HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1922-09-08, Page 5,M atrrosebwsss A@R 4 lit�i:,�;rr�ltd;,ciiatttl'�uli'vaznau aiky g411d.9Akb3'Wi):h: A3t41&&r24vi t Q9aa+,au�l 4u°'Ctt'J.ro,,,,a4 it `!i 0 !)p', g -• 1 0 M 1 •y ' ��bbyuRsheel writ' notion awns/' jp iyaww:c ' V!1 down 04 " ;y, {$ Ohms c 8 ../Iv r at (Svspp1M 28$41 JOHN McNA1TGHTO f. . ten $10 stip Per ton 080.00 BEAN MAEK,ilfF Toronto, September 6. - $ems, Canadian'' band.pioker, bushel, 64.26; Fumes, 68.75 to ✓18.90, • POULTRY MARKET Toronto, Sept 6th. Dressed - Spring chickens. 6$ to :88c; roceteta. 28c: told, 24 to 27o: ducklings, 800; turkeys, 85 406. Line Poultry -Spring ohtokens, 25o; rocs - tem -17 to 200; fowl. 20 to 2201 dook1Iugo, iso; turkeys, so to 88e. P DAIRY MARKET Toronto, Sept. 601. -Cheese, new -large, 1988 to 19a: twine, 19 to 101,(c ; tripled, 20 to 201,Jc. Old, largo, 2260: twine. 24 to 24810. Stilton, 25e. Extra old. large, 26 27e. old Stilton., 24e. Butter --Fluent creamery Prieto, 89 to 4091 ordinary cream/pry prints, 86 to 88c: No. 2 areamory, 84 to 85c. Dairy, 20 to 81o; cook- ing, Mc. Margarine -29 to 22o. Eggs -No. 1 cmdlel, 8E to Sac; eeleoto, 86 40 87e; carbon., 40 to 42o. GRAIN MARK Tr. Toronto, September 6th. -Manitoba Wheat No. 1 Northern, 91.141,♦; No. 9 Northern, 31.09; New crop, 140. 1. Manitoba oats-Namfnel. Manitoba barley -Nominal. All the above track. Bay port.. American corn -No. 2 yellow, 80c; No. 8 yellow, 79c, all rail. Barley -No. 8, extra, test 47 lbs, or bet- ter. 06 to 68e, odeording to freight., outside. Buckwheat. -Nominal. Rye -Ne. 2, 66 to 70,. Millleed-Delivered, Montreal frelghlo. bag. included: Bran, per ton, 922.00 to 828.00; abort., per ton, $24.00 to $26.00; good feed sour, $1.70 to 91.80. Ontario wheat -New Ontario wheat, No. 2, 950 to 51.00, at oudide point.. Ontario No. 2 white abs -New, 89 to 86c. Ontario corn -Nominal. Ontario Sour -let patents, in lute minks, 48'o, $6.80 to 97.10 per barrel; 2nd Detente (bakers>, 56.00 to 90.80. Straights in bulk, Seaboard, 34.80; Toronto basis, 54.20 to 54.26. Manitoba Flour -flet patents, in lute mucks, $7.50 per barrel; 2nd patent.. 97.00. LIVE STOCK MARKETS Buffalo, September 6th. -Cattle receipts, 200; steady. Calves --Receipts, 500; steady, 55 to 114.50. Hoge-Reoelpte, 4,000; 10 to 180 dower; heavy, 59.26 to 59.76; yo,icera, 310: light Yorkero, $9.90 to 910; pigs. 39.75 to $9.90: roughs, 56.75 to ,57; stage, 14 to $5. Sheep and lambs -Receipts, 2,900: active; Prices unchanged. Montreal. September 6th. -.Cattle receipts, 1,233. There was an oversupply of common cattle. Top grades held about etoody. Nine Ontario steem averaging 1.060 pounds were Bold for $6.50, and one load of fat locol cows sold for 14.01, The bulk of the cattle were from the North-west, and the best of these steers brought 96.00. Medium good branded steers of mixed weights brought 85.50 and rough course steers from 84 up. There was heifers in the Western shipments which were not likely to realize more than $3.00 or thereabouts. Western cows were $4.60 and under. Itas not expected that the market would be cleaneup, and all grades of - mon cattle were estimated to be aobund fifty cents lower. . Quotations: -Butcher steers, choice, 36.50: good. 35.60 to 56.00: medium, $4.50 to 55.25; common, 0820 to 04.50: butcher heifem, good '36 To 46.00; medium, 83.50 to 54.50; common $2.50 to $8.25; butcher cows, gond, 34.60 to $4.85; medium, 92.50 to 94: 's n , 750 to 31: cutters, 02 to 32.50: butcherbulla, com- mon, $2.60 to 33. Calf receipta, 1.080• Calf market steady. Good Iota of vent calves brought $8 and 08.60 and a for odd hand-pioked ones brought $9 • medium lots around 57.00. and grassers. 83 'to 94.26. Sheep receipts, 5,870. Medium and com- mon lambs were stronger and several Iota of ordinary, medium quality ungraded Iambs 'hmught 98 to $8.50. A few better ones reach- ed .39 and $9.50, anti good lambs sold at $10. Sheep were 82 to 84: bulk of fair Quality ones, 83 to 93.25. Quotations: -Ewes, 52 to 34: lambs, good. 99 to 010: common, 87 to $8.50. Hog reeeipto, 1.900. Hog market unsettled: $12.50 to 513 was the range for selects and good quality butcher hogs. Sows, 50 to $12. Trading very "low. Quotations;. Off car weights, selects, $12.50 to 413; heavies, 911 to 512; sows. 19 to 512. Union Stock Yards, Toronto. September 6. -Trade In cattle was slow in starting today as the result of a fire whioh brotce out in the northern part of the yard, on alleys 7 'end 6. It took place at 8.15 this morning and lasted for about half an hour. Damages wan roughly estimated at 830,000, this lays being mainly made up of the destruction in the fire of over a dozen cattle. All the rest were saved, although in the confusion 500 were mixed together. As a consequence buy - re held off temporarily until the middle of the morning. On the whole there wa a lit- tle stronger feeling in to -day's market as compared with last Monday. The run wm fairly light considering the fact that there had been no market since Thursday. Pries+ were about steady with last woek, although there were some odd sales of cattle 15c to 25e higher. The main feature of to -day's mar- ket was the strong export demand, which had been almost entirely reeking in last week's market. In this class, top cattle aver- aging 1.370 pounds, changed hands for Se, being bought by exporters, while some tough stun went to packers at Gyp By 2 'clock in the afternoon 2,300 cattle crossed the .calm, and pro:Desh: were for n clean up. There was a good butcher demand through- out the clay. Two loads of choice butcher rattle steers. averaging 040 pounds, brought. $7, with the bulk of gond .teem and heifem '- 96 to 96.50. Some odd Iota of botchorn went for from 87.15 to 37.50. Cows were about a quarter higher in price to -day than on the corresponding day last *erg. with goodanging IT price from $4.50 to 46.25; a few were purchased for 6 cents. Bull trade was slow, and on the whole the qunl,ty poor: an old goodn•veld for 84.50. Today's market saw a gond trade In stockers and herr. too, pri,00 were n quarter higher than last wool, The stocker range was 94.25 to 55.50. Feedem were steady ,-'5th, net week at 85.60 to $4.+•+ Cal( trade was brisk at 911.60 f,r lots, the bullc pnaoing out ;,r 9 to 11 eon's. ('•,r• Is At and H011 sold two loads ,t ibis ori one made up of scal.re weigh' 11"n 50.000 4n alt and'xthe otherr :,f Id. dune. wel.zi.ing 2.370 pounds. Movementin gra,' er0 wag a little slow. Generally ,p^•,tin+: cn+f prices were a quarter to a half high,rr. Lamb✓ceipt were not as heavy 0n nt amt had been anticipated, and trade open...I stondy at 811. While the bulk of the Iambs weld at this price, n few went far 311.222:. and .5. B. Shields and Son took the top for 100 lambs weighing 7.530 pounds at 511.45. Sheep were selling otoady to n quarter ni,rh,.', gond light sheep being worth 85.25 to 86, and heavy sheep around 5:t. Few sheep were aokl bynoon. CuII lam is were selling for 7 ciente. There was n very good min of hog., to -day. For a while packers wore bidding $1222.50 fed and watered, with salesmen coking 512.7:. An added supply corning in later in the morning red000d prices generally on hogs to 412.50. A quarter lower was being paid 1005 week. Receipts to -day were --Cattle. 3,428: calves, 809: sheen and Inmh,, 4,905. and hogs, 2.075. Quotations: Choice heavy ,teem, $7.00 to $8.00; butcher steer:, rhnire, 86.50 to $7.00: fin. good 85.00 to 06.50: do. medium, 85.60 to 90,00: do. common. 94.00 to 80.00: butcher heifem. choler, 80.60 In 57.00; do. medium. 55.00 to 44.00: cin, common, 14.50 to $5.00: b„trher rOw rhnire. $4.50 to $6.50; do. medium, $.50 to 84.00: cennem and cutters, $1.00 to $2.00: feeders. good. 05.50 to 36.20: do. fair. 55.00 to 55.50: stockers. gond, 34.50 to 55.50: do. fair, 55.00 to 54.50: milkers, 370.00 to 890.00: springers, 880 M 3100.00: calves, choice, 810 to 811.00; dn. medium, 68.00 to 69.40: ,}c. r 000900, 99.00 to 37,00; aprine lambs, 810.00 to 311.00: shear choice, 15.00 to $0.90; dd. good, 58.50 to $4.60; do. common, $1.00 to 59.001 year. liege, choice, 86.00 to 67.00: do. commom. $4.00 to 05.00; hogs. fed and watered, 812.50: do. f,o.b., $11.76: do., emmtry point:, 511.50. Luxton.-.., Mr. and ism. far tsao.v ItMa11 dansht r. 611Apcoai nth. to Mr. uta, a 4011. tip,.: en &what 22rd, to P.411°I'V._*,EU, to - I.ustou, a son. MARRL DES_ 1Naleh-.Whitmore,--lo Clinton, on Aoawt' 81 by Rev. S. Anderson, Mar second laminar Of Mr. and Mee. Frank Whit- more. of Go6rlga Township. to Wilbur A. Walsh. of Clinton. - DEATHS CTh p MSeptember Thw peon., a 77 yam Crewe 1n Exeter,, on August 29th, Florence Glanville, widow of the late Timone Crewe in her 654.1 year. Jervis. -In Clinton. on August 24th, Charles E. Jervis, iu ht. 76th year. Murphy. Io Goderldb, on August 26th, Oliver Ronny Murphy, em of Mr, and Mab. T. T. d8uephy, la kis 27th year. IMPORTANT NOTICES SEED WHAT. -WE HAVE 0. A. C. 104. the leading variety in yield for the last o x years In Ontario. Our seed came from the prize winning wheat at the Provincial Winter Fair, Guelph, in 1920. Price $1.76 Per bushel, bogs extra. JAMES HILL, Staffs, Ont. , 2865-2 THRESHING OUTFIT FOR SALE. -20 H.P. Sawyer & Massey traction engine, Sawyer & Massey Peerless Separator wdt1b straw cutter, water tank, everything complete ready to work, presently In operation. Owner wishes to quit on account of health. Can be seen any time by appointment JOHN TIIIRSK, R. R. No. 2, Zurich, Out 2802x7 AUCTION SALES AIJCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK. lM- plementa and Household Furniture.--- Thomaa Brown has been instructed to sell by public auction on Lot 28, Concession 14, Mc- Killop, on Tuesday. See/either 19th, at one o'clock sharp, the ollowing: Homes - Arabian driving mare 10 yearn old. Cottle - Two cows rising 4 years old due to calve In October, 1 heifer 9 yearn old due to calve in October, 2 cows nix years old due to calve In April. 1 farrow cow 8 yeam old. 2 steers rifling 3 years old. 6 calve rising one year old, 1 steer rising 2 yeam old, 60 hens and 8-gecve. Imple,nenta-Maoeey-Harris 5 - foot cut binder, McCormick manure spreader, wagon. McCormick 6 -foot cot mower, 12 -hoe Hamilton seed drill, 4-aectiou hnrrown and doubletree. 1 disc, 2 walking plows, Clin- ton fanning mill, Magnet cream separator, washing machine and wringer. barrelchurn. white iron bedstead, spring anti mattress, ,,den bedstead, mattress, feather bed, large Cherrywood bureau, velvet couch nearly new, nideboord, glaoadoor cupboard, dining room table. 0 chairs, Raymond sewing machine, Stonora range, coal oil heater, a quantity of fruit gems, a Quantity of turnips. Terms- Turnipn, cash: and all some of 919,and un- der. each; over that amount 8 month's credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. A discount of 9 per cent. off fur mush. MRS. J. CAMPBELL, Proprietress; Thomas Brown, Auctioneer. 2856-2 ARE WE DOWN -HEARTED? -NO. There ' plenty of everything thio year and it has been a splendid summer for work: and. personally speaking, we have been busy. and we heartily thank our many cuntonrem for helping to keep us busy. We have our Ditching Machine busy eery day. We have already dug and tiled over 2.000 rods of drain. We have quite a lot of work ahead and would kindly ask those who would like machine -dug ditches to lot us know, s< we may arrange and keep our work in line;' and when you ant load of rile delivered. please call us a day or two in advance, e as to give us P. working chance. We want to give you service. A satisfied customer means increase of business. Our prices are always right; our clay tile are right and e use you right We still have .,zea (eons 3 inch to 8 inch. WILLIAM M. SPROAT Phone 9 on 136. R. R. 4. Seaforth. 2856-2 v:4p>rn .s. Crawford Peaches Ready The Crawford verities of peach - 1 es, the best for preserving, are now ready. Finest preserving plums will still be obtainable for a short time. Bartlett pears are 1 also moving in good quantities. The season for this pear is short so buy now. The mark of the 1 Niagara Peninsula Growers, Lim- ited, Grimsby, Ont., stands for j carefully packed, evenly graded 1 fruit. CREAM WANTED CREAM Ship by Express; send by our cream drawers, or deliver your cream to the Seaforth Creamery. We are determined to give our Patrons better service than ever. Watch our prices, consistent with our accurate weights and testa, and consider the many advantages of haw- ing a thriving dairy industry in yonr district. Do not ship your Cream away to other Creameries ; we will guarantee you as good prices here and our very best services. Write, or call in our cream drawers and we will send you cream cans. When in town, visit our Creamery, which we want also to be your Creamery. We are proud of oar plant. THE SEAFORTH CREAMERY CO, C. A. Barber, Manager. 2834-tf GRAND TRUNK SYS.M TRAIN SERVICE TO TORONTO Daily Except Sunday Leave Goderich . 6.00 a.m. 2.20 p.m, Leave Clinton ... 6.25 a.m. 2.52 p.m. Leave Seaforth .. 8.41 a.m. 3.12 p.m. 3 P .m. .42 .. 7.04 aim Leave Mitchell Arrive Stratford 7.30 a.m. 4.10 p.m. Arrive Kitchener 8.20 am. 6.20 p.m. Arrive Guelph .. 8,45 a.m. 5.50 p.m. Arrive Toronto ..10.10 a.m. 7.40 p.m. RETURNING Leave Toronto 6.60 a.m.; 12. 55 p.m. and 6.10 p.m Parlor Cafe car Goderich to To- ronto on morning train and Toronto to Goderich 6.10 p.m. train. Parlor Buffet car Stratford to To- ronto on afternoon train. PEACHES -PEACHES Our crop of Peaches, which is of the Finest Quality, is now ripe, and we are ' picking daily. Parties who can possibly come to the Orchard it will pay them to do so, as our prices are very .reasonable. Phone 87 r 13, Zurich. Address C. O. SMITH, R. R. No. 2, Zurich. Half mile south of St. Joseph. 2856x2 - TENDERS WANTED Tenders wanted for the construction of the Buchanan Drain in the Township of Tucker- emith. Plana and pecification. may be • n at the Clerk', Office. Tenders to be In the hands of the Clerk by the 12th of Sep- tember. D. F. MCGREGOR, 2866-2 Clerk. WANTED To hear from people who are prepared to buy improved or unimproved farms at a very low price within the next few menthe, or be- fore the Canadian Northern extend their line through here next spring, when this place will boom and land will go up in price. Com- municate with DONALD JUNOR, toner P. 0., 2856x4 Saskatchewan. DRAIN TILE We are making another cut on our Tile. Why not put in the best; the best is none too good when you -are draining. It costs • ye to dig the drain than it does to buy thetile. If you put in well burned clay tile they win last for all time, to come. We have now a good stock from 20,4 inch up to 8 inch. Also well burnt white bricks. Any one having a lot of draining to do call on u, and we will get you a ditobiag ma- chine to do the digging and we will furnish you with well made and well burned clay tile. No better made in Ontario. K1I148E BROS.. Phone 2 ea 160. 1t. R. No. 8. Seaforth 2855x8 CIDER MILL AND APPLE BUTTER FACTORY W'e will be ready to make rider or Apple Butter or Apple Jelly, custom work, Monday. September 4th and eery day after until further notice. To make apple butter, bring 14j, gallons of peeled and cored apples, (sour apples preferred), to every bag of cider apples. Nut less than eight bag, of cider apples. If you want jelly, bring 20 to 50 pounds of white sugar for every 40 gallons of Tolman Sweet cider and four gallons of sour cider. We can make sweet apple but- ter out of sour moot.. Mill at rear end of Flax Mill. MERNER & FEE. 2955-2 FARMS FOR SALE FARMS FOR SALE. -.FARMS FOR SALE in the Townships of Tuckeremith, Us - borne and Hibbert, at pre-war prices. For further particulars apply to THOMAS CAMERON. Box 164, Exeter, Ont. 2856-8 FARM FOR 15ALIE.-,IAT 21, CONQES- eion 1, Tuckersmith, H.R.S.. 100 norm well cleared. Good frame home and bank barn. Dig pen, hen house and driving abed. A good orchard and plenty of good water. Tile drained, rural mail and telephone, and is in first clam condition. On the Huron Road 294 miles from Seaforth and 6 miles from Clinton. Will be sold cheap and on easy tern,. ApiIy to J. B. HENDERSON, Seaforth. 2856-tf "PAM FOR SALE. NORTII HALF OF Lot 5 C nccnsion 2. HuUett, containing 50 acres. There are on the premises a good frame house and bank barn 34n52 with a 18 foot lean to. All fenced and tile drained and seeded to grass. Five miles from Sea - forth ; 40 rale from school. For further par- ticulars apply on Lot 6, or phone 15-147, Sea - forth. THOMAS E. LI VINGSTO NE, R. R. No. 2, Seaforth. 2866-tf FARM FOR SALE. -- ONE HUNDRED acme, Lot 0, Concession 6, McKillop. Fiat -class land. f he buildings, two never failing wells with windmill. The farm is well fenced and tile drained. Convenient 10 gam' markets, school, and church. Rural malt and telephone. Terme reasonable. For further particulars apPly nn the premiss. or address WILLIAM J. O'ROURKE. R. R. No. 1, Dublin, Ont. 28540 4 FARM FOR SALE. -200 ACRES, BEING Lot, 3 and 4, Concession 4, Hallett Township, in good state of cultivation. Large stone house and two bank barns with stabling underneath ; windmill and water piped through the stable. Will sell with or with- out crop and would separate either farms. For particulars apply to EDWARD PRYCR, R. R. No. 2, Seaforth. 2841-tf r4 ARM FOR SALE. -FARM OF TWO HUN- dred acres ndioining the Town of Son. forth. conveniently situated to ell church. schools and Collegiate. There le acomfort- able brick rottage with a cement kitchen; barn 100006 with stone stabling underneath for 6 homes, 75 head of cattle and 40 heal with steel stanchions n d water before all stock; litter carrier and feed carrier and two cement sihrs; driving shed and plat- form :wales. Watered by a rock well and windmill. The farm lo well drained and In high state of cultivation. The crop is all Id the ground -choice clay loam. immedi- ate DOSS MP ion. Apply to M. BEATON, R. R 2, Seaforth. Ont. 279141 THE EXECUTORS OF THE LATE ARM. L bald McGregorffer for male Lot 15, 6th Concession, McKillop, 100 Hera+ of fine rlass farm lams. The land In in a first claim state of cultivntion and there are ermted nn the premises n good frame dwel- ling house, with kitchen attached: frame barn 76x64 with stone foundation, ntablleg underneath and✓ ent Hoorn and water throughout. drivinghouse, pig pen and hen house. Alen about ten acres of good hart) wood hush. The property ie well fenced and well drained and convenient to good markets, churches and schools. For farther particulars apply hn MISS LILLY .f. McGREGOR, on the premises. or to R. S. HAYS, Solicitor. Sea- (ortth, Ont ' -10 10ARM FOR SA1,E.-FOR SALE LOT 20, A. Concession 6, McRillop. containing 103 nerve, n11 elenred except 8 nose of hardwood bush. There nee on the premises a bank tern with etmee end cement foundation, 461(82, with cement floors: driving shad. 14x801 frame etnble. 29x82. large grovel house, 7 room end kitchen. cement smo t flnore In eylar, Herd and eoft water in kitchen: two acres of orchard. The form Is nl.l wire fended end, tile drained. Well at harp and ales well at the tenth.- This in n gond farm -one of the bent in McRillop. It in nitrated 0 milers from the Town of Senferth and one mile from oehool and church. Rural mall and phone. Will he sold on renson0ble terms. For further particulnro apply on the prum- e'. or address R. R. No. 1, Seaforth. RORERT A. HOGG. 280142 ee$itita Q p IFAi°ay L The Toren •a debris,' D elf lth a ntatalesat t>J< r alb em Stang tdonComm dl n or dioth varithaoe 11611 der of 1022, after ,W eh date to w sots distributedspa 9N¢ P1al1 of which tib i'�, intotrator than ba. not4 oN will be DAM)ay at 0t, 102, Saskutelenvan, thin 24th 2. dUX TO NERAL TRUSTS 2845-t CORPORATION.A4m9ato�en. olny,1w ✓,ekes, klf fp s, „i: Ij S5. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE le 'hereb), given Rumuant to the Statutes in that behalf that all pe no hav- ing claims against the estate of William James Henna, late of the 'Powaship of McKillop. In the County of Huron, Farmer, fdaeesaed; who died on .the lith day of June, 1022, are required on or before the 2010* day of Sep- tember, 1922, to ecnd by post, prepaid, or de- liver to the Solicitor for the Administrator, lull parttnularso3 their claims, duly verified try affidavit and the nature of the aecurlty em. FurUter take notice ta ny) held halafftl after theBhldImt mentioned date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among- the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which 'suttee shall then have been given. DATED the 24th day of August, 1922. R. 0. RAYS. 2854-3 9anelter fee Adminlatrater. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the Estate of Jolm W. Smola. All persona having any claim against John W. Smale, late of the Village of Varna, and formerly of the '1owaehip of Hibbert. In the County of Perth, Farmer, deceased, who deed on or about the 30th day of July, 1922, ole required 011 or before the 28rd day of September, 1922, to send to the un- dersigned, Suliottor dor the Eaeeutotn of hie will, full particulare of their dolma and al the enourities, if any. held by them duly verified. After the 'said date the Executors will proceed to distribute the asseta of the setate among the parties entitled thereto, harbor reference only to the claims of which they shall have received notices After such ddteibutlon the Executors will not be responsible for any part -1f the meets of the Estate to any creditor of whose claim they ehall not have received notice as afore- said. This notice is given pursuant to the Statute in that behalf. Seaforth, August 1511,, 1922. F. HOLMESTED. Seaforth P. O. Solicitor fee the Executors of the 2853-4 will of John W. Smale, deceased. SHOES We are selling Shoes. and at Prices that will Sat,' you Money. SPOT CASH PRICES: Heavy Bull Dog Overalls at ...$1.75 Men's good heavy Work Shirts .51.10 Dark Prints, per card at 28c Light Prints, per yard at 23c 5 yards Good Tow, ling at ....$1.00 Ginghams, yard wide, at 35c Heavy Shirting, Is r yard at 35c Large Grain Bag: at 50c Manitoba Flour a;. $375 Redpath Sugar at ' 58.25 90 Pounds Rolle,1 Oats at $3.50 Red Rose Tea at 55c 10 bars P. & G. or Gold Soap at65c We are paying 30 cents for New laid Eggs. W. J. FINNIGAN. Phone 72. FI,,a_f Custom Chappjng OATMEAL MJU$ Seaforth. MOTOR WITH US TO Goderich and attend the Dinner Dance At Hotel Bedford Next Saturday Evening SEPTEMBER 9th, 1922 Dancing from 6.80 to 12 Music by Miss Gene Conon and London Orchestra. Sunday Dinner -Music, 1 to 2.45. Sunday Supper -Music, 5.80 to 6.45. Wrtte or phone for Reservations to Hotel Bedford, Goderich. RATES: Saturday evening, 6.80 to 12, $8.00 per couple. After 8.80, 1$1.00 per couple with additional charge for lunch a la carte. JUNK DEALER I will buy all kinds of Junk, Hide., Weal and Fowl. Will pay good Arlo- es. Apply to MAX WOLSH, 2842-tf Seaforth, Ont. Re -Built Threshing Engines One 16 H. P. Waterloo Traction En- gine. One 16 H. P. Goodison Portable En- gine. All these Engines are rebuilt, thor- oughly overhauled and repainted. They are exceptionally good value, and we can make immediate delivery. TRACTORS One 12-25 Waterloo Boy Tractor. Two 10-20 Reliable Tractors. Immediate Delivery. The Robert Bell Engine & Thresher Co., Ltd. SEAFORTH, ONT. Ferguson & Company Always Something New in Men's and Boys' Ready -to -Wear NEW FALL COATS in Gab I • crd ins :cid Milton Cloth. Rain Coats both Ugh' and heavy. See this lot if you Wn:r real value, $7.50, $11.00, $15.00, $18.00 MEN'S FINE CASHMERE Sox, with in all shades. Regu- lar, $120, 1111- week only at JOc ALL MEN'S LISLE SOX Black, Blue nntl Brown, Summer hos- buns Black Fleeced lined Rose, reg,u- iery, to clear lar 38 rents, for LADIES' FALL COATS of real good material, in all colors and specially priced to clear these line: as low as 57.10, and as high as 527.0,0, LADIES' MIDDY Blouses in all colors and sizes up to 38, to clear at 75c Thee !files formerly sold at 51.50. LADIES' HOSIERY 40c 23c ALL MEN'S COTTON SOX LADIES' FINE LISLE lits✓, fast ii6tck, all first:. To clear at 45c .fors; 10 clear eit 20c BOYS' foot Black Co -on Ribbed llose in all sizes, extra h, :,vy. No extra charge for large size- One price 50c LADIES' FINE RIBBED Klnstir Knit, in all sizes. Rog,. 60c for 40c A full line of Men's Felt Hats, all this season stock no old stock to offer at $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 We especially invite the Ladies, who have in mind a Fur Coat for Winter, to see our stock and get our prices. All A 1 Stock -New Goods. Ferguson & Co. Seaforth 2 F. Seaforth We MO': Meney*Savtn, j Fruit Bow1a„, JarOnero, Tea Se % ner Sets, Water Sots, • Fane" Cr1it.. Baskets and Kitchen Needa--:-a111d'in� SEE BEATTIE'S FIRST - Beattie Bros. Onta4o� 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S. T. HOLMES 0 O Funeral Director and O Licensed Embalmer 0 Undertaking Parlors in 0 Beattie Block, opposite The O Expositor Office. Residence O Goderich St., opposite Dr. O Scott's. O Flowers furnished 011 short notice. 0 Phone Night or Day 119 O O O O O 0 0 0 O 0 O O O O O O O O n O O O O 0000 S',Q00000000 O W. T.BOX&CO. 0 0 Embalmer and 0 O Funeral Directors 0 O H.C. BOX 0 0 Holder of Government 0 0 Diploma and License 0 O Chargee moderate 0 0 Flowers furnished on short 0 o notice. 0 0 Night Calls Day Calls 0 O Phone 175 Phone 48 0 0000000000000 Your Ambition whatever it may be, will be more easily achieved if you have creat, ed a strong ally in the shape of a Savings Bank balance. It gives courage in present difficulties and confidence for the future. No beginning is too small and no aim too high. Open an account to -day. 059 THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL - - $15.000,000 RESERVE FUND - - $15,000,000 SEAFORTH BRANCH, J. G. Mullen, Manager. Dominion Stores, Ltd, SEAFORTH Soap Chips1 Chlorinated 2 abs. 2%C Lem 17cPPg fo Icing Sugar per lb, 10c Finest Canadian Peauut Butter Cheese2 per c 23c 3 per lb pound _.. Shirriff's Jelly Powder 3 pkgs 25c Blue Rose Rice I Rolled Oats 3 lbs. r- 6 lbs. .7 for �Jc I for ‘y.7/ C 9 Special Blend Tea ,; d49c p 1 Royal Excelsior i)ates. 2 packages 25c Shredded Wheat, 2 packages 25c Corn Flakes, 3 packages 25c (Choice Red Salmon. small tin 17c Choice Pink Salmon, 2 tins 25c Shredded Gocoanut lb, 23c Trury 7 1-2c Bread O Standard Size YOIJ WiLL BITY MORE. CANADA'S LARGEST RETAIL GROCERS i