HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1922-07-21, Page 7_
- ,
Il'" r teky snot' Gh$ - eettrebteck. l y n'' _ ' Y `dq g I ` ! .
r 4
.. '' of ouT ,ttxt7lU8 , O ' AqE �h - "':� ^ - . �tottioa }° 'tfsyb d'e'aa't t 4 + & , 9 f � • ,;, . ti
p. S.. ATSIN�olti. , al,irl.1 D.19.$. D>wly to. as st her wft'tu Wine'fiVvdOatxmta C►fair N re otos s to r li'i'rbI>ltsQ4 xA Came Uwe to >+ilt X „r �
btTt to be nLare ilius' caTeklLt4 at the tloeal traAdtaetlnti'6 CA7f° w,4 l u 1
tiTadaate of the.Ypy41 ,116 4. Dx 13artkIn •alroYor than
ofti at he MP1DICtN1S i! :(t^ nsntugopal rspfQQY °gAc,atewaRft. Pt*or'd}ak 9, h0"S{4t_a ,..'t, r.rr t. 11
�(Jpy .�1�1_ 8. Catarrhal _..ol 7 a e@d qy 6n:''Irl. IUAe &e b1RCd a ryeblra 1 8 wfe xr1•-'•x {
Daitsl Qslr one 'd! tiAtt►tf14 Iwo of TER ails bl0snceB-,sn as to be on hand flamed oonettioD°e6i o rntaill s lYnin6 t just started ,on the ling tEtl=4 !and ttr sr1 � is t
tik,r tTa4ver(rity At'otohtQ..Iiitts Dib• prgmpbi' v4 four. M:rEuvar, it Jack rho lt+Justsbl�lalt Tb when this wire �a �i
p M1litatyr ALtslct, x. lntlsmed ye haft 'rutnbitn aolmd or [hate is eo rivach to do. I Slave basil. °'
txiet Dental' oijl er had a aneebhoart send thrive was no bnporfeot hear fi,'Ana when W entire. heGping him 'With 'his d� era every �r
NO. t LvndeDr-OnE Office kourt+ at �• question aid `Tt, bit oN dt not tb be-- 1 cloned, Doa4rcisW,111 ti,e result. Unless. Slight. But when Audt TF=oats' note 5tr^^
$►yAe'ld, elft DlORday, Wednesday. A Novel Of Which He I
and Coa'mne 'had another, what would � ro Inriamnnatlam Mo be raduceQ, tour mne---+dhe isn't any ''sell swat, you .. I
F day and �attlyday, from one to be better than bringing them Ell h°arfis ma b 0aetroyed [orevan j
6,8o peel, 2814 12 g HALL'® CA�blood a ntr.'lyhCINE acts ltrvaw. bot I have called her so ever -J � r '
Ie Not the Hero. down to Cher, so that Miss FeW sloe through the blood pit the mucoue War- since I was a ldtble �g5'rt -daddy ,ion- +
tease of the system toue reducing the In. ., j � „ ••A,<) „i r
twattd' Jonlc totem over, and Miss Ralth riammation and restoring normal condi- slated on my rooming, and so I lave
By (land the Major could get befbter ac- one. Jedtt 'hien for d ,, 0�,' a
DB F. J. R FORSTER quain!ted,-espetdall J'adk amd Miss Clraulare free. All Druggfate, just a Sow days. He oil
Y be act glad when I tell him I flue fust leas fakitet'.be3V . j1s*4'
F. HOPKINSON SMITH Felicia and rrtlora especially JLtok and F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, i � o a
Eye Ear, Nose and Throat i NLrnBsll<• I one of his old drienda" a " � °thy
Graduate to Medicine, University of l Miss Fdlicia's,proposal•havilug there- - -- _.V_ _ There ohs no question of her beau- "�ALLAnA nd g
Toronto. fore been dully carried act, with a tyi or ,poises, or her naGLmalness. ekllfully it prpared, so ., I i- a�Y'li
Late Assistant New York Ophthal- TORONTO y First came the doine' of Peter's bend `Been a lardy eall 'her life, my dear is t protected diAt. tl�e 4lehCa > t
nwmlter od btkLara root ,thoaLght of when } p t''
stat and Aural Institute, Mootefleld's McLEOD & ALLEN the ,tea was first discussed-indud- head surmounotin'g his worry face, 'Major, and her mother befilo¢e Stem," leaves reach (hitt a fever WeelCB. -
Cys and Golden Square Throat Hos- dug sante.po'4s o{ geranlvms do the then the top of Miss Folicda"s pompom- Miss Fetticda said ,When I joined 'her
gdtals, London, Eng! At office In Scott 'virnloiyv, red, ryf course, to ndatuh the dour, wYtAt lots tiny diaurond spark afterwani, and Mise Felfiloia knew'. later) 111 all eir tender freshxles$, '.
Block, Over Umbae ne Drug Store, Continued from last week.), Cali' old Peter's room -+and the freslu bobbing about as she laaughed and ' girls
b stet like any of the young TO really enjoy tea at its beet, irisitlt
Seaforth, third Wednesday 1n Bach l i (em'in uP Ulf certain' swiss ourtailas moved her ahead in aaellutirig her guests gimis about, 6a you can see %r your -
month from 11 a.m. to 3 P.M. 58 self. 'Look at her now," ,she who er 11IfOII sSsA1 EIIDL�rr• iO1lP 'pCer y'
We heard, and we heaad fiat laugh , whie so offended Miers F.el'icia's ever- send then mobs anti- snubs of young
Waterloo Street South, Stratford: h maiain her ld lnrg- watdhdtill eyes that she burst cwt with ipenlple ;packed tighR fu rking for ail ed, ,with an approving nod of her file this deliciOttis tea--t�l31c forlt. e
` Phone 287, Stratford.
a's e e -Wolk-, g
non to ,her eyes and gazinlg'a't us witlr
that half-quizzleal look w+llich so bd-
"I't Js ,pnsrtdvely disgraceful, Peter, 4o the would tike a ma ir.a,- cecowd doav-
i see thaw careleas you are getting-" ing a theatre (t'hat is wh,-n you crane
i Again 'nny eyes -sought the gird.
I� if"
ten comes ,aver her ,f ee.
AIt whiu:h M'rs. McCuffvy mashed to your neck to 'see ovor their heads),
figure was •vlllkywy •and
She was nyder )than Pater-atuust
the root's of her hair, and washed exlvept drat the ,guest., were 'without
the shoulders sloping, th a'nlrts tap-
% James, Proctor & Redfern, Ltd.
'have been: I 'never 'know exa'dtV. It
than hersebf [.hut very [dight before their wraps and were talkbrdg sixteen
ering to the wrists. T'hd hair was
jet bdaok-"eSorne Spanish blood some.
; I
SA L .10
H. M. Proctor, B.A.,Sc., Manager
- , would not halve been ,wise to auk her,
and nobody ,else knew bult Peter„ and
she Closed her ayes. The great day to the dozen, and as nm,•rry us they
havingarrived, I .say the tea -table could be.
Where," I ,suggested, but the dear
86 Toronto St., Toronto, Cars.
he never tard. And yet there was no
'was set 'vltfh Peter's beet, inclluding; • "They are clot 'here, Major", Peter
gady answered sharpliy,"Not a drop;
stills.. P.v®eta. waterworlu, rower-,
mark ,vp 'real oleo age wean her. S'ie
"Uhe dear at of silver teapots" that cried, dr+ It 'was
Po ag,ging me onside.
I Freru_h Huguenot, any dear Major,
err. systema, lnefnerato..,
Publie Ham, Hetairs", F.etorts, Arbt-
,and Peter were %Hke in this. Her
Miss Fe, had given 'him for special wonderful follow young and happy he
and I •am' surprised you ahuaLld halve
t-tiow, LStIW.tloa
,halm, worn Fompadour, was gray-
occasions; the 'table covered with a looked. "Miss Oorin'ne, rad- that loud
ale's svcb a mistake." This 'black
oarFes U.awlr puts et of
an 'honest Uaok�and-'wlhite gray; her
dwmtas'k Olot'h and all made ready for Hu'llalballoo, Gairry MinoLt, ,we sow
, hart parted in the Middle, lay close
11,•- th. mast w...r..ur otimtli
eyes weve brig -ht as neuillie ,points;
the arrival of her guests. This done, ,prancing around 'at the• ,upper -you
to ;her head -such 'a wealth and tor -
the skin' slignhdtl•y wrirukled, but fresh
the Jady returned to her own' .[boom, rememxber--�Halker ca.(- hum ,the
rent of it; even with t'a'king it be-
and nosy -,a spare, -straight, wolf-
from which she emerged an 'hour tat- ring"
:hind her can and gathering it in a
groomed alta lady Uf-,per'haps sixty
or in a sci t gray silk relieved' by a "And Miss MacFardwily?" I asked.
'coil in her neck it seemed ,joust ready
-per sixty five, dapendhng on fVan of old deice at her tihmotbt, Mend- I "Ruth! Turn your •head', my boy, to faM The face wuLs oval, the crone expNanabo of the promptness of his
Specialists in Health and Accident .her dress, or undra'ss, for she shoal- ;ing into the tones tof her gray bait and, take a look at her. Isn't she x perfect, the mouth never 'stlS for an
Insurance. dens 'were stlll fulfil 'and wale rounded. brushed sitraighd up from cher fore-. v • instant, so full was it ad curves and ancestors to dimes of danger, men
gI'iict'ure . Did' you ever see a 'prettier then Corinne Juan hesitated about at-
liberal and unrestricted. The rtitxgt beautiful neck and' throat head and worn high Durr a cushion, ' ogirtl in sill life, and one sabre i tnvm'ldles and ditWe quivers; the ayes
your ce i until Garry said: "Weal, let's
Over x1,000,000 paid s fossae. sir, in all Washington in her day," the 'Whole tapped by 'u tirvy jewel chxrm.i b dressed'? Ruth, this is fig, absorbing restful, with hazy lids
exec tion 1 opportunities for local jay take it in, anyhow -we can skip out
p } old General Wea'tetfiury once talo me ,whsoh caught the 'tigxht Jrke a dr+glt of the Ma'jar ... notha'rug rl,e ,just that dieted ellawuy and ,Lary motioruless
Agents. and the General was an authority. dew. as the Wings aP a resting' butterity, if they bore us stiff."
the Major. s He d iperfe•41y docile, Knowing these tlhiangs, therefore,
804 ROYAL HANK BLDG., "You should have seen firer .in her And a veritalble 'grand dame she kind and safe, acid-�_„ th. eyebro'vs 'Full and exquisitely g
2778-50 Toronto, Ont. prime, sir. 'What Rhe devil the men looked, and was, as she 'took (ter seat <, embed. Had 'you me't'her in mRnti'!la fearing that after all something would
' were dhinkin of 1 don"[ 'knew, 7yot and awa'Gted the arrival of her guests -And drives equality 'weld in sin 'happen to mar the ,pleasant relations
g and high -heeled shoes, her fan half
C let her go back to Genesee, and -'in bearing,in the ,way she moved a or double harness, I swppo,se,' -lie had esta!hl,i'shed with Peter, and
y shaded' her >;ace, you woailld luaus de-
tllhere ,she 'has dived cover since- Why, her head; in the way she opened her 'laughed the girl, extending ,her 'hand , clared,gdeapite Kiss Felbeia's protest, 'with the honor of his candle's flarnvly
LEGAL air,at a ball sit the German' Embassy fan -len the selection of rbhe teat it- and giving me +the slightest dip of in his ,keeping, so to speak, Jack had
'her ,heart and bend of ,her back in that Duey the dbiok of the castanets
R. S. HAYS. she made sruch a sitnsation that-" self, for that ,matter, You fellt it in awaited the arrival of Corinne and
rcwognition, fro doubt of an advaac- was needed to send her whirling to
barrister Solicitor, Conveyancer and bub then the Genera) all -ways i4e41s the color and 9engbh of 'her gl�mes, + Y Garry with considerable trepidation.
Notary Pu�lic. Solicitor for the Do- such stories of mosR of 'the 'women he the size of )ter pearl can -rind s (not irug years and dilgnf•fied bearing, - in same rhythm. Had she tied that
'pou g � sautie mantilla close under tour dovel Vlnhat if, after x11, they should stay
minion Ban Office in rear of the Do- knows. Roo Large, and yet not too smabl'), in apology, too, 'pe'rhaps� f„r her meta- y away, 'ig-Ting vile igreatt courtesy
aiinlou Bank Seaforth. Money to There Huse bit litUle left of that the choice of [the few rings that en- phor• I chin, and passed you with upturned 'vhicih this most charming of old Jadies
'Man. kind of beauty. `Sire hied kept her chilled' her slender and now ,some- "In single --not Amibi,:," rojoined eyes and trembling dips, you would -nevem had he seen' one so 4ovable or
figure, it is true -a gracefrui', eas what shrunken fingers (one hoop of Peter. •'He's the sour, -,t, crabrbedest I have sworn that the Madonna from
y g } distinguisohed-had extended to them;
rrdaving fiig rr•e, with ,t'he waist of a gold hied a history 'tfha't the old old bachelor in'thhe,worl-1 except any. I the neig'hdwring church had strayed
BEST &BEST "Std' 'w"'�'proportioned anms and F'rcwh Atinbassador could 'have told self." from its frame in search of the hoop. and she a stranger, fou, and all ed
{ leas and Blue urfhappy; and had none "use her brother Peter had asked
IsQfl dainty hands. She 'had kept, if he wianted to, so Peter once hinted I Again her laugh bu'hbad out - a of these din her to be kind to a boy like himself.
Barristers, Sglicitbrs, Convey- 'boo, her charm of ,m'an'ner and keen to me)- everything- she did in fact be catching, spontaneous k:nd of 1111113,9111 guise :beat doers, and she
The entrance of Corinne and Garry
ancera and Notaries Public, Etc. sense of humor -she wouldn't laave 6rayt i a w'icie aLxyuainbance with the as if there were plenty' mare ,packed had flashed by you in the apo' some therefore, into the crowded room ,WLf
- Office in the Edge Building, opposite been Peter's ,sinter otherwise -as great world rind its requirements and awl behind 'her 1i ".d • .W break bright iaxrnirbg mounted on her own
+lie Y ps y an 'hour after his awn had brought a
The Expositor Office, well as (her in'torest -in her friends' exactions. 1'ose w,henwm•'th fi0GIA an o eni'n b:,t'k 'taste, tach• agdtvw oyes Jilts
'they p 'g• relief to J.tLcik'a mind (he had been
affairs, es wialYl C,he .lu,ve�affairs of Other women of -her age inight of "Th -on, Ma you is`c, l 'have two scars, her wonderful hair waving in
p y Mayor, Y. •wx:Urhing the dust, so as to be ready
al•1 the young people about 'her. their choice drop into charities, or .lumps to sweeten you irp," and down the wind, you would have stood stock w present them)., which M'i'ss Felicia's
Her tyw(ledge of .ar"n and women cats, or nephews and nioces, railing went the sugar -tong's :n••, the silver still in admiration, fear gripping your grac:io'us sablrutatibn only intensified. !
PROUDFOOT, KILLORAN AND had bro,adcned. She read Chem ayuor(• againnt 'thud present and diving only bavw^l, throat, a prayer your heart fur the •,I remember your dear mother per-'
HOLMES }; g young Breen d.-,n,si fxmward sate hrnne-coming of one sU feurlvss y " ,he heard the told lad
easily now than when slLe wax w gar! it the 4,st; hdid'rng un ;like rim Here furl y say as
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Pub- -had suffered, perhaps, b trusting death to cverythill r that Made et re- and so beautiful.
�e, etc. Money to lend. In Seaforth 1 Y > xnri Jilted the bowl n,•.,rer• to her she advanced w Car one and oak boot
therm Voo mudh. This had sbanpened ,pectab;e, �u 'hat theT looked for all !rand, while I ,waited f"r illy cu He There was, too, about her a cenbain 1
on Monday of each week. Office in ib her hinds. "And she wtag quite .love- I
Block. Proudfoot H.C. J. I the tip end of ,her 'Lorugve tom ser fine the w"o,n.kl Tike sn numry aid ,iaguer- •fixe 'nut. 'left her sad, .:incl M'is:; 'gt'n•fleness, a ceresin diypt.;ition to be fly. And this I am very sure is Mr.
,ven when h inherent coquetry Ci B W kirid eve n er to a t t rn u,
dd I c
tames. Not 1 Y
I e-- r » t'� c•s u.lcd fi'am the f u, ctc•r
that when it became actty c �• r rr",cited' so P t who s
1014 L Killoran, B, E. Holmes. a }Dint t YP P h'e1i'cia had I p Breen friend, he Minott, has
- 'tua••tll the Southern . girl -;led
'c• of (ern s
na to Sou
'el -•ox Grayson c ev g
h'h i, did -it could -^c ;LTt..� E cc :,,1 evidently on�c^e in a x l e t Y ,„ � ostomate. c err-. de -
tr,l 1 irre af. I Y cr.rriewl r alLl the 'hon 5 I amt Ti• , sham ruputabion 'u bhe back kis New Yurik, Her past was a flexible, 'her into dee waters; a certain tend- tr
lt' >P
•„ r for is ''et • •
. r u er it t sive .sa ' It cd w -c • you boil,. Peter, rhr
Tip P ir.te r lit 1 dig' t u •t. y
es 'i:ly as' a ,keen blade (loosens the indi-a-mbber kind of a toast that she eyes were still fasten, i upon leers, erness tical mute friends of even un -
I you take these dear young 'people
VETERINARY seams Ulf a bodice. siLretchod out after her. -She might. drinkingin her every wrord and happy suiours (and I heard that she
jj F. HARBURN, V. 3. I ,Peter fe➢! in at nonce with her lour sial wosr her hair as she did when and present thom,to Ruth."
P '•And' is s'u,gar yrutbr •,ro for d.is- rvuau reef CuvnL them on her fingw•s) Tim two had thereupon squeezed
Honor graduate of Ontario Veterin-.for• a "Rosebud Tea," ,in'apite of her the old Gown l raved ,,ver her, '•a.:- •,grvoalile ate,, ;)'e Miss ',!,;Farla,,,?" who had asked for ware than she thn,ugh to Ruth's side; Peter in his
ary College, and honorary member of j r', riiKh t -he frust of many winters ,had I heard him itsk under .rs breath as a .uid give -a Lenderness wliix;.h ,healed formr:il int.mckuction awarding t.,
I the Medical Association of the Ontario ------- - -- -- 11_u it1 it; but ,he would tuever h,'d .he w,ximl and ntade lover; of them
Veterinary College. Treats disea es o{ I ...Plati:yod sipping niv to ,-aerie as rhr 111111,11'Iwhr,-.h tt was ,
g 5 m L:r th, s{; rn•ri of thosr days 6r the ... Plat depends ••n :' w disat; rcc.;t}o!,, :.:, for lift. . •.i ,aaiticfl, and ,a_.t Itut:,, rruuvu littering i
all domestic animals by the most mod- I ,::iris or •the niawk-s: Out or in they tl(: are,', slit, :, !:<',P r: . -d. This came An:t [;ren her SuuLrl('111 Sjnt.h, in- bar dui.il." s.,id h,,w gl-ad .Ale was to
arm principles. Dentistry and Milk 'rust go, be puffed, .vt bias, (it- made de.._rivahio and inipus.iiblu in cold
, fever n specialty. Office opposite ci;,i 'a took fern; 1- nth her ,•ynlids. i Izn,ow thu.a; and 'wnu:'d icy Itac:
P PP gi;ain, ,fust .,, thr f:rsgciun of the day l 'nuusL'be a!! tic''.. theta, f„r you type. 'lone softening rf t.hr e.+n,.' Irmun or su'tar?--and Corinne, with
Dick's Hotel, Main Street, Seaforth. irr.,isbed, Oh! a mast leveg-hcxided,
� . .. or.'ly gave me or.,• !'.:n.', --' s'tit11 ^under nano>, rho 9li}.ping away Of tile teal- a r„mpre'l;en:<ive t^iance of her rival.
,11 orders left to the hotel htll calls
conun,on� ense, aid arkLoerat 'was imus, tic Miw•rin of vu,wcis, and a!i
eeive Prompt attention. Night calla � ' Uaaire Feficixl "Only one. [ ni'�•!.a dni:�takr-" g dtrdined truth, her excuse being that
eacelved at the office L'�w ' i i Byes dooking null;. into .lack's. in 'that Liv, nrus"Ll voice burn out- ,he was ritarly dead now with the l
_ _ J With Ole arrival of the fir<t caT- }.,vit,h a merry t:,';rl, ,' gathering rt- ride of the roar and crash of ci:y t and that it cup .'f tett %k,oild fin-
r6itLge u'Id Lsaas C�,lien n;.wed .his seat round tlxi'r corner,. streets and cruxtiel draavirng ruouis Leh her. .fuel: had winced when hi
JOHN GRIEVE, V. S. front the back to the front of his "Penhatps I don't 1. d any at ill'!," with each tongue fighting fur mss- errs cautritt the flippant: answi-r, but
Honor graduate of Ontario Veterin- shop, so
he could see erverytwtdy who "Yes, I'm ,are v'' I db. TTerc-- ,cry, it was nothing to the way in -which
ary College. All diseases of domestic got out and went in, as wm 'as ,)told your cur, sir; 1" 1 fill it fulk" All this .lrx.k had Laken in, besides he shrivr:ied ftp when Garry, after
,animals treated. Calls promptly at- I5 everybody who wrOlked ,past and gac-
"No, I'm F„ing ' , 'wart and sec x thousand other charnLs visible only shaking \].ass V1'a:cFa'rlane'- ,hand as
'tsinded to and charges moderate. Vet- ed up at Uhe shiabby old h'nuse and its what effect ,me lam;, has, I'm •be_ to the young enthusiast, before he if it. had been a !yunup-ihanddc• instead
arinary Dentistry a specialty. Office shabbier steps and rai!ings. Not tlm't ginning to rt i i,.t sAread and 'bad ,been tw-u minutes in her presence. of a thing so dainty that. n„ any had
,and residence on Goderich street, one • I g gi },h �� y As to her voice, lie knew she was tae
the shabby surrvunuli' curt 'finds I ,carts miss as tom;, s'icks when I-” a right. to t,urh it exxmt with rcver-
door east of Dr. Scott's office, Sea- l any difference vahether 'Uhe guests And then sbe ins -ted .he should i,f his 'own n•o•le when sic lead finish•
forth. i p erre in his heart, had burst out w^.ith:
were "oriTAH&e company" or rurvt, to !have at least three :c re to make ,him ern pronouncing his mune. Somebody •'Glad to st •lou. Prv,m the South, I
quote good 'TTS. Miccuffcy. Peter at adz bearalble, :i!..! he said t.hcre 'worth whFie }sad cm,sed his gratb It: hear-" as if she was a kangaroo or
MEDICAL f w•o'ulld not be 'Peter if he dived Bally- v,,ould be no lis in • ,t t him would ,last!
C. J. W. HARN, M.D.C.M. /�%�' where eC,se, and Miss Felari,a ,wouldn't g :t Fiji Islander. 1Tc heel seen 'Tins
426 Richmond Street London Ont. Y Mi 1" chi ,wiu f be so charnting ::t'I 4li redalble, and And with this there had fvlhwed. 11arfcaninnc give a little start. at
e be halt so quaint a g so [due tack rear the bafClednor, even its he tang ed t,. hi•r, the usual (;arty'. familiar wvty ,:f sptI ing..md
:Decialist, Surgery and Genio-Urin� ra,. - slie had received her guests behind a .and shuttlecac!t 6:,:! of 'balk -the 1
r try dteeaeee of men and, women.C comparisons mxd'-' by :rbl young fe.l- had ''tired how Ruth shrank behind
l marble or brownsG,ne front with an same prattle that ,,„ . ave add listener( lows whoa tihe gild they don't I'!ke i, the urn n.. if she avere afraid he
awning stretchaxl to tle curbstone and 'to, ,to have kept ,, it hearts young placed side by side with the girl they wmrld couch h,•r again, alt -hough she
DR. J. W PECK t � I
/ x real velvet ra.epet laid across the And yet not a ni:1, at aln; a Play, rill. 'Liss MacFarlane w,as bal'I arid had laughed quite good-narturedlly as
r Graduate of Faculty of Medicine i V � sidewalk, the 'whole 'I:atta.led by a 'rather, 'in wihich Nv � k count for Ilit-
ontreal member �i, (` rrrnne ,was short; 'Irse Mum Earl:+ne she V?nsw('1r'(1:
cGill University, M lA'" '' bluecoat cant) two hired hien.
I 'ref College of Physicians and Surgeons tile and the action is �welytT], U Lis- was dark, and hr adored dark, hand- "Nat very fur South; only from
The little tallv>'r had ,wa',Uohed many ing to ,the A-n.as z Doul nm the some people --•and Corinne was light; Marytiand," and had then burned to
sf Ontario; Licentiate of Medical Conn• -_----- ---_ such functiorys befo-re. So had the powering of an eye!ok ans,w'e'ring with
ail of Canada; Post -Graduate Member Heli hMors, 'v,hn 'were Cranling 'their Miss MacFkLrluLne's unite was low and .T,ark and eo'ntinved her talk with the
of Resident Medical staff to General a lrft off bile hand •wnh a strong•saft, her movements slow and grace- air of one not wishing tb be further
Hospital, Montreal, 1814-16; Gene, 2 t' s heads from the windows. They all 'brown hand, 1'hat e,,Ad Pull an oar, fol, her .peach gentle --as if she were interrupted. ,
i P knew by the- carriages ,when Miss perhaps, om ,help her over dangerous ,afraid she might hurt sonie• one in- The Scribe Anes n,ot. date to relake
doors east of Post Office. Phone 66. Pelilria came to town and when Abe
j' Hensall, Ontario. TRAIN SERVICE TO TORONTO 'pl•e w Then her white •teedih, and advertently; hrr hair and dress were ,what ve frs have become co of one have left, and try the same token for that .,the 'vary the 'head hent; and then his sintpbe tai severity. While CorS.nne- sensitive as our hent could he havr
1 DR. F. J. BURROWS Daily Except Sunday anatter. The onlly diffeTence between ears ,and how close they lay to hi, well, in every one of these details heard the di'soni.,sion going an later
Office and residence, GoderIeh street this Teccptirm Band former receptions, ihead; and, the shog
rt, lwesented the exiact u - assy hair with Corinne rcl'hebween tilt' two you' 1 g pea{>lr w -hen
Methodist Go eh Leave GGoderich, 6.00 a.m. 2.20 p.m. nr teas, ,or whatever the groait people the faintest bit of a ourl dot 'it. And posir.e. It was the 'blond! lees, that they were barked into one of Peter's
east of the M Seaforth Leave Clinton ... 6.25 a.m. 2.52 p.m, up -stairs eailled *em, was in the nges then the sudden Awakening: O'it,
Phone 46. Coroner for the County of Leave Seaforth .. 6.41 a.m. 3.12 p.m. of the guest's; nut any gray whiskers gt Yd, u• e, .and avis her blood! Who wxs hook.oases 'alai stood surveying the
Huron. -,it was the svg.ar )1 r. Brenn avanac(1, she, and where did she conic frau^. room. "Miss MacF'ar'1'anr isn't at all
Leave Mitchell .. 7.04 am. 3.42 p.m. and -white heads under ,high silk of rnvmse. W'hw,t tv-:,< I thinking of? Would Corinne like ,her? What ini any kind of a girl," Corinne }xnd de -
DR. C. MACKAY Arrippe Stratford 7.30 a.m. 4.10 P.M. hats, -this time; n'or any demure ;r And so the ,gam,, went on, neither prssion would thio, high -,bred Sow'h- claret{ to Gzrr y. "Rcably, T can't see
Arrdpe Kitchener 8.20 aim. 5.20 p.m. .puntlipaus, or 'getrble; 'm•, 'perh'aps, fa (if them caring w'hi.-e the bale 'went ,,in' beauty make npunVhe pert M.i,s tv'M- (he nwn ravo over her. Prmt.v .
C. Macke honor graduate of Trin- prn chi diacties 'pufiin'g up Petal, sbturs 'so that it could b,• t'tir ain' when it "ix
on. Arrive Guelph .. 8.46 a.m. 6.50 O.M.p.m. g K r r n, wihno 1'ilirl.kr rnose had
ity University, and gold medallist of
Arrdve Toronto ..10.10 a.m: 7.40 by m. --,and bh did pufr bafore ,they reach- gine dam n -ours, snit of so-so; tui. no a.y h•, and
Trinity Medical College; member of door-,
came their way. a (:Dint nor la> , when her 'joy, find ; sawn nridclota ! Fairy wearing a pink
of Physicians and Sur- RETURNING ed 'his rluot•, u+Frere they hounded therir When it was alt.,,u: to stay its flight disurvemd, nniu,ch to her joy, t•he lawn and n sash lied arnvnrl'her w^list
the CollegeY I tvelells to Nlrs. McGuffry in 'her brave I ventured in wWi ,he remark that w -,.,.k h„f,ur, shat it was the retl'Tiss I'like :i girl why no mfr has ever
aeons of Ontario. _ ' Leave Toronto 6.60 a.m.; 12, 55 p.m. willite capand braver while aPoll-
she must not fors,•' 'o give ,my kind- (psy-,eon and not an inni,Uat.ion 'floss ' lilrnn,ght. of dressing her hair That way
DR. H. HUGH ROSS I and 6.10 p.m. Only bright eye: and rnsv fivices tie- est and best to ib'r croon $athieT. I (;I;tys ll w•hn ,had been go,),l mough for ages and ages."
I Parlor Cafe car Goderich to To. clay tranied in tiny b'tnirot.s, and well- thin: she had forg,,:ten I was stand- to .invite .her daughter and any of Tier mind thus rolie•ed, nny Lady
Graduate of University of Toronto I Tonto on morning train and Toronto y'nnnnied young rt+Plaw•, in white scearrs ing so near. hrr daughter's friends to tea; and it Wrrn had 'made a Fprvey- of the
of Medicine, member of Co I'•
Faculty M what r ^ w•a ted
F - erNeis. , 't rooms, wondering rrin ,hat th n n
y train. lar Aacl. „n I d v. she cried t,.r' r, nr, n I
.m. t o d b a tn, d 'nt to sh, r.
Goderich 6. 0 "And u h had fadflrn anetthet• t
to G 1
P y Bn
of the
Physicians sandSurgeonsof � nairht
f e of ,i th
eg yBut if anylxi'd,y ha !.
Ontario;. pass graduate courses in parlor Buffet car Stratford to To- (-'the real ,girl ,: ,- shining in her lrnnud that Miss FdfiCi'a hard g aft her 'w with so many funny old pm traits, and
Chicago Clinical School 04 Chicago; sh.ahby surmund.in•gs they ' fnt-got Nle I eyes nmv-,amt th,- '"yuetry had van- c,•,rrd 'the next day, expressing to tilt, whether Rhe old gentleman or his cis-
g g ,ionto on afternoon train about it when they m'u'ted the 'third tshetl (matt .her f:tr r'.
Royal Ophthalmic Hospital, London, a ht of soffits and unted to ashu gm,tato-hug how sorry she wa to ter read t.h« dusty hooks, Garry Te -
England; University Hospital, Lon- — - - g' ' "Yes- nye um^ked together on the Prar that the ladies were out, but marking that there were a lnt. of
doe, England. OtRce-Back o4 Do- I dorvi•. Not only was Peter•'; 'bedrOnsn , g iers df the big bridge over th Dela- that she hoped it woud'd only be a '`swe'll's" antiong the vnung febloaw•
minion Bank, Seaforth. Phone No. 6,
Night calls answered from residence, !
Victoria street, Seaforth.
Licensed auctioneer for the counties ,
of Huron and Perth. Correspondence
arrangements for.sale dates can be
made by calling up phone 87, Seaforth
or The Expositor Office. Chargee mod-
erat , and satisfaction guaranteed.
Licensed auctioneer for the County
of Huron. Sales attended to Is a I
parts of the county. Seven yyears' ex-
perience in Manitoba and Saskatche-
wan. Terms reasonable. Phone No.
176 r 11, Exeter, Centralia P. O., R.
Ill'. No, 1. Orders left at The Huron
yxpositor Offia s, Seaforth, promptly
fslgd ,Of outer garments, and jYLies niptter of a fav days before "she I'many of whom he had ,heard of but
Fol'i'cia's, too, for that olabtcrd-lntt I would welrrnme them" to h: r awn had ntwer met. behrre. This rMne'bhe
the ba ris'ters Rooked 'bike a clothes- -------
sholt unda'goirtg a spring cAeanirng, so apartments, nr words to that effect, two, tvedgerl their ,way iri, without
thickly were the coats slung Dover its Frederick's me+mlary being slightly de- ever ttheiT n.g Peter or Masa Foyleing
festive. with their grN d'-ys, Garry tell5ng
hamd-,raid. So, too, were the ,hall', and i t It w,tay in ,nnvwrr t:t th s regve'st Oorinnr thiat the old gwdy wualdn't
the hail chairs, and the guts bracket, know they were gone, and Corinna
and even the hooks 'where Peter Lung that MTs. Breen, after rnnsultin.g her
husband, had written iree ac
i0hicept- adding under her breath that it didn't
his clothes to be brushed in the trnarn- malke any difference to 'her if sure
ing-every dnncervable, ,plaice, .in fact, / w anew beftr-t she w,aa wdl'inlg that
/. F'redrrin.k s'n F leave it with his ltd•
anhe't'tweT an muter 'wrap .of any kind f Y 4 (}ontinved neat week.
mulld be enis,pendedr ipolkeki, or Lased A own rii nda ih Fifteenth S+.rret �vte
flat. That .Mrs. M1cGufley was at her , b rai.nn.inQ, ,,I•t remtniraly .is n ,poleasure j
,wSRs' snd�-Oukv a short WOk--.was after all thrse Yearns"--mhieh �as• ------
evident ,from the may she grabbed fiacarded as being trtn rtami?wr; nm- Rond ter free Poon
my .tat and cotat sm'd disaup oexed anter, ':Sri .grand of you, defar Miss giving full partic-
through a pie vxr w.h,icl dad to her warn , Grayann," which bad a ,, mril'ar fate; mare of lranah•o
The Stan" Remedy for=RAY-FEVER and Rhe third, whboh ran, "M dAabgh- FITS
world-famova elaily
apaTtmen'ta, returning is moment later I and Asthma. gold by all good Druggists. y aratioFim iL odniple
out of breath ,and, I famieied, a fittl'e For Free Trial write Templeton&,Toronto ter will be must fie, Dy, dear Mtis.s and trea-ant,
Grayson, bo be with ti,' etc., wthilmh hometrextntortk
out nr temper y'O. ever AO . im i,,. 7'e.e.n..iar. ram iii p•Tt•
And that was nothing to the way gold by E. Umbaal. was finally s(raled w?th thou liter' oft'^ *too erwsvtoo.rrn w'+reatoncato
in •Altich hhe avrtuers of egg these acv- erest�-a f(waralegrged hPaWtbe of -rrme 2607 SLJamgs Chambcrv,.n:irlulaidout 111.
oral habfifilmenbs ,were wediged inside. I In Walton by W G. Neal kimd on its bind legs, with 'a rnottn Toroum, Ontario
- .41, I'll,
4 •. "-• • -
4:aA1Kfi9L.:h..:1, udp•ve'.�*1Tpk:f2,k:>:$sVAfWAb�`{` 'L'1.1. -
of many kinds
quickly remedied with
beat an around Liniment for the
table ae n for hoasebold ase,
At all Dealers and Druggists.
Manufactured only by
dyQ reit
For Perfect Jams and
Jeffies without worry
BY using Certo you need
boil your fruit but one
ininute instead of 20 or 30
minutes or more.
You need never worry
whether it will jell properly
or not. Certo never fails be-
cause it is Nature's own jelly
maker - pectin -
the natural ele-
rtent in fruits
which makes jel-
l. "jell".
No matter what
fruit you use, you
will get success-
ful results if you
follow the simple
Certo recipes
free reeipe book
with every bottle.
By using Certo
you will retain the full deli-
cate flavor and natural color
of the fruit. And you will
get 50^o more ,jam or jelly.
A pure fruit product - no
gelatine or preservative. .At
your grocer's.
How to make delicious
Quince Jam
4 le,•eled rip. (2 lbs.) Cooked Fruit.
,,., i-1,,1 cup. (3% Ibs.) So%—
,_ tinttle (scant ?-j cup) Certo.
Use. about 2 qts., or 3 lbs.,
ripe quinces. Peel, remove
stent and blossom ends, and
core. Put through food chop-
per, or chop very fine b7 7
hand. To about 3% cups
chopped fnrit add 34 cup
writer and juice 1 lemon. Stir,
until hailing and sinner it
hour in covered saucepan.
9leasure 4 level cups cooked
fruit. into large kettle, add -
inti;, if nrressary. enough
water to the fourth rup to
make it Irve; full. Add sugar
and mix well. "tir mixture
hard and constantly, and
jI n hrin r ia ,'t mous boll over
I f- g
theh,ottesl. lirv. Roil Inrd I
winutr, stirring rnitirruslly.
Tal:,' from fire. add (-ort n.
r q..
an,.. t n- it :, i tvrll. Skim nn :r,d
„n ,'c'
I' r cl n kly.
. nm:•.Ina Pad.ino Co.. Ltd.. C.". .-
„.'Iine 4xanta: iv C. r^i-w, .v 4 ..
I Limitm. T.r..", .rd r,,. ., •,
Merl - - Girlel
We put you in correspondence
CANADIAN, etc., of both sex-
es, sbe., who are refined, charm -
'lug and wish to correspond for
amusement or mar•rlage, if swlb-
ENCE CLUB, $1 Per Year-
- 4
months' trial, 604 including
leges, PH4DTO8 FS=.
Join at once or write for mull
I t00 Montage. St, BrookT,jnir N. .