HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1922-09-15, Page 8at t Ghia will learn their Hair is neatly Have it done neatly m+ well at THE CENTRAL BARBER –Opposite Post Office— Get the Service and you get all. —SERVICE— H utchison's GROCERY TUMBLERS.—Five cents each or per dozen 60c A Special, neat, serviceable Tumbler suitable for household or for jelly. VINEGAR.—Cheap Vinegar is said to be slow poison. Think it over and buy your > Vinegar here. g PEACHES,—No 1 Crawfords and El- bertas, per 11 -quart basket75c No. 2 Crawfords and Elbertas, per 11 -quart basket 50c The No. 2's we have had so far have been splendid, but not so large as the No. l's. FLOUR.—All brands and grades we handle at reduced prices. Red Hot Peppers, Red Sweet Pep- pers, Small Silverskin Pickling Onions, Tomatoes, Grapes, etc., just arrived. POULTRY.—We are buyers of Live Poultry each Friday forenoon until further notice. F. D. Hutchison THE CASH GROCER Phone 166. BOOTS and SHOES Nothing but the Best of Leather is used in the man- ufacture of the Boots we sell. We attribute the success we have made of selling Shoes, to high quality and the Rock Bottom Prices for which we sell. A trial will convince you. Come to Egmondville for your wants in SHOES. W. J. FINNIGAN. Phone 72. Bring in Your Films THE HURON EXPOSITOR DISTRICT MATPEMa 7 ANNOI.JECEMBIEE t—� For the convenience of its de- positor. The Province of On- tario Savings Office remains open each day from 9.80 a.m. to 5 p.m., remaining open Satur- day afternoon and Saturday evening from 7 p.m. to 9.30 p.m. Won Medal at Exhibition. — The following extract clipped from Mac- Lean's weekly has reference to the splendid achievement of a Seaforth young lady, a daughter of Mr. Robert Archibald, and a member of the staff of MacLean's Magazine publications: "There have been great doings in the Stenographic Department recently. At the Typewriting Contest at the To- ronto Exhibition Miss Ella B. Archi- bald came out first in Class B. (girls graduating since 1920) Miss Hem- mingway second in the same class and Miss Rodgers second in Class A. (girls workingprior to 1920). The Stenographic Department is very proud of its stars and hopes for great things at the final contest when a cup will be given for the champions inthetwo classes. The Stenographic ra thic Department extends a cordial invita- tion to the rest of the organization to bask in the reflected light of its glory. Miss Archibald will be the re- cipient of a bronze medal and Miss Rodgers and Miss Hemmingway of a certificate. New Books.—The following books have been received at the Public Lib- rary and placed in circulation: Fiction Eyes of the world, Wright; Red Mas- querade, Vance; Rogues and Com- pany, Wylie; Snowblind, Burt; The Little Red Foot, Chambers; 'rhe King- dom Round the Corner, Dawson; The Obstacle Race, Dell; The, I.obstick 'trail, Durkin; Red Meekins, Fraser; The Pride of Palomar, Kyne; The Pagan Madonna, MacGrath; Mirian of Queens, MacKinnon; The Snow- shoe Trail, Marshall; Shepherds of. the Wild, Marshall; The Gauntlet of Aleeste, Moorhouse; Lucretia Lom- bard, Norris; Nobody', Man, Oppen- bein, Pawned, Packard; Qcin, Rice ; Ct-ntle Julia. Tarkington; Secret 1'Inces of the ]]cart, Wells; Mar•riag.• of Patricia Pepprrday, White; Th.. Lady of the North Star, Binns; Thc Wrong Twin Wilson; The Victor of Salamis, Davis; Maria Chapdclaine, ilerman ; Autocrate of t h e Breakfast Table, Holmes.; Topless Towers, Ashmun. Juvenile -- The Wender Book, Hawthorne; Puck of J'aok's Hill, Kipling; Penrod, 'Tark- ington; Seventeen, Tarkington; .lust David, Porter; Freckles, Porter; Patty Fairfield, Well.; Patty's Romance, Wells; The Puritan Twins, Perkins ; Black -Eyed Susan, Phillips; Brother Eskimo, ,Sullivan; Twenty-four Unus- ual Stories, l.yler; Peggy in ller Blue Frock, White; A Fortunate Term, Brazil; Blocky, the Crow, Burgess; F'ani and the Countess, Cowper; The Mystery of Safron Manor, Cowper% Arthur Mee's Hero Book, Mee; No Man's Island, Strang; Bithia's Won. derful Year, Tynan; The Little Man with One Shoe, Bailey; Young Her- oes of Britain and Belgium, Burke ; Caleb Cottontail, Cady; Around the Wigwam Fire, Cornyn; When Polly Was Eighteen, David; Ruthie, Dug- arne; The War Trail, Gregory; Ten- ants of the Trees, IIawkes; Trail - makers of the Northwest, Haworth; Prince Jan, Hooker. Non-Fiction.— Canadian Constitutional Studies, Bor. den; Radio Telephony-, Cockaday; In Nature's 'Temple Shrines, Hughes; The Torch Bearer, Noyes; Beauty and Life, Scott; Greenland by the Polar Sea, Rasmusson; Panama Past and Present, Verrill; Greater Roumania, ('lark; The Prime Ministers of Bri- tain from 1721-1921, Bigham; Paint- ed Windows, Gentleman with a Dust- er; Glass of Fashion, Gentleman with a Duster; Europe Whitherhound, Gra- ham; Canada at the Crossroads, Laut; The Drama of the Forests, Heming; United States and Canada, Wrong; Outwitting our Nerves, Jackson; The Dairy Farm, Leitch; Roumania in Light and Shadow, Pantazzi. OUR finishing depart- ment, through up-to- date methods and equip- ment and expert hand- ling, can help you get the kind of pictures you want. To use a slang expres- sion: "We're there at the finish." "If it isn't Eastman Film, it isn't Kodak Film." Insist on the Film in the yellow box. E. UMBACH Pim. B. Seaforth - - Ont. The Council.—The regular sleeting of the Town Council was held in the. Council Chamber on Monday evening last with the following members pres- ent: Mayor Golding and Councillors W. E. Chapman, W. A. (.'rich, J. W. Beattie and G. D. Haigh. On motion of Beattie and Crich the report of the Finance Committee was adopted and the following accounts ordered paid: Wm. Gillespie, salary, $70; J. A. Wilson, salary, $75; A. W. Stobie, salary, $40; .1. Knight, $35; Bell Telephone, $2.06; Public Utility Com- mission, hall light, $9.18; Alex. La- mont, wages, $36.23• Roht, Edgar, wage, $69; G. T. R. crossing pro- tection, 96c; King Edward Sanitar- ium, $4&75; Alex. McDonald, street watering, $84.25; Angus McCuaig, feed, $6.75; W. H. Golding, phone ac- count, $3.25. Beattie-Haigh.—That the Agricultural Society he given a grant of $65 for the fall fair.—Car- ried. Haigh-Beattie.—That $5,000.00 in Victory Bonds be exchanged for 1927 bonds.—Carried. On motion of Haigh and Beattie the Council then adjourned to meet at the call of the Mayor. Interesting Golf Days.—September being the ideal golf month of the year, there are many interesting contests these days. Another keen- ly contested two ball mixed foursome was played Wednesday afternoon, when at the end of the round there were three equal scores. This situa- tion forced a play oi4 resulting in a win for Mrs. J. G. Mullen and Mr. Thomas Dodds with Mrs. T. Swan Smith and Mr. Downey in second position. Another big field day is to take place on Wednesday next, the 20th. Members from Mitchell, Clin- ton, Wingham. Brussels and Seaforth will be oat in full force to participate in the mixed two -ball foursome pro- gramme for that day, which will be- gin at 4 p.m. —The Cresawen Trophy and Sav- auge Trophy games are progressing every day with greater interest de- veloping as the games proceed. Members who have not yet played in these contests, are requested to ar- range to get their game on at once as delays hold up the progress of the trophy play. Wanted. --Assistant for jewelry °tore. 'Fred S. Savauge, ,Seaforth. 2857d Apprentice Wanted.—At the Central Barber Shop. Boy about 14 year. proferred. Boarders Wanted.—Rooms with board. Ap- ply to W. L. Kers. or phone 180. 886428 Loot.—on Main Street a parcel containing eeverel dollars' worth of silk. Finder please leave at The Eapao4tor Office. 2867-1 We will unload a car of cattle saltn September 14th. Leave your orders in .y. W. M. Stewart, Flour, Feud and Groceries. Phone 77. 2686-2 Moderate sired brick house for sale, in good repair, in good locality, at reasonable price. Apply to James Cowan. Centre St., Seaforth. 2868x4 Wanted.—Live poultry every Wednesday forenoon. at the Royal Hotel stables. High- est cash price. J. G. McMichael. Phone 6-247. 2864-tf For Sale. One Cock,hutt plow, been sed two years, in good condition. Apply at Daly'o (:aeage, Seaforth. 2857-1 'Fry a sa-Ib. sack of u r Dairy Balt with your next grocery order. W. M. Stewart, Flour, Feed and Grocery Storm. 2866-856- 2 Last.—half way between Seaforth and Brueefirld. Pearraft gold filled fountain pen. 1'orda-r will kindly leave at Expositor Office. 2851x1 For Sale.—For sale or will trade on 0 heavy horse a iryrndoot Meney-Hu rria binder ,n good repair. Also double furrow plow nearly new. Apply to Alex. Sparks, John Street, Seaforth. 2866-81 Just received a large shipment of Lump Lime, Rockwall Plaster, Hydrated Lime and Plaster of Paris. Leave your orders. Prices right. The Big hardware, Seaturth. Ont. 11. Edge. 28i7-4 House For Sala—Desirable dwelling for title in first class condition and possession given immediately. Situated on West Gode- rich Street. Seaforth, Ont. Fur purticula,u apply to Mn. W. L. Ferguson, or James Watson. heal Estate Agent, 2856-tf Monday, '1'uwday, Wednesday at the Strand, 'Phomas Meighan in "Cerny !tick..," fighting, ,frolicking. drvil,moy-,mre•! A picture that 04 ado along is a gale of toy. Cast includes Agnes Ayres, tkin't miss it Adults 1:r., ('hildren 10e. 285701 Music. -Miss Annie G. Govrnloek. Gradu- ate Teachers' Course, Canadian Academy of Muol,. um,ounres the opening of the fall term on SepPeri l»r 5th. Pupil, will loo pre. pared for Canadian Academy and the 'To- ronto Conservatory of Movie examinations. Studio North Main Street, Seaforth. Phone 102. 2855-1 One of our d,-r.l,•n iveentlY wrote in 41,1,i ..yid, "It, -s., Walk,,. Prod cts w a+• ,,, a now than ever Ie•fore.'� wWr oiler•u ,a t inure op,ortunitY• t, user v,rma„ o: paying aand healthful enrxrpr,.e. 11'rn' ,,.-J:,, full particulars. The J. R. Wet is e •.asp:+o 5, llrpt. 71. I1. ffum,l4,n, (Int 2.457-1 For Bale.—A six -room triune cottage, site- ated one block south and one block west of the Figmondville Prcvbyterion chard,. This cottage stands on half an acre of ground; is electric lighted, and has hard and soft water, and is in flat -class condition. There are several fruit trees, a variety of small fruit and a good darn and henhouse. For further particular. apply on premiaw, Or to Mr. Thomas O'Loughlin, It. It. No. 8, Sea - forth P. O. 2854-tf Free. Free: Atnolutrly Free. • See "Mother o' Mau.' as she Strand 'Theatre Saturday The -holden of fire lucky numbers shir' kwill be drawn at the Theatre that e en- ing, will re • the following Priam ' c number. A Lloyd Ma -Ma Dull, value 73 211d .rube•r. .A Special Copy of the popular book, ''The .Sheik": 3rd number, A Special Copy of "The Shirk": 4th number. One Week's Free Pus• no the Strand Theatre: 5th num- b.-. A sur ..f tickers for the Big Special. "The Shu•k." shown here on September 21st. 22nd. 23rd. Get sour number at the Fk,x 0111,. .1. E. Willis; Manager Strand Theatre. Seaforth F'aIl Fair.—The Seaforth Fall Fair to he held on Thursday and Friday of next week, gives great promise of outshining all previous fairs, The prize list this year is the most generous one in the county, and besides the excellent live stock that is always a feature of the Seaforth Fair many special attractions will be added, and among them several new ones. The track is in fast condition and with $300 in purses, good horse racing is assured. The special chil- dren's exhibit., which was one of the most popular features of last year's fair, will have added accommodation this year. The school children's par- ade, headed by the Seaforth High- landers Band, which will march from Victoria Park to the Agricultural Grounds at 1.30, will alone draw an immense crowd. Two new features this year will he the large tent where the Ontario Government will show moving pictures of Ontario Farms, stock and agricultural products, be- sides many of the mineral resources of the Province, and the tent of the Children's War Memorial Hospital, London, where views will be given, showing the treatment and care of the, patients. The afternoon's pro- gramme offers 'the best enter'tatin- ment of the season, and if weather conditions are favorable, there will be an immense crowd, uncal Briefs.—Mr. Robert Bell of the 13e11 Engine Company, left this u -eek on a business trip to the coast. —Messrs. Angus and Andrew Beattie of London, spent the week end at the home of their brother, Mr. John Beattie.—Mr. Garnet Chapman, of Port Colborne, is visiting at his home here.—Miss Martha Reid is vis- iting with Hamilton friends. — Mr. Charles Clark, of Windsor, is visit- ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Clark.—Mr. T. S. Smith shipped a car of very fine heavy horses from Seaforth station . to Montreal on Tuesday. This is the second ship- ment Mr. Smith has made in two weeks.—Mr, Hugh Welsh, of Cobalt, was here this week visiting his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Welsh.—Mrs. Bruce Anderson, of Toronto and daughter, Virginia, are visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McMillan, Roxboro.—Mr. John A. McRae has purchased Mrs, Thos, Purcell's residence on George Street, and will take possession next week. The purchase price was $1750. Mr. McRae has secured a nice home,— Mise Violet Finnigan has returned to Egmondville after holidaying with friends in Toronto.—Mrs, G. M. Ches- ney attended the golden wedding celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Plumateel in Clinton on Friday last ---Mrs. T. A. Hatcher and daughter, Miss Betty, Fancy China -r See our New Assortment of - FANCY CHINA among which are Cream and Sugar Salad Bowls Bon Bon Dishes Nut Bowls Cake Plates Pitchers Cup & Saucer Spoon Tray Salt and, Pepper Whipped Cream Seta Thompsons' BOOKSTORE - - 8EAFORTB who spent the summer here, returned to their home in Blackie, Alberta,. last week.—Mrs. John Pethick has re- turned from Brussels where she spent three weeks with friends. — Mrs. Pearson Chesney, Miss Bertha Ches- ney and Mr. Hugh Chesney were via- iting friends in Toronto last week.— Mr. Edmund Keating, of Barrie, is is relieving on the local branch of the Bank of Commerce.—Miss Fergus McKay has returned from a visit with Linwood friends.—Mr. Clarence e r ce Kelly,of Windsor, is visitinghis so , mo- ther here ,Miss Anna Stephenson spent the week end with friends in Stratford and London,—Miss Ruth Jarrott and Master Jack have re- turned from a visit with theirsister a r in liamilton.—Mr. and Mrs. Herbert b rt Campbell, of Wing/tarn, and Mr. and Mrs. Rennie, of Midland• are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pearson Chesney in Tuckersrnith.—Mrs. J. l'atterson is visiting with London friends.—Mr, Billy Greig, who has been on one of the f'. P. R. lake boats all summer, has returned home.—Mrs, J. H. Best and Miss Muriel Willis have returned from a visit with Hes- peler friends.—Mr. W. Hartry was in Brussels on 'Thursday acting as judge of flowers and horticultural Teeth Are Like Good Golf Balls While the Longer You Use LEVELEEN TOOTH- PASTE the more you appreciate the fact that you're using a Harmless, but efficient and refreshing, antiseptic. The Leveleen Co. of Can., Oakville NOW PLAYING A 7 part picturization of the great novel and Broadway stage sensation— "THE MAN FROM HOME" Written by Booth Tarkington. As an example of the care and at- tention the Paramount company have lavished on this production, director and players were sent to Italy to complete the filming on the exact lo- cations of the story. Also Showing Pathe News with motion pictures of the— Firemen's Tournament at Oshawa MON., TUES., & WED. BERT LYTELL —in— "THE IDLE RICH" products at ,their annual fall fair.— Mrs. Lawson, Mrs. Riddell; Mrs. Mutcb, and Mrs. Laidlaw, of Auburn, were guests at the home of Mrs. Wm. Sclater this week.—Mesers. Harvey Burrows, Aubrey Crich, E. Rivera, Garnet Chapman, Russel Bristow and E. Merner, who have been spending the holidays at their homes here, left this week to resume their studies at the Toronto Dental School.—lir. Colin Fletcher was a guest at the Manse this week.—Mr, C. Stogdill, of To- ronto, is a guest at the home of Mr. J. C, Greig.—Mr. George Israel has been confined to his home for two weeks with an attack of inflammatory rheumatism,—Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Rose who were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Beattie, have re- turned to Guelph.—Mrs. Armstrong, who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. G. A. Sills, has returned to Chicago.—Mr. and Mrs. J. Allen, of Port Huron, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Box.—Mise Helen Larkin, who has been spending' the summer with her parents at the Manse, returns this week to New York.—Miss B. Stephens is visiting with Toronto friends.—Mr. William Rinn, the well known stock man of Hullett, will act as judge of sheep at the Stratford Fair next week, while Mr. Carter, of the same township, will judge the poultry entry.—Rev. C. Young, D.D„ of Toronto, secretary of Non Anglo-Saxon work in connec- tion with the Presbyterian church, was et ee of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Mullen this week.—Mr. ee Mr. Harry Char- ters left last week on a trip to the West.—Mr. Wigg, who recently pur- chased the boot and shoe stock of Mr. J. E. Willis, has moved into the residence recent- ly on Goderich Street, gees It r ly vacated by Mr. A. K. Chttenden. —Miss Boultbee, of Toronto, and Miss Douglas, of Brandon, were guests last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Holmested.—Mrs. R. Ii. McLean, of Toronto, is the guest of Miss Crosbie.—Mrs. Paul Longeway, of Guelph, visited with Mr. and Mrs, James Purcell this week.—Mrs. Chas. Hays and son, of Ford, are guests at the home of Major and Mrs. R. S. Hays.—Mrs. 3. F. Ross and son, Hugh, leave on Saturday to join Mr. Ross at the Sault. Mr. Rosa bas leased his residence on Goderich street to Mr, M. G. O'Neill, the new Col- legiate Principal.—Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald Clark, of Pittsburg, are the guests of Mrs. D. Clark in Egmondville.— Mrs. A. Kennedy, North Main Street, received the sad intelligence last week of the death of her brother, Mr. W. Laing, in California. — Mr. Arthur Ament and sister, Miss Helen, are spending a week with London friends.—The Seaforth Highlanders will provide the musical programme fur Brussels Fair on Friday. — Miss Dulmage, of Palmerston, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. ,las, Cowan this week.—Mr. Thomas Ratcliffe, of the American Sault, was visiting his sister, Mrs. James Graves, this week. —Miss May Stobie, of California, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs, Alex. Stobie, North Main Street.—Miss Annie Stewart is visiting with Lon- don friends this week.—Mrs. James Weir is visiting friends in Stratford this week,—Mrs. J. S. Roberts return- ed to Toronto after a pleasant visit with friends here.—Miss Margaret Pollock, the famous Spiritualist Med- ium of Blyth, is visiting friends in town.—Mr, C. H, Home. of the Cus- toms Staff, of St. Catharines, who was in charge of the customs here during the collector's absence, re- turned to his former duties in that city on Saturday last. During his stay here he made many friends.— Mrs. James Murray, of Hamilton, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Alex. Ken- nedy, North Main Street. — Miss Marjorie Nolan recently returned from London much improved in health.—Miss Kate Collins, of Buffalo. who met with an auto accident while visiting here, is improving rapidly. MAN LEY Notes.—Quite a number from here are taking in the London Fair—Mr. John Holdon is spending the week with friends in London. — Mr. C. Eckert was a visitor in our burg last Sunday. Princess Strand THUR., FRI., SAT. Thomas H. Ince Presents "MOTHER 0' MINE" —A First National Special— You'll say—"Better than `Experi- ence'; Better than 'Humoresque.' " —ADDED EXTRA— CHARLIE CHAPLIN —in— ONE A.M. —2 Reels— Owing to the high cost of the above programme we are compelled to make a small advance in admission prices. ADULTS 20e. CHILDREN 15c Lower School Children 10c on Friday Evening. MON., TUES., WED. Thomaa Melghen and Agnes Ayres —in--- "CAPPY RICKS" 15c 8.15 p.m. 10e Read our Ad. on Page One and Local Linen's. Strand CONSTANCE Notes.—Mrs, Ferguson, of Wolles- ley, Sask4, and Mrs, Baintony of Bervie, were calling. on old friends last week.—Mrs. T. Andrews, of Bri- tish Columbia, is visiting her daugh- ter, Mrs. B. B. Stephenson. — Mr. Lorne Dale is spending a few days at home before he takes up his new duties in Wingham.—Miss Josephine Livingstone left on Thursday for Guelph, where she is taking a course in Domestic Science.—Mrs. F. B. Hall is spending the week at Bayfield with her son, Charles, who is spending his holidays there.—Mr, F. B. Hall has sold out his business to Mr. Rad- ford, of Londesboro. Mr. Radford gets possession on October lst.—Mr. H. H. Gilbert, the great Western Evangelist, will hold services on Sun- day at 2.30 and 7.30• p.m., and the following week, beginning at 8 p.m. Come and hear the man with a mes- sage. WINTHROP Special Goverment Exhibit of Products of Ontario, in moving pictures at Seaforth Fair, September 21st and 22nd. 2857-1 Notes.—The heavy rains will be a benefit to the root crops, as well as making the plowing easter for both men and horses.—Mrs, Joseph Dol - mage returned from London hospital on Saturday.—Mr and Mrs. Jake Broom, and Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Broom motored to Arthur on Sunday to spend a few days with relatives.— Mrs. 'Theo. elatives—Mrs.'Theo. Holland underwent an operation on Sunday and had her tonsils removed.—Mr. Lester Goven- lock, of Southampton, spent the week end in the village.—Mr. and Mrs. Cox of Goderich township, visited Mr. and Mrs. Trewartha on Tuesday.—Mise Minnie McSpadden left last week for Chicago after spending a month with relatives.—Miss Ethel Hart went to London this week to visit her sister, Mrs. Harvey Sundercock. Beginning To -Day, Friday. Sept,. !h,(and continuing all next week FORMAL Illiallfallarnaesme PRESENTATION OF THE New Fall Millinery You are cordially invited to attend. Don't put oto' coming. You surely want to see the New Styles. HOME OF HATS BEA UTIFUL HATS THE PEER OF ANY. A Style Show Full of Fascinating Interest to All Women Who Like to be Fashionably and Becomingly Attired is Staged Here Now. We need hardly say any more than the above to bring scores of the Fashion loving women of this town and its vicinity here to view the exhibit, for our reputation for Style -suprem- acy is based on something more than promises and pretty pictures. This showing will emphasize as mere words cannot, why the women of this town who want the Smartest and Most Exclusive Styles in Apparel buy nowhere else bnt here, and will, without question, make more friends for this store this fall. A Striking Assemblage of Beautiful Coats, Suits, Dresses, Furs, Dress Goods and Dress Accessories 'As usual this is the Fashion Event of the Season. We are certain there is something here you will want. Yet you will be as welcome in looking as you will in buying. J. Mactavish promo _IffsposfusSI. 9'