HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1922-08-04, Page 2,... a.. ,.• .�.�.,n-,.:... �m„r.� :x•;+¢4 ..,w. e- .r 4"ex,� .,r ,^ `..i:' _ a:t..: n ��;,�;,,� . @ -qq.11'i, @n{�a,a„s. ry�- w•... @SfiI%k'ifn.Aqd'.,,. stili -.@.1,.0.: . : >!. i�l: li ,J,'ay' . ::�t�&.�' •..,�., .1. ,,t, :, a �„ .,,. . :„+.�,, ,: t•t,.-, ssl,. i{F,• . l�!a'�.SS,at1- �{Kx A',, '`: ,.�' i�ndt;']t k110 at "Ieitiaor n :': ,�.,: , '. ".�.' •, ; -swiiet ad 0 c414c }ok like." der a regulation approved by the ti hit r •. °Aa: nee, cempiet0 wlAh @ tti�tt :ailtl ' : : u • 1?s. Y ., "it"ulpetl the Farmers' political movement, al- nahwa. Fox la „�'iaAltal paid P �14iQ�14�9A t�e� itinA $3,090A00. 4rlootr papa . ...... , . ,�111,QIk silage, Ro tp. iJhiuARetl . Ctdver.... [LYo:r 11 Ma -OW Thi s @ u P Y YeAin .cons. ito>td 11" aw. Twit b�; $ 7 y QreralJ vier style .. , ..... , . ,>(i12 60 �>B , ... I'umA Complete above for jack @r Reoow4n0Au1@d.- Peed the .Cows Liber WON reit NOW ;tare caAga of. -.law whieit malls the d .Q* qf' the race tracks peFegtl ly. dies, other Pends moat be supplied or 1 . UPPQRTU1�lIT1<RF� ')CQ l ��r� CATTLE ag vciatdmiU ... . . . .. . ... . , . .. , ....$16.00 tilontributed by Ontario �eparttnent at Agriculture. Tama ej b 4: IRU Sr., Moil' AVa Z„ �Q 'raapponaibl@ for Any �aniblSnir 11940 '@n the promises. When this low was It is assumed Mr. Bracken will re- fat^m implementer etc„ oke yply congGa2ttly puglp, three --way, with onside casing, special :............ $23,00 P ••••••••••••••• Pastures may produoo attfflclent nutriment the "I sufferetl;terribly from Cowdpa• lion and Dyepa' for many :.years. �° in force the tracks shut their ggaffs.' : Wheq It was rep@albd, without the maker, and the next morning will 11p� robe' 9adtla anom@y gaved,Is't}ttr one e rvvhO Betty: thane alines, t . . Special Cistern Pump .. , • • • , ........... $8,7b for average. cow, but the heavy producer cannot g I felt pains efts sting and had gas, .levy constant hepdho es and was unable forbidding bet ag being rapeaa t ed, the tracks ireopened and have been, Stlioying tremendousproapearlty P 1aFe,ygAr groli aaringe dura Savings AccoALut vVftl}'1e n@art.liranah. of. he IiTglsoAs �w silk vaherd llthilV9bV* Cylinders, brass and iron ........ $4S0 to $7 W eat enough ass fp satiety her Butt- get and the demand at her milk to sloop at night. I was getting go ever sinker, even though the Jockey thg dhterelit and being absolute. y safe your <ptottay',ib avadlabie at any minute. Deposits can �ie made by.ona7ll choose colleagues. It is understood that the producing organs. , To such heavy thin that I *aiitiightened. At last a friend advised me fo'take , Club and the track ,owners did not derive a dollar in revenue from the tober and early November, grey- RRANC$ES IN THIS DISTRICT: r lem ce produrs suppentary gain mix- a "Fratt•artives', sad is a short time the I betting which amounts to hutidFedsSxlrceAeld, iSt. tMMatya I.l'drloon t tures should be fed in quantity aril- Constipation was 1>:Lnished, I fait no' of-thqusands of dollars a day. The - EXr � ` oil it :Henaa'llZurich w O ficient to satisfy the cow's hunger and Jockey Club does not recognize bet - more �rnin, headaches ordyapepata, tin make possible the full functioning of g officially, but it is well known � } and now I am vigoleuA strongIF that of a man makes, a bet with a y ' the tuilk,secreting organa. On good and well," To get more milk b•tokmaker and loses and does not Pasture the average producing cow Madam ARTHUR BFAUCHER, a -- from your cows, P Y,. or if a bookmaker welshe3, he - --• `t' '�- - spray ihertlhg hay .vitt CYealoia be• Cannot make profitable use of grain tSOc a box, B for $".50, trial size 250. • f{nae the numerous .private detectives tore milkin .The odor of Geonoid is feeds, but when on oor pastures the taking a curious interest In his of. Realizing the unfairness of allch a. - obiecuonaf to ilie3 Tha cows win p At dealers or s, nt postpaid bq i method, and the r PRESERVING SEASON IS ON then wand more gttktly.aaa ykld feeding of grain ae a supplementary fairs, to the'effeet that lit. finds it' premium it gave for Fniits-fives Limited, Ottawa. inefficient handling mom mimpossible to het again. g oP this product, Blue and White Preserving Ilse cm000id in stablesbars, h� may be the only way by which the _ T_ This is one of the 'reasons why the Saskatchewan Government enact- Q $ettlep ................95C to $250 ova anti b06uwi8,w ¢Ct rid of os milk does can be kept up• there are so few losses in the ire- ed legislation which became effective ] f� Al um Preserving Pastures Must He Supplemented by MANITOBA'S NEW PREMIER ntendous and illicit business of bet. An June 18t, 1'920. An act known as .... ..$2.00 to $3.15 Half al, size, 90c. Grain• ting,in the United,'. States. The The Egg Marketing Act was passed= 7Cettles g Cows producing 50 pounds of milk John Bracken aged 39, a native of bookmakers, from the big operators, It. provides that, no One al. size 1.50 g P person 'shall buy Calming Clacks to fit boilers,.. $1.00 g ' per day, testing three per cent. butter Ontario, graduate el' the Guelph Agri- who colli •accept $10,000 on the 'nod, for resale or sellor or offer for sale cultural College, and fur some years to thl, little fellow, who takes a eggs,whigh are unfit for human Pood Fruit Presses ...............--.50c �+ fat, should receive in addition to principal of the Manitoba Agricul- two -dollar bet, do not lose more than and that all persona who purchase good pasture 8 to 10 pounds of mix- tural College, is to be the next Prem- two per cent, of the money offered eggs or handle.eggs on consignment Wire Strainers .......loc to 50c xw1 ed grain 'chop per day. Cows pro- ier.of Manitoba, lie was the choice, them, according to a -writer in the must candle thorn and;pay only for Stem Fillers ,... .........20c to 25c ducing, 30 pounds -of milk per day unanimous, it is understood, of the New York Herald. There is an old good eggs. The law also provides testing three per cent. butter fat United Farmer members -elect of the convention that a gambling debt, that a record of all eg purchased Granite 'Oullendars ............50C would benefit by the addition of and the • Legislatures as their political leader, since it cannot be collected at law, quantity rejected, as unfit oor (Sugar Scoops, Aluminum .......25c fou: at the of mixed grain chop each and that post carries with it auto- is a debt of honor and thus must be human consumption must be kept and matday at the milking time on return no person is Norris la succession to t Hon. u C. paid before any other debt. This P permitted to of a eggs from pasture. in some districts the Norris as Prime Minister. Announcer tradition and the activity of the Priv- who is not in possession o4 a valid $1.50 season of flush pasture may Ile very P protect the bookmaker license, Rubber Mat for Ford Car, each ... • ........ ........ went of his selection and acceptance ate detectives short. IP such is the case provision Under this s for supplementary coarse feeds must was made at 6 o'clock Friday by C. from serious )qaS. Of course the system eggs are pure G Running Board Treads, fits any car, per pair ......... chased on what is known to the trade $1.50 be made This .ma be most easily ' Barclay, member -elect for ,Spring_ bookmakers and then numerous as- y field, who was chairman of the con- sistanta, scouts and runners will not as the loss off basis. Eggs unfit for e done by providing good silage. Many ference. bet with ever stranger food must not be purchased and the e feed the more progreaeive: dairymen y ger who appear-. Sills food stings during the entire summer Mr. Bracken's name was mentioned But it is easy enough to find some- careful producer no longer pays a AQ= �o�period In quantity in keeping wttk prominently two or three months ago one who knows them and will vouched,he Part of his rightful returns to bonus (x, in connection with the Farmer lead- for the stranger. Once'sccredited he �e careless one. Producers who of - Geo. a conditions in the pasture field, In- ership, but since the election and the 'can have a �redit of thousands r of for an inferior• product should keep creasing or decreasing the quantity gathering of the Farmers, political dollars. A note from Bill Smith to in mind that the retail merchant is IM"' at the demand of the cow. The grow- g g P l Ing of soiling crops such as the oats speculation had 11A considered him Bill Jones, the track bookmaker, pre_ only complying with the law when he and pease mixture, the growing of seriously. His selection, therefore, sented by Bill Thompson, will result rejects the eggs which are bad. To alfalfa and red clover corn, and roots . came as something of a surprise. He in Jones saying to Thompson, "All safeguard•'his interests the producer -- - in season are ways of"keeping the has taken no active part in public right, Mr. Thompson, as much as you may stamp his eggs as -provided un - oP feeds sot at the cow can per t -m last House by Hon. Edward Brown, narrower will be the odds they offer. 6• What name is the only one , e the work required of her. who probably will return to private These odds, by the way, are never mentioned in our Lord's panlibles? i special Indoor Feeding Required. life. as great as those to be had in the 7• Jesus said if we follow Him I t With the closing of the autumnmachines. The machine odds are we shall not walk in darkness. What , o and cessation of outside feeding, ne- -T_ the odds of public opinion; the book- is the inference? • cessitating all indoor feeding over a maker odds are those of privets '8. Who was the man said to have long period, provision for which BETTING FLOURISHES WHERE been mighty in the Scri tures? judgment, as modified by public P a should have been made during the IT IS ILLEGAL opinion. On tracks where the un- Anawere, i growing season, by way of producing lawful bookmakers operate there is YEA - an amply quantity of silage, clovers, Not in the history of racing in usually a conference among them in 1. Jesus Christ. Heb. 3-1. r - •' roots, grain feeds, and straw. How Canada has the betting part of the the morning and a general elastic 2. Two Classesone forthe other ! yam' many cows can 1 carry through the game received so much advertising agreement as to the opening odds, gainstMatt a . . 12, , -30. winter, is the viewpoint too frequent- as it has this Summer. It seems this agreement being founded on they g 3. Gamaliel. Acta 5-34:39. E ly taken by many dairy men. For probable that this publicity has re- what they believe to be the chances 4. Onesimus, See Philemon. I� ® profitable work thin viewpoint is gen- suited in a greater amount of gambl- of the various horses. After the aga9 5. Philip. Acts 5, 8:9. erally wrong and should be turned in because there are man opening Y 6. Lazarus. Luke 16-19, about to read, how Pew cattle can 1 g' y people o ronin odds there are likel to be' t who would be indifferent to a right rapid alterations due to the amount y. That we walk in darkness -if keep to eat up all the feed. Lack of or privilege until they thought it of money that is being placed on the we fail to follow Him. definite knowledge as to the feed re- was about to be withdrawn and then different horses. The more money "Bayer per animal, and of an easy would hasten to exercise it. No , there is bet on a horse, the shorter is g, Apollos. Accept only an "unbroken package' of Bayer Tablets of method of figuring this requirement, doubt, if the sale' of chewing tobac- his price. Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out b has caused much lose through many - Y co were to be prohibited, the Act to The greatest odds ever paid on afarmn• rying to winter more stock physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for thanethe feed supply in their barna come into effect next week, hundreds American track were those which It is Telparte'd t4rit fifteen (thousand of people who never chewed tobacco rewarded the few backers of Wish- pry ganilzed 1 would warrant. Wheel cows do so chStlldren are at . in the oT Colds Headache Rheumatism in their lives would lay in a few in Rin at. Latonia, on June 17th, playground's o8 Winniipeg This is well on June pasture, it should be g g+ hanks of it in case of mer enc 1912. Anyone who hada 2 ticket 'an 'item that ds alanoeat 'lost in the an incentive to all feeders to imitate g y $ Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis The betting in Canada, o course, is for first received -•. in so Par as possible the succulence g $1,8&5.50; those bomrmenba on tike big wheat crop, but Earache Lumbago Pain Pain of June grasses. done by means of the pari-mutuel who bet $2.00 for second received It is, ^4?:' machines, except that part which is $644.60, and those who bet third Weill :remenT that the mak- Silage, Pulped Boots and Chopped ing aB t itizex dhip is the forst concern I i hely ayer boxes of 12 tablets -Also bottles of 24 and 100- ts. carried on by the Illicit handbooks. drew down $172,60, Obviously, no z^ D1°g Clover Recommended. of Canada.-�Biiantfoad Eic7pbsibor. ` n. Aspirin to the trade mark tregtatrr^d in Caned-) er Bayer Manufacture of Mono - id In Kentucky and Maryland, too, the bookmaker would ever offer such 7 ace6eacetiter of Salleyncacid, wine It la wen known that Aspirin means Bayer Well made silage is the best sub- bettirig through machines is legaliz- odds, because the bettor who would t ` will do aLamD'dture. to $ssist tb� with theirageneral tnst trademmariOns.k. thrhp'nayer Cros$•arar company stitute, with pulped roots and chop- ed. In New York betting is illegal, not bite at a hundred to one would _ ped clover a good second. Good red and therefore has to be carried on not bite at nine hundred to one. clover and alfalfa hays while not - succulent are highly nutritious and secretly, but we have no doubt that Two years earlier, at Lexington a a palatable. With silage, clovers, roots horse named Muo paid more than four. hundred to to one. These ire- and straw at hand, a sufficient variety mentions odds simply mean that only 1� I has been provided and it le consider- PAINS IN■ A �� half a dozen people out of, a thousand p a 1 ed good practice to give producing J bettors thought the horse would win, a TORONTO r dairy cows all these feeds that and the half dozen divided among, I ECiey will take, w without waste. in g• The Only Hotel. of its Kind in Canada } horses by the mob, form uel belting 0 Is Centrallysituated,;cloae to shops and theatres. add tion to these bulky feeds one ywagered pound of mixed grain chop per day AND SIDES is pool betting, in which the bettor Fireproof: Home comfort and hotelconven- should be fed for each three pounds P i ience. Finest cuisine. Cosy -tea room open of milk produce¢, over and above 10 backs his judgment against -that of e i i' till midnight. Single room, with bath, $2.60; u `� IWMN1 IOOIIB Ii11IN I other bettors, not against the collec- �1 pounds. That is a cow producing g (doable room, with bath, $4.00. Breakfast, e .� forty pounds of average market milk Relieved by Lydia E. Pink- five wisdom of the bookmakers. 'The - i r - tt Poe. to 75c. Luncheon, 65c. Dinkier, $1.00. > • shortest odds on record were those 111 lit} per day would regniru all the coarse �� a Ve stable Coal OtlIId •�-g•g - d1A- Flee to;i service from iraineanaboatb. Take' g P laid on the James R. Keene en in Black and White Tarda ally. Write for booklet feeds she cared to eat and ten 't try O1R1 {l{IA18 1i0111� pounds of mixed grain chop per day. the Lawrence IiaaliZatlOII at Sheepe- 290 JARVi3 STREET - - TORONTO, ONt. ' The grain feed rt'quirement can alsoto risk + head Bay in 1910. O hats be expressed as rote pound of mixed Lindsay, Ontarlo:='I used to have $100 to win a dollar - n his horses, - 7ery bad pains in my back and sides grain chop per day for each Pound Sweep and Suffragist, Once at Ja- and oYfeII was not of butter fat produced in a weekly fit to do my work males and twice at Belmont similar °v period. That is if a cow were pro- <�.� I tried many meds• odds were given on Man o' War. 1 is a sneak thief; it cornes st-Ith- ducing four gallons or forty pounds ? s "' cines --before I be- stroying little by little until 40 per of milk Per day, that tested four per s5 Via.: gar to take yours. + A P Cent•of ydur hearing is gone before you discover it. cent. butter fat, she would, produce in Y i I saw Lydia E. EY ' seven days eleven and one-fifth Pluktram's Vege, MARKETING OF EGGS IN e�e Don't all 1t to bat. Arrest the thief with pounds of butter fat. This would en- .table Compound ad- '�` '�„�• -& ft -.1 Lent isnsi se and title her to eleven and one-fifth ;•I vertised in the SASKATCHEWAN Thi,,Questio­ Leon"d � -rof Pr1Ce s eeable. Jus$ "Insert it in the " and Pounds of mixed grain Per day. i Toronto t it and Prior to June 1, 1920, if a farmer ZZiiiii d 1 ng,[ n Liberal Feeding Is Absolutely'Neces- now that it has i�ub gently behind the ears. aa, l holpe'd me I recom• offered a 80 dozen case of eggs to e Lrend It to all of t�Le retail merchant, he was paid for gfire seems the main consideration but it 3s well to Itnot only arrests the disease in fibs ear Another rule that Is practiced by E quantity Y fr. y early stages ,4 my. neighbors. I hat uantit in cash or trade, even remember that,®awe clothes are doer at an price• Blow- 3il t i$kliievea deafness and head itao3ses rso rr>atter the best dairymen is to Peed all of a >feep �`% in he: house ail the time though a large number of the eggs ever toes. 6, well-balanced ration that good dairy 1 and tai=.e it once in a while no mat, i may have been unfit for food. At '+Clothes' of Quality" area positive proof tkat Cormt % it; has been Thous ands, in r 1 t9 P ilo tiv p cows will take without making any ter how wail .I feel, for one ounce of the'same, time the forme who iii stages, are relieved Styles, Fine Fabrics and First-class Tailoring osa be ab every year• appreciable gain in weight while in prevention is worth a pound of cure." brought in 80 dozen strictly fresh ', • bained at seasonable ¢ariceo. full flow of milk. The balancing of ^ BLI2ARfT1L Cerrvsgrs 13 8t Paul eggs received exactly the same price.- it A. ®e LE NA=. �, rations for dairy cows is very im- Rt, Lindsay, Ontario i The two cases were eventually ship- Before 'you buy your new Suit, give us a call and Book d lel M" Aire ,Nei► York. N. Y. portant, and is practiced by . many To do any kind of $vork--and 3roII ppd to A wholesale grocer or proi)[uee r over our Samples and 'Styles. We can save you dollars 6W, careful, business -like dairymen and ]tIIow there Ii much to be done -'•"111 dealer where they Were again bought ° 'give you areal value. a: { l + l in � farmers, but unfortunately many of aemt to impossible 0-7611 are suffer• in the same wayy, which is knoWn'a9er,' those having the responsibility of gag Prom some form„of female tro* the straight rettipt or cabs count' s r L , ,j� � cow feeding hate the sight of Pape:, aa. It me- cause :qupr bacIL to achy Suit C T■ )T ,.+ • �gfaf hesitate or neglect this very import- &W"us and trig .0. You'mt y through ,his c ladling records knew Su1tS$20 v A' r t fir' pencil and figures; arnl souse uently t► pain in our sY it may make basis. The produce dealer, hoWev �Jffiffix what ercentag�e of these 690 Were ' I sat item in dairy cow management,�!t,1,wM fo kee d .' aLound,'brit p -L:. Stevenson,' Secretary Dept- of 7�a :dn a,)t feel g All bad, and thdlrefors lowered the price ' i,p�Ia E. Mkflam''tr VeYebabllt f' the wfiole,;,enofth to .tallow- for h..-: Agriculture, Toronto. tit „ p�i Qiillplltnad is a medfcdae for voinss. the loss, go tUt t$Ti¢ fill result war; if �A t1 � �L Y' -r - -�---- It'M ^laity edaltW to "He11Y,So that thb thillb 10116'mar eted a� first � M W d, fir. 1� a�iiLr •��r���rtT! °rrir0ek these ttv� and tvstit/ cIaprf., orinl5ta11 pennlitimd hecettge ' + pbpt. :cl, ts.norrnel h ,. t s n ghbor tnntketed sit Inferior ,t' • - s , , ,,,q - ..- - - s � # � yr �s ' fin Jt lr[+�, ib 'Boar tfiptliice. wore. . its:, ,.-,.ruvXlrhr�„xX?¢the;.,1�_.t.,,....,..;....._,(._u. i... ..., .a: .1 ...,. ,.. .,_. ,., .. _:.. .: ..,.. ..., ... _.._ _. e...� .._.,,a.. ... •. . .,. .,...„i....,_ .,_. t ,:.. _ .. ..-. .,. ..., .. .. ,. ..:,.,,. ,.r,,..°4il�sd�-,.:�.,��rr.`N'�'.��¢k�...3�ii3�'..arJ';.tt.�lvrl..,w_.t. ,t. .. - _.. ......;.,�s r. __. .-_.. e I cows working should the pasture life, and has not been identified with like." der a regulation approved by the Yell. The cow's stomach should be the Farmers' political movement, al- Mr. Thompson picks a horse and Minister of Agriculture, and may ask kept well lined with feed if she is to though his professional interests have maybe bets $500. Mr. Jonel makes that the eggs be recandled in his 7 be profitable as a producer or milk. As the grass or pasture crop dwin- naturally associated him very close- ly with Manitoba's agricultural de- a note of the affair. Nobody signs presence. any document; no money changes i +- r _ dies, other Pends moat be supplied or velopment. hands. If Mr. Thompson wins, he milk cannot be made. Many good It is assumed Mr. Bracken will re- will leave his address with the book- RELIGIOUS QUESTIONS AND feeders supplement the failing Pas- ceive a summons from the Lieuten- maker, and the next morning will ASPIRIN tures in August with green fodder ant -Governor to form a government, he receive a cheque for his winnings, ANSWERS corn and second growth clover, newly trade silage from peas and oats or and that will accept the responsi- bility and ask for time. to his which may amount to $5,000, or he 1. Name the Apostle whoav may be the I gave us ` corn may follow these. During Oc- choose colleagues. It is understood that the paid cash on spot, and this without having visibly risked a the Golden Rule. tober and early November, grey- Farmers have given him a free hand dollar or incurred_any liability 2. How is mankind classified in , stone turnips and sorghum +ire fre- in the constructi,m of his cabinet, whatever. Sometimes it turns out its attitude towards Jesus Christ, quently used. All these feeds goAheand probably he will report back to that when Mr. Thompson bets he 3. Who warned some men to take same route and produce much the the conference before he takes office. loses and does not liquidate, but this heed lest they fight against God? same effect on the animal body, die- Mr, Bracken was riot a candidate in happens about once in fifty times, 4. Tell in whose behalf Paul UNLESS you see the name `'Bayer" on tablets, you fering but little in degree. It is riot the elections, and it is thought he and the, bookmakers are not 'greatly wrote a private letter. are not getting Aspirin at all so touch what we feed if we would only feed enough and use a variety will seek election in The Pas, one of the deferred seat•, represented in the disturbed, since they make the odds,5: Name the deacon who had four and the more they are cheated the daughters, each a prophetess, oP feeds sot at the cow can per t -m last House by Hon. Edward Brown, narrower will be the odds they offer. 6• What name is the only one , e the work required of her. who probably will return to private These odds, by the way, are never mentioned in our Lord's panlibles? i special Indoor Feeding Required. life. as great as those to be had in the 7• Jesus said if we follow Him I t With the closing of the autumnmachines. The machine odds are we shall not walk in darkness. What , o and cessation of outside feeding, ne- -T_ the odds of public opinion; the book- is the inference? • cessitating all indoor feeding over a maker odds are those of privets '8. Who was the man said to have long period, provision for which BETTING FLOURISHES WHERE been mighty in the Scri tures? judgment, as modified by public P a should have been made during the IT IS ILLEGAL opinion. On tracks where the un- Anawere, i growing season, by way of producing lawful bookmakers operate there is YEA - an amply quantity of silage, clovers, Not in the history of racing in usually a conference among them in 1. Jesus Christ. Heb. 3-1. r - •' roots, grain feeds, and straw. How Canada has the betting part of the the morning and a general elastic 2. Two Classesone forthe other ! yam' many cows can 1 carry through the game received so much advertising agreement as to the opening odds, gainstMatt a . . 12, , -30. winter, is the viewpoint too frequent- as it has this Summer. It seems this agreement being founded on they g 3. Gamaliel. Acta 5-34:39. E ly taken by many dairy men. For probable that this publicity has re- what they believe to be the chances 4. Onesimus, See Philemon. I� ® profitable work thin viewpoint is gen- suited in a greater amount of gambl- of the various horses. After the aga9 5. Philip. Acts 5, 8:9. erally wrong and should be turned in because there are man opening Y 6. Lazarus. Luke 16-19, about to read, how Pew cattle can 1 g' y people o ronin odds there are likel to be' t who would be indifferent to a right rapid alterations due to the amount y. That we walk in darkness -if keep to eat up all the feed. Lack of or privilege until they thought it of money that is being placed on the we fail to follow Him. definite knowledge as to the feed re- was about to be withdrawn and then different horses. The more money "Bayer per animal, and of an easy would hasten to exercise it. No , there is bet on a horse, the shorter is g, Apollos. Accept only an "unbroken package' of Bayer Tablets of method of figuring this requirement, doubt, if the sale' of chewing tobac- his price. Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out b has caused much lose through many - Y co were to be prohibited, the Act to The greatest odds ever paid on afarmn• rying to winter more stock physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for thanethe feed supply in their barna come into effect next week, hundreds American track were those which It is Telparte'd t4rit fifteen (thousand of people who never chewed tobacco rewarded the few backers of Wish- pry ganilzed 1 would warrant. Wheel cows do so chStlldren are at . in the oT Colds Headache Rheumatism in their lives would lay in a few in Rin at. Latonia, on June 17th, playground's o8 Winniipeg This is well on June pasture, it should be g g+ hanks of it in case of mer enc 1912. Anyone who hada 2 ticket 'an 'item that ds alanoeat 'lost in the an incentive to all feeders to imitate g y $ Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis The betting in Canada, o course, is for first received -•. in so Par as possible the succulence g $1,8&5.50; those bomrmenba on tike big wheat crop, but Earache Lumbago Pain Pain of June grasses. done by means of the pari-mutuel who bet $2.00 for second received It is, ^4?:' machines, except that part which is $644.60, and those who bet third Weill :remenT that the mak- Silage, Pulped Boots and Chopped ing aB t itizex dhip is the forst concern I i hely ayer boxes of 12 tablets -Also bottles of 24 and 100- ts. carried on by the Illicit handbooks. drew down $172,60, Obviously, no z^ D1°g Clover Recommended. of Canada.-�Biiantfoad Eic7pbsibor. ` n. Aspirin to the trade mark tregtatrr^d in Caned-) er Bayer Manufacture of Mono - id In Kentucky and Maryland, too, the bookmaker would ever offer such 7 ace6eacetiter of Salleyncacid, wine It la wen known that Aspirin means Bayer Well made silage is the best sub- bettirig through machines is legaliz- odds, because the bettor who would t ` will do aLamD'dture. to $ssist tb� with theirageneral tnst trademmariOns.k. thrhp'nayer Cros$•arar company stitute, with pulped roots and chop- ed. In New York betting is illegal, not bite at a hundred to one would _ ped clover a good second. Good red and therefore has to be carried on not bite at nine hundred to one. clover and alfalfa hays while not - succulent are highly nutritious and secretly, but we have no doubt that Two years earlier, at Lexington a a palatable. With silage, clovers, roots horse named Muo paid more than four. hundred to to one. These ire- and straw at hand, a sufficient variety mentions odds simply mean that only 1� I has been provided and it le consider- PAINS IN■ A �� half a dozen people out of, a thousand p a 1 ed good practice to give producing J bettors thought the horse would win, a TORONTO r dairy cows all these feeds that and the half dozen divided among, I ECiey will take, w without waste. in g• The Only Hotel. of its Kind in Canada } horses by the mob, form uel belting 0 Is Centrallysituated,;cloae to shops and theatres. add tion to these bulky feeds one ywagered pound of mixed grain chop per day AND SIDES is pool betting, in which the bettor Fireproof: Home comfort and hotelconven- should be fed for each three pounds P i ience. Finest cuisine. Cosy -tea room open of milk produce¢, over and above 10 backs his judgment against -that of e i i' till midnight. Single room, with bath, $2.60; u `� IWMN1 IOOIIB Ii11IN I other bettors, not against the collec- �1 pounds. That is a cow producing g (doable room, with bath, $4.00. Breakfast, e .� forty pounds of average market milk Relieved by Lydia E. Pink- five wisdom of the bookmakers. 'The - i r - tt Poe. to 75c. Luncheon, 65c. Dinkier, $1.00. > • shortest odds on record were those 111 lit} per day would regniru all the coarse �� a Ve stable Coal OtlIId •�-g•g - d1A- Flee to;i service from iraineanaboatb. Take' g P laid on the James R. Keene en in Black and White Tarda ally. Write for booklet feeds she cared to eat and ten 't try O1R1 {l{IA18 1i0111� pounds of mixed grain chop per day. the Lawrence IiaaliZatlOII at Sheepe- 290 JARVi3 STREET - - TORONTO, ONt. ' The grain feed rt'quirement can alsoto risk + head Bay in 1910. O hats be expressed as rote pound of mixed Lindsay, Ontarlo:='I used to have $100 to win a dollar - n his horses, - 7ery bad pains in my back and sides grain chop per day for each Pound Sweep and Suffragist, Once at Ja- and oYfeII was not of butter fat produced in a weekly fit to do my work males and twice at Belmont similar °v period. That is if a cow were pro- <�.� I tried many meds• odds were given on Man o' War. 1 is a sneak thief; it cornes st-Ith- ducing four gallons or forty pounds ? s "' cines --before I be- stroying little by little until 40 per of milk Per day, that tested four per s5 Via.: gar to take yours. + A P Cent•of ydur hearing is gone before you discover it. cent. butter fat, she would, produce in Y i I saw Lydia E. EY ' seven days eleven and one-fifth Pluktram's Vege, MARKETING OF EGGS IN e�e Don't all 1t to bat. Arrest the thief with pounds of butter fat. This would en- .table Compound ad- '�` '�„�• -& ft -.1 Lent isnsi se and title her to eleven and one-fifth ;•I vertised in the SASKATCHEWAN Thi,,Questio­ Leon"d � -rof Pr1Ce s eeable. Jus$ "Insert it in the " and Pounds of mixed grain Per day. i Toronto t it and Prior to June 1, 1920, if a farmer ZZiiiii d 1 ng,[ n Liberal Feeding Is Absolutely'Neces- now that it has i�ub gently behind the ears. aa, l holpe'd me I recom• offered a 80 dozen case of eggs to e Lrend It to all of t�Le retail merchant, he was paid for gfire seems the main consideration but it 3s well to Itnot only arrests the disease in fibs ear Another rule that Is practiced by E quantity Y fr. y early stages ,4 my. neighbors. I hat uantit in cash or trade, even remember that,®awe clothes are doer at an price• Blow- 3il t i$kliievea deafness and head itao3ses rso rr>atter the best dairymen is to Peed all of a >feep �`% in he: house ail the time though a large number of the eggs ever toes. 6, well-balanced ration that good dairy 1 and tai=.e it once in a while no mat, i may have been unfit for food. At '+Clothes' of Quality" area positive proof tkat Cormt % it; has been Thous ands, in r 1 t9 P ilo tiv p cows will take without making any ter how wail .I feel, for one ounce of the'same, time the forme who iii stages, are relieved Styles, Fine Fabrics and First-class Tailoring osa be ab every year• appreciable gain in weight while in prevention is worth a pound of cure." brought in 80 dozen strictly fresh ', • bained at seasonable ¢ariceo. full flow of milk. The balancing of ^ BLI2ARfT1L Cerrvsgrs 13 8t Paul eggs received exactly the same price.- it A. ®e LE NA=. �, rations for dairy cows is very im- Rt, Lindsay, Ontario i The two cases were eventually ship- Before 'you buy your new Suit, give us a call and Book d lel M" Aire ,Nei► York. N. Y. portant, and is practiced by . many To do any kind of $vork--and 3roII ppd to A wholesale grocer or proi)[uee r over our Samples and 'Styles. We can save you dollars 6W, careful, business -like dairymen and ]tIIow there Ii much to be done -'•"111 dealer where they Were again bought ° 'give you areal value. a: { l + l in � farmers, but unfortunately many of aemt to impossible 0-7611 are suffer• in the same wayy, which is knoWn'a9er,' those having the responsibility of gag Prom some form„of female tro* the straight rettipt or cabs count' s r L , ,j� � cow feeding hate the sight of Pape:, aa. It me- cause :qupr bacIL to achy Suit C T■ )T ,.+ • �gfaf hesitate or neglect this very import- &W"us and trig .0. You'mt y through ,his c ladling records knew Su1tS$20 v A' r t fir' pencil and figures; arnl souse uently t► pain in our sY it may make basis. The produce dealer, hoWev �Jffiffix what ercentag�e of these 690 Were ' I sat item in dairy cow management,�!t,1,wM fo kee d .' aLound,'brit p -L:. Stevenson,' Secretary Dept- of 7�a :dn a,)t feel g All bad, and thdlrefors lowered the price ' i,p�Ia E. Mkflam''tr VeYebabllt f' the wfiole,;,enofth to .tallow- for h..-: Agriculture, Toronto. tit „ p�i Qiillplltnad is a medfcdae for voinss. the loss, go tUt t$Ti¢ fill result war; if �A t1 � �L Y' -r - -�---- It'M ^laity edaltW to "He11Y,So that thb thillb 10116'mar eted a� first � M W d, fir. 1� a�iiLr •��r���rtT! °rrir0ek these ttv� and tvstit/ cIaprf., orinl5ta11 pennlitimd hecettge ' + pbpt. :cl, ts.norrnel h ,. t s n ghbor tnntketed sit Inferior ,t' • - s , , ,,,q - ..- - - s � # � yr �s ' fin Jt lr[+�, ib 'Boar tfiptliice. wore. . its:, ,.-,.ruvXlrhr�„xX?¢the;.,1�_.t.,,....,..;....._,(._u. i... ..., .a: .1 ...,. ,.. .,_. ,., .. _:.. .: ..,.. ..., ... _.._ _. e...� .._.,,a.. ... •. . .,. .,...„i....,_ .,_. t ,:.. _ .. ..-. .,. ..., .. .. ,. ..:,.,,. ,.r,,..°4il�sd�-,.:�.,��rr.`N'�'.��¢k�...3�ii3�'..arJ';.tt.�lvrl..,w_.t. ,t. .. - _.. ......;.,�s r. __. .-_.. e I