HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1922-07-07, Page 5ri*fL • t rtrirrepir rs kZ°,i • .l 7, 002., r 'teea■1on .1 PSA gibe.-Tbee}'� at- 111; eQgMa, ,plttl► i ay 1 dr Easter in the 7'rreEd"C Wench Isere. 'I41s Monate es greed praise by all Oho Wove .heard Pte tiid the Women's Mph, ge"Ig-tkVeman% darns 1f EAT • edrnol Report -Tire fotlkrwiag is the report of E N ori Section No. 14, Hay, for the June Promatdon Exams. Names are in order of merit. Aster- isk indietrtee failure in nate or 'erre 'objects: north Clan, Sr.-fHot Thomson, Miles Peirce, Mims. 8milrle mel• Florence Thomson .tit; elsketm4o Alamandsr, "Andrew Ball, *Maki. Disk., Third 'Claws, Sr.-Mar- jj�e�'((e Peirce, Isabel Atearaedta 'Olga Beil.. Sedond Olaka Sr: - Mildred Jloknetov, DiorotJly Tbonibon, Gordon 'Doyen, Mildred 8wti 9e, Ease Dick, Jean 'Belts. First' Claes (adttie 01144) -Era Pearce, Mex. McM'a'tr'le, Ethel Jbimsi!on • Part L -aloha Mex - ander. -M. M. Jarrett, Teacher. eimeaweemelliewiniewmame MANLEY Notes. -Mr. Ed, Sternieeple had rice misfortune to run Me Tear into is x,'s10- .. phone spode, duffe hfis iaitbedtion moss itksetnted to the fear sex. •Luckily *e Instates escaped unhurt. but .the lgar buffered the conaequelwel--7MIr., land iprts : C. Fkirdet were vidibor in our berg iwat.Swday..-Mr John Heiden haw thatoorlbesict or digging a welt for 71r. W'''M•ablay, and by ;BM aloe ants strucka good spring . -A large mhaml- bee from here attended the opening of the new ILu*eran church. The day was an ideal one and the crowd was Immense, as the large edifice wriould not acconiliroebate the hear i . The owfgaegatibat .is to be congratulated. on the grand edifice. CON STANCE Special .t the Strand for the Irtb.-Four big reel of Real Comedy and a Western pkWre...Continuo*. allow. 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. A/I seats 16, Come on up. 2847x1 INbtes,-Mir. and Mrs. William An- drews, of Exeter, were v.iditors at the 'hoose of MQ_ and Mrs. .B. B. Stephenson. -Mr. and Mra. Dow and Mr. and Mrs. Russell, of Cromarty, and Mr. and Mas. 'Ire, bf Walton, event Sunday Oast at the home of Mr. end Mrs. Ed. Brltbton.-Mils'. Mayrae Heat, of Hanover, repent her holidays at the home of her parents. -The lawn aoeial held on Wednesday even; fug Plast was a success in every Ipalir- titular. The crowd could have been ,anger but on seaount of the dual day a food many did not come. The ladies ,made temple provision, as the tables manifested. The 'programme was well rendered and well received by an Iappredialtive audience. The gabs receipts amounted to over $120. tlf the torah Qq He IOW us an Interdeting siodlounli of Week. #Birt t being dime by the A411anne,tto pre rve the earactiaty of Tube Sold**. The eaknolael'd la fat seals glhen to • tee. Jews by Good did many si u1M , its st21 binding upon lei , To Rert+saabar tRtedo trta- lamp BC1% Db nlilQfis't wMi rtlheis awn stt avt. on day midmidd«arrcne Mr. Woods will preach here next Brit - day. -01m. W. to 'Isndeboecuihl, Who Reaa teemthe fast bow weeks tat the you of lir. Joxiss McQueen, Mr. L. Forrest and other Mends. re- turned to her hams in (Port Crtedit this week. Her may Offends Tin be Lisa: hear Ohq►t her hod* is mesh 8rlprowv .Mr- Frank McGregor and Sr. Fern* Si44tlon telt • for Debrott dhlb week. -1&w. Eagle Alexander, AntniaRy of Taaerorsanibb, now tiring IniDaher, Mlab„ add bet rnd-daag t ter. Mise MtcCbrendlt, whetted friends No*" Tattle drldat�b - asseuiteat oftJohnston acid Irvine Anel., f 4411 :Zed* J d. K. Hotbed, IMsrbwro0 awns a'w' gnat Ar order se "lg. JUIN 1L I4I 4 , , attic. ,!el�,fegY TENDERS 'WANTED 'rendes, ern be resolved and Wdratd to �b. undreslrn.J for eho bafldtne or . e ow $rick &boot Sane at Schad Ietba Ile. 10. 6taaiM, ore until Jos 101k. %.mora for wede work or for .a.h trade a.wrsba TM lowet tondo, pan aoawarnr . a ionto , Play and .p.ella.Moas as by arse JOHN Z. PEPPER, Scot nk n.Tramere No. r ..taalw. 1141-1 IL E. N.. 1. /100107. In Seat oath, 'lraektrratdlth arkd BUmley _TO THE PATRONS OF THE SEA. last week. FORTH PUBLIC LIBRARY STAFFA Preffry-Russell.-At the horse of die bride's parents. by the Rev. C. A. :Sigler. Marne Evelyn„ second daugh- ter of M. and Mas. J. R. Russell, of .Flint.. Michigan, to C. Wesley Trief- fryr son of 'Cherries Preffry, of Staffa, •Ont Nates. -.Me'wl's, 'guars and Clara Sadler and gentleman fr'iend's visited with Miss Ruby Sadler over the holi- day. -Mr. aosd Mrs. C. Treffrey and family and Mr. and Mrs. W. O'Brien made a trip to Michigan to attend the wedding of the forriver's sob, Wes- Oey.-Mr. and Mrs. W. Gains., of Dune- v.ille, v'isi'ted at the home of Mrs. D. Bruce over the holiday.-1vtiss Ruby Sadler made a trip to London Otte' Alast week. -The Stotts Ladies' ird 'Will! meet on Thursday of dhis week at the hone of Mrs. Harvey Hannan. -Messrs. Cecil arid WSd'fre+d -O'Brien are spending their 'holidays under the parental roof. DUBLIN N oaten. -M9s'a Swnatller and Miss sa UM*, 4d Tedtrot, are with Mrs. Niels* l Unkce, had Ligan-M9as Loretto !Lbngieray apeiit r few days -with Mbe Biose DeCouleey.-M1'ae J. Carbeirt, of (DOWN wale tie guest of 'nese' rainy :hiends in North Lagan on Sunday .last. -The opening of St. Peter's ehustlh, at Brodhagen on Sun- day Nast, was a day long to be re- nlembered by all who attended. St. Bridget's parish, Logan, wase well represented, likewiise. St. Patridkb, Dublin- Many odd numbers were (present fronts Detroit, Port Huron, 1lomommo, Stratford, Tay -Steck, Milder. ton, Sebastlopoo4, aititthal1, Listowel and SeafonN& The collation teas in keeping with the crowd tpresent. Only about one-third gained entrance to the main edifice.. Mied'needaty after. noon witnessed the happy gathering bf the vfla'agera and surrounding townships to picnic on the grounds about the cha nclo and Wheel. Battier wale served by the ladies of the palish in the olemtfk basement. Amusements for young and dkf, and races 1olibwing lumoheon were indulged in until dusk. The fiah (pond was well pat :mired and many useful, gift* were drawn by those who tpartrbatized the 1ptmd. The proceeds we be devoted to church tepaining: •Mus. Joseph Nagle ar- rived home on Tuesday Prom Blyth and Bornhotme. BLYTH ,Ntytes-The Methodist and Presby- terian garden parities.. have just (passed into history. Botih of these were very sucethsful and the progr'am'me of a high order. A domlmon feature of each was the musiC supplied by the Blyth Boy Scouts' Bantle This is an onganisaition of tlhe boys of the 'toren and they are doing splendidly, consid- ering the short time they have been in training under the capable leader- ship of J. T. Huckstep.-Mr. Hilburn, 'head miller in ,the Quaker Oats Mills of Saskatoon, is at present paying a brief rvistit tb his brother, Mr- E. Hilborn, of the "Hilb'orn MiliIing Co.," of Blyth.-Mi'ss G.retta B. Tiffin, of Victoria Iloslpital Training School, of London, has been spending her vaca- tion visiting her parents do the Meth- odist Parsonage. -The casual half hob - .day of Trost week was abandoned ow- ing to the fret of July holiday fail- ing on Saturday. -'Phe tannest. of this community are busy at their hay- ing and report a damper crop, es- pecially the sweet duvet whtel3 has shown a remarkable growth this soa- SOD. Thi crop is shill in t'he experi- mental stage in t'.h is dist riot. Some are .gresttly pleased and others dis- In:sted.-Miss Edna King, of Detroit, av1ul has been visiting her grantlpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. George King, of , Kling Street, hwa's returned to her home. -Dr. Annie ROBS, of McDonald Cal - rage, Guelph, is visiting her mother and sister here this week. She is always welcome in the home com- munity. BIRTHS Johnson. -In Toronto, on June 26th, to Mr. and Mm. Ben Johnston, a daughter. ,McLeod . --In Seaforth, on June 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. J. McLeod, a nen-Ian Arthur. Dignan. -In Herself Private Hospital. on June 9th, to Mr. and Mr. David Dignan, • Smith. -]n Wroxeter. on June 12th, to Mr. and Mot. Harry Smith. a Lewin.- In London on Jane 20th. w Mr.• and Mrs. F. Lew•L,, nee Joist.. Connor. of Cen- tralia, a daughter. Munn. -In Hay Township. on June 27th. to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Munn. a s Broughton_- in Elma Township. onJune 16th. to Mr. and Mot. George Broughton. a s Fairnervice.-In Morris township. on June15, to Mr. and Mrs. John Fairnervice. a daugh- ter. r -- MARRIAGES Nilson -Got -.At Goderich, on June 22nd. by Rev. R. C. McDermid, Muriel Cameron, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Salt, o ri Coderich, to Dr. Ivan Doiway Wilson. n of the late Dr. J. Dolway Wilton and Mre. Wilson, of London. Marearott-Ellison.-At St. Peter's Church, Goderich, on June 20th, by the Rev. Father Gram,• John Masearutt, to Alma Ellison. both of Godorieb. Seller -South. -At Bluevale oaronage, by ,Rev. R, L. Willson, on June 14th, Mr. Ward Sellers to Mita Cora L. Soueh, both of Morris township. DEATHS Smith -In Clinton. on June 24th, Janet Mor- el, widow of the late Thomas Smith, aged 78 yearn. Hick.. --At Stela. on June 24th. Mrs. Stephen dfleks. aged 80 years and 5 months. Kline: .At Junction Avenue. Detroit, on June 23rd, Norsk Shine beloved wife of Cornelius Klein, and only sister of the late John Shine, in her 62nd year.(II. I. P.) IMPORTANT NOTICES TEACHER WANTED. - FOR PUBLIC Sdhool Section No. 1. Mullett. State qualifications and salary expected. Duties to commence September 5th. THOMAS DALE. It. IR.No. 4, Clinton. Huron County. 2847-1 TEACHER WANTED. -- F,X PERI ENCED preferred. for School Section No. 6, Tuck- ernmith. Butter to commence September 5th. Apply, stating salary ndexperience• to IRA W. JOHNS, R. R. No. 3, Seaforth, Ont. 2847= BUILDING FOR SALE. -ONE BUILDING 40 x 50. It would make ft good straw shed. Apply to C. G. THOMPSON. Oatmeal Mills, Seaforth. 2838-tf Itis the .arnet deelre of the member of the Library Board to protect the Patrons of the Library to the beet of their ability. That they may do eo they request the moistener of ell readers of the library book., It M a well known fact that hook. .re germ ear. Hen and the Board b anxious to prevent tr.rwmi..ion of any dYo.ee through this medium. If a book happens to be at any time In a home where . contagious dienm of any kind break out. the pence or Pur. .one reading tb. book aro requested to maks the Librarian eogninnt pf such foot and the Librarian will at once have the book deatroyed. A rigid adherence to them con- ditions oo-ditions will be of invaluable moYtareee to the Librarian and .t the same time will giro .11 the patron • feeling of security in the respect On behalf d the Board 1. O. NEZLIN. 2947 Secy. ..af rte Puddle Library Boord, 1e STRAY HEIFER. -STRAYED FROM THE premises of the undmsignesh Lot 25. Con- cession 6, McKillop, about .Pune 15th, a dark rnheifer, dehorned. Any information leacl- inroan to her recovery please phone 236 ring 4. •Seoforth. ANGUS MORE. No. 1, Seaforth. 284533 BRUCEFIELD Special at the Strand for the 12th. -Four big reeD of Real Comedy and n Western picture. Continuous shoo, 1t a.m. to 11 p.m. All seats 150. Como on un. 284731 'Notes. --Mr. Irwin, Of Wharton., is the guest of his uncle, Mr. William Douglas, of sour village. -Mr. and Mrs. Oar, nigh and slauglyber, Miss Dorothy, of Clinton, Visited at the home of 'her father, M.r. Thomas Oarr, dies week. --Mrs. David Tough, of Rake, 'spend. Oho week end at the %erne of Mr. Dnngl;es.--Mpg. .Primes .'SJnsnsa, who .has beer visiting her bsottners, Mcsarts. ,i'rihn land (solidi. Gnahaan, has reelalrned to her home at Btrytih,-•iftev, Hold' Woods, of Petollea, smeesdhed two e,weliant sernsnns 'here i'aet Sunday. He is a representlative FARMS FOR SALE Not Wanted We do nab want Eggs over one week did. We are paying Gbod Paces and wort only Olean, Fr'e k-gietIhered Egg's• Buy your BOOTS and SHOES in EgmbndvKlle; we have them narked at Rock Botbgrn Figures. FiVE JEWEL FLOUR, $4.00, CASH FARMS FOR SALE. -TWO CHOICE fn tins, hying Lots 11 and 13 ow the 713 Concession of McKillop. 114 rn ilea from s%honl. _y mi leo from church and s' miles f rom thetown of tics forth, on goo,grovel rood. On I,nt 1:, there is on ovorfl,,vine ,sell. g...,d orrhar,l nal buildings in good re- pair. On 1.,, 14 nthere is. gond brick bowie with . ,o,daheel, failing vrwellsx130 0 .res of the flnrs n harw-w,d Rath forma hoc, been n pnsnv for 17 yes,v, nn,l have n nnxin s WPC,: For hay` rosin re .,r grain farms theyn a not be haatrn. Will hsold t.•t-ether toe, aenrn Lely. For rnrth.. nnrrir,rla nnply MiaspTENA BEATTIE. ft. R. No 1. Dublin. Ont. 2047-3 W. J. FINNIGAN. Phone 72. MOTOR. WI fH US TO Goderich and attend the Dinner Dance At Hotel Bedford PIM IIURYN EAP OSTTOZ giltI.8 WTD i ss. co LTD. ,Rho,.'Melsa;. test FeR 71glttad, IPA heisted faebory i1Nini• t;filin 907 hsps► igiSSItireentt Saki g. Good position ei- sapeeielnc'd neap. Welfelluippai and rearm. Pon rooms LfY,emfteett enasith to milt. 8847-8 Next Saturday EYeeIng JULY 8th Dancing from 6.80 to 12 Music by Miss gene Conroe and London Orchestra. Sunday Dinner -Music, 1 to 2.45. Sunday Supper -Music, 5.30 to 6.45. Write or phone for Reservations to Hotel Bedford, Goderick. RATES: Saturday evening, 6.30 to 12, $8.00 per couple. After 8.90, $1.00 per couple with additional charge for lunch a la carte. EXECUTRiCKS FARM FOR SALE The Executrices, to close the ,,.tate of the late William H. Horton, of the Township of llsborne. are oRering for 4010 Lot 30. Con- esnlon 4. To.onshir of llo born e County of Huron. containing 100 ser es. On thi, prop- erty i s brick dwell ing.is age bank barna, drive shed. hog pen and hen house n few acres hardwood hush. Also ports of Into 31 and 32, C ncesaion 4. Township of Ushnrne, County of Huron, enntnining 00 acres. On this property there is a prick dwelling, large new up-to-date honk horn and silo, large drive house. new hen hnnse ,vindmitl driving writer into horns: good hardwood bush. .Bnth properties are In a first class state of cultivation, well situated being cine t., Exeter and lfonsall: convenient to churchd school: phone and rural mail delivery. Will he sold with or withosl crops to .mit Pur- chaser. For term, and particular; apply on the premises to MRS. M. LOUISE HORTON, Remelt P. 0., or to MISS MAUDE •A. NOR- TON. Exeter P. 0.. or to THOMAS CAM- ERON, Exeter P. 0. 28474 Re -Built Threshing Engines Y C3eeiri town*, Soma The attlinf, Ideon ie vow met its he 71201r° Is w .sem .ui *y of the ;Ddu. sour tee well las the black vod Inlets varbetirls. PAM adthis a Odes' sow rand sem�wtlf that th. its fruuittyarra', ` bey is P 14 tet'a.d f3Ww�ets vii lt.d,D"1egarei One 21 H.P. Bell Traction Engine. One 19 H.P. Bell Traction Engine. One 25 H.P. White Traction Engine. One 20 H.P. White Traction Engine. One 20 H.P. Goodison Trac- tion Engine. One 20 H.P. Sawyer & Mas- sey Traction Engine. One 20 H.P. Waterous Trac- tion Engine. One 16 H.P. Waterloo Trac- tion Engine. One 14 H.P. New Hamburg Traction Engine. One 16 H.P. Goodison Port- able Engine. the V. M. mid P i C. it esete.tive� NCERK RADIO RECEIVING SET$ Sabereetten guaranteed or anew refunded. Live Agent la Seaterfi wonted. AUTOMATIC TBLEI'B 1) 8 « TIME RECORDERS LTD. 140 Victoria 8t. Torronte, Ont "b For Your Scalp" KOREEN A safe preparation, entirely free from oil, grease, coloring matter or alcohol, that quickly and thoroughly relievers dandruff and prevents the hair from frilling. Ferguson & Co'y. Everything in Ready -to -Wear We offer subject to being sold 25 Suits, values tip to ,$6. U0, . for next 10 days, at $25.00 Fine stripped Shirts, with atltactl- able color, exits gmd quality. 12.75 Raw Silk Shirts, finest quality at a ireaskblabte peke 14.50 Silk Striped Shirts with soft cal - lar of wane rmaltefial; good value tit $4.00 Soft edifiers, any abyle-Gili�9r Or plain, ale° semi -soft, alb 25c 35c 5Oc TRACTORS Two 12-25 Waterloo Boy Tractors. All these Engines are re- built, thoroughly overhauled and repainted. They are exceptionally • good value, and we can make immediate delivery both on all of the above, also new Engines, Threshers, all sizes, and new Tractors. For further particulars apply to The Robert Bill Engine & Thresher Co., Ltd. SEAFORTH, ONT. Boys' Bloustts in first -doss print and Gingham 11 and 11.25 4- A new assortment of Wash Suits at $1.00 and 11.25 Boys' .Suits 'Pau the finest make, gond material and well tal)dred. We have 4:faced 25 of these Suits. Values up to 112.00, Iain one price 17.50 Men's Khlatki Trousers, light and heavy weight, ,geed colors, at 11.25 11.75 Mert's Wbrk Shittbs, in real large ,asgartrneaut, front SSC to 11.05 Neckwear.-SdmethSng epee al in plain and Bilk striped Ties, at re- duced price 50c Boys' Outing Shirts in 'Plain, White .and Stripped. A special at 75c Men's Odd Trousers. -A new var- iety, something better than you have seen et $4.50 and 15.00 • Get neer prices on Straw artd Pain - atria Hats belbre you 'buy. Ferguson & Company - - Seaforth See Beattie's First Specials for July. ell Nees Whits and Gold Dinner Set 00 Towating•{a8 linea) per yard............ 80 "rowels st all pri Ladies' Hove, Our e . , list prim,.. IES Men's Sox, Kiddies' = ' x. Dressing Combe, Hair Nets, Bak and Poop Cambs. This is the Sanellwues Store. SCC Seattle's Fi W werrreereal00 J. Beattie Bros. se t To Investors IF you wish to buy bee vie$Vittory )(Loan or other bonds, we walla roe mind you that OWtbrsaamret atTawnto and Montreal have departments ere pedally organised for this purpose. Call at out nearest branch.* our Mane awe will be gl dto smogs dais foe wow THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAiD-UP CAPITAL - - :15,000,000 RESERVE FUND - - $15,000,000 SEAFORTH BRANCH, J. G. Mullen, Manager. FLOUR Rob Roy, Pure Manitoba Flour S4.15 pe at arg $3.85 $3.54 rig Chieftain, Ontario and Manitoba blended Flour.. Clansman, for Pastry at Smaller packages at proportionate prices Not better than the rest, bot just as good as the best, and a whole lot cheaper ; also a home pro- duct. For sale at the leading grocers, or a phone call on 13 will bring it to your door, Rob Roy Mills, Limited BANKRUPT SALE $185000.00 Stock of Boots and Shoes, Men's, Women's, Misses' and Children's Furnishings, Hosiery, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Staples, Mill Ends, have been turned our way, Bought at a rate on the dollar And vt-ill be sold at 30c 40e 50c On the Dollar and Less We will make your Quarters look like Dollars at this Sale. TZ 10 T7i NI FI . R rrii i DATE Store closed tight and public locked out all day Monday, July 10th, to arrange stock and Mark Down Prices. Doors open Tuesday, at 9 a. m. A. A. Cockburn & Co. C. E. AKINS, in charge of Sale.