The Huron Expositor, 1922-08-18, Page 5• �r0 a- 'en. t des their Ise' Qf MT. tip Wtis'. i yi`he1pful arid enjo erYums on for t� month Mrs E,, Broderickd by all . Turner. A splendid bale of clothing and quilts, to be sent to the 'Indian schools in the West, was peeked by"the ladies. After the 1rMeeting tea was graciously provide 'adt'by the hostess. -The harvesting will soon be over for -another year In this district and the farmers ",ell :agree that they seldom have had such a bountiful crop. -Mies Pearl Ander- son, who has gone to Londonfor medical treatment, will, we hope, soon be much improved in ,health. - Mrs. A. M. Jones, of London, visited ler sister, Mrs. J. C. Cochrane One. day this week. Mrs. Jones was ac- companied back to London by Mrs. Cochrane to visit her husband, who has recently undergone a serious op- eration in St. Joseph's hospital and who. we are pleased to report, is getting along splendidly and hopes to be home again in a few days. I A SEAPORTS MARKETS Seaforth, August 17, 1922. Eggs, per dozen 21 to 22c New Potatoes, per bag $1.25 Hogs, per cwt. $12.76 Butter, per Ib 80 to 32e Wheat, per bushel $1.20 Barley, per bushel 60c Flour, per cwt 66.86 Bran, per ton $80.00 Shorts, per ton r $80.00 BEAN MARKET Toronto. August 16. -Beene, Canadian band picked, bushel, $4.25: Primes, $3.75 to $3.00. POULTRY MARKET 'Ihronto, August 15th.--Dres,,ed Poultry - Spring chicken,,, 35 to 40c: roosters, 23c: fowl, 24 to 27e: duckling,,, 32c; turkeys, 85 to fee. . s Live Poultry --Spring chickens, $5c; roos- ters. 17 to 20e: fowl, 20 to 22c; ducklings, 800; turkeys, so to 35e. DAIRY MARKET Toronto. August 15th. -Cheese, new, large, 181; to 180: twine, 18 to 19,/,,,c ; tripkga, 20 to 201<,c. 01d, large, 25c; twine, 24 to 2414c. Stilton,,, 25c. Extra old, large, 26 to 27c. Old Stilton, 24c. Butter -Finset creamery prints, 38 to 89e; ordinary creamery prints, 84 to 86c; No. 2 creamery, 32 to 34c. Dairy, 29 to 31c•. Cook- ing 21c. Margarine --20 to 22c, Eggs -No. 1, 0undled, 28 to 29r; selects, 32 to 35c; cartons. 34 to 36c. LIVE STOCK MARKETS Buffalo. August 16th. -Cattle -- Receipts, 2,900; generally 16 to 25 cents higher; ehip- ping steers, $9 to $10.10; butchers, 28 to 49; yearlings, $9.50 to 810.50; heifers, $6 to $8.25; cows, 02.76 to $5,50; bolls, 8.75 to 85.75; stockers and feeders, $5.60 to $6.50; fresh cows and epringem, $40 to 8110. Hogs -Receipts, 10,500; generallysteads,: benvy, 89 to 29.75; mixed, 010 to 310.50: yorkem, light yorkers and pigs, $10.75; roughs, $7maga, aga, $4 to 85. and nd lambs ---Receipts, 4,400: lambs 25c higher; lamb,, 96 to 012.75; yearlings, 25 to $10; wethera, $7.50 to $8.25; ewes, 82 to $7; mixed sheep, $7 to 07.60. Montreal. August 15th. -Cattle receipts, 1,208. Over half the Battle on Bale were from Winnipeg and other weetern points. Tradingvery slow and at noon a large part of the cattle ere still unsold. North- west steers brought from $4.50 to 06.50; bulk, around $5.00 to $5.50, with a few year- ling, around $4.00. Top for cows was 05.20. Small bologna hulls ware from $2.50 to $8. There were not enough different grades sold ao give quotations. Calf receipts, 1,828. Calves were stronger and good reale brought 08.00, and a couple of handpicked lots brought 59.50. Medium calvesw re around $7.00 and fair quantity Poll -fed lots, $5.00 to 86. Grassers, $4.00 and up. Quotations -,Good veal, 98 to 89.50; medium 46.50 to 27.00; common, $5.60 to 86.09: gree,, 14.00 to 86.50. Sheep receipts, 6,175. Receipts were heavy but there was a fairly active market for good lambs and choice lots brought up to $10. Good lots of eastern lambs, 39 and 89.60, and medium ones around 35.50. Com- mon lambs were n littlesair and sold around $8.00 and a few lots of culls went for 87.50 and in a few oases $7.00. Begin - ming last week Dockers' prices provide for cut Of 81.00 Per cwt. on all lambs weighing over 90 pounds. Sheen $3 to $6. Quotation -,Ewen, $8.00 to 26.00; lambs, good, 89 to $10; coaanon, $7 to 88.60. Flog. receipt,, 1,784. Hogs were lower. General price for selects $13.00, with an odd lot of better ones 25 cent, higher. Heavies and roughs, $10.50 to 412, and LOV.3 04.00 lea ti -an selects. Lig• r. unfinished hcgs wore not wanted. Quotations, offc weights -Selects, $13 to $:8.25; heovfm,$10.50 to $17; eo'vs, 8.1. Union Stock Yards, Toronto, August 15th. -The cattle offering to -day was lighter by a thousand head than that of Last Mon,lny, a falling -off in receipts from the We:t being mainly responsible for the reduction. There was o good demand for everything but ex- porters, and prices for the better grades in all classes of handy -weight killers were stronger than last week's cline, bat handy steers gaining clot to 8 8 e a quarter,she s of choice heifers Id on a level with stems of rung, grade. Butcher cows were steady to strung, and bulls, which were a very light ,apply sold felly stoney. Market eonslitinn,, gas regards volume and trend of trade, were similar to those at Buffalo, where the re- ceipt, were 2,600 cattle, - with bat kind a quarter higher, and others steady to ,iron, according to this morning's wire. The top load of heavy steers sold to packer at 8y., cents. hut otherwise choice heavies were no more than steady, the bulk making from 7 to 8 cents. There were sev- eral loads of butchers, et 7Vents and the flop toed, weighing 1.190 pounds, brought 7.70 cent. A few cows made 6 cents. and the bulk of good kind from 41.1, to 55 cents. Some 15 loads of otockem and feeders were taken at steady prices ; atockem from 35. to 6 cents, and feeders from 5 to 6 cents. Calves were in good demand, and a nor- mal offering sold steady to a shade stronger, n odd couple at the top making 11 cents for Fred Dunn: quite a few cholee veals, 20% cants, and the bulk of good kind from 9 to 10 cents. With volume in the lamb supply showing o slight increase over this day a week ago and the season for heavy run near at hand, buyers attempted to reduce the price at the opening, but were not successful in getting many of the best kind at leeo than 11 ctn., which wa steady. Brink erode developed lat- er In the tiny. and quite a few of the best sheen sold at 1114 cent.. One email lot made WO cent., and the bulk from 918 to 1015 cent. Sheep sold v shade stronger ha.v than at k at 515 ents. rat sheep brought 3Vit cents per pound. Hogs sold steady nt 131:1 cent, fed and watered. Paokere quoted a half lower for Thursday's delivery. Receipts to -day were: 3,048 cattle, 410 calve,, 1.544 hogsnd 2,421 sheep and Iambs. Quotation, : Choice heovy steers, $7.90 to 88.00; butcher steers, choice, $7.00 to $7.76; do. good, 26.50 to 86.75; do. medium, $5.00 to $5.75: do., common, 84.50 to $6.00: botcher heifers. choice, $7.00 to $7.50; do. medium, $0.75 to 16.75; do. common. $4.60 to $5.00; butcher cows, rhoiee, $0.00 to $6.00; do. medium, 5.50 ln 04.00; canners and cutters. 81.00 to $2.00: feeders, good, $6.50 fet $8.00; do. fir, $4.00 to $4.26; Mockers, geed. 84.60 to 85.50: do. fair, $4.00 to 84.25: milkers, $00.00 to 180.00; springers, $70.00 to 890.00; calves, choice, 810.00 et 811.00; do. medium, 37.00 to 88.00: do., common, $8.00 to 87.00; /spring lamb,,, $10.50 to $11.50; sbbep choice, 88.00 to $5.50; ,k,. good, $8.50 M 84.50; do. mirusson, 81.00 to 89.00: year- ling., choice, 86.00 to $7.001 do. common, $4.00 es 65.08; bogs. fed and watered. 31$.25; d0, fo.b., 812.28 ; do., country points, 612.25, Detapeset: Alio. Pa 94,404 Sethi Annetrecon -,Pit en .1* Mats' kt ein ane Mex Maweie Atocire n • 4augater. Mats. -AS e, on AAwAurti 6tlr, to sir, and Mrs- 1401; a "da Cautelon. Io Clinton Mo Hassid*; on' eaau3G eth. to Mr, one ne has. nor Cantelon, swim, one dead. ., MARRLAGEB Mollst=.8tnaidr.-In Clinton on Augnet 9, by the net,. 3, E. Hogg, Mae, daughter or Mr. and Mr.. William Sinclair, of Stan- ley Tawnahtp, to Peter Heydon Moffat Yesndle-1'borne.-At the home al iLe brides 93000 s on Aaguat 9th, by Ref. 1I, 3. Oren, Elva, Myrtle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thorne Mitchell, to Mr. Ray F. Yeaudle, or North Bar. DEATHS ' " - MoOart0..-In Godorieb. on August 9th, Captain D. P. McCarthy. Patton. -In Colborne Township, on August 8th, James Patton. In hio 7288 year. Wilson. -In. Goderich, on August 9th, Muriel Dorothy W1hwa, infant 'daughter of Mr. and Mao. Robert' E. Wilson, aged 1 Year and 1 month. Rosa. -2.n Tuckeremith, on August 8th, Ran. rieha McKay. widow of the late William Roca, aged 86 yearn. Soott.--Suddenly, on August 701. at Toronto, Wm. Bower Scott, eon of the lata James Scott. of Clinton. in his 70th year. MoLeod.-In Seaforth, on Anguet 10th, Jane MacKay, widow of the late William C. McLeod, aged 71 seam and 4 months. Burne. -In Logan, on Augaat 16th, 'Tomes Ryna, need 81 yearn. CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend or sincerest thanks to friends and neighbors fortheir kind sympathy and help during the illness and death of our mother, Mrs. Wm. C. McLeod. 2813,1 DAUGHTERS. IMPORTANT NOTICES WANTED. - PROTESTANT TEACHER holding ut leant second-class certificate for School Section No. 2, Tuckeemith, Duties to commence September 6th. State salary and experience. ROBERT J. COOPER. Secretary -Treasurer, Klppen. 2852-1 THRESHING OUTFIT FOR SALE. -20 H.P. Swyer & Massey traction engine, Sawyer & Massey Peerless Separator with straw cutter, water tank, everything complete ready to work, prmently in operation. Owner wishes to quit on account of health. Co,, be seen any time by appointment. JOHN THIRSK, R. R. No. 2, Zurich, Ont. 285207 PRESERVING PLUMS READY Good varieties of preserving plums, Bradshaws and Gages, are I now on the market at reasonable rrices. The mark of the Niagar t Peninsular Growers, Ltd., Grims- by, Ontario, on the containers I stands for carefully packed, even- ly graded fruit. FARMS FOR SALE FARM FOR SALE. -200 ACRES, BEING Lots 8 and 4, Conam.lon 4. Hallett Township. in good state of cultivation- Large stone house and two bank barns with etabltne underneath; windmill and water piped through the stable. Will Bell with or with. out crop and would separate either fame. For particulars apply to EDWARD PRIES, R. R. No. 2, Seaforth. 284141 FARM FOR SALE. -FARM OF TWO HUN - deed scree adjoining the Town of Ser forth, conveniently situated to all churches, .0hoola and Collegiate. There in a comfort- able brick cottage with a cement kitchen; barn 100068 with atone stabling underneath for 8 home, 75 head of cattle and 40 hega with steel stanchions and water before all ,tock; litter carrier and feed carrier and two cement silos; driving shed and plat. form scales. Watered by a rock well and windmill. The farm is well drained and 1n a high ,tate of cultivation. The crop is ell In the ground -choice clay loam. Immedi- ate poeeesnron. Apply to M. BEATON, E. R 2. Seaforth. Ont. 2787-t1 THE EXECUTORS OF THE LATE ARCHI- bald McGregor offer for sale Lot 16, 6th Conceraion, McKillop. 100 acres of first class farm lands. The land is in a first clone ,tate of culttvatfon and there are ereoted on the premises a good frame dwel- ling house, with kitchenattached; frame barn 76064 with atone foundation, stabling underneath and cement floors and water throughout, driving house, pig pen and hen house. Also about ten acres of good hard wood bush. The property ie well fenced and well drained and convenient to good market., churches and schools. For further particulars apply to MISS LILLY J. McOREGOR, on the premises. or to R. S. HAYS, Solicitor. Ser fortth, Ont. '-66 1..1ARM FOR SALE. -FOR SALE LOT 20, Concession 6, McKillop, containing 10$ ace all cleared except 8 norm hardwood ee D reg ofban bush. There are n the premises n beak barn with stone and cement foundation. 46082, with cement floors; driving And. 14088; frame °table, 28x82, large gravel house, 7 rooms and kitchen, cement Ooore in cellar. Hard and soft water In kitchen; two acres of orchard. The farm is all wire fenced and tile drained. Well at barn and ale. well at the bush. This t, a good farm -one of the best in McKillop. It is situated 6 miles from the Town of Seaforth and one mile from school and church. Rural mall and phone. Will be sold on reasonable terms. For further particulars apply on the prem- ises or address R. R. No. I, Seaforth. ROBERT A. HOGG. 2801df PRESTON PORTABLE GARAGES AND COTTAGES in several designs, also Steel Truss Barns and Implement Sheds, all sizes. For further particulars write The Metal Shingle & Sidtrtg Co. Preston, or WILLIAM T. GRIEVE, Walton. Phone 14-284. Alatl agent for Chicago Auto 011 Windnbllls, heat' 131` Latest j o frehA , the ' ::8z Beide; of ' the West indicate a rare yield: 44,049 'men are wanted j'reea Eiwtaru Canada to belpharvebt tide crop. To meet this demand specie Harvesters' Excursions will demand, oper- ated by the Canadian National Grand Trunk, Through solid trains will be oper- ated to Winnipeg without change, consisting of convertible - (berth) Colonist care of latest design. Res- taurant cars will be attached to trains serving meals and lunches at reasonable prices. For fares, train service etc., apply to nearest Can- adieu anadian National-Grand-01'runk Agent. FRUIT AT LOW PRICES Fruit has not sold at such reas- onable prices for several years. You should not overlook this op- portunity. For evenly graded, care- fully packed fruit, containers should have the mark of The Niagara Peninsula Growers, Lim- ited, Grimsby, Ont. TENDERS WANTED Bulk or separate tenders for Tose nry. lathing and plastering, carpentry, painting and glazing, plumbing, sheet metal work, hot water heating, eleetrie wiring and tile work in connection with alterations and additions, to Hospital, Clinton, Ontario. for the Clinton Bonilla! Board, will be received by the undereigoed not later than 6 p.m. on Monday, August 28th, 1922. The lowrvt or any tender not tiecesserily accepted, le .,.4 Plans and specifications may be had o application to the Secretary. H. R, SHARP. Clinton, Ont., or from the Architect,. NICHOLSON & McBETH, 2853-1 46 Queen 8t., 8t. Catharines, Ont. TENDERS WANTED 'Fenders will be received by the undersign- edor the eurnpletion of the unfinlnhed por- tion of Brunches D. and C. of the Klnburn Swamp Drain In the Township of Hallett. There is approximately 4800s bic yards to be removed. Tenders will heopened at Lundesloro on Tuesday, August 15th, at 7.80 p.m.. at which time the council will meet. A cheque for 5 er ant. of amount of tender to accompany the sanae. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. JOHN FINGLAND,o 2881-2 Clerk f Hallett. TENDERS WANTED Tenders for the construction of the Bolton No. 2 Municipal Drain, McKillop, will be received till Monday, August 21st, 1922, when tenders will be opened at 2 'clock p.m, at the Carnegie hall, Seaforth. Cheque for 10 per cent of contract to accompany each tender. Work to be done according to plans and apecifications of Township Engineer and to be completed in 1922. 2840 cubic yards open work, 1500 feet of 8 -inch tile: 8800 feet of 10 -inch tile. Plans and specifications at Clerk's Office. Lot 85, Concession 3, Mc- Killop. c- Killop. JOHN McNAY, 2861-2 Clerk. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the Estate of John W. Smale. All persona having any claim against John W, Smale. late of the Village of Varna, and formerly of the Towoohip of Hibbert, in the County of Perth, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 80th day of July. 1922, are required oncr before the 23rd day of September, 1922, ru send to the un- dersigned. Stllicitor dor the Them -tons 'of his will, full particulars of their claims and of the securities. if any, held by them duly verified. After the said date the Executors will proceed to distribute the swats of the estate ung the parties entitled thereto, having reference only to the claims of which they shall have received notice. After such distribution the Executor. will not be responsible for any part ',f the assets of the Estate to any creditor of whose claim they shall not have received notice as afore- said. This notice is given pursuant to the Statute in that hehalf• Seaforth, August 15th, 1922. F. HOLMEBTED. Seaforth P. 0. Solicitor for the Executors of the 2853-4 will of John W. Smale. deceased. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S. T. HOLMES O Funeral Director and O Licensed Embalmer 0 Undertaking Parlors in 0 Beattie Block, opposite The 0 Expositor Office. Residence O Goderich St, opposite Dr. O Scott's. 0 Flowers furnished on short O notice. 0 Phone Night or Day 119 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W. T. BOX & CO. Embalmer and Funeral Directors H. C. BOK Holder of Government Diploma and License Chargee moderate Flowers furnished on short notice. Night Calls Day Calla Phone 175 Phone 48 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000000 00000000000 Grain Prices Wheat Prices go higher on Hen - sail Market at the same time the prices go lower on other markets. Wo are now paying $1.02 for Win- ter Wheat. Compare this price with other markets. Bring your Grain to Henaall and sell it to the highest bidder. By doing so you will secure the highest possible price at all times. Cook Bros. UENSALL - - - ONTARIO D otpAit • at pates that mai not a occur again. • N. C.LUFF & SONS 1 • Seaforth, Ont. 1. $ 3 S$IUHHonooloomo1111111IDuiilliiiin5 Re -Built Threshing Engines One 22 H. )P. Bell Traction Engine. One 20 H. P. White Traction Engine. One 20 H.P. Goodison Traction Engine One 20 H.P. Sawyer & Massey Trac- tion Engine. One 20 H. P. Waterous Traction Engine. ' One 16 H. P. Waterloo Traction Engine. One.14 H. P. New Hamburg Trac- tion Engine. One 16 H. P. Goodison Portable En- gine. All these Engines are rebuilt, thor- oughly overhauled and repainted. They are exceptionally good value, and we can make immediate delivery. TRACTORS Two 12-26 Waterloo Boy Tractors. Four 10-20 Reliable Tractors. SEPA1tATORS One 24x40 Separator with Straw Cutter. Four 24x40 Separators without Straw Cutter. Two 28x60 Separators without Straw Cutter. One 32x50 Separator without Straw Cutter. Immediate Delivery. The Robert Bell Engine & Thresher Co., Ltd. SEAFORTH, ONT. UM om of of the Toa Wba n the County •of Wort,- who ooq,, who died en or Oxen, our,* 9922. are regWred on co OL Seotomber, i 22 to signed tcilciter for the axo6iz$oo 'e* 6.4 yjiL 'eecurtt8 . 11 say, held by m 4yly awned duet sat•ulare of their . After the wild date the YOU 'Proceed to distribute the .aeeetr of the 1PdtXtte' OntOng the Destine entitled thereto,. haying reference only to the claims of whloh that' shall have received notice. After such distribution the Executors will not be reepoastble for any part at the assets of do estate to any creditor of whose deka they 4a11 not have received notice sae afoer- eald. This notice la given pursuant. to the Statute in that behalf. Seaforth, August End, 1909. F. HOLMEBTED, Seaforth P. 0. SoUdtor for the Executors et the 2830.4 will of Henry Rapten, deces.ed, BLANK CARTRIDGE PISTOLS Well made and effective. Ap- pearance is enough to scare BURGLERS, TRAMPS, DQGS, etc. NOT DANGEROUS. Can lay around without risk or ac- cident e-cident to woman or child. Mail- ed PREPAID for $1 --superior make 81.50, blank eartridp .22 cal. a1sapped Express at 75e per 100. STAR MFG. & SALES CO., 821 Manhattan Ave, Brooklyn, N.Y. MOTOR WITH US TO Goderich and attend the Dinner Dance At Hotel Bedford Next Saturday Evening JULY 19th Dancing from 6.30 to 12 Music by Miss Gene Conaon and London Orchestra. Sunday Dinner -Music, 1 to 2.45. Sunday Supper -Music, 6.80 to 6.45. Write or phone for Reservations to Hotel Bedford, Goderieb, RATES: Saturday evening, 6.30 to 12, $8.00 per couple. After 8.30, $1.00 per couple with additional charge for lunch a la carte. _9111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111JI11f11111M111111111111111111111111111111111111r Once It's Gone your hair c,n,not he restored to its natural growth. Keep and cultivat, your present hair health by proper and regular treatment o, the scalp. KOREEN "Nature', Own Remedy" for Scalp Troubles, -eradicates /Dandruff, stops the hair from falling and promotes its natural health and beauty. = At Your Druggist's 2853-1 Ei ii111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i1111111: CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION Aug. 26 -TORONTO -Sept. 9 PRINCE OF WALES OU!RAR Ii Gorgeous production with oil ti:0 mystery, !i romance and splendour of t: -.e Far Font. • $1,00,000 in new buildings and scores of other new features and attractions. NEVER ON A BIGGER SCALE Reduced rates on ail , .0,.rrl JOHN G. KENT, AInnaninn Director ROOT. FLEMING School of Commerce CLINTON, ONT. It is perhaps true that wr exact MORE from our Students but, by so doing, with the assistance of our Better Qualified Staff, we make them masters of their subjects and expect them to fill the BETTER POSITIONS in the BUSINESS WORLD. COURSES:-STENOGRA PHIC. COMMERCIAL. SECRETARIAL,. FARMER'S. Special ]tote on Bus Line to School of Commerce Students, from Goderich to Clinton and return. Write for particulars. Special arrangements made for special Students. TWO WEEKS' TUITION given FREE to Students who call at the School of Commerce and register on or before August 19th. FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 6, 1922. For full particulars write M. A. STONE, Com. Specialist.. B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Accts. Vice Principal. Phone 198. Principal. 4 a:ie. r.,...:. Wh elha ' un. g Carand aa Mg, = Carts, Bake Sets, Gunst . Donis #. t xr August Sped iflb Main ' --GRANITEWARE '. do Marathon three -coat ware, mattedwhite, good to look at, gond to Bargains in Glassware -Come .anis. 2 Eye Specialist here August 21st -22nd' "COME AND SEE" . ORM Beattie Bros. Ferguson & Company Specials for the Week End 5 dozen Men's Fine Shirts. Values $1•35 5 dozen Khaki Shirts, values to 98c to $2.00, for $1.50, for 5 dozen Blue Chambray Shirts. Regular $1.50, for 41 pairs Khaki Pants, to clear $5 at 1 dozen pair White Striped Flannel Trous- ' rs in sizes 36 to 40. To clear at 4 dozen Boys' Wash Suits to clear at 3 dozen Boys' Blouses. Values to 9Uc $1.50, for 5 dozen Men's Cotton Sox, blue, grey and brown, something special, while they last.20C 90c Any Panama Hat in the Store $2 for Ferguson & Company - Seaforth i Dominion Stores, Ltd. Finest Canadian Cheese 22C per ib. . H. P. Sauce large bottle 34C MachineSliced Bacon per Ib.37c Domestic Short- enin1 lbgpkg2®c i Pure Bulk Lard fortis. 37c _ Best Grade St. Lawrence Sugar, 12'1 pounds for lei 1 1 100 lbs. for 7.75 Choice Red Salmon 2®c Klim large tin 42c Lit; Vinegar ~Orli or e. Reg cider. (;iter. 011e Price. Rt'h nlnr' 50k' for 25c Lemon Crisp Cakes I per Ib. iC Picnic Teas �5� per lb. Corn Flakes 3 pkgs. 29e for Rolled Oats 6 pounds for..... 25e Corn Meal 7 pounds for...... 25e Seedless Raisins per pound 21c v