HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1922-06-23, Page 501. ra here iaarst, AR ?t>f 'friends �As GREEN t adies: of rite W. M. S it , mg for June at the Of Mr. nd Mrs. J. C. Cochrane. ,were tvreive ladies present. ;dims, E. Love presided and the 'lesson taken from the book of "$p ia1 Iter hereat to .the Society," was ten by Miss A. Cochrane and Mrs. W. :Ca tyle. Each month has a Wore. gratifying report than the n1orith'pre- ceding and these meetings are looked tforward to with intermit. After the meeting lunch was graeionely ,proxid- cd by rfikte'hoetese,. w'hic'h was enjoyed�Yy `;all. -A 'great number .from :Bebe la tided the garden ,party 'at l ppen, 111 week and all report a good time. A' union picnic of Hills Green, Blake and Kipper will be hehl on the first of July. ,DUBLIN Nolbes.-The baseball game last week between Granton and our local team, resulted In a tie, the score be- ing 2 -2. -Mrs.- J. V. Ryan is home from Buffalo, having • had a very pleasant visit with her brother and her easter.--Mrs. Joseph Nagle is • .spending this week ,with leer niece, Mrs. James Phelan, Blyth, Miss Kathleen Sullivan, nurse in training at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, is ihom'e for her holidays. -;Rev, • Father Kelly's parish in Logan are having a .',:social an.the 'evening of the 28 inst. „-Lrhe baseball match on Thursday night between Fullerton and our team, was a victory for Full'arton.r. Mr. M. J. Klinkhammer's new home on Main Street is. nearing completion. WALTON Notes. -Some of the farmers have started haying. -The recerut rain has done a great deal of good to the crops and gardens. -Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bennett have moved to :Win- throp and intend living with their son, who has bought .the Cuthill store. -Mr. Armor Dundas is having .his 'house remodelled and painted. -Mrs. W. Farkua'harson, of. Prevosat,. Alta., visiting her sister, Mrs. W. David - •eon. -Berry pickers are busy these days. There is a good crop of straw- berries this season. -Mrs. Patrick Ryan is visiting her son, Thos. Ryan. -Mlaster Earl Hoy. had the misfor- tune to cut his foot very badly with a sharp axe. -Many in this district were sorry to hear of the death of Airs. Smith, of Egmondville, formerly Mrs. McPhee. She was well known here and lived to be the great age of nearly 90 years. HULLETT Death of Robert Dunlop. -One of the ,pioneer and most highly 'respect- ed residents of this township passed away alt the home of 'his sister, Mrs. Walter Rogerson, in Tuckeramith, on Saturday,' June 17th, in the person of Mr. Robert Dunlop. The deceased bad been a sufferer from rheumatism for smile 'years; 'Nit tire immediate ,cause of his ilea'th was drops.' Mr, Dunlop was a son of the late William Dunlop, and was 'barn in Howick township sixty-four years ago, where he continued to' re- side until a shout time ago, when fail- ing health forced him to give wp the farm 'and snake his home with his sister, Mrs. Rogerson, where every ,care and attention was bestowed upon 'him, but without avail. Throughout kis trying illness he bore his suffer- ings with great patience, never com- plaining. Mr. Dunlop was a member of the Presbyterian church and in polities a staunch Liberal, and his •heath is a cause of deep regret among a wide circle of friends. The deceas- ed was never married, but leaves to mourn his loss, one sister, Mira. Rogerson, and two brothers, William, of Kinisttina, Sask., and Hugh, of Bullet*. CROMARTY Notes. -The Merry Makers will 'sold their annual strawberry social et the home of Mr. Oswald Walker, Cromarty, on the evening of June 23rd. A football game will be play- ed before supper. -Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wright attended the funeral of Hugh McEwen in Stratford last week. -Mr. Mand Mrs, John Scott' attended the funeral of their uncle, W. Telfer, at Brussels, on Mbnday of this week.- pills. R. G. 'McKay and son, Alex,, of Dresden, are spending a few weeks with :her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Scott. -Mr. Austin Hog'garbh, of Lon- kion, spent Sunday under the parental roof. -Cromarty congregation was (well represented at the W. M. S. con- vention in Mitchell on Thursday. -Mr. Archie Currie, of St. Marys, spent the Week end with friends in the village. F• -Mrs. A. C. Russell, of Avonton, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Hugh Currie, of this place. 'Hocking -Harper. -A very pretty wedding took .place' on Wednesday, June 14th, 1922, at the home of Mr. ',William Harper, Hibbert, when his daughter, • Miss Mary Joanne, was married to Mr. John E. Hocking, of Cromarty. The ceremony *as per- formed by Rev. Mr. Uren, of Mit- chell, under an arch of evergreens decorated with white crepe paper and peonies, with a large white bell hung in the centre. The couple were un- attended. The wedding march. was played by Miss Mabel Vipond. The bride's dress was white 'georgette over silk a11d trimmed with white satin ribbon. She carried a bouquet of 'Carnations. A dainty dinner was serv- ed following the ceremony, in the dining room, which was nicely deoorat- pd in pink and white; The bappy 'ample deft on the afternagm train lot a short trip to 'Eastern porn and on sir return will take up residence. Mei the groom's farm near Cromarty, The bride was the recipient of many ful and beautiful gifts. The groom's t to .4lhe bride was a gold wrist Wetteh and to the pianist a gold •birooeh,.On friday evening, 16th inst., is reception .was held by Mrs. Agnes Hocking at .the groo'm's home, at Whitt: over one hundred were present. oto. Mot at I+ the Me nesday. men is Plta414au'i tblati}t and It shb> plot !;olden ithait all .alterations and eitangee'are in their hands and that: th��eeyy should be consulted: -Rey M $gtfereon eoaduubed the servicers in the Methodist church here 'on Sunday last in She absence of hill'.. Rimers. - Mrs, AndreW Wright is at present visiting ;her son 5n Detroit, tt: '#'14 ii filtelPiisE sI del 'is lls eonstit .: In d e undepebood by, all armies; • BIRTHS Elliott, -In Exeter, on June lith„ t Mr, alld Mss, John Elliott, a daughter,. BWiree.-In. Blanchard, on Jung 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Squires, a eon.' Alexander, -In Tuokernmith, on 4gne 6th,. to Mr. and Mrs. Jam Alesender, - Tr.. a eon. Spariing,-In Godenlab, on Jame Sth, to Mr. and Mss. 'Roy Sparltol. ar eon. MARRIAGES Thomas--Edward.-In Goderich, on June 12th, 'by Rev. R. C. McDermid, J.SIHan M. Ed - t award, 04 Godertch, daughter oP Mr. C. B. Ed'wo,rd, of Loyaldot, Alta., to Mr. 4110. .H. Thomas, eon of Mro. C. 'rhomes, of Goderich, Carrick --Garrett: -At Victoria Street Par- sonage, on• June 12th, by Rev. J. F. Rey, craft, Miss Lillian Garrett, of Goderich '1•ownahlp, w Mr. J. H. W. Carrick, of Blyth. DEATHS Smith. In Seaforth, on June 20th, Margaret McPhee, widow of the date Samuel Smith, aged el years and 8 days. Bethune. -,In Seaforth, on June 14th, Jane McLeod Bethune, aged 85 years. Hearties--Jn Seaforth, on June 10th, James Beattie, to hie' sash rear. Moloney. -In McKillop, on June 10th, Ellen Hollis, beloved wife of Patrick Moloney. aged 64 years and 2 months. Forbes. -In Clinton. on June 12th, Mary McAllister, widow of the late Arthur Forbes, in her 67th year. Dunlop. -In Tuckgramith, on Jane 17th, Mr. Robert Dunlop, aged 64 years, 1) months and 9 ;lays. IN MEMORIAM Note. -Items under *hie head will be charg- ed 60 cents per single verse and 26 cent* for e ach additional verse. In loving memory of our dear son and bro- ther, Arthur Cedil Neely, *he was killed five years ago, June 26th, 1917. Our hearts are very lonely. Our life seems drear and sad. For it was his presence only That ads our life -seem glad. 284501 Mother and Brothers. CARD OF THANKS Mr. Patrick Maloney and family desire to express their sincere thanks and appreciation of the many acts of kindness and sympathy shown to them in their recent sad bereave- ment CARD OF THANKS Mrs. W. E. Broadfoot wishe, to thank the neighbors ami friends for the many deeds of kindness shown her during the sickness and death of her husband, also the many floral tributes. 284581 CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rogerson wish to thank -their friends and neighbors who have been so kind during the illness and death of their brother, ,Mr. Robert Deniop, 284681 CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends and neighbors for the kindnesses accorded and expressions of sympathy extended during our late bereavement. 28411x1 JOHN DOIG AND FAMILY. IMPORTANT NOTICES MAN WANTED. -WANTED. MARRIED man to run farm. Apply he E. J. BOE, Seaforth. 28484f VOR SALE. - ABOUT 75 ACRES OF timothy and mired hay for sale on the field, on Lob 12, Concession 8, MoKillop. Apply to MRS. SUSAN ROSS, R. R. No. 1, Dublin. Phone 18.240. 2846.2 1G1ARM FOR SALE. -FOR SALE LOT 12. Concession • 12. McKISot, eentelnhtg acres: good buildings. About four mils from Seaforth and cline to schools and churches. Apply to The Rlmesltor Office. 2848x4 BUILDING FOR SALE. -ONE BUILDING 40 et 50. It would make a god straw abed. APPIy to C. G. THOMPSON, Oatmeal MBIe, Seaforth. 289841 WANTED. -A LIMITED NUMBER OF Cattle to pasture on Lot 27. Coneewsioa 12, Hibbert Plenty of grass and water guar- anteed. Terme reasonable. Apply to T. G. SBTLLINGI.AW, R. R. No. 4, Seaforth. 2886-tf ESTRAY nrxn'NR.-STRAYED FROM THE 'bretnisea of the undersigned. Lot 20, Con - ;Cession 6, �MeKilkry, about' June 16th, n dark 'roan heifer, dehorned. Any information lead- ing to her recovery please phone 285 ring 4, Seaforth. ANGUS MORE, No. 1, Seaforth. 284508 Y ORKSHIJLE9,-I AM OFFERING AT Present, a number of young sows, bred: one due early in July, also a number of young boars 4% months old. Prolific strain and goodbacon type. Apply to 11. W. GIB- BINGS, Lot 26, Huron Road, Taekeramith, R. R. No. 4, Olinton. 'Phone 14-616. 284502 MOTOR WI FH US TO Goderich and attend the Dinner Dance At Hotel Bedford Next Saturday Evening JULY 1st Dancing from 6.80 to 12 Mitsicby Miss gene Connon and Sunday Dinned'-Muaaic, 1 to 2.45. Sunday SuptperL-Royale, 5.80 to 6.45. Write or phone for iteservattions to Hotel Bedford, Goderdok. Ayvroved Enrolment Eo; 081 Form Al' �yy,H EJI•Di�SON '"',•1 Rims Record 2.0814 2296 0,10.1t Monday.,. -Win leave his own stable and pro- ceed to graham House, Clinton for noon: then to Goderich to Lannan's )Rot'el for night, Twmdey,- 'fo_ William Watson's. Nile, for noon;. then to -Commercial Hotel 'stables, Blyth dor night. whore he will remain until Wednesday noon. Wednesday. -to Brussels to Amerlean .hotel stables for night. 'Thursday -Tb' Fred Millet's Hotel, Walton. for noon; then to his own stable for night. Friday - Will go to Hick's House, Mitchell, for noon: then to bis own stable where he will remain until Monday morning. Terms -To insure, 120. T. J. COULTER, Proprietor. Seaforth, Ont. PRESERVE STRAWBERRIES NOW The fruit this year is of first quality but the season premises to be short. We advise you to do your preserving now. You will get the best berries if the Niagara Peninsular Growwrs',Lim-• ited, mark is on the container. 6-- Cars --6 Western Feed Wheat Re -cleaned and Kiln dried. 75c ° Bushel OATMEAL MILLS, Seaforth. JUNK DEALER I will buy 'all kinds of Junk, Hides, Wool and Fowl. Will pay good pric- es. Apply to a MAX WOLSH, 2843-tf Seaforth, Ont NO Complaints, Every Buyer gets full value for every Dollar they spend here. North Star Man. Flour $4.00 12 Bars Palm Olive Soap .95 2 'Packages Ammonia .25 Magic Baking Powder, 1 lb.35 10 Bars Comfort Soap .75 12 Packages Jelly Powder .95 2 Tins Good Salmon .85 2 pkgs. ;Shredded Wheat .25 2 'pkgs. Cornflakes .25 26c Cash, 28c Trade, for Eggs. W. J. FINNIGAN. Phone 72. A World -Wide Proclamation The Scriptures teadh the Kingdon; is now at hand, even at the door, that the present generation will witness this momentous change, and those witnessing it and coming into accord with the taws of the New Order when established, "will never see death," and therefore Christians Dan with a full assurance of faith proclaim: MillionsNowtiving Will Never Die Speaker F. C. WAINWRIGHT Travelling Representative of the Internation Bible Students Association THE STRAND SEAFORTH Sunday, June 25th at 2.30 p.m. As the Scril'ltures abound in the testimony of this blessed news, n0 two speakers deal with the subject in exactly the same way; therefore let roc the fact that you have previously heard a lecture thereon deter you from hearing this lecture. Seats Free. No Collection. FULLY EQUIPPED FARM: 90 ACRES OVERLOOKING BEAUTIFUL RIVER Matchless opportunity in prosperous, friend- ly farming community, handy village, god markets; 70 acres loam tillage for 814 tom hop per acre: 16river-watered pasture: RATES: Sold of fruit; good 6 -room borne, delightful Saturday everling', 6.80 to 12 .view Q'L-cow barn poultry house. Owner 1800 4ath'Ing ypekm len peke; 47000 if tskon now per couple. After 8.801 1$fl.b8 pfir (ittlgder oras, 11 Dahl%, eaJdelee• maehtnory, le with additional AlivefOt ', r ' •h'080 101 �qb one theta 0508. • lip�'. ILtASR, Streit Form Aseney Box Wart a la eructs. ass, terns lam, Ott., Can. 2846-1 F yF'ieit 14,11 pia send yoUr>.ileptosits. by laud!. the satf,sfaetioa of u owirlig that your':, money ie 14afehr protected and is earning laerett regularly. pea CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL, - - $15,000,000 • RESERVE FUND - - $15,000,000 eviFORTIi BRANCH, J. G. Mullen, Manager. "'°- "- Ferguson & Co'y. Specials Just received a large assortment of Children's Wash Suits in all sizes, at $1.00 and $1.25 Men's Overalls in all sizes at a Special Price $L25 Boys' Cottonade Knickers, good quality. Spetrial at to $1.25 , One special table of Men's Ties. They are a fine 'lot. Worth as high as $1.50. Ail going at 50c Men's Work Sox in dark grey, and Wool, worth 50c. To dear at 25c Men's Cotton Work Sox, light weight, grey, 'a bargain at 15c, 'or 7 pairs for $1.00 Handkerchief.; in Blue, Red and White, Plain White with bor- der. Boys' Blouses, a fine new let in many calors and good quality at $1,00 & $1.25 Men's Khaki Pants, medium weight and good color. While they last at $1.25 Boys' Khaki Knickers, just the thing for Sommer at $1.25 Work ' Shirts in all sizes. A special lot at a Special Price Qom. A fine as-sortment of Men's and Boys' Underwear. Men's com- bination at $1.50 and $1.75 Single Garments, best Balbriggan at 75c Single Garments in natural col- or, heavy. At per garment $1.00 Also a Special Offering of Linen Handkerchiefs at 50c MI Motfiei 7e'A38a etti4d Uaadteaf fir., Jhgge, Jordiseres,: Hans2es, • :flee ibhti. iC""d'B meat. '".� Miarathosi Graniteaare this 'i Re.. COMB40BILA Eye Specialist here Ante :20 Beattie Brae We Carry A Full Lids of Cool Comfortable Footwear for every member of the fam- ily from Babyup to Grandpa, in the best styles and prices. H. R. Scott - Seaforth FLOUR Rob Roy, Pure Manitoba Flour $4 15 per at...... �D bag Chieftaijl, Ontario and Manitoba s3.85 per bag Clansman, for Pastry $3.50 pug at J bb blended Flour. Smaller packages at proportionate prices Not better than the rest, bat just as good as the best, and a whole lot cheaper ; also a home pro- duct. For sale at the -leading grocers, or a phone call on 13 will bring it to your door. Rob Roy Mills, Limited A. A. COCKBURN, Bargain We Sell For Less Men's Pants 188a 1 Ladies Skirts 295 per pair I each Men's Silk Sox49c Ladies 20c-1.35 per pair Hose Men's Underwear 30c Leather Work Gloves 25c SPECIAL Alarm Clocks $1.60 Ladies Underwear 30c D & A Corsets $1.50 Men's Outing Shirts, collars at- Fine Table Scarfs bitched each $1.50 69c A. A. Cockburn STORES IN SEAFORTH, STRATFORD. BRANTFORD, ST. CATHARINES: C. E. AKINS, General Manager. J. W. HART, Local Manager. Drop in and see OUR SUITS Old Country Materials And Dyes Latest Models Fine Range. of Colors .,411Wn.r . t'.. ,h4 a, ire'• lcltxe ,l r$,' 'ice ll �.'? �41M 4,. rs " For Your Scalp" KOREEN A safe preparation, entirely free from oil, grease, coloring matter or alcohol, that quickly and thoroughly relieves dandruff, and prevents the hair from falling. Ask your Druggist or write direct. Ferguson & Co'y. Specials Just received a large assortment of Children's Wash Suits in all sizes, at $1.00 and $1.25 Men's Overalls in all sizes at a Special Price $L25 Boys' Cottonade Knickers, good quality. Spetrial at to $1.25 , One special table of Men's Ties. They are a fine 'lot. Worth as high as $1.50. Ail going at 50c Men's Work Sox in dark grey, and Wool, worth 50c. To dear at 25c Men's Cotton Work Sox, light weight, grey, 'a bargain at 15c, 'or 7 pairs for $1.00 Handkerchief.; in Blue, Red and White, Plain White with bor- der. Boys' Blouses, a fine new let in many calors and good quality at $1,00 & $1.25 Men's Khaki Pants, medium weight and good color. While they last at $1.25 Boys' Khaki Knickers, just the thing for Sommer at $1.25 Work ' Shirts in all sizes. A special lot at a Special Price Qom. A fine as-sortment of Men's and Boys' Underwear. Men's com- bination at $1.50 and $1.75 Single Garments, best Balbriggan at 75c Single Garments in natural col- or, heavy. At per garment $1.00 Also a Special Offering of Linen Handkerchiefs at 50c MI Motfiei 7e'A38a etti4d Uaadteaf fir., Jhgge, Jordiseres,: Hans2es, • :flee ibhti. iC""d'B meat. '".� Miarathosi Graniteaare this 'i Re.. COMB40BILA Eye Specialist here Ante :20 Beattie Brae We Carry A Full Lids of Cool Comfortable Footwear for every member of the fam- ily from Babyup to Grandpa, in the best styles and prices. H. R. Scott - Seaforth FLOUR Rob Roy, Pure Manitoba Flour $4 15 per at...... �D bag Chieftaijl, Ontario and Manitoba s3.85 per bag Clansman, for Pastry $3.50 pug at J bb blended Flour. Smaller packages at proportionate prices Not better than the rest, bat just as good as the best, and a whole lot cheaper ; also a home pro- duct. For sale at the -leading grocers, or a phone call on 13 will bring it to your door. Rob Roy Mills, Limited A. A. COCKBURN, Bargain We Sell For Less Men's Pants 188a 1 Ladies Skirts 295 per pair I each Men's Silk Sox49c Ladies 20c-1.35 per pair Hose Men's Underwear 30c Leather Work Gloves 25c SPECIAL Alarm Clocks $1.60 Ladies Underwear 30c D & A Corsets $1.50 Men's Outing Shirts, collars at- Fine Table Scarfs bitched each $1.50 69c A. A. Cockburn STORES IN SEAFORTH, STRATFORD. BRANTFORD, ST. CATHARINES: C. E. AKINS, General Manager. J. W. HART, Local Manager. Drop in and see OUR SUITS Old Country Materials And Dyes Latest Models Fine Range. of Colors .,411Wn.r . t'.. ,h4 a, ire'• lcltxe ,l r$,' 'ice ll �.'? �41M 4,. rs