HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1922-10-13, Page 5I PR1 t t t r m, ,` .,00' ���t. �tIL Pt �t,�o.;x1t�f :• �9 25 to $4.00' +'�66ay dor 84 to 86e Hvgeb per $10,76 Potatoes, pep, bag 760 'whe4kt !' baOhel 950 Vat", Iley hashel 400 'Earley, per bushel 500 Pea*, Ver babel $1.00 tter, per ib. 80 to 82c .LIVE STOCK MARKETS Buffalo. October 30.--Cattle-Reoel1sta. 0, - OO; clioloe heavy and yearlings Malang; eed. ng; p than and common 25o dower, shipping Meade ' 9,80 to 410.15; butehere. SS to $9.60: year- , 80.60 to 912 - heifers, 116,to 18.00; cows $2.26 to 20.25; bulls, $8.26 to $5.25; etook- ers and feeders, $6.26 to $0,26_; fresh cowls and laminaers 15 higher, {40 tri. Cedvee-ROcelpte, 1.400; steady. 36 to 918. Hogs--6teee1pe•16,200: 10 to 16 marts low- er; 0848008, 39.8$ to $10 ; yorkem, 89.76 to 80.86; pigs. 19 to 88.25; roughs, 67.50 to 17.75; stags, 16 to 85.60.' Sheep and tambe=ReoeIpte, 5,400; lambs 250 higher; , others, 50c blither; lambs, 86 to 116; yearling., 98 to 911.60; wethern, 88.60 to 99; ewes, 82to 98; mixed eheep, $8 to 18.60. Minn Stock Yards, October 10. -Although the cattle offering to -day -was a thousand head fighter than last Monday, and, though trod - Ong . ohowed some tmpeovement An aotivlty over the bulk of last week, there was no advance In prices from Tuesday'. dude. Ex- port buyers took cow. only, and a few of the best heavy fat kind made as hlgb sa 5 cents, while the balk 9f good butcher town sold around 4 cent.. Choice heavy steer. were steady- at from 7%, to 7+,4, most of them being: taken, by the packers. Heavy 'Buick end receipts at the peeking plants were responsible foe a poor demand for handy - weight Webers, which sold "steady, but slow at 6 cents for a few choice, and 61/2 cents for tops. Medium quality heavy steers Were a fairly heavy offering, and brought 6 to 6% emote There was a wide spread In price be- tween choice and medium killers and the bulk of killers brought from 4 to 6 cents. Stocker and feeder, trade wee activeand rrponslble for the majority of cattle . 1ec. Stockero sold at prices ranging from, 81/2 to 6 cents, and feeders et from 44(( to 5.05 cents, with the Price holding strong to the clone, though with only 2,500 cattle weighed up et 2 o'clock, there every prospect of a holdover, a- mounting to eevera] hundred head of all kind. Choice calves sold steady at 11 to 111/2c for the bulk, with just a few tops at I cent. Lower grades were bareiy steady, however, and the run was fairly heavy, with a big proportion of heavy calve., which sold stow. Common calves brought 4 to 6 cents. The hog market was unsteady, with males made at from 114. to 12 cents, fed end watered, outaidero taking some hogs at the higher figure. Packer buyers promised n cut of a half for to -morrow. Receipts today were 8.2'02 cattle. 716 calves, 2.067 hog. and 4,070 sheep and lambs. Quototiomk; Choice heavy steers, 57.00 to 57.00; butchers steers, choice, 50.50 to $6.00; do. good, 85.50 to 56.00; do. medium, 94.50 to 05.501 do. common, 80.50 to 54.00; butcher heifers choice, 06.00 to 86.75; do. medium, 55.00 to 55.50: do, common, $4.00 ' to 84.25: butcher cows, choice. 54.00 to 55.00: do. medium, 09.00 to $3.50 cannere and cutters. $1.00 to 52.00; butcher bulbs, good, 58.50 to 51.75; do. cors on, 52.50 to $3.50; feeders, good, $5.00 to 80.75; do. fair, $4.25 to 54.75; stockers, goad, $4.25 to $5.00; do., fair, $8.00 to 5450; milkers, $60.00 to 580; springers. $80.00 to $100; exiven,hoice, 510 to 512.00; do. medium, 50.00 to 510.00: do. common, 54.00 to $7.00; spring Iambs, 510,50 to 811.00; sheep. choice, 85.00 to $6,00; do. good, 33.50 to 04.50; do., common, $1.00 to $8.00; yearlings, choice. $7.00 to $8.00; do. common, 84.00 to 95; do. fo.0.8., $10.76 to 811.26; do., country points, 010.50 to 511. BIRTHS - Downey. -In McKillop, on September 22nd, to Mr. and Mm. Joseph Downey, a daughter. Ryan. -In McKillop, on September 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ryan.- a son. Fowler. -In Tuckersmith, on October 7th, to Mr. and Mrs, Henry Fowler, of London, n daughter -Hilda Margaret. Cameron. .In Tuekeramtth, on October 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Will Cameron, a eon. Tichborne.-At the Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich. on October lat, to Mr. and Mrs. William Triebborne. a son. Pierce. -In Mitchell, on September 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pierce, a daughter. Smith. -On the Goshen Line, Hay Township, on September 26th, to Mr. and Mtn. John A. Smith, a son. Jennings. -In Exeter, on September 29th, to Mr. and Mrs- Harry Jennings, a daughter. Bieber. -In Hay Township, on September 16, leo Mr. and Mrs. William Beiber, a daugh- ter. MARRIAGES Pahner-Wenzel--At the Evangelical Par- sonage, Crediten, by Rev. Mr. Heads, Mabel youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wenzel, to Mr. Herb Fahner, of Crediton, DEATHS Henderson. -In Seaforth, on October 11th, Thomas Henderson; in hie 74th year, MoKay.-In Egmondvllle, on October 9th, Margaret Popple, wife of Alexander Mc- Kay, aged 66 yearn, 10 months and 11 days, Qvitlan.-In Egrnandville, on October 7th, Elizabeth King, wife of the late Humphrey Quinlan, aged 80 years. "McCartney. -In Vancouver, on October Srd, George W. McCartney, aged 52 years and 10 months. Baker. -In Carlingford, on Sept. 24th, Marla Canning. widow of the late John R. Baker, aged 77 years. Bartlett. -In Toronto, on September 21st, Mar- garet Boyd, relict of the late Jamey Bart- lett, in her 80th year. 'Treble. -In Goderich, on October 4th, at his home, St Andrews St., Mr. Wm. Treble. Thomsa,-At Goderich, on Tuesday, October 8rd, Annie McDonald, widow of the late Charles Thomas. IN MEMORIAM Note -items under this head will be charg- ed 90 cents per single verse lad 26 cents for e ach additional verse. In loving memory of Florence M. Neely, ,rho died October 9th, 1920: 0, what would I give her hand to clasp, Her loving face to see; To hear her voice, to see her smile, That meant so much to me. Time may heal the broken heart; Time may make the wound less sore, But R cannot atop the longing For our loved one gone before. 2861.1 MOTHER and BROTHERS. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE I9 HEREBY GIVEN that ell ver- min bovine eloime against the estate of Colin Moir, late of the Township of Hay, who died an the 10th day of July, 1922, are required ao forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned on or before the first day of November, 1922. AND NOTICE 19 FURTHER .GIVEN that after the said date the Executors will pro - owed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have notice. DATED at Howell this 10th day of Oc- tober, 1922. GLADMAN & STANBURY. Hensel) and Exeter. 2861-2 Executors' SoOdttors. 400�9dttnidofgi r7 4 b. 2 eaw*! 9Wa ef�,f T p l0 4 3,2150 Ppoaa I$ as 110 l9a3.s Tt88166..45 * ldZB12R. lAtldl9 OS TO ilia fire of the n5do' 4:DnO. end, of Jtla0 wail Proving rouar awpor may kayo Damo on proving pmY 0059 and 309.100 oh.rgm. Wel!, or planar r 0 on NDAR. No. 2, Hensel!, or pbo4o 0 00 82, $000088. 28594 e AUCTION SALES CLEARING SALE OF HOR8E8, CATTLE, Wee and Implements. ---The undersigned will offer for Bale on Lot 7. North Thames Bead, Uaborae, on Friday, October 20th, at 1 p.m., sharp, the following: Fc3lrtoen horses and Dolts, some of the mares are regtsterei 4 come pure bred Shorthorn males and females,. 40 bead of one and two-year-old steels anS heifer.; some brood sow., bens and pullets and a line of th•plements. Torose. ---910,00 and under, teals; over that ,amount 6 months' credit on furnishing approved joint notes. A1, discount of 6 per cent, per annum off 1or cash on credit amounts. •JOHN RATCLIFFE, Proprietor; Themes Cameron and O. Robin- oon, .Auctioneers. 2861.1 AUCTION SALE OF FARM, FARM STOCK, Implements and household furniture, Lot 10, .Concession 1, Hallett. Huron Road, four miles east of Clinton, five miles wart of Seaforth, on Tuesday, October 24th, at one o'clock sharp. The farm consists 01'100 acres more or less, 8 acres of hardwood bush, two acres of good bearing orchard, balance good tillable land in high state of cultivation, well adapted for pasture or grain growing, 20 aoren fall plowed, balance seeded to grans. On the premises are a good nine roomed brick residence, barn 40066, stabling in first clime condition, large straw shed and driving shed 20x60. Horses -Brood mare 11 years uld, agricultural mare 4 yearn old, filly three veers old, driver. Cattle -2 fresh cows, 2 milking since July. 2 two year old steers, 2 yearling heifers, 4 calves, 2 sown, about 100 hens. Implements -Wagon and box, set of bobsleighs, top buggy, log bunks, open buggy, cutter, w (king plow, scufller, 10 -hoe drill, Nu. 12 DeLuvul cream separator, root pulpor, speed jahks, bug holder, bag truck, atahle boat, 2 iron pig troughs, pig rack, 2 set of heavyharness, string of bells, set of single harness, n churn, small quantity of tile. number of0cedar poste, Iron vice and tool', pile of pine lumber, neckyokes, forks, grain huge. and other articles too numerous to mention. Furniture--Bed-room suite, springs, Mattress, coal - oil stove, tables and chairs, sewing madhine, kitchen cupboard, refriger- ator, dinner bell, flour bin. Terms on Chat- tels. -All sums of $10 and under, cash: over that amount 10 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. A dis- count of 4% straight off for cash. Terms toi farts made known on tiny of rink., MRS. J. D. McDERMID, Proprietress; G. H. Elliott, Auctioneer, 2860-2 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IM- plements and household furniture. Lot 20, Huron Road, 1 mile east of Clinton. on Tues- day. October 17th, at 1 o'clock shaky, the following; Horses -Horse 11 years old, horse 10 years old, gelding 5 years old. Cattle - Cow due October, cow due in December, cow due in January, cow due in April, coo due in May, Jersey cow due March IA, 4 mw 1 year old, heifer 1 year old, 4 spring calves, brood sow with litter, 8 ntore pigs. 60 hens, thoroughbred Rocks, 36 pullets. implement - Masoey-Harria binder 6 foot cut, mower 5 foot cut, Deering hay rake nearly new. 28 sup pails and miles, Clover Leaf manure spread- s. Meaney -Harris hay loader nearly new, 10 hoe seed drill, disc harrow, cultivator, single riding plow, walking plow, set of iron har- lumber wagon, old wagon, 2 buggies, set of bobsleighs, cutter, snuffler, Massey - Harris .c root ruiner, coating bo, crusher, Clin- ton fanning mill, Llj h.p. gasoline engine, pump jack, circular caw, set ofe ingle har- ness, set of double harness, set ofplow har- ness, grindstone, 18-fuot ladder, Buffalo robe horse blankets, 15'tone of timothy hay, black- smith bellows and anvil. 57 stooks of corn, 600 bricks, grain bags, chalne, 50 cement tile, forks, shovel., whitfetrees and other articles too numerous to mention. Household Effects -Two Art Souvenir coal heaters, wood heater, quantity of stove pipes, kitchen table, kit - hen chairs, sideboard, extension table, two lounges, bedstead, stands, set of bedroom dishes, gramophone, pictures, dishes, hanging lamps, 2 feather beds, w.hing machine, Daley ehurn, No. 12 DeLaval cream separator, in- cubator, brooder, verandah screens. Every- thing to be Bold as proprietor has sold his farm. Terror -Hay, hens, household effects and all sums of 510 and under. coals: over that amount 12 months' credit will be given on furnishing bankable, paper, or a discount of 5% per annum allowed for cash on credit amounts. WILLIAM SHIPLEY, Proprietor; Geo. H. Elliott, Auotioneer. 2860-2 ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF VALU- able Farm Lands, Farm Stock and Im- plements. -The Administrator to the estate of William James Hanna, deeeaeed, with the approbation of the Official Guardian for On- tario, will offer for sale by public auction. on Wednesday, the 18th day of October, 1922, at one o'clock in the oftornoon, , on the premises, 1 mile east of Winthrop, the fol- lowing farm lands, in two (2) parcels, name- ly: Parcel 1. -The East half of Lot Num- ber Twenty-two (22), in the Eighth (8th) Confession, of the Township of McKillop, in the County of Huron, containing by ad- measurement fifty (50) acres of land be the me more or less. This 1s a highly improved fifty acre farm, which is well fenced and drained and well situated as to roads, schools, churches and markets. There are enacted on the premises a good brick dwelling house. large barn with stabling underneath and other outbuildings. There is alms about six acres of good hardwood bush and about 4 acres seeded to fall wheat Parcel 2. -The west half of Lot Number Twenty-four (24)., in the Eighth (8th) Concession, of the' said Township of McKillop, containing by ad- mensurment fifty (50) acres of lend be the same more or leas. This is a splendid grecs farm, well watered and situated right at Winthrop, Ontario. There is about 6 acres of hardwood bush on this parcel. Terme of Sale on Londe. -A deposit of ten (10) per cent of the purchase money, on each parcel, shall be paid in cash on the day of Bale and each purchaser shall sign an Agreement to complete his purchase. The balance of pur- chase moneys shall be paid, in cash and without interest within thirty days thereafter, when the purchasers shall be entitled to pos- session and to a conveyance free from en- cumbrances. At the name time and place there will be offered for sale by public auc- tion the following Farm Stock and Imple- ments: Horses -Two work homes 7 yearn old, 1 horse 9 years old, a good third horse. Gnttle-9 milch cows, all milking and all supposed to be in cnlf, two of these core are fresh: 6 cattle 2 years old, 9 yearlings, floe arming enives, 2 calves 2 months old, 4 hogs about 100 pounds each, about 126 hens and chickens, 6 genie. Implements -Massey -Har- ris binder, Massey -Harris mower, Massey - Harris side rake, Massey -Harris 10 -foot hay rake. Mossey-Harris seed drill, Massey -Harris manure spreader, Massey -Haran hay loader, Massey-Harria dine harrows. All the above implements n almost new and in a good state of repair; 2 lumber wagons one almost new, 1 acuMer. 1 root 'sober, 1 stock rack, 1 hay reek, 2 .seta of iron harrows, 1 land roller, 1 pea harvester, 2 single furrrow riding plows, 1 walking plow. 1 steel tired top buggy nlmomt new, 1 set bob sleighs, 1 cutter, S set stock weigh :maim. 1 fanning mill, 2 et work harness, 2 set single harnoe,, 1 De Laval cream separator good as now. 8 lad- ders, 1 ladder 30 feet, 1 set ditching tools, 2 nap pans and about 100 sap palls, 1 wheel barrow, 1 wire stretcher, 2 croon cut sawn, S bunk saw, whiflletrees, neck yokes, chains and other articles usually kept on n form and too numerous to mention, about 300 bushels mixed grain and 800 bushels oats and about 80 kens good hays. Ona Chevrolet Motor Car In flrst clans run- ning order: Terme of Sale ' on Farm Stock and implements, - A11 sums of 010 er under, cash, and hay and grain, cash; all other accounts three months' credit on fnrnbahing approved joint notes. A dis- count of 0% per annum will be allowed on credit accounts for Dash. Further particulars and terms of sale will be mnde known at the . time of sale end In the meantime may be had from the undersigned. Dated the 80th day. of September, 1922. ROBERT SCAn- LETT, Administrator; R. 8. HAYS, Vendor's Soliottor, Seaforth, Ont; Tholmns Brown, Aue. ttoneer. 2880-2 pkYl" cWali 0 Pagan! .hailer g awl), 2 steers/ rifling otfle, better rtlipa one .posit ove/. pl¢�. \about '100. Rae, *rob, sate dile t4 a ¢t E6tb Of Nevtmben 80 We- Meseey$ati , 7-f t binder, A�a�r1nif mower 8 loot, lkrboe Bleep ,droll, Magae0yy4ta$'rta $ultivmtor, roller, rake,. 10 hoe' seam drill,. tanning mill.haul* wA on . bay rack, gravel box, milking8POW (Verito), rlding. plow, Perrin; ?-aeotlonharinwo, Adobe, Outten net of butter scales, 4 Ib. oapaolty, sugar tents 2 apple drying 00reeae, 0081300 dour, Sawa croquet Set, indoor. wheelbarrow, gasoline engine 214 b.p., gp;0tfty 'of abaft, Ing and pulleys, Delaval cream separator. Daisy churn No. 8, galvanised water trough, wooden water trough, galvanized tieing 1 40 foot gabber drive belt, set Of breaching boraces, set of backhand harness, 2 Det afa- gle bermes.. number ofkitchen chairs,' quan- tity of 50or 011 cloth, coal heater ell oven, quabtity o1 rag carpet, lounge, bpdatead and Wrings, 2 email cspboarde, large kitchen table; Bolding Leat, table, chicken 000pa, dishes, nano. pots, milk pails, Rayo hanging lamp, grain bags, forks, shovels, whlmetreee, nook - yoke and other articles too numerous to mention. ltverh'thIng to tie sold as proprie- tor is gb, ing up farming. This is an excep- tionally good line of implements most of them nearly new. Terms -All sums of 810.00 and under, cash: over that amount twelve menthe' credit will be given on furaashing elms ed notaor a discount of k% per aniet r, allowed for cash on credit amounts. DAVID BEA'ITY, Proprietor; George IL El- liott, Auctioneer. 286$-2 BOYS AND GIRLS Make big moaeyin spare time intro- ducing our dandy novelties. Write -for free particulars to Dept. 19 APEX NOVELTY HOUSE HAMILTON, ONTARIO Two 'Q08 '30 1d # , A$ i+Of' 34 lad la mike ��11°t 1. n oCo ftp f8 runt church l Il 301 reboot, 2 r rgile0 deae forth, gild 6 vel416. thowroad 4i 011' , te te0W11" 8 809. forth, er0dwps9e'made. Oso,ot r '_hard 4e an over -flowing -speSB, good orohat'M a0d buildings 4,n d_ spp101r, Oa Lot '1¢ 'dere is n good (tiles boob with woodshed, two never wells .gold 80 acres of the Moat hardwood bush. sob farms base been in pasture for 27 yeapq pnd have no noirlous weeds, For hay, . laosture and grain farms they can stet be hasten. W111 be sold to. gather, or separately. For further particulars apply to MI68 TENA BEATTIEr No. '1., Dublin, Ont. 2860-8. Ct ARM FOR SALE. -1,07 11, CONCESSION 6, Hallett, 100 acres, all eleured, fenced and nearly all tile drained. There is on the premises a good frame house ankh furnace, 2 barns with stable underneath, windmill and water Rn stable, 1'44 miles to school, etore end church; rural mail and telephone. Will sell cheep and on easy terms. For further particular, apply on the protimes, or address, R. R. 1, Clinton. ROY LAW - 80N. 286912 FARADS FOR SALE. -FOR SALE LOT 81, and North Half Lot 82, on the 11th con- msion of Mc10RIop Township, containing 150 acres, 140 acres cleared and fit for cultl- ti and 10 acres bush. It is all seeded to grass except 25 acres. It in well the drained. On the presnines are a twootory brick house"with elate roof, kitdben_an,d woad - shed; barn 40x82, cement floor and eUbling throughout, water in stable supplied from a never -failing well by windmill; cement driv- ing shed 24x50, and hen house 12140; about 2 acrm of orchard and small fruits. It Ls o,tuatrd VA' mil..from Walton and 8 miles from Seaforth, 1 mile from achoola. Tele- phone ors promisee end rural mall. Apply on premises, or address Walton, R. R. 4. WILLIAM STAPLES. 2857x4 Profitable Opportunities are pffered to -day for investment iii Government and Municipal Bonds, yielding a high return. The purchase or sale of such securities can be arrang- ed at any of our branches. Our monthly list of offerings will be sent on request. 671 THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL - $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND $15,000,000 SEAFORTH BRANCH, J. G. Mullen, Manager. ONE BIG WEEK... OFA CANDY= Candy weeks has become a national institu- tion and observance: The true food value and health -giving qualities of Pure Sweets cleanly made are emphasized by authorities on such, supported by the best care and attention on the part of the best candy makers. It is suggested that everybody, Man, Woman and Chi14,get ac- quainted with good Candies during CANDY WEEK. On our part we will supply you with the Finest Candies made, delightful confections you'll gladly stick to. Agents for Page & Shaw's, Neilson's, Liggett's and Mary Anne 5c Bars -All Kinds. SPECIAL THIS WEEK, Bulk Assortment, 49c Ito. E. UMBACH bati SiV beoVam46to1TNO lo'x traverse the._Rlieslt,bull t, in this country. This the ' .Special and moiler tzail Ill , makes "The Nat}ollai Way"'*e'1?r mier line for the hunter. The. haat.' ing grounds are so vast there is game ipr The seleeveryone.ction of grounds -is a most important matter and one "whichse, quire careful stuy. The telfritory. reached by the Canadian National lines north of Parry Sound is already a favorite one, but the new country east ;and west of Capreol is as yet comparatively little known to , the hunter and should, therefore, be high- ly attractive to the follower of the deer and moose. The Canadian National Railways are providing special train service, which with regular trains will meet all demands. Special trains will be operated as follows: Leave Toronto Union Station 11.16 p.m. Oct. 31st for Capreol and intermediate points, and 11.15 p.m. Nov. 2nd, 3rd and 4th for Key Jct. and intermediate points. The usual ample accommodation of sleep- ing cars, baggage cars and coaches will be provided. The Annual Hunter's Leaflet issued by the Canadian National Railways is now ready for distribution, and may be Obtained on application to any agent of the Company, or write Gen- eral Passenger Department, Room 607 Royal Bank Bldg., Toronto. 2861-4 BORNHOLM CIDER MILL The Bornholm Cider M111 will be In opens - tion on October 8rd and every dny In the week except Monday thereafter during the anon, for the making of Cider, Jelly and Apple Batter. DANIEL SCHNEIDER. 2860x2 Bornholm. BLANK CARTRIDGE PISTOLS Well made and effective. Ap- pearance is enough to scare BURGLERS, TRAMPS, DOGS, etc. NOT DANGEROUS. Can lay around without risk or ac- cident to woman or child. Mail- ed PREPAID for 51 -superior make $1.50, blank cartridges .22 cal, shipped Express at 75c per 100. STAR MFG. & SALES CO., 821 Manhattan Ave, Brooklyn, N.Y. C. G. THOMSON Flour and Feed Custom Chopping OATMEAL MILLS Seaforth. Re -Built Threshing Engines One 16 H. P. Waterloo Traction En- gine. One 16 11. P. Goodison Portable En- gine. All these Engines are rebuilt, thor- oughly overhauled and repainted. They are exceptionally good value, and we can make immediate delivery. TRACTORS One 12-25 Waterloo Boy Tractor. Two 10-20 Reliable Tractors, Immediate Delivery. 28 ga �T • �f� #itln r��' We afk,,M� li _ . ,Bare o go, Again we say, ,.C, pare prices. C Seaforth Beattie 0.000 000000000 0 S. T. HOLMES 0 O Funeral Director and 0 O O Licensed Embalmer 0. 0 0 Undertaking Parlors in 0 0 0 Beattie Block, opposite The 0 0 O Expositor Office. Residence 0 0 O Goderick St., opposite Dr. 0 0 O Scott's. 0 0 0 Flowers furnished on short 0 0 0 notice. 0 0 O Phone Night or Day 119 0 0 000000000 0000 0000 000'440; o W. T. Box & Co. Embalmer and Funeral Directors ' H. C. BOX Holder of Government Diploma and _ Lice eel Charged moderate Flowers furnished on short" Night Calls ilea Day Phone 175 PIt�Itts,48"„!.; 000000000 0C>+Qf{,ti Ferguson & Co Everything in Ready -to -Wear Men's Underwear in all weights; men's plain fleece lined, all sizes, at 90c Men's Silver Fleece Lined, all siz- es at $1.00 Men's Pure Wool Ribbed Under- wear, all sizes up to 44. Special at $1.50 r , Ladies' Burbury Coats, regular 525, Men's Plain soft knit, extra weight, for $12.50 Pure Wool, at 1$1.$55 We are showing the latest in Ladies' Fur Coats. Seal Coats with large racoon collar and cuffs; seat coats with large Possum collars and cuffs; genuine Muskrat coats with shawl collar and large loose cuffs; Marmot coats in two different styles. All these Coats are new up-to-date styles; at special pricesfor quick sale. Ladies' Velour Coats, Regular $25.00 for $15.00 Men's Combinations, in pure wool, a garment made to fit, at $2.75' $3.00 and $3.50 A full line of Boys' Underwear in Fleece and Pure wool at per gar- ment 65c and $1.35 Men's Pure Wool Hosiery in all weights. Our stock is large and well assorted, from 5Or, 75e, 9ile. $1.25 The Robert Bell & DRUGGIST AND STATIONER Ferguson Co. SEAFORTH ONTARIO. Engine & Thresher Co., Ltd. g 3 $EAFORTH, ONT. UBF ER The season of bad walking will soon be with us. It is the duty of every person to protect themselves from the damp and wet. Rubbers for Men, Women, Children and the Tiny Tot, that correctly fit the shoe. We satisfy the Footwear wants of all. Come to us for any special shoe. FRED W. WIG �I SUCCESSOR TO J. E. WILLIS - 404, Ladies' Blanket Cloth Coats, rex $25.00 for $10.00 Children Coats up to 12 years old. Many different shades at - $5.00 and $7.50 A full line of Ladies' Hosiery: - Black Fleece lined cotton 260 Lisle Hose, special 45c Ladies' Cashmere Hose 65c Ladies' Fancy Drop stitch Hose, all colors, at 99e Seaforth 111111111111111111111111111111111111 51 1. CDONALD'S CROWN CHEWING TOBACCO ,.;,k;.Nk*ZdiEiS hes 3 bAlritierkilfar 1%d 111111111111111111111111111111111111 t r1' dk1,71rur"nN. • v;.j