lb. boxes, each 75c 50c 55c Mince Meat, (good quality) pound 20c Demerara Sugar, lb. Dates, 2 lbs. for Oranges, per dozen 50c, 70c, 8Oc, $1 10c Table Raisins, 1 -lb. pack- age, each 35c Hartley's English Marma- lade, stone jar, each... •35c Spanish Pimentos, tin... •15c Table Figs, 6 Crown, lb... •35c Natural Figs, (very choice) pound 22c Cooking Figs, lb. Cream Cheese, Canadian Craft, lb. McLaren's Jelly Powders, 3 for Hipolite, Pink and White, 1 -lb. glass jar, each 10c 45c 25c 30c California Lima Beans, lb..15c Mixed Nuts, lb 20c Cedar Wreaths, each 35c Malaga Grapes, lb. .. • •35c Christmas Wine 25c Grape, Ginger, Port, 5Oc Christmas Stockings Sc, 10c, 15e, 25c, 50c, 75c We wish our Many Friends A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year THE NEW STORE 4.r...,, rnat••Ill.., erguson The Place to Buy-. Xmas Gifts of Qual At the Lowest Prices - We still havegood stock of Ladies' Furs, Muffs and Stoles to ' match, ranging in price from $10 to $45.00 a set, including Beaver, Hudson Seal, Possum, Coon and Badger. Four only Ladies' Fur Coats in Mink, Marmot, French Seal and Muskrat. These are all the newest styles and something worth while at prices from $85.00 to $175.00 A large assortment of Ladies' and Children's Hosiery in Cashmere, all - wool, mixed shades, at most reason- able prices, from 65e to $1.25 No Boys' Mackinaw over $5.00 A real good gift for a Man or Boy. FOR MEN Why not a new Suit for the lea.. days. We have a grist assorlhaeltt. of the latest styles at prices 'tO suit your purse with .lit ,and .quality sear-'' anteed, with a free cap to match. any suit, from • $20.00 to $32.50 - Overcoats in six ranges of beat heavy blanket . and Beaver cloth and Fresh Prices at $18, $20, $22 and $25 With a free. pair Gloves with every Coat, -quality and aaisfaction guar- anteed. ' Men's and Boys' Mackinaws, no •titan's Mackinaw neer $1oAo A full line of Scarfs, Silk Mufflers, Gloves, Hats, Caps, Belts, Sus- penders, Arm Bands and Garters, Cuff Links, Ties,- Sweaters and PiiIl- overs, Fine Shirts, Silk Shirts. , WE WISH EACH AND EVERYONE A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS Ferguson & Co. T. FERGUSON G. FULCHER - Seaforth DO I NION STORES LIMITED The Largest Retail Grocers in Canada. CHRISTMAS GREETINGS. Saturday Specials New "Filiatras" 1C CURRANTS, lb. J Spanish Shelled ALMONDS, !IA lb.... 28c Shirriff's JELLY 23c POWDERS, 3 for Large and Meaty 27c PRUNES, 2 lbs.. . Camel Brand DATES, 3 for 29c Fine New Stock 17c Seedless Raisins, lb. Maraschina CHERRIES 17c Orange & Lemon . English Candied Peel, 3Ec J BRAZILS Pound California WALNUTS, lb. 19c 40c. Our Motto: -Highest Quality Goods at Lowest Possible Prices. We sell To Satisfy. 1 Nlv aal Oranges, / JC_50c large size q' 49c 37c 4 -lb. Tin Raspberry JAM 75c Cut Rock, Jelly Beans, Hum- bugs, Creams, 23c Kisses, lb. Todhunters Nibs, lb.....35c Xmas . Strings, each ....5c Windermere Chocolates 35c Dalton's Xmas WINES Machine Sliced BACON, lb. MINCE MEAT, lb. 17c Todhunter & Mitchell Special Blend Coffee. 37c 19e Mountain Crest PEAS, 2 tins 25c, ICING SUGAR, per lb 1 OC; SHREDDED ' COCOANUT, lb. , 23c'� LEMONS, 2 / c Per Dozen MIXED NUTS, lb. MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH.