HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1922-09-22, Page 5,f - i0 0- sk n-- )0 9t /9' he )0 14 the )0 h of ' Fait Wool fair will Bel held here en Monday, September 25th, .and iia, the veaing a concert,. Will be,�i'frett}t in the Town Hall, whe» Mr. H, ;'McGee, of Blyth, and Miss Da Wady, of Exeter, will take part. reller will also be given by Mr. hell, district representative of and others. Everybody come and make this a great success. WALTON Notes, -Quite a number attended Brussels Fair on Friday of last week. -Walton Fair will -be held Wednes- day next. -Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Fergu- son and family are visiting at the former's home -Mr. R. Hoy is im- proving nicely, It is twelve weeks since he first took sick. - Peaches seem to be a very plentiful crop. They are a good deal cheaper than in form- er years. -Some people are taking up potatoes and report a good crop. -The auction sale of Mrs. J. Campbell was well attended and good prices were realized. -Mrs. H. Sldnn has gone to see her sister in Guelph who is ill at the present time. -P: B. Gardiner is loading hay at McNaught station these days. -Pickling and preserving seems to be one of the important duties that the house maid has to perform these days. -Mr. and Mrs. J. Biddell returned to their home in To- ronto after spending a few holidays with Mr, and Mrs. R. McLeod. LOG AN The Late Mrs. Sullivan. -A very 'sad funeral took place on Wednes- day last when Gertrude McCarthy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mc- Carthy, of West Monkton, was laid to rest in St. Vincent de Paul's ceme- tery, Mitchell. Her funeral service was a solemn high mass by her bro- ther, Major Rev. T. M. McCarthy, H.C., of Stratford, with Rev. Father Kelly, as deacon, and Rev. Father Mackesy, Stratford, as sub -deacon. Rev. Father McCardle was Master of Ceremonies. Present at the service were Rev. Father Goetz, Seaforth; Rev. Father Hussey, Kinlfora; Rev. Father Gaffney, of Clinton. Mrs. D. Mahony presided at the organ, and at the Offertory Mrs. P. Regan and Mrs. T. Connolly sang a duet. Mrs. Sullivan is mourned by her husband and one son, Mac, of Medicine Hat, Alta., four brothers, Rev. Father Mc- Carthy, Stratford; John, of Hesson; Joseph and Daniel, in Logan; and six sisters, Sister Margaret Eliza- beth, St. Marys of the Wood, In- diana; Sister Thomas Aquinas, Lor- etto Abbey, Toronto; Sister Maureen, of Ursuline Order, Chatham; Mrs. '1'. B. Williams, Prince Albert, Sask.; Mrs. N. S. Dee, Chicago, and Mrs. J. J. Gaffney, Logan. Mrs. Sullivan bore her sufferings with true Christ- ian fortitude, and her demise in her twenty-fifth year makes it very lonely for her large circle of friends, CROMMARTY Notes, -Mrs. J. Barr and son, Frank 'of Stratford, spent last week visit- ing relatives in this place. -Rev. R. G. McKay, of Dresden, preached pre- paratory services in this church on Thursday evening. -Mr, and Mrs. John Mclllraith, of Durham, spent the week end visiting Wm. Hamilton. -Mr. Norman Park is in Stratford this week as a juror at the fall as- sizes. -Mrs. Geo. Leary, of Mitchell, is nursing her mother, Mrs. G. Chap- pel, who had the misfortune to fall and seriously injure herself. - On .Monday of last week Mrs. Mary Cur- rie celebrated her 90th birthday. - Mr. and Mrs. Norris Sillery; Bruce - field, and Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Wright attended the funeral of D. M. Sulli- van at Monkton last week. Sad Death. -The community was shocked on Thursday last to hear of the death of Russel Livingston, lit- tle son of Mr, and Mrs. William A. Wright, which took place in Lon- don hospital. The little fellow took suddenly ill and was taken to Lon- don to have an operation performed which was successfully accomplished, but the shock proved too much for the little sufferer, who passed away a few hours later. The funeral took place from the home of his parents m Hibbert on Saturday last and was Parties deelring to pay their oss.nmont = conducted by the Rev. Mr. Pharrol, of i Kirkton. Four little boys, cousins iib J k Wright Lance Norris, Seaforth, and Gordon JOHN MoNAY, 1 = Cocoanut Oil tide.year 4i 11Iluepf DZ down on Wsdbnry law. -- somewhat chilly -days and nights re,. minds us. that ,summer :le palet and that wisher is approaching. We hope the people will be prepared for the inclement season when it arrives. What is required most la industry. SEAFORTH MARKETS Seaforth, September 14, 1922 Hoge, per cwt. $11.76 Eggs, per dozen 26 to 28c New Potatoes, per bag 51.09 Butter, per ib 80 no 820 Wheat, per bushel 11.20 Barley, per bushel 60e Odour, per cwt PA Bran, per ten 53900 Shorts, per toe 180.00 LIFE STOCK MARKETS Union Stook Yards, Toronto, September 19. -Although to-dnro receipt of cattle at the verde was ober 800 head heavier than a week ago, and though reoeipia of western cattle at the peeking planta over the week end were heavy, there was a good demand for every- thing in the way of killers, and prices were fully arm. There was export demand but choice heevles were readily taken by the Packers et from 7 to 7%e, with an odd prime hullock making 8c. There was a brisk trade { is good to choke butcher cattle at handy 1 weights, best steers making no high no 75yc, and the bulk of choice steers end heifers• around 7 cents, with a lot of good nim r at from 0% to ii%c. Butcher coven tl'm ea 4A•� W 64c, with the offering fairly` heavy, and a few fat cows ode 6c for kocher kill- nhg,. Rune we n light nupply d a dull troole,' the heir form 4 to 4u o and eonum•n Leila from 2Sfi W ac. The day'. nupply of cattle for sale included some 800 Wester no, half ki;:ers and half store cattle. 'rho Wmtern kittens were mostly of common to medium ouelity. '-here were close to 1,209 Wotern cttle received on through billing, none 900 of thane being Western ntorken n their way to Ontario farms. '1112 otecker and resider -made on this market wa, `airly votive, but quality In the supply was a bit off and the best feeders offered made no higher than 6144. Stookem brouyk: 2'4, to 5.:. There wee nothing billed throuf' ter export. Top colves acid steady at 11%c, with the bulk of choice at from 9 to I050r. Grooesrn brought Sy to 4c. The supply was light and the demand Just fair. Quotations: Choice heavy steers, $7.00 to $8.00: butcher nteera, choice, $7,00 W 97.30; do. good, $6.26 W $8.75: do.. medium. $5.50 to $6.50; do., common, 94.50 to 85.50 butcher heifers, choice, 56.50 to 57:23; do. medium, 05.50 to 96.25; do. common, 81.50 to 86.00; butcher cows, choice, $4.60 to 15.50; do. medium, 8.80 to 84.00 ; canners and cutters, $1.00 to 82.00; feeders, good, $6.60 to 06.26: do. fair, $5.00 to $5.50; stockers, good, $4.60 to 93.50; do. fair, 98.00 to $4.50: milkers. $60.00 to 980.00; epringero. $72 to $90.00; calves, choke, $10 to 911.50; do., medium, $8.00 to 19.00; do. common. $8.00 0, $7.00; spring lambs, $11.75 to $12.00: sheep choice, $6.00 to $6.00; do. good. $3.50 0, 94.60; do. common. $1.00 to $3.00; year. linen. choice, $6.00 to $7.00; do. common, 07.00 k, $5.00; hose, fed and watered, 912.00; do. f.o.b., 811.20: do. country points, 011.00, Govier.• im Hullett. 1210,, to Mr. and M. W. Gooier, u daughter. Caley.--At Stratford General Hempitoi, on August 8307, to Mr. and Mm. T. G. Coley. tne, Verna McNally. Codrrich.l u daugh- ter .Helen Elizabeth. MARRIAGES Hiekneil--Nigh.-At St. James' Church, Sea - forth, on September 19th. by Rev. Father Goetz, Matilda. eld.wt daughter of Mr. and Mm. Luke Nigh, of Seaforth, to Mr. Peter Bicknell, eon of Mrs. A. Bicknell, of Mc- K!I Wp. Giel--Hill.- At the Evangelical Personage, Crediton, Alma, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. August Hill, or Mr. Dovid Giel, of Kitchener. Mitchell--Dunn.-At St. Andrew's Manes, Re - gine. Sok., by Rev. A. Young, on Sept, 6th, 1922, Russel M. Mitchell, f Weyburn, Sask., to Emily M. Dunn, of Weyburn, Sok.. formerly of Hensel', Ontario. DEATHS Hewitt. -in Exeter, on September 12th, 1922, Ephraim Hewitt, aged 68 years, 8 months and 1 day. Brophey.---In Goderich. on September 12th, Edith Jane Luxton, wife of Mr. Joseph Brophey. Heddle. -In Goderich, on September 9th, Sarah Hart, wife of Mr. Andrew Hddle, to her 78th year. IN MEMORIAM Note. -Item. under this head will be charg- ed 60 cents per single verse and 26 cents for e ach additional verse. In loving memory of John M. MacMillan, who died one year ago, September 24. 1921: Oh! for the touch of n vanished hand, For the oound of a voice 'that still. WIFE AND BABY. if75i. EDFI VA�5tr Rood, 0 lid Older Aseelt$ w4.t take de- livery at")Brace el4 .04 Da bltn on' 2gtb of September. Apply' to R. S. LAN4%, '$Citta field, or WAJ4ER 1198S1NB, Dyblln, Do0ndtl. len Hose. 28684 NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL CT00IDITORS AND OTHERS having olalms egalnet the estate of Lenore' Roes, late o! Seaforth, Ontario who died on or about the 101. -day of November, 11)10 are reghlred to send to The Toronto General Tried) Corporation, katoon, Saakatdhewan, their claims, together itb • statement of security (if any) held be', them duly verified by Statutory Declaration.' on or before the 00th day of September. 1922, atter which date the assets will be distributed and only olafine of which the Administrator thou ,has notice wt6 be regarded. 'DATED at Saeltatoen, Saskatchewan, t6ia 24th day of Augart, 1022. TEE TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS CORPORATION. 2886.4 Administrator. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all per- son. having olalme againot the estate of ROBERT J. DRYSDALE, of the Village of Hereon. who died on the 2nd day of Au- gust, 192'2, are required to forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned on or before the 2nd day of October, 1922. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that atter the mild date the Executor will pro - eves: txr dletribute the estate having regard ot:ly to the °Jaime of whidh he then shall have notice. DATED at Heoeall tide 9th day of Sep- tember, 1922. CLADMAN & STANBUaY, Hansell end Exeter. 2867-3 Executor's Solicitors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter f the Estate of Jennie Hills, late of the City of Toronto, in the County of York. and Province of Ontario. Spinster, Deceased.. Notice do hereby given, pursuant >u section 56 of the 'trustees Act, R.S.O., 1914. Chap. 121, that call creditors and others heaving claims or demonds against the .tate f the said Jennie Hills, who died on or about the 11th day of January, 1022, are required, on or be- fore the Tenth day of October, 1922, to Bend by punt, prepaid, or deliver w the undersigned, the Solicitor for the Executors of the last Wilt and Testament of the :aid deceased, their Christian names and surnames. addresses and dtrcriptiona, the full particulars in writing, of their claims. a statement of their accounts. and the nuturo of the security, if any. held by thein. AND TAKE NOTICE that after ouch last mentioned diste, the said Executor will pro - rets to distribute the assets of the said de- cooaed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claim of which they shall then have notice. and that the said Eaerutoro will not be liable for the said ea- se. or any v part therms!' to any person or persons of i,ose claim notice shell not have been received by them, at the time of such distribution. GUY R. ROACH. 101,4. Terauley Street, Toronto. Solicitor for the Executors, Maria Cole and George Hills. Dated at 'Toronto this 13th day of Sept., 1922. 2867.3 TED, To bm$'. bin propl. who era mewed to buy impala fir unimproved farnN' at . MT low prlco ovi In the nett tow or bo- los* the Cepmllan Northern extender their Una through hem spring. when this pines alp bona end !. Will go op to Woe. Ono, munlcate wlfit 286604 DONALD MINOR, Japer P. O., Saskatchewan. JAMES WATSON Main Street - Seaforth Agent for Singer Sewing Machines, and General In- surance Agent. STRATFORD, QNT.- The leading business school of Western Ontario with Com- mercial, Shorthand and Tele- graphy Departments. Graduates are assisted to good positions. Students may enter at any time. Get our free catalogue now. D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal. GRAND TRUNK SYIS.M TRAIN SERVICE TO TORONTO Daily Except Sunday Leave Goderidh . 6.00 a.m. 2.20 p.m. Leave Clinton ... 6.25 a.m. 2.52 pm. Leave Beaforth .. 6.41 a.m. 3.12 p.m. Leave Mitchell . 7.04 a,m. 8.42 pm. Arrive Stratford 7.30 a.m. 4.10 p.m. Arrive Kitchener 8.20 ami. 6.20 p.m. Arrive Guelph .. 8.46 a.m. 6.60 p.m. Arrive Toronto ..10.10 a.m. 7.40 p.m. RETURNING Leave Toronto 6.50 a.m.; 12. 66 p.m and 6.10 p.m. Parlor Cafe car Godericb to To- ronto on 4norning train and Toronto to Goderich 6.10 p.m. train. Parlor Buffet car Stratford to To- ronto on afternoon train WOO $1 It's marvellous how far a DOLLAR can go -farther than it used to and an extra "`distance" at this Sale. Un- usual values you'll be glad to accept. Take advantage of every one of them on Friday and Saturday. SHOWDAY & SATURDAY Everready Razor $1.00, Rexall Shaving Cream 40c $1.40 value for $1.00 E Durham Duplex Razor 40c, Shaving Lotion 40c, Shaving Cream 40c $1.20 value for $1.00 MURRAY-LAMB DRAIN 1= $1.00 on the Murray -Lamb Drain, McKtlloP, may = "93" Hair tonic do so on or before September 30th, 1922, to = G. K. Holland, Township Treasurer. Beech- = and were pallbearers -Jack aC lig and 1 wood Ont and Frank Wright, Cromarty. The 2058-1 goral tributes were lovely. Interment took place in Staffs cemetery. Mr, and Mrs. Wright have the heartfelt sympathy of the neighborhood. McKILLOP Hicknell-Nigh.-A very pretty wedding took place on Tuesday, Sep- tember 19th, at St, James' Church, Seaforth, when Miss Matilda Nigh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Luke Nigh, became the bride of Mr. Peter Hick- nell, of McKillop, the ceremony be- ing performed by Rev. Father Goetz. The bride, who looked charming in a gown of French voile, with veil and wreath of orange blossoms, and car- ried white asters. The bridesmaid, Miss Agnes Nigh, was gowned in salmon crepe de chene, with hat to match, and carried pink asters. The groom was supported by his nephew, Mr. Alonzo Matthews, and the wed- ding march was played by Mrs. B. O'Connell. After the ceremony the bridal couple motored to the home of the bride, where a sumptuous dinner awaited them. The bride received many pretty and useful gifts. In the evening the bridal party motored to the home of the groom, where a reception was held. North End Notes. -Dr. McGavin, of New York, has been here visiting his numerous relatives. -Miss Tilly Dun- das, of Toronto, has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dundas, likewise her grandmother and many other relatives and friends here.- Next ere-Next Sunday will he Rally Day with the Sunday School at Bethel. -We re- gret to learn that Mrs, Thomas Hack - well is not improving in health. -Miss Melissa Holmes and Miss Myrtle Stimore have been on a pleasant visit to Toronto. -The finest and hest kept flock of young ducks we have seen Clerk. I - Shampoo $1.40 value, I = LAST CALL FOR PEACHES = This is your lot opportunity to get the = 1 finest varieties of Niagara Peninsula = 1 peoeho for preserving or table use. The best plums for preserving, Damsons and = Green Gages, are ulmoot finished also. If you have not preserved nay of this - aeonnn's unusually high quality fruit do eo now. Prices are very reasonable. 1 Look for the mark of the Niagara i Peninsula Growers. Limited. oncontain- 1 em• it sten& for carefully packed, even - 1 ly graded fruit FARMS FOR SALE FARMS FOR SALE. -FOR SALE LOT Al, end Nnrth Half Lot 32, on the 11th con- sinn of MoK111op Township. containing 110 neve, 140 n.rms cleared and at for culti- vntinn and 10 n`res bush. It in all seeded 2. ly to grace except res. It la well tile droined. On the 'premises are a two-story brick house with slnte roof, kitchen end fi- shed; born 40082. cement floor and etabling thrnoohont, water in stable supplied from a never -failing well by windmill ; cement driv- ing shed 24350, and hen home 12x30; nlmut 2 acres of neehord and smell fruits. It is situated 3dt, miles from Welton and 8 miles from Seaforth. 1 mile from schools. Tele- phone on premises and rural mnil. Apply on premises, or width. Walton. R. R. 4. WILLIAM STAPLES, 28.07x4 FARM FOR BALE. - FOR. SALE.. LOT i Concession 11. and wet half of Let f Cencesaion 10, 10,17.8., Tnekenmith, lathing 150 nee.. There,nec on the prrminea A good two•oMry brick house with elate roof. large hank horn 100309 feet with first el..s stabling. water do the barn, drive eked 26330, pie house and hen house. Two good spring wells, also nn ver -flowing spring. The farm is all cleared but about 20 ncres, The good hardwood hush, principally maple. All well fenced and tile drained. Eight sere of fall wh.t sown 40 acres ready for spring aro. The farm ie situated 7 miles from Senforth and 4 miles from Hensel', one-half mile from school; rural mail and phone. Will be sold on easy terms. Unless sold by Spring it will be for rent For further pnrticulam apply nn the premises, or oddreao R. R. No 2. Kippers. ANOTIA McKTNNON. 205$-00 $1 $1.00 I $1.00 Jonteel 35c Cream I Box and ! Stationery -Face Powder 4 for $1.35 value, $1 $1.00 75c Wodehouse Animal 75c Wodehouse Poultry 75c International Stock 65c Sheep Dip and 10c Castile Soap 25c Cake Pears' Soap 65c Starr Records Invigorator a 2 FOR $1.O{) Invigorator 2 FOR $1.00 Tonic 2 FOR $1.00 Disinfectant 2 FOR $1.00 14 CAKES $1.00 5 FOR $1.00 2 FOR $1.00 $1.00 Fiction $1.50 Books 2 for $1.00 SPECIAL $5.00 Auto Strop Razor $3.99 unuunuunun►unn uuuuannauuuuuuuuunuun►iununumuuuuuun►nun uuuuuuuuuuuuuum uuuuuunuu $1.00 1 Robert's Syrup -' of Tar and Cod Liver Oil 3 for $1.00 MANY OTHER SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY E. Umbach, Druggist 1 1 SEAFORTH - - PHONE 28 C. G. TUO$$ON::.- Flour and Feed Custom Chopping OATMEAL MILLS Seaforth. DEBENTURES FOR SALE Town of Seaforth The Commotion of the Town of Ssaferth have debentures, with Interest coupons Pr* taohed, for sale at rate to yield Clye and ear ball per cent per annum. Por fall Pm' Oculars study ta the undersigned. JOHN A. WILSON, 5840-01 Treesecer. The "Why" of Stock Insurance To Blake Insurance Triple Sure. e►uumnnn►n►umnunuunummt W6 us au opportunity to.. Housekeeping Cordal.. Slnalllwal'es, all Ida Crockery and China, Gli' niteware a;a Special Galvanized .Pail, I4 -quart, Fancy Baskets and Shades Stationery and School Supplies. > WE ARE Slit/WING THE NEW THINGS: Seaforth Come and See. 4 Beattie Bros. Ontario The Roman Legion. the etrongeat fighting machine of ancient days, went into battle with n triple line of defense. First came the 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hastatl.o r young men; econd. the Prin- cipm, ormore experienced oolitic.; and 0 third, the 'rrinrii,r veternne. This forma- tion w connideredto give the greatest strength to meet the unexpected crinin of battle. Modern Sux-k Insurance in Its battle against Fro lana hue three strong lines of defense. First, the Capital, furnbhed by the stock holders who onsume the total risk; oecond, the Reserve Fund, required be his, as an eme,g- ency safeguard; and third, the Premium Payments, which m,• 1 normal lsaes and run- ningxpenses. Thi, triple line given ample ntrenrth for any oriole. Information as to rates and etc., gludy furnished on request. JOHN RANKIN AGENCY. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O Phone 91. 2857.2 Seaforth. JUNK DEALER 0 S. T. HOLMES O Funeral Director and O Licensed Embalmer O Undertaking Parlors in 0 Beattie Block, opposite The 0 Expositor Office. Residence O Goderich St., opposite Dr. 0 Scott's. O Flowers furnished on short O notice. Phone Night or Day 119 0 O O O O O O O O O 0000 000000QO0;, O . O 0 O 0 0 O O 0 0 W. T. BOX & CO. O Embalmer O Funeral Directoandrs O H. C. BOX O Holder of Government 0 Diploma and License O Chargee moderate O 0 Flowers furnished on short O notice. 0 NightPhone Calls176 Day Calls Ph48 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 07 O 0 O I will 'buy all kinds of Junk, Hides, E. Wool and Fowl. Will pay good prig es. Apply to MAX WOLSH. _ 28424.Jtf Seaforth, Ont. Re -Built Threshing Engines Oa'e 16 H, P. Waterloo Traction En- gine. One 16 H. P. Goodison Portable En - All these Engines are rebuilt, thor- oughly overhauled and repainted. They are exceptionally good value, = and we can make immediate delivery. 774 TRACTORS One 12-26 Waterloo, Boy Tractor. Two 10-20 Reliable Tractors. Immediate Delivery. The Robert Bell Engine & Thresher Co., Ltd. SEAFORTH, ONT. School Shoes WE HAVE EVERYTHING THERE IS TO BE HAD IN THE LINE OF GOOD SCHOOL SHOES. BRING THE BOYS AND GIRLS HERE. WE'RE SURE TO FIT THEM; SURE TO GIVE SOLID COMFORT AND GOOD SERVICE, AND, BETTER STILL, SURE TO SAVE THE POCKETBOOK. FRED W. WIGG SUCCESSOR TO J. E. WILLIS 41114 Subscription Rates 13y Mail in Ontario 12 month, $5.00 6 months, $2.75 i month. .50 A whole page of up-to-the- minute pictures -every one of interest - pictures of people prominent in the public eye, stirring pictures of important happenings in many countries; in short, the world's doings in picture form - That's what you get in The Globe every day. The farmer who wants the news white it is news reads The Globe. 134 TORONTO Canada's National Daily A.ie+t n:i,tA