HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1922-08-25, Page 5rtsoieaclm;cur• waaravw•. q • .4414041014 '1e Aell' ter, *ice i 8e. Mre 111 mar - in Septa ebe • e r. r :1 g y 0 k ,y a JI Y ELIMYILLE Notee.-Mise . Vera Heywood him secured a school in Essex and Miss Mole Sell will teach at Hawkis pne the coming year. -,-Mise Elyyaa orne'if3 visiting relatives. in ,'$t, 'Thomas ' this"'l eek - .Mr C, ilea Johne is suffering from an attack of ebingles.-Have your hair bobbed, girls; it's all . the style in our. village. r. , MANLEY Jest Arrived, -A car of lath. We' also have a du71 supply of Iseachville stone lima. We wealla1psori,glaetoomepnt t hitt eem od an. trwlyive erica Cement has not gone up at the 'old stand. 'a Cadwvrc, Remail Ont. now No. 107, $81144 r 'Nobs. -Sisters Edatha and Sea- ibert are at present visiting at the 'hump of •the former's mother, Mrs. 'T. O'Hare, -Miss Anna Manley is spending her holidays with her grand _parents in Seaforth.-Harvest opera- tions are almost completed, and so -far the turnout is good as the rust did little damage. -What might have been a fatal accident occurred last 'Tuesday evening when Mr. Thomas McKay was motoring home from Seeforth, accompanied by J. M. Ec- -kart, Clavor Eckert. and Frank Demp- eey.., The latter had been to see -Dr,, Burrows to remove something which had been in his eye for sev- eral days. -On returning home by the north gravel road at Winthrop, Mr, Montgomery's horse, which had been grassing on the road, walked in front of the car as they 'were ap- proaching the bridge, which made it impossible to turn off. Seeing they could not avoid the collison, Mr. McKay put on the emergency brake but too late. The horse went through the wind shield and tore one side out of the car, throwing Mr. Dempsey in the ditch, while the others escap- ed with bruised heads. At first when they picked Mr. Dempsey up they thought it serious, but in a short while he came. to and was able to go home. He received quite a shaking but is able to be around. The car and horse suffered the worst, as the horse had his leg broken. We are told there are no animals to run at large only. when in charge of owners. It so often happens that these ani- mals will cross the road and will turn right about when the car ap- proaches, giving the driver no chance to stop in time. SEAFORTH MA113 ars Seaforth, August 24, 1922. Eggs, per dozen 22 to 24c New Potatoes, per bag $1.25 Hogs, per cwt. $12.75 Butter, per lb 30 to 32e Wheat, per bushel $1.20 Barley, per bushel 60c Flour, per cwt $5.86 Bran, per ton $80.00 Shorts, per ton $80.00 BEAN MARKET Toronto, August 22. --Beers, canndian hand 'wicked, bushel, 64.25: Primes, $8.76 to 53.90. POULTRY MARKET Toronto, August 22nd. -Dressed Poultry- ' Spring chickens, 35 to 40c; roosters. 23c; fowl, 94 to 27c; ducklings, 30e; turkey., 35 to 40c. Live Poultry -Spring chicken., 35.: roos- tee, 17 to 20c: fowl, 20 to 22c; duckling., Sec: turkey., 80 to 35c. DAIRY MARKET Toronto, August 22nd. -theme, new, large, 181/2 to 19c: twine, 19 to 1914c; trieleta, 20 to 201/2c. Old, large, 25e; twins, 24 to 241/2c. Stdltons, 25c. Extra old, large. 26 to 27c. Old Stilton., 24c. Butter -Finest creamery prints. 39 to 40, ordinary creamery prints, 36 to 68c ; No. 2 creamery, 84 to 35c. Dairy, 29 to 81e; ceok- iag, 21e. Margarine -20 to 22c. Eggs -No. 1, candlel, 29 to 30e; selects, 82 40 34c; cartons, 36 to 37c. GRAIN MARKET. Toronto, August 22. -,Manitoba, wheat, No. 1 Northern„ $1.25: No. 2 Northern, 11.20: No. 3 Northern. $1.14. Manitoba oats -Nominal. Manitoba barley -Nominal. All the above track. Bay porta. American corn --No. 2 yellow, 80, : No. 0 yellow, 79c, all rail. Barley -No. 3, extra. tent 47 lbs. or bet- ter, 96 to 68c, according to freights outside. Buckwheat -Nominal. Rye -No. 2, 65 to 70c. Millleed--lDelivered, Montreal freights. bags 5ncladed: Bran, per ton. 822.00 to 123.00: shorts, per ton, $24.00 to $25.00; gond feed four, $1.70 to 81.80. Baled Hay -Track. Toronto, per ton, extra 140. 2, $22.00 to $23.00; mixed, 818.00 to 119.00; clover, $14.00 to 818.00. Straw -Car lots, per ton, track, Toronto, $12.00 to 818.00. 1 Ontario heat --New Ontario wheat, No. 2, 96, to 81.00, at outside points. Ontario No. 2 white ate -New. 83 to 35,. Ontario corn -Nominal. Ontario flour -hat patents, in jute sacks, 03'e. 06.80 to $7.10 per barrel': 2nd patents (bakers), $6.00 to 86.30. Straights in bulk, seaboard. 84.30: Toronto basis, $4.20. Manitoba floor --1st Detente, in jut saris, $7.50 per barrel: 2nd patent.. $7.00. LIVE STOCK MARKETS Union Sock Yards, Toronto, Angina. 22. - Quotations: Choice heavy steers, 57.00 to $8.00; butcher steer, choice. 87.00 to 57.75; dn. good,. $6.25 to 86.75; do. medium, $6.00 to 55.76; do.. common, 84.50 to WOO; butcher heifers, choice. $7.00 to $7.60; do. medium, 55.75 to $6.75: do. common, 54.50 to $6.00: butcher coven, choice, 66.00 to 80.00; do. medium, 8.50 to $4.00; canner. and mitten. 51.00 to 82.00; feeder., good, 55.50 to 50.00; do. fair, 84.00 to 24.26; stocker,, good, 54.50 to 85.50 ; do. fair, $4.00 to $4.25: milkers, 809.00 to $80.00; springers, $70.00 to $90.00: calves, choice $10.00 to 811.76; do. medium, 57.00 to $8.00; do., common, $8.00 In $7.00: spring lambs, $10.60 to $11.50: sheep choice. $6.00 to 55.50; do. good, 58.50 to 54.50; do. common, $1.00 to $13.00; year - tinge, choice, $0.00 to $7.00: do. common. $4.00 to 85.00: hofs. red and watered, 608.70; do. 0.0.9., 513; dn. country points. $12.76. DEATHS Doyle.- In Dublin. on Auaunt 22nd, Bridget Doyle daughter of the late Patrick Doyle, in hot- 50th year. McCracken. An Brussels. on Anauat 10th, William McCracken, aged 77 years, two months and 0 days. Elliott --in nnvflell. on August 1109, Arthur Elliott, aged 55 year. MoKny.-ln Goderich, on Angus. 14th, Marian McKay, of Kippen• Ont ➢eloper. -In Goderich. on August 10th. Marry 11. Belcher, a n of Mr. E. C. Bel- cher, in his 86th year. MoGInn-At Clinton, on August 18th, Mary Motes., widow of the tate Thermo lfe- Ohnn, aged 78 years. �� O�,tt�fiiQ&Svrr���+"'x�eY^Y �ltr I/rmPlla�`r�'i w F%. 6.: Oen A,a60i ifou -1t A ft *Ylh. a f , V. lend, • esu,,, t .weal, , Ile- O Aroich* ea &West hub, W Mr. and Mrs. John 8tucal ik son Colauhoua -xn 8ibturt, On Angaw 14 ',L far, and Mie.- $'mels Qobohol a, ,e da91 Snalth.-In MelLtilop on Aug s$ lath, to 4r and Mn. Jamb Jaw. Smith, a daaa4ipn' MARRIAGES iferb--Ki0S.-e-4At Telulty thorch, BWaaidr ea' August.9tb. by the Rer. 8. 0, Plats. Mtallel. Christine, daughter of Mf. and Mn. Geo - Eine, of Bayedd, to Mosby 0. Hari, 'of Toronto. IMPORTANT NOTICES FOR SAUL-NO. 1, o. A. C. NO. 104 Winter wheat, 62.00 per bushel. Tbh wheat stood at the head of the list at the Experimental Farm for the lest Ave years. WILLIAM A. ROSS, It. S. No. 8, 2Klpp2en, TEAAHER WANTED. FOE TVOKER- smith School Section No. 8, bolding a second class certificate. pmlew4onal. Duties IV commence September 6th. Apply, stating experience and (salary wanted, to J. S. DAVIDSON, Secretary -Treasurer, Bracetleld, Ont. 2854-1 THRESHING OUTFIT FOR SALE. --20 H.P. Sawyer k- Massey traction engine. Sawyer S Maeeey Peerless Separator with straw cutter, water tank, everything complete ready to work, presently in operation. Owner wialme to quit on unt of health. Can be seen any time by appointment. JOHN THIRSH, R. R. No. 2, Zurich, Out 2862.7 FARMS FOR SALE FARM FOR SALE. - ONE HUNDRED norm, Lot 5, Concession 0, McKillop. Fist -class land, tine buildings. two never failing wells with windmill. The farm is well fenced and tile drained. Convenient to good m rkebr, schools and church. Rural man and telephone. Terms reasonable. For further particulars apply on the premise. or address WILLIAM J. O'ROURKE, R. R. No. 1, Dublin, Ont. 2894.8 FARM FOR SALE. -100 ACRES, BEING Lots 8 and 4. Concession 4. Hallett Township, in good state of cultivation. Loris stone house and two bank barns with etabUog underneath; windmill and water piped through the stable. Will sell with or wHh- out crop and would separate either Iarma For particular apply to EDWARD PRYCL R. R. No. 2, Seaforth. 2841 -ft FARM FOR BALE. -FARM OF TWO HfJI4- dred acres adjoining the Town of Sas. forth. conveniently situated to nil chum:ha, schools and Collegiate. There is a comfort- able brick cottage with a cement kitchen; barn 100x68 with stone stabling underneath for 8 horses, 76 head of cattle and 40 begs with steel stanchions and water before all stock; litter oarrler and feed carrier and two cement rime; driving shed and plat. form scales. Watered by a rock well and windmill. The farm is well drained and In a high state of cultivation. The crop 4. all In the ground -choice clay loam. Immedi- ate pos0esalon. Apply to M. BEATON, R. R 2, Sealorth, Ont 2787-tf THE EXECUTORS OF THE LATE ARCHI- bald McGregor offer for sale Lot 16, 6th Coneeeelon, McKillop. 100 acres of first class farm lands. The land le in a fiat class state of eultavutton and there are ereoted on the premises a good frame dwel- ling house, with kitchenattached; frame barn 76:54 with stone foundation, etabliag underneath and cement floom and water throughout, driving house, pig pen and hen hoose. Also about ten acres of good bard wood bush. The property la well fenced and well drained and convenient to good markets, churches and ocithels. For further particular. apply ba 10188 LILLY J. MoGREGOR, on the premto e. or to R. S. HAYS, SolWtor. 8ea- fortth, Ont --tf "WARM FOR SALE. -FOR SALE LOT 20, iiConcession 0, Mcllliop, containing IN acres, all cleared except 8 acres of hardwood bush. There are on the premises a bank barn with stone and cement foundation, 46a82, with cement floors ; driving shed, 14a36; frame stable. 28.32, large gravel house. 7 rooms and kitchen, cement floors in cellar. Fiord and :oft water in kitchen; two acres of orchard. The farm is all wire fenced And tile drained. Well at barn and ales e11 at the bush. This is a good farm -one of the beat in McEntee. It la situated 6 miles from the Town of Seaforth and one mile from school and church. Rural mall and phone. Will be Bold on reasonable term.. For further particulare apply on the prem- ise: or address R. R. No. 1, Seaforth. ROBERT A. HOGG. 2801-0 CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. William Ross desire to oxpreea their sincere thanks and appreciation of the many' acts of kindness and expressions of sympathy extended to them :luring the illness and suinequent death of their mother. 285401 NOTICE Parties wishing to pay their asses t on Bolton No. 2 Drain .an do so on or be- fore Tuesday. August 29th, 1922, to the Treasurer, G. K. Holland, Beoolhwoorl. Af- ter said data debentures will he issued and sold for the balance. JOHN McNAY. 2854-I Clerk. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given ouruant to the Statutes in that behalf that all persons hav- ing claims against the estate of William James Hanna, late of the Township of McKillop, in the Count? of Huron. Farmer, Macerated. who died on the 0th day of June, 1922, are required on ar before the 20th day of Sep- tember, 1922, to send by poet, prepakh or de- liver to the Solicitor for the Administrator, full particulars of their claims, duly verified by affidavit and the nature of the security (if any) held by them. Further take notice Dial after the said last mentioned date the sets, of the said deceased will be distribute,) among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been given. DATED the 24th shy of August. 1922. R. S. HAYS. 2854-3 Solicitor for Administrator. We Have to Pay Your account at this Store will be due on September 1st. We have heavy payments to meet on that date. Prompt payment of all accounts is requested. Poultry wanted every Tuesday Morning. We pay Top Prices, and pay you for full weight. We are Paying 25c for Eggs. W. J. FINNIGAN. Phone 72, e �i7t ±,1i&F2 tnY:,IY ev...;Sm rl�>.ui,Wa4ak .{5i✓M if b>»d.Stark-...,,n. nimat4n4ORYi ai at pricy that; may slot oNur again.) E N. CIAIFF & SONS s . Seafurthy Ont. :1Ig1111111111111finti 1111111u1111Hlllli calif Pyne Quality Plume and Peaches Early varieties of plums and peaches are now over and the beet grades of preserving plums are being offered in large" quantities. prices are reasonable. Recent hot weather, however, will shorten the season. Yellow flesh free stone peaches are also obtainable. The mark of the Niagara Penin- sula Growers, Limited, Grimsby, Ontario, stands for carefully pack- ed, evenly graded fruit. BLANK CARTRIDGE PISTOLS Well made and effective. Ap- pearance is enough to scare BURGLERS, TRAMPS, DOGS, etc. NOT DANGEROUS. Can lay around without risk or ac- cident to woman or child. Mail- ed PREPAID for $1 --superior make $1.50, blank cartridges .22 cal. shipped Express at 75c per 100. STAR MFG. & SALES CO., 821 Manhattan Ave, Brooklyn, N.Y. MOTOR WI CH Us TO Goderich and attend the Dinner Dance At Hotel Bedford Next Saturday Evening AUGUST 26th Dancing from 6.30 to 12 Music by Miss Gene Connon and London Orchestra. Sunday Dinner -Music, 1 to 2.45. Sunday Supper -Music, 5.30 to 6.45. Write or phone for Reservations to Hotel Bedford, Goderici. RATES: Saturday evening, 6.30 .ha 12, $3.00 per couple. After 8.30, $1.00 per couple with additional charge for lunch s la carte. Re -Built Threshing Engines One 22 H. P. Bell Traction Engine. One 20 H. P. White Traction Engine. One 20 H.P. Goodison Traction Engine One 20 H.P. Sawyer & Massey Trac- tion Engine. One 20 H. P. Waterous Traction Engine. One 16 H. P. Waterloo Traction Engine. Ono 14 H. P. New Hamburg Trac- tion Engine. One 16 H. P. Goodison Portable En- gine. All these Engines are rebuilt, thor- oughly overhauled and repainted. They are exceptionally good value, and we can make immediate delivery, TRACTORS Two 12-25 Waterloo Boy Tractors. Four 10-20 Reliable Tractors, SEPARATORS One 24x40 Separator with Straw Cutter. Four 24x40 Separators without Straw Cutter. Two 28x50 Separators without Straw Cutter. One 32x50 Separator without Straw Cutter. Immediate Delivery. The Robert Bell Engine & Thresher Co., Ltd. SEAFORTH, ONT. PRESTON Pi,)RTABLE GARAGES AND COTTAGES in several designs, also Steel Truss .Barns and Implement Sheds, all sizes. For further particulars write The Metal Shingle & Siding Co. Preston, fir WILLIAM T. GR1IrV1::, Walton. Phone 14-234. Moo agent for Chicago Auto Oil Windmills. On athe ill►, 4r 19*t(gt�o n6d to the anAr>a k of 2h y and b e weaiitce slpr.• held bd th Milt•verlred,. atopraeerd 44htribate' the WSJ of the Estateamong Warden eetiU ' ?hereto. baying refers: a to the shame of which they .11011 bine steel ed notice. Atter at,p04, distribution the E=arners wpl not be regpmtble for any part of the easels of the settee to any creditor of whoes, elatm they shall- sot have. received notice as Mora 0514 This notipa-'is's<tven pureuen8 to the Statute In that behalf, Sosfortb, ;&nguet End, 1932. 7, ROLMEB•IED, Biaforth P. 0. Balldtonn for the Esee.of the 2661-4 sow of Henry Eapien, deceased. 81rd o ;1}!Ze ' sl'. regairgrt oA 'Ar ti X of :September $tZ, to �yae4, Sa1ie1 4or the tet, bis will, tun atom of their " at the ar)tba, tt aur, b*14 bt..t we. duw .Atter the .old date the E,eaeate a w911 proceed to distribute he emote of the estate emo0g the parties entitled thereto, 14avin$r reference only to the dainty of wine they shall have received noti... After snob distribution the E ieenton 0111 not be responelble for an pore al the assets of the Wane 4o any matter of whose ciatm they *ban not have recetv@@dd notice 49 auto- mata. This aoti.e is given pursuant to the Statute in that behalf., Seaforth, August 15th, 1922. B. HOLIIESTED. Seaforth P. 0. adldar ter the Eaecgton of the 2803-4 will of John W. Sash. deceased. Thrift consists in spending less than you earn. If by careful economy you can save money, you have taken a long step toward contentment. We pay interest on Savings bal- ances and shall welcome your account. dw THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL - - $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND - - $15,000,000 SG.\1 ORTH BRANCH, J. G. Mullen, Manager. Ready for School Days Special Showing of Boys' Toggery BOYS' LOT NO. 1 finest Blue and Grey Serge Caps- ' Boys' Suits, some with extra Bloom - something ,•xtra at ors. Values to $12.50, for $1.00 $9.75 9 BOYS' LOT NO. 2 real good Tweed Caps, in all colors; /3,,y,.Nancy Tweed Suits, values to and size,. Special at $10.50, in all sizes, for 75c $7.50 Blouses in All larger BOYS' -izes up to 6 years 55c -izes, regular $1.25, for 75c old Boys' Suits in all sizes up to 34. 1 Regular price 510 and $12, for $6.50 BOYS' Fine Shirt with collar attached; some in -Hort style, good quality; selling a: 75c AN EXTRA BARGAIN of Ties, ,nn..'.thing suitable for boys at 15c EACH BOYS' Snspeeclers-25c, 35c, 50c. HHOSiERY FROM 25c to 50c LOT NO. 3 YOUTHS' Long Trouser Suits, all new stock, of finest quality in Grey, Brown, Blue and mixed shades. Specially priced :15.00 and $17.50 sitsrea et 11 MEN'S SUITS in odd sizes, to clear at $15.00 BOYS' Extra Bloomers $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 Ferguson & Company Men's and Boys' Furnishings, Ladies' Coats, Fur Coats and Furs. E • We have a . Mote oSa g c Fruit' Bowie, '1Yardinerf4Tea Se ner Sets, Water Setas, Fancy,1 . Baskets and.' KitchenNeeds-all kkinld SEE BEATTIE'S FIRST Beattie Bros. Seaforth - - - .- - gated* 0000000000000 0 S. T. HOLMES 0 O Funeral Director and O O Licensed Embalmer O 0 Undertaking Parlors in 0 0 Beattie Block, opposite The 0 O Expositor Office. Residence 0 O Goderich St., opposite Dr. 0 0 Scott's. O 0 Flowers furnished on short 0 O notice. O O Phone Night or Day 119 0 00-000000.e> 0000 0000000. 0 W. T.BOX&CO. 0 O Embalmer and 0 0 Funeral Directors 0 0 IL C. BOX 4 O Holder of Government 0 0 Diploma and License O 0 Charges moderate 0 0 Flowers furnished on short O 0 notice. 0 0 Night Calls Day Calla Co 0 Phone 175 Phone 48 0 000000000 0000 CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION, Aug. 26 -TORONTO -Sept. 9 PRINCE OF WALES DURBAR Gorgeous production with all the mystery, romance and splendour of the Far East. $1,500,000 in new buildings and scores of other new features and attractions. NEVER ON A BIGGER SCALE Reduced rates on all lines o! travel JOHN G. KENT, ROBT. FLEMING. Managing Director Pres Wanr Dominion Stores, Ltd. SEAFORTH Soap Chips Bulk Starch f 2or lbs. 2SCforbs. ' 18c Tiger Catsup ShreddedCocoa- bottle 15cinpuert ib. 20c Old Dutch Cleanser per tin llc Special Blend Parowax Tea 49c br 12c per lb. Pint Jars 1 Lux Zen125pkgs.24c i for Baking Molasses Shirriff's Jelly large 20c Powder 25c tin �1 3 pkgs. Pearl White and Comfort Soap 7 bars for ....5Oc Wash Boards 57c Clothes Lines .29c 5 string Brooms a;,c Eggs taken for cash or trade at highest prices BREAD SPECIAL From our own bakery 7 per loaf _... 1-2c School of Commerce CLINTON, ONT. It is perhaps true that we exact MORE from our Students but, by so doing, with the assistance of our Better Qualified 8�1 we make them masters of their subjects and expect them to fill the BETTER POSITIONS in the BUSINESS WORLD, COURSES: STENOGRAPHIC, COMMERCIAL. SECRETARIAL. FARMER'S. ' I Special Rata "n Bus Line to School of Commerce Students, from Goderich to Clinton and return. Write for particulars. lI Special arrangements made for special Students. ilii TWO W1 EKS' TUITION given FREE to Students who call at the School of Commerce and register on or before August 19th. FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 5, 1922. For full particulars write M. A. STONE, Com. Specialist. B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Accts. Vice Principal. Phone 198. Principal. Ready for School Days Special Showing of Boys' Toggery BOYS' LOT NO. 1 finest Blue and Grey Serge Caps- ' Boys' Suits, some with extra Bloom - something ,•xtra at ors. Values to $12.50, for $1.00 $9.75 9 BOYS' LOT NO. 2 real good Tweed Caps, in all colors; /3,,y,.Nancy Tweed Suits, values to and size,. Special at $10.50, in all sizes, for 75c $7.50 Blouses in All larger BOYS' -izes up to 6 years 55c -izes, regular $1.25, for 75c old Boys' Suits in all sizes up to 34. 1 Regular price 510 and $12, for $6.50 BOYS' Fine Shirt with collar attached; some in -Hort style, good quality; selling a: 75c AN EXTRA BARGAIN of Ties, ,nn..'.thing suitable for boys at 15c EACH BOYS' Snspeeclers-25c, 35c, 50c. HHOSiERY FROM 25c to 50c LOT NO. 3 YOUTHS' Long Trouser Suits, all new stock, of finest quality in Grey, Brown, Blue and mixed shades. Specially priced :15.00 and $17.50 sitsrea et 11 MEN'S SUITS in odd sizes, to clear at $15.00 BOYS' Extra Bloomers $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 Ferguson & Company Men's and Boys' Furnishings, Ladies' Coats, Fur Coats and Furs. E • We have a . Mote oSa g c Fruit' Bowie, '1Yardinerf4Tea Se ner Sets, Water Setas, Fancy,1 . Baskets and.' KitchenNeeds-all kkinld SEE BEATTIE'S FIRST Beattie Bros. Seaforth - - - .- - gated* 0000000000000 0 S. T. HOLMES 0 O Funeral Director and O O Licensed Embalmer O 0 Undertaking Parlors in 0 0 Beattie Block, opposite The 0 O Expositor Office. Residence 0 O Goderich St., opposite Dr. 0 0 Scott's. O 0 Flowers furnished on short 0 O notice. O O Phone Night or Day 119 0 00-000000.e> 0000 0000000. 0 W. T.BOX&CO. 0 O Embalmer and 0 0 Funeral Directors 0 0 IL C. BOX 4 O Holder of Government 0 0 Diploma and License O 0 Charges moderate 0 0 Flowers furnished on short O 0 notice. 0 0 Night Calls Day Calla Co 0 Phone 175 Phone 48 0 000000000 0000 CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION, Aug. 26 -TORONTO -Sept. 9 PRINCE OF WALES DURBAR Gorgeous production with all the mystery, romance and splendour of the Far East. $1,500,000 in new buildings and scores of other new features and attractions. NEVER ON A BIGGER SCALE Reduced rates on all lines o! travel JOHN G. KENT, ROBT. FLEMING. Managing Director Pres Wanr Dominion Stores, Ltd. SEAFORTH Soap Chips Bulk Starch f 2or lbs. 2SCforbs. ' 18c Tiger Catsup ShreddedCocoa- bottle 15cinpuert ib. 20c Old Dutch Cleanser per tin llc Special Blend Parowax Tea 49c br 12c per lb. Pint Jars 1 Lux Zen125pkgs.24c i for Baking Molasses Shirriff's Jelly large 20c Powder 25c tin �1 3 pkgs. Pearl White and Comfort Soap 7 bars for ....5Oc Wash Boards 57c Clothes Lines .29c 5 string Brooms a;,c Eggs taken for cash or trade at highest prices BREAD SPECIAL From our own bakery 7 per loaf _... 1-2c