HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1922-09-15, Page 5Iv Y + M,Iaf6ry4`�"t •Detrttit, via Derfiey, of ,dJ1'X10. gq��t,tt$trlpbti �hoW. (ioviaanmolDt >dt- ek.,tltt{i 4041 U1.'Faki:' ir:T 81st AVeet;118374 Sad Notes. -A large acreage of fal}'aheat is being sown this fa1}, 4.�1Vl16;1 , a raid Turner, of Terpnto, APent the week end at his home here, Fletcher Townsend returned to Toronto last week, -bliss Edna Turn - 'nor, of New York, visited relatives `here last week. -Mr. and. Mrs. Terry - berry, of Lambeth, visited relatives here this week. -Miss Fisher, of "Goderich is vleiting relatives -here.- 'Mies Myrtle Crich left last week for Leamington, where she has been eh - :Med to teach. (7.6. SEAFORTiI MARIER'Si Seaforth, September 14, 1922 Hogs, per cwt. $11.75 Eggs, per dozen 26 to 28c New Potatoes, per bag $1.00 'Butter, per lb 80 to 32c Wheat; per bushel $1.20 Barley, per bushel 60c Flour, per cwt $5.86 Bran, per ton $80.00 Skorts, per ton $80.00 DAIRY MARKET Toronto, Sept. 12th. -Cheese, new, large, 18 to 18%c; twine, 19 to 19'Fro; trtplem, 20 to 2obtbc. Old, large, 28 to 24c; twins. 24 to 241e. Stilton, 26c. Extra old, large, 26 to 27e. Old Stilton, 24e. Butter-Flnest creamery prints, 89 to 4Gc ; ordinary creamery prints, 35 to 87c; No. 2 creamery, 84 to 86c. Dairy, 29 to 810; cook- ing. 21,,. Margarine -20 to 22c. Eggo-No. 1, candled. 88 to 84,,; selects, 27 to 28c: cartons, 41 to 43e. GRAIN MARKET. 'Toronto, September 12th. -Manitoba What old crop -No. 1 Northern, 81,14,,; No. 8 Northern. 81.069._. New crop, No, 1, 61.0914, Manitoba oats -Nominal. Manitoba barley -Nominal. All the above track, Bay porta. American corn --No. 2 yellow, 80c; No. 8 7dlow. 79c. all rail. Barley -No. 3, extra, test 47 lbs. or bet- ter, 65 to 68c. according to freights outside. Buckwheat -Nominal. Rye -No. 2, 62 to 67e. Millfeed Delivered, Montreal freights, bags included: Bran, per ton, 821.00; aborts, per ton. 823.00; good feed flour, 81.70 to 81.80. Ontario wheat -New Ontario wheat, No. 2, 92 to 97c, at outside points. Ontario No. 2 whiteoats-New, 33 to Bye. Ontario Born --Nominal. Ontario flour -let patents, in jute sack., 98's, 96.80 to 87.10 per barrel ; 2nd patents (bakersl, 86.00 to 86.30. Straights in bulk. seaboard, 84.30; Toronto basis, 84.25 to 84.10, Manitoba Flour --Sat patents, in jute sacks, 17.20 per barrel; 2nd patents. 86.50. Hay --No. 2. per ton, track Toronto, 816: e traw, $11.00, carload. LIVE STOCK MARKETS Buffalo, September 122. -Cattle receipts, 2.- '500; butcher grade,, 15 to 25c higher: ship- ping steers, $0 to 85.75; butohero', 97.50 to 89.50: yearlings, 89 to $11.10: heifers, 58 to 88.50: cows, 82.25 to 86; bulls, 83 to 85; stockers and feeders, 56 to $6.25: frmh rove and springers. $40 to 9110. Calves -Receipts, 1,600; steady; 35 to 914. 'Hoge -Receipts, 11,200: 15 to 25c lower; 'heavy, $9.25 to 69.75: mixed yorkero, light do. and pigs, 810 to 510.10: roughs, 66.75 to $7: stags. $4 to $5. Sheep and lombe-Receipts, 7.400; lambs, 25e higher, 86 to $14.25; yearlings, $6 to 930 ;wethero, $7 to $7.50: ewes, $2 to 86.50; mixed sheep, $6.50 to $7. Montreal, September 12.---Cattle-Receipt+, 1110. Cattle were fewer by 400 head than last Monday. Nearly everything was of med- ium to common quality, and pricer, quality •gonaidened, were 60 cents up. One load of rather rough Ontario oteero brought 56.10 a few loads of Winnipeg and West cattle brought $5.50 and the balance of the steers brought around $4 to 54.50. The local steers offered were all very thin and light, and brought from $3.50 up. Eastern producero have had very few cattle on the market this 6''e15 t odatr. Packers are till receiving Western cattle direct- One packer to -00y had more North -ween cattle on his siding than were for Bale at one of the markets. Light thin bulla were $2.26. Quotations:- Botcher uotationv- Botcher steers, good, 86 to $6.16; medium, 15 to 55.50; common, 88.50 to 85: butcher fietfers, good, 95.50 to 86; medium, 54 to 86: eommon. 88 to 54; buteher cows, good, $5 to $5.25; medium, 82,50 to $4.50; cuttera, 81.50 to 92.50; butcher bulls, common, $2.26 to $2.60. Calves -Receipts, 1,552. Calf market steady and good veals in demand. Good milk fed wives brought from 88.50 tc 89.50. and medium onm, $8.75 end up. Grassers, $3.50 comweon, $6 kr 87; grams, 83 1.$4. Sheep -Receipts, 7,188. Two loads of good graded lambs were sold for $10.50, and the next best two loads were cold for $10.10. and. good lambs brought $10. Bulk of Iambs of mixed quality but ungraded. brought 80.25 to 49; common poor quality lots were sold down to 87. Quotation :-.Ewes. $2 to 93.70: lambs, good, 810 to 910.50; common, $7 to 89. Hogs -Receipts, 1,636. .Marketansettled. General price, $12 to $12.50. 044 aisles re- ported to local buyers up to $13; sows, 80 to $10; quotations;-0l4cnr weights, *elects, 412 to 513; sows, 89 to $10. Union Stock Yards, Toronto, September 12. -There wee a good active trade in butcher cattle to•.lay, with real choice. handyweighto selling a quarter cent higher than last week and all other grades strongcxcept heavy steers. which were not a heavy offering, hart sold at n decline of from 20 to 30 rents per cwt. owing to lark of demand for export purpose. Best butcher steers below export weight brought hv,m 7 to 78 cents, and 'heifers up to 7 cent per pound. while heavy eteero ranged from 0% to 7.00 cents. But- cher c sold ntendy to strong. n few mak- ing 6 cents, and the hulk of good to choice bind, Prom 4'1• to 614,cent,. There was very little real good stuff in the bull offer- ing, but the price, at from 4 to fi cents for the bulk of the good kind, rens steady no - cording to quality; common bulls selling at from 214: to 2 cents, and this kind sold a bit slow. The total receipt of killers was well tn the light Bide for a Monday market,.and rade throughout was brisk, practically n clean-up of n11 elms,. of cattle being affect- ed. Stockers and feeder,, were in fairly good demand at straitly prices, the former bring- ing from 4 to 5 rents, and the latter from 6'/ to 60; cents. The receipts to -day includ- ed 775 Western stockers. Buyers were slow incorning forward to take the somewhat lightsupply of hogs at ready prices. but l2';. rent,, fel and water- ed, Inst week', closing figure, was paid for 'the bulk of selects before the clone. Rreeipta to-dny were 8.056 cattle, 465 calvea, 2,286 hogs and 3.863 sheep and lambs. In oddition to cattle for enle here. there were 1.023 head of W.tern stockers on through billing to Ontario country point,. Quotations: Choice heavy steers, $6.75 to 87.80; hatcher steers, choice, 86.75 to 87.75; do. good 18.20 to 50.00: do. medium, $6.50 to $0.00: 10. common, 84.00 to 55.00 butcher hei'rere, , choice. $0.00 to $7.00: do. medium. $5.00 to 80,60: do. common, 64.50 to $6.00; butcher rows. choice. 84.50 to 81.50: do.- medium, 8.00 to 84.00; canners and cutters, 81.00 to $2.00; feeders, gond, 05.60 Yo 66.25; do. fair, 55.00 to $5.50: atockem. good, 84.50 to 80.50: do. fair. $3.00 to 84.50; ' m'Ikem, 660.00 to 800.00; springers, 873 to' $80.00; calves,choice. 810 to 511.00; do., medium, 68.00 to 30.00 ; do. common, 65.00 to 87.00; spring lambs, 810.00 to $11.00; ebeep choice, 85.00 to 56.00; do. good, 85.60 M 84.60; do. common, 51.00 to $8.00: year- lings, choice, $8.00 to 87.00; do. common, $4,00 to 55.00; hogs, fed and watered, $12.00; A. f.o.b., 911.76; do., onuntry pointe, 611.60. Mot wen, -,.fu' t -_Soil pIi* nd Moe. J: JHs Uister: n'kt rt dan Shea ...,14.$414eggand neldity. a1uWn Id eutd 4,11=610•,",4� r f u}I a tett r J:, M 7fre Davidson.,*In.O�l6pt eat, en Ign end Ale Ear'Iievideoa, rs seas. Sieeetto-Amtle,--M "I g4eo1de,' BOtreianvllle. o . Quggst Slot, Mee? etimtte G. Ata.. form. Bre of Euston, a Mn. 17Wmas hiWtstette ?± S eelmeno-trOrA ie. -In Toronto, on September 4th, Lpl doubter of Mn and Mn, 'Mathes F. 'Boyle. to Mr. Kirby Alan Sweet. mem. of Toronto. Lttabeeld-,Dear*ne.-M the hems of the bride, Exeter Rev. Ms. Naylor, of Han- aaU, Moa Marlette Dearing, to Mr. kid- ney Litchfield, of Detroit. Cutboeh-rOould.-In Exeter, on 8epd'mber 2, Mtn Lillian Olive Gould, youngest datum, ter a the late Riohard end Mee. Gould, to Mr. Walter E. Ontbush, by Bev. M. J. Wilson. WiUtame-Tmqueir-.-At Carmel Prcebrieriao Manse, Harwell, on August 80th, by Rev. Mr. McConnell, Mise Virgin 'Mae, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mm. Robert Tra- qualr, to Mr. Roland B. Williams, of Ms - borne. ' DBATHB-' fiaetbnae.-In Exeter, on September 2nd, Al- bert Hastings, aged87 years, Creech.-ln Exeter, on September 4th, William Creech. aged 79 years and 6 months. Ingram. -In Mitchell,on September 1st, Thomas Ingram, aged 60 years, 4 months and 2 dare. Dale -in Tuckemenith. on September 0111, Mary Chesney, relict of the late William J. bale, aged 69 venni, 6 months and 24 days. BEST PLUMS AND PEACHES FOR PRESERVING Crawford Peaches will still be available for a short time. Elber- tas are now being offered. Prices lowest in years. The season for the best preserving varieties will soon be over, so don't delay in securing your caroling require- ments. The best preserving' Plums, Green Gages (Reine Claude) and Prunes are also obtainable. The mark of the Niagara Peninsula Growers, Limited, Grimsby, On- tario, on containers stands for carefully packed, evenly graded fruit. GRAVEL CONTRACTS The council of the Township of Tucker. ith will he et School House No. 2. on Wedn.day, September. 20th, 1022, at 4 p.m. for the purpose of letting the gravel eon - tracts. on Conc.aion 2 and 3, L.R.S., north of the Kippen Road. JOHN bleNAUGHTON, 2867-1 Reeve. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the Estate of Jennie Hills, late of the City of Toronto, in the County f York. and Province of Ontario, Spinster, Deceased.. Notice is hereby given, pursuant 01 section 0,6 of the Trustees Act, R.S.O., 1914, Chap. 131, that all creditors and other having claims or demands against the estate of the said Jennie Hills, who died on or about the 11th day of January, 1922, are required, on or be- fore the Tenth day of October, 1022, to send by poet, prepaid, or deliver to the undersigned, the Solicitor for the Executors of the haat Will and Testament of the said deceased, their Christian nam. and Burnam., addr.aes and descriptions, the full particulars :n writing, of their claims, a statement of their accounts, and the nature of the security, if any, held by them. AND TAKE NOTICF. that after such last mentioned date, the said Executor will pro- ceed to distribute the aoaeta of the said de- ceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that the oeid Executors will not be liable for the said as- sets or any part thereof to any person or persona of whose claim notice shall not have been received by them, at the time of such distribution. GUY R. ROACH, 101's Terauley Street, Toronto. Solicitor for the Executors. Maria Cole and George Hills. Dated at Toronto thin 13th day of Sept., 1922. 2857.3 NOTICE Notice i hereby given that all property owner. inis must immediately cot down and destroy all noxious weeds along Conc.eion Roads. 13y order of Council. JOHN MCNAUGHTON, 2856-1 Reeve. JAMES WATSON Main Street - Seaforth Agent for Singer Sewing Machines, and General In- surance Agent. FARMS FOR SALE FARMS FOR SALE. -FOR SALE LOT 51, and North Half Lot 32, on the 11th con- ctnsion of McKlillop Tow'onhip.ontaining 150 acres. 140 a cleared and fit for culti- vationrnd 10 acres bush. It is all seeded to grass except 25 acres. It is well tile drnined. On the prrmioen are n two-story brine house with elate roof. kitchen and wood- shed; barn 40x02, cement floor and stabling throughout, water in stable ant/Plied from a ver-fniling well by windmill: cement driv- ing shed 210011, and hen house 12x80; about 2 sers of m•rhard and small frit... It is situated 810 mile.•, from Walton and 8 miles from Seaforth. 1 mile from schools. Tele- phone on premier ond rural mail. Apply on premise, or address Walton, R. R. 4. WILLIAM STAPLES. 285704 STRATFORD, ONT. The leading business school of Western Ontario with Com- mercial, Shorthand and Tele- graphy Departments. Graduates are assisted to good positions. Students may enter at any time. Get our free catalogue now. D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal. ed sPMt11 $q" Aql _Air. U o f In, on Friday, tent pot 22nf , .44?dpwinAt Two cote dop� CO ma heifer eptly s 31,t3torook. iq$sd hh1 Ito o S _ober rr% .J cod .,and ao.to 0 1 . October: 16 breed 'with Ubturs at feet, k brood Soule 'due Uttar 'the end of thin month 12 Store bate; 20 pias 'above, 8 months old, 1 rarnworta 'Velee Sed heart 9 yer old; kale- at 000 e'O1o8kt Teems wIU be meds kpowh on clay of _Salo, JaM$8 l*, Propoletor: James Jones, Atetioneer. 1i967 -i, A1GT1GN BALM • OF FARM STOOK, ID1- Thomaa Brown has f and Household Furniture.* Yell by puWio auction oa Lot e8, Concession 14, Me. Htllop, on Tuesday September 18th, at one o'clock • sharp., 240 followings Homo - Arabian driving mare 10 years old. F.enttde-- Two coves rising 4 years old due fo calve in October, 1 honer 8 years old due to calve in October. 2 cows six years old due to valve in April, 1 farrow cow 8 years old, 2 steers rising 8 years obi, 6 calves rising one year old, 1 Steer rising 2 Yeats old. 60 hens and 8 geese. ImPlementa-,Menaey Harris 6 - foot cut .binder, McCormick manure Spreader, wagon, McCormidk 6 -toot out mower, 12 -hoe Hamilton seed drill, 4eeotlon harrows and doubletree, 1 Mae. 2 walking plows, Clin- ton fanning mill, Magnet cream separator, washing machine and wringer, barrel churn. white iron bedstead, spring and mattress, wooden bedstead, mattress, Leather bed, large Cberrywood bureau, velvet couch nearly new, sideboard, gleeedoor cupboard, dining room table, 0 chains. Raymond sewing machine, Stenora range, coal oil heater, a quantity of fruit gems, a quantity of turnips. Terms - Turnips, cash; and all some of $10 -and un- der, cash ; over that amount 8 month's credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. A discount of 8 per cent- oft for cash. MRS. J. CAMPBELL, Proprietress; Thomas Brown, Auctioneer. 2856-2 The "Why" of Stock Insurance To Make Insurance Triple Sure. The Roman Legion. the atrong.t fighting machine of ancient days, wet into battle with a triple line of defense. Firot came the Haatatt, or young men; aeeond. the Prin. cin., or more experienced 001/Hera; and third, the 'rriurli, or veteran. This forma- tion was eonidered to give the greut.t strength to meet the unexpected crista of bottle. Modern Stock Insurance in its battle against Piro loth has three strong lines of defense. First the Capital, furnished by the stock holders who assume the total risk; second, the .Rau a Fund. required by law as an emerg- ency voaf mon rd; and third, the Premium Payments• which meet normal lona. and rum Mug expenses. This triple line gives ample strength for any crinin Information to rates and etc., glady furnished vn requ.t. JOHN RANKIN AGENCY. Phone 91. 2857-2 Seaforth. WANTED To hear from people who are prepared to buy Improved or unimproved farms at a very tow price within the next few months, or be- fore the Canadian Northern extend their line through here next spring, when this place will boom and land w111 go up in price. Com- municate with DONALD JUNOR, honor P. 0.. 1860x4 Saskatchewan. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all per- sons having claims against the estate of ROBERT J. DRYSDALE. of the V,.'age of Herren. who died on 4.80 2nd day of Au- gust, 1922, are required to forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned on oe before the 2nd day of October, 1922. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER (:IVPIN that after the said date the Executor will pro- ceed to distribute the .tato having regard only to the claims of wh1Ae he then shall have notice. DATED at Hensel) this 9th day of Sep- tember, 1922. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Henall and Exeter, 2857-3 Executor's Solicit ora. rade • te; r ° xnch ,1 110 *boat the 14 of November_, ;Alt ^-•' too . he Toronto, ration,'_less D. kokeTINIWan,. MVO a statement Ft ...,oryl . themoz r re t..i, clan of Bap 22, atter whleis Ante Rhe 1 be 0 ted and otolatma off which the ntytnhie thea hM mtbo will be rears 0a ' . . DATSD at Saes, tem, Saakateheman, this 13tH da of deed $222, TS T.OlWwrl»wa 0 alitAa , r .-..N. 28864....,, ..... .. siesnit8aterl v, 'I`7' 8h tq aaU • PEA,ClE/3-PEACHES Our crop of Peaches, which i9 of the Finest Quality, is now ripe, and we are picking daily. Parties who can possibly come to the Orchard It will pay them todo so, as .our prices are very reasonable. Phone 87 r 13, Zurich. Address C. 0. SMITH, R. R. No. 2, Zurich. Halt mile south of St. Joseph. 2856x2 DRAIN TILE We are making another rut on our Tile. Why notput in the hest: the best is none too good when you are draining. Itcoatis' more to dig the isms than It does to buy thetile, If you put'nwell burned clay tile they will last for all times to come. We have nowfrom a good tock fm 2% Inch up to 8 inch. Also well burnt white brick/s. Any one having a lot of draining to do call s on u and we will get you a ditching ma- chine to do the digging and wewill furnish you with well made and welburned clay tile. Nu better made in Ontario. KRUSE BROS., Phone 2 on 160. R. 1t. No. 3, Seaforth 2855x3 ARE WE DOWN-HEARTEDT-NO. There is plenty of everythirth this year and it has been a eplendldr for work; and, personally speaking, Hash have been busy. and we heartily thankour ",my customers for helping to keep us busy We have our Ditching Machine bony eery day. Wehave already dug and tiled thee 2.000 ods of drain. We have quite a lot of work..ahead and would kindly ask Hies, oho would like machine -dug ditches to 1.a 1s know, eo w way arrange, and keep our work In line. and when you want a load of ole delivered. please callus a day or two in advance, so as to a working e hanci. We want to 01,eservice. rvice. A .atiafied customer means increaseof briefness. Our uric. are always right; our day tile „re right, and eyou right. We Bt.:: :: have niseifrom inch to inch. WILLIAM M. SI'ROAT Phone 9 on 136. R. R. 4, Seaforth. 2806-2 GRAND TRUNK SYS eM TRAIN SERVICE TO TORONTO Daily Except Sunday Leave Goderidh .. 6.00 a.m. 2.20 p.m, Leave Clinton ... 6.25 a.m. 2.62 p.m. Leave Seaforth .. 6.41 a.m. 3.12 p.m. Leave Mitchell .. 7.04 a.m. 3.42 p.m. Arrive Stratford 7.30 a.m. 4.10 p.m. Arrive Kitchener 8.20 aim. 5.20 p.m. Arrive Guelph .. 8.45 a.m. 5.50 p.m. Arrive Toronto ..10.10 a.m. 7.40 pm. RETURNING Leave Toronto 6.50 a.m.; 12. 55 9.113- and .mand 6.10 p.m. Parlor Cafe car Goderich to To- ronto on morning train and Toronto to Goderich 6.10 p.m. train. Parlor Buffet car Stratford to To- ronto on afternoon train. Ferguson & Company LOT NO. 1 Men's Heavy Tweed Coats, made in Raglan style e soft ft rubber lined, worth $25.00, r 4D t Q GO IAT NO. 2 Men's Brown Tweed, smooth cloth, extra long and well rubber lined. Q+ 00 $20.00 for ,19 e LOT NO. 3 IVlen's Tweed Coats in different colors, in all sizes, some of last year's stock. All going �� �� out at one price e IAT No. 4 Boys' Tweed Rain Coats of the Best & �Q D�Quality, worth twirl, the price.......... 3ja5o LOT NO. 5 Ladies' Cloth Raincoats, in different colors. Coats that cost $10 and $12, A real $5 & 6 good serviceable coat at LADIES', MISSES', and CHILDREN'S Fall and Winter Coats at one-half price. $5.00, $7.50; -$12.50, $15.00 and $25.00 Ferguson & Co. sheaths 11e ^RAR JiH,. MS ll�r'�n Flour and Feed Costals Chopping OATMEAL MILLS .ft.,.„ Seaforth. MOTOR WITH US TO Goderich and attend the Dinner Dance At Hotel Bedford Next Saturday Evening SEPTEMBER 16th Dancing from 6.30 to 12 Music by Miss Gene (Jonnon and London Orchestra. 0000 000000000 Give us au Opp. aufiekeePing Srallw hear alt Cro_ekeri and Clime; Granite* Spm Galvanized Pail,1'_ -"Art ,,,fiFancy Baskets and ,Shakes • Stationery and_School Supplies. El WE ARE SI(OWTNG THE NEW norms. sem_ Come and See. ' ` ` Beattie Bros. Seaforth Sunday Dinner-Mugic, 1 to 2.45. 0 Sunday Supper -Meme, 6.80 to 6.45. O Write or phone for Reservations to Hotel Bedford, Goderlck 0 RATES: Saturday evening, 6.30 to 12, $8.00 per couple. After 8.80, $1.00 per couple with additional charge for lunch a 'la carte. JUNK DEALER - Ontario 'Y DJ. S. T. HOLMES Funeral Director and O Licensed Embalmer 0 Undertaking Parlors in 0 Beattie Block, opposite The 0 Expositor OMce. Residence 0 O Goderich St., opposite Dr. 0 O Scott's. 0 0 Flowers furnished on skort 0 O notice. 0 0 Phone Night or Day 119 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 000000000' W. T. BOX & CO. 0 Embalmer and O Funeral Directors O H. C. BOX 0 Holder of Government 0 Diploma and License 0 Charges moderate 0 Flowers furnished en short 0 notice. 0 Night Calla Day Calls 0 Phone 175 Pkone 48 O 0000000000000 000000000 I will buy all kinds of Junk, Hides, Wool and Fowl. Will pay good pric- = es. Apply to MAX WOLSH. _ 2842-t2 Seaforth, Ont. = Re -Built Threshing Engines One 16 H. P. Waterloo Traction En- gine. One 16 H. P. Goodison Portable En- gine. All these Engines are rebuilt, thor- oughly overhauled and repainted. They are exceptionally good value, and we can make immediate delivery. TRACTORS One 12-25 Waterloo Boy Tractor. Two 10-20 Reliable Tractors. Make Our Store Your Headquarters -WHEN- E. Visiting the Fair, Sept. 21 and 22 L Immediate Delivery. The Robert Bell Engine & Thresher Co., Ltd. F SEAFORTH, ONT. We will have some very attractive bargains to offer you in Footwear for Men, Women and Children FRED W. WIGG SUCCESSOR TO J. E. WILLIS Seaforth' / r %6 1.11\111 4 Ca Jul dz Prices 01 stork Anne pn,rlucr change ,lx125. but the [suer who reads The Globe al- ways knows when In <ell and what price to expect. Fivery day to hes '';lube'' he gets a page not found in any other daily newspaper in Canada -a page full of agricultural and market news. The up-to-the-mmute quota- tions on grain, stock. hides, wool, dairy produce and everything else the farmer has to sell make The Globe farm page invaluable to him every day. Don't depend nn "hearsay'' reports of prices -get them daily in The Globe. ,Subscription Pales By Mail in Ontario I2 months, $5.00 6 months. $2.75 1 month, .50 The t) Lahr, TORONTO Canada's National Daily. -