HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1922-07-21, Page 5sic • weir 00 yy "Flow Pal' tee el ol ami, Per• ton pkortI,' per ton NOS% per (Cwt 4Tt111Y 29. 71622. ..26 to X70 ,80 by 82e $ 1.20 5 0,00 514.00 BIRTHS Oaldw&1.—in Tugaske, Sask.. on Juno 88th, to Mr. and Ere. Grant Oaldwell, a daugh- ter. Mclver.—ln Hibbert. on Sunday, lir$• 10th, to Mr, and Mm. Peter McIo,,, a daughter. DEATHS eMolver.—In Hibbert, on Tuaeday, July 18th, lime. infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter McIver. 1 IMPORTANT NOTICES VOW FOR , for — NEWLY CALVED young ooiv for sale. Phone 1n 288, J. R. SCOTT, Seaforth. 26494 r,OR BALE.—TEN ACRES OF CLEAN timothy hay for sale on the field Apply to J. A. WOOD, Hensen. Phone 7 on 92. 2849,1 lRUrLDING FOR SALE.—ONE BUILDING 48. 60. IC would make a good straw ilbed. Apply to C. G. THOMPSON, Oatmeal 11B1,, Seaforth. 8886-# } 7ARM TO RENT.—ONE HUNDRED ACRE after grass farm to rent. running water on 25 acme, on the 8th and Dth conceeelona of McKillop. Apply on the premien.. r Phone 18.240. MRS. SUSAN ROSS, R. R. Ne. 1, Dublin. 2849-# HONEY FOR SALE Good Clover Honey (Ear 'salla, palled ,00' lbose, in any quantities. GEORGE PARKER, 2849x3 Chiselhuret. DEBENTURES FOR SALE For sale School Debentures for School Sec- tion No. 8. in the Township of Tuykermith, 04.000 bearing 1'5 per cent. for 15 year. Will be sold in sums of 81.000 or over. Apply to D. F. MCGRECOIL, .2849-3 R. R. No. 3. Seaforth. TUCKERSMITH VOTERS' LIST Notice is hereby given that I have trans- mitted or delivered to the peivune mention• ed in Section 0, of the Ontario Vote's' Lint Acte the conies rrtuind 'by said sections, to be a transmitted or delivered of the list, made pursuant to said Act, of all pemorm appearing by the amt revised Assnmment Roll of the Bald Municipality to be entitled to voteirhthe said Municipality , elec- tions for members of the Legi.:lative As- sembly and at Municipal Eleetiooa; and thus the said lot was first posted up at my oiticc on the 10th day of July. 102.2, and remains there for inspection. And I. hereby call upon all voters to take Immediate procee,lings to have anym or omissions corrected according to I. Dated this lith day of July, 1922. D. F. McGREGOR, 72849-1 Clerk. Administrator's Sale of Farm Lands The Administrator of John Foote, deceased, ties instructed Thomas Brown, Auctioneer, to .offer for sale by public auction, on Wednes- day, the 9th August, 1922. at 2 o'clock p.m.. Ain' the premises, Lot Number 24, B:,v'leid Concession North. in the Township of Stan- ley. in the County of Huron. There Is erected on the said land n small frame dwelling house but no barn, and the lard is conveniently situated on gravel mad between l3rueefield and Varna. TERMS OF SALE. Twenty per cent. of purchase money to be paid in cash on the day of sole, and the balance. without interest, 30 days there- after. Further terms of sole will be made known ,on the day of sale and may he had in the Meantime from the undersigned. Doted at Seaforth, Ontario, this 15th day of July, 1922. Thomas Brown, R. 8. HAYS, Auctioneer. Vendor's Solicitor. 28494! r.• NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Statutes in that behalf that all persons hay - Eng claims against the estate of John Foote, sate of - the Township of Stanley, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, deceased, who died on the 22nd day of May, 1922, are required on or before the 10th day of August 8922, to Bend by pest. prepaid, or deliver to the Solicitor for the Administrator, full par- ticulars of their claim., duly verified by Affidavit and the nature of the security (11 any) held by them. Further take notice that after the said last mentioned' date the nose's of the said deceleeed wyll be lMnblbutsd among the parties entitled thereto. havinz regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been given. DATED the 15th day of July, 1922. R. B. HAYS, 2849-3 Administrator's Solicitor. CONSULTING ENGINEERS James, Proctor & Redfern', Limited. 30 Toronto St., Toronto, Can. Bridges, Pavements, Waterworks, Sewer- age Systeme, Incinerators, Fnctorla, Arbitration, Litigation. Phone Adel. 1044. Cable: "JPRCO" Toronto 01JR FEES--Uenally paid out of the money we nave our clients. AUCTION SALES AtiCTION SAhE OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Mr. T. Brown has received instructions to ee11 by public auction at the residence of the undersigned in Egmondvilie, on Saturday. July 22nd, at 1.10 p.m., the following: Two light oak bedroom suites. 1 white bedstead, A noir of bed springs, 8 mat:tresaes, 2 feather mattresses, 2 pair leather tonne., 3 'bullet nets, 2 stands. 1 white wroth stand, 1 bureau, 2 tables. 1 mirror In frnmo, 2 bedroom rock- er, 0 large rocking chairs, 4 kitchen chnle6, . a arm chair. 1nthe' , 1 moving machine, What -not, crnkinolen hoard. 2lamps, 1 oval table, solid rink dining table. 4 solid oak hair, oak nide boort). tapestry hull runner, lull net carpet halls. stair carpet. hall lIn- olemmn, 1 bird rage. parlor sofa and 2 chains, a pair parlor curtains. curt sin rods, 1 fancy /ane, pair deer antlers. 1 large nil painting. Wuminiater rag 3x3, dining room carpet. eight-day clock, pair ('h en illy "arta ins, kitchen table, Happy Thought range. 1 cnnl hearer, trroning board, washing machine', wringer. tool chest, scythe. t long ladder. new lawn mower, paper rack, gals anirxd wash ton, back ease, water tail, 1 tea kettle hailer, eenleen, dishes, quilting frames, kitchen utensils, pictures, a anal -11.11.y of ntnve pipes, curtain poles, and other articloo Perms. • - Cash. MRS. E. Me9OURRAY, Proprietress ; T. Brown, Auctioneer. 2848-2 ginttitiMditil Raspberry COP Udghtt The Rage t • Off best. 'lam' Qy, is Wit, but' be Abort so dbd now. 10r vve,1t1�t,.,tap. '. „ 0 queitty 1617tl1 u11a' tibav up by .Niagara wla Gnawers, 1+Ymit ed, Clhmeilly, Ontario, I 1 R mo idv 1lIe s?i Atot61.n'9i,'`,k t cdk°at's.�r+XTc'gr'',6:xiz:; i 'liv'a` diati4 , a5 FARMS FOR SALE 1 ARM FPR SALE. --,FOR SALE, LOT 11, • Oonowalon 0, Hallett, 100 acres, all clear. ed. . Theft are on flu premises a good frame house, barn on wail, wind mill and water an stable; fenced and the drained; 11/ mike from eobool, church and store. Rural mail and phone. For further parttoulars apply on the promisee, or addrma R. R. No. 1, Clin- ton. RAT LAW SON. 2849x1 17ABMB YOB BALD.—TWO GOOD FAR248 for sale in Toldbnhip of Stanley, con- venient to marltete, school and church, 100 norm, goad brick house, modern out build- ings, and in good state of cultivation. 100 aorta, good land in grass. The above proper- ties will be sold right and on easy terms 02 payment. Per further particulars apply to JAMES WATSON, I7anranee and Real Estate Agent, Seaforth, Ont. 2849x8 WW1 POD SALE. -2210 ACRESS, BEING • Lob 8 and 4, Concession 4, Hullett Tomsk , fit good state of cultivation. Large stun. home and two bank barns with stabling underneath; winding' and water piped through the stable. win sell with or with- out prop and would separate either farms. For particulars apply to EDWARD PRYCE, R. R. No. 2. Seafdhh 2841-tf FARM FOR SALE. --100 ACRES ON LOT 21. Conewaion 1. London Rood, 90 norea clenrod land and 10 acres bush. On the prmnines there ie a Irame house, frame barn, 80.60. tdriving shed 20x40, 'garage, one good well with windmill, supply tanks, water piped to house and barn well fenced and drained. Close to schools, one mile from Kippen. Rural mall and telephone. Apply to S. CUDMORE, Kippen, Ont. Phone 9-94, Hensel]. 2848,4 FARMS FOR SALE.—TWO OHOICE farms, being Lots 14 and 10 on the 7th Concession of McKillop, 1%/ Miles from school, 21/2 mile. from churdh and elk miles from the town of Seaforth, on good gravel road. On Lot 16 there is an overflowing well, good orchard and building. in good re- pair. On Lot 14 there inn good brick house with woodshed, 2 neverfailing wells and 30 acres of the finest harwood bush. Both farms have been in pasture fur 17 Years, and have no noxious weeds. For hay. Pasture or grain farms they can not he beaten. Will be sold together or separately. For further particular apply to Miss 'PF.NA REAT'ITE, R. R. No. 1, Dublin, Ont. 281-3 FARM FOR SALE.—FOR SALE, LOT 6, Concession 11 and west half of Lot 5, Concession 10, H.H.S., Tuckecnmith, cos• Mining 150 acre, There are on the premises good two story brick house with slate roof, large bank barn 100,09 feet with first class stabling, water in the barn. drive shed 26.36, pig house and hen house. The farm is all cleared but about 20 acres of good hard- wood_bush, prineipallq maple. All well fano ed and tile drained. Eight acres of fall wheat sown, 85 acre+ ready for spring crop. The farm 19 situated 7 miles from Seaforth and 4 miles from Hennnll, one -halt mile from edhool1 rural mail and phone. Will be sold on easy terra.. For further particular ap- ply on the premises, or address R. R. No. 2, Kippen. ANGUS McKINNON. 2329-# FARM FOR SALE.—FARM OF TWO HUN- dred acres adjoining the Town of Sea - forth, conveniently situated to all churches, schools and Collegiate. There Is a comfort- able brick cottage with a cement kitchen: barn 100056 with atone stabling underneath for 0 horses, 76 head of cattle and 40 hogs with steel stanchions and water before all stock; litter carrier and feed carrier and two cement silos ; driving shed and Plat- form scales. Watered by a rock well and windmill. The farm 1e well drained and in ie high state of cultivation. The crop le nla in the ground—chotee clay loam. Immedi. ate possession. Apply to M. BEATON, R. R 2, Seaforth, Ont. 2787-11 THE EXECUTORS OF THE LATE ARCH(. bald McGregor offer for sale Lot 15, 6th Concession, McKillop, 100 acrm of flet class farm lands. The land la in a first class state of cultivation and there ere rented on the premises a good frame dwel- ling house. with kitchen attached; frame barn 76.54 with atone foundation, stabling underneath and cement floor and water throughout, driving house, pig pen end hen house. Also about ten acres of good hard wood bush. The property is well fenced and well drained and convenient to good markets, churches and schools. For further part -kola. apply to MISS LILLY J. McOREGOR, on the premise., or th R. S. HAYS, Solicitor, Sea. forth, Ont. DARE FOR SALE.—FOR SALE LOT 20, Concession 6, McKillop, containing 100 acres, all cleared except 8 acres of hardwood bush. There are an the premises a bank barn with atone and cement foundation, 46.82, with cement floors; driving shed, 14.86; frame stable, 28,82. large grovel house. 7 rooms and kitchen, cement floors in cellar. Hard and soft water in kitchen; two acres of orchard. The farm is all wire fenced Ind tile drained. Well at barn and alas well at the bush. This Is a good fan. -one of the best in McKillop. It is situated 8 miles from the Town of Seaforth and one mile from school and church. Rural mall and phone. Will be sold on reneonnble terms. For further particular apply on the prem- ise. or address R. R. No. 1, Seaforth. ROBERT A. HOGG. 2801-43 EXECUTRICES FARM FOR SALE The Executrices, to close the estate of the late William H. Horton, of the Township of Usborne. are offering for sale Lot 30, Con- cession 4, Township of Usbornc, County of Huron, containing 100 acres. On this Prop- erty is a brick dwelling, large bank barn, drive shed, hog pen and hen house, a few nor. hardwood bush. Also parts of Eon 31 and 82, Concession 4, Township of Usborne, County of Huron, containing 80 acres. On 4his property there is a brick dwelling, large new up-to-date bank barn and silo, large new drive house, new hen house, windmill driving water into barns; good hardwood bush. Both properties are in a first class state of cultivation, well situated being clone to Exeter and Hensoll; convenient to church and school; phone and rural mail delivery. Will be sold with or without crops to ault pur- chaser. For terms and particular apply on the premises to MRS. M. LOUISE•HORTON, Hensel' P. 0.. or to MISS MAUDE A. NOR- TON, Exeter P. 0., or to THOMAS CAM- ERON, Exeter P. 0. 2847-4 c'000 000000000 0 S. T. HOLMES O Funeral Director and O LicensedEmbalmer O Undertaking Parlors in 0 Beattie Block, opposite The O Expositor Office. Residence O Goderich St., opposite Dr. O Scott's. O Flowers furnished on short O notice. 0 Phone Night or Day 119 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A 0 0 0 0 00000000000 0000 000000000 W. T. BOX & CO. O Embalmer and O Funeral Directors O H. C. BOX 0 Holder of Government 0 Diploma and Lictinoe O Chargee moderate 0 Flowers furnished on short O notice. 0 Night Calls Day Caller 0 Phone 175 Phone 43 Eliminate your Shoe wor- ries by having a look at the Quality of our stock, also the low prices we ask. We are more than delight- ed with our sales in Boots and Shoes. Live Poultry Wanted every Thursday Morning. W. J. FINNIGAN. Phone 72. LJL E$C'E admin a. alga of a weak, and selfydefttai of a strop 3 character. Are you building up both your char- acter and your Savings Bank account by thoughtful economies and the do. posit of all your surplus wages each pay day. , 4te We welcome account,. Largo or small. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE 0 O O 0 O O O O O O O 000000000 0000 4diPah .00 SALESMEN'S OPPORTUNITY We are looking der capable meat in this district to represent us ag salesmen. We trade in Gavdrnmoezdt, Muni- cipal land Corporation bonds and all Canadian minorities. The aright men can secure a . martens[ and ;profitable oon'nectio i where every assistance W5R11 .be given by dila 'office. UNLISTED SECURITIES CORPORATION, LIMITED Canadian Pacific Building, Toronto 2848-2 TENDERS WANTED Tender will be received by the underoign- ed up until noon of Friday, July 21st, 192.2, for the erection of a solid brick addition to Blyth Public School. Plana and specifica- tions may be seen at the oto re of Reeve, Jame, Dodds. Blyth. The lowest or any tender not nouanarily accented. GEORGE E. M,TAGGART. 2840-2 Secretary Blyth School Board. JUNK DEALER I will buy all kinds of Junk, Bides, Wool and Fowl. Will pay good pric- es. Apply to MAX WOLSB, 2842-tf Seaforth, Ont. GIRLS WANTFD C'LINTON KNITTING CO., LTD. Clinton, Ontario. Nice, clean work. Well lighted, well heated factory building. Girls to learn knitting, looping and finish- ing. Good position for experienced help. Well equipped Club and recrea- tion room in connection with the mIll 2897-3 JAMES WATSON Main Street - Seaforth Agent for Singer Sewing Machines, and General In- surance Agent. DEBENTURES FOR SALE -Town of Seaforth The Corporation of the Town of Seaforth have debentures, with interest coupons at- tached, for sale at rate to yield five and one - hall per cent per annum. For full par- ticulars apply to the undersigned. JOHN A. WILSON, 2840-#- Treasurer. CREAM WANTED CREAM Ship by Express; send by pur cream drawers, or deliver your cream to the Seaforth Creamery. We are determined to give our Patrons better service than ever. Watch our prices, consistent with our accurate weights and tests, and consider the many advantages of bay- ing a thriving dairy industry in your district. Do not ship your Cream away to other Creameries ; we will guarantee you as good prices here and our very best services. Write, or call in our cream drawers and we will send you cream cans. When in town, visit our Creamery, which we want also to be your Creamery. We are proud of our plant. THE SEAFORTH CREAMERY CO. C. A. Barber, Manager. 2834-t1 MOTOR WITH US TO Goderich and attend the Dinner Dance At Hotel Bedford Next Saturday Evening JULY 22nd Dancing from 6.30 to 12 Music by Miss Gene Cannon and London Orchestra. Sunday Dinner—Music, 1 to 2.45. Sunday Supper—Music, 5.80 to 6.45. Write or phone for Reservations to Hotel Bedford, Goderiar. RATES: Saturday evening, 6.30 to 12, 58.00 per couple. After 8.90, 51.00 per couple with additional charge for lunch a 4a carpe. PAJD4JP CAPITA(, ' - $15,000.000 RESERVE FUND - $15,000,000 SEAFORTH BRANCH, J. G. Mullen, Manager. Town of Seaforth TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1. The council of t'he Corporation of the Town of Seaford], in'tendts Ito 'coutshmldt pts a Vocal indprorvement waLermadns on the streets and between the (points as outlined in Schedule "A" at- tached and intends to specially assess a part of the cost upon she 'band directly abutting on the work and upon the following .streets, which are immediately .benefited by the 'work as out:lined -in 'Stthe'dhple "B" attached. 2. The estimated cost oif the (work its $35,154.22, of which $8,387.26 lie to be paid by theCorporation. The estimated special .rate per toot lix nt1gte is 5'cents. The special assessment is to be paid in thirty annual installments. 3. A petition to the Council against the work Will not avail to prevent its construction, but ,petition against the work inlay Inc prelsented 't„ the Railway sad Mnlnioipal Board of Ontario within one month from the d'a'te of the first publication of this notice. Dated July 1721., 1922. Street Victoria William E. Side Gyouinlboic'k George ('oui.ndoek Chalk William E. Main High Jarvis Market John Srpanlimg Ann J amiss Wilson West Church W'Thl amt Wet Railway Lane Goderich God'erirh God'erich Maim Crombie G'oderioh Railway Market JlaryIs Goderith JOHN A. WILSON, Clerk. SCHEDULE "A" From Crumble Gederidh Main Main V iol aria Victoria Gnuirdock Side Pentre Ilur4ln Huron Jarvis Main Market ket Goderich Ann James James James James Jarvis Railway Spar -Ring Main Chalk SCHEDULE "B" George Main Matin Mlain Main Market Jarvik '10 (1olerich Side Wikhan Victoria Coleman Coleman Goderich t•''ratl'Idl'i r1 W edts,h Market M.omrke't Ord Sperling Goderiels James Main Centre Centre Centre Centre Lane FJI'izabe th Adam Jarvis Coleman Centre Co lemon Ohallk Jarvis Jarvis Godierioh Spa'rl ing Re -Built Threshing Engines One 21 H.P. Bell Traction Engine. One 19 H.P. Bell Traction Engine. One 25.H.P. White Traction Engine. One 20 H.P. White Traction Engine. One 20 H.P. Goodison Trac- tion Engine. One 20 H.P. Sawyer & Mas- sey Traction Engine. One 20 H.P. Waterous Trac- tion Engine. One 16 H.P. Waterloo Trac- tion Engine. One 14 H.P. New Hamburg Traction Engine. One 16 H.P. Goodison Port- able Engine. TRACTORS Two 12-25 Waterloo Boy Tractors. All these Engines are re- built, thoroughly overhauled and repainted. They are exceptionally good value, and we can make immediate delivery both on all of the above, also new Engines, Threshers, all sizes, and new Tractors. For further particulars apply to The Robert Bell Engine & Thresher Co., Ltd. SEAFORTH, ONT. BLANK CARTRIDGE PISTOLS Well made and effective. Ap- pearance is enough to scare BURGLERS, TRAMPS, DOGS, etc. NOT DANGEROUS. Can lay around without risk or ac- cident to woman or child. Mail- ed PREPAID for $1—superior make $1.50, blank cartridges .22 cal, shipped Express at 75e per 100. STAR MFG. & SALES CO., 821 Manhattan Ave, Brooklyn, N.Y. 0 - Aluminum Wiare ,Ari$5blcle lfalaan , , . , . ,. Allunimvnl Tda SpOO180, for 'Gatamtitewar (ARaaulbozy and) See ElFatl1 ,Bagls (oa Bl$ �I ') Fancy OhJnri .std Ttra IpYB FANCY JAP BASKETS "AND 'IMAM, SToi1.- I MIXING BOWLS AND JARD1l k1RS, CUT' G1, - 'V; BUTTERS !)6 WA'PIS GLASSES. ' = This not comprises a vrea'y Musa part blf QU'2 Mid Smoke Enretlto, See Beattie's Fitter. Beattie Bros, 11111111111111111111 Ltd DUMINION STORES Seaforth—The Chain Grocery Stores of Canada Kellogg's Corn I Redpath Sugar Pure Castile Flakes p.cwt. $7.70 Soap 10C I 2 pkgs 23er c 12 1-2 lbs. $1 3 Bars Willard's Swiss Buds per lb. 39c i Jar Rubbers I Zinc Rings1 Fruit Jarse doz. tocri"en 2ocMediuPints 'dmsozr25CI 1.35 Seedless Toilet Paper 1 EGGS Raisins 44c6rolls 25cthye25c for onl Machine Sliced Bacon per lb. 37c The Western Fair LONDON, ONTARIO September 9th to 16th, 1922 WESTERN ONTARIO'S I'Oi'ULAR EXHIBITION • I $38,000 IN PRIZES AND ATTRACTIONS EVEIIY'PHING to Ei)UCATE and Amuse—NOTHING to OFFEND Exhibits of all Kinds. Speed Events. Calf and Yearling Competition. Dog Show. Auto Races, Saturday, 16th. Musk all the time Wonderful Programme Twice Daily. Fireworks Every Night ('. 1. Wortham's Shows on the Midway. Something doing all the time .\ D)1TSSlON: 9th, 11th, 15, 16th, 25c. 12th, 13th, 14th, 50c. ( i,il ism Nrec on Mood,oy, Sept. 11th- All infornlation firom Secretary J. H. SAUNDERS, President. A. M. HUNT, Secretary. I tl Elsie Ryan Adel ia Spindler Walter Catalan 11111111111111111111 Ltd DUMINION STORES Seaforth—The Chain Grocery Stores of Canada Kellogg's Corn I Redpath Sugar Pure Castile Flakes p.cwt. $7.70 Soap 10C I 2 pkgs 23er c 12 1-2 lbs. $1 3 Bars Willard's Swiss Buds per lb. 39c i Jar Rubbers I Zinc Rings1 Fruit Jarse doz. tocri"en 2ocMediuPints 'dmsozr25CI 1.35 Seedless Toilet Paper 1 EGGS Raisins 44c6rolls 25cthye25c for onl Machine Sliced Bacon per lb. 37c For a Better Commercial Course Attend the School of Commerce CLINTON, ONT. y 1 Our Best Advertisement—Our ex -Students QQ Margaret Cowan Evelyn Spindler Lillian Govier tl Elsie Ryan Adel ia Spindler Walter Catalan Margaret Mair Dally Cowan F. S. Moose George Sloan Frank Scriulgeour Jlack Angus Scot't Maxwell Hazel Finnigan Nita Smeltzer llahal Spaffoad Myrtle Graing'er Alberta Slobbers Violet Phillips Isabellle Erringtlon Della McCool Florence Vodden Ln .T•une, 1915, Clifford Hunt, of Seaforilh, was awarded the Gold Medal by the Reinfi'ngbon Type Co., New Yank City. Veil can win 'it this year. Why don't you win- it this year? Students who enrolled September, 1910, or since, may make an appointment and call at the School any time after Aug. 10, to take Credential Tests, For information write B. F. WARD, B,A,M., Accts.,Prin Phone 198. CLINTON, ONT. 11111111111111111111 Ltd DUMINION STORES Seaforth—The Chain Grocery Stores of Canada Kellogg's Corn I Redpath Sugar Pure Castile Flakes p.cwt. $7.70 Soap 10C I 2 pkgs 23er c 12 1-2 lbs. $1 3 Bars Willard's Swiss Buds per lb. 39c i Jar Rubbers I Zinc Rings1 Fruit Jarse doz. tocri"en 2ocMediuPints 'dmsozr25CI 1.35 Seedless Toilet Paper 1 EGGS Raisins 44c6rolls 25cthye25c for onl Machine Sliced Bacon per lb. 37c