HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1922-08-11, Page 4.. .•: :. :, ...v: .^. . . x' „ ne ,. .:..
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<teea�rt' Erse --a
sumer. Renaell 4
-A. A. Cockburn -IS
Beattie ars.-b
,,.•,Mien aures -6
I N .,sa • .. rt Gaspar -6
obn l�l.k- sa
.3 , t Low Prices -6
'a Wanted -6
: one shoes -w. J. Finnigan -8
area-, Hensau--eFollowing
wanted--axnosher oaks --a
W rated-:wt:Uiao Morrison --8
nouao for Sale -Mrs. J. F. Roes-eShoes
Sselea--axmsiwr Office -8
Monts Wanted -8
Far Sato -R. J. were --a
*i.e..' oder--I oatue'a Fair -8
Wallace Reid -Princess -8
Norma 'FUmadge-iStrand-8
Dance Boxlhagen-a
R..�te and their Mutt, Mies C. Glutin, .day
are holidaying in Detroit with their
relatives. -W, William Cleary is un-
usually jubilant over being a father
of a bouncing boy. -Mr. Patrick
Woods, of Logan, has purchased
seven lots on Matilda Street, from
Miss Mary McDaid. He purposes
erecting handsome residence this
year. -Miss Bridget Dyer has dispos-
ed of two lots and a small frame
kitchen for $300 to Mr. Jack Bruxer,
our genial miller. -Mrs. Alex. Darling
is undergoing treatment at the Strut-
ford General Hospital.
Lower School, Results. -The follow-
ing are the Lower School examination
results from the Dublin School:-
First class proficiency, 75-100; sec-
and class proficiency, 66-74; third
last th Mr. and ,•
Sa• err I'
Death of a Pioneer. --Another
Hibbert'a pioneers in the
Mr. John Smale, departed
on Sunday, July 30th, at
old age of eighty-four. Mr.
was born in England, but at
of a e his arents ami rated
g P g
country and axon after settled
farm near Staffa. The family
silted of five boys and two
only two, Thomas, of Seaforth,
George, of Mitchell, are now
When Mr. Smile married
on a farm a short distance
boyhood home, where he lived
about two years ago, when
to live with his daughter,
Stephenson, of Varna. He
• Robert
person of
this life
the ripe
six years
to this
on a
girls, but
he settled
from hi;
he went
Mrs. W.
had been
vieitl. ug �P• A. M Ketptpe and •n�klpr
friends here this eek. •Her many
old fri were pleased to see her
again. re. E. King, of Gorlrie, who
was here visiting her brother-in-law,
Mr. MOWN. and family, has returned
home•---e>F, Robertson, a young man
from the Goshen Line, who is study-
ing try, conducted the
for• the minis
services in St. Andrew's church on
Sunday last, and gave a splendid
discourse. Stanley township has many
sons who - are prominent • in the
ministry, and Mr. Robertson bide
fair to add to the number. -Rev. Mr.
McConnell, of Bonsai!, will conduct
the services here on Sunday next.-
Miss Florenc•f• Harrington, of Toren-
to, was the guest of Miss M. Mellis
this weelf,,. As a child Miss Herring-
at the h'
0. Chapman,
her mother,
tem here.
Mrs. Campbell
Mr. and
bell's parents,
friends in
Zurich returning
ing with
had been
here with
and Mrs.
Mr. Case's
• �.s ox .Ina a pa7tp�tl.-•+• \' :
of Godericb, accom-
her daughters, is visiting
Mrs. G. Scott, and els-
-Dr. B. A. Campbell and
motored here from
spending the week end with
Mrs. T. Murdock, Mrs. Camp--
and aso visitednisi
their former home at
on Wednesday mord-
their daughters and son who
spending several weeks
flair grandparents. - Mr.
A. Case are camping at
Bend. -Mr. and Mrs. H.
are awayfor three weeks'
-Mr. J. Tasker, of Blyth, is
agent at the station during
absence. -Mrs. W. S. Cald-
Of Su'�'i�'�'1t"� / .r Shc)es.
out our custom tofo Cato did over no shoes from
one season to the other, we intend to dispose of our Soames
r ShoeshAugust at greatly reprice prices, Every line of
ig mor will be reduced in price but lass of which we
have but a few pairs left, will be'sold out regardless of coat.
It's simply 'for. ce magi whena
out y our nSunerAnnnal Clean Up roam
we close all Summer Shoes to make room for^ coming Fall
;Shoes. It's your opportunity to save real money on real ehoea,
Read these prices:-
class proficiency, 60-65; C denotes
pass, credit, 50-59, form II. -Brit-
ton, Verne, Botany 3rd, Gram. 2nd,
Arith. 1st, Art; Byrne, Robert, Bot,
a very active man, enjoying good
health up to a few months ago, when
his health began to decline. He was
a member of the Methodist church, a
ton spent'unauy months at Mr. Mellis'
home, and she is well remembered by
many friends who are glad to see
her again.- Du the , week our
well, of Listowel, is spending a few
weeks with her mother, Mrs. Sher-
Late R. J. Drysdale,
Men's Brown Calf Oxfords, two different styles, French, toe last
with rubber heels and round toe last with leather heels,
'regular $6.00 values, to clear at per pair $4.86
SEAFORTH, Friday, August 71, 1922C.,
3rd, Zoology lst, Gram. C. Physiog.
Arith. 1st, Art; Coyne, Florence,
Botany '2nd, Zuulugy 1st, Gram. 3rd,
bright, cheery disposition, and one
who had many friends. Mr. Smale
was a correspondent of The Expositor
citizens had t., bring out their wintee
clothes, the heather being so chilly.
-Mies Berths McKenzie, of Toronto,
The -We made
mention of the death of Mr. Robert
J Drysdale, of this village, in our
last week's issue, and the following
Men's Gunmetal Calf Shoes, about 15 pairs, some with rubber
heels, but all have Goodyear welted sewn soles; made on the
Drowning Fatality. -For the third
time within the past two months a
record fur tragedy that wuuld be dif-
ficult to equal cast ita shadow over
the Sherritt home. Falling int,, an
open well here Monday morning, Wil-
Liam Sherritt, 45 years old, and a
prominent farmer of this district,
was drowned and his bodynot recov-
ered until several hours later, when
Physiog. C, Arith. 3rd, Art; Delaney.
Evelyn, Botany 2nd, Zoology 1st,
Gra. 2nd, Physiog. 2nd, Arith. 1st,
Art 2nd; Feeney, James, Botany 2nd,
Zoology 1st, Gram. C., Physiog. C,
Arith 1st, Art; Feeney, Mary, Bot-
any 3rd, Zoology 3rd, Grammar
2nd, Physiog. C, Arith. lot; Flannelly,
Helen, Botany 1st, Zoology 1st, Gram.
2nd, Physiog. C, Arith. 2nd, Art;
Hills, Hazel, Botany 1st, Zoology •2nd,
Grant. C, Art 3rd; Jordan, Alien, Zo-
ology 2nd, Gram. 2nd, Art 3rd; Moy-
the year after it started and for over
50 years had been a reader of this
paper. The funeral took place on
Tuesday afternoon to Staffs Ceme-,sat
tery. Four sons and one daughter
were present at the funeral. Two
suns, Albert and Herbert, are farm-
ing in Hibbert; Percy is farming in
Northern Alberta, and Robert is a
dentist in Regina. His daughter, Mrs.
R. Stephenson, lives near Varna. The
community extend their deepestfled
sympathy to the bereaved family.
is visiting rut the parental home of
Mr. and Mrs. A. McKenzie. -Mrs. W.
McDonald has returned from a pleas-
visit with her sister, Mrs. Hays,
of Niagara Palls. Mrs. McDonald
says that tt, .ee fruit in abundance
one has to ge to the Niagara district.
-All friend: :ire pleased to see Mrs.
Crawford out again after her recent
accident. -AI es Helen McGregor, who
is spending the holidays here, is at
present carnemg at Grand Bend. -Mr.
Robert Daynseid, who was confined
particulars of one who was so well
and favorably known will,doubt,clear
ainteresthis marelatives a
friendsMtr. Drysdale was born
in Airdrie, Scotland, in the year 1846
and emigrated to Canada in the year
1848 when a child, and for some time
lived near Brantford. Some years
later he moved to the 2nd concession
of the Township of Stanley and set -
Drys -
afterwards in the village of here,
dale, some twelve miles from here,
where he carried on a general store
English recede toe. Regular values, ,60 and $8,00• to
a 4 t per pair 26
Ladies' Patent Celt Oxfords and kid leather Oxfords, also kid
leather strapless pampa, high-grade shoes with Frenchhee18,
regular $6.60 and $7.50 values, to clear at per pair11.87
Ladies' Kid oncp, two -button Slippers with medium height
heels, this seestraason's shoes, regular $6.00 value to clear at $8,36
Ladies' Brown Calf Pumps with strap and buckle and low heels,
regular $4:50 value to clear at per pair $3.40
Boys' black running shoes with toe 1,
his wife instituted a search fur him,
Ian, Grace, Botany 1st, Zoology 1st,
Gram. 1st, Physiog. 9rd, Arith. 1st,
to bed for seine days, is now out a-
the harvest. Mrs. Nesbit
and was postmaster well.gHe re-
rubber caps, sizes 4 and
6, to clear at per pair $1.26
Serious Accid.•ut.- LI:•.d O'Brien,
aged 23, of 'Lunch, ttLI taken to St.
Joseph's Hospital un Saturday night
anand X-rayexamination made sub -
sequently shws that he is sufferingolagy
from a fractured spine. The young
man fell twenty feet from the top of
e house on which he was working.
He landed on his feet and sustained
such a jolt that his spine was frac-
Art 3rd; McConnell, Annie Botany
1st, Gram, 2nd, Physiog. 2nd, Arith.
3rd, Art 3rd; McConnell, Jean, Hot-
any lst, Zoology 1st, Arith. 2nd; Mc-.
Veronica, Botany lst, Zo-
elegy 1st, Gram. 3rd, Physiog. 3rd,
Arith. 1st, Art C.; McCarthy, William,
Arith. C, Art C; McGrath, Gertrude,
Botany 1st, Zoology 1st, Gram. 3rd,
Physiog, 2nd, Arith. end, Art C; Mc-
Quaid, Jos., Botany 1st, Zoology 1st,
A Progressive Congregation. - St,
Andrew's congregation has shown its
progressive spirit by the installation
of an electric lighting system in the
church. The plant chosen is a Do
minion Light and was installed by
Sutter and Perdue, of Clinton. It
was tried out for the first time last
Sunda avenin
.S ay
It i expected, will
be fully completed before next Sun-
gain at
and sister, else Munroe and Mrs. Ad-
dison, of Brtn-efield, were the guests
of Miss Mel:;- this week. -Mr. W. M.
Doig, of Port Huron, spent the fore
part of the ern( at the family home
in Tuckersr;ith. Mr. Doig was de-
lighted to h.. -the privilege of meet-
ingan eld •furkersmith school chum
in the a
who has beet! a reside lacy the west
for the past 1:. years. Mr. Doig and
tired from business there a good many
years ago, and moved into Hensall,
the fine brick of
lee latera John McArthur, wHenalso
engaged in business here for some
Y ears in the boot and shoe business
getting a good share of business, but
advancing years he retired from
with business
business six years ago. nafl'hephedeceas-
ed was married to Susanna Stephen -
son in 1874 and his wife having pre-
deceased him in the year ]907, he of
GI: Wiiiiiii° +
tured about the middle. The case is
Gram. 3rd, Physiog, 2nd, Arith. 1st,
day when anniversary services will
Mr. Roberti' ri both attended No. 2,
•terwards lived with his son Mark, of
somewhat an unusual one in that al-
Art McMillan, Mary, Botany 1st, Lo-
ology 1st, Gram. 3rd, Physiog. ' nd,
be held at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. The
this is Rev, David
Tuckeramith. and both had many
tales to relate of bygone days and
this village, and his daughter, Mrs.
the vertebra is smashed there
thoughis no paralysis. The patient, how-
ever, is ralysis.sufferinthe most intense
Arith. 2nd, Art; O'Rourke, Mary, Bot-
any 1st, Zoology 1st, Grammar 1st,
preacher year
Perrier D.D., Winghan., and special
music will be rendered by the Sea-
the great c}uutges that have taken
Place since then.
W, A. McLaren, but for a while pre-
vious to doing that purchased a home
on the corner of Nelson and Oxford
pain. He is being attended by Dr.
Hadley Williams. It is impossible at
the present time to stela whether or
not Lhc patient will recover.
Physiog. 2nd, Arithmetic 1st, Art.
Fornt III,-Me('onnell, Mary, Arith.
1st; Howard, Marguerite, Art C.
Form L- Atkinson, Annie, Geog.
2nd, Botany 2nd, Grain. 3rd, Hist. 3rd;
forth Male Quartette, accompanied by
Mr, H. Livens, organist, of Seaforth
Presbyterian church. An offering
will be taken to assist in defraying
Bring your ,k hest to the Hensall market.
w,. re still „ng $1.02 in spite of tower
Streets, where several of his daugh-
tern for a time lived with him and
kept house for him. During the past
few years his health was not very
Notes. -The farmers are pretty well
through cutting and report a
Carpenter, Teresa, Geog. 2nd, BotanyNotion.-Th:
2nd, Gram, 2nd, hist. Ist; Crawford,
Madeline, Geog. C, Botany 3rd, Gram.
3rd, Hist. ('.; Dill, Ralph, Geog. 2nd,
the expense of the lighting system.
The annual Sunday school picnic of
St. Andrew's church will take place
to Jowett's Grove un Thursday after-
markets. Yb.• . `•4, xeneall. ¢862-10
Jewelry business of W. C,
Natpwgmysn a,°,u1. w , E. Brpown nu. nser tees
purpose of hitt, class watch. clock and jewelry
good, in ,fact some six years ago he
suffered from an very acute attack
of pneumonia from which he was
scarcely expected to recover, but
good crop. -Mr. John Hunkin is back
to finish his contract with Dr. Lloyd
Moffatt on his farm buildings. - A
concert under the auspices of St.
John's Church, Varna, will be held on
Mr. John Beattie's lawn on the even-
ing of Tuesday, August 15th. A good
programme will be rendered by talent
from Detroit, Bayfield, Iiensall and
Exeter. A good orchestra will also
be in attendance. -Mr. Epps, of Ham-
Ilton, is here visitinghis brother.-
Miss Margaret Slavin, Hensall,
Botany 3rd, Gram, C. Hist. ('; Echert,
Mary, Geog. 2nd, Botany 2nd, Gram,
C, Hist. C; Gormley, Catherine, Geog.
C, Botany C, Gram. 3rd, Hist. C; Jor-
dan, Gerald, Geog. 3rd, Botany C,
Gram. C, Hist. C; Kistner, Vera, geog,
2nd, Botany 1st, Gram. 3rd, Hist. C;
McConnell, John, Geog. 1st, Botany
1st, Gram, 1st, Hist. 1st; McGrath,
Annie, Geog. 3rd, Botany 1st, Gram,
1st, Hist. C; McMann, Helen, Geog.
lst, Botany1st, Gram. C, Hist, 2nd;
noon, August 17th.
Breezes. -Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Peck,
of Akron, Ohio, motored over last
week and are spending two weeks
in the village and vicinity visiting
friends. -Mrs. George Dunton and
daughter, Marie, of Owen Sound, are
guests of Mr. and Mra, A. E. Erwin
at present. -Mr. and Mrs. Bert•Bak-
er and family are spending their boli-
days here with Mrs. Baker's mother,
Mrs. Biggart.-Mr. Orval Weston, of
Detroit, is visiting under the parental
repairing amt ,ngravieo. We also have a
high ,c ass st••1 nit jewelry haaaa watchesclocks
sac euarntnte.-t for one year. W. E. iirown,
Manager. 2452-2
Briefs,-ttvrto a large number
from here ,mi vicinity attended the
F'ord picnic at Grand Bend on Wed-
nesday last -Mr. John Elder, of this
village, hating procured the agency,
also a Government license to sell and
erect pure copper lightning rods,
made by tie Phillips Co., of Toronto.
has recently rodded John McEwen's
with good medical attention and
nursing his life was spared and he
went around quite smartly until the
past year, when he had several e
tacks of illness but from which he
partly recovered. About a month or
so ago, while not feeling very strong
he went to Cairo, Mich., to attend a
golden wedding of his sister, Mrs• W.
Kirk, and while there had another
attack of illness but was able to
reach his home here, but never was
able to go around again, and he pass -
Costs Loss Pr f
►7 ��� LOSS O �es
Forgotten for the Awful Finish
Sale PositivelyCloses
' '
Saturday Night Angus 12 at midnight
of is
visiting Varna and Bayfield friends.
-MissShillinglaw, of Seaforth, is
the guest of Mrs. Stelk.-A number
of Varna people took in the garden
party at Bayfield on Tuesday evening
and report a good time.
McQuaid, Thos. Geog. 1st, Botany lst, roof here at present --The following
Gram, 3rd, Hist. 3rd; Maloney, Pat- tourists are registered at the different
rick, Geog, 3rd, Botany 1st; Messer- hotels and boarding houses: Albion
schmidt, Adeline, Geog. 3rd, Botany lintel -Miss M. H. 'Nilsen, London;
2nd, Gram3rd; Murray, Elizabeth, Mr, W. A. Hart, Cleveland, Ohio; Mr.
Geog, 2nd, Botany 1st, Gram. 2nd. and Mrs, 0. W. Zoellner and family,
Hist. C; Murray, Wilfred, Geog. let, London; Mrs. H. B. Co he Clinton;
large barn, just west of the village,
and we believe has many more pro-
spects in t iew. Metal roofing and
lightning red business makes a good
combination -Mrs. J. A. McKenzie
and childr ,. of Moose Jaw, are vis-
iting Mrs. John McKenzie, of this
ed peacefully away at the home of
his daughter, Mrs. William McLaren,
on Wednesday of last week, in his
77th year. The funeral, a private
One, was held on Friday last, the 4th
of August, to Bayfield Cemetery, the
being his
Just 2 Days
Notes. -Masters Roy and Russell
Hodgert, of Seaforth, visited at their
aunt's, Mrs. Bruce Cooper, during the
past week,-Elimville Sunday School
picnicked at Grand Bend on Tuesday
of last week. A large number Bath-
ered there and all had a very enjoy -g
Botany lst, Gram. 3rd, Hist, 3rd; Miss S. 'I. McLean, Setifokth; Mrs.
O'Reillev, Alice, Geog. C, Botany 1st, Cull, Mitchell ; Miss Eetrldge, To-
Gram, 3rd Shea, Angela, Geog, 2nd, ronto, Miss Murton, Toronto, Mr. and
Botan 1st, Gram. 2nd, Hist. 3rd;
y Mrs. Napes, London; Mr. Peter Cow-
Shea, Joseph, Geog. 1st, Botany 1st, an, Rochester, N. Y.; Commercial
Gram. 2nd, Hist. C; 1Villiams, Dan, Hotel -Mr. and Mrs. Newman, De-
Geog. 1st, Botany 3rd, Gram. C, Hist. troit; Mr. and Mrs. Stradley and
C; Williams, Sylvester, Geog, 2nd, family, Detroit; Harold Heath, Ham-
Botany C', hist. C. Ilton; Mrs. Zinger, Miss Leona Zinger,
Village, -The Misses Drew, of Detroit;
who epent a week or so with their
relatives, Mr. and Mrs. N. Warrener,
of this village, have returned, -Mr.
and Mrs• Alex. Smith and family
spent Sunday with relatives and
friends int Listowel, -Miss Florence
Bonthron is spending a few days in
London, -Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Me-
pallbearers six of ,fellow
Elders of Carmel Presbyterian church,
Hensall, of which church Mr. Drys -
dale had been an honored and useful
member and Elder for many years.
Besides teaching in the Sabbath
school he very often led the prayer
meetings in the absence of the pas-
tor, being well versed in the Scrip -
tures and a leasant
p arid able speak -v
�_ ,
Parlmer s Store,Hensall Ontario
able time -Miss Lorena Johns, of
visited under the parental
roof last week. -Mrs. Meters and
g is ig ThomasBell..-moDaney
Mrs. William Hannah, of Seaforth,
visited in the village on Sunday.-
Tee many friends of Mr. Charles
Johns are pleased to see hint out
again. -Sacrament was administered
in Elimville on Sunday evening.
Three young ladies were united with
the church at this service. - Mr,
Flank Smith, of London, spent the
North Find Notes. -Miss Bessie
thea UpperCanadaEric
Bible Society. She was conveyed to
the homes hY Charles Boyd with his
car. -Miss McBrien, of Colborne town-
ship, is visiting at the home of Mr,
and Mrs. Thomas Leeming, Sr. -Mrs,
(Rev.) McLean, nee Miss Alice Dun-
das, has been visiting her mother
and other relatives in this section.-
William Leeming and John Boyd and
Miss Ohlheesa, Miss Egan, Kitchener;
Mr. and Mrs. Sherritt, London; Mr,
and Mrs, Wm. Metz, Kitchener; Mr,
c, Elliott,tTexas;
Simpson, London; and
Mr. and Mrs. Vokes and two daugh-
tees, Detroit; Miss McAlpines, Pe-
trolia; at Miss Nora Ferguson's-Mr.
and Mrs. Roney, Stratford; Mr. and
Mrs. Hare, Dr. Struthers and wife,
Miss Rodgers, Toronto; Mr, and Mrs.
Nelson Shith, Nelson Smith, Jr., Jack
Smith, Mrs. Siiveater, Miss Edna Sil-
vester, Mrs. F. B. Martin, Miss
Taggart yieere here from the West
accompanied by Miss Edna McDonald
of London; spending a few days with
Mr. vid llage.-Dr. e,ra. Hugh SM McDonald, of
Mrs. Hardie and members of the
family motored to Tilsonburg and
spent the week end with relatives.-
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Cook have been
spending a couple of weeks visiting
in different places. -Mr. W. E. Ward,
of Goderich, spent Sunday antL,Mon-
day last with friends here, - Miss
Margaret Habkirk, of London, accom-
er at all church meetings and was
most kind and thoughtful in visiting
the sick and reading of the Holy
Word and his prayers always seem-
ed a benediction to the sick. NotGent's
only was the deceased an active and
successful business man, but as we
have shown, always took a great in-
terest in church and religious duties
or what is properly termed the "high-
er life;! and will be greatly missed
in the church, Sunday school and at
prayer meetings. Mr. Drysdale was
also an honored member of Zurich
Smash the High -Cost -of -Living" a body blow by
buying Ladies' and Gent',s, Boys', Girls' and Infants'
Shoes, Ladies' and Hose and Underwear, Men's
and Boys' Suits and Overcoats, Hats,Caetc. at re -
Caps, '
dUCtlOnS that will save you many dollars. Last price
hatchet now swung. Don't Miss
week end at the home of his uncle,
Mr. John Cornish. -Mr. Will Skelton
visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
•.John Johns on Sunday last,
family motored to Clinton one day
recently and visited relatives and
friends, -J. J. Irvine has been engag-
ed painting his house. As it is ten
it last it
Norma Brown, Buddie Brown, De-
troit; Miss Gladys Willard, Miss
Jean Willard, Brantford; Mrs. Ross,
Miss Marjory Ross, London; Mrs.
Bartlett, Miss Marion Bartlett, Miss
parried by' a friend, spent the week
end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Habkirk,-Miss Sophia Kilty,
of Chicago, spent the past week her
with her sister, Mrs. W, T. Farquhar,
of Masons at Hensall, former -
ly attending the Zurich Lodge when
held in past years at the village of
Zurich, and was not only a Past-
Unbeatable Bargains
Obituary. -Mary O'Connor, below-
ed wife of Mr. Michael O'Laughlin,
and eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Patrick O'Connor, of Hibbert, died
on Monday evening, and was buried
on Wednesday at 10 a.m. Rev. Father
White, of St. Columhan, sang the
Solemn High Mass, with Rev. Father
Kelly, of Logan, as deacon, and Rev.
Father Gaffney, ofClinton,eas sub-
deacon. Long ere the services be-
gen the large church •was filled with
years since was painted,
needed touching up again -Rev. Mr,
Lundy, of Kippen, preached at Bethel
Church on Sabbath afternoon, Owing
to the continued rain the congrega-
tion was not as large as it wouldpioneer
otherwise have been, Mr. Lundy has
many friends here, who werepleased
to again meet him -A letter receiv-
ed by us from a relative in Southern
Alberta, conveyed the intelligence
that the weather was scorching and
rain was badly needed, and appear•
antes indicated another short crop in
Jean Bartlett, Miss Alice Bartlett,
Windsor; Mr, and Mrs, Roy Moore,
Master George Moore, Miss Lottie
Cowie, Mr, and Mrs. Anthony Tell-
mann, Jack Tellmann, London; Miss
Abram, Chatham; Mrs. Lipkan, El-
gene Lipkan, Hamilton; Dr. George
and Mrs. Frazer, Miss Betty Frazer,
Miss Janette Wilson, Mrs Reid, Lon-
don; Miss M. B, Harrison, Mias E,
H. Warren, Toronto; Miss Charley
Baxter, London; Mrs. E. M. McLean
and child, Walkerville.
-Mr. Wilson McLean, of Chicago, is
spending a week's holidays with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs, D. B. McLean.
-We are pleased to see Mr. Richard
Welsh, one of our residents,
able to go around again after his
illness, -Wedding bells are reported
to be ringing in our village. - Mr.
gig g .
Peter Buchanan and Mrs. Buchanan,
of Toronto, have been vist.ing their
parents here. -Quite a large number
are lookingforward to attendingthe
U.F.O. picnic at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. N. Glenn,
master, also the oldest member
of the lodge and filled most ably in
past years the office of Chaplain,
While we have emphasized his rela-
tions in regard to the church and
business, there is yet another and
most important side of his life as a
husband and father, where his ex -
cellencies could not well be surass-
ed. He was moat faithful, lovingand
kind and as a neighbor and friend
he had few equals, as he was well
informed, beingan extensive ;reader,
and most agreeable and entertaining
$20.00 values,
now 7
• 98
$28'OO walUES, 12.50
$45.00 values,
now 26.40
$1.50 values, 25c
Values up to $3.50 for 98C
and up.
sympathizing friends and relatives.
Mrs. O'Laughlin was in her fifty -
sixth year and lived in McKillop for
many years. Five years ago she and
her devoted husband moved to Dublin,
Deceased had been ailing from heart
disease for some years and bore her
sufferings with trUP. Christian Porti-
tulle. Besides her bereaved husband,
she leaves two brothers, Daniel, ofworkoar-
the third concession of Hibbert; Wm.,
of Detroit, and five sisters, Mrs. Wm.
Burke, of Hibbert; Mrs. Peter Eckert
of McKillop; Miss Catherine and
Margaret, at home, and Miss Matilda
Rochester, N. Y. Six , nephews,
Messrs. Joseph Burke, Joseph Ec-meeting,
kert, John Murray, Gilbert Murray,
Thomas Johnston and Stephen Eckert
that section of country. -The whistle
the threshing machine is again
heard in the land. The wheat is
turningout about 2'5 bushels to the
acre and barley is a goad average
crop. Oats, which are now being
harvested, will be above the average,
both in quantity and quality, and the
which of late years are sown
late in the season, are just in blas-
lois. There is plenty of straw but
it would be imprudent to predict how
they will yield, and although the
apple orchards suffered severely from
the ice storms of last winterof , stillg
That lel
lt bit a f air tot mrth ofp es'
Georgian Bay, is the best in the
Dominion, in fact, nn the Continent.
__. ___.... __
Brig[ your wheat to the Hensall market
We ere sun paying 51.02 in spite of loess
markets. Phone 54. Henson. ¢562-1
Farmers' Attention. -The eta ee ablished
pairing °`U unw. we have t full plow
of. Cockehutt, Verity. Fleury, Wilkinson and
makes of eastinga and handl®- Rest
genie, repairing. n ng'000a;onand
ladderaalbe o"l
ator oil and rubbers for cream separators.
vppli tbo standand have youzaw0510
The W. M. S. -The ladies of the 51-3
W.M. S. met in the home of Mrs.
A. McGregor, of the on Mon -of
day afternoon for their monthly
at which Mrs. Finlayson
presided, Mrs. R. J. Cooper taking
the Bible lesson. The subject for
of the Township
of Usborne, on FridayMEN'S
evening, the
Lith, when a number of prominent
men and women speakers have prom-
iced to bepresent, including Mc-
Phail, M.P. Avery interesting even-
ing Is looked forward to -We are
pleased to. learn that Mrs. 1i, C. Sol-
dan, who is in the hospital at Lon -among
P al
Ilan, is improving nicely, -Rev, Mr,
Rivers is expectedBOYS'SUITS
to occupy his pal-
pit on the taming Sunday. -Monday
l tst, our civic holiday, was well oto
served, a large number autoingduced
the lake and other laces. -Mr C.
Miss Katie Scott, C accompaniedsby
Miss Ethel Murdock and Mr, Alex.
Murdock, autoed to Brantford on
Sunday last to visit relatives
to all his friends and associates, be-
ing an excellent conversationalist,
with a keen sense of humor and al-
ways readyto do a kind service
wherever required and will not onlynow
be greatly missed by his family but
by a very large number of relative
and friends_ Those attendingthe'
funeral his relatives mostlynow
and some intimate friends, from a
distance, were the following: Mr.
and Mrs. W. Kirk, of Cairo, Mich.;
Mrs. John Kirk, Mr. and Mrs. Wylie
Kirk, Mr. Robert Kirk' and rMrs. Allan
f ke'air the last mentioned being
Mich.; Mrs. Bert
Thurston, of Vassar, Mich.; Mrs.
Truax, of Akron, Mich.; Robert
$20.00 values,
$7.50 values
$5.75 and Up
Worth Double.
From $2.85 and
4 40
• 45
$4.50 values
for 75C
$ 1.00 values / A�
Everything in the Store re -
and then Reduced.
$1.50 values
for 95c
gently bore her casket to its last
in St. Patrick's
study was British Guiana. Miss Jen-
friends there, returning the follow-
Drysdale, of Sandusky, Mich., and
Mrs. M. R. Machiel, of Consort, Alta.
resting place come-
tery, Dublin.
Notes. -Mrs, Michael O'Laughlin,
of Dublin, is very seriously d11. Her
Notes. -Rev. Mr. Roulston and
family are leaving this week for
their summer vacation, and Rev. Mr,
nie Chesney gave a description of the
country and its conditions. Mrs.
Cooper told of the people who inhabit
the Mrs. Monteith
ing evening, and Mr. Murdock was
pleased to find his daughter, Miss
Alexia, who is in the hospital there,
The member of Mr. Drysdale's fam-
ily are four sons and three daugh-
ters, namely: Robert, of Sandu@ky;
sister is in constant attendance at
her bedside. -Mr. Fergus Flannery,
of St Columban, has resigned his
position as janitor of the High School.
-The good people of St,eColumhan
are having a social on the lfith inst•
We wish them success in the future
as in She past. -The ladies are first
class caterers of fowl suppers, etc,,
and are always kind and obliging,-
Mr, Thomas Burns, an aged bachelor
of Logan, is very seriously ill. Slight
hopes are entertained for his re-
covery--Miss Margaret Horan was
the guest of Mrs. Peter DeCoursey
last week. -Misses Loretta and Lizzie
C. Miller, of Stratford, will occupy
the pulpit in the Methodist church
the next two Sundays -Mr. and Mrs.
F. O'Brien, of Staffa, and Mr. W.
O'Brien, of Zurich, left last Wednes-
day for a motor trip through the
States, but were called hack on Mon-
day owing to an accident to Mr. W.
O'Brien's family in Zurich. -Mr. and
Mrs. A. Lawson and hake and Miss
M. Lawson, of Stratford, visited with
their sister, Mrs. W. O'Brien over the
week end. -Mr. Arthur TretTrey, of
Stratford, spent the week end with
his parents in the village. -Mr, and
Mrs. E. Flynn, of London, spent Sun-
colony. dealt with
the mission nations and educational
work, and me,. Moore told of the dif-
ficultiea in the work and the results.
There was n good attendance, among
them Mrs. (Rev.) Richardson, who
assisted in the devotional exercises.
Notes. --Mrs. Norman Pybus and
two children from the West, who have
been spending a two months' visit
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.
Ricker and with other friends, left
this week for their western home.-
Miss Etta Jarrett, who has been at-
tending summer school at Toronto for
some weeks, has returned home--
Mrs. W. H. Johnston, of Exeter, was
making good improvement, although
it will be some little time yet before
she recovers from her very serious
illness. -Mr. ,Murdock McPherson, of
Salmon C'ty;rldaho, a former Hensall
boy, spent Wednesday last here with
his many friends who were pleased
to meet him again. -Mr. A. T. Cooper
of Clinton, occupied the pulpit of
Carmel Presbyterian church on Sun-
day last. On the coming Sunday, the
pulpit will be occupied both morning
and evening by the Rev. Mr. Lundy,
of St. Andrew's church Kippen.
Miss ina Hudson, of London, accom-
parried by Misa Kathleen Doyle, of
- that city are here spending holidays
Ralph, of Dubuc, Seek.; John, of
Kelowna, B. C.• Mark of Hensall;
Mrs. M. R. Mnchieil, of Consort, Alta„
Mrs, R. W. Stowell, of Gadsby Alta.,
and Mrs, W. A. McLaren of Hensall.
Among the many beautiful wreaths
was a spray from the Sabbath school,
The funeral was held from the home
of his daughter, Mrs. William Mc -
Laren of this village, and the pastor,
Rev- ' Mr, McConnell, dwelt on the
many excellencies of the deceased as
an Elder and member of the church
as well as a citizen whose place it
would be hard to 611. The family
have the sympathy of the community
in their loss.
__ - -_
Never before in my past 25 years of bargain giving
have I been able to offer such price inducements on seas -
onable merchandise of quality. Counters and, bins have
been refilled and prices cut a little deeper. Frida , Au -
gust 11th, then Big Saturday, August 12th, the all is
over. Meet all . your friends at
T. A, Ralmar_ Calan Mur_
V' 110