HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1922-09-15, Page 31W thea • Q e °?�fAYie 'tr�b ld�l , .. d•apo mid pretty:
tktnita : F� +i 1 erow,, a 31afotrDipo*1 BOW* the eofc®t
.�, >1 M wa -other valuable S ingrfligly, ,Tewery,
q tr Afro of toes by renting One of our IiI bis' oat ,
1 Boxall.. Rentals moderate.
CHILDHOOD AILMENTS the town church at Yarmouth, in the
. The 'ailments of childhood—consti-
pation, indigestion, colic, colds, etc:—
tc:can be quickly banished through the
use of Baby's Own Tablets. They are
a mild by thorough laxative which in-
stantly regulate the bowels and sweet-
en the stomach. They are guaranteed
to contain no harmful drugs and can
be given to the youngest baby with
perfect safety. Concerning them Mrs.
Alcide Lepage, Ste. Beatrix, Que.,
writes:—"Baby's Own Tablets were
of great help to my baby. They
regulated her bowels and stomach
and made her plump and well." The
Tablets are sold by medicine dealers
or by mail at 35c a box from The Dr.
Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
The westward trend of population
in Canada is having a serious effect
on religious work in the Eastern
provinces, according to reports from
Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. The
young ministers eagerly go West, and
the missionary superintendents search
for available men to send into the
Westernfields, with the result that
-old-established churches are pastor -
less or obliged to accept makeshifts
for leadership. Out of the talk of
that kind, information has conte to
band of definite conditions in three
old -established churches in southwest-
ern Nova Scotia, and their circum-
stances are said to be typical of many
in the Maritime Provinces and to
some extent in Ontario and the Pro-
testant portions of Quebec.
The first in historical importance
is the Congregational Church at
Chebogue, founded about 1776, Before
the American Revolution, by staunch
Congregationalists from Salem, Mass.
It is said to be the oldest church in
Yarmouth County.
The church has a house of worship
and a parsonage, also an invested
fund of $20,000, which is yielding,
with conservative investment, $500 a
year for the support of a pastor, and
something for upkeep of the build-
ings and expenses of administering
the fund. The money was bequeath-
ed nearly twenty years ago by Thos.
Kelley, of Chebogue. The will pro-
vided for maintenance of preaching,
prayer -meeting and Sunday School
eleven months in the year as a condi-
tion precedent to the payment of the
1500 toward the minister's salary,
and in the event of non -fulfilment of
those conditions, the money goes to
-the Halifax school for the Blind. If
the church shall remhin pastorless 10
consecutive years, the principal of the
fund will be forfeited and the money
go to the School for the Blind.
The trustees recently petitioned the
Nova Scotia courts for permission to
pay the salary to a Protestant mini-
ster other than a Congregationalist;
who should fulfil the conditions of
the Kelley will, but the will was
found to be drawn too tightly for
such construction of its meaning and
intent to be possible. In another year
or two it may be that not merely the
interest but the principal of the fund
may be lost to the church. A Meth
odist preacher has served the church
to some extent, but for several months
it has been closed. There have been
considerable times when the village
was without any pastor, so it is stat-
- ed.
Even so strong a church as that of
the Congregationalists in the town of
Yarmouth has been unable to secure
a pastor, because of the rush for the
mission fields of Western Canada, it
is explained. Methodists have been
supplying the needs of that congrega-
tion to some extent.ManyMassa-
chusetts people have visited Yar-
mouth, and the beautiful church build-
ing of split granite has been admired
by them all. That it is suffering the
present depression will surprise and
pain many of them.
There has been some talk of union
of the parent church at Chebogue and
support of a pastor, if one could be
foupd to conserve an old field instead
of building up a new church enter-
prise. The churches in Chebogue and
Yarmouth are only five miles apart.
In other localities the pastorless
churches are not Congregational Port
Medway Methodists are among the
sufferers for lack, of ministerial Lead-
ership and Baptist, Methodist and
Presbyterian churchea in various re-
gions are in the same plight. The
people of the Maritime Provinces have
been strong supporters and lovers of
their churches ever since the country
was settled, and, in view of that fact,
present conditions are a bewilderment
to those in the communities which
happen to be affected, according to
the people who tell about them.
Communistic activities planned or
threatened in America, England, Ire-
land and elsewhere give interest to a
recent history of that movement in
Russia, the facts of which are drawn
from edicts of the Soviet Govern-
ment. These show that Lenin's first
and sole idea was to put the Marxian
theories of communism in force, and
that he seemingly believed sincerely
that he could thus create a prosper-
ous and happy state. He began oy
carrying them out to the letter, says
the Rochester Post -Express. He
completely socialized, 'so far as
edicts could do se, production, dis-
tribution and consumption of wealth.
He took over to the state land,
implements, factories and every
other form of property. Private
ownership, industry for profit, rents,
interest disappeared; and money
was declared superfluous and delib-
erately debased beyond usefulness.
The land was to be worked in com-
mon and its products distributed by
the Government. Factories were
put in the hands of groups of work-
ers receiving equal pay; and to ac-
complish all this, the owners of land
and property and the managers and
experts in industry were exiled or
killed. In fine, the communistic the-
ory, as developed by Marx, the basis
of all socialistic schemes, was put in-
to full effect under the most favor-
able conditions which ever existed,
or ever will exist, as far as can be
The result as shown by successive
edicts was utter failure along every
line. The peasants would not work
the land unless the fruits of their
labor were their own. Then the
land was given to them and they
were told to keep what they needed
of its products and hand the surplus
over to the state,: They kept all they
raised. There was no surplus, for
they would not work to produce a
pound of anything in excess of their
needs. The - country starved. One
by one every innovation was aban-
doned. Private property in land was
re-established, and the peasants pro-
duced and sold as they used to, and
paid taxes as in other lands. It was
the same in industry. Production un-
der group management fell off and
costs increased to such an alarming
extent that the theory of equality was
given up. All the features of the
capitalistic system came back—
piece work, bonuses, overtime, penal-
ties for non -work and the like. But
this did not improve conditions
much. The workers had not brains
enough to run their factories and
loafed on their jobs. Then the order
was Issued: "No more equality; no
more liberty; workers shall now be
All were compelled to work; but
production still slumped to 10, four
and even one per cent. of what is
was before the revolution. The
workers did not produce enough to
keep them alive. Malingering, cor-
ruption, theft on a gigantic scale
became the order of the day; and
finally the . working population
vanished by wholesale and a total
collapse of industry ensued. We
need not review the monetary
changes further than to say that by
the first of this year 18 trillions of
paper rubles had been issued. The
population of Russia had fallen from
130 to 130 millions. The neces-
saries of life were unobtainable. The
only equality attained, as the Italian
socialistic committee of inquiry
stated, was an equality of universal
misery. All the cherished doctrines
were one by one abandoned. Every
Marxian theory had utterly broken
down. Every feature of the old
capitalistic system has been reintro-
duced; and Lenin. to save his face,
makes the children crawl out that
capitalism must conic hack, show the
workers how to work, and be con-
verted to socialism.
History shows no other such com-
plete collapse of a theory of govern-
ment as this, and the reason is obvi-
ous. Human nature—all the in-
stincts of mankind—rejected it, re,-
e-fused to live under it, and with
reason, for it is inconsistent with the
evolutionary scheme in froce upon
our planet. it is not the creative
plan for running the world. On
its face it seems workable; shallow
reasoners extol it, and their argu-
ments convince others who see no
more deeply than they. Nor need
Batt Q r o p
towards the die pros tipn sf
social py which t y dirt} to rifle
to tamer, • But one sire has
anything to hope f r through com-
munism, exceptbi ter disillusion -
Mont, confuoion, privation and the
WOO pi aloet eVerytbing which gives
value to life. '
In reading the lucubration of par-
lor socialists, noncommunists, Bolahe:
lata of the Rose Pastor Stokes brand,
or when tempted to listen for a mo-
ment while some frantic soapboxes
declaims against what he calls the
capitalistic system, it is well to bear
ever in mind that the opposing the-
ory has been tried on a national scale
and under the most favorable possible
conditions, and has proved such a gro-
teaque and horrifying failure ,that
even the Emma. Goldman of the cult
Were brought to their senses by their
experience under it during a few
short weeks. •
In This Condition Relief Comes
Through I)r. Williams'
l'ink Pills.
When the shadow of poor health
falls upon you; when hope fades and
life itself seems scarcely worth liv-
ing, then is the time you should re-
member that thousands just as hope-
less as you feel, have been restored
to the sunshine of health through the
use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. The
rich red blood which these pills actu-
ally make, strengthens the whole
system. The nerves are strengthen-
ed, headaches vanish, the appetite
improves, and once again there is joy
in life. Among the thousands bene-
fitted by the use of this medicine is
Mrs. Jos. Robinson, Oshawa, who says:
"Some time ago I was in an anaemic
condition and so weak I would faint
away at times. I had no appetite,
could not do my housework; in fact
life seemed scarcely worth living. 1
was exceedingly pale and tried doc-
tor's medicine with no good result.
Then one day I saw Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills recommended for a similar
condition and 1 gut a supply. I con-
tinued taking the pills until I had
used about a dozen boxes, and they
have made ole a well woman. I can
now do a good day's work about the
house, have no more fainting spells
and can go about more actively than
I did before. I believe these pills
just the thing for pale, weak girls
and women, and if given a fair trial
will do for them what they have done
for me."
You can get these pills through any
medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cts.
a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-
ville, Ont.
0 p°�n $lids; alk ibex bgAiy
exathinedi% 061ICe headquptto a
1 skirtedWOO .asked for pentdea
for her starving babies but Made the
mistake of asldnea deteetive,.wlla re -
tasted, 'I,' can says whiskers Under
your pogo,' • t•tbg .pg)iCe station
the beggar turned. out to be a man
who said that he.was begging to get
a nest egg fox his wedding, which
was to occur the next day. Thomas
Campbell claims to be the world's
faster beggar, and admitted that he
took in at the rate of $60 an hour in
Times Square from the theatre
crowds. He wore a uniform as ho
walked and many medals clanked
on his breast, as he displayed his
wrist; from which, the hand had been
amputated. He said he was a soldier
but investigation showed that .he
was simply a liar who had met with
his accident when he -was a strike
Some time ago the wife of a New
York magistrate saw a well dressed
man piloting a blind plan to a point
of vantage near a subway entrance.
For this apparently kindly act the
prosperous looking man was ar-
rested, and at his trial it was learned
that he had organized a begging
trust. He hired cripples and the
blind at $3 a day and they turned
over to him their takings which en-
abled him to live luxuriously. On
the same day that this fact came to
light an Italian beggar was arrested
and found to be in the possession,
of nearly $6,000. The police estimate
that many professional beggars earn
$15,000 a year, and they say that
many of them are fit to be longshore-
men so far as bodily health is con-
ce rned.
The entire operation of a new trac-
tor drawn road scraper can be con-
trolled by one man.
Radio messages are being sent
directly from London to Spain with-
out any retransmission.
Hand wind shields for motorcycles
are the invention of a policeman in
Washington, D. C.
One of the longest telephone lines
in Asia will be constructed between
Pekin and Harbin.
A new combination tool includes a
vise, anvil, emery, and buffing wheel,
drill and pipe vise.
Heavy oil is being adopted for fuel
by many manufacturers in the Pied-
mont provinces of Italy.
An inventor has given a combin-
ation padlock a' radium dial to en-
able it to be opened in the dark.
The public schools of Colombia will
he remodeled along the lines of those
in the United States.
A. wristlet that catches the drip-
ping water has been invented to keep
the arms of window washers dry.
Known for some years to exist,
deposits of oil shale in Bulgaria will
he exploited in the near future.
Scissors with folding handles have
been patented that take up about as
much room when folded as a lead
Through some painful error on the
part of the New York pol'cu they
i•rrested a few days r.go Mv. Morton
A ,''islone. He was charged with
begging on the street, and while he
was not in a position to deny the
charge an investigation of his affairs
showed that he lived in luxury with
his family at a hotel, maintained an
automobile and a chauffeur and had
money to spend in diamonds. His
fortune was made in begging, and
even when it was increased as the re-
sult of investments in carnival con-
cessions he did not cease begging.
Probably like other successful busi.
ness men he felt that he would be
lost without his congenial occupation,
and unlike them he was handicapped
in the matter of games for Mr. Ma-
lone has no legs. How he lost them
is not mentioned, but it certainly was
not in the course of any martial pur-
suits. However, the charitable, when
they see a legless man shabbily dress-
ed and apparently in distress, do not
investigate the cause of his misfor-
tune. They slip him a quarter dr a
dime or•sometimes a hill. Mr. Malone
has made himself wealthy by ap-
pealing to their sympathies.
An American organization with
headquarters has been formed for
the purpose all conducting a nation-
wide campaign against beggars and
vagrants who have bank accounts
and are in every respect more af-
fluent, except perhaps in the number
of their limbs and organs. than the
people who support them. The army
to number
n beggars is estimated
f ti
1,000,000, of whom 40.000 are in
s These mendicants
New York City.
in some eases have
their regular
quarters where they do business.
Times Square after theatre hours is
said to he a veritable mine for them.
But the majority of them • travel
about to different parts of the city
and to different cities. They pro-
bably have some sort of pulpit. ex-
change arrangement whereby one
will prey on victims of a brother
beggar while the brother fastens to
the victims the other has tempor-
arily abandoned. The beggars are
by no means all frauds, but the great
majority of then, even when maim-
ed, are capable of being trained to
do more useful work than they are
engaged in.
Most of our readers, we suppose,
will remember the Sherlock Holmes
story concerning the fraud who lived
comfortably in the country on the
proceeds of pennies dropped in- his
hat by Londoners who supposed him
to be mutilated, whereas he was per-
fectly sound and healthy. Plenty of
counterparts in real life of this char-
acter ore to he found. Tjme and
time again investigation has showed
that vagrants pretending to be peri -
1 niless were inpnssessinn of plenty
of means. One of them incautiously
begged fora dime
to save his life
from a New York detective. The
dime was given, and the detective
followed the man to see him accost
others. Then he arrested him. When
searched he was found to have $1,517
5/_e(6f1 to
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To Holders of Five Year
5a per cent Canada's
Victory Bonds
Iaeued 1n 1917 and Maturing 1st December, 1922.
THE MINISTER OF FINANCE offers to holders
of these bonds who desire to continue their
investment in Dominion of Canada securities the
privilege of exchanging the maturingbonds for new
bonds bearing 5i per cent interest, payable half yearly,
of either of the following classes:—
(a) Five year bonds, dated 1st November,
1922, to mature 1st November, 1927.
(b) Ten year bonds, dated lat November,
1922, to nature 1st November, 1932.
While the maturing bonds will carry interest to 1st
December, 1922, the new bonds will commence to earn
interest from 1st November, 1922, GIVING A BONUS
This offer is made to holders of the maturing bonds
and is not open to other investors. The bonds to be
issued under this proposal will be substantially of the
same character as those which are maturing, except
that the exemption from taxation does not apply es tie
new issue.
Dated at Ottawa, 8th August, left.
Holdess of the maturing bonds who wish to avail
themselves of this conversion privilege should take
LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 30th, to a Branch of
C� exchange nada and receive in
any Chartered Bank in
an official receipt for the bonds surrendered, containing
an undertaking to deliver the corresponding bonds of
the new issue.
Holders of maturing fully registered bonds, interest
payable by cheque from Ottawa, will receive their
December 1 interest cheque as usual. Holders of
coupon bonds will detach and retain the last unmatured
coupon before surrendering the bond itself for conversion
The surrendered bonds will be forwarded by banles
to the Minister of Finance at Ottawa, where they will
be exchanged for bonds of the new issue, in fully
registered, or coupon registered or coupon bearer form
carrying interest payable 1st May and 1st November
of each year of the duration of the loan, the first interest
payment accruing and payable 1st May, 1923. Bonds
of the new issue will be sent to the banks for
delivery immediately altar the receipt of the surrendered
The bands of the maturing issue which are not
converted under this proposal will be paid off in cash an
the 1st December, 10'M.
Minister of Finance.