HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1922-06-30, Page 6�.I {a,ruaa i Do, �: , 11` �':•ifi� iC� th,e , W i12it Itas evil paxtntrohh'P migllit-• (waive �'l t9Y': ., �J •,Eiyears, " war Ih'U�1t: 71�1_th@, $..'ai1P.�!�+ll%N--4V,,e3' ' " <" °�", 1 amd3(17tte fbr , �+ , y d?ztasl cY' fdnuied haxi tit not men for an .8'�tro-, . '� minted some t�7na aud� a lot of trou�ile l0 ;fi`Pter.']tif8r' l b�S Iti Ia}.'i I l '.haws 'fila in the Senate T ot;r' .. Por ]ds %iBi eeE 1t do tigeclirmg Inabile accident that; cost flley 91ettilree ;when Glossae as lira, one of peter in£@ctlwla'.lauigls ,' I ' y h y' I11s life. BaEora Ira Was Di)ritsli hiB cards " of 'ydia, and 646, filled the aaI : ' "'t „i ii o pielas'o ''Elam pealtantiar of fi y ( { w H ,, GYraliladlt'rW.'ltyotse. St "malefactor of oftNces Ivad 7wlen stlLpped of .vary whin tared Ay Cysuli the. i4DP .Feu thank 4 iod'ka 'auujnthittg i' graaR wa)alt)x," Ill the course of a ylrivate pyper. Edon his dead body Penni x'i ease of the dfsimty li)>e.IIacla Althea? You have aeezl a :y k ., r diat]wtre agutinet Mr. Daugherty, a bad been pillaged for fear sons clue `.eta add y are called, are as liilri, 4 rthiiik you said." c, might exist which w"d eriln4tiate br1 t ' ( nadlan minted piecaS' lister scanned the' portrait. "Not' t. f3mlator said +blue otbor day tthat Ile g 6 o„'iT � _ etc,; a was at the present moment seeking '6hie ,bootleggers. Though Brolaski of gal)I;i r :?.;They are lighter iii a t,sce. Tlhat may also be a question �; " # - to 0xuitigabe' (the punish7nemlt of the nominated Handley's successor, a aue, Its a1ra,,of pure gold. of grandfabhers- and another lauggh �:I gat, l Cer8 "kddpg of boolbleggera." The Phrase scandal 'had al+isen w7ric7t resulted in Below. N414 , which' is consider- rippled out. 'But just be thankful va , x.; �Y�,� excited inGeuest, and on invest{gation an in and ,Ms conviction. ed on0-4, .T1te;' eutest •archa'eological yow,bear Ilia .dame. It isn't always , , : ,_ V d it ;a baWreI :discove'r7, ears, there w¢re 'neoesaar Mu h'sve a iorvg 'line of r!1"R . I was Panna to nater to IlaTry Brolasfri, J11t tIIanY Y Y ti formerly of padifornia, but now des- � only ttVQ ", rten" known to be in gentlenien behind you, and -if' you f - ig4rated'by a number in a.penitent{ary. WHY FAT MEN SUCCEED exmstenee' twr' of these were so haven't any, or can't trace them, a a Whether Brolaski was the lung of rubbed worn that the lion s dread man, if he Inas ,pluck and grit, can LI�,'XAR� 11; bootleggers is not a matter easy to Fat men are nearly always sue- and bull,, ;head were nearly effaced. get along without 'them; but it's ver determine. In the east and the ces'sful in life. One W . do good condition. Thpae eomf6rting to know they once exists k , south trier may be men •to dispute I do nit mean fat men who have five are 11r the British Huseum. Now let me sit down and listen to I 16, *1 his claim to the crown, but he was become fat throuirb .the high and you," added Pieter, shone random 1.4 0011,11iundoubtedly the king so far as the easy living which success has given ---a— ;1 ^+ talk had been inspired by' the look of EAR 01L 1, r I l ' (P Pacific 'Coast is concerned. It has them. Such men, in about .fifty per boyish embarrassment on Jack's face. �),1 bee7e charged that Attorne General cent. of cases, lose the success the Q He had ,purposely struck many notes a Daugherty has had Brolaskiyrenloved ,have gained because of the fat they Peter 1:110 rder to See which one would echo Improves Hearing, Relieves Head Noises 1. to a hospitalto, determine whether he have allowed to encumber their bodies in ,the Is (heart, so that has host bine out of ten cases of 'DEAFNESS and I MAD NOISES are Faused.' i is a suffleren from kidney disease, minds and spirits. (Cotlta"i # from page 7) might find himself, just as ,a had b catarrhal mucus (matter) in the Eustachian Tube, which tonna to which is suspected to -be a-prelimin- But mere who are naturally fat, musket face drawn down to iia dire when Jack Wib generous im- tZa nose and the ears. Leonamd. Ear Oil removes the MUCUS, . dr move to 'Ms diaYhar e. _ men, so to speak, who are doameZl to pulse tied sprang from his chair to Y g p sever • t Hires, Ibir clreelts offal out OPENS UP THE TUBE and THE 01lHDR AIR PASSAGES OF THE If Broliaski sampled a thousandth fatness; and who have been fat since I P Crary Minott the ring. to make Slim look the more Solemn. HEAD, and the result its improved. Hearing and relief from Head. pant of the liquor he sold on the their youth, are, in the great major- 0 m the wren v.rt "real mad" he The two seated themselves Peter Noises. It is not put in the ears, but :is 'V9ER1TED LN THE 0 or Pacific Coast, or a;ven a 'nilliwith ity of cases, doomed to success in wouldo(iten say :;w was the funniest in the easy chair and Jack oppos{`.e. NOSTRILS" and "RUIIBDD IN BACK OF THE EARS" and special part, he should have kidney disease what ever line of endeavor they flake thing alsye, Tht- boy's- eyes roamed from the par- . struczions br-a noted Ear Specialist in each pa ka for different I and every other disease that may be for life. trait, with -its round, rave face, to kinds of 0.eafness and Head Aises tell q ge •,. noted b alcoholic haul encu. Fiction, the funnies and the .moi es Im d Pig, I ,.naw, aunty" ((here g you exd4Stly ,how to take it.,, ■ 'proY g Jack c"ple'ted his shlute with a Patens heard resting on the cushioned care of your own case. LeonaTil Earl Oil is not an experiment but I i Ile -operated for only a few months, have given as 'an alt., tber erroneous great floureslr back, illumined b ;the light of the ���iii but in th»t time is rerutrd -to have conception of fat men. We instinct- , ), "but Corinne does not Y has had a wale of aver a MILLION BOTTLES since 1907, and aYary-' ,.fib 1 P really want me, and she knows it. letup, throwing into relief 'the clear- year it bas relieved Rhausanda of ,people of their Ear Troubles. No . j§JW made a million dollars out of ,the ively think of a fat man as being She only wants'to have her own way. cur lips, little gray s'{de�w'hiskers and matter 'how Jong you have been :deaf, nor 'how deaf you are, or what �t 1 U illicit sale of booze. Before he good-natured, easy going, generous, They dont dance cobillions when they the 'tightly drawn skin covering his caused your deafness, or how many things you have already Csigd ` t, went into the whiskey business he idle, playful and comically ineffectual. came frena -at (cast the didnit last scalp, smooth as polished ivory. which have failed to relieve you, �Leonald' Earl Oil ,has relieved many C had been Mayor of a little town Nothing could .be further from the Y "Am I like him?" asked Peter. Ile such cases as your own. Why not you? A'bottle lasts more :than time,.and•Idon't believe they will to- Y Y �, j - called Redonto. He worked h!s truth. Fat (mem are. industrious, hard night.. They sit around with each 'had caught the boy's glances and had 30 days if used twice a day accord,ipg to directions. The price is $'1, 1 t (ar [> �(/ way up in BepuNlican circles and headed, keen, determined, ruthless other in the eornera and ,Waltz with read his thoughts. Thus it costs you LESS THAN 3c A DAY. aQ became chairman of a Lars Angeles and often possess a degree of temper the fellows they've picked out --and "No -,and yes. I can't see it in LEONARD EAR OIL is for sale ;�y All Druggists "•,51 ,yL county committee. lie was also that makes the acid disposition of a it's all arranged between them,, and the ,pox(trait, but I do in the way you '' (W interested in sport; and had more thin man -seem .patty 'beside it. has been for a week -ever since they 'move your ,hands and in the wary you MADE in CANADA. L. H. BEDLINGTON Co., Sale Agents, Toronto �.', than local fame ,as a •proinoter. Ile T•he fat men who have created the heard Corinne was -going to -give 'a how. I keep thinking of (him when Descriptive Circular Sent on Request } .' -- -- - ------ was always ready to take a chance. clown legend about those of generoali dance." The boy spoke with earnest- I am with you. It may, as you say, IIIA. O. LEONARD, Inc., 70 Fifth Ave., New York �m®i Gambling was in his blood, and, build are those who have taken on ness and n,eerta{r)•tone of conviction be 'a good thing to have a gentleman. u while he was waiting for the jury fat ars the result of success, and are in his voice, although :his face was for a father, sir, but it is a dreadful - e■■ to return with a verdict In his case, jovial, ole and easy-going because thin a gjp YOU ) jolly Y Ko still radiant. g, 11 the name, -to lose him just I. IiA L�_�� it is related that he amused himself they can afford to be, "Well can't you slit 'around, too, as you need him most. I wouldn't _-_ ____ $1[Yfu'ti OUr by shooting crap with some friends, The naturally fat man is a driven 7 pausing 'haute so many of the thir(gs about Jack." remarked his aunt, {� 4 somatimea as much ata $300 being creature. in her onward movement for an in- me if I had :him to go to now and - "GLEN RAE" 1. $%dO05 to&uj7 risked on a roll of the dice. Ills big From ,his youth on, since he became start, ,."I'm 6Yrre there will be some then." POPULAR STALLIONS (8363) chance Jae took in 19`LO when he aware of the dread -fate that was 'n lovely girls':' "Tell me about him 'and your early . The following popular stallions will Enrolled aha Inspected. Form 1. determined to become a bootlegger store for him, he has been harassed "Y don't want' me I've life," cried Peter, crossing one leg Will stand for the improvement of stock es, bull they do stand for the improvement of stock this season at his own stable, Lot a, Con- on a wholesale scale. by 'the fear of discomfort. He fear- tried it too often, aunt -Jthe ve al] over' the other. He knew the key G It is said that lin four months of .0 the difficulty of getiting about, He Y 'y, 'had been struck- the boy Ttilght now this season, as follows: cession S. Huuett. Terms. --To Insure, oro, 8>' get their call set." payable February let, 1928. Accidents at' 1920 -June July, August and Sep, warier to be successful so that he "It's because )uu don't want to be Play on as he erose. Th. Imported Clydesdale Stallion owner's risk. 4,. tember--ire ,made the Volstead Act wouldn't have to do much getting y "There is ver little to tell. I Ido- CUMBERLAND STEEL THOMAS McMICHAEL, Manager. I lite _to an of (them," sna ed Y . a ° • the most futile law Congress had about. }Ie feared 'the absence of the Corinne Iwllth a twist of her Ibod so d in 'the old home with an went ever written, To du this he ]Fwd comfort of good fool, Y, (22170] (18809) g good home, a§ to face him again, after my father's death. And wsms.to Enrolment No. 6609. Approved. Form Al. The Grand Clydesdale to have at his command much Fat men love their homes more 'than "Now, Corinne, that isnX fair,- I school and then to college at Rogers- Will stand for the improvement of stock COLONEL GRAHAM capital, and also had to corrupt the other men. What he feared most of am never impolite to anybody in this town -quite a small college -where this season at No. 12108 (9256) 1;>, 7rrdhibitrb7t enforcement bffxers in all was failing in life, and 'having to house, •bat I"m tired of—" uncle coked after mL he paid the T. J. SEHHYB SALE STABLE, HENBALL Passed Enrolment No. 1370 Form 1 California, •Once .he had controlled work silents usly, perhaps by manual Well, Gar isn't 'tired." This last expenses really --and then I waselerk Cumberland 13tael (22070) (18800) was bred Will travel the following route this season: 1. the pro111b{kion direcctor ,it was not labor, for the merest bare living, TY in a law office for a while, nd at m' the Messrs. steel, of Leeson Hal), Wig- Monday. -sorer rya mites, then sass ay4 ddfficurt for 'hum to fend rile necessary shot was 'fired at random. p ton, Cumberland, and is seven years old. 8e miles to Mac. Montgomery'., for noon; then ,'; y So at an ,early age, when normal Again the avert :)>oured ail: "Come, my aunt's dealth about a 'year ago was Imported >.y hie present owner, T. J. west 3% miles and north 114 miles to AD - FARMS FOR SALE backing, and in a week the state had men are sky hooting about with girls children, come! IMn't let's talk any the old place was sold and I ,had no Berry, In February, 1920. He is a dark. drew Fvynn's, for night. Tageday.-North 14 become as wet as ever in its -history. and enjoying life, the fat boy has home, ,and Uncle Arthur sent for dappled bay, stands 17% hands high, and muss and coat 8% mites to Bart Stephen- . More about 3't. If Jack has made'an weighs better kan a ten. But with all kis eon's, for noon; then soot» ]14 mil® and Ii'ARM FOR SALV 200 ACRES, BEING Scores of bootleggers—hundreds, become obsessed by a grim determine- erre to come here." .ize he in an extra well balanced horse and I east 2y, mites to Robert McFarlane e, for engagement it can't byoorp a I sup- _ Lem a aha a. Concassion 4. Hallett :soma say -were in his employ, and tion to succeed in life, to :have a "Ver decent in him, and u should will »rasa the rig azanght horse that the night. weanesday.-East 13(i mora and north , Township, I. good state of cultivation. Large I pose, but dOn'�t ip011 year party, mx Y Y'0 to Winthrop to George MoSpadden's, for dl:' atone house and two bank tarps with stabling canvassed the state from one end to motor car that will save nim the dear, �Finld Parkins, Jack, and send never forget hill for it," and again market a caning for at Dresenk 14969). der Steel was sired by Erin's Creat noon; then north ., miles and east 184 underneath: windmiill and water pipet' another taking orders for liquor and Taber of walking, to ,have all ithe him to me. . Ah, Parkins -if any Peter's eyes appointed -room. around the per- (1thia), dam Lady Lothian (ael (2 by malas to I. McCav(n'n, for night. T»areday— through the stable_ will eau with o win- delivering it as promptly as though food and the rarest food his 'heart fectl a one Drop and would separate that farase. one calla y I'll ,be out until six Y ppOinted YOorYI. Lothian Again (11a04), S. nem Mabel 20417), Best d mem to Z. Elligsen'e, for noon: than For Darticnlars npDly to EDWARD PRYCE, {t :had been something legal and per- can desire, a home full of soft and "I know it, sir, and at first the by Royal Champion (8968), g. Z. dmn Prin- 2ah miles south and IaA� mSes west to Martin .11 O'C101'k." case Erne (20416), by Prince of Been (6195), Murray's, for night Frlda7. -South 8% Mike H. R. No. 2, seafortb. YMAf ishable like butter. Nor was it moon- beautiful things. He �wan:ts never to "yes, :my ,Lat!y." ,Parkins knew on very newness and strangeness Of C. C. S. dam B...y (22709), by Gwteherrle and went 1% muss to Jot. Lane's, for soon; shine that Brolaski and 'his agents sleep on a hard mattress. He wants' which side big bread was :buttered. everything delighted nue._ Then 1 (2800), g. g. g. g. dam smiles by Challenger then south 3% miles to John Melvor's, for ..-i:,:. - d ARM FOR SALE. -FO$ SALE, LO'r, s, (1088), night. Saturd.Y.-'West to Egmondvnle be F sold. It was the real stuff assured She had repi'tl9ed him at first, 'but mop Y Terme to Inure. 018.00. is own stable,. where he will remain seyw r.. Concession v ml west »aL of Lot 5. a jab where 'he can choose his own sewn to nisei the people, The were Concession lo, H.R.S., Tackemmith, can- from) bandied warehousps. ,Di:stbrint8 doings. He doesn't went to spend his ,his excuse w•a$ that she was so like so different from those in my 'Part T. J. BERRY, JAS. B. S(�iP . the following Monday morning. toining 150 acres. There are on the premloss that -he found it inconvenient ,to life doing uncomfortable thin for, of this country,, especially the young Proprietor, at6aess4 The above route will be continued theuvg(s- s good two story brick hoose with stabs root, g things ter, former mistress, Lady of him- out the season, health and weather permitting. \ large bank him 100x60 feet wits, first elms handle directly were leased to others. somebody else. ter, that he sometimes forgot him- fellows -Garry is not so bad, ,because S The Pat bo has nest{tibn in cr Terms to Insure, 516.e0. stabling, water in the barn. drive shed 26x88, EUT a cembarn sum hie :would ave y crystal- self be r2ally ,loves his work and is bound MARSHEL GUEDO DOMIN]CK REYNOLDS. 1. pig house and ben house. The farar is an :anyone the sale right to peddle booze lized form when the ,normal 'bo s to succeed-•every'bod says he 'has a n Sia Proprietor & Manager. �cieared but about 20 scree of good bard- Y'' is t again "my 'Lady" swept on, Y ' Pura Bred Percheron Stallign, foaled May 7, wood bush, principally maple. All wdt fere_ FE 'a given cannon-•ty and would ambition is -at the flappeyi'si$g„e. this time out of kris door and into 'genius for archilteOture--+bu'9 bks 1017. ', ed and role drained. Eight serer of fall guarantee to supply him with the In other words, girls, dglt.j✓scarn •her waiting carriage. others -arid the way they treat the Enrolment No. 5464 Form I The Premium Clydesdale Stallion. haat sown, 36— ready for spring crop, booze, One San Francisco cafe was t'he fat fellow. If it is a handsome young girls, and what •is more unac- Monday. -Will teorhis own stable, 83'4 BEACON'S SON The farm is situated 7 manes from Seetorth miles north o Seafoth, and go to the Royal and 4 miles from Hen all, one-half mile from offered booze and immunity for dance 'partner you want for life, pick countable to me is the way the young Hotel Stables. for noon; then to. Sohn Murphy's (20869) " wool; rural mail and phone. Will be .old $12,000. a lean one, with curly lashes and girls put up with it." for night Tuesday, -To Henry Business, for Approved Enrolment No. 6272 Farm A] r'% on easy terms. For further Paauonlam RIP- Having corrupted the necessary seal es and the swellest manners. CHAPTER VI. Peter had settled himself deeper Ili noon; then to E. Drager's. 18th conregal on Terms to Insure. 815.00. ply on the premises, or address R. 8. No. 2, eyes far night. Wednesday. -.West nn north to Monday. --Will leave his own Stably Brace. •Kfppen. ANGUS McKINNON. 2829-tt officials, IBrolaski's procedure was ,But if it is •a bungalow and a eat• his chair, his eyes -shaded with one the 17 concession, Grgy to John Sboldioea, field• and go west on Bayfield Road to 2n4 aim le. He secured the release of Jack's impatience dncre'ased as the hand and looked intent, at the bo for noon; then to Harry Clarks, for night concession of Stanley to John Buchares, for p in a select .neighborhood you shave y Y• ARM FOR SALE. -FARM OF TWO HUN- dare amounts of liquor from bond hour. for Peter's visit approached. Tbnmday.-To Nelson Nldbolsoa. nth Cones- noon; then north avid west to Ed. Glenn, ri g q your mind on, a home full of comfort "Uncle Arthur is kind to me, but �„ deed sates adioining the Tovsa o Sea. Quarter b iste found! him leaning .fon, Morris, for noon: then to Andrew Concession dor night. Tuesday.—Down. remit. on the pretense that it was d,signed and a husband who canes home at the life smothers me. I can't breathe Stagg %. Blyth dor night. Friday. -aro An- coneeeston to Bannockburn, then to vara forth, l conveniently situated to an choleras, agar the banisters outside 'his weal] draw Hoggert'e, for noon; then to Joseph at the Temperance Hotel, for noon; then .drools aha Collegiate. There is n .—f—t, r shipment abroad, which was six, -you are most like, to find such sometimes, Nelthing :illy father ,�... Y au;te Of moms, .peering down between Youngblutt's, for night Saturday.—To his south on the Paw Line to Wm. Foater'e, for able brick cottage with a cement kitahen; legally permi'ss'ible. So liquor in priceless thin lsoruew,hiere u tbha :taught me is considered worth while gs P the ,rand, -rails watchin the to of own stable where he will remain until the night Wednasday.--South to Hills Green and burn 100x56 with stone stabling underneath 200 -barrel lotsi was sent to the 'ample 'sleeve of the fattest man you g p here. !People care for other things." following Monday morning. East to the Town Lina at Walter Fairbairn i ler 6 homes, 76 head of cattle .ad 40 »ego Y every.11ead that creased irhe spacious �i. ` docks at San Francisco for a Ito "What, for instance?" Peter's Terms, $14 to Insure. for noon: then east to,Kippen and south to with steel stanchions and water before all xp031t know. ball three flights below—Ihe dare not JOSEPH BRE'WSTER Robert Mel,wen's, London Road, for night. .tock; litter carrier and feed, carrier and China and Japan, which seemed to - hand Haver waved, nor did 'his 'body. Owe cement Ilse: driving abed and plat, have developeda sudden limn for -' -'--- go flown to welcome his guest, fear'- Proprietor. Thursday.— not by side ad to Au sad' lls Mo - Ism rales. Watered by a mak wdt end g' "tally StQCits and bonds and money; .JOSEPH STOREY. Angm McKinnon'a aide road to Angne Mo- Occidenbal ,beverages. ire some of the girls, many of whom Kinnon'e, for noon; than by Kippen Road wlnamsn. The farm m well arsines and mThe liquor CURRENT WIT AND WISDOM had already arrived, would know :he for instance," laughed Jack, begin- zeal Manager• to the Red school and east 114 railes .ad a high state of cultivation. Th. crop is .at reached the docks, but what reached nine to be annoyed at ,his own tirade north to Robert Doig'., for night. Fiiday.- 'In the ground -choice clay loom. lu m -al. the Orient was water in barrels. was in the house. Fifteen minutes _half ashamed of it do fact. "Stocks' GOLDEN GUINEA wast on the 7th coneas.lon to Gemma e ate possession. Apply to M. BEATON, it Raiders entered a man's home in lalter the flash of a'bald head, glisten- (28738) Corner and north to George Mocortneys, for R, 2 Beaxorth, Out. E787' The liquor remained in San Fran- are good endvgh in (their way, but Enrolment No. 5275 Approved Form 1 1.Dublin and cut off his whiskers. This, ing, in the glare of the lower hall noon; then to MCAdanh'. Side Road and north CISCO, where it was swiftly re0novpd we resume, is to prevent him sniping lantern, told him that the finest old you dont want ,to live with Rhem miifesnwa�t of on tine stable Rosa to the 2nd concession and west to James 'T� EXECUTORS OF THE LATE ARCffi. by ,gra),k{ ,ta )lis various :hiding from p In .g from ten o'clock in the morning (till carnochan•s, for night. atnraay.-By Broad_ be McGregor flet for sate Lot 16, m 'behind afledge.-Ottawa 'Johan- r,ntlemae is ire World ha aTTivn j, and go to Rinburn at George Dale's, for foot's Bridge and south to the Mill Road• to ,6th ConceMcGr, or off r foo sale of wast places• The police !remained inactive, four o'clock in the afternoorl, and noon; then to James Vansigmend & son's, al. special instructions, repeated for the his own .table at Braceiteld. .lase farm I.ads. The land is in a Seat The prohibition enforcement officers then 'hear nothing else talked about Hmllett, for night. Taasday.-By way of Base ROBERT MUHDocH, third time, were to brie Mr. 'Peter elaea state of cutt4watEon and there are showed a curious paralysis. Wlaah- g until you go to ,bed. That's why that Line and 16th concession m David Lind- Proprietor & Manager. created on the premises a good fraae dwel• Judging by the disagreement of the Grayson -it was wonderful what an say' , for noon; then by way of Holmesville ingtim was curious to knew the dinner last night made such an :im- and the Maitland concession to Williard Ung hove., wit» kitchen attached; frame father and motiher over the colrtem- impressive note was in the ,boy's voice g Lee's, for night. Wednesday.—To Area The Imported • Cbaasaale Stallion e barn 76x54 with atone foundation. stabling reason for the amazing withdrawals, plated marriage of Miss McCormick, when he rolled out the syllable's -up pression on me. Nobody said money Fisher f sones, for noon: then by way of MAHWIRA „ - underneath and cement Scorn and water end eveartuallly sent 'Special iriV9Sti- once.” throughout, riving home, pig pen and hen the young lady 3a not 8 self binder.— 'at once, alirtOut, atradg7lt�brimmed „ Benminer, MegAw and Carlow to R, M. (16988), VOL.- SXXHI. ."ir 'reins. Also abort ten acres of gators to thle assns. But .vary •pre -of those men had Young's, ath concession• for night Thum - good harm Quebec Telegraph, bat, overshoes (if Ile wore any), um, Passed Enrolment No. 8287 Poral 1 wood bush. The property is well fenced and The whole secret of 'BTolmki's r his awn 'herby—" day.—By 8th concession to Fred Quaid'e, for W4il fraud the following mate this sermon; `h,., - dl drained and convenient to good markets, brella and all, and the four foot -falls .can; then by way of Gedertch and the Monday,-. ill leave his own stable, Staffa, aperationis lay .in the fact that for "Yes, but in m uncle's world the w churches end schools. For further pa.daulars Thy- friend :hath a friend and (thy -two cat -,like 'and wobbly, as befitted Y y Huron Road to Wilmot Haseke's, for night and go north to, the 7th concession of Hit- ' apply to MISS LILLY J. McGREGOR, on the some mysterious reason ,he had 'es- friend's friend :hath •a friend: be d{- Rhe Ob all ride one. and the same horse. I Friday -By 7th concession, Goderieh Town- :»art, west 2% miles and south. to Richard premises, or to R. S. HAYS, Soli.itor. Sea- �abl{shed an absolute 'hold over sequioUs flunky and' two firm don't. won't to, be a pessimist; Mr." ship, to' -Fred Pickard's, for noon; than by Si7lery'e, for noon; then south to the Crom- fortes, ant -tf Loren Handley, rr} ief Federal craft. and deeided, as -befitted a grenadier Out Line and 9th concession to Steep Ems., arty Line and east to hes own stable for y, pro- Grayson, and I want you to set in0 for 'night. Saturday. -By way of Clinton crossing a bridge --could now be heard night. Tuesday. -sort» to the lath oonces- '�AIiM FOR SALE. -FOR SALE LOT 20, Any fool can see with his eyes, the mounting the stairs. straight if I 'am .wrong but Mr, Mor- aha the London Rona to Flea Pepper'., for .lo. of Hibbert and west to John McDougall, +- Coneeseioa 8, McKillop containing 100 ; ris sand every one of -those men about noon; then to his own stable for night. Jr.'s, for noon; then south to the Boundary acres, all cleared except 8 acres of hardwood wise Mian strives t0 see with his brain. "SO 'here you are." cried Pater, Telma to Insure, 015. and east to James Baliantyne's, for night. him were the first men I've seen in .. bush. There are n the premises a bank New York Who appear to me to be ,be— .with .tone and ceme.t foundation. 46.82, 4. •with cement Boom; driving shed,. 14x80; . �R:'. - frame .table, 28x82, large gravel house. 7 The Pore Stallion rooms and kitchen, cement flows 1. caller. `e- Hard and soft water in kitchen; two acres p.. ,ef amhard. The farm is an wire fenced I and the drained. Well at barn and alae z', ,^:. wall at the bash. This is . good farm—one amp. [215671 (18308) of the best in McKillop. It is situated a 26:20: miles from the Town of Seaforth and one ybur comfined to xalle from school and church. Rural man lath concession of Hibbert, then west to An - drew Christe'e, for noon; then went and and yhone. Will be sold on reasonable terms. !.', 'For farther particulars apply on the prem- Passed Enrolment No. 1794 Form 1 fen or address R. It. No. 1, Seaforth. w.`,'� '; . LHOBERT A, HOGG. 28014t d Monday.—Will leave his own stable, V^ech- wood, and go to Allan Ross', loch coneession, —E t to the Town Line, Funarton, and henry 11a miles to Melville Gray's. for mien; ---- ------ — Or as Magazine. holding out both bands to the Over- joyed boy -"'way t1p near .the sky, New York Who appear to me to be G. W. NOTT. Proprietor, JOHN CARTER, Manager. Wedne@da,v --South to Elitnville, for noon; then south and east to William Brack., for Where no wood is, there the fire there is tale- One flight less than my own. Let doing the things that will live after 'them; What •are we doing * down- The Pore Stallion night, Thursday. -East to William Thomp- J 's, Blanchard,for noon: to goebh out; so where no bearer, the me get :my breath, my (boy, before I Gambling the most of vs." LORD MANSFIELD the to Taylor'south Friday strife cea'seth.—iProverbs say another word. No, don't wort Y ,town. But life here ,isn)t amp. [215671 (18308) Kirkton, for night. -North to the 26:20: only Anne Domini—you'll COee to It ybur comfined to Vat: 29, B. C S. B. lath concession of Hibbert, then west to An - drew Christe'e, for noon; then went and yet; .let me look around a 1{Ittle.'� One of Peters teats of some day. How delightfully you are your uncle and his stock .gambling Passed Enrolment No. 1794 Form 1 north to his own stable for night. Saturday One good 'turn often makes a an man that settled!" They friends. 'Surely thane IOVeIy young girls—,two of them came in With rile Monday.—Will leave his own stable, V^ech- wood, and go to Allan Ross', loch coneession, —E t to the Town Line, Funarton, and henry 11a miles to Melville Gray's. for mien; expect you are going to do :him .had entered the cosey sit tln _ g -" and Peter smiled, "must make McKillop. for noon; then to his own .table thea west along the 7th concession to bb arobher Halifax Herald. room and Jack Was :helping with his your life dalightfill." for night Taesday—To John Shannon's, Concession 8, McKlllop, for than to own stable for night. golf 'give up ' 'siness. • A lot orf Lon- don men are "wondering if than doc coat; Parkins, with 'his nose in the Jack's the floor, noon: Owen Flynn'., for night. '6iZ;;day.-Eaet The above route will be continued through - the health The flappers have organized. No air (he 'had heard Iris master'scriti- eye's sought then to William Anderson's,' McKillop, for noon; out aemon, and westber permitting. doubt their motto will be: "Remember cisi t), .having 'already placed .his .hat Ire answered slowly: "I hope wont tb�nk then to his own stable for night. Thursday- Terme to [nacre, 016.00. JOHN LIVINGSTONE, girls, he's somebody's brother." -St, on a side table and the umbrella in you me a Cad, To William Doraey's, Huron Road, for noon; h j rr' Alex Leitch, R. R, NO. 1 Clinton- Ed Paul Dispatch. the earner. but- No, I'm not ,going to say •a g g y then to Joseph Atkinson's, Hibbert, for night, Proprietor & Manager. staffs, Qot. 11 111 McHILLOP MUTUAL The honeymoon is over when he no "Where will you 'bit—in .the big' chair .by the fire or in this long straw word about them, only I can't .get ac- customed to them and there'•s no use Friday.—To Martin Curtin, 11 m a east Seaforth, for noon: then to his own .table for night. Saturday. -To Thomas O'Ronrkee, INVOLUCRE 66) - — longer drops ,the sporting page when one?" cried the boy, Peter's coat still of my saying that I can. I couldn t Ord a Logan, for noon; than to h .table for night. - Enrolment Passed Enrolment o. 86M1 Form 1. 0. 854 ��� INerT7iw A wT/t� G,ry�r INSURANCE [/ i e ' 1 0 she puts on a dance record. -Oshawa Reformer. in his .hand. "Nowhere treat any, girl the way the are treat- Y ed (here. ,And I 'tell you another wConcessiontble awn The above route will be continued through- hearth Monday. -Will leave his own stable, Bruoe- field, Varna Sherlock „ yet; .let me look around a 1{Ittle.'� One of Peters teats of thing -none of the young girls whom out the season, and weather permitting. Terme to Ireure. 019.00. and go west .to at Keyes, for noon; then north to the Bayfield I' "' DEAD OFFICE--$EAFORTH, ONT. TRAIN SERVICE TO TORONTO A Toronto doctor in Phi}adelpbia a man was the things 'he Jived with. I know ,at :home would treat me as JAMES EVANS Proprietor & Manager. Beechwood, onk Line, Goderlch Township, and west to Arthur Waish'o, for night Tuesday. -North by way 11 OFFICERS: Daily Except Sunday said that if business interfered with "A•h! books?" and he peered at a row these ,girls trealt the men•they .know. f 6th concession to Porters Hill at George " J. Connolly, Goderich - - President Leave Goderidh 8.00 a.m. 2.20 m, p golf 'give up ' 'siness. • A lot orf Lon- don men are "wondering if than doc on' the mantel "Macaulay, I see, and here's Poe: Good, very I'm queer, T 'guess, ,but I might a9 [vel] (make a clean (breast of it all.. I CONTOUR (imp.) 20000] Vanderbvrg'e, for noon thea north to Jan. W0 - McMillan'., sib aggression, for n t Wed - by Jewde Corners W, Jas, Evans, Beechwood vice-president , T. E. Hays, Seaforth - Secy ffreas. . Leave Clinton ... 6.26 ,a.m. 2.62 P• m. mss any intention of opening u a P good -why, cerbainl y' Y°'it is- Where do You get am an .ingrate, perihaps, but I caWt help (19081) Paseed Eni ]moat N9 5990, Form 1 from James Hortau'a nasday.-North way, of and Benmiller to Vim. mir., Colborne• for the. Maitland 1, R, AGENTS: Leave Seafforth .. 9.41 a.m. 8.12 p.m. branch factory here London Adver- this Morland?" end again Peter's "Through thinking that .Ghe old life at home was the betbt. We loved Monday. -Wilt start aha will go -wrest, to the London (toad and noon; then' by way of conces- slon to Holmesvnle, at Harry Swews, for h j rr' Alex Leitch, R. R, NO. 1 Clinton- Ed Leave Mitchell .7.04 'oma. 8.42 pm. Arrive Stratford 7.30-a.m. 4.10 m. P' tiler. - :�. glasses ,®went up, that door is our bedroo711- es, and :the y Y our friends, and they ,were welcome' sit south to John Roweliffe's, for noon: than bone to Jim Norton's by way of Mm. Harry night. Tbureday.-,By way of the ]6th c.n- eeaoion to smosecr Hill and south on the Ainchiey, 3eafdrth; John Mnrray, Brncefield, 6 On 137, Seaford; A3tIDe Sdtchener 8,20 aTn, 6.20 pm. Arrive Guelph .. 8.46 a.m. 6.60 P.m. WORLD FIRST SERIES OF GOLD bath. Very chroming, I must say, You ell ,hit to :live; ver ha g y happily 'here our table 'sit Ihovr d or fid E. We y bad plenty of time for every[ ing, we Horton'e, south sea east, for night. T1aes- day Mo ing.-Two and one half mil® north, rrnn then wast ff 10»g nd on'e. Yoe noon: rth, Base Line to Ed. W�leb'e, for no thea Oovth to at the Graham House, to night. ClintonClinto, 96ut{ a wry o the Loge phone 1 J. VV:. Yeo Goderich R G. Jar- (+B AxrF°e Toronto ...10,10 am. 7.40 pmL CpI,NS few yoursgy¢ fellows I know have 11•alf Iliad out of acorn or •{n doors, just ars dressed north sit asst to Hugh Norrte', far night. Wednesday Morning—North one mile and a don to Granton, then eget' to Frank Walfer'e, Ror noon; than south by way at $TOliriha II. 41 "IRETURNING t'1 � TSrlrty C:ol1l8 belangiug RO the' your, coniIOrta." Jack Il'Sd {nReYnypted frim we pleased, and ,We' i)0 suit ourselves, and, nabod�y criticized. ?9b dr Quarter, east 2% -south ]r1/4 to William Jet -II he London Road to hie own stable for night. to Isaac Moore'.• d `f, ;; -. { , Di181E1CTOR5: Leave Toronto 6.60' a.m.; 12. 66 p.m, earl first series• of Igo'ld coins ever min t0 say that Ube Merla.n 'print w one that if I drop into the Magnolia on my frey's, for noon; south lr/4 miles, east 2'}i, miles to Ken McKellsee, for night. Thrt�s- Drug.,' rSaturdey.--South and oast for noon; then north and west to his seen for *duan] •R}f{D ' No. 2 Seaforthj� 'Joke d ' Hra and 6.10 p.m. ha been unearthed by United States die shad brouglht 06' W ,his fa be''s home that the ilad way wp--town and, forget to wean• a der 71st tvdElt sa,ek resat, or a �' day Moming• South to Heckney . -for noon; than to James Horton's. for night. I stable night. ]NVQLUCRE"hoe proven himself the elt.m- ( ,. �afitil3WiCs, ihageh% Jaws/ ,roman, 'k; G6p, ll�i+Cartiieq, f1Jo' $r Shdfoltk Parlay Cafe cat Goderleh to To- a ealagists echo ,are working on tho,bu'rnod arsine Sardis, the and books come Brom 'the same source ktat Peter kep in black t{e with ,a llyner°jac'ket, every- Friday AJternaon.—North 114 mile{; meat mires, eons» and nae£ to Jam® vart 2 e. pion nim of Oanada eLe aP his Wei wain sold to one hnyer $B,zoa: an rvmagn of F, ;j� xt' 4,k ti r �irid�i&d• IL i17d08*1118, (iluDtO l" JNa. s ng ronto on morni train and Torout0 to Goderich 610P.M.train. P of ancient tydian capita{ in Asia Minor. News ' ptt an his toter around the room. Suddenly body winks ,and nud 8 ,his neighbor '' Did 'hear where he will remain until the following Monday morning. .for .nearly $685 per bone, and their avirege weight 1784 .the. T91me homes were.klpbed flag 4 t< l ! iuiift dgelch; b, b'., eGrreyfii r 'G. of ,the diaeovary was brovglut fo New he .tnto�llYed and ',baked ateadi'iy at, a you ever bf isuch nonsense in your ,lilQ7" Perrin Tnedre, x10.00,; . HHANUDN Fete.[ Prdprtetek. st Mary. etoton to Vancouver. Terror to Inosree, (16.00. . $esRlllitkq J. .. �a¢il il; Ra6 IP4mlor Buffet car Stratford tri Tdf Iomta tritl8. York receurbly by 'Dr, T. L�Wje Breast, ,pdrtrait over the ,mantel, Yess-�yovr fatter i Ba�Bs JOHN A. WRBN 8tuteK41 WILLIAM 8 P,V,,, ,, / o , t y�(y J'^ on aft4iltooll an Archaeologist of Columbia Univer- -" Continued nexE week 2etodo .1,i 11ax Fnitf at • irrawsaa F (. \+ t I.r i. ,jai .'1.�+V'C ,� i ...4s 5 i. rs11'' r d;{ rl V:\ G p� ,M - .. '.., � 'r r r ;.:2 L !r 14 ,f { (. r,� p W. ,.>t „n ° t., f. , eK �I� ,• y�1 -ti, '.. :, i '. : ., :: t'j `y,. '� '+ r n.,.0 �. ,. .. r. ,.., ... .�; �" ). 9,Y i. ?�. v'.a; •s.>'^$'.'y f -. a:,`�y'.. ,�'.,( ', l!", J I kl;!f. a,.l'4',� e•n + �i` : ,1 rr 4,",e'' .t; 1... .Jv L•,�`L ,��:- S 4.r , ,�.�� •ea r,. Y . ■♦ 1 0 �> I:® m im