HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1922-06-30, Page 5The Reason That We Sell for Less Is Because We Buy for Less See Our SUITS BEAN MARKET tio. June ynth.---+Beano. Ca d, bushel, 34.25; Priam, 10.16 zit DAIRY MARKET Toronto June 27th.-I0bemty new, BO to 21e; twine, 20 tO 210; 3146 to 220. 014 large,4le; twins, 211.8'_ 'art e66 &Stens. 22b..11h;tre olds letge. l0 Oka Old fittlpopu, 94e. QRte21 filch a eb choice, 222 to 17.46 ' afowory Pri t260, 'eeh Swat. 40 to 410; 1.7 8¢ to 40e; '0.to tn. to boo: cooking. ., Inial -No. 1. candled- 22 to O8o;'� 05 to 860; .cartons. 87 to 88e. 'k iapp 1 C08Th llrba2s eetU ¢•of ttannereing reg of ng interest. The Ial1OnaI imetbear.w xauhe ell flltiyjl ff pD and euw I1t ace Mete ,To 'their mltnlltea' '040 Jasper Park dlddge 47 'Lae apper. Park, Alberta, ll4 tlht A�woce Netlienel Farhat area 400 **shame miles off erring, !ural ll- daly Possibilities DteNtte. Tbl and the eportOMan: Mlle/ Yard ttmut lurk i96 Wim' `499.0'',,P4199 41136h streams. i. B iful''M Mewl:aren 't drakes satinno. the eihug ilnollntains, and O n.ew vns'Aoi1ed Allp&Tue wonderan-1 of snow -crowned peaks and verdant pqta�l.le ,gI8 ddens, the eye. In this de- i! giitful suing on Lac Beauvent, 8 11:0109 tr ors Jasper Station (with which it connected by motor lar Bowies), is Jasper •Park Lodge, operated by the Canadian N'atlorral Riailwaays' HAtels Depautment, and row open for the recceeption of guests. Of artistic log coesltnuation, the Lodge comprises, comfortable, lounge building, surrounded 'Oy Dining Hall and aeperate sleepingullddngs;' each aontadnlng sitting room and, dour bed6400ins, electric lighted,' w'Dh ail modern conveniences, running water in'tfaoh mason, ballls, etc. 'In conjunc- tion wiUh the Lodge is a glancing pav- ilion where good music assures -to the guests, delightful" /*ening diversion. From the Loge a magnificent pan- orama greets the eye. Mount Edith Gavel, so-called in memory of • the martyred 'British Red Cross Nurse, 6tagids Out in bold cubed, its .glinting elopes Making it to appear a8 "a sheet euapend'ed from the heavens." The piotha'estlue valley of the Atha- baska is Ranked by Pyiramid Moun- tain, the riehstese of its varied oylor effects presenting. a , very striking contrast. 'Whistlers Mbll9batn, Colon Range, Rothe Bodhomrne, are ,but a few off the onighty peeks that meet the gaze. Riding as, of coulee, the popular pastime and ponies are.avttil- able for this exhilarating spottt, With- in easy O'eaehof the Loldge, afoot or by motor lar, are numemaua points of interest. Malign Canon and Gorge, one of the most interesting attnaiv'tftofia in the Park, is but six miles distant. Easily accessible etrreiamns will tempt the fisherman. The amateur ethbto- grapher will revel 4n N'ature's bount- eousness. Animal, bird and plant rife. is found in wonderful variety. Seventy differenit species of birds, seven: hun- dred different species of plants ,and flowers 'halve been accounted for, and witlhgai'bheesomflnea of the Park, which is a bird and game reserve, are big born. anenote n.eheep and, goalt• ,bear - cinnamon, brown and black; caribou and moose, elk, beaver, tiler, marten and deer. For those more venturesome, 'wino would explore the more difficult and extended trails, guides, ponies, pack- hencs and complete outfits can be obtained at the Lodge, from Which ,point also g emt5es set out on .hunting expeditions beyond the confines of late Park. This delightful region is fully des- cribed in a new booklet tvititled "Jas- per Park Lodge," copies of which may be obtained from the nearest Oanad- ian ,Naibtional or Grand Trunk Agent. POULTRY mamma %wontd: • June 27th. -Dressed 'Pogltry- aDrina thickens: e0o; roosters, 260; Joel. 24-.29 .50e; durklluga. gel turkat'., 46 to Lite Poultry-Sprin¢' chickens 45e; rsoaa-. tea. 17 to 20e; fowl. 26c; dud21hwa, t6; ate, tinkers, 86 to 85o. r; ffire,r elft til' 20084ela Road, 7brontlb ea June 28th to Del and. Mrs. Emerson J. Trow, a thinghter.... NOVIar-In S2litorth:on June 21st, to -M-ra and Mrs. Wffiu iaD. Hcpper, a eon, (Hari" telt Wilmer), at0! -born, 8eutbgate. In Clinton Hospital, on Juno 02, to Mr:;,.and ,'emss NW E;- SouffiaeAe,' a eon, Yydd.r-201 Ehreter..Notth on 'June 16th, to My anti I♦Ire • J Kydd.. s daughter. DlgtWa.y--in ,�y,is quhe 9th, M Mr, and Mtn David .a. eon. Hell -In 'Hensall, on June 11211, to Mr. and Mrs. - W. Bell of 101nd4or, o eon. rs Patteon.-In West Wawanosb, on June 15. to Mr. and Mre. 2. Patteradn, a daughter. MARRIAGES Fisher-Thamipson.-At the home of the bride's ▪ other, on Wedneedey, June 210., , by Rev. C. N. Dewey, Vera L. 4a ohter of Mrs. R. A. Thompson, of Cedertchh Township, to Harley Preston Fisher. son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Fisher, of Colborne township. Jonktne-Crelg.-At the home of the bride's parent,, Clinton, on June 21,2, by the Rev. J. E. Hegg, Harelot Louise. only daughter of Mr. and Me. T. A. ,Orolg, to Frank Allison Jenkins. only eon of Sir. end Mo. Wm. Jenkins, all of Clinton $all -Lansing. -In linnet*, on JuneiTth, by Ss e Rev. O. L. Burse, of the Baptist Qburch, Clinton, Lela J., daughter of Mr. and Mm. 2 P. Lansing, to Edmund J. Dell. 'non of 10. and Mrs. W. H. not au of Mullett, DEATHS Roae.-In McKillop, on June 25th. Ioabeile Btnu,,wHe of Huh Rees. aged 81 years. E8Hatt--sin Mitchell, on June 19th, James Elliott, In har 72nd year. 'WlI5 . In Mitchell, on June 14th, Mary afumh. beloved wife of William Wins, in her 72nd year. • Walter. -In .Siitcbell. on June 15th, -Louise Skinner, beloved wife of John Walter, egad 68 years, 4 months and 10 days. Tapp. -In Victoria Hospital, on June 18th. James Tapp, of London Road, Hay, aged 83 years. Telfer. -In McKillop township. on June 14, William Telfer, aged 77 years, 9 months and 27 days. IN MEMORIAM Note. -Item. ander thlabead will be ahem- , ad 50 cents per single vane and 28 cents for each additional varve. In ,Iovingca'emory of .FeMtnand Burgard, who died July 4th, 1919. deo Will, who died August 14th, 1008, and Ferdie. who died June 50th, 1909, and 'Francis. who died April. 16th, 1920. "In my Father's House there are many Mansions: HUSBAND ANT FAMILY. CARD OF THANKS M.. James Beattie and family wish to thank the friends and societies for the beau- tiful floral tributes and the many kind ex• Invasion, of sympathy shown them during their recent sad bereavement. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Young wish to thank their friends and neighbors for all their kindness during the illness of their aunt, Mrs. Smith. d CHERRIES ARE READY Ybu can now obtain good supplies of red sour cherries and the black and white varieties. It is none too early to start preserving. The Niagara Peninsula Growers' Ltd. mark on the containers stands for carefully peeked and evenly graded fruit. Brodhagen Blacksmith Shop UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT All 'work entrusted to nue will re. delve prompt and careful attention. I hold a diploma from the military authorities for horse shoeing and guarantee all my work in this line. I also specialize in automobile spring welding. Joseph Simon PROPRIETOR. GRAND TRUNA IT,511" TRAIN SERVICE TO TORONTO - Daily Except Sunday Leave Goderidh . 6.00 a.m. 2.20 p.m. Leave Clinton ... 6.25 a.m. 2.52 p.m. Leave Seaforth .. 6.41 a.m. 3.12 p.m., , Leave Mitchell .. '7.04 a.m. 3.42 pmt. Arrive Stratford 7.30 a.m. 4.10 p.m. Arrive Kitchener 820 a.m. 020 pm. Arrive Guelph . , '8.46 a.m. 6.50 13.m1 Arrive Toronto ..10.10 a.m. 7.40 pm. RETURNING • Lore Toronto 6.50 a.m.; 12. 65 p.m. and 6.10 p.m. Parlor Cafe car. Goderioh to To- ronto On damming train end Toronto to God4;leh 6410 p.m. train. iParl47`: Rpcar Stratford to To- tluni6ti on aaM1 bran. IMPORTANT NOTICES MAH WANTED. -WANTED. MARRIED man to run farm. Apply to E..1. BOE. Seaforth. 2848-tt POR SALE. - ABOUT 76 ACRES OF timothy and mixed hay for sale on the Re14., on Lot 18, Concession 8, MoKalop• Apply to MRS. SUSAN ROSS, R. R. No. 1. Dublin. Phone 18-240. 2846-2 FARM FOR SALE. -FOR SALE LOT 12, Concession. 8, McKillop, containing 50 acres; good buildings. About four miles from Seaforth and close to schools' and churches. Will be sold cheap and. on 0asy forme Annil to The Expositor Office. " 28x4 BUILDING FOR SALE. -O2 • BUILDING 40 x,50. It would make a good , straw shed. Apply to C. G. THOMPSON,,: Oatmeal Mala, Seaforth. 2888-tf • ANTED. -A MATTED NUMBER OF Cattle to pasture on Lot 27, Coneeeeion 12, Hibbert Plenty' of grass and water guar- anteed. Terrors reasonable. Apply to T. G. SHTDLXNGLAW, R. R. No. 4, Seaforth. 2885-t2 ECSTRAY HEIFER. -STRAYED FROM THE premises of the undersigned. Lot 25, Con- cession 6, McKillop. about .lune 16th, a dark roan heifer, dehorned. Any information lead- ing to her recovery please phone 236 ring 4, Seaforth. ANGOS MORE, No. 1, Seaforth. 2841x3 V ORKSH111E8.-f AM OFFERING AT Dement. a number of young Howe, bred: one due early 1n July. also a number of young boors 4,1, months old. Prolific strain and good bacon type. Apply to R. W. GIB- BINrS, Lot 25Huron Road. Tuckenmith, R. R. No. 4. Clinton. Phone 14-610. 2045,2 F1ARM2 FOR SALE. ---LOTS 14 ANI) 10, / 7th Concession of McKillop. On Lot 10 :there iss,,,, one barn, 5200 feet, open shed. 40016 fhet, drive eked 33,24 feet, frame house, 20.10, other small buildings: over- flowing well. 100 acres, all cleared land. La in high state of cultivation. On Lot 14 there is one barn 52,16. rine by 62004 feet, one brick house, nine rooms. kitchen and woodshed, two gond wells. about 30 sere. of ,.hardwood bush: balance in In grans. Sold either together or seperete. AnnIY to MISS TENAI BEATTIIE. R. R. No. 1, Dublin. Ont. Phone 11 on 249. - 2846.4 CONSULTING ENGINEERS James, Proctor & Redfern Limited. 86 Toronto 9t., Toronto, Can. Bridges, Pavements; Wat,reorke, Sewer- age Systeme, Incinerators, Faptorles. Arbitrations, Litlgattod, Phone Adel. 5044. Cable: JPR00"Toron'61i OUR FEES-Uavamy. •93p14 -oat' of t?tlk . money we save our dignity. .. , :85 2a4st. ;25 26e CGeah, SC 7r04 for BggL W r L FINNIGA N. Phone 72. Re -Built Threshing- Engines One 21 H.P. Bell Traction Engine:- One ngine:One 19 H.P. Bell Traction Engine. One 25 H.P. White Traction Engine. Odle 20 H.P. White Traction Engine. One 20 H.P. Goodison Trac- tion Engine. One 20 H.P. Sawyer & Mas- sey Traction Engine. One 20 H.P. Waterous Trac- tion Engine. One 16 H.P. Waterloo Trac- tion Engine. • One 14 H.P. New Hamburg Traction Engine. One 16 H.P. Goodison Pin -t- able Engine. TRACTORS Two 12-25 Waterloo Boy Tractors. All these Engines are re- built, thoroughly overhauled and repainted. They are exceptionally good value, and we can make immediate delivery both on all of the above, also new Engines, Threshers, all sizes, and new Tractors. For further particulars apply to The Robert Bell Engine & Thresher Co., Ltd. SEAFORTH, ONT. MOVING Having purehased the moving outfit prev- iously owned by P, Jordan, I am prepared to do all kinds oro moving and lacking on short notice. Roof raising a apeela lty. Sat - infection guaranteed. Will be in Seaforth this week. JOHN J. BRENNAN. Phone 17-r-12 Dublin, Ont. 2843x2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S. T. HOLMES 0 O Funeral Director and O O Licensed Embalmer O 0 Undertaking Parlors in 0 0 Beattie Block, opposite The O. 0 Expositor Office. Residence O O Goderick St., opposite Dr. 0 0 Scott's. O 0 Flowers furnished on short 0 O notice. O 0 Phone Night or Day 119 0 000000000 0'000 0000000000 c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W. T. BOX & CO. Embalmer and Funeral Directors H. C. BOX Holder of Government Diploma and License Charges moderate Flowers furnished on short notice. Night Calla D la Phone 175 Phone 48 0000000000000 O 0000000000 CREAM WANTED CREAM Ship by Express; send by four cream drawers, or deliver your cream to the Seaforth Creamery. We are determined to give our Patrons better service than ever. Watch OUT prices, consistent with our ••accurate weights and tests, and consider the many advantages of hav- ing a thriving dairy industry in your distriet. Do not ship your Cream away to other Creameries ; we will guarantee you as good prices here and our very best services. Write, or call in our cream drawers and we will send you cream cane. When in town, visit our Creamery, which we want " also to be your creamery. We are proud of our plaAt. • SEAFORTH CREAMERY CO. C: 'A. 'Barber, Monger. WW1 Wear wee" PRESTO i';PORTABLE GARAGEScA'ND COTTAGES in seveltwl dtaugne, also Steel Pru$s Berle: and Implement Sheds, al!! BiZe8. For further parbicgiare 134te The mew ShIDgle & Siding Co. Preston WILLIAM - T. GRIEVE, Walton. Phone 14-284. Toho agent 'tor Chicago Annie OR- Wdndmllla. $ Suppe<•.rb# rh$9.;, W,htta •or phone for Hotel Bedford, God dl • RATES; ' Sa'turda'y evening, 6.30 to 12. SOAR per couple. After 8,30, 0.0QT couple with additional charge Sar" ' tun*, a la carte. 6-- Cars --6 Western Feed Wheat Re -cleaned and Kiln dried. 75c Bushel OATMEAL MILLS, Seaforth. EyeS -_ 1,1 I ill We Carry A Fu of Cool Com#or#ab Footwear for eve member of the ily from Baby u Grandpa, in the e styles and prices. H. R. Scott - Seaforth FLOUR Rob Roy, Pure Manitoba Flour tA 414.10 t... Chieftain, Ontario and Manitoba $3 blended Flour.. Clansman, for Pastry at .85 $3.50 per bag per ba'g per 1tg Smaller packages at proportionate prices Not better than the rest, but just as good as the best, and a whole lot cheaper ; also a home pro- duct. For sale at the leading grocers, or a phone call on 13 will bring it to your door. Rob Roy Mills, Limited 1 A. A. COCKBURNI Stole. n FetgUSOli & Co'. Y -1 Specials Just received n large assortment of Children's Wash Suits m all , ait ' at $1.00 and $1.25 - Boys' Mouses, a fine new tet In many colors and good quality at $1.00 & $1.25 Men's Handker-Finest chiefs 3 for__... . 2 � - Voiles per yard 3�C' Men'sOverallfl in all sizes ata Speciale Price 'l $1.25 Men's Kaki Pants, medium weight and good color. Whale they last at $L25 Boys' Cottondd4' Kniekere, good quality at - - - . $1.25 Boys' Khaki Knickers, juelt •the thing for Summer at $1.25 One special table of Men's Ties. They are a fine bot. Worth as high es 51.50. Alb going at 50c Work Shirts in all sizes. A special lot at a Special Price 88c 1) & A Corsets $1.50 Men's Work 'fox an dark grey, and Wool, wo th bOc. To clear at 25c A fine assortment of Men's and Boys' Underwear. Men's com- bination at $1.50 and $1.75 Men's Cotton Work Sox, light weight, grey, a bargain at. 15c, or 7 pairs for $1.00 Single Garments, best Balbriggan at 75c Handkerchief, in Blue, Red and Wlhipe, Plain White with bol- der. Single Garments in natural col- or, heavy. At per garment $1.00 Also a Special Offering of Linen Handkerchiefs at 50c cr- EyeS -_ 1,1 I ill We Carry A Fu of Cool Com#or#ab Footwear for eve member of the ily from Baby u Grandpa, in the e styles and prices. H. R. Scott - Seaforth FLOUR Rob Roy, Pure Manitoba Flour tA 414.10 t... Chieftain, Ontario and Manitoba $3 blended Flour.. Clansman, for Pastry at .85 $3.50 per bag per ba'g per 1tg Smaller packages at proportionate prices Not better than the rest, but just as good as the best, and a whole lot cheaper ; also a home pro- duct. For sale at the leading grocers, or a phone call on 13 will bring it to your door. Rob Roy Mills, Limited 1 A. A. COCKBURNI Stole. n Our Goods are Reliable Men's Under -OC 1 wear I Cotton Poplin 50c 1 yard wide Men's Handker-Finest chiefs 3 for__... . 2 � - Voiles per yard 3�C' R4lin Capes y9e RELIABLE Alarm Clocks •160 Dimity per yard 25e Men's O;iting Shirts $1.50 Gingbams por yard 22c Leather Work Gloves 28c 1) & A Corsets $1.50 A. A. Cockburn STORES IN SEAFORTH, STRATFORD, BRANTFORD, ST. CATHARINES. C. E. AKINS, General Manager. J. W. HART, Local Manager. WR ..• *.:;;M:46,0ilAOff 4 ha4xxthAl 4.(Ailq a..p..4 V,m, y., tt uiA,Je d" 3i7a, .•. ',. �l�r.•:w .,, .,I.: Vn4 ,.Is �'#+tti+r�,.',a. MAhu-iS.i