HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1922-08-04, Page 5#Si -«is aweigh M'4oitt*W 4 r,on bat to Mr. and Mu. W. J. et weon. S vital, on to an }1aM. . '•.r. artkaon eh* le oto and shy e`'Q°�`1aws�tlr°em berelrNMelsn4 !n the law . taiwwts d United F" i ere Picnic At GRANI) BRNO on W* AY, AUGUST 1$tfa , SPISSLIti-•-Premier Drury, Williaun Blse/4 IAt.P.,; A. Hicks, AQ.P.P.; sports of kinds baseball match in the t.OMO and enjoy the day at the Wrlarht, o klenoalh on J and We. Peek, w .(money.; -,In Leta , on July . to fly. and M2s• John Oahe, a ilwasktar. Dow, --la BOOM. on July 6th, to Mr. sad, Stade" pow. a da*ly 1. *When, on Tema Clerk w eeithturr. Mr. .51,sgRU GE8 Beda14i-rTh*eU.-.. At the Mitho4.t Panes- Clarke. BPb,ager• on rvia Bernice. eldeslr8 0.48% t slit. liiobert Thual, all el Brweele. tv eseswwwwwerelesweseemete DRAM 1 la Bteptl y, mon July 20th. JohnW. hip 114.=au Hay, on July 90th, Colin Bots. ' is hl. 71st sear. 1,tt-4n. Wawa on July doth. TRS tk ynd 87 hears. aha Met shard, on Judy .14th, Marr Ann valet .of the late John. Out - t o. seed ears and 4 dam July 22nd. Capt. William B. McLean. aced 16 , years. lithe --4a ]Htchell. on Jinx 26th, Robert 8tnitb. In his 86th I yww CZ, At the CityHominid, Saskatoon. 4i.sk, on July 39 h. teaa.. Christina J. Eraser, wife of M. John Clayton. mood 81 year.. ei IMPORTANT NOTICES rl ARbt TO RENT.—ONE HUNDRED ACRE/ alter grass farm to rent, running water on 25 acres, on the 8th and 9th concessions of alaKtUop.. Apply on the premises, or ahem, 18-2.40. MBB. SUSAN ROS8, R. R. He. 1, Dublin. 284941 a team b. L. 11016110011. 214/4 S. M. ,!'ITS► s, Mabrii. a, lama eve 1*0* Early Peaches and ' Mies A good supply of early` peaches ' and plums now ready. Excellent gtiityj tomatoes also , available. Prices very reasonable.., barge blackberries are still to be hat The mark of Niagara Penisuls Growers, Limited., printaby,. On- tario, stands for carefully packed, evenly graded fruit. 100 .ACRES ON MAIN ROAD Fine brick bourne; 14 cattle, horses, sow, poultry, oquipanent Included to quick buyer; near R. R. town, creamery: 76 acres ma- chine -worked tillage; 154bbw spring watered pasture; valuable woodlot; 26 apples trees, pears, plums, cherries, sugar maples: attrac- tivq'1-room brick house, beautifully decorated. cool rocking -chair veranda: 72 -foot basement barn, siib, hay fork. Owner disabled. $7500 takr all, less than half cash. W. T. MLLLHR, Strout Farm Agency. Box 222, Wingham, Ont. 2851-1 tt CARD OF THANKS The Seatorth Fire Brigade wish to sin- cerely thank all those 'who attended their gar- den party also those who gave donations and waisted in any way to make their gar- den party such a huge success. 2861-1 A. BON Chief. RADIO Regenerative Receiving Sets Hear Canadian and U. S. Concerts Live Agent Wanted in Seaforth. A UTOMATIC TELEPHONES AND TIME RECORDERS, LTD. 340 Victoria St. '1'a,rc•nto. tIES1N#t11i1I11t11111111111111111111uuuNN1 eedom .From Dandruff" ---ia tart; ply a matter of scalp sanitation. Kee the scalp thoxo'. gSliy healthy and the possibility of dpi> ts practic- ally eliminated, • KOREEN!.. NAT . OWN REMEDY is sass easily ap . treatment for the scalp. Elim - foto from falling and restores its ;ilk and bbl is AT YOUR DRUGG1S1 ./StaamiliSomssuussassasuSamuwasieuwawiwausausemaa TENDERS , WANTED . ed ,e irgl ie sea,iof bs �6aso areautp ' in' thtie* OR e Twinkle' qi "Hu11otL iiim. There to 4800 mambo yore to will' be, O%�oadeabowoon Twulbn. awe the _ 1.20%... at 1� 1, ., at w.ti(arA �6 per cmnt. of UMaunt. idiom bennt of manytendert aeetanpany y rs t or JOHN PINOLAND, 38114 - Clerk of Hallett. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Surrogate Court of the County of Heron. in the Estate et Hoary Rapiers. All persons having claims against Henry Rapien, late of the Township of McKillop, -in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 6th day of July, 1922, are required on or before the 6th ray of September, 1922, to send to th. under- signed Solicitor for the Executors of his will. Mull partieulars of their claims and 90 the accurate), if any, held by them, duly verified. After the said date the Executors will proceed to distribute the aa.eta of the Estate among the. parties entitled thereto. having reference only to the claims of which they ,hall have received notice. After such distribution the Executors will not be responsible for; any part of the assets of the estate to any creditor of whose claim they ehall not have received notice as afore- said. This notice Is given purnuani to the Statute in that behalf. Seaforth, August 2nd, 1922. F. HOLMES'PED. Seaforth P. O. Solicitor for the Executors of the 2851-4 will of Henry Ropier', deceased. Special for July, 96 -piece Set, band and gold brndies .... , , ..... Rose Pattern, 96ieces. This is a d decoration and priced at These Goods are made by Myott & and are noted for Quality. FANCY _ CHINA )oinini�n Stores, Ltd. SOAP—Comfort or Pearl White, 7 bars 50c Clark's Pork and Beans,' large tin...... 25c Granulated Sugar 121, lbs. $1, per cwt 7.75 • We are paying 23c per dozen for Eggs. Kovah Health Salts, 2 cans..25c Rolled Oats, 6 lbs. 25c Cornmeal, 7 lbs 26c Matches, 3 boxes 34c Dominion Baking Powder, 1 -pound tin 24c \Vinegar, Spirit or Blended Cider, per gallon 35c Zinc ,Tar Rings, dozen ..,20c Rinso, 2 packages 16c Kellogg's Corn Flakes, three packages 29c CARD OF THANKS • Mr. Harry Carnochan and sister -in -low, Mrs. McCaughan, desire t, express their thanks to friends for kindness and many floral offer- ings in the death of his daughter, Beatrice Carnochan. 2851x1 TENDERS WANTED Tendem fur the construction of the Bolton No. 2 Municipal Drain. McKillop. will be received till Monday, Aug.t 21st 1922, when tenders will be opened at 2 o'clock p.m. at the Carnegie Ilan, Seaforth. Cheque for V) per cent. of contract to accompany each tender. 'Work to be done according to plans and specifications of Township Engineer and to he completed in 1922. 2840 cubic yards optm work. 1500 feet Of 8 -inch tile: 2300 feet o, 10 -inch tile. Plans and specifications at Clerk's Office, 1.ot 35, Concession 3, Mr. JOHN McNAY, 2851-2 Clerk. To Milk Consumers HaNing placed my herd and stables under the,'Supervision of the Animal Health Department of the Dominion Department of Agriculture, we are now prepared to serve the people of Seaforth with Milk and Cream ab- solutely free from all tuburcular germs and absolutely pure. J. R. ARCHIBALD. Lawn Social A Monster Lawn Social wigl be held grounds of Mrs. W. N. Glenn, Lot 23, Concession 7, Ushorne on FRIDAY EVENING, AUGUST llth Hon. Manning Doherty, Minister of Agriculture; Miss 111ePhail, M.P.; William Black, M.P., also Andrew Hicks, M.P.P., will be present and give interesting addresses. Gates open at 7 Programme at 8 p.m. Band in Attendance A DM ISSION 25c Lyle's Golden Syrup tin ..29c Summer Drinks, per !bottle. 25c Ammonia Powder, 3 pkgs...25c 01d Dutch Cleanser 11c Pure Lard, 3_1b. pail 57c Rite -Good 90c, $1.60 Domestic Shortening, ib...., 20c Shelled Walnuts, lb 65c Finest Pastry Flour, 24-1b. sack 99c Blue Rose Rice, 3 lbs. 26c Reindeer Cocoa, per tin 17c Pure Malt Vinegar, imported, per quart 30c Shirriff's Jelly Powder Casnpbell's Soups Any Flavor 3 packages for 25c�per t1I1.... New shipment of ad `' and Saucers ,and odd Wil; odd,, ' "r► C i� 13e; Cups 17c; also Mixing :owls, ;Jugs and Jara. bpi 'ANDD SEE 15c NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE la hereby given pursuant to the Statute. in that behalf that all parsons hoe. tog claims against the estate of John Foote. late of the Township of Stanley. to the County of Huron,' Retired Farmer, demised. who died on the 22nd day of May, 1922. are required on or before the 10th day of August, 1922, to send by poet, prepaid, or deliver to the Solicitor for the Administrator, full par- ticulars ,of their claims, duly verified by affidavit and the nature of the security (if any) held by them. Further take ngyice that after the said lest mentioned' data the assets of the said dec$eed will be HV'la2bated among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been given. DATED the 16th day of July, 1:922. R. 8. BAYS. 2849-3 Administrators Solicitor. uo'E, to Good Mower Honey tor SA; or lbeve, lib 6287 4lnald ties. Jutland sardines 3 tins for for. 25 Clarks Potted Meats Cper tin 1 1 A ,,, Castile Soap large 18 alL 'bar. C Over 800 customers last week realized a saving of from 1 to 25c on every article purchased. Were you one of these Customers? Every arlicie guaranteed or money refunded. All goods de - One Ord, will convince you that a few cents saved is a few livered to any place in the town. If not, why not? cents earned. Grain Prices Wheat Prices go higher on Hen- sall Market at the same time the prices go lower on other markets. --- We are now paying $1.02 for Win- ter Wheat. ('ompare this price with other Bring your Grain to Hensall and sell it to the highest bidder. By doing so you will secure the highest possible price at all times. Cook Bros. GEORGE P 2849x3 t MOTOR WITH US TO Goderich sand attend the Dinner Dance At Hotel Bedford Next Saturday Evening AUGUST 5th Dancing from 6.30 to 12 Music by Mises Gene Collaon and London Orchestra Sunday Dinner—Music, 1 to 2.45. Sunday Supper—Music, 5.80 to 6.45. Write or phone for Reservation* tO THE PLACE OF SALE IS A. A. COCKBURN & CO'Y SEAFORTH Seeing is Believing. What we Advertise we sell. Sale under Directorship of C. E. Akins. Only a few days. Don't hesitate! Mai MEN, HERE IS YOUR ONE CHANCE TO SAVE!—WORK SHIRTS AND OVERALLS, KIT- CHEN OVERALLS—UNION MADE For big men, sizes up to 44, former values up to $2.50. sale price $1 50 Big B. Overalls, values up to . Big B. Overalls, not labelled, former value $2.00. Sale Price 98c Smocks, out they go at 98c Work Shirts, value up to $2.50 Sale price 98c Men's Work Sox, pure worsted values up to 76c, out they go 25c Men's Leather Work Gloves, values Sale price 25c MONEY TALKS ! IT IS QUICK ACTING NOW. PRICES SMASHED BEYOND RECOGNITION. WE HAVE HAD SALES IN SEAFORTH AND THERE HAVE BEEN SALES IN SEAFORTH, BUT IF ANY ONE TRIES TO COM- PETE WITH OUR PRICES AT THIS GREAT SALE THEY WILL HAVE TO GIVE THEIR GOODS AWAY. DON'T HESITATE—THESE PRICES ARE ONLY FOR A FEW DAYS. HISTORY, SELDOM REPEATS! COME! BENEFIT! NOTHING LIKE, IT EVER ATTEMPTED BEFORE. NOTHING LIKE IT WILL BE ATTEMPTED AGAIN. LOOK CAREFULLY OVER OUR PRICE LIST; COMPARE ,THEM, AND THEN BE FAIR WITH YOURSELF. OUR RELIABLE GUARANTEE BACKS EACH AND EVERY PURCHASE SUITS FOR MEN Your unrestricted choice of entire Stock. Values up to $65, sale price $22.40 Values up to $50, sale price $19.70 Values up to $30, sale price $18.30 Values up to $25, sale price $9A0 WHAT WE ADVERTISE WE DO Come and carry them away. YARD GOODS These prices are only for a few days — Don't Hesitate! The more you buy at this Great Sale, the more nrney you make. Ginghams, ell colors, values up to 60c, saie price 20c Black and White Chintz, values up to 40c, sale price '20c Sateen, 36 inches wide, at 20c Shepherd Checks, 32 inches wide, at Ratines, 36 inches wide Crepes, 38 inches wide Cretonnes, 32 in. wide Voiles, 38 in. wide Prints, 36 inches wide Ladies' Combinations, values up to $1.50. Sale price 34c Ladies' Combinations, values up to $2.00. Sale price 50c Ladies' Combinations, values up to $3.00. Sale price 75c Ladies' Bloomers, values up to 75c, sale price 25c Children's Combinations, value up to $1,00. Sale price 25c Children's Combinations, values up to 75c, sale"price 21c Children's Drawers, values up to 75c, sale price 21c Ladies' Shoes, value up to $6.00, sale price $2.87 Ladies' Shoes, values up to Ladies' Brogues, values up to $7.00, sale price $2.47 Men's Handkerchiefs, red, white, blue and khaki, value up to '20c, sale price 9c Boys' Raincoats, values up to $10, sale price $2.98 Similar l'rices Prevail Throughout JUST LIKE TAKING HONEY FROM A JAR—THE DEEPER, THE SWEETER Ladies' Vests PUBLIC REAP THE BENEFIT 20c 20c 20c 20c 20c Pyjama Cloth, 32 inches wide...20c Ginghains, 27 inches wide .. 15c Duck, 41 inches wide 16c Factory Cotton, 41 in. wide 15c 18 oz. Duck 9c Men's Odd Pants Value up to $6.00. Sale price Values up to $5.50. Sale price " Value up to $4.50, $2.68 $2.47 'Sale price $1.88 Khaki Pants, all wool, value up to $5.50. Sale price $2.98 White Duck Pants, values up to Boys' Bloomers, value up Some of these are of silk and wool, guaranteed former price up to $1.50, sale price 25c Ladies' Bloomers, value up to 50c, sale price 25c Ladies' Brassieres, value up to $1.00, sale price 37c Ladies' Waists, values up to $6, sale price $2.88 Guaranteed unrustable, sale price Suspenders. . Police Suspenders, value up to 75c, sale price 29e Boys' Suspenders, values up to 40c, sale price Children's Sweaters, value up to 75c, sale price Kit Bags, values up to $5.00, sale price $1.00 Boys' Shoes, values up to $3.50, sale price 15c 25c $1.47 Ladies' Lisle Hose, in black, white and brown, values up to $1.00, sale 'price 25c Girls' and Misses' Cotton Hose, value up to 35 cents, • sale price 10C Girls' and Misses' Lisle Hose, value tip to 40 cents, gale price 19c 8 dozen pairs of Men's Silk hose, value up to $1.25, sale price 35c White Silk Hose, value up to $1.00, sale price Corded Lisle Hose, value up to '75c, sale price Black Lisle Hose, values up to 175c, sale price White Lisle Hose, value up to 75c, sale price Ladies' Combinations, short sleeves Value up to $1.50. Sale price 35c IT IS QUICK ACTING NOW— PRICES SMASHED BEYOND RECOGNITION Ladies' Cotton Hose, values up to 35c, sale price, per pair 10C Ladies' Silk Hose, black, white and brown, guaranteed former value up to $1.00, sale price 39c Ladies' Silk Hose in black white, brown, guaranteed, former price $1 50, Rale price 50c 25c 25c 20c 20c Ladies' Silk Hose, drop stitch, black and brown, value up to Silk Hose, dark brown and navy, values up to $2.00, sale price 68c Silk Hose values up to 31.50, sale price 50c Lisle Hose, white, black and brown, values up to 80c, sale price Children's Ribbed Brown and valnes up to 75 cents, sale price Misses' Shoes, values up to 36.00, !tale priee Men's Shoes, values up to $3.00, sale price Army Blankets Army Blankets, values up to $5.00, sale price $2.50 Ladies' Cotton Hose, values up to 35c, sale price, pair 10C Boys' Suspenders, leather tips, and buckles, to make the suspenders fit the smallest boy, values up to 50c, sale price Men's Drawers, value up to $L50, sale price 15c 43c Boys' Combinations, short sleeves, values up to $1.25. Sale price Boys' Undershirts, value up to 75e, sale price 19c House Shoes, values up to $4.00, sale price 48c $1.47 BUY NOW AT ALMOST ANY PRICE YOU WANT TO PAY 25c black, 19c $3.47 KIDDIES' TOYS Bobbing Horses, values up to $4.00, sale price Skidoos, values up to 32.00, sale price Sand Carts Wagons Farmers' Bag Trucks 75c 37c 15c 25e 25c