HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1922-07-21, Page 2er
tills Twine, evenly spun; runs 650 feet
the pound. Spot cash, per lb. = 14e
Chains and locks, extra strong. Each.., .... $425
y Fork Pulleys 85c to $1.35
Pulley Hooks 15e
Pure Paris Green, per pound 45c
Carborundum files, each $1.00
Tin Oilers, each 15c
Pitch Forks, strap ferule, each $1.50
Monkey Wrenches, 10 -inch, 75c
Special Wrenches, all steel 50c to $1.00
Aluminum Kettles $2.00 to $2.75
Granite Kettles, 3 -coat Blue and White 90c to $2.35
Special' Aluminum Articles; see window, each $1.98
Strainers 10c to 50c
Fruit Presses 50c
Copper Boilers, No. 9 $4.50 to $5.50
Wire Canning Racks $1.00
Geo. A. Sills & Sons
Doable action -Z -Goes farther -Try it and
you'll be delighted with the results.
EGG -0
Bahl Powder
��Mn�#:r* 1r+44itrrit��rl' iii Via;'
The terra of tlhoneandb and often
hundreds of thousands oB dollars that
,are taken in eadh day by 'bhe great
depat'ttnenta11 steres et 'reroute) are
banked in precisely the same way as
Woe a@tltlb ceo'netr nixnrchlant'e fifteen
or twenty dollars, or the salted 'pier -
tion of your Saturday pay envelope.
The only difference is .tihat where
the receiving teller who accepts your
stoney rune it over his thumb aural
counts it as ho t'eeords it, the banks
have to detail a special squad to re-
ceive, count and enter in trio• Merger
the lenge hafles of currency which err
sent in by .the nraunensrth stores.
One Toronto bank •wlaicl7 Ieand;v�
the account of one of the great de-
partmental stares has a eenier teller
detailed i,, do n•:'t'hi ng oise but rcce(vr
anti count the cash Netted' is turned
ut several twee, a deny. lie i,
ed by a squad of juni,rs, but hi., (s
t'he rc=gnansilu"its for taut .snit t
and safv itan.l'urg of !Jere entire trait.
acttion. Still another official handle,
otrly the rulway :ickot office nt,1 i,
and acether the money of three er
four big restaurants whith have a
huge turn ever of eaeh every day.
After a 'holiday it takes the rail-
rvxad toil es' 'three days to get even
with 'hie aeeovn't.
'Ikreae big bosinesscas are organized,
however, to assist the 'batiks to a
considerable extent, and the depart-
mentall stores, for example, have very
balsa to banking systems of their
own, quite independent of the big
(banks to which they entrust the bulk
of their money.
Na'tssra l:y, these concerns have to
have a very large amount of cash al-
ways on hand far change sparking,
and this money is kept by the store's
own private bank. The 'neoney that
is sent down under armed guard to
the banks several times a day is al-
ways In neat, taunted and labeled
packages, so made sup els to 1n• neat
readily counted by the bank teller
Who 'receives it.
'Phe guards who esceet the mnmey
of thaw large 'businesses isrs meetly
ex -soldiers, exfpent shots and experi-
enced in vhsmting- Most of them
travel even 7xi short a distance as
aeruws the road in closed salmi cue,
arid if (ser you were to aaceident.by
jostle into one of these little sill •e
parties en the sidewalk you tot}
never know it, but you would hace
an ugly blur pistol expertly pies•. -id
<garin.st your stomach through th
pocket of one of the distrustful lads
of tier (-scort. They trust noleely,
these u s bt-rusive money Parties of
T., rem big business seise r.
The acienints are sat kept st'I,ar-
ott+ly on:t• the ntnu'y is counted, but
are in.'ludcd in llhe regular business
of the bank, along with John 1).w',
amount for $47.31 and Ylrs...1. Basan'..
derail 'b:S tri, e of $4.03.
UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you
are not getting Aspirin at all
Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of
Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by
physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for
Pain, Pain
Handy `Bayer" boxes of I2 ta.hiets—Aiso bottles of 21 and 100—Drugists.
A.pirin in the franc mark ,rrgfst+rs7 in Canada) of savor Afannfacturr nt Mnnn-
areticaeidestce of On lir y llr•nrtd. While It Is will kn„7vn that aspirin mune Hayvr
manufacture, to menet the public against fmltatlnna. the Tablets of itaycr Company
will be etampe.d with their gen':re) trade mark, the -Buyc5 Crass-”
The Question of Price
Price seems the main consideration—,but it is well to
remember that some clothes are dear at any price, how-
ever low.
"Clothes of Quality" are a positive proof that Correct
Styles, Fine Fabrics and First-class Tailoring can be ob-
tained at reasonable prices.
Before you bay your new Suit, give us a call and look
ever our Samples and Styles. We can save you dollars and
give you real value,
Suits $20 Up
"My Wardrobe" Main S,t. Seaforth
1 n f1 a o ®r a so- ares e_
HOW lile:MOND 1UUNEy (IUAlil)
:1(;'uINST TIl l'"i'
On • gather, from vin article in tie.
T iii( a L !pine Public Ledger, by E. •V,a,
l.ier Ricrbiu':, tleit a. certain previa
i'1 of 117', 1)1, ri i '1'enr,a'ran're Act
Which ises beau welch eriti-ized, has
itis imunterpart its the latus
ut South Africa. "I'he,re the prsses-
:sivn of an un,utdianm cel is taken as
evidence that the ili•amond has been
st•den, and the person f mind with it
'pray he ser• to 1.Irnnn on no further
e,vidcm:v. Ir' .'r der to prevent the
theft of diamentls, this 10 ,v .w: s
pas:.ed at the instance of the mime
Ian' rs. If , 0' 5, 71 0 walking over
the fields and ]sicked tap a diem:ind,
as might easily happen, it vvou:ld no;
be a di•tli:nrlt matter .co conceal it,
if tlx' 'penalty for doing so were less
stringent. But, as matter_, stand,
on::, nuns a grave risk of spending
several years in one of the hottest
j.zits in the world if he should yield
to the temptation.
The person who pieked up the
'sten(' would not he permitted to
plead that he did not know the
diarn! nd w^a's the property eaf any-
body in particular, even sleeted he
find it far from civilization and on
land that had not yet beier, settled.
The law is clear. O'ne's first duty
when he finds a diamond is to report
the fact to the nearest Magistrate or
poli -e station, giving a detailed ac-
count of the circumstances. If it
:proves that a diamond mine has been
accidentally discovered, the stone be.
(longs to the mean Who owns the land.
If 'bhe land has not yet been settled.
the stone belongs to the Government.
Of course, in unorganized `territory
the finder would naturally make ep-
.pl,icat.ien for the lanes without divulg-
ing the fact chat 171 had discovered
a d&aanond mitre, However, it is un-
likely Chat one iises'ld pick up a
diamond in a11, pr -:party in Smith
.Africa notcentrol.lcd by 'tire De Boers
Because of rhe.great valve and
little compass of dlaneond's, and the
system by Which they are ruined, it
w•tiudd appear an easy thing for rine
'to steal a diamond. 'Pherc was a
time when it was a grre:at deal easier
than it is now, and that was When
the famous "Act Regulating Ltli: it
Diannrond Buying" was put on the
statute book, and the initial's I.D.B.
began to have a 'sign;ificaruce under-
stood in mo -wt parts of the world.
There are more than a few mvilUbn-
aires t -stay, both in England and
South Attica, who are said to have
made [their money by receiving stioneti
atolien from the mines by natives.
Someyears ago a farnbus raee 'horse
owner in Eeglaed, who ilad made his
fortune in South Attire, was more or
eats suecesatfully blackmailed on the
ground. that 'he bad been an I.D.B.
The profits of these men were fabu-
totts, since the thieves from whom
they bought the diamonds were na-
tives with Tittle id'1a of like value of
money. A :atone worth thousands of
pounds mag often see -mired for a
couple of oxen.
Illbleih diamond buyerts, or fencers,
invaded .the diamond' field% origin-
ally as 'peddlers of ail kinds of
of' tra'vedling }fit a high. : Speed and
at the elan*. 'tine. ebbing 4.100 Venda
of am awtit¢u s hath e • Sal 'beteg els
peritatfretelb +pwttlh by tbe� Urttiifb ger-
ernment. ' .
To prevent aocidents, a Mirror en
• 1 ;3 i1,I V a peat Olt a Ipmos neinent railroad ms ee-
ing near Rochester is, used to give
tapproalahing motorists a [view dawn
The lira, 'tvOrie'h Is' obstructed by
!Motor truck, o5t and&,l,glesolins for
1ptelrQic :transport uses are admitted
tree of dully into Asio `Manor, -Phe
Turkish !Government offers free sits
for those deairiou's of erecting auto-
mobile •repa'i'r shops.
Canada's motor 'veihiele ;registra-
tion, 463,000, ,is nearly els large 'es
that of the neither uwuntry, which has
497,000, although the D sitlnIon is
arucih sfnal'ler than Great Britain in
wealth and 'population.
A mtstottcyele sidle Oar, equipped
with a radio receiving 'apparatus
and a newly invented police automa-
tic rifle, 'weighing but seven 'pounds
end fling 120 shots a Minute, are
among the 'later equipment . of the
New York thy pbliee force.
The American .production-rxf motor
veh'itetes during April' is reported to
be 35 per cent: larger than for the
same period in 1921. There were 213,-
000 passenger oars and t'ne'cks pro -
flashy rubbish, which delighted
by all the factories d'u'ring
April this year.
AAs an , attempt to curb aubornob'iile
thieving, a bill is being discussed in
the tlegisllature in Washington', (pro-
viding dor a uniform .identification of
motor vehicles in the United States
by a perman'enit mark and the recor'd-
ing.of all transfers and mortgage's of
motor vehicles.
What is said to be the largest
single shipment of freight [for any
individualalu•tomsbille stactory in
Canada, consisting of 304 oars, val-
ued at $350,000, left Ontario for the
Atlantic •sealboard to be resh'ipped to
:foreign ports, including Oonstanti-
roogle, Egypt and New Zealand,
A 'motor bus service through Cen-
tral Park, the mast belautitufl and most
famous 'park inNew York City, was
underg hsg rife tr narisomnrent, recently established to operate on
and .pract'icatlly his only chance is to Saturdays, Sundays and luolidays. At
carry wit's him the stolen diramis.d
when he leaves. Before 'hie is per-
mitted,to depart he .is seanc'hed to the
Eisen en the ieissibillty of the
stones being swe':t and carried.
away in the sbont ie o
•' the native is
adt•rluately guarded against. So the
thieves had to devi s- a 7rbore feasible,
:1 painful, way in Ahich to carry their
Mot ei the outside • where the I.D.B.
said be waiting for them. Some
of them have bo' a( known to maitre
inritsinns in 'their armpits and there
coical the atone, until the skin
grt..:v over them One mien was
.:aught as he Was ':earring because he
limped,. ant t kind hearted
phy;i: i.ui in8rscte'i npo•ti examiningto: fr,.at. It wee festering, and
when he probed "!:e sore, his lancet
'steu.I'k s'sntet'hing itwhich hic'h peevedto be a ilianuond. :\nether native em-
ployed 0 homicp pig' n w-ilrh grad
results, until one day it was shot .and
ditumuul was f rind atta'c.hed to it,
'leg. With !al'l ti.':e precautions, mil -
liens of dollars .' •nth of stone.; .have
been s::vlen, eyed, continue Uu he stol-
en but the vu
.oe of all the -tela
d Im ids would be small in eannlv:nri
,o1; with that of the er7orni , N etrant-
11 - stored awaye
in the vel .s c.1' till'
iTe a mines, ',vhi h are not 'cel: Ulf
4.n,• initarket., because they wield
break pricer.
Relieved y "Emit -e -tires"
Rult Medicine
Indigestion, Weak Digestion of
partial digestion of food, is one of
the most serious of present-day
complaints—because it is responsible
for many serious troubles.
Those who suffer with Indigestion,
almost ira'uriably ore troubled with
Itheun,atian,, Palpitai 'a of the Heart,
,Sleeplessness and ea. rare Nervousness,
"Fruit -a-lives" sill always relieve
Iodigesttou bootee, these tablets
streugl 'rias the 8...14.71.11 • muscles
increase the flow of lite digestive
j tie,•s and crstrect(...,cepation,whieb
u-. all3' aweuulpaul• . Indigestion.
i'07 a hex, 6 for ' 01, trial site 25c.
A t dealers or s• ' 1 pnstpui l by
Fruit a -lives Limil'' 1, 7ntawa.
the taste of the which
.datives, wluu
worked in the mines. They would
first t,statbl'huh normal relations as
vendors cif what r'ruld be legiti-
mately sold. Later, they 'would
make the smggeslion concerning the
stones, and they found man of the
natives ready enough to sten if they
get the opporta7 n try. The chief
trick was not to find the stones,
for stories were being found every
day, but to get Isar of the come
,pound with then). This Whas 'mare
than a little difficult .because, When a
native goes to warrk in a mine, he
ics kept practically a prisoner for
six ovin:he, and in that time has no
intercourse with the world outside the
He is as closely watched as a con -
'Farmers in tiie United States h;1 1'
:u) investment of more than $2,000,-
000,000 hi tractors, motor trucks tied
passenger autnntobiles.
In Canada, during the principal
.inocbut•ing seasons, nearly every me -
tor truck, Targe or small, is equipped
with trailers to carry wheat.
Because of the high cost of gest-
1 5. -
line and repairs, the use of motor
vehicles in Portu'g'al has practiva'.'ly
stopped, and the importation el ma-
ter cars has been almost discontinued.
Prisoners in New York City are
transported to Sing Sing in a spe-
cially constructed automobile van.
The sheriff and his deputies fellow
the vehictio in a passenger automobile.
A light -armored motor car, capable
Relieved by Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound
Lindsay, Ontario."I used to bare
very bad pains In my back and sides
and often was not
fit to do my work.
I tried many medi-
cines before I be-
gan to take yours.
I saw Lydia E.
Ptnkham's Vege-
table Compound ad-
vertised in the
Toronto Globe' and
now that it has
helped me I recom-
mend it to all of
mkeep It In the house salt the time
and trace it once In a while no mate
ter how well 1 feel, for one ounce of
prevenllnn Is worth a pound of cure."
—ELM, Mill CAMPBELL, 13 St. Pant
8t., Lindsay, Ontario.
To do any kind of work—ammd you
know there is much 40. lye done—is ,
next to Impossible if you are suffer -
big from some form'ot female trou-
ble. It may cause your back to echo A povrree i
drven device has been in -
se a pain in your side; it may maks vented forves
yea nervous and irritable. You mgtr ghly cleansing all
be able to keep up and around, but paw of .milking mac'hinea quickly.
you do nn feel good. Coal is lifted 65 feet at a London
Lydia E. Pinkhmn's vegetabie electric power station by a vacuum
Oompound 1s a medicine for women. system art •a Tate of a 'ton a mintete.
It is especially adapted to relieve the Triangular trays, four of which fit
cause of these .troubles, and restore together to cover a table, have been
MRS to normal health. patented foe carrydng food in cafe-
a cost of five cents a Tide the service
is offered to persons who cannot af-
ford their own motor cars to see the
In Bohemia the bridall 'wreath is
made of rosemary.
Ma Bl
ss an hr'e Ca'rbwright is Eng-
land's champion single smeller.
In Paraguay bhe women out num-
ber (the men 'by about five Ito 'one.
Society women in London have
taken up the fart of wearing a
mo nec le.
An average of 100 girls have their
hair bobbed each 'week in Honolulu.
Public benches are re'ser'ved for
women and c.hitdren on the: boule-
vards in Paris.
1,1isa Anna Boie has the distinction
of being the youngest bank president
in lew'a-
lretie Bean -them and Leola
of Bios t.,n, have started on in trip on
Twit to glee l'tat•ifi;' coast.
•F Ilea Terry, the .gresit ) ngli:=iu
'active,. has a hobby of collet:tine
, y c glass, : worn by celebrities.
Binn7.ingiutm, England, el'ai ns the
honor of having moire veli dressed
weenie [than any other British city.
Sirs, ('ar: W. Linker, of Washing-
ton, D -C., lays claim to the snrahlest
feet taming women in this country.
Miss Myrtle Cnnpeir has been ap-
pointed, .stinger of the Citizens'
Trust and Savings Bank of lits
Angelo -s.
e'atherine Curtis is the first
wtmrlan bo enter the field of motion
picture 'production as distinct from
Miss Emma R. Steiner, the only
w oman opera conductor in the coun-
t ry, is the only living kin of Bar-
bara Frei'tehie.
In Japan one can tell at a glance
the ago of any woman for the dress
aern by the Japanese woman is reg-
ulated by her age.
Nominated es a joke, Susanne W.
Salter, to tlhe great surprise of her-
self and ifriends, was eilectbcl mayor
of Norman, Okla.
in India the educated women, be-
longing", tar ;the 'welliteeei.7 if'anrwl'iets
devote 'themselves i'o philanthropic
activities of one kind or enobher.
For the first time in the his't'ory
of Japan, women are now permitted
'to bald and attend meetings for the
d'iscus'sion of 'political questions.
For the 'first time in the history of
4kre British Cooperative congress,
the resent convention of the society
was 'presided over by a woman.
Of the more than 300,000 woman
nurses in the United States in 1920,
more than half were below the stan-
dard of the r'bgistered nurse -
Miss Irene Marti is EngtEand''s first
•woman surveyor, *the having just
passed the final examination of the
College. el Estate M1anagenrent.
Al, the age of 71 years, Miss M. S.
Denalldson, of Brocl.ton, Mass. has
deoide.d• to go into politics awl will
be a candidate fir a seat in the
Massach,u eros legislature,
\its, Sarah :McVeigh, policewoman
in Mszs'kegon, Mich., is not a bit su-
pyrsfitiout. She carries police badge
Nn. 13, •a number no other officer on
the force cared to accept.
Mrs- Oliver Hanrintan, prominent in
New York society, is one of a 'oom-
m'ititee of three chosen id' nornina'te a
nation -'wide board to present a pro-
g'ramme for the improvement of
Aereercan movies.
In Denmark it is a custom for en-
gaged girl's to wear a plain gold ring
on the third finger of The left hand,
and 'when they get mangled tlhe ring
is mieved to the thed finger of iblie
right hand..
e 'viol as Ba,
Capital Paid Up $4,000,000
Reserve Fuad $5,000,000
Over ,125 Branches,
It is not necessary to .make a special trip to the near-
est branch of The Maisons Bank every time you want
to deposit money. Send your deposit to the -Bank by
mail. Write to -day to the nearest manager of The
Molsons Bank for information.
Brucefield 'St. Marys Kirkton
Exeter !Clinton HensaIl Zurich
The Only Hotel of its Kind in Canada
Centrally situated, close to shops and theatres.
Fireproof, Home comfort and hotel conven-
ience. Finest cuisine. Cosy tea room open
till midnight Single room, with bath, $2.50;
double room, tbith bath, $4.00. Breakfast,
60c. to 75c. Luncpeon, 66c. Dinner, $1.00.
- Free tart service from mese and boat.. Take
Black sad White Tattle only. Write Inc booklet
WHEN,. USING There is
• WiLsoH.S :. -
FIxPADS only one
READ- DIRECTIONS' -' ay to kill
\ '•, CAREFUt1Y 7CVN- AND.:
,1' 0 ELa Cail the Flies
This is it—Darken the room as much as possible, close the
windows, raise one of the blinds where the sun shines in, about
eight inches, place as many Wilson's Fly Pads as possible on
plates (properly wetted with water but not flooded) on the
window ledge where the light is strong, leave the room closed
for two or three hours, then sweep up the flies and burn them.
See illustration beim*
Put the plates away out of the reach of children until re-
quired in anoth4'r room.
T A k.e right
Way to 11J-2
Fly .gads
"There Goes the
Last Train!'
Lonp,Distance to the Rescue
"(What shall we do, George? There goes the last train,.
and the children will be alone all night. We simply
can't have that; Betty is such a nervous child, and
Bobby's always hunting for matches to make Indian
bonfires with. It's dreadful."
"Well, Mary, you can't get home to -night. That's all
there is to it."
"But we must do something. They may set the house•
on fire."
"Listen! Here's the drug -store. We'll call up Annie•
by Long Distance and ask her to go over and stay with,
the children."
"Oh, what a relief!"
Simple isn't it? Long Distance is the friend in need,
always at hand, always ready to put you in touch with
family, friends and business.
Every Bell T Asphane is a beteg Distance Station