HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1922-12-01, Page 5Oda ..rth, Nospli 1 concert on 'a, i' attended ' by p' .Mrd. John' EY' visiting Oa' v �Yd 1n1 �t, pubic ; t I ' TIwille 2110 , Btl',r.i fir¢ biatia0,02i nt Ii atN enjoy at Deal .Old OWIL -140irch Provided. ADMIISION .50e . ; SEAFORTH 91A.Elf*8 _Sea�oirtii; November 30,-1922 Eggs, per dozen Butter, per lb. 'l eat, -per bushel Oats, per bushel Flour, per cwt, Peas, per bushel Potatoes, per bag Bran; per ton Shorts, per ton Barley, per bushel Hogs, per cwt, 48c 82 to 35c $1.15 42c $3.00 to $3.60 $1.40 70c $23.00„ 50e $10.26 IldcAllister.-In London, November 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred McAllister, a daughter. MARRIAGES Pauli -Rosa. -At Duff's Manse. McKillop, on October 11th, by,Rev. J. A. Ferguson. B.A., Elisabeth Anne Rose. daughter of Mrs. David Rave, McKillop. to Mr. Charles Henry Pauli, of Stratford. i)uecford--Guice.-.At Sudbury, on November - ,. nils 14th, Esther Guise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Guise, of Larchwood, to Shee. A. Dumsford, eon of Mr. and Mrs. William Durnford, Exeter. PMliipa-Cudmore,-On November 11th, at St. James' Cathedral, by Rev. Canon Plump - tree, Ida Victoria. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Cudmore, Helsel), to Mr. Per- cival Wesley Phillips, Toronto. DEATHS VanE>Rnnnd,-in' Egmondville, on November 27th. William David VanEemond, aged 75 year.. 'Ervine. -In Goderich, on November 18th, Robert Ervine, fifth eon of Mr. and Mrs. William Ervine. in his lard Year. Jury. -In Exeter, on November 21.t, Elijah Jacob Jory, aged 78 years and 7 menthe. Moberteoa-$n Cleveland, Ohio, on November 28th, Martha Domer. wife of the late Matthew Roberl.on, aged 85 years. Allen. -In Detroit. on November 28th, George Allen. IN MEMORIAM Noter-liana ander this bead will be charg- e d 60 cents ▪ .itionnl Angle verse and zc scud for In loving memory of Ella Weseott, wife of Mr. William Tomalley. who died December '2nd, 1820. -2808x1 LOVED ONES. w: 1teS` kpnP,the,,.00 Sa ss,,itinewaSe4 na * 'mu''the- Miowlgri 'Dae fid' tele..,. cow combs !1 end 9t,' TX epaber, b 0r. 0br00 ettlkf�pr ‘110W Mut due .3a' , I �rteX eanpd tel„„belt- 0m t PhIlt. dude,, Ills pr ; drr, gr t three two O�pprjqg e�ar:0 iAoJ* bred Murk pew 9 tu�tp�m�. '. 2 -Sat bora to woken., wagon, Atte rY•#atris dies j drill iyarlr paw,: .+ 09bar -mfr riding wdotibl yip hey took grolgns Normae. set UW01 1. camom e straw to be fed an the place, about els tom 10ey, 200 ueptit4 of one, 290 barbels of. oto ea,'a 4uatltltc of beam, soma easel potatoes, -main! table efs window' shades 1 new -u ql: cream separator, and other artl510 6. iTbe will be offered for oats, or 1f,hel, spud .wn1 be rented. TToMO e on day of Oslo, -Terml { . 4,`ipa `fat Mogi. each. All e samountm'nof $10 ab�. Order. eMb ibe overgiven thaton 1 niter .aredha'w01 f rnishing-pDproved ,pint holes. A discount of 8 cents on the-douar off for cash. T. J. W1LSO d ,Proprietor; Andrew East, Exeter, A�aotit ter. 2888-1 CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF CHOICE V High Grade Durham Cove and Young Cattle, Yorkshire Hogs, Wood and Roots.- W. oots.W. E. Nairn, Auctioneer, has received instruc- tions from Percy Miller, to sell by public Action on Lot 17, Concession 12, Fullerton, half -mile west of Gettler's Saw Mill, on Tues- day, December 5th, 1022, commencing at one o'clock sharp, the --following: Cattle--ffwo Durham cowl fresh with calve. at foot, 4 Durham cows dues to freshen in December, 3 Durham cows due to freshen in January, Durham cow due to freshen in February, 2 Durham cows due to freshen in March. Durham cow due to freshen in May, 2 choice ,Holstein heifers due to December, 2 Durham helfem -due in January, fat heifer 1,100 pounds, 2 Durham heifers two yearn old, 2 Durham steem two years old, 8 yearling heifers, Dur - hams ; 7 yearlings steers, Durhams ; 7 choice spring calves. Hoge -4 Yorkshire brood cow, due to farrow in January, Yorkshire brood sow with litter of 9 six weeks old, Registered hog four menthe old, 2 Registered eowa four months old, 15 ehoate about 100 pounds each, le shoats about '15 pounds each. Poultry -15 pine bred White Wyandotte hens one year old. Wood and Roote-1,500 bushel,, of Mari- golds, 80 cords of mixed wood 16 inches long.. Positively no reserve as everything offered will be cold to the highest bidder. Terme- Ten months' credit will .be given on furnish- ing approved joint notes, or a discount of 5 per cent. straight off for cash in lieu of notes. PERCY MILLER, Proprietor; W. E. Nairn, Auctioneer, 2868-1 •ROOST BEEF R1AB in quality at price" which common grades conulland-:la an opportunity( this market $grda ,4iaeriminating. bopsewives If you 'can tell good - meat by .its ; looks you'll appreciator :ours, Arid, Your htdgment will he more than Justified- by the evident 'pleasure your family( takes in' eating D. H. STEWART Main Street - Seaforth. Phone 58. At Christmas Your Friends can buy anything you give them except your Photograph. • D. F. Buck Brazil ,At ,2 lbs a 25c Walnpto,1 '•.„.75 Mixed, ll +bl8lbic edlebe! $eitw, lb.,,•1174 ;Valeticia Mains, lb. 25c Ortingeeazok4mon Peel, lb., 85c. Bulk Coetld 2 lbs: , .25e Special Cof�'ee, lb. 80e Rite Good Brew90c Shredded Oftcoanut, Oxo , , ..a.. 10c and 2k Pure Clover '.honey, 5 -Ib. tlu, td&2 H. A. Oleonaargarbie, ib , 2dc Amt Dinah Molasses Rice, 2 lbs. .. ... Tapioca, lb. Shredded Wheat, 2 for 250. Corn Flakes, 8 for .. ..'29c White Beans, 4 lbs. 25e Jolly' Powders,, 8 for 23c Prunes (nice size), 2 lbs29c Toilet Paper, 7 rolls 2k Our 'Enormous Buying Power' Enables Us to Sell Hight Quality Groceries Price Away Below Mena. Photographer - - Seaforth CAR OF FEEDING MOLASSES Sugar Cane Molasses, 28 cents per gallon, barrel free. WILLIAM STAPLETON Dublin. Campbell's 2 Tins -Tomato (only) 25c SOUP Mountain Crest CORN, 2 tins . Mountain Crest PEAS, 2 tins .. CANDIES Jelly Beans, Creams 3 A Ac Humbugs and others ` Per pound.. ROLLED OATS, 6 lbs. . , . 25C Machine Sliced BACON, lb. - . , . 37C A BREAKFAST TREAT MINCE MEAT g Pe., per lb. ... Dominion MATCHES, 3 bx. 34C VALENCIA 21 CAKE, lb SOLD ELSEWHERE AT 45c 1 cwt, High Grade Mardteba Flour 1 40 -cent tin Baking Powder,., .$bjlla 3 Tins Bonnie Bright Cleansing , Powder ,,..:'. .22::;! 10 Bars Laundry Soap 2 Tins Pure Food Corn , .20 2 Tins Squirell Peanut Butter.50 $5.00 MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. 3.191111111111111111111I111111111111111111111111111. ASTMA SUFFERERS Q Hilton W. Parks, Waterdown, Ont., ▪ writes: "I can safely bless the day .., you left a bottle of Asthma Remedy = with me. I had relief from the first .„.= • dose and have been improving ever since; can lie down at night and rest; the cough has entirely left me: I have gained three pounds since I started the bottle, which is now nearly finished. The good news has spread around this district, and already several want to try it. I feel so good over the new life, as it were, I like to tell others." = • 'BRIGGS' ASTHMA REMEDY' $1.50 per bottle. Money back H not satisfied. For sale at Umbach's Drug ` • Store, or by mail from H. T. Briggs, - 1 Whitby, Ont. 2862.20 3wno1111I1uuuuu1111u1nu u1DfH 11mtl REMNANTS For patching Quilts, Cushions, Pin Pads, Shirts, Waists, etc. Good a8 FOR $1.00 colon and shades. Manufacturer's clearance sale Sur chased at --, greet sacrifice. roun makes a lovely Quilt Large- Box full, parcel poet, while they lest $1.00. A. McCRRERY &, CO., Importers, 2868-52 Chatham, Ont A Concert will be hold in the U.F.O. Hall. Walton. on Friday evening, December 8th, at 8 pan. The programme will indude Solos by Mies Logan and Mien Jackson, of Blyth; Dialogues, Quarletten-and Recitations. Ad- mission 25c and 10c. The annual meeting of the U. F. O. Club will be held on Tues- day, December' 19th, at 1.50 p.m. A full attendance of members is desired. A. McGavin, W. R. Somerville, President, Secretary. 2868x1 Business Change MP CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mre. Donald Graoaick and family wish to thank their many friends and neigh- bors for the kindness and sympathy shown In their recent and bereavement. IMPORTANT NOTICES WOOD FOR SALE. -DRY. MIXED WOOD, 16 -inch, $8; 2 feet. 5-4; 4 feet, $5.00 per cord. T. W. ALDINOTON, Cromarty. 3 LOST. -A WHITE PIG, WEIGHING ABOUT 200 pounds, left Lot 21, Concession 2, McKillop, last Sunday. Finder please notify JAMES MURRAY, R. R. No. 1, Seaforth. Phone 228-8. 2868x1 Li STRAY HEINQOR,-ROAN, YEARLING heifer strayed on to Lot 14. Concession 8, Hay. Owner may have same by proving property'and paying expenses. ADDIS to FRANK BEAN, Lot 55, Concession 1, Us - borne, Hensall, Post Office 2868-3 DOG LOST. --LOST AT SWAMP ON CON - cession 14, McKillop, on Friday. Novem- ber 17th. a brown dog with some• white, part bound. Any information lending to his recovery please phone 20 on 229. Seaforth. HARRY NORRIS._ 2887x1 /ITEAOHER WANTED. - PERMANENT second close 'certificate for S. S. No. 6, Stanley. School in the village of Varna. Duties to eommanee January lot. Applications, stating salary, will be received on or before November 80th. CHARLES C. PILGRIM, Secretary, Varna, Ont. 2866-2 Di STRAY HOUND. -A HOUND CAME TO Lot 21, on the 10th Concession of Mc- Killop, on November 8th. Owner can have same by proving property and Paying for his feed and this ad. 2868x5 U. F. 0. MEETING; Having purchased the General Stock of Groc- eries, Boots and Shoes from the U. F. O. Co - Operative Co., Seaforth, I intend to carry bn the business in the same store on Main Street, and will carry a full line of staple goods. Goods delivered to any part of the town. A Square Deal to All. BRODERICK'S Harness Store THE PLACE TO BUY HEAVIER GARMENTS AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE. Men's Sheep Lined Mackinaws with real large collar, extra Inner sleeve, at This week we offer any Suit in the store regardless of quality or color. Many Botany all Wool Serges in heavy weight are included in the lot at $30.00 Men's . Heaviest.Blanket Cloth Mackinaws, in all' sizes and colors, the very best to be had at only $10.00 18 Boys' Tweed Suits of good qual- ity and good colors, in sizes from, 27 to 35, to clear this lot at $7.50 Horse Blankets, good and warm at $2.75 up Plush and Wool Auto Rugs, $4 to $12 Buffalo Robes -the best made Mitts from 25c up Special Buck Glove, worth $1.75, at $1.25 Special Horse Mitt, worth $1.76, for $1.00 FOR CHRISTMAS -A nice line of Ladies' Shopping Bags, Club Bags, Suit Cases, Etc. Team Harness for $48.00 No better made. Halters, special values from $1.15 to $2.00. SHOE REPAIRING We solicit a call and guarantee our work. Men's Heavy Wool Sweaters, a Work Sweater that will satisfy for weight and quality. $1.75 Men's Lined Smocks with corduroy collars, a real lining in black only. $2.75 A large range of Boys' Overcoats at one-half price $7.50, $8.00 and $9.00 Sizes from 29 to 35. Men's Heavy Coats, a real long, warm coat, the newest colors in Grey and Heathr, at $19.00 A wonderful stock of Mitts lined throughout at the moderate price J. J. CLEARY. Phone- 117. Bells, Whips, Curry Combs, Brushes, Pads, Gall Cures, Collars. Call and See Our Goods. M. Broderick Men's all wool Gloves in grey and Heather shades. All sizes, at 50c and 65c Ferguson & Co. We offer our entire stock of Ladies' Coats. They are good heavy Winter Coats and worth twice as much at $12.50 only 24 left. Men's Fur Coats, while they last $28.00 - - Seaforth The U. F. O. Club will hold their monthly meeting . in Carnegie Hall. on Wednesday. December 6th, at 8 o'clock p.m. An interest- ing debate will be given. A large attend- ance is requested.: J. H. SCOTT, BERT IRWIN, ,.President. 2868-1 Secretary. NOMINATION MEETING A meeting for nominating a Reeve and four Councillors for the Municipality of the Township of McKillop, for the year 1928: In accordance with the Ontario Statutes, 1914, Chapter 192, Sections 88 to 89. it is enacted by the Council of the Township of Matinee: : (1) That Candidates for a Reeve and four Councillor. be nominated on Friday, the 22nd day of December, 1922, at School Nouse No. 6. 51,E1110p, at the hour of one o'clock p.m. (2) In the event of more persons being nominated than are required to fill the sev- eral offices, an election will be held on Monday, the tat day of January, 1921, at the following named places: Polling Division No. 1- G. R. Holland's house, Lot 10, Concession 5, James Evans, D.R.O., Thomas Moylan. P. C. Polling Dimioion No. 2 -James Hillen'a House, Lot 25, C ncession 4. John McDowell, D.R.O., James Hallen, ' P.O. Polling Division No. 8 --Jos. Smith's house, Pt 10, Concession 12, John Leeming, o(,,, Murray, P.C. Polling Divisqiion No. 4, School House Na. . Lo 20 Concession 12, Alden McGavin. n.li3Ou Wer. SonieNBle, P.C. 29411-9 JOHN McNAYCI.rh. MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the Council Chamber. Goderich. at 2.80 o'clock in the afternoon of Tuesday, the 5th day of De- cember, 1922. All accounts against the Coun- ty must .be in the hands of the Clerk not later than Monday preceding the meeting of Council. CEO., W. HOLMAN, County Clerk. Goderich, November 20th, 1922. 2867-2 The Fall being so mild and warm, few people realize Christmas is so near and will leave off their Santa Claus shopping until a few days before Christmas. Those who shop early are always the fortunate ones. We have a splendid line of Ladies', Misses', Men's and Boys' Hockey Shoes, that always make useful and accept- able Christmas Gifts. Slippers are Gifts that are always appreciated. We have the "COSY" Slipper for the whole family -Soft Brown Rid Romer, for Father; Juliette, in a variety of colors, for Mother; the B. C. Russian Boot, for the Little Tot. A pair of Shoe Trees (lolled up with Fancy Ribbon make a very useful and acceptable gift. SHOP EARLY AT FRED W. WIGG SUCCESSOR TO J. E. WILLIS MEN WANTED $6-$10 DAILY At once -we want 100 men right now to train for big paying mechani- cal jobs. If you are mechanically in- clined and like working around auto- niobiles and tractors, every day you Iput off coming to u8 you are cheating 1 yourself. Never was there such a • demand for trained men, A few = - weeks of time invested now will give you a trade that will mean independ- once for life. Learn automobile and • tractor operating and repairing, tire vulcanizing, battery building and oxy- acetylene welding by the Hemphill • practical system.' A free employment • service is at your disposal. Write for free catalogue. Don't delay. Get E in line for big pay and steady work. • Do it now. • HEMPHILL AUTO & TRACTOR SCHOOL, .. 163 King West, 'Toronto. 2866-4 ' 1 a.0 0 0 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 O C. G. THOMPSON O O All Kinds of Grain O Obought. O Milverton Flour, O O Bran and Shorts. O O Grain Buyer. O C' Custom Chopping. . 0 C' Phone 25 O OATMEAL MILLS, 0. 0 Seaforth, Ont. O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MacLEOD'S " THE PURE FOOD STORE " Telephone for it 190 We deliver to all partsof Town and give Prompt Service. TELEPHONE 190 Christmas is only a few short weeks away. -We would advise you to get your Cake and Pudding ma- - terial-right --now. Buy now and get your choice -avoid last min- ute disappointments. Seedless Raisins,. 2 lbs....33c Val. Raisins with seeds, lb..20c New Currants, lb 20c Seeded Raisins, lb. 20c Muscatel Raisins, lb. 20c Shelled Walnuts, broken, pound 60c Shelled Walnuts, whole halves, pound 75c Shelled Almonds, lb. 55c Orange and Lemon Peel, Canadian, pound 35c English 40c Jelly Powders, 3 for 25c Table Raisins, pkg. 35c Pastry Spice, lb. 30c Ground Cinimon, lb. 30c Cooking Figs, lb. 10C Table Figs, lb. 30c Dates, lb. 12c Forest City Baking Powder, Sealers 37c Red Salmon, large tin gme Soda Biscuits, 2 lbs 33c King Oscar Sardines, each. •20c Cream Cheese, lb. 45c. Peanut Butter, 1 -lb. pails, each 30c . Linia Beans, lb. 15c WE BUY CREAM AND PAY CASH FOR IT For Your Salads: Head Lettuce Celery Grapes Oranges Bananas Anchony Paste Bloater Paste Tuna Fish Mushrooms Red Currant Jelly Asparagus Tips Lobsters Maraschino Cherries Salad Dressing THE NEW STORE MACDO NAt CROWN BLACK GH EWI NGN4?... ;il;x'isn?