HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1922-06-30, Page 4!J BT. ' 'bL1iII MAN. I 4n�klt-•Sb «•:•-•, 11FJ' 99' dllt3L�'0.--14I,7'. 110000 $0-0010, of 8 , on A , June 'IBth, n 1 ` Pare repw ,0I; rw;I t +errs lloide-•4 �eatao-a ilurldon, 'wrap i' the bang ren rtg aiti ' W. 47b1ap1 §0 , raved ?3 Villa' iondwli s �eii ecquaisutarnees ,the b - Mr. Pat Yea4u, eigbtt mtlm the stud 19 nava Mie It a truss recaali 104 ., e � ocekb wAtaT, as k'lannmy avide7ltly believes fn ixie- diacea6ed had duff*e'd Loa• sevamal Lac 41Ni tan awnNtha m0rlUlis f! 0711 linear trrp,t'ble. iia was Y 167 &hAIrd d tramsdns8ys as he luau Tad 11Q•r. Vincent Ht1a11i4 bf &-It nvheax are & "ad' . asion m �gb a Lane mWalged lrec ty in malldng aaw born 3n Ge maw bu't TeSided in Hay 1agynod ",Ii 0 ,vicinity and Bhe`o�tto»k dust to , eek next winter's lee (iiaa16:Wt ' doer a ,loag Khile, living aait fon' a d genera s. pwitar odea -s g Wngnoa's ogmtlel. He, is surtdved be RB 'nluat hr .t4J_ a -s -_Fit mixda,'tfans mre the order of theV-1111s.iug. ,tries 1r1Do1mW S{ilu7atid, oP' < a' day, The ISeparatte school Pupils are sides his widow, by ora tlauglltea, Lbndpn, land Mdse D. 5chl a bWs, of M.Oalo-JWra Wdvh--8. ,h busily engaged wielddng the item, M'm. Henry pert. of �h'goad,'w�ho Clumlbn, roferp,�g738rrta of Misses Marg - 1, ' r . ; 'while Mantes Jahn Flannery ,and wias well famaltab known d ""W" to - his 1085- Deceallied effet anud Cp---UA , Bk mrd Misses Dbmobhy Malady surd Anna with his •cadet, et itiorn icon THE HURON EXPOSITOR Muer.. � in sting of writing the shade many elo 2w xe wise a $'ENSALL i :, r Entdam:ce.-A meeting of the C.W.L. 'will —'Mae mr Quick sola 6 -reamed st i - was :held on Svndlay. A motion was mason by tuade, The He was house. aped dew-,- ns, water in, . and.+ rr vala'sed a warrdink a sebolerrship to the held on Weduesd-ay, June 211it, to the ver Wmisa, tract in—. garden planted. All a. tBEAF(idtPH j5rilay, June 30, 1922. Lutlheran cemet eo r nt lot, 1---d sat wide of -houea. r pu'p'il of the ,pariah making b e high- e1y, Zurich, for iMg1- Apply on pSemtam C. Naeblt4. ,,oath Ridh- i ment. ikeefr Haneall or to O. J. Sutherland est ,rna¢tss in 'the Entrance examinLn mon fi of 'M. -- Cion, -Monsignor Aylward, of Surniia, _= At thePostoint.. 2846.8• ,fie USBORNE 'cuss a visitor at Father White's we- C"ELHURST � Fest5t4al. oto mlivad . cently, mroteiring over on Sunday ad- Successful Picnic.- strlaNa fgsbival held 7n Caused . v Thmnues Road Notes. -Mr. and 'Mas. ternoon.-A GJmge number tiers tress A must success- emb church on Friday evea- ak Thaanlao Cameron, of Exeter, have attended blur Football match in Kin- fur 'picnic Cook place salt School Section ing pP lent week, was lam q] mttend- nooved to their summer lame in Flit No. 10, Tuckeramlth, on Satwrday� Salturdapr burn on Fridlay eversing and were ice, 71here was a liar of and vary mac h en a Undies bent for the warm weather mlorrtlLy, ge iambs, of 341ey return ,to Exeter for the weiek ,very well pleased yvlfQi the game perple 'present from the neighboring the [4origtel8wtioan h dGaU,t�d I�Fleir , 1." -Wk,k 'has been stopped on the On- ,school etfctdons as wet! rue visitar9 fine repute ioir m splrMdid cooks said ". endlLiamb Provincim, Highway here till af- mast libertsl providers. 741¢ AQgtrr fnald a distance. The sports for the __ ter the hleirvest is taken in. The lionise' t2trSattette, of �IAndron, furnish- f MORRIS - trucks ,have children were held in the school ed the ng w1d ®one to Goderich grounds and created a lot of excite- program u1e for the evens HoimeiBurmnd.-The residence of Kit �...��..� grave line select;ons that -were ,such m'ent, After the sporlts, ter¢ waa11 NM51eriY; faa7ner, on the sixth con- served, then followed a enjoyed and whwh called for mepgahed n BRODHAGEN speech by the encores. ,Rev. J A. McCICIru ell filled a oeas6nn of Mbaais, and one of 'tate fin- Rev. J. A. MbConnell, of Hen:sa,l• Mr. writ homes in, the district, was burned Nttoe.-Mr. Benjamin Tpmbley, of bias duties of ohxirman im min usually ire Wi1l'flam Doig, a pant teacher ot< No. a ,; to the > Saturday.in .spite lJf Detroit, Michigan, was a visitor in rple'ae'img mm'nner The or ,harsh town the beginning 10, grave a dedafled history of the iaWlit the efforts of a^'e number of g g of the week.- grounds, which are sioll 'loo ud'apt. h ��; school and the Pioneers vVhro settled yy farmews, Who hv:"t'ir .1 io the scene, Mr. and Mrs, G. Millen mild family, nice, for s11dh an ocdligi , Leaked very these parity. W. Hoig }tram a good a @ nothing could be dune to save the of Waterloo, were week end visitors nice, beilvg pica•ry lighted', Red flee 11, tixnlse or its contents. It was feared @ memory and is m able speaker and booth under the sus at the 'home of Mr. J. H. uerengea- picas of the Lmdies 6 his speech was much enjoyed. Rev. did a for la Lyne rtllaat the barn would oleo ser. -The 'Brodhagen Tessin Club is good rv,,n a in the we h- ". Mr. Rivers of Hassall, followed, withof be destroyed. but this was saved. The now in full swing. There is room for serving ace tvt•:,,l and other re Over a short address. Attar the speaking, ments, r imsnnamce atilt barely cover the loss about ten more members. -Mr. Kam- u baseball' :giemle was played botw. . 1 The :tv,r, p e l e s acne bier 7 . I neth Kistner, who has been on the No 10 and No. 1 School, No, 10 win- $160, bt9i tlhtis will be lase by cerasin- n t•ocal scant of the Sttertdard Batik of erable exrpensi-, but will lela''ve it nice & DUBLIN Caanada for the past two yearn, has sing by fourteen Points. At 6 o'clock eyum in -the hwAs of the ladift Por 1• a baseball game book place between the y been transferred wa Tiverbon, Ont. game we a eiod church wank in which the 74asebgTl.-A good game of baseball Hensall aOuT .Chiselhurst, blle During M4. Kitsners stay with vs he will be played Isere on Tuesday evert was very interesting and resulted in w 1:1. will made many irisins, who are g4a�d to Bri'afb.--Rev. Yltr. 'M1eComa,ell', ac_ ing, July 4th, between Dublin and a victory for 'Chiselhurst. Two at - bean of his proanotian sold wish 'him coinpaglied. by lies. MrOanneiW hid a Dfilbchell. Tunis will be one of the best tractive fdatuxes of the 1crik were «" games of fire season Kee the dote every success in his now field of la- the been P �n i,brclbtiy matured to Toronto the Keep tor. 'Mr. John Mellen has been ao- guessing contest, which was first of this week. -Mr, and Mica, t' in mind, ---Mr. and Mss. Henneseyy, of won by Donald floggairth, and the Toronto, ere. vision at the home of posted to the positron vacated by Mr. fish Shixapt'y.are'being visited by their rel_ 11 g Kintner. pond, which was well patronized. mbives fibs (pronto. -Mr. A. W. Ma. and Nlxe. Jolan Flarnaglan.-Mea. Much credit is due ,be Mist, Mair for Horton mid bIr Fred, Beer left mere to ahumh Opening, -The new Luth M. Nage sipent Monday with Mitchell her efforts in making ;t m success. .3.- Bran ohila+rh at Bnodh/agen will be this week f'DJ' ;v'r•w Ontario, where; we 'n :i:.; friends. -Mab. John Darling visited de•_'loated and opened for service on 'Nro'�'�ust recently two of .our believie;;they,irytend taking up lhnd.- B friends, in Stlatfo'rd bast week --Miss metal home shoe throwers arranged We IQeye our council receivi Sunday, July 2nd. A good pro,eram pla,Y with two Amerkans who were Annie Shea returned home from To- prepared for the da Th to r tenrietg'"L un;sittr,•t•t vim � i has been Y. g pmmbs. They were 1m g• -Mrs• T, ionto after a week's visit with friends. visiting these 14cinto2k and children arre .here from $4 services ,:ill be held. The first nna Mas. P. Stapleton called on Mitchell at 'en o'einck z.m, wflI be oondncted �epts'at the 'game, but with W,I their Toronto visiting Dr, and Mrs. Hardie, friends on Tkmad iy.-�Donit forget the skill they ,,roved no match far our Mrs. McInbosh'n in German; the second at 2.30 p.m , parents, -Mr, Don_ . big pawn eeaeaal in Dublin on July 6tU1 roost sports,-Caanp services are being a4d peak and, Miss Jessie motored to f -Mrs, Jo conducted in English, and the third nate Joseph Nagle is visiting friends held in the village this week. Mr. in Blyth for a few drays at 7.30 p.m. in English amd German. GoodfelLaw, of Parkhill, is conduct n and on Sunday hest, ,pending a Eleven prominent clergy of the Luth_ g the day wit}n .ml,,tives.-We are pleae- t'7------c eran deomisation are expected to be the services. on behalf of the sly- to learn that 4Irs. Alfred $1 Ili 'mouth Brebh+ren---Service will be held T9ylor BRUCEFIELD present and take past at the different w.hb wtga quite ill a week or so • ago, services. in the Methodist ,}warm at the us"'I" is now; improving %. Flea. Feed and oat.. --We have two ease S`p'ecial music will be given pabvint; nicely. nRegi Mr. 1 hour on Sabbath next. --Last Sa'11.babh $1 t; .t Floor, Feed and ora, at the aeaforth oat by the local choir, he choir tai Z;"!) gave a ail on teres i everting test, Meal Mies, Lane your order at the Mia Church, Strafford,'the choir of Trimi- corev. Or. Rivers delivered ora mole die- gave a very. interesting account of to '. early. Also a quantity of hard and soft anal t C1rnrC course on the Subs act of I'at1191• and for sale. C. G. Thompson, aeaf-th Y h, Sebastopol, and the Misses Son, which was highly spoken of, sembl�e t Winnipeg pe the Genera] As- dliovens Down K -stars -Our Loot- Schorten, of Listowel. Meals will be y at Winnipeg which he alttend- on served at the .homes of members of ed. -Miss Iie:Jrn Swan recently anode d bmll .ileamr accampanfed' by a large tree don y lahnumber of suppaccoo ,tens, went aro Kin gregeltiiin, and everybody as KIPPEN wome good'i,npi,vements to her dwel- w" i, bum Wast Friday evening ,and oven a 'heartily invited to come to this great A Record Giaaden 'Party, - The ling TMOPert3' nn Richmond Street. tr _;: vary exciting and 'bard-fouglvb game aveltt A missioreary. serviice will be Strawberry Festival and garde, party MT. Jlames Hupgarth ,las also been .n t held on Monday evening, July 3rd, at of St. Andrew's church, Kipper, ,prov- making improvrmonts to his dwelling u' PM irnallY sinckting the district clam- g h pionshu'p. Kinburn are a husky bunch, ,no * Rev, E.el Tel n int,, B. D., of rd a grand success. The night was on the a4aane street -The strawberry '' good kickers and East. The Rovers gym' will �li°e1 art intereagting ad- ideal- The place (the lawn of Mr. emP in this section was a very good he played m grelat game, displaying $ dress. James Mustard), illuminated by elec- one and mn�ivilg the large growers t line of head, work .a7rd combination, "_^�' tri, lights, was most attractive. The were Mr, RooTTlleent Eaorett, Mr. Jackson th Wllach their baseball snatch between Hensali and maid M7. Dougall, of this vi:llage.- ea opponents seemed to lack CROMARTY Chlselhurst, land the fooltbaili Mr. W'illlam - ng a ? „,, Mr. Febig, of Stratford, acted ati Xabea-- game drew rtroin fitted up pin the rear of Mr. T. if e' in a very sxtL5 factory menmer, be held ,ffi'0'311' a barge crowd. Kipper ,and he hadries se drew W, POkner's eneral Store for ca bu .,, We are :proud of the Rovers and 'their 2nd- ,Rev. � , of Morbhel•well very Sumptuous Thot Lsdup served a 1, givenlrup e-ecellent reooad, having Played • seven yPeal. 1JIe ing on tailoring, .he hmvin • Th gasses wii,lout a defeat, wince 15 0311 eandnlot the service bokh nlmming Hensall Bartel enlivened everything the business he lead been carrying on saI goals wi hams ¢def The ninrinng, 15 anbald d evaemmlg" The annual piCllie $unit with their inspiring music. The pro- �im Mr. Murdock's block, in the way of b,', as the Tine -up of the femme: Riruburn be °n 'S1e Molrtlfhafui Grove on gramme was pleasing and instructive. of a tobacco store and billiard sawn. he -tied, line-up backs, Aostau Saturday, July 1st. A fine program The drill's put on by Mr, Stmng and -Mr. Thomas Riohlardsan, of :this Go i= g will be 7ezrdezed, sloe games and his 'pupils wan wide village, Fuss a mid Dodds; Uialf 'backs, Gbvealock, praise. iter. sed as,aaretaker for nn sporbs. No palms are being spared tb Stothers ve moving 'the bowlers' n th ''r Stevenson and Taylor; forwards, Am- snake ;the gra g pictures of give good service a and la'tisfa tion. strong, Armstrong. Dale, Ryan and Plonk a time success.H Art New Ontlario, which were well receiv- g' go Yl Dandits. Brucefield -Gaal the time of wr img Mk. Richard Hog- ed. The proceeds were $316.25. The Lnstallation took place in the Masonic w, backs, J. B. Mustard slid A. MuslMrd; garth, of the village, is suffering union :picnic of Kippen, Hills Greer Lodge ,on Monday evening last, and of nct half backs, A. McMillan, Moffatt and teem an attack of -influenza.-The and Blake will be held July 1st at the whidh further reference will be mauls ;tt .- Woolson; forwards, lawn' social under the auspices of The grove on Mists Bertha Forest's farm, in another tssue.-Miss Dora Sherritt to TbOmPs°n' Cromarty Merry Makers: was held on All are welcome. The members of vans f,h I�stowel recently spending a Wright, Knox, J. Mc'M�ilian, Aiken- Mr. Oswald WLnikeT's lawn on Friday the ILaddes' Aid and tine Managing dory with h<x sister, Mrs. Wes. (',old_ ou s '' 'td evening last and wase. grand success, Board wish to thank Mr. John Deitz w'el'I.-spurschool scholars are now ;;. -- being favored with a •beautiful event- for the use of ,ids field for the burse- Levelling in holidays, while the teach - ,5, McKILLOP img. A :Large crowd assembled on the hall and football games, whdeh were em Living at a distance have gone t, Flom, Feed and oats, -We have two sure beautiful and :spacious lawn, which witnessed by such a large crowd, and their homes. -Carmel church choir is of Floor, Feed and oats at the sentorth oat prem:emted a very attractive and im- alsa Mr. James Mustard fior'his behu- to thous a mo"rnth's holidi3ys in July, Meal Millis. Leave your ,der at the Mia P'�'ing appearance, 'baro but others will Hake their place in early. Also n, quantity oP hard sad soft cosi g beautifully tiful lawn. and ga,ounds for the bold- ,seryls -g on the service of 11, for sale. C. G. 7borepam, seaforts, lighted for the occasion with the Delco ing of the -garden ,party. In point of PWaim.-A . Death of lints. Hugh Ross. -+Mrs. lights under the management of MT. attendance and excellence of the sup number of.. our young people end Hugh Ross died at her home, east of George Muller ,of Staffa. Brodhagen per provided by the Ladies of the cors- others .}nave been making good money , the villlage, on Sunday last, aged 61 Sarni enlivmie4 the evening widh a Y Y of tllarte in weeding and thinning on- gre,gadion, 'the garden part was h irons of which Hensall is a great can- ~ yeasts. Mrs. Ross had bad a stroke number of dhoice selectvorIs, A short It odds the most successful ever held I some time ago, but dearth come un- programme was dispensed ,,,lith, the in this vicinity, and the tre:-The'1Mals:Rnic Lodge intend ,hold- in Lund Land his pastor, Mr" g pion, in about 'a month's ".I expectedly. Her maiden name was Merry Makers, Orchestra talon a ir, a gtancl consnicuovs Y, gond wife mn,ind, all 4 Isabellia �Rinm, daughter of Mr, and Porten the :pmogrammo. others, who had the work in hand, de_ time, or a IL'ttlerm.ore, and intend hap- ' ,E', Mas. James Rinn, who came from Ire- Readings were given by'Miss Livinag- serve t'he ing a good bane at the lake. - As highest Praise for the nuc- there will be no celebrlation in our a ac'. band in 1847, and settled in Blanchard stems and Mss Neal instrumentals cess of the evening. township, where deceased was born, by Oita Walker,and Miss Waller and 'Nrobe1­Mrs, A. McKenzie, who has villlage on Dominion Day, July 1st, ti In 1869 the familymoved tD MCKil- Meister Nelsem Howe; also choice vo- the day will, no doubt, be spent b - been in Toronto for the plant five lop, wUere she arse married to her cal select ons by Iloyd Miller, Miss weeks .in the interests of her health, maany in other places where celebra- now bereft (husband. One sister, Mrs. Norrrlla' Wile accompanist. Rev. has returned home much benNfitted, tions are being .held :and art.. different 11 Grieve, of Manitoba, rand one brother, Mr. Ritchie acted as' chairman. -Mr. and all friends are pleased to have petits along the lake shore. -Gordon Mr. John Rinn, of McK trop, survive. John Soott -and family attemded :the -her back again. -July 9111, :the. Sacha- parties and picnics continue the order The funeral was held on Tuesday Of- funeral of Mr. 'Scotus uncle, Mr. Tel- of the day. -Mr. Alex. Murdock, our Y nlen't of the fiords' Supper will be 'held tcanoron, when a Lange number testa- far, at Brussels, en Monday Iasi..- in St. Andrews Church at 11 sues.- "village clerk, end one bf :our pioneer z�`• fled their esteem by their, presence. + Miss, Heim Miller is at pres'emtt the Rev- D. J. Davidson, B.A., Central btnshness 'n',en, :bra's been :inkl•isposed The pallbearems were Messrs. George gutvst of Miss-Narmra Wilson, - The Inh Mission field, all for the- pm'st week, but we trust soon annual Sunday school Preach in St. McKee„ John Shannon Thendo,, : y picnic will be Andrew's on July 16b11, tut 11 a..nn, land t0 $� ,him in the enjoyment of 'his Holland, Thos. Dodds, Petor Dodds 'held -on the mountain grove on July at Blake arnniversary services at 2.30 uswrt] very 'plod health, - Mr. and mmd Alex. A. Cuthill. Interment was 1 1s't, and on Sunday next Rev. Neil Mrs. Flynn, of Detroit, spent ,the and 7.30. !FIs is one bf our most . enlade tin llf:a-tllandbamk cemetery, the i Leckie, D.D., of Mluth'erwell, 0311 Past week wit}, •M'is. FI: Nesbitt, Mss. - fail -to foreign missionaries, re don't Flynn's mother, coming by auto. -Mr. " services being conducted try Rev. J. preach anniversary services 'at 11 a.m. fail -to rasa, him.-FYarmems are busy ;• A. Ferguson. r'amd 7.:10 p.m. -Mrs. W. H. Tufford Robert J. Drysdale, who has been in r :at [haying and it is a very, heatnry em r;,'; North End Notes. -The clops look and Mr. and Mrs. if. W. Curnie .pant The year is one of great p3»mise ani Micrhipan fir sevenall 'weeks visiting Very well in this section. Oats and Sunday in St. Mlatys. Mr. :and Mars. we ought to be most grateful to a lrimd relatives, returned he7•e Last week other spring craps are doing nicely; D. D. MCKella7• and Mr, tand Mrs, J. Providence. -Mrs. Norman P bus, nee frrling very poorly, but we believe is h , Fa•11 wheat s fair, and pasture is ex- Ballantyne visited Mr, amd Mrs. War- y now improving again nicety. - T e a;" Miss Maud Ricker, rand true child rem 1.cellemt.-Two grneery outfits visit ren McGill in Mitchell on Sunday.- from ¢the west, are on a few months' relatives enc! friends mf Mr. William pli this section weekly, *With •a nice stock Mr- and Mrs. Mack McKellar, of Sea- Laramie 'will regret to dea0m that, be Of forth, ,spent the week end in the vil- visit here with her Barents, Mr. and is ,and bias been quite ill durring the gourds. a One of these hails. from lage sP Mrs. H. Ricker, of Hay. Mrs. Pybus Past week. -Muss Ola Cook is ,haeme "l (ran rief.k, asci the nthur crnnes from was ra former Kippen :Lady and has M:orlcrief.�Tohn Munn has, we from , -^"�0 for a couple of months, Fuoliclays aryl y1; many friends here. -Mr. Henry Hood, parssed her recent examinations at St, to say, been land up for swverral weeks HAY of Victorira, an ,account of whose gold- Thr/mas Ladies' College most -credit- ', with a species of blood poisoning. It Death of Mrs, Brown. Elizabdth en wedding .appeared in last nveek's' ably, receiving honors in many sub- - though that beg enntrtacted the Kmehler, beloved wife of Mr. Jacob Expositor, says its Has been a cob- Js -Mrs. PeppleT, of Hanover, ac- 11 trouble from comm in contact with Brown, of the Gos'hert Line south, scriber to this paper for fifty,'two oompanied by her [little Thud, has l poison ivy.--R'ev, MT. Button preach- ,passed peacefully away :a't her home years and that he could not do with- been s endin = the V.1 _ ed big farewell sonmons in the church- on Friday, ,June 9th, at the age of out the weekly news from his old p Pmt v'�'k with .her 4 es in Walton circuit Iasi Sabbath.- 64 yeyps thrc+e mmntlm and six ,Lays. bomeerid the doings in Huron County, ,sister, Mrs. Tames W. Bamtliron,- Tile picnic 'held .in connection with Hes sutl'erin was' nths y, Mrls: Thomas Walsh left -here the first Ing patiently, and -Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Love, of ,of the week for "ra trip to the West Walton Methodist circuit was just all she leaves behind her memories of a Flemwali, during the week were vis[bors i , righlL There was a goodly attend- paltiemt loving mother and wide, de- with Mr, and Mrs. McKenzie in the ,and to visit her si4atsls in Calgary and Sure of'deligrhbfuU children and young voted to her family land ever ready vViAage, who are always gilad Co see relatives rand friends in other parts W,P"Ile, and quite :a number of older to ,Help her neighbor, •she lenves to them. Mr. and Mru. Love mrd to s of the west. Mr, and Mrs. W. C. one a: , U'eT}da s the oldest g Mantgomary were visited by relatives P peRsoh mourn cher less, des des her husband, 'the successful farmers of the Parr• f8om Michigan ors. Sunday diast-St. *,sgerU."W&s,Mr. Jobs Fulton, of Wail- five sons: Henry and John ,of 7.urich; Line, and now h'avin'g acquired a suf- Pau'Its zr 'bon, who informs us that ,he is 91 W,itlierm, of Taronbo; Garfield, of ficieney for a rain dra have retired Emprscapal church was raised Y Y, binis week for the •purpme of putting s lj yanma of age. •A retreshment booth Elmira; Melvin, st'home; four laugh- be Hendaill by enjoy n viell sassed rest. a week under »t, and' the womk W t.. of •` 3t'i - M oundM faOUa , b4 Fi ad a s ',g47vie Mus'. MGordon Bergey retoff Petersburew g' a000m niedlie her mother hese oral will will be raipidly ,pushed on during this r , h tithtmbar of fife Noleutiwlns, Petersburg, � fine wealbher.-The motor as installed This, Mxs,, B. Wvertln; of Elmi7a, and Mary stay There fora time tmt�1 Mrs. 1Kc- in Qamnel church for the pLpa organ, e P0it2t. gt&,nes, aGHglllg'itirdaari mlmhie, at home• Sour brothers, Messrs. Henry, Kerizies lidalth lion been i1411q relator- we believe, is giving very good saf- K r b9a(i0 it is 3*70"4s and' 1rPp#� otVhsfuon. Jdciab and Peter Koehler, of Zurroh; e'dr<-�MJrm. T. Workman, t1ce past week t U?tt reds to ffia3� the ,ddtablett' woo of PhfIip Ko hler, of Los An los, Cal., .SPeat a iafaetlon-Mie t{;- Budlmdd :hes t6 - h ge vary in visit with cher Ce7YCi 11 L p 3r Very mruc improved the ap- tF¢1,'l ka tr1. - _ - ., > siFi. �tn36u:,,r . [ 'tt '- �r - - I?a.,tuli.alr.,.3r.,�., d.r: ..e.,...i , "b.Ytr.firs,,,It,., ; .ul_t+ 11 , �vi��_it, �' a� +k 7 11' i r ",,, ,t tr (+t t�1 ,��,�.' . 1,. 1{b't 19 r'ft-•`•--O Ofamii'Qm, cTetl'�A, latit�o h will allioltly slake a fins iy11'eot: ^--,Xlr. dua9ag hegtle tree, '11 and o. t1idR, of On a, }, ,.k r r1�Sn� t'% tike tiomie�s Come but %I. a .S'tea y, wkv aim ',�A., )6q WtI ( 'i +i..b.iXl ,i ,• ry ' ; •x::: �,l�la And CipWolia the glal6t vest or so,, ed the fl cit 'Fite 'week Hh vwy he>rulth� Having Ibe= in the mos- �• You'll envoy 'true di$illday a ib .'. '� wore dressed In a pair bf tela ldtt�n � im ; ,, hmve, eveaYt6ing is Svnlmea Pbobwear -au gpp�rl ��" pit14 in .0difown" for some time, and .bbe ,Soasonta newest styles sub mnlo'sb pierseiag , . was onftv mlbie rio ao¢rle bn IB0 Sas 8Y8 Chicago whole his anbibher meet Wm 1`(j M17lO1BEld'S FVRfIR +' iilwn rn hila ivrne we maps bHst R nis Ilnma here be %M beghb I6 !re- nicely, ate he lis; youth on his (Me dea Wkite Foctweaot`in'9' •'and E s� atyleig IWt,ibE.?6 dl B.OD TWO g�,p Wmtte p�4s '� .8 a 1e gibes 1vg 'ab . , 0 i White spot Oxtoads " "toe , ee leather tr�tr , "tr � . +'�. befvag omly shout trvve9tty yeast .,. :60,, The popllbrs one a Trop M1aolde Iwge.-Mins. McLean, of wingibare, s visiting 'her sister, Mrs. 'DT Inmond, ;r. -The Citizens' Band will play this k Phi ' .. . 64 RG to .00 r Tao s'tiilip ou In U ather' and Daae kid' at 'Cb Wee Black $G,QO Rb $8.00 C►iAlttl 2-StmaP �nBs at $r8.b0 bo �8 AO day evennng as lSaburday ever9in Gonias on the Arst of July, FOR MEN's WEAR ''' a molt we trust wirangaments 0311 be pelade to retain the Sand every Men's Brown OaOi Oa%rdh, rawest Wages at. $(0� to; eveajmg tlnxting the die Menta Browu Ua14 9meea, new vgile� tarts at �5A0 sued tlp 4 mondhs of %r yeas. Menta (White Osumi Oxfords, le9rbker Bales, at ; ft�t " . Men's �Vi,pte Oawvms Oxhords, rubber sales And laeeUs_6t $2.60 85 $$ LIVE BTOCH RtABlCMl00 FOR THE LITTLE! PEOPLE ,I BUFFALO, Juno 27.--Steae�{y0�4na¢,900; asp imad. r gkreeee,e' steady 1too Iawer:' "P,Iugg Misses' :Bateut Leetthm Pumps, 42.50i (idldrea's, X1.90; I,DfWlirAl, tea.¢, 76.75 to $9,90; tmtehers, $7,50 ao $1.b0; Tan Banisront Sandat'ils- dil7bses,'. Eri75• OblJdfemb 16A. 8.76 yearlings, $8.76 to a&60 • heifers, f6.60 ffm&nto', $1'26• Fetent Leather Barefoot asnd4t�1 G'bildrsnTe 1,90; fv $8.00; cows. $2.50 to 43.26i abulia. 18.60 to I r 0-1 ?�' . , 6.26, fresh a a.d prinsem. µ0 to 1186- r t F1XVr4FOOT OUTING SHQFfa4-1y'udt the C -1 --Receipts, 2.660; stead,: $5.o0 to 1• 'ihe d0drin 'tb weaur dm,gizg the, (holidays. We Uwe oL 12.60. Plltte, lebmt tilt balCk-..W-AIgR'Tna), prxea Hug.-Rec.inis, 10,600; steady, to 10 cents , igher; heavy, $1J.30 to $11.86; mixed, $11.86 . to $11.40 ; y.rkere, light Yorkers and plea, GW,W, .1Lao; magna, ao: atria. $s to 16, io Steep and Iambsstaecat$6 206. dasher�;��jj�jl wOc higher ; •lambe, $8.00 to $14 ; yearliven, a6 f to 41D.60 ; ethers, $6.50 to 37.50; ewes, $L to $6; mixed sheep. $6.00 to $6.50. 6 MONTREAL. June 27th.--Cattle--Rceeipte, • . 84- Trading in cattle was brisk. Thera were '> o choice . Pai or r five a eels Tree top Srf�9P�JPTfii I Pound Paid for ave teem rely goad Is076 Pounds. The bilk of the relatively good TELEPHONE 11 steers and heif.. brought $s. Com- OPPO6ITE t30MME$ mon grades brought from $6.50 to 17.50, and CUL IJOTEL Wi..4.8 at-. from 46"60 to $7.60. 1 Nem ere in better condition than ateera In many eeaee and were In good demand, There were few hoice cows on sale which brought s aco�:aa,- top of $7. Good cows generally were from $a calf��, 815; to $6.50, but the common b thin kinds were were 788. base' 1.884: and sheep, feeders. good, $7.00 to #7-60; do, fair. 04,00 not wanted, Choice m 17.00; dtocketa, g.pd, $6,60 b As high m $6.60, Quotations; --,Choc,. heavy ateera, $5,60 to fair, 06:00 to sm, Bk$6. 06.26, da. Quotatiorm: Butcher at..., good. $8 to $025: butchers m, iq $40,00,M $80t %a chglce„ 16.OA to sd,um epriagem, $60,00 to $90,00; aalvaa," eh.ioe, 8.40; edium, 47.50 to $8; common, $6-b0 do" govt, $7.60 to $8.00; do, medlmn, P9.OD to ¢30.60; do. medtuea, •$?.00 to {8d.0 $7. Butcher heitem, good. $7"76 4. si.2s ; $7.00 to ;7.60; do. common. $6.00 to $7.00 ; do, common. $; d m $4.60: ..erns lust, edium, $7.25 to $7.75; common, '15 m 17, butcher belfere, ,hake. 18,00 to $8.76; do, do, c to $16.60; sheep, eh,60.oic, spring eq amt., etcher cows. good. $8 to 16.60; medium. $a medium. $7.00 m $7.76: do. common, {6.60 $do -14 good, 1a.60 to $4,60: do. $6.00 to 6160$ to 3; chnnere, it to $1.60; outt,en, $2 to 48, to $6.60; but,her cows, choice, $8,00 to 11,60 ; to $3.00; yearlings, choke, $12.00 to 018.00 ; J utcher bulla. good. $5 to 46.60; common, do medium, $8,50 to $4,60; canners and do, eomMen, {6 to 17.00; hogs, Led and `� 8.60 to 75. cutteen, al"00 to 62,0°.: butcher bane,. goad• watered. 014.25; do„ lights. 618.26; de. beaviea Quo"tiom: Good veal, $6 to $7; medium. $4.75 to 75,60; do.-meonan, $8.00 to $4.09; 442.26; do. eow% $10,26. 15 to 36:60; ommon, $2.50 to $8. Sheep --Rt tilts, 2.566; heap and lamb. ready. Good eheep from $8 to $4, 04th a eco ,hob✓• ones at $6. Lamb., $11 to 418. nd in fair demand. common light lambs Id around 110, ti ow Uw-. 38 to 46: Jambe, good. : w .. 2 it $ver curse", Ge er $11.50.icMotorists Attention 01ogs--�Rcrodipts, 1,181, Market strong, Quality very uneven. General prise for se- at., $16. A few picked lots for local trade, 5.25. Heavies and roughs from $12:60 up. Quotation: Off err weights, select, t1. SPECIAL THIS WEEK ONLY *16.26; heavies, $12.60 to $14: sows. $10. UNION STOCK YARDS, Toronto, June 27. 1113 until one o'clock trade quite brisk the stock market, there being . .trans Commencing * y errand for good quality tuff, and the bait g Judy 1st rt of the .apply was nota. Poor grecs and astern Bettie were not wanted, and the FREE --3 Gallons of Gasoline with every New . ane In these w draggy. The market was the whole, a good one, however, and by 00 Tire purchased from us. ' wanly part of the afternoon same rJoee '- sad of cattle had crossed the seals. Perces ere about 16 cents lower on steers d - afer., while cows and bull. remained .'bout Ford and Chevrolet Owners' t,ady. The cattle quality was fair, although ere were about live hundred light Western the in the nen and Perna otm moving, e, And ' New 24-" mdnth Guaranteed Batteries for 42 .00 tile. Common rattle Pere not moving, native eco beayyn were off -at Several loads of and old Battery, no matter what condition. ceders and stockers ant out er Dricav rung - g from 4A. to l 8. of Exporters took s few Us, and ae f ft heavy forttle at a.day. Attractive Prices for Cars using Large Size top load of heavy cattle for the day, erasing 1,260 pounds, went at 9c, and con d by McDonald and Halligan. One bunch Batteries. eleven sold at 9.1e. 'rhe bulk of the avya tut want at 6.76, flat, t there were SALE CLOSES JULY 8th, at 11 O'CLOCK P.M. A bout down 6 loads on the market. Ad cows sold at from and the balk of the 1ls passed out at from 6 to 6.2bc. �� ' There was a very light Tr of calves, and Square Deal Garage e demand was lacking. Trade was draggy th a few tops at 10 .Ad 10% cenin. Sheep trade was brisker and lambs were e at steadyq6 pries. The bulk of good E. H. EPPS & SON 2 t 15 to It., cents. Sheep were stead? 9 6 tsa cents, Yearlings want t from 5 VARNA - - . . - ONTARIO 1'he majority of hog sales were made to , taide.. Prices —stood steady at 14y c. Cattle receipts for the day were 4,076; , SAVINGS depositors in the Ontario Savings Office are secured by the financial strength of a province with public assets of $645,:106,000 and taxable private property aggregating $2,000,000,000, according to actual municipal assessment. The current :public revenue of the Prov- ince of Ontario reaches $25,000,000 per year. In opening the Ontario Government Savings Office, it should be realized that this bank is publicly owned and controlled, managed by trained officials directly responsible to the Government, and is, in fact, the people's own bank. Four per cent. interest will he paid the Province. Open a savings ae- on deposits. This high rate of bank count with the Ontario Government Interest is accompanied by 'the se- Savings Office to -day. Make the curity restingupon the full re_ acquaintance of the local manager sources of Ontario, which is CanO 4 and take the matter up with him. aeia's richest province. and In no other savings bank can you Savings branches of Ontario's obtain four per cent. on your de - Go avingsnt ravings Office will 's Government posits accompanied by absolute gov- Located e the So et ernment security and the privilege principal centres of Safety of issuing cheques on your account. al��nce of .ol' tmio Sav�an, eines Read Office: 110 University Avenue, Toronto Branches at Aylmer, Brantford, Hamilton, St. Catharines, St. Marys, Seaferth, J. M. McMILLAN Walkerton. Woodstock and Toronto. Branch Manager. calaymiant ON- Hoare: 0.80 a.m. to 0 P.M. and also sat. _b� `«1 err �._. gydar aftetnoon and evmha• 82 klUSYr.,,, i � ;:fr ."v5,6`�S/m�Yf Cwvuw3hSn.MIv ;,ruin_ pan. R,&,,i ti�.�!'r� b I t