HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1922-10-06, Page 54-4 F-. ri4•y eveninglast the Theta - bets of the Exeter Ladies' Whist Club with their husba . the ber of about twenty, r " to Un, Mosel had a v ng. at',.,the ho F. tee Au CARD OF Mb, Chaifing Yea"R� lad 101101L12. . Shenk their Now meow sol nelehbof. `floortheir kinditiles Atrial the illawe',ead.Aetenimed sad Whew. e,t1 Town of /eelesql 4.0.»10. The a.rp.rmtioa .[ the T.ow. *1 :Mi11MM hone deimehars, with l.Mreet �r Mobed, for sale at rate to yield ti• allee 1411 Per cast per mum*. Pee woo Meclan reply 4. the n.dsdgtd. JOHN A. WILSON, 111140 Tieseurse. Quali • 1.. l:lic: predation old ladies had and Ii most ereddi104*of 'Mr ,4id Exeter,.. on lard, at daughter Greta in marriage to <ELondon son of uler E. liuobeY, of 4�J 1.'' y --A *dem Mel; _ Satttrd�►1r, cors, illhnprea fair. and ' "t> London. „; north. Rev. G. H. • McAllister, .A,, piileter of Main St. Methodist church, officiated. SEAPORT"( MARKETS Seaforth, October 5th. Potatoes, , per, bag r 75c Wheeat,,per bushel 95c Ot1tsf .Per %Mahal 40o Bola , ,-morbus el - 50c Peas, per bushel , $1.00 i�hsty tfir :. ton' $22.00 Shortie per ton $24.00 s. Flour, per cwt. $8.76 Eggs, per dozen 30 to 32c Butter, per lb. 20 to 32c Hogs, per cwt. $11.00 BIRTHS McArthur. -In Goderich, on September 24th, to Mr. and Men. William McArthur, a SOD. Wigle. -In Goderich, on September 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Wigle, a son. Muir. --In Grferich, on September 24th, to Mr. and Mn. Charles Muir, a non, Donald Charles. Walters, ---In Tuckersmith, on September 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walters, a son. Baeker.--In Bruaoely, on September 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland Backer, a daugh- ter. 'Govier.-In Hullett, on September sl2th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. Govier, a daughter. MARRIAGES • Henderson--McLean.--At Kipper, on Septem-' ber 27th, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. John L. Henderson, to Miss Annabel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. McLean. Rowcliffe-McLean.--At Hensel', on Septem- ber 141h, Mies Eliza Jane McLean, of Kippen, to Mr. Oliver M. Rowclitte, of the London Road north, by Rev. J. A. Mc- Connell. Forrester-Mae4Donald. At the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mac- Donald, Elgin Avenue, Goderich. on Sep- tember 28th. by the Rev. R. C. McDermid, pastor of Knox Presbyterian church, Agnes Delihle, .to Mr. Donald Roes Forrester, of Clinton. DEATHS Ferguson --In Rayfield, on September 23rd, John Ferguson, in his 84th year. Evans.-" At Clinton, on September 24th, Al- bert Evans, fourth son of the late George Evans, aged 49 years. Bardy.-In Exeter, on September 26th, Lance- lot Hardy, in his 87th year. Shaffer. -In Hay, on September 20th, Daniel Shaffer, aged 70 years, 8 months and 20 days, (Docking. ---In Mitchell, on September 21st, Sarah Ann Pender, beloved wife of John Docking, aged 66 years, 1 month and 8 days. IMPORTANT NOTICES ESTRAY HEIFER. --CAME ON TO THE premises of the undersigned about end of June. small yearling heifer. Owner may bave same on proving property and paying chargee. WILLIAM F ALEXANDER. R. R. No. 2, Hensall, or phone 6 on 82, Henaall. 2'859x3 AUCTION SALE Y , ,CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF HOUSE - hold Effects. --James Jones, Auctioneer, Ilan received instructions from Mr. John Bennewies to sell by public auction on Lot 35, Oonces.ion 11. Township of Logan, on Thursday, October 12th, 1922, the following: Wagon truck, buggy, cutter, set single harness, 2 Galloway robes, rug, a quantity of second-hand dressed lumber and windows, large coal oil tank, 4 20 -foot ladders, logging chain, plow, cross cut saw, 2 hand saws and a quantity of carpenter's tools, lawn swing. lawn mower, 'washing machine, 92calibre rifle, 2 clothes rack., 3 -burner coal oil stove and oven, skidding tongs, 2 large book cases and a number of books, oak sideboard, oak 'kitchen cabinet, oak extension dining table, linoleum for three rooms, 6 dining chairs, 3 rocking chairs, sink, 5 -piece plush parlor .nate, 6 small tables, 2 bedroom suites com- plete, mattressex and springs, 2 separate beds with mattresses and springs, 2 bedsteads, 2 paper racks, 2 trunks, 2 heavy oak arm chairs, a ,number of pictures, 2 couches, large mantle lamp, students' lamp, parlor lamp. 2 email lamps, hall rack, large plush covered arm chair, apple drier, organ, Wright player piano, dozen chairs, large folding chair, Gray - Dort 1921 model automobile special, and a hat of other articles usually found at a farm house. Sale at one o'clock sharp. Terms. -All sums of 110.00 and under, cash: ower that amount 6 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. Longer terms can be arranged on player piano and auto. Positively no reserve as the proprietor is going away. JOHN BEN- • NEW2ES, Proprietor: James ,Tones; Auc- tioneer; Ed. Gine, Clerk. 2860-1 w ' P 1;741.saii.9, oat< JOg�Pti[ t,9�#Mlil r{.4eei OaMain T. tl ob�•a .ad:Thai AMstioirw.. .Auartaii ,(01 CHOE lie ewbMoa tai fair poem M. li 1130 ' : herd d feeding Mmes. send r -olds. Ail Grads Polled Ansae, Shot/bora H refbr ,. Ti.. are ..}U� drat clam Nemo :�oumy settle that Mr. Willer his had us, "1F.• smog SU :mouser. The), ere in r and In. elude a number, of shote* mut rias animals. Terme.--1t credit will be given on furni 'tg �ed .Joint notes. A discount at rate' of 4 dlfr Beat. Per annum ello+w.d Jos have their email on H►� �yye�aa till, the next week if �iZR,A Pro- prietor. R. R. No. Goderleh T. Gundry, Auctioneers , 28be-H AUCTION SALE ON PAW. FLIM STOCK, implements and household furniture. Lot 10. Cones.bp 1, Mullett. Huron Road, four as of Clinton, five miles west of on Tuesday. October 24th, at one o'clock ,harp. The farm corwist. of 100 acres more o less, 8 tiers of hardwood bush, two acres good bearing/orchard, balance good tillable land in high state of cultivation, well adapted for pasture or grain growing, 20 acres fall plowed. balan a seeded to grass. On the premises are of good nine roomed brick rcvidence, barn 40.66, stabling in first class condition. large straw shed' and driving shed 20x00. Horses -Brood mare 11 year., old, agricultural mare 4 years old, Shly three years old, driver. Cattle -2 fresh cops, 2 milking since July, 2 two year old steers, 2 yearling heifers, 4 salves. 2 Bows, about 100 hens. Implements -Wagon and box, set of boissleighs, top buggy, log bunks, opin buggy, cutter, walking plow, scufller, 10 -hoe drill, No. 12 DeLaval cream separator, root pulper, speed jacks, bag holder, bag truck, stable boat, 2 iron pig troughs, pig rack, 2 set of heavy harness, string of bells, ret of single harness, new churn, email quantity of tile. number of cedar poets, iron vice and tools, pile of pine lumber, neckyokes, forks, greln bags, and other articles too numerous to mention. ,FurnitureIBed-room suite, springy, mattress, coal oil stove, tables and chairs, sewing madhine, kitchen cupboard, refriger- ator, dinner bell. flour bin. Terms on Chat- tels.-All'sums of 110 and under, cash ; over that amount 10 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. A dis- count o1 4'4. straight off fur cash. 'Terms on farm made known on day of sale. MRS. J. D. McDERMID, Proprietress G. 11. Elliott. Auctioneer. 2860-2 ftam.-Ne. esti by AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IM- plements and household furniture, Lot 20, Huron Road, 1 mile east of Clinton, on Tues- day, October 17th, at 1 o'clock sharp, the following: Horses --Horse 11 years old, horse 10 yearn old, gelding 6 • years old. Cattle Cow due October, cow due'in December, cow due in January, cow due in April, cow due in May, Jersey cow due March 1st, 4 steers 1 year old, heifer 1 year old, 4 spring calve, brood sow with litter, 3 store pigs, 60 hens, thoroughbred Rocks, 35 pullets. Implements - Massey -Harris binder.6 fkx,t cut, mower 5 foot cut, Deering hay rake nearly new, 20 nap pails and upily, Clover Leaf manure spread- er,' Massey -Harris hay loader nearly new, 10 hoe seed drill, disc harrow, cultivator, single riding plow, walking plow, set of iron har- rows, lumber wagon, old wagon, 2 buggies, set of bobsleighs, cutter, ecuffler, Massey - Harris root pulper, cutting box, crusher. Clin- ton fanning mill, 2b h.p. gasoline engine, pump jack, circular saw, set of single har- ness, set of double harness, set of plow har- ness, grindstone, 18 -foot ladder, Buffalo robe, horse blankets, 16 tot, of timothy hay, black- smith bellows and anvil, 67 stooks of corn, 600 bricks, grain bags, chains, 30 cement tile, forks, ehovela, • whiifletrees and other articles too numerous to mention. Household Effects -Two Art Souvenir coal heaters, wood heater, quantity of stove pipes, kitchen table, kit- chen chairs, sideboard, extension table, two lounges, bedstead, stands, set of bedroom dishes, gramophone, pictures, dishes, hanging lamps, 2 feather beds, washing machine, Daisy churn, No. 12 DeLaval cream separator, in- cubator, brooder, verandah ucreena, Every- thing to be sold as proprietor hag sold his farm. Terme-Hay, hens, household effects and all sums of 110 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months' credit will be given on furnishing bankable paper, or a discount of 5% per annum allowed for cash on credit amounts, WILLIAM SHIPLEY, Proprietor ; Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. 2860-2 ADMINISTRATOR'S .SALE OF' VALU- able Farm Lands, Farm Stock and Im- plements. --The Adminiatrator to the estate of William James Hanna, deceased, with the approbation of the Official Guardian for On- tario, will offer for sale by public auction, on Wednesday, the 18th day of October, 1922, at one o'clock in the afternoon, on the premises, 1 mile east of Winthrop, the fol- lowing farm land., in two (2) parcels, name- ly: Parcel 1.- The East half of Lot Num- ber Twenty-two (22), in the Eighth (8th) Concession, of the Township of McKillop. in the County of Huron, containing by ad- measurement fifty (50) acres of land be the same more or less. This is a highly improved fifty acre farm, which is well fenced and drained and well situated as to road., schools, churches and markets. There are erected on the premiaew a good brick dwelling hotue, large barn with stabling underneath and other outbuilding.. There Is also about six acres of good hardwood bush and about 4 acres seeded to fai'3wheat. Parcel 2. -The west half of Lot Nuhber Twenty-four '(24)„ in the Eighth (8th) Concession, of the said Township of McKillop, containing by ad- meavkrment fifty (50) acres of land be the same more 'or less. This is a splendid grass farm, well watered and situated right at Winthrop, Ontario. There is about 5 acres of hardwood hush on this parcel. Terms of Sale on Lambs. -A deposit of ten (10) per cent. of the purchase money, on each parcel, hall be paid in cosh on the day of sale and itch purchaaer shell sign an Agreement to complete his purchase. The balance of pur- hese moneys shall be paid, in cash and without interest within thirty days thereafter, hen the purcleavers shall be entitled to pos- eseion and to a conveyance free from en- umbrances. At the same time and place here will be offered for sale by public auc- tion the following Farm Stock and Imple- ments: Horsey -Two work horses 7 years old, 1 horse 9 yearn old, a good third horse. (attle- 9 milch cows, all milking and all supposed to he in calf, two of these cows are fresh: 6 cattle 2 years old, 9 yearlings, five spring calves, 2 calves 2 months old, 4 hogs about 100 pounds each, about 125 hens and chickens. 6 geese. Implements--Massey-Har- ris binder, Massey -Harris mower, Massey - Harris side rake, Massey -Harris 10 -foot hay rake, Massey -Harris seed drill. Massey -Harris ma nitre spreader. Massey -Harris hay loader, Massey -Harris disc harrows. All the abode implements are almost new and in a good state of repair: 2 lumber wagons one aloof new, 1 scuffles, 1 root pulper. 1 stock rack; 1 hay rack, 2 sets of iron harrows. 1 land roller, 1 pea harvester, 2 single furrow riding plows. 1 walking plow, 1 steel tired top buggy almost. new. 1 set bob sleighs, 1 cutter, 1 net stock weigh scales, 1 fanning mill, 2 set work harness, 2 set single harness, 1 De Laval cream separator good as new, 3 lad- ders, 1 ladder 30 feet, 1 set ditching thole, 2 sap Dans and abort 100 sap pails, 1 wheel harrow, 1 wire stretcher, 2 eros. rut .awe, 1 buck saw, whiffletrees, neck yokes. chains and other articles usually kepi on a farm and too numerous to mention. about 800 bushels mixed grain and 300 bushels oats and about 90 tons good hays. One Chevrolet Motor Car in first class run- ning order. Terms of Sale on Farm Stork and implements, -- `All sums of 110 or under. cash. and hay and grain, ensh ; all other accounts three months' credit on furnishing approved joint notes. A dis- count of 6% per annum will be allowed on credit Recounts for cash. Further partieulars and terms of sale will be made known at the time of asie and in the meantime may be had from the undersigned. Dated the 80th clay of September, 1922. ROBERT` S5AR- LE'IT, Administrator: R. S. HAYS, Vas 4or's Solicitor, Seaforth, Ont: 'Phomas Brown, Ano- tioneer. 18554 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND Implements, at Lot 13. London Road, one- half mile south of Brucefield, on Thursday, October 19th, at 1 o'clock sharp. the follow - Ing: Homes -Good work horse 7 years, 1400 tbs.: mare 4 years, 1300 lbs.; agricultural colt 2 yearn, driving mare quiet and reliable aged working mare.. Cattle --Cow 4 years due December 24th, cow 6 years due March 28th. cow 7 years due December 21st, heifer 3 years due December 3rd, heifer 8 years due Dec. eth, steer rising 3 years, heifer rising two, 2 steers rising one. heifer rising one, three spring 3alres, 5 pigs about 150 tbs. each, sow due to profit 25th of November, 80 hens. bfassey-Harris 7 -foot binder, Deering mower 6 foot, 11 -hoe fertilizer drill, Massey -Harris cultivator, roller, rake. 10 hoe, grain drill, fanning mill, buggy. lumber wagon, hay rack, , gravel box. walking plow (Verity), riding plow. Perrin: 7-5ect3,n harrows, sleighs, cutter, set of butter scalps, ' 4 lb. capacity, sugar kettle, 2 apple drying screens, screen door, lawn croquet set, pulper, wheelbarrow, gasoline engine 21/,, h.p.. quantity of shaft- ing and pulleys, Delaval cream separator. I`aisy churn No. 8, galvanized water trough, wooden water trough, galvanized lining: 40 f ret rubber rive beIt set of breeching harness, sot of backhand harness, 2 set (tin- gle harness. number of kitchen chairs, quan- tity of floor oil cloth, coal heater withnoven, quantity of rag carpet, lounge, bedstead and springs, 2 small cupboards, large kit=hen Mable, folding leaf table, chicken cope, diahen, pane, pots, mills pails, RA VO hanging !amp, grain hags, forks. above's. whitAetreea, neck - yoke and other articles too numerous to mention. Everything to be sold 0. proprie- tor is giving rep farming. This ie an excep- Aionally gond line of implements most of Ahem nearly new. Terms All sums of 910.00 .rod under, cash: :" or that amount twelve month.' credit will be given on furn,,ding approved notes or a di count of 5nt;, per • nnrtn allowed for cash on credit amounts. DAVID ,BEATTY, Proprietor ; George 1i. El- liott, Auctioneer. 2869-2 N IIIIIIIUIIIHU EATERS R mIuus,Iiht11t1f11Qp111mw,w Il11N11 ' .$7.50 SOLID COPPER'ESFLECTOR II, INCH DIAMETER Besptitully burnished cast iron, base. weight 2% lbs., diameter seven inches' anted design. Equipped with 7 feet standard un- d(erwritere approved cord and two piece separable plug. Fits on any lamp socket and fully guaranteed. Call at Store or phone 19 and ar- range demonstration. REID BROS. FARMS FOR SALE TWO OHOICE FARMS BEING LOTS 14 and 15 on the 7th Concession of Mc- Killop, 11/4 miles from school, 2r/, miles from church and 6 miles from the town of Sea - forth, on good -gravel roads,. On Lot 15 there ie an }over -flowing well, good orchard and buildings in good repair. On 'Lot 14 there is a good brick house with woodshed, two never failing wells and 80 acres of the finest hardwood bush. Both farms have been in paature for 17 years and have no runtimes times weeds, For hay, pasture and grain farm.. they can not be beaten. Will be sold to- gether, or separately. For further particulars apply to MISS TENA BEAT'IIE, No. 1, Dublin, Ont. 2860-8 FARM FOR SALE. -LOT 11, CONCESSION 6, Hullrtt, 100 acres, all cleared, fenced and nearly all tile drained. There is on the premises+ a good frame house with furnace, 2 barna with stable underneath, windmill and water in stable, 1!/s miles to school, Store and church; rural mail and telephone. Will Roll cheap and on easy terms. Fur further particulars apply on the premises, cr address R. R. 1, Clinton. ROY LAW - SON. 2859x2 FARMS FOR SALE. -FOR SALE LOT 81, and North Half Lot 32, on the llth con- cession of McK(ellop Township, containing 150 acres, 140 acres cleared and fit for culti- vation and 10 acres bush. It Ls all seeded to grass except 25 acres. It is well tile drained. On the premises are a two-story brick house with slate roof, kitchen and wood- shed; barn 40x82, cement floor and .tabiint throughout, water in stable supplied from a never -failing well by windmill; cement driv- ing shed 24x50, and hen house 12x30; about 2 acres of orchard and small fruits. It is situated sy, miles from Walton and 8 miles from Seaforth, 1 mile from schools. Tele- phone on preinisea and rural mail. Apply on premises, or address Walton, R. R. 4. WILLIAM STAPLES. 2867.4 FARM FOR SALE. -FOR SALE, LOT 6, Concession 11, and west half of Lot 6, Ccncesaion 10, HIR.S., Tuckeramath, con- taining 150 acres. There are on the premises a good two-story brick house with slate roof, large bank barn 100x00 feet with first class stabling, water in the barn, drive shed 26x86, pig house and hen house. Two good spring wells, also an over -flowing spring. The farm is all cleared but about 20 acres. The good hardwood bush, principally maple. AU well fenced and tile drained. Eight acres of fall wheat sown, 40 acre] ready for spring crop. The farm lo situated 7 miles from Seaforth' and 4 miles from Hensall, one-half mile from school; rural mail and phone. Will be sold 'on easy terms. Unless Bold by Spring it will be for rent. For further particulars apply on the premise., or address R. IL No. 2, Kippan. ANGUS McKINNON. 2858-tf HAVE YOUR OLD WORN CARPET MADE OVER INTO BEAUTIFUL REVERSIBLE COSY RUGS Wool, Ingrain, Union, Wil- ton, Tapestry and Brussels, all made into Beautiful, Cosy Rugs, for the Arch, Hearth, Piano, Bed and Dresser, or in Hall. Run- ners any width up to 36 inches to any length desired according to amount of material supplied. Our prices are low and workmanship the BEST. Samples may be seen and further information obtain- ed at McDOUGALL'S in Egmondville. or write - BROWN & PROUD CO. HESPELER, ONT. r on 0 non, or Day 11 00000-0004 0000 0000 *9,4)0,094›.40,4", w. Ta 20* 0 . 0 0 Oa said 0 0 ,. , 0 O en mes Flowers . a OO 0.NirkenC44 Ds Qelr41 O 000000000 0004 NOTICE Notice is herebby gjpea that all property owners in Thckentmith must immediately set and destroy all noxious weeds along Con- cession Roads and, Side Roads and, as' far as possible on their own property. JOHN i/CNAUGHTON, E8194 Reeve. BURN LESS FUEL! Put Storm Windows On Your House Halliday's Storm Window. and Doors save money 1,- -cause they cut fuel bills. At Halliday's low pace they are, an investment that quickly pay for themselves. Glazed Complete Every Halliday Storm IA ie dow r. glazed and puttied ready to In in plat. Sate delivr ry guaranteed. Wewillship::ri: Bard size;, 10 ys,ur atarion C .l ).i)., -on approval" it You wish. Order early sivies .rtes required. (It. fret; building material catslc,s' ,,ivies lull inlorusati,,:: and describes other Halliday bergains. THE HALLiDAY COf.4PANY LIMITED Hamilton, Ont. Truro, N.S- BOSIIII III!III!II!!11i119 )IIIIIIi11111!1$1111I I!1;":1 '!'r: Fruit & Produce Sales are increased by Long, Distance Ftr4-' nvkii Quotations frorr; recent reports: "Of 4S cars of fruit for immediate sale, two-thirds were sold by Long Dis- tance." 4$% of our calls are from customers "Collect," our Company paying the charges." "We use Long Distance frequently at night by arrangement 'with corre- spondents." 'Sold most of our canning pack by Long Distance.' "Whenever I have a sur- plus of produce I use your classified directory to get in touch by Long Distance with new customers," We can tell you how to apply Long Distance to almost any business Miss L. M. McCormack Manager •o C. G. THOMSON ' Flour and Feed Custom Chopping OATMEAL MILLS Seaforth. 1 STRATFORD, ONT. The leading business school of Western Ontario with Com- mercial, Shorthand and Tele- graphy Departments. Graduates are assisted to good positions. Students may enter at any time. Get our free catalogue now. D. A. McLACHLAN, PrincipaL GRAND TRUNK SYS W M TRAIN SERVICE TO TORONTQ Daily Except Sundey Leave Goderioh . 6.00 a.m. 220 p.m. Leave Clinton ... 6.25 a.m. 2.52 p.m Leave Seaforth .. 6.41 a -m. 3.12 p.m. Leave Mitchell .. 7.04 a.m. 3.42 p. . Arrive Stratford 7.30 a.m. 4.10 p.m. Arrive Kitchener 8.20 a.m. 5.20 pan. Arrive Guelph .. 8.46 a.m. 6.50 p.m. Arrive Toronto ..10.10 a.m. 7.40 p.m. RETURNING - Leave Toronto 6-60 a.m.; 12. 55 p.m. and 6.10 p -m. Parlor Cafe car Goderich to To- ronto on morning train and Toronto to Goderich 6.10 p.m. train. Parlor Buffet car Stratford to To- ronto on afternoon train. Re -Built Threshing Engines One 16 H. P. Waterloo Traction En- gine. One 16 H. P. Goodison Portable En- gine. All these Engines are rebuilt, thor- oughly overhauled and repainted. They are exceptionally good value, and we can make immediate delivery, TRACTORS One 12-25 Waterloo Boy Tractor. Two 10-20 Reliable Tractors. Immediate Delivery. The Robert Bell. Engine & Thresher Co., Ltd. SEAFORTH, ONT. 50 ACRE FARM -$2500 This 50 -acre farm is well situated on good - gravel road, within two and a half miles of = churches, ,:toren, creamery. shipping point, also close tr, school. The soil is a rich clay loam fairly level and very productive • about 30 acres under cultivation. balance in pas- ture, which is Watered by a never failing spring creek. There is n comfortable red brick hotwe, ccntaining f, rooms, nic.vly dee- °rated :hon • in good rellar and mail fe- r t livered- The stable is 20x30 and :s almost new. 91200 will close the deal, balance ar- ranged: possession within 30 days. Wire what day you expect to arrive to see this farm, shoo several other exceptional valuay. W. T. MILLER, Wingham, Box 222. Representing E. A. Strout Farm Agency, 404 Colonial Building, 13 King St. W., To- ronto, Ont. 2860-1 FOWL WANTED All kinds of Fowl taken at Silver - wood's Branch, Main Street, Seaforth, first five days in each week. High- est Cash Price. I. HUDSON, 2859-tf Manager. -BORNHOLM CIDER MILL The Bornholm Cider Mill will be in opera- tion on October 3rd and every day in the week except Monday ther•enftcr during the seaaen, for the making of Cider, .Telly and Apple Butter. DANIEL SCIINEIDER- !81!x8 Bornholm. Just A Word About Your Shoes Do You Wear $4.50, $5 or $6 Shoes Well, it makes no difference which grade you have been in the habit, of wearing. All Shoe Stores sell some sort of shoes at. these prices. What we want is for you to come here and allow us to show you the Best Shoes made at these prices. Shoe store price may be similar, hut oh! what a difference 111 the Shoes. • Let Us Show You FRED W. WIGG SUCCESSOR TO J. E. WILLIS 11E111111111111111111111111111111111 i i E WHAT CAN WE DO FOR "YOU"` Never have we had so complete a stock Household Needs. The Fall trade is now on full swing. Our variety grOWa-- ome and see. We base our right to mote business from you on the item by item, comparison of-- QUALITY'--V.ARIETt-reRICE Come to Beattie's and ,Come Early. Seaforth Beattie Bros. r JUNK DEALER I will bay all ldnda of Juke, ince. Wool and Fowls Will pay good es. Atppl'y to r�p�q MAX WOUSIL 8eafortb, Oat. JAMES WATSON�. Main - o..t1 Agent for mowing ilachines, and ce Fall and Winter Garments Arriving Daily IN THE BEST MATERIALS AND AT PRICES FAR BELOW PREVIOUS YEARS. No Trouble to Show these Lines. We are Always at Your Service, ' r SPECIAL" WINDOW Display of Men's and Boys' Fall Caps at --"• $1.00 IGood cloth and nice Colors. MEN'S FINE FELT HATS in the very latest ,styles and twelve different shades, at $3.50 MEN'S HEAVY FELT Hats, made with extra Soft Felt in all shades, at $4.25 MEN'S TAN, BROWN and Grey Velour Hats -a real stylish Hat, moderately priced. $6.00 SPECIAL in Men's all -wool Sweaters, Heather shades, at $2.00 Ferguson & Co. UNDERWEAR all makes, in light, medium and heavy, at positively the lowest price. 90C, $1.00, $1.5Q MEN'S FINE GLOVES in all colors for cool evenings at $1.10, $1.50, $2.00, $2.25 BOYS' WOOL PULLOVER Roll collar or V Necks, i'Yi Grey, Blue, Black and Gold, at $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 BOYS' SWEATER COATS in Brown Cardinal with fancy trim- mings, at $L25 GOOD RANGE of Men's Pure Wool Sweaters in all sizes, at $4.50, $5.00 and $6.00 - Seaforth Dominion Stores, Ltd, SEAFORTH Chase-Sanborn's Coffee per lb. 43c Seedless Raisins per package 1.6c Willard's Windermere Chocolates, per pound- - . 3 c Finest Canadian Cheese per lb 4c Pure Cane Sugar per 7. 50 cwt • Dromedary Dates, per pkg. 21c119c Currants a ib. �ssa>•raa Comfort Soap, 7 bars 50c Choice Picnic Ham per lb. 24c CANADA'S LARGEST RETAIL GROCERS