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The Huron Expositor, 1922-07-21, Page 4
�� co.-� Bouh nown-Prfnemn-8 �"Nat$04 W �Creditam- �t 3. Hnrn� � Tha`'A!<a�n Fai,�a ��aba 8mrm� .. Towu o! BeaforuE-5 � �i'h,F,gioo dvill�- W. ]. N'inui�en-L 6�le�Y !1. wood-a TBE HUItOAT EXPOSTTOR. • BEAFOR'PH, Friday, luly 21st, 19'_>? EDITORIAL N01'ES AND CXl!YIMENTS 11he �+vdly prc�ss o'f Tue�ctny cor- tained the YoYfvwing, �wln�ic.h a�.reatkti fror SYswL:: 'B�naiiuptan, Ont., Jwlry 17.-The (byataw g,ran2i.reg $'L5,000 b�rnv�s �ou `tlhe baby oamriakr com�pa�n�y, witlh d[Iher mrue,�:�i.r�ns, nvus �Passed tw- b � rtzuw'�rriL rxP �Y Y J Y 204 af a bo� 'taall" of 32a vutes aalUed i�n'tlhe i�wr wwrds• OtulY 60 �wur� xgaine�t, thr iitdvs-m-y, '�Vlhi�e o'Uher 'Gnwm ar�, �.., �� I, � •iy; raF>- 5d strides in fcrs'�.. i. .,:, .�• if�, �:uoing �� i�iyt�butnuns in . � r i�.. hc �+ t r b Y irucre��srr;i}; '�h< <a -�� i Iln�1 and p���- e�tTult prupnrb} ai:�1 µrin i<I�in;y, tive�� I, �r Lheur uneunplvy�vl �m�en and wu- men, tlG rxnrvxc cxuni• umi•��� Lei en,}vin� ��hat unm� T.Nwn (kNu�noil. Bv�r�rd ��f Tz'ade and ciUiv.i�ns grn�ralllFy mr�� dv- iag tn seoare �r�arxufsuctu�ruu�; in�inis- 4ries siuu�i!:tr tn The �xrLwn uf Br:u�np- bun, �whrre �a Uaby an�rriss�r compnn;; ����s irnstiw'Ced by �:ni•ry�in� u fby-Ia�ti• �^rarttin�Q x bonvs �uf �25,000 Y.o nhc k-nnrrrn A },n��z��tr.r tiexfurtlh ��:�rt �ai!y bc ub5ami,d tturi u�Kli to.i�+nn� a��arcwf.u�cunnq i-.tivitwu��ns in uur •� . n idst h n � •� � I i t< en� vn c hnu lu �nu�n � t P . Ji��nand� prunupt asti<rn. 1�:1FLSIERS ('�ltltti YI1\IT��K\ l�[a,nit,.ba ;s „�� h�rv�- u t� �.��rrmrn• .�f Uni'tr�i F.1++•rtnrrs fiold,x�vin;; ,hr pre. cedrnk se[ j�ust u ye.u' xy;,� by. ..�nr Rn.cintir uf .4lfburt�n. On 'Cuocd.�y. r.hr Libera9 G�rvaramo�nx K�f llu�i, (', g ;�.n•riu �«iv�t tx� t�ir r!ectcre iti-�r a��>��- �•f cunfidi•nc� and w.is ri�jr��[w-) F: i�, auie�r Nonri�s himsebf ,was �ctvrn�•d in � 7,eursdowne, his ald consGwrnc�y, xn,i il }Ivn. Ruitxre .Ta�v�bs, itui's rn�H� Au��rney General, w"uPl gert a pl'a�ce in Winni- !pc+i;, bu�t �three oP �h'is odl9eagues, Iio.n. Ar. 'I�horribon, Ylirtiatc+r af Ediuc+a'tibn; iF3qn. J�hn Wi'llli.vm�s, Minisrter pif t1.�ri- ruUture, and ilun, C. D. !�LaPkeison, Mireustier of Fublic 4inarks, �vverut c�awri t�> defea�t. 'fIon. Ed!�wa¢�d Brawn Pro_ M1'iruc'ial Tre��inrer, ihad intende�rl b� irun in t�he defrrrc�cl ��Ie�ctia�n in Thc d':i�.�, bu�[ urrder Che c.'vri�um�stantes it i�., thau�R"hc �t,h;ut �he util'1 mtu•e 'to pr.i�v- a'Ce dife. ��Ir. Avrnis� iwilLl fi�nd hym- Ee-Uf at Che nea�i of �a �R+rowp of atwvt 6ix or ei�;ht nuembe�rs, one of fuur Opposit5�n ��rovps rqnirorxting a Farmer ,paNby, whiqh is ewpected 'to @ia��e itixz .duppcnr: of a �leaT ��.m�ajority over al�] in 'the ne�v Haivse. W.�th aW con�atitucnu�ies r�utsiaie of Winni�ptrg he�rd� fr�ns, a�Ptlh�wygi7�. Uhc a�eturn�s fnom _nrrue �ame incamrplete, it appeari� tlhati asid•e EmTn WSnni- Q�eg's �ten sewis, the s�an,3�im�g� of vhe �arties a i7� ba: Faa:mer, 24; I.i.beral, 5; Conse�n-a- 'tive, 9; In�d�ependeret, 7; I�trar, 2. Dixon, La�bor, i�s the oni15 Win�ni- g>eg .m�emlber �t,> be eledted on firs� tlwi�ces. ln�lera't'rons ar2, �xiwever, thut W,innipi:g 1��ii41 elr-ct bkn�e�� La�oriies, tivree Librra�l�, tr�ve Gon- Ferva'teves�, ene Inde-pend�e[Ne�and one e Prag+res�sive. Lf this is the rase, :6he stan�d7ng in the provinoe, wit"h Uhree daf��sed elc�citi�on; �no co�m�e, wffi9 be as fb14'o�ats : Farrmer and Pro�*rc�sive .......: 2fi � Libzc+�l .......... ............ 8 Oonservative ............ ...... g Inde�penYlenti .... .............. $ , Lalbor .............. .......... :i C?HISELH URST Notc,s.-A I�arge nwmber �fmm 'thase g;arbs abtended the p,ra�uge dr.mons,tra- 'tion in Scaifortlh, arrd nthers hcen't ;� I,rrndp.re bo �see the ci�rrus and mrere , �oi, �� ased wa n th ir v',' - e �, rt Th P e f1P�l u�nt_at cs �a�rl cv't in tJhis s�efotinm, ; marny flurtVe:.r=. }ta�cin�k bn leave the�: ' hag �in nrd�rr 'Gn cu�t iit, and �it prom�i�ses r i � �&ni`xfl yieiid.-Thr housc-�v,i��•es �,re h hu�sy tJhese day�� �,i�ckirug lret�ries, tlhc rro�p bein.g nne of th� beyt 'in mwny i M1-ean's.-�f'r. W.. Wi9�kin�son acas in C'.linbon arnd C�rder6oh �mrertuly. TUCK ERS:N ITH Pen•snni l.- s a, !Vf�s Fnma �nd �� a .fa.t r e nh J m BrovcHFrorrt f.h 14� � cr t e i 11 .Raac �' 1 n��ere Lnnc{�n �vi itarF La�.ct ��Eck u��lh � ilfrs. U�rKe Webber Wemt End :votes.JMr. a�rd lLrs. � i47�eQveen atten�de�l B�l�svke annicersary � rer�vices 'iro thr Prr��bytecian �hurrh �as't 5vnday and cisited� �re]'adiivrs.- ,�4v�s, W. N. C'benn h�a� �r�lGurned from ,� add�rr.s�s�ing p'icn,i�ca flt VV��4A�'fY Acv�h, i "W'ivr'Cnn� anrf A'�;Ilen�(HurcL-Mr. �a.nd',4i,r,. � F'xi�'b�ai-n, o�f C;ou�r�lan�d, 'h�a�ve reWrn- ed h�ame.-M,iss A. Srintnetl, of � S'6ta�,f�orrT, i:a vi�cit�.in� �he-m parenl.s.- � ]VTi�ss V. Isebed LYieken�s, Isdrtln-r af thc t '6V�amin'ru':s Pa.�e nf Oh� Farnaers' S��n, � TAmoTrto, �w�h�n �h�as �bcen ,the ��.uhgt. of ` dt'Lttw. W. N. Glemn l��st, �wFek, h'as rr- 'twrn�ed tt� 't1Mc citY.-A meati.r�� �of Lh� r U. F. O. �n�d U. r. W. O. wBhl he (hc�id in� Hen�.s,�151 t.dwn 'ha�Id nn 'Mh�e � [wenfin�� o� .JmR�y 2frth, :flnrc bhe �Tnrr- " �raae rnf arilakini� arran��n�rnts f�>.r Che ` ia�Mn am�cial, �wlh�ich ia �to b� hrtd nn � ihe Nvenin.� �if Au��ua'Y, llhh. The } jptb�eeeki�3 'RT0 fY,r Yhe Clvb. See n�1- tVe1'.t'rsement nrxt weHlc. � __ 4 �McKTLLOP a iSvhaol 12e{r�rt.-11'he fdLlnw6�u� is � tlue a'esv'I�t �f ilhe fin417 e�wartnnma�t%nns �� �i�' 8e�paTalte S�c7���o1 Secti�on No. i, ,y 41'fCK7661b!p: Fbrm IV )r. 't`r F�rran N f 4�u'.-�-J'aseph Miaillone. Rn:hh O'Ft'eil.ly, �l� 14tai+q Ry�an, �onm tII Sr. bo Farm 7�; 1FV dr.--�49au�gaa�et Mh�'ty�an fHbn). �tlhe .Hsonosan 1,1me ,Ceauateac�y Iteir. �Pa� F�Nnaai�a� (4�om)� J�Lm MbY- A�w�,z�e�. at ,�+a'dAoRd, o8lcis�g 0em, W�'!le �a�Yt�tr, AnnYe Ay�an, Tfhe flata9-trS�aites wvre a�unme�u�, ata PeaxO H�ea�, Pimme�Ct Mte�uz�e and e'haw9ru� 4he e�Cemn ia �avhSkl4 �the de- Jnlh�p O''laoua�9ce (equa4). Fo¢va lI 3r. neased� � i}iel�. 'Dhe Le��neaved drxv to Nbrm SLT 5r: -�11�amY Flliat+�+San t9�e s m� b, (EUou.), (7taTnrdce Ma9nne (�Iiom.)> Jus. o�yy. Y Pa�Y' od �he ewti�e t5onv�wm,- O'RbusAce, Roae K�nNskagf, iHlnmarnce --�+-�--► Ke11q, 7�a,dlrarialh, Ryun, Angella MhaUl6ii- gan. J�nuaq `Padker� J�asaph �tpnan, DUBLIN wL'7iCie Rya❑, Ftra�uk nrt'amnn�ey wnd J�o'e�dan�--QonmqUQy.-A vei-y .pretty Jocieph O"RealGly (rtruo�rolwand�d).FbaQn �vt,dding �wms sah'emnizad a't St. &rid- II J�r. roo Nb�n�ru II Sr.-M'arie Ks�aius- �e��� �u�rc4�, La�aui, on 'Iruesclay �k�pY Miury Y�ourng and� Dan O'Aou�ace �a1°'"hc�� "^'hen Mas� Qa�h,ei+ine Cun- ('eyumJl. �FarJn I S�r. �to bbrtn II Jr. lx�}ly, eUdest diwu�g�hltvr o� M�r. an�i D4rs. M'+�rsy O+Rem6VY (FLon.)� Gea�tnude Mm-taa Cbnrw�q, meacamia bha nvife or &1wP1'igwn (Hon.)� AiuBe'� H.ou'an, Mr. Mictux�l P. .lordY�n, s�m o�f �VIr Fnwncis Ry�i, John 3kea, �ml ILe14y. �amd Mtnv. Flna:dk Jnrd�. Mue�. D Nwmber on raUl 53• arverage atbead- ��°Y'p�+�' 8t Uhe crng�xn, us bhe wrnce &vr ;1vme, %!8. � bride, be�u�6i�f+uJdy drassed i�n �wi}i'vte _ _ dwehess satinp rvv�'bh �uix;e and �eaT] STAFFA '�'�"���T�, "�te huh, acui ehtxwes Notes.-Mrs. W. Jbhna6on, af Hu'E- ���� rof bridla7 sos� a�nd lidy oP '�}ve vaiLlcry, slp�tv}y ��Vendrd �he� M1vxy to flx�lv> i� a�t �preaseht �'i�ting �hesr bra �h�e �aiDCa•r wihere �he br'idegroti,m theQ, Mr. W. Jeffrey. �D1r. and Mvt�. ,a��te�i her. Miss Mai�gxret Mc- Rdbcsrt BTuree tw�d snn, of O[v�uwury, Luu�hll'isn was Ibridesmaaid. 9hr w�ure Miahi,gun, wav�e tthr iguests ot IvLr. ni�d �pukk s»,Cin, �with �hat rtu mwbuh. Thc Mfn9. Da�vid HewCe IA�ult �week.-Mr.. ,b�,Wni wuiv �upparted by �kiis b�Gher. � Mrs. 1', M. ilum111rton an�d famWly, krv. FxT}eer KnRly, Y.P., suwug ,tiie af lbiwnW, wrre ru,Ulin� on dld ,��u•pt�iail nnu�ss un�' ,penPormed� IGhe ma.r- Ptiend,s in 'S:txff�a �uaid C;numu+'ty lu�at .rixge ceremony. The ,wrxid5�ng hrbafk- weck.--Mirs. (Rev.) Hr�l�m�e�; and finvn. ��� W�y y�v�} �'t Dhe home u'f ,Mr. �ily atid Mr`s. Wdet, af Sta�x'Gfou�d, arpent pGUe•r �nd M�iss Ne41ir (iunn+at�l�y, unple Slunday 1�ust x2 �hr i}ix�me of SLrs. W. and aurrt u2' '�he bride. A�l of Uhe O'HYien. :YLrs. Wie�t cillso �re7id.ered. �lear ra3atives �und �ma�ny fricru§s di�i twu very :uppreein�live sul� in Lhe �ux��!-i�•r G� C'hr sunrp4u��v�s �preud. 'I'he VIe'thexLiyt ctuuinh �on 5urniay rven�uug. iy�P��Y ��,uFile �wrre the recepinrdt5 af -DLr. mnd Mns. W, B'iickrt9, uf Tu- ���ny u�uPud an�i �uxaCly presunts. �rvrubo, visBted �wi�h Mr. �a,nd :YI�s. R. Th¢ lwnuy�uuuom� w,idl be sper��L uuiu�ng Sadller, �v�r '�he tiveek rn�l.--h1u. tl. ryhe T}wuuucrud LSlunds vi.md S'n 'I`atvnt� Gbddiiug visibed �his ��t�, F�rnrulc, in �r�d Nie�rc6rvail ln A�wbu�sY. 1�Qr. xnd Stu•ss'trPo.rd �n Sutvdwy Ix_it.-Thc W. M:rs. ,I�:irdWn wti011 be r•vt ikwmr tr� �h�ir �M. S. ��•t �vt the 'homu o�f �2rs. A. .n�w�cy fr�cnd� su�.d rt{ba�tirous wt lhc 4miale un T es �. �u � of t u, wr •k � Y � wsth , nuom's nr fxnn �C KrNlarra K h ab�out �wen i ty lacL ea Li sttendatnee,- Not�.-hS;L:vs Nfildrtvi M. MrGrzu�h, �11ss Malbrl Yr.0 ihuu ri•tw'ned hnme �giu; g,�iq�yn C. :YlrCru�th a�ul Mrs. a11t�,r .penriin�; hwu }emrs rri 11uni- Jvai,ph Y. bfAvy�Pan, g�ndunlen af ��ain� '[ulbx �as� yut51'ix� ac+hooU ted.��hc�r. �S:ix•r,i- Ilig�ti S'alix�dl,'htuve p:wsed Che �.'��rm.�l nien�Ctul ,���ti�i�•rs wiUl h�• 4irdd in Lhe ;�,hwi�l ���anuituaCib�u m16 Stratfr.rd-. MvUhotli-�i t.hvrch un Sund'ay na��t sst � 10.30 a.�n. - - - — KIYYEN BNUC'$FfELL �o:i•s.->4r. Arr�i 141rs Sqwi�re<, J�Ir. "l�he Ruvrrr Win tbe Ruund and CNi "��`� �rs. lDx.rr xnd �lrs. Lurlg, uF Into the Semi-Fin�la. IL�rt li�u�n�n, w��rre vi�;uar.= nt 'ul�v �tumur .�C M�r. and Mrs. H. R'irkur. vf 11ay, 4 roP�zud ��t vbintt 1,OOU =�p�K•i..itz�n' durin� [hr �veP6 'Vir .i.u1 \liis W. �r�iini��se1 a y;uuJ gante ��f t`�n�tltxill K�Smtllli�•, -nf Se;uftr�'nh. 6he p,i.sL h,rr ��n i Fri�i.i • e�� •ni • c n In�t �w.. } k II F, N'�'t• K"fji t• . k � }ba4hit> tcltli � � ft . �he Ru��•:� �uccc�•J�-I in �I� 4� u�,, . i � I I i nd� tiUdlf r 1 t y <i ti� . 1 3 1 'I I ���. �r Lht ti^illdKe, a�h i er� �.�u,-t pl t�- I 60 -ro chi�ui 1 V � , u f rmt � I c- Y r �� � � � ��„� h�.� . ..� �� ,�,,;�, w, i � ���� � �,�����t, „ a � � f h� �i I�,�,� � �f� �and .uwi tf p�.��.iib!��, t����� n��h f�.�- 17i- P����mu�s 11ud� n, f \1 iktt�� ��o ul Ica<} _ urc�l !} Ih� !ociils at �±i<n , dva;rrg YFre «eel. �����'�� � i�ftiri � ;,U�:iUfurd. }Gr,.h :i•am. �nLc+tFt�i a.� ohe h�.�in�� ��f thr furm��r'x si�trr. h,er�f �;amr. "Piir tir,t Iralf �can Sast 11�r.. A. lbx���ey rund ynu�,ng s�n�ir aui.i t���nJy �.n�r[cstrd :�rid �•nded in n�+�rrt' furirvJs in Lhis cix�inicy. tt is a t:��, 1-l. Itrur���ic!tl �r„r�d thi� fi�:st ����er dU coars sinc� �4�r. }Lu�iSon �ccR: �,�rtal un an .�1T�i Jr onurh tc.i, di.- ir, n�a'kr luis �hame RC;rnss Lh�• I.inr, xlLawn9. Sh�.rcl} .ufi�,r Forh��6h anr .;in+1 nc .�ers miany thattkrs h��rc. \9r. �.1 fr>r S'trc�:f n�l Th., �;u��i• theni 2�r Th;.m:v. WlaPker, a4so uf Yl�xrlctin. lead �d thr.�. �t:rie�1 h;�rd ro �iie•n•ns� ��}� � ,u•.ca�napanir,d '11r. }l:uai.v>n, M1v.�, it, bu�t u'en• utuafal<� Co dv sn, nnd tlhr i•:i:!inK �m mis nUxny �fYicniis in Gtsn- I�<rc�ls tiod u�p �thc rocuir ju,,: b�-$,r�� ivy. [��,rty-wrven yemrs ri�gu �Ia•. Che cilase of thr 1vaiH'. The s�,nd �Va�!kcr and :�Lr. ST�''lis. ��f uur t�id�.l'asKq ha6f was m�>rr in f��nrr nf thr iu,m: ,µ,ei-e s�hapmfaies at tlhe sn�ith'ir� ttvide be�m, �w'h'�ueh svrcec3d�ed in� �n�ur',:uh;ing in S�7af,nrlh, and bnt;h haNr ��r❑ �l+�u buv mare �;oals, u+hile Chc visi'tiwr; „f rfisngcc in tlhn�t Utre�tch nf ycm�s. 6ailled tb mua:ki• a ta�llly. S't.rat,fr�rd hns ._Th� �hn�y crup has Ibeen �:�.f�+Iy stna•- a�{,'ood betum xn�1 h:n�e yame� �•�ry f�,a�. �•�l titi,�.}•, Uut u�.iGh the flaU! «'h�,a�t c7ut C�'iiCky pdiay�ers, u'hr� r��c2uire a lut ��f Lhe P:n:•me�rs nsLll nut hxve an�y reet ��tlten'Fri.bm. 7They tricd �h.ard U� avin, .�i�r a wh-i0c yct. F'armrrs rc�poi'.t tiv�vt surt arre go�od lesers and a�;encie- �hey n�ve,r ihad bctter •�Il��nwnd �cro�ps namly �lo!t. �Frar� KeJ9y, of I.istowal, tham are see� in th'ra lryr,ality, The uc'ted� ay relYcrre�. The firvt �;a�me of fruit crop, esp�cdal'ly, is �ihe be�st in Jh�e W. P. A. sencui-8inail�s M1vi�6! � �nan�y yea�rs, as Uhe c�rr�l nvc�ralbhcv� �and ibaqerf here w.'vhh Uhe �winmtcrs of 2he �;�,.�,� shc�nvers iha�ve becn i�leal for Lifx:henar-Wuod�bae•k ��aa�p. Evezry- inii't.--:Vii��s YPay hLcGregar is N151t- xve s'hon�Ud tra�{e adknanAia;ge flnd see ��K K�ith $riends ac &ayfield.-�Lrs. i gam,e .pl'ayed by te�a.rcns so near 'hhe StrmrQ, nf Auburn, ticas'Ehe �past week ;'uarnrjiibnshSp. �isiting hcr sister, R1rs. A. 1�IcAen- HILLS CREHN ��e, in Y,he v�bla�e.-Mr. azufi M�rs. Wnn. Sinc�la,er -w-ere visiting friencLs at Cen- N�tcs.-A darRe niumbar of �the tnwlia thi,s wee�k-�[iss A.nnie B. Nr- ad+ies oi ohe W. M. S. ao��+eigated I,ean i�� spending a few weeks w,ith dt Uhe honie of Mr. �a7rd NLre. T. Gon- h�rr brotihrn�, W'vl7iam, at H:�ill�yibury, 4tt un Thwrsd'ay a8 illa5t �avetlk, bo I�`env On�ta•rie. Misa McLean �has'irnany udliE th�eir nuorvtlroAy vn�ee�tim�g. 11he yo'urn� frienrl�slhare x'hn u�li �wis�h hrr ��ssan for JuQy �was eapplta�ipied lyy a�plea�samt �au'�in� and� a sa�fe rc�burn. w 4iss A. C+�dtw�ane �an� illyrs. R. ricrve, -M.i�ss Lo-wiSa M+eLymomt, of I�ndon, �ibh Mrs. W. 'Purntn• pnesidirug. Rlp�e is spending her varat%cr.N ;at �her ihnmc id��es eaich ;�unumer are Teq�est�d� to he,re.-Mrs. W�ar45on, r£ �wur vull�ge, tatke c1o'thirug �for 'tlhc, bales servt tn µ'as dv�ring f�he pa��lt w-ec�k, vi4i'tin� he In'dian �gehaa] �in C}u we�srC and a with her si&ter, VLrs. Janues Di�ok nf amlm�dttee n�•as fonmcvl at thi., �n�errt- Sea�florth, w�h�p, �we are :Garry W nqte, Lfi to loak after t?�is w�ork. After has been in porm� :heai-Ch. As M�rs. he mee�ting a•socia'1 ;hauT w�as s�pen�t D'uok is a fcm�rmer Kippen da�dy, she ihas ver a oup �af tea grac'irnvsly qvrovi,ded �many ��ricruds here unhh M1v�ish iher a y'the �h�n�tzss.-NI.r. �and !�irs. W. J. �speed�y se�covary.-Mns. 12cAbert El:�.:ie's a�nratt, R. 11�cA(llister, DZa, and bLrs. muny friend's will�l be ple�ased to Ileamn �. An�lersan and 1VIn•. an'd :1frs, W. �bha't 5he is rpcoverin;g nicc+ly fivnm her f�c.All,ister tivei+e tlrils week in P,ort marry iwe�dks' ill9ness.-'tihe Sabfbath 6uron �atStending thie funeral nf rohe Se'tw�od maom af St. Arrd�raw�s rs be- ite Mrs. W. M�cA'lllis�ter. It4irs. J, ing vrverha�uleci and redecarated by a odhi+ane and VLrs, A. Jarm:tt wm�c. fcvw o'f Che 1'ad�ies oi the �con��,+re�n;Uion, ie s�rne d�ay in Lon�lv�n ra�etendin� and nvihen �ituple�ted wull be �ine bF ie fiunera+l o�f tlue @a'te iVlr. H. Smiiuh, the bpst in the Province.-Tlhe Ri7?pen ho met �tni� death i,n a dubwnun� QuartMte af St. And're�c's a�ssi:4ced the �cidernt.-Nlirs. $, OnrnTgroru, of !Jf'in- 1�Ila�ke ar7voir rin 't'he'ir anmiversa�ry aer- � ;n, Ghe; vveNk v'vsi�ted hrtsr nix�.Uher, ��i,ces on S�u.ndia�y lavt. Mi•ss Oarr:e i�ns. C;, .C�tyhrrane.-The �antatta, MrKFnzie alsio rend�ere�d a sula at ea�h 'vall'illda." �n+Bll be �presented irz 'tlh� �rf the 'thmc servir�s. "�ti�ss McKen- a fic�ld r P esb erian h �•.h 1" 3"t c urc nex� zie's Gin�g.in�g 'n: �nwhJh �a�pprc�cia'teN.- abllvabh evcni�ny by the (7}uomafl S�o- We are ��leas•ed' t,n ncvt�e 'Uhat JLr. ety o8 $�I'Us Green� iand� Kirppen,,- Kobert MicLran, w�lu� i}ua�s been a'ttend. ui'te ai �xumber fmm �'h�cre a�ttenHe<I img Phe Stratt�ard Nnnna�l Bchrcac�d, is ie ann�v�rrsary servi�ces at Bl�ake last � m�rrn� the su�cesafu�l ����,den'bs rt.here. und�ay ,a���1 u!il a�ree thia,t �Vf,rs. Dav- Rp�bOrt Ys aVaw qualilfi'ed 'Eo tdadFu nnd �s�on is a�•�plend�id and int.�res�Lin;y; w�� tivi�sh h'im �su�ncross ��in htis chpsen �c�ake�r. p�•ofessi�on.-Mins. J�m�es !�llcOly�nt�ont of aur viddai�e. '}uas ertn.nrne�cl Ainrmp af- I)ASFIW(IOD tcn• vi:3itirng witih rdlaiives in Ch'ath�a�n Dea�Lh of Pn.st.m:rocEe�r if��n��y Wil 1nd Londom.-Dui•.iruR 'tlh�c. cll�dctrir < . Urrrm af tlhe w: r i t c� NIrc. eoQ . Thig �.� i . k G c mmunit �vav . 'i� v hockrd fi' 'I�hnm sun'� hi . s wschad a�-r w rid� n r P e maa'ro y .i � unoir�Piear:�.> �f thr �,<<a e from bein ebmxyk �u�i�t'h �li h�t- •-�t i �f 1. e. y',� idlcvrt, u�u �F � vr P .�' '�' �'� o,r rrr in:n� h tn�s.inewc i�ic�� ��f ��irufi, as Che 'cairren't stru.ck x:6ree �wn. The dcrra�,:ed �ha'd� �be<�n in h,is cl»se� hn �HhP hirouse. Mr. Th�om�psori , su,21 �;o �rl :�.� �d1Y!i .and in 1 r��i ired fcels tkaruMfu9 bha't �}l�e rwaa�ped a�s 'he �nu;. tu-r.lve drlock. :�bn�t snhcur �{'tid.-:11ir. �am'd Mrs. GEr�nac StzwNtrt., �,cr he <� �u�laiax+d o�1' n�.ic fec;in� �''f C`ry.s'bad (�i'tY, Kam�i'tx�ba, �ve�re vis- . el!1 and beforn rrtled'iaa�l heLp cciu�ld 'tars t,hiF wledk at 'Ehe hbni.es o'f Mrs. �;a»i.»or�^d I�a�] pas�ced z,s;.y 7'I�r T. Wnrknr.an an�l ;vfr. S. Cn��Lmiome, . 1l^ 1�1i- tV '� ����� �ti�:��� hm-n in LV:,�.t�i l,,n Vfn•e. Strwa�rt be�irug a s'i�.�teir tvP Mms. �:in�}� n�d c}��en a iyoy, �wiU�� e,� .,r- W�orkmia�� and tiirs. (lur�mnre. it<. n„cr�1 tn S'te.�'vhen T,���rship, �.�`•�•. hen•e �he hw,s siroce �•eaid��d. Fie wn; HEN3AI.I, mc�m'ber v+F ;ih�� crrnin�t}• rrrtm�ril r I Died i�r Nenv drt:seV.--+D'i�ed on�. .Juhy H� kime arnd s.ervrd a pariod of t i 13'U:i. at tflt�r. 1=a�»'dernr oi hea� d�aui,�h- raT.� a�n Re�vr. He �ca�s ,.vl.w;i a trrr, 4i�rs. F.. M. Ken'� F.v�st Qna7uge, 1 swch (;onserv:rY.ive in pnl'ttir4, ;rnd �;, ,i., C;ut1}�cn•irnr "]4TiycJlcie, �wM1N�mu of ��s ber�n Txwc'tm�a:strr fnr rt;hc 9�.�.at. L�m tlhe QaCe Jnm��a Markie, aiged 8�1 �Ne'a�rs. xw �aTs, arnd ;v�. Lhe p'.'e*sent. tim� w;u 'C'.vn snrns �and ri��h�t d'au�gh'tem£s are � i��a�rd wiCh hrs wnns in� the flaz m- iefl, bn �nrnv.rn t'h.e. ilrvws c+f �a ���avim'g . r5hry. He �hnd rra'chr�i thh a�*a nf anr3 �lr�vr�ted �m�nthe�r. J4ra. M'c�'dlc� of xhy-1'nv,r yrvara, g m�nmth�c ;inv3 1� Hen�sa111, i�s �a d'auip,fh�ter, an'tL �cva�s �wi!th �ys. }!r �IPnvrz to nnourn hia lbss h�er .mnther adhen cahfe qrs�ty�e�ci vwiay. 4 wnrrmvin.g� �wida�w, tnmo :�lnrns, Fd. �T�h�e sionis aire J. T�t. MlaiclC�e, Ga.nc�na�l �d Widll, nf' Cett'tra�1ia, �a,nd fi��� Liarna�e�r �f Payn� ;V1'n�r Co., Manne- i w.�lrLnrF, Mirs. Fiarnvan 7-i�mm��ar, nf A��tc�A��'rs, Minm�., 'an�d A, D. i�'i�dlrie, v'i�ce- T+art,f,o.rci; Mir.a. WiILI'iam Kd��inativer P�rcai�lienit �aTaj �Gemlo�tall Mam�aiger erY id Mms. R'o-bea't Hayter, of Dae hnvo�nd; gpr9ngffie6d, Thl., El�ctrti�c & Axs CSo. rs. T�m Iiwa�vc, rnf (rrePnvrly, and RpvGh avere rtu.irth thei:r m�abh�r. �Ilhe ra. BeNt Staitt,�n, rrf Grcnnr3 Brnd; bcuti�q vnag bt��ui�fh't �to 7branbo on' 8alt- oem bmhhrra, anal a,�rr�t. many vacDay and ]iafifi �to re�t beaid�a Iheir }uus- ietrds. Nitg fu.nsrail, wih5ah w�� v�-y band� in Maun�t Pl�a�nit Cem�eite�ry. r�eJl'g a�bternle��l� 'WA4 h�ld f�ro�m� 'his Reiv. Dn�. P�abtenGon° a f�.innners' pias�tor ti %e residenrce �1un�da�y aften•rvonn� to �n�f thc ePcxe�a�qe�c1, e'unrUu:l�ed' thr -�,�:v�:':e --�r f� �u��.8 g a rr.e•��� r'�Fs� + r�f?J��tT'i ��;Ei„���� . � . _ ' � ��� ,. �' .. � n,' i. � ' � Mra. 1�'ee�t 9�4itua'� '�0 4�e�r Aw�ne" nn �A�anns.-. � Hmnll�r �od Dd�ada►zbon, ���jeb!c�w�ed by AJ�Na., rvvme in Hea�ia'Yl thYg �k ��. A. '6Voqd�Jlaff, af apend�iTtig � iew d'aye �avRth Qtea' rel- Csnaz� Rmipih�, Mucm,jgam, ' a�ti'rvtirvea, A21r. �auud Mma T. Mvn'dualr�and e �Buxe�Fs.., 1� �pahk�ee bo 4$e ddd- 1�Qz. � Mam. Yt�uu. '-aR,e�v. feraNb poi�+�llong �'he Sa�keeVWn'e aa�e Mir. Miai�r, � Diunv5111e, recqMlY q�¢'ea►�ku� �be o�iem .�P'! '�e d'aiy;«-TFee lart�mexv ed nvt'8h �very �uc7t ak�oeptla�rece in A�'L'@ IbUSI�Q'�� (� tTl h49�}`VNB�ILI$'� 4tl9N- (�.9RQIdm' �eRl 4.'}11LI�C%I� H2iL�' 8�- u } �v c4i ing s�umeK� gir flne raa�ra aF hsy, �so im thg d4Leq�ah'r,s,t c6�att�'h, -... Miag �md the �Gure tie�de aarod moaC enoipe HeII'en &mu�Gh and M�Ue� $aana Timdison are '•looiking �pla,ndid.-iQuite a nw�uu- a�per6t �WLe �a�$t week weibh fniierixla in b0r finozww He�sdll av�d Ni�nlby ��t C'suelLph.-�D1T. �and M�ra. �(',�rne�t QprtmQ2- v+iee�k '�oUc Ire �t�r Ix�y;e cimaug �held Sn' �aomtbe, of G�uell�ph, �ave aebawudd mR_ Land�un-MT. C. cNdk and famidy �nd ter s'Pet�d'irng a vveak �w'vth K�e'vr itela, � rcn:e �off bhelr r�+la�ti�ves nre �t �es- �iva� 'and i+riered� 3n �t2ia�, '�h�efi¢� �oavner i r:¢ �ce�upitug a't Grand� 'Band.-Rev. 'h�wme.=lVI9se M. Hio,�gretidh u+eceajtlq hlr. RiNtuv� +l�e re'twtmed dou' �he gtt'e- 'had he¢' d�tvdllWmig �•eTy adikeiy u�parxut- e•r : dnom SG 'I'I�unns:w w�hea+e Ate �s ed.-DTis�s )YI'ang�aret F�ee, 08 B�uikadb, f+or a wcek or .,o. Mir. RLvex� Rvas 'hws bee�n �pen�dirug �a eau�le aP �cvee'ks Provderut qP ifhe Summuer 8c7iaal hdid nvi4fh �ner �Percerutla. MM. siud Mhs. W. J. thtare. lt !w� xbtetuied� by ADYas I�qe, �of 'this vilNe�ge.-M4�s Ne�llle Jntltian RivQnq, Mr. 9amvell Riann�i�e �and CarmilcluaeU is spezix3hrug U� va,Ma'l9an AQa'. Ferrie Cambe�lun finam �hi's villQa�ge. nvd'tlh iher un�pls and auTrt, Mir. and -bP'rss Fl�rmyhe ReYrnoOd�, rvN}ru �1ras Mrs. Q}�i1r�v GS➢'Lazd, n'f Stu�tJt�atd.- N U meen fiar �omue y�•ars tear,h5tug in, Call- Mu�, a�nd Mr�. G. p, Mamah'aIlfl �re qwry, A'➢ts., 'is huniu �r hal'id'aryyts, 5perud5ng Nhe hoQY<bay�s � iwitih 'M¢�s, u�oouimpxndztB by a� cuwpAe �od Year Sirt,- Mansk��Ul,,� p�rretzts im SQnli�tlh'ix FaWs. Cle neqilvt�ws3 $r����i the -weet. - Mra. -Mr.', CA�ama[ixre 9hephea�di �a5 recernt- (Rev.) Mx�Oottm��ll arxi-membea�a of Fy �a riau�Ue atf weeka an Zurixfi a6sim�t. the iaxnwl9� �}uu��• h>ren �wpenditug a ing Sn rohe MaLsorus BanOc rvd�hale tllie roupUe of we�k �n Tbrvntw.=Mta. J. � Msriaxgner -x^as aw+ay aru hdliduys, Lut B. �91em1:t and cf:�i�Kthter, bllea E'ivrilqn, ix ruaw on d�u�ty a�a�'�m� im the Mal�aons � ot Wund�r, �p�•ni �t�a �pa�st xredk wyth � Bank �here.-3�Lrs. (',z+aham am�d li'tblu M:r. An�drew J����ia�Gun, Mu�s. Sihm+tt's dav,�Mtee, of Londeny vilei�ted Mms. fa�Gher, wnd' he„ ,ister�s, MSsa M�aa•y ' N'.red Murnus rfl}/i� rvvedlc,--�M.r. T. C. xnd I�]vtrr�p.-747 � and Mns. MSlne � Jrc>ymt is mlm}d7ag grnnQ gp� �po- , A�unie and 4e�,��ir have Ueers sppnd- � m�uG.9 in ��he in�Bor b�f Ihms Uamge' irxK a f�w �tagel.� ctt�mrping �eit Griand sUnm in �the dry ,g�aori�s depat�mNent.- f3end.-�M,r. L�;�;n• R�ndFsazuan nnd MQ. AlPbemt G�latr, w!}ro 'w�as Ihere vusit- membere af h'i, fwm'uly, �vctvomipanied ir7; his �granld�mother, M�rs. WiWlSami I by Che NPi�sam i�uherby and� J�ean Mh�➢cxu�allll, and� rel�ative�. ]ya,s x,�iGwrn_ I C�unvuhro'pl, aIN ,�f 'I'arorvto, mvo'bnred � ed `W Toronbo�ATaster Kei�h CwmP- II here on Sn��tda. ;ast arrd �were eDs�o '�be11 af T'uraruto, amd Mas�U@,r Georgo j w �ucrampmnded� by >trs. Hvxpe, nue M'iso !YPalldby, a�f Taro��ubo, uire spend�inig tlhe' Jerrnie I3nttha•na,n �rf V v aaieau er and }wdi'd�a �wibh Y� Mr. T. Miutvbo�tc.-14Iz. lirtle son. IviT. tDu�yFeainu�n and� hia arnd Ma�s. Jumaw W. Bnn�thrztan �rc wife, M1vho �wa;s '�,�•re vn a viisit, und c*mnupirug ut Gnand Band tin 'tihei�r nrow iahild�ren �,t+e�bwrrv�•�I t�� 'Pa�romtu the db1- �uminter kmUCag¢, 1ylms, jivlbt, $or�_ ���,wing dary, bu�. il�o Mi�s�ses Do�r�abhy 'tluinrr is vis'iYirug relxi4ive�s in Luc�kn�aw. �, an�l Jeurs (7nni��!,<,;I und M�ra. Ho�e ,M'r, cunK� !14�rs. Ho1d�;uui Lri'Gt�le n�a'tor- lrui son are r�• �,:,.nin�K 'to visi't 2'heir c�d d.o N�nv HairrvU�urg on S�unrllsy d'a�.st. ri+l�'Cives and fii��ii+dti,--Mr. uuid Mra. -S�4i�eeit �,�zvi�ng is rvow eniKa�*,i�ug the kS�vunci�on anH c l i',�ir�•ii, of 5. Marys, :��te�vtinn af ovr rxtepaycros arui mvc�h �were �h�M'h.�uts �����k vi5iLi7ug relia'CSve; i�etern�t i•, mianifestec�, xnu3 meti!tibns �nc1 f•nienda. 'nl�.�s 131�andbn, nee 11is�s ari• bi•in�* �'rruw7�a`ted ie�kin� fbr game. .4n�n.ie WQen, n�.� a Form�r res�id�ertt �rf ou�r viWa�ge.- t1 � 5 II. Neslbitt, w�he� -- - -- h:u Leen a rpsi i• t uur v'vUlage for LIV� STOCH MARHEI'3 i�inr: � c� r �, 'i 1� ns a i9 a rrca. •. I } y t d�a li ili„ � I .I �I INth. (. t Y tle �.'IW ;i:�U:� ��C nursin� fvT � �V.>xrs �and 2`riends �,w . � �.��� n�ui �_�� nn � r �.�.; in tima of u?�i �� h<<s o�olld uutt hcr �,� bio��u ��t,ui.h.��, 54.0o c„ 5�+.7� � r iu�u,. a� �:, �„ sio: r.•,� sia�,� ���r,•„ s-, ,o �� J��srllin� p�ipr..� '...rr a�nd 2e�t �,xs[ R4t:,: �. 82.su i�� E�,^n: �uitr. a.a�� i ��v� , _ � i � i�� S.-,. �. �v� I. w h�nuen,��� � ��f ni�T 1�nmuil r �k��M �„i re,.ie io r c s>. o �� c.r�u� 'Y s � I'ic•t�bvr�;, �naoi,�. thcre tivi'th �er "`"n '" n��t�.�• x ��<aa <<, a�io l'ulv�y i.iV� I.dUO: u0 ii•rL� h Kh�.r. Sii i.ui��hti:r and .'n•,Pavr, .n�tit� 7wd t� Etu.-�o.�� b�,�-n fiarr� flou� ...�uiul weeks �n n n�v� ��.•�•i„�. a..�uo: n�ti��e, 2, u, aoc visit. YIrs. A'�� •� , intendls nuakiryg �'�nrr ,r� i�un� i„�i scrndr u, �; �,.n�n } ,� Li�Fk�r; h,.nv��, Su w S1t.Y5: ix<.1. SlL'GS �r homue feu� ,r�.sent w7:th �her i�� sn.;a: r��i�.r,, su.vs 4, Su.*,,; uxhc -,Y.*ns xnd d'av�g!. ,-,n �liffcirenf, +pdua,c �� L�� u�K.+ Si�,x.; w iiz ro�4•h�, sn:;o r•1. '�tr Kenn. �. l:ite.l',V ff,inm� th� � S�.-., : �u;� 9:� uo t,� Se. Slecp ud 7xn.1.3, t.cuo, tun�ir +���17 t-1/�:•v:, He.s tihe � �.� I.:u�•�� of t:he �wc�l „�d... :' i„u�„r ion.bn. Ee.00 c� sid. lin� prr:pcvYUy, , �.i M1ti•as otFcu'ed by r��,�ii�nu+.,�.5�, u� bu� w��thr�d 57.5o c„ 85� a�xw•ci�>n sale 1a �� „7k but M1vats n�ot Ee ��� 3:: m�x�i .i,��,•v. s� w R;.,o. �µhl��i�t.en„ .lul) In -�l'.NL[Iv -lLreeip4, 1,'S9, hid hi�h en�ow.�:. 1, m�a.rrant �a �rade� c:,i��r �r:.dr +� arr����our »i.,w. wten 6�r,.�,� bu[ �a�;iSlbo�ugh� ��i�;�Rdly a�fterw�trvls. ��q :n„N�nu �n,icre-ic i ine L��ucr �:ina,. -1Vv rh�ret !�'���c�� •to s�a2e i'h�at �;�' `" �� "�. in„ n�„c�io� of sierN wrre rt.�,l�l. '1'he �ntAv�r mxrkrt Icwlce�f ta t�e xl�uut hlr. T,ho�mu�s 'c'��,��r:�;::, w�fnn .han b�en i,o ,r�� i„w�r�. o�,e iox.i r rxc b�c ro�Kn- a rr�sidrivt ��df �-ir citlu�;c far qvi'te a ��n K«<��w�H ��,.icl��. w���;h;�s n�o��d �.too ��umibe.r of �yen:., ni�2 -wiGh atn iar,�ci- °'.u���,. i,n�uuht sa.�s. wt,uc nnoth�r liuhl.�r ' 'oud ln�m the snmc place, Lut luc�eing d�erut a faw ellay-, .i�:.�, :md qv.ite a s���r- ����,,,ucr, n���»uhe $6.76. C oa �� iu�us one, ii a�p����:�rs. ]-Ie �wa:s in the a„r„uo�i ac n��o�, abo�c �,te�dy��.w;tnefPi�c hay de�ft o� �h`u h:�rn at rih� eas�t c�nd "'`"k. Tn" n�c io� �r �wn No�a t�om Sa.ao « R`�.i5, wrth�. the medium lotn around E;. u�f 2hc vialLa�ge uihii!�c� iioads crf Onay rr�a�m nr�� thot nciers ili be lower be- �we.:re be5rug dir:i�.rn in �and wh�i�le the t�,rr �n.� oRiue arn aii aola. Quorxt;o�.w:- mc•n �vrerut aut c„ �*et a loud he nv,u�; YuG•hi�r ru�,,,.-c,.,a, 5�.'rs to Sa: m�;un,. bl;.i'� u� g7.G0; mman. S6 W g6.'1:,. But- vPeninq wp �a spare in 'th�e 'Pafrc. 4iva�[ d,�r h�•�rerE-�cood. szzs to s;.�r : rn«t+���m, fiad Kot oovenecl w�it.h Ih�y, ryvh�re it, $� � a7: � � ba to 54.60; butcher shnu�lrj n�pt 7iave been, an�l ,snm�e tivay """��- c`"'d. 8��t��w 56.75; �l�u�.,. a.t to 54.7.;: rnnnero, EI: cutt<rv, E1.50 to §8.;,0; �vh.ile at^ar'kin�A wi�4h �:ihc Yrcrn1q �hr b�u•h�•r bu1i�. �.,nv„o�. Ea to sa. sl�pppc{ d�onvr� on �tlhe floo� Ixi!ritiv, q�ui'te ea����--R eipGv, 910. Mnrket fii,ghcly a'd�i�+baruce. I.n fallltin!g 0��� stivrk an �•ct���. n f�.w lo� ot� uood i�� bro�xhc $T 00, an� the wajority up the better lotn ua't box, whirh stumned h`im, xnd he s�, r, w ae 7.; common to mca�um ���e, Lay tihere seve�natl hau�rs bc�'ur�� hc �was b,�,�xht tro�, Es w ss, ana ra��ty Kowi di'saove'rerl. 'He was Hhen a't emce con. ""'l, as.zs w f9 : m�;�m. S:� to Ss : ��m m.,n, 8�7: Rr+�. SS. v+eye�d� .hrnmie a.rrd �a dlactor �c�n2 fbr, sh�ro Receip4,, I,Ra4. Sheey ana iamt�, a�vd u�hiile ne bmdken� bnnc+s •.+ere in � k�� demond, nna ��r�ce; t�ire��l eviden�ce, he s�uffere�i'a ve�ry •h�,rci faJ�i, "���� �,dc Heek. '1'he b�ik or ue Kood tam�, � nrnu4he 81t: a tc choice lnta u❑ W g1�t; w.hSk�lhh nt �h�ts advarue�d a.ge vi 8�, n.<•a��,m �n� a�n na sio, a„a i�nc ��,,,Y,�n makes it ve¢�y 5eri�das, �a.nd he re- �"^,t�A senerallv Es nnd unde� ;o n rrw •mta�in�s in �ui�te a 5er,irnPs cond.itinn.�--- `xsea. Sneen nco�ce and in demand ac �from Mrs. F. G. BoTutllvron, ,oi (7hilc�a� �.: $nNb. at;� Ua u��r� -E��'� az ,� aa; K�. $� $12; mmon, y7 ;o ` visi'bi�rug her rctl�atives, Mr, and 1lt�s'. �i��uy-It�eivta, 1,684. Hogx an„uc 9ir�a� € R. B�onCh;rc�n and fnrtnh�ly-The �7isses �„� ..,,ieC�, with burers n�c enx�ouy w �ur- _ P�+�rie, uhn xre erngtuge�d as tc+:uchi•r� �,hRwv h�����y. �touRna a�d nPa��� .�o� ,�n�t - 'and rf�nn�ca-1,y 'b�f Wh�e ta+n�ustti�p og ���cci� weake�. 4��wi;�„� �ort �Ar �e�rnw> - S'tnnQey, �werre �re recenUL vis�'tin�, s��t. $t5.,o to 515.75; heavis, g7..Gp y m st4: . , 511 tu bt2. thei2• fr.ienris, AT,r, $. ;VlroPnison �n:l un;�n SG�ck Yard., Turonta. .luly ,ISLh.- = �family.-We reg�nat '60 ��tate ot �i�te ����a���tt eoo ��rt-o.<,� ;� tine rR,a �ne�k nf n�ni�Girug roha+b- YIr. Rdbert .I. Drys- =`na ati i4+e a�����a� �n tU �M,�. tbere were _ s,G00 cacde far ale here tu-day und the d�alle �cn.�xtinves qiu'iite i'LI.-aMrc. W6�Isnn raae w a��de�lir aio.+ �n uneo��R. p���ca = Semry <�f W5ndSroT, i6ast �we+e�k viSiNr<1 �err ruiir a nalf ensfe� on nutcne= encue ' ihis f�a�Gher, Mr. T. J. Bcmry w�hp �,lso "t the R�rt �na befo�e ihe cloqe tne vr;ce ; �mpared with lant weelc wa_+ from 40 = k�'PS �'���y '�Fbb�Y� �� I'mnia lZan- tn '- centv eaeier with exDort cnttle from s ` niw, �vf I1Nbroit, and her sivtzr, h4�rs. ����«'� w nuir oR t.oro i�c ;vw„anY. :nm� '1.400 hexd in all hnd been weitehed up C. P.a�slr,y, �f \4bntneail, arc here vis- „� tn��« ���t���< ana tnere wa, e�e�v cha��e itinig Y,hrir pa�renhs :�IR. an�l ntrs. ��t fh� e�,� chPck-Op dhow�nrt ,�r de �c ��,sno :�,o�,� �N - ,. �pec�ial �'al�ies iri Men's Work Shoes � .. trtir.F+�r Our Wa�c Shioea �me tseQrk'be�d' �oan i�e Qeadila�g menuibae6ur- �rom thebes iw�an+I�U�dtlhm�s-U �� G¢'ai7a C�Mea�won. 9be (',a�aUn ,amd K1�p. Tlne �4a�s� �are �uuNkNt�t�g and rwuriDortaWQe. u � 'Q^O�0l� e�p'1�11171�2QFt � �W&y8 '�UH1'Q �0�21 yqlli 'bD. C}1bW180 m110�11' �871N� �T�eeB �a¢�e WaWea'.'tlh'aib M14eyk�e been �m y8etR9. mTen"s ' Wlaxils �S�we� 9n e:ysv�ed� 1�iq S�G6� wtt'1u hoe �a, (beT� a�dw�s �tlo�nl�u� �a�Yl eo�iiU ao.vehee imeo�l'we, s�pe�e'Ba¢ raaue eIC....�s.7s Iru �em's WriYk 9(hoes ia TTmmtl �f S.ealdker rovi'd6 �pmadn Ra��e. �WW'8 'i1DII'�111C�3 87ll(1' eb�� �12$'�LfII' 7i191D18�� � apaaia� ati......$4.b0 11Qeiele Twu Giraia�; �eatt�er 'oYmOc 3Loe� wyt� dp�a o�s a� beUho'w�s bo�S�uea,� aWa�s�D a'C � .............................$d.60 �VIen'e Ba�wa Gsaihi� 'd.eel�tnem Wbaflc S6oe�: w4tL ar m9� 'doe �s, dowHle ao7es Pa�ten� rv�'t�t Yltxe.�artid �aee� ipebeebe. �wpecia+l vut }rer yalir ................ .:...$6.00 - HABVF)$T 6HOF43 OuT H�a¢vest �Shoe�s are Li�'t, Cbnll anN} Tbrmg��op�, ' �14Ien's Han•�•Est Silwr�s inr F3sfnwn Mlude S�icin Lem�L4eem �walhh plafn vamps und .i�rugle s�o�id.s. Per ipadr ..................$��pp Men'a Hmmvex2 6kvoe�s in Hrown Mhille�l(ia �vr�bh boe �caps amd dov6Qe �.wales. iPea� P�akT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8.60 � M 'il��i1 . �. � � � ' � ► ` ' � S,E.4F0,14�TH TELEPHONE 11 OPPO$ITE COMME&CIAL HOTLL G r ' - od Q � Y e ch = an dis - e _ BOUGHT AT SA�RIFICE P�tICES—TO BE = SOLD ON SAME BASIS = Men's Summer wei �•ht Khaki Trousers 'u = b , � st the _ thing• fur the Summer, in all sizes up to Q : 44. Specially priced to clear at. . . .. . .. . . - aD�.00 : 1VIen's �Stifl3e Cloth Blue with white stripe Overalls, : in all sizes, of good fair weight. �Specially F�riced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $1.00 ; 10 Dozen Grey Wool Work Socks, something that ; will give satisfaction and worth one-half ; as much more. Specially priced . . . , . . . . . . . 25c � Harvestei•s' Leather Mitts, of good quality, with one ': ; finger. Bought at a jober's price. To be ;sold at per pair ........................... '' 25c 1VIen's Pure Wool Bathing Suits in two colors. Worth 6 � a suit. While the last. .. - y �3. 0 : 5� Otherlines at .................. ............$1.25 f Men's Otto Coats, just the thing for the _ car. Worth twice as much. While they last. .$1,.00 : �1 apecial showing of fine Cotton and Lisle = Sox, in blue, brown, grey and black, per air. .2 = p 5c = Big B Overalls, in all sizes, ,32 up to 44, _ at...................... ..............�i.6� _ 5 Fer uson & Com an - g p y Seaforth � N:ra��tu:s Hamn�ie, arud �are at P�resent h�nd u„Nad nc the �1o.3e. some �,20o we.c- - <;t �Gra�nc( Bend ca vei�tlh bhe.m�,- "" �ueu� oa e�e ro�Rn ora�r a�a anvch;�,� m�� lut encouraKe demnnA o hely intaininK :VIrs. �enut, af Chi�agu, �enaa here t,hi. vr�r«s ,,,a tine n�i�; t ih�e soiafl,.�enc ns nve�r�k, 'the �,.uea� eB hes relat4Nes, M,r,. ^������T4 ana t�d��rs. �i��mm s!q �n v',_, ccnta R. S. Prttrrsnn.-Mr. �1Tilt�bon, ra ie. `"°e'°a ene �un� or hut�n a Acec,� a�a 'I� Tm' ne;rNn:, Tne wv ioAa w-aar o�a e� gs,;s, tbr of 'c'he Ai�t Tavem, Bran�Gfio�rd, M1vus ri,e�� ��;aQ i,ino IU, cntHe, Ant. taken e�� ��xn�rt. : e too atc f:�] c le m nli e � e�lt cxn 1'G�ti tt� Uein talce F�' a d S�burda � a n � � d�n5t uf �i�rs. .I�ames F. 'Spaiilas, ni tihis �'y� tn`e �xoorc �,�YNi, wno nna r„ c,� �,�,eznc witt �tulf thni a R�d dexl on tne � I�Pla.(;e.-At �t}LC 'nqCeTl't k:xa9nin'A�ioit h�ht �'de tor •, porc Mi�'n�nee. Tnn b�tcher uf bhe Lond»n pornsarva�ta�y o� R1u�ic ;' '+n� nli oiher �ow arnae9 <oia a t,oit �W r than tho bwt �nwn, n�few xt 5�w centa. � bhe £dllu�vin�g �pu�pi�s aP Miss r. I'n�s �;;;�",,,,!r nuu m a� sy �e ca, nu� ine bulk u-ere s�urcrccsfiu9: liass m�larks,�Ioa�.- .,r e,���e h�n.9 A�td be�w��m e flna e�„ r��� , nrs, 75; Firs't-ela�s �hron�u�r.s 85; g.rade `°h�ir• rn� i„,ik or t�u aunolv, which wv, i{�ht 1, Honcrrs-;V(i�ss Iren!e Jo�hn�s't�on and "t w`"t. °'"ae ,�r „na �ne �y, ��nc mArk. The mnrlcet on the hule wr�v n ri+s' 1>ad ' Jean Ju�tirnston�• G�rade 2, finst-c�las= � �� raie �iae �ovia tie Pxn�����.ca �� }uom�or�-+Lanira F�oster (Hnn.) I-I�n-v�cy °i�eho .�,i�,.�P ot ennn�r nnd e.;yti:n,�� . :14tCOlvmionrt. :�nd' ENa r�; GMadp� :3, cher �ond�c;on�. Miixe�v und �nr�n�.Pr4 .,. '�� i fe�ir trade, with n tew loadx JiaV��.cA•��uf �I Hbnio�ns-aAli!ee T3ars'dy El4eatie Fiuher n� i�om e,o to so ao�inr� ncr hen� Pricr-+ th. aif n �nrlcet H� is - At�a�t F, . s Sa�a P t.- v ( ), crt v Wb � mic s w�th lut J I . nt P cente dor O1TII +tlf1 � choicc �F �fl� 1R �CORT7'P('�t1i g K vs y un tivifi.h k;�,a. ��a �_ i „r r.�o �ow ni to cenr�,. � tllre nc,w basanuen't b�' St. �Pavl's T�AaP wa n � i k ro� �n� bulk, hrwerer, Ppiacn�va�7 rfuu�+eh. 'The remen�t r,�tepc ;�"�c�"""��cni�� wPr� .erv a��w at rr� Lea�l'i.iv� to Lhe erJtratuce �af the c'hwrch sneen .�id w��i li,�inY ot Pr���, PeeAay w�ch aa•e a,ll fimi�.slhed and nvi.'tl�. .�orx3� ba�na.�- i�n�e ��i�•4 ,,.i��nn�� to „h„ae ser��nae�. trrs, or vide raills o�f iron, wiilq mra�ke "�n""R""�e �°a��v �t «nPeo �� s<ene: A„a mxll i.�te u➢ �A 6 s cent. 'LamM �n tha. i�t vc�iry c�a�'e a:s �wdID a�s easieir �of a�.a- .a�ner n;snd w� o d�naav, und iow�r nr so �cerat, an��d w+hen bhe basemervt 'vs fin- �enn. �cr �wc.,r nt �n� <i�v� oi th� mwrket. i:shed� u6 wil�l mlakle a,gkrad uuppHaranre 'rne k��a u,a� �.,,�ahr �a �enn, �:• e Fnid nriy. �and Lhey w e rexl aood kind. From a�rncl �wi'll be mws�t �n�ve�nSenit Par �hald- iz ��> >z�.y �Q�t��Tur� no�r,�3. no�anc et,� in,g :�abbal;h �chrtrol an�l� all9 mizetings >>�ak ��t �n���� imm�a ;,�a ch,.r� ,��cr� �„uA �n.nnE+rlt.rd �with 'llh�e k•Ilvu.neh, and �tth " �"'"` .'° 7+'-, �enrs ner �und. 1 k;iUrhen i art a't ,'t%e �rcar tiui�Ll h� R��°"�'""� i„ r.he i,oa d��t�;on NnH ��it�P P v� th� uRh thr rrm�nnbl�4�inrA �(Terit�R tti�ee fnr hk�p'diimig .�wa�ciiail� �nr o1�.her �^�� Y �����atiy wi�aaY i�� th� b„tx nt i6 tvne�tions. The wark lvas been ma'in- 'r,".'vM� nnd wnc�rea. t���i��r t,��ve„� of- irrwl o rnr nf n nu�nrtar f�r tn-morrow'a .v <i'�ne by tfh�e �members an�d fi'�:riemds ,iPi;,�e�v �*+�t �nia�ro�n R�P�,��t rn t�t that 04 �Uh�e r4�urcrh, an�d �$he Rtic�t�vr Rrv. �.hv ���+ mir.h� rnrrr. S��mo 28o hrnzs w�r IV�r. N�ailcT, Fuas gi�vem� gand s�adi�ffaz•- �^�•^f �,^ �nrouun nni�„a. e rR�rriPtv t��-�Iny w� r F ORO eat�je, A90 bian �aiID �t'h�rrna�gh� 'thro �wba�lk.-hta's_ P. �,,,i�-n. ��a� n�m, Aoari Aai antwn nna ��ml�. R. S'Lenr�rnG, nao Mi�ws Pea�rll Dykcw, n( ca���,����„�r cn�i�� neo�r Ac��. Ss.oa +n 'P:imontr,. is apen�d'irug a fenv wcnRcs ssz;: �,,,�r,�r »t�,�. �n�t��. 87.so w ea.�c: �i�,. c.•„i. s7.on c� a1.so: a�. m.aium, vici'LimiK �ier qrand-!pam�nt�s, Mr, and ga.on c„ sc.Fo: a�., ��,.� on, s�.so to Se,00; 1YTrs. Adam ReiNka�tt-Mross Firlrn ��»�r�h�� i,��rF,�. �h�;�e, sv.2r, co a7.7r,: ao.. L"�i�vh•erc-i�x Glre�ndling a feM1v rPnV�s visi�t. '^"a"„". se.r,o to Fv.00: ao., co mun. as.00 ��+ Rf.00: Autcher cmvn. choice, $fi.FO to R6 • m� har �pa,nen�6�, l�Lr. a'nd 14rs. Jv>hrt a�, r,���,,,,,, Ea.so� co a,.00; <nn„een, and P.Us'It'P1F.—�0.9C Vi�dlzt Di�ck iia :apc»u�1hn� �����Prv. ��.00 t.� x2.00: ee�ler�. k�a, sar,o �a Ye�w �l�aynw vi�.aiitin�g her •ai�ter, Mrs. '° Rs.7�;: n�. talr. Rr,.Oa to 6r,.r,o: acockefl. nod. A6.fi0 to SR.00: do. Paiq Ab.OB to Sfi.60; 'Ponre Anrlr�ava, aP Sr'atkrr�h.�-Mrs. ";�k.,,,,. g7o.nn to ;90.00: exivea, chai��e, H�hp nn�d dL�un.g'hCem, 1lTi�as A:rJh�, �r aR.o oto su.ao: a�. .tran�um. 87.no t., an�o: Galifiorntiia., aTe visirtin�g AhteiT rglatives, 't�. coTnm��, Ea.00 to i�.ao: „Dr;ntt ln,�,t�. 312.00 to $19.00; uheey chnice. 8F tn RR.On; ➢Qr, and M�rs, Ni�hollma Herbon, and aq, ,r„oa. aa.so Fn 84.60; du. comman, b1.OB Mrc. amd Mna, $, J. Pa�temmon, aP au.r �^ R3�0; ycarllmAe. chnice. E7.00 f„ RN.un: �il�age.---Mm. $'t�ewast, o�f Seartbr.Gh, do. common, !B w e�.00; no�. e«� �„a watrred. $1fi.00; do., f.o.fi., �lA.2f,; �in„ vap�� ^uas hrrP �t.hfim rovoe1c o.i�sft4ng Mms. _F. Lrr w�fnc�, sia.00. i..�Yt S ' ,A,'i��� i9A� '�,i �n.Y„k',. ' ,.,a.� �e�.�,n s . . .�.�.. .. . ,�4_ ,. �. .na� . Ke Y e our Y outh p As �Iom� eus yov ltia�e a 6no�od �heaci �af ihaiT yrom tiv�eID �Uo�ofk �y�oun�g +a:nrA tei�1 y�auhtig_ PPhe enlby �x^a�y 'to k'eeQ� YovQ ,}va.ir n'i�ce is bo 'take pmc�per oe�re �pi it. K OREE N The WenderEwl �iLa1r Remerdly, �wi0.1 arrea't 11aMYnig aua6ir, remove �ke cLarndmuff and m�a7ce yvw�r hair thi�ek atrid �+lro�ssy. D4n't iput eff ge't�inig 'i�t. 'tlhe cbmilParatiNel9 9'��S 1�' yav see .in bh•e hal8d�-hoaii'� �w�w nvailted 'bob lonig. Q`he'irc hiai,r ike�pt $e�liLing aut �bu't they ga5d n�o m'tben�tiam, tio 'i�t. Y�ovm fa'ic�rixi�s �w'iGh the Uhirdlc, vugoraus+-0b'oking ,h�atiK rtmen�e r w:iiser. Tlae�y 'hsrak Pn'ecamtieTus, Pna�etically alll drn�,��'rs'Gs �Go�k KORN7N�N, bwt, ilf IINq �atvy' �ehanr�, you canit .�'zt i't in �SealHor'th, �write uis d'itr'2ct. r { ;hristie-Rimmer Sa�es Co. 1 Limited 8' Lombard Street� oronto - - - Ontario . ���,,,�k3 { y,�. - � . , .._.- .. . , . •x.c4r'�telc�E`iSicc ��r�'�.,��t„A4k�,it dY£�F.�.�:r2As�sS.�Sdu!�`.u^ �M` at7a�.�du.,L.�izh'tfs^x��,�� � I � I � 1 n M � �� .