HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1922-06-23, Page 1I1
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The feuowing 1s�*' : <ar of aebool I:WN SOCIAL9'
salt dates foo Ibhta� 4th r 1922',, drdlddt 6 ��D;y
Grand rBand,r ~$ arid' o� 4ju�t aeaolybipn tIslA'fi ai.. P :
+RMsernirrn �'Creditan
St-ewa'rt-B.ros. Zurich, depbaridO
'' dap extrvu aad marije $ j, , y;.
ePtV64q' STRAWBERRY. b em�kls lie �wnre$1>4 neinit
Ashfield, Se I+1 9;1 h Y. It, is not �lcaly ko ane�k. �lllli am�9 0 If} i� � .
I d� rBlueva e, SePlte Rth
pte FESTIVAL . airtitits oglwsrtion, uniesa tlh�t eoartea': '� �t� 1 u
6t. Iielens,.ep(e}'ifilth. when the b171 resolt4Ss tlhe,fugeJ-0gadeli` micetb k�Q}F�
BelgrevS h. lectin ar/nsdderarom d th e3d4
da Eve Gonee7eenaCIve
Seliterri ` Y njn$' qp ;� I be xi
f.. " ePtahllbA= the arroe8�eaeling egnsid bly t Fve>Etr9nl In ' BY "' i a•
F16ha1, Septeudb JUNE 27th heartened and think they', will bm vv#h a5gjas ltIN a 8 a
,. sent
Wro somoDlti worth while in their 'the 1808
P'� �` 21st Tileye, on when tum their Sates fi-rler — Q (Porters 1;111, S 23rd.
There is Something,Rere
You N. -ted- anti at Very
Aft.r.active Frices
Women's Vests
Women's Bloomers
>nlssEs' AND. t
CI SSSS' N Bloorimers
Women's Hose
Linen Towelling
Bath Towels
Summer Dresses
Summer , Corsets
Quarter sleeves or sleeveless, made
of Best Lisle Thread.. nicely trim-
med, good fit.
PRICE .......... ........
White or ink elastic top and bottom,
good qualiity. Three sizes.
PRICE ............ ...... i
in'White or Pink with elastic top and
bottom, ideal for holidays:
PRICE ....................25C
Black, Brown or White, a -good hose
that will wear and has appearance.
Sizes 8y: to 10.
PRICE .............. .....
Extra good quality, pure linen roller
towelling, best Irish manufacture.
PRICE PER YARD .........35C
Good size Turkish Towels, heavy
weight, -colored stripes.
SPECIAL PRICE 32x14 ........ 5Oc
Big assortment, wool or union, strik-
ing styles and color combinations and
Very Special Prices
You will have to see these to appreci-
atd their beauty of color, style and
fit. You will surely want one when
you see them.
PRICE .......... t0
A new design of low cut Corset.
specially made for hot weather giv-
ing ,you all the advantages of the
.ordinary Corset, plus comfort. It's
a Crompton.
PRICE .....:� r.1.75 to 2.25
Stewart Bros., Seaforth
Wiingham, Sep .. P.6th and 26th St, JaMes' Church aga"'. �y have 'little hw yrs ;W,
r �'+� a'� � a"
Walton, SeptamRrer'dlt ever. of 'getting the CrowTq 1�deta•$t<fiha'several P+ jl0.a t 6 ;.f
MeiGillop, Septen4bdds-?19th. Pass : agtjaetn ant anis wJil 'pterinsIr'; urlxl8 were
Blyth, September ABph. Grounds $traDikird a ae
have to be j�$a[L wlbb a dawnwv j il,•
revisipn of ae sates oven• ebbe scnhple Phoale mea stave de@en 3laeei�eii ('
Varna, October Errs:. Under auspices of Catholic Dominion whichwill"t"1t d 9+ k# e
Dtishwood, Oefiohes,8rd. Women'a League. parts: of the country as rvveM as
Winchelsea, politer dCh. West. some inessruvea1,01i s' (I et C } y
Pregramaie By r w . • to Some in *Mt 4ftgbb0 n
— SHAFORTH HIGHLANDERS' The freight rate oommitlse has `ana'we
GOVERNMENT 6k� fit "PEOPLE'S BAND been bias now for a ilpng Dune and uJ = wdi k y
BArNO, having 4inished its exlasninJm of 1m+
Everyone Welcome. �► 4► tpx
The Ontaiio witav$ses is ca¢tsidering its report to
Gov@1llmeut, through r the j a�ae• That report will ,¢aloe a oecuxM_ The rumoto bi Qeise • Ii
the Ontario Savi»g8.;O8iees, has ,nn few days to put through when it � �e by'this aims been 4M_. ly tpjs • r��y
noynced 'the. opening.:ol several of- -- -A� comes into the ahanrber, it iq expect cuIsted and many 4tpPolePell
fices, amongthem ane in Seaforth, received from dleta1*6=1 Pt sea
rtJr, I ed, but it: is generally felt Hiatt it, wall
and •these *Me" as, ato4 ready 9p , be in favor o1 continuin l ammusing'tbo ii9tla to 1 om qf•� qu8e-
accept deposits frrorti., , eral lent W. ratite an all .este aver $1,200 S suspens on tions being as'laed and 66-iri leow far.
gen Pub the new tax is five per cent. up to 01 tJre agreement on condition that ,the Advocate news travels,"
die. The savings o$aa arta the med- rates everytre be reduced. 1
sum through which artes and women $1,200 and then ten per cent on tkte a
cost over 81,200. Oars coating lase
everywhere will be Aped to saveVian �0 will, 01 course, eostCinue Twverstq seven of the . smatder ves-
money, and the{r ptoner will earn ,m y a tax of five per cent. In sets of the Canadian Government L1DNDE%B0R0
more, as the savdlrgs- "glBoes will pay regard' �Eo candies end salt drinks ' Merchant Marine are to bre said up, Notes. — The l r
four per cent.
ve 1nlAr "' a l' will
and disposed of when.possible. possible.. Thio
there was also a lightening o! the School are holding fhetr.amnnal atrav7
It is believed tirt�D thSa' step well Irrr- was ""''Old in the House last festival y ev
Qsrudden: the soda fountain man nrws p�r�d,�ez on
that promote ttmo htr 6he pant a1 nigdrt lby Hon. W. C• liermedy Mini 'tea
the le, b taxed .and the tax on •b ttled'goods Parsonage lawn WA-bn eeJV4" 3:
people, Y Pm Milts addltia>val star of Ramlmeys anA Qanats, 19re
opportunity for inveatnitt at good 'xedaced •in regard to candies, gross House had vndrr cared Q palsation a'vate in the Daeeraerrt of tore �comawnnity ;.
interest with aibspluhq, ea�urit It Vis. mold goods were freed, and of Hall.—Mr. and Mrs. C. Bunning alts
Y $4,860,720 to provide for a loan to
cigaaetlbes and cigars of the cheaper Mx. arid Mrs. W. Brrmsdon motored
will also assist in agrloultural develop the Oanadiam Government Merchant
bragds were rnldeved, while the dearer to �Stratgord last 49unday Mr.
metro • malting mo>aey available at Marine. E'
tnamis pay a little mare. In the end applied in the Shaddick had the mrdpiortane. ed BreN
pro o le rates od initiesest. It snot' xpeeted to .be about The amount is to be ing path of the roof 9f has bam
the revenue is e
proposed to make loans Wt rates which ,the same, but the bearing of the taxes payment of deficits in the operation
g blown off during the atoon Ud ft-
wdll be ander currclrt.r gsonable rates of the Company during t}re year end-
ed b will be.dighter on the poorer man. day night Mr, and Mats AF Prig—
rg y regular lq dttrtiprrs Fur- Ferb6lizers and sugar beet pulp are ed December 32st, 1921, to wvorking ham and 'Mr and Mas W:'B�Ir�la+�s „
thermore, all ironies tbeeived on de- capital and deficits in connection wvdth 3.
added 44 'rhe free dist insofar as Stolen o1 mayt'h, spent last SVM
posit -will be used, rusmediately in the operation during the 'fifteen moat ba
Tax is, concerned, and a change was friends in Goderioli.- �lr. ' ' �Vatlaon
Province, and will not, therefore, be ending March 91st, 1923, add eapibed lm}ehased a rase Chevrolet car, --
diverted u
made in respect to ehegaeOaxeswdhich has
either from, eirculadaon or expenditure in connection with the
from Productive n makes�the maxium stamps for cheques Mrs. Chr"Ier, of Delbi, is vishihk %r
east which, it the vessels Lo mSbeZy.
opinion of the Govermnent, will be x2'00' This wall relieve most of the dt�• daughter, BtGrs.
an •ad uate saf objections which were being •made. 4 and ]Sims. W. Tamblyn, Toronto, Brave 1'
eq is whl' against the Ur. Fielding also hook a leaf out of returned after visiting width the
detrirriental effects wv}jQt have beer the English book and regvtired Chat WE HAVE GOT THE OIL fpNner's mother. The many friendti .
urged ' these Who 'halts feared that Victoria Street, June 13, 1922, of. Mrs. A. Vodden are sorry too boar
this stepep on the .part the Govern- that she Is not so well agao-n.
meat would interfere eAith the supply ".n
of money for other commercial and
industrial purposes.
The seaforth bramb. of the Bank,
which is situated in •trite Sults' Block,
has been handsomely, fitted and furn-
ished, and is one of the *nit banking
offlem In the counts. . -d i, `.
'the local manager: is Ur. J. 11I.
McMillan, a Seaforth boy, who needs
no introduction to the public, as for
some years he was acc,runtant in the
local branch of the Ganadian Bank f
of rCommeree, and later Manager of
branches of that bank at Walton,.
Parldhill and Niagara -on -the -Lake. He
has :had 'a great many years' experi-
ence tin banking, and is a general
favorite with the business public and
we believe, will be very successful in
this new work.
The official opening will take place
Oh, ho! W hats that? A tel
and c e
- _-_—
To -help to pay thedr debt.
A tank of oil, what do they mean'?
lock, M.P.P., for Centre Herron, and
rte will be assisted in ! ne ceremonies
And men a'standin' round
l f boys and girls from around our
village, are trying their Lower School
g + n
y g
And gazing on the scene.
by Andrew Hicks, )f C.P., for South
ceipts for amounts over ten dollars.
That also will result in a lar a amount
Ano coming on behind,
Accident. --Last Friday night what
Without a noise or sound,
enW• have been a serous accident;'
ocotrrred at• the 'home; of Mr.' $ugh
Of China's millions.
Our council are the boys
A streak of black oil;
AikenKtead. 7214.as1 1Collihs 4vam
0h, gee! No more hard toil.
putting his new separator in ;the barn.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Oddel are vis -
For we have got the oil
A storm was edrhiafg :up and' they.
were pleasing to the country in gen- I
eral. One of the changes which seems
That stops the dust and toil,
were trying to get it in before it.. '
To get out all the soil
broke, and were running it in ah':
Far they've always talked through
That sticks onto our feet.
planks. The separator slipped off ands
will cancel all brewing of beer except
went Ibhroug+h the floor, taking Mr.
And we can breathe and gossip
Aikenhead with it. The cable, how-
by persons regularly licensed as brew-
With pleasure, if not profit,
ever, kept it from going very W.
At farmers' loads we'll laugh
Mr. Aikenhead was hit on the shoul-,
And sm•ide and joke and gaff.
der by a plank as he fell. No bonesh,
through the House on Wednesday
For we don't care a pill
Were broken, but his shoulder is quite
If they go to the mill,
Notes.—Mr. and Mrs. D. Beattie
Their chop and grist to get,
A 'fir M J �mes Bo ant
on Saturday, June 24th, when the
door will be opened by J. M. Govan-
- _-_—
To -help to pay thedr debt.
an r rs. a y e p
last week end in London.—A number
lock, M.P.P., for Centre Herron, and
rte will be assisted in ! ne ceremonies
w two'cent stamp be placed on old re-
Or autos honk and fret
And throw up all the grit,
l f boys and girls from around our
village, are trying their Lower School
g + n
y g
by Andrew Hicks, )f C.P., for South
ceipts for amounts over ten dollars.
That also will result in a lar a amount
That's down below the •pit
exams this week."Brucefield Rov-
of revenue. t e
Of China's millions.
Our council are the boys
ers" are to be congratulated on their
success at Dublin, and we hope they
will be as successful at K{inburn.—
T aken a{1 in all •the modifications
That like to give us joys.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Oddel are vis -
Ottawa, June IT n,—After an
were pleasing to the country in gen- I
eral. One of the changes which seems
The likes of which we never 1rad be-
iting at the home of their niece, Mrs.
D. Beattie. Mr. Lawrence Reid, of
exciting evening, and a�so after hav-
likely to raise 'a row was that which
Far they've always talked through
Goderich, visited -his home this last
ing been modified to an extent to take
will cancel all brewing of beer except
week.—Mrs. W. C. Landeborough,
care of most of the s r sous objections
by persons regularly licensed as brew-
And treated us like brats.
formerly of Egmondville, but now of
advanced against it, the Budget went
ers and holding a license which costs
port 'Credit, is renewing old ac-
through the House on Wednesday
$50.00. There are many thousands
So we'll say: Hip! Hip! Hooray!
quaintanees here and visiting alt the
morrrning by a majori'y of 18. The
of persons now Wirth home-brew li-
For all the ones we pay,
home of Mr. James McQueen. Their
only matter of doubt previous ,to its
censer and all of thane will be out of
To, help our town to boost
many friends will be glad to hear
passage was the size of the majority,
-luck when the bill is passed, if it does
And we'll be glad to ;boost
that their son, Arnold, ,has success-
,,ut the carrying of Ow vote has.had
When our ,taxes all come due
fully passed his third year 4nedieal
the effect of elearin,,• -the political .
The B. C. .Progressive-.; and some
In 1922.
examination in the University of
.atmosphere and settling the House
of the Ontario Progressives switched
Toronto. — Mr, William McQueen,
down to the final stretch of the sea.
their votes on the Budget to support
Secretary of the Alstrerni Association,
in good humour. There will,
the government, and there are many
of the University of Toronto, spent
of course, be minor changes made
of the western men also, outside of
the week end wv th his parents here.
when the Tesolution� come befora
Alberta contingent, who wished to
Motes- -On Sunday next, June 25th,
—The many friends of Mrs. George
eommitbee,'but they will .be more in
do likewise, and the result was a safe
the Methodist anniversary services
Hill will .be glad to hear that she is
.matters of detail than principle.
and heartening -majority on the main
Now House
will be 'held in Mr. Harper' s Grove.
In the Rev. Mr.
recovering from her recent illness.—
Drayton amendment charging
nonfulfillment of pledges met the
fate which had been predicted for it.
vote of the session. the
is getbing down to the balance of its
labours and hopes to finish in a couple
the morning at 10.30,
Uren, of Mitchell, will preach. In
the afternoon at. 2.30 and in the even-
A number of the members of the
W. M. S. and Kelly Circle attended
the Missionary Conference held in
With the support of s•rme half dozen
of weeks.
Ing at 7 p.m., the Rev. Mr. Magwood,
Kipper, last week. The services were
Progressives and labor men, who had
" "
of Stratford, wilt preach.—On July
thoroughly enjoyed by all, as well as
to be forced to record !heir votes, Mr,
The Wheat Board resalution •has
1st the regular Sunday school picnic
;the kind hospitality of the Kdppen
:l2eighen mustered on:y 51 votes be-
gone through the lionise and tinai
will be beds in Mr. Hailer's Grove.
ladies—Mrs. Thompson and Dr. Mair
hind Sir Henry's amendment while
Ewmytbing -is in progress for a good
of Hensall, visited st the 'home of
the government was supported by
— --- -- —•—
Picnic Ithis year and -we hope for a
Mr. James Moodie this week.—The
169 members,
good attendance. --On Friday evening,
Brucefie'Id IT, F. W. O. held their
The end came aster an exciting ev-
.Tune 23rd, a strawberry social Will
May meeting on the afternoon of the
ening, and the gallerir= were filled to
be held at Zion on the church grounds.
17th inst., at the 'home of Mrs. Welsh.
suffocation when the vote was called.
Forr hours many people had 'stood in
—Mr. and Mrs. W. Pollen and Mr.
and Mrs' E. Pollen anal families visit-
A.imost all the members were present
as well as a number of visiting,adies,.
the corridors hopeful of gaining ac-
ed at the home of MT. G. TufHn on
and each did 0eir part to make the
cess to the galleries for -the 'vote
Sunday last.
afternoon a very pleasant one. The
and when f nally all were allowed in
A False Rumor.—A couple of weeks
,lune meebing will be held at the
there was not a squn.i foot of stand-
Brucefield Rovers
ago a rumor to the effect that one
had killed
home of Mrs. McDonald, on the af-
ing or seating room %,rcarit. ,iubilat-
ion redgnM among th, Liberal mem-
of our citizens a neighbor
in a qualvel, gained a wide circula-
ternoon of the 21st inst. A ten cent
hrnoh will he served, and as usual
bens when .the result was known ,and
tion and caused considerable excite-
the programme will be both instruc-
m;etrabers "let off ste.im" by flinging
meat. We. are pleased to state, how-
t;ve and entertaining.'— Rev. John
papers and blue book- at one another
KiRburn Kids
ever, that the only foundation for the
in the Mit-
more, of Strathroy, will randuct the
and across the %Isar.
e e e
The modifications made by Mr.
Tumor was a paragraph
chell Advocate, recounting the events
-.ind happening which occurred in
Services here on Sunday, June 26th,
at ,the usual hours, _- Mr. Austin
Wheeler, who graduated from Clinton
Fielding were well received. These
Perth County fiftyyears a wdhich
IDuslness College, has secured a si?nra-
included a change in the depreciated
was as follows: `.lune. 1866.—A ser-
t ion in Detroit. A11 phis friends wish
currency .regulations 'n base the cur-
—At Kinhurn—
ions case occurred in - the village of
him evcc@sw.—A large crowd wttness-
rencyn of Germany and Austria on the
Staffa or spring Hill, on Monday last,
err the foothill match played between
standard of Britain for import par-
This will be one of the fastest
It appears that an old family quarrel
Seaforth and Brucefield. The Rovers
poses where similar goods were being
games of theseason, and as Kinbvrn
existed between W. Pillow and ane
scored one goal. Our boys are get -
made in Britain, and in Holland where were the Ohl rnpdomw for 1921, and
A. Tuffin for some years back. The
ting to be noted players.—Mr. Hugh
the goods. beingimported from the
neilther team have dost a game Okla
grudge was revived on the da above
McGregor, Jr., attended a meeting of
forrrar enhmy countries did not com-
season, we expect a •game worth corn-
named, when, after considerable
the Oddsellows in Owen Sound lest
pare with any English ;goods. Th s
ing to see. Be a 'Sport, and kelp the
wrragling on both sides, Taffln drew a
week.—lona. Grainger, of Seafarbh, i6:
met the chief objections against the
boys -hold their good reputation. !Come
knife and srtabbed chis adversaries in
tnsiting friendshere Chis week --Mrs.
current rmlin contained in the main
y g
along and teill everyone you see.
the abdomen, leaving an opening of
Alex, Jamieson, of our wgblage, ie4
budget. x
Mr. Fielding .has also changed Ohe
B. B. STEPHENSON, Secretary.
about three inches in lengfbh. •There
is scarcely a h entertained of the
y ops
attending Mins. James Jamieson Nl:'
.the Huron Ruud, who ds •111. - Mr. !bail
taxes on antomobiles rho make tthem
man's recovery. The would-Ibe mar-
McGregor Sr., returned home from
more workable. Instead of dbarging
derer end his wife, Who also had a
a visit rorit<6 friends in 11arristim, Matt.
•�� �' w ' . � '`c 1im
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