HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1922-06-09, Page 5Jiff" tsfin t G t .4 V r t' t$' an, ei is' Coan- conveQtion on and even - wish. Rev, etary of the- De - Welfare, and Alex. Iljglteo Secretary: of Rural Com. - await"' Wank in the Ontario Social Servlet Council, 'will be in attendance load address the gathering, ,in • atidi- • tldon )bC county workers. Ateportif from the officers will be l'eeelved"and glans made for the coming year. The deldeh people extend a cordial in- tvtitaltion to spend the day' in their lattraehive town. HAROLD LLOYD AT MODEL, 'GODERICH • Don't mise geeing Harold 'L4dyd in bis new three reel comedy, "Never (Weaken," also William Desmond in "iliglhltin' Mad," at the Model Theatre, Godes tch, Monday and Tuesday, June 1210s end 18th. SEAFORTH MARKETS ,Seaforth, June 8, 1922. Eggs, per dozen 22 to 28c Butter, per lb. 28 to SOc Pedaloes, per .hag $1.00 Wheat, per bushel $1.20 Barley, per bushel 80c Flour, per cwt $6.85 Bran, per ton $30.00 Shorts, per ton $80.00 Hogs, per cwt. ' ( $16.50 BEAN MARKET Toronto, June 6th.- ' nes. Canadi8n, hand-picked, burhel, 14.26; rimes, $8.75 to $8.90. POULTRY MARKET Toronto, June 6th. -Dressed' Poultry - Spring chickens, 60c; reenter., 26c; tee'. 24 to 80c; duckling., 35c; turkeys, 40 to 46e. Live Poultry -Spring chickens, 60c; roos- ter., l9 to 20c: fowl, 26c ; duckling., 95 as; turkey., 30 to 35c. LIVE STOCK MARKETS Union Stock Yards, 'Toronto, June 6th. - ft th.,.git W..1. „, ,Arne n„ of ca:,lx was de• cb.,:y hew,r I'..',, for se + e'a w .Bks past. ani, trade a bit s ,w at the Cpe':.e.t. prices bed firm for a.1 ,•ades w•'h het. en •hang- er by 10 to 16 cents per cwt. in apota. A good demand for export, with a lot of good to choice heavies in the receipt, helped busi- ness generally, and trade in all lines was brink from ten o'clock onward. 'fop for a load of heavy etcers wen 9.10 cents. Best loads of butcher steers and heifer. --handy. weights -brought 8i't to 41,90 cents, with the bulk steady at last week's closing prices. The market top for a load was 11.40 cents for 25 head, averaging 1.200 pounds, which went to a packing firm. Butchercows fully maintained their strong position of last week, without any actual advance in price of the bulk, though McDonald sold one 1070 pound cow, shipped in by J. McManus, Waterford, at 814 cenni per pound. There was hardly any trade in feeders today; in fart,- some of the Western short -keen that were picked u p here a few weeks ago appeared among the shipments of heavlm, and at today's paicea paid for their warming -up. Receipts to -day were: 3,228 cattle, 793 calve), 3,292 home and 699 sheep and lambs. Quotations: -Choice heavy steer., $8.75 to $9.00; butcher steers, choice. $8.50 to $8.75; do. good. $7.75 to 98,25: do. medium, $7.00 to $7.60; do., common, $6.00 to $8.50; butcher heifers, choice, $7.75 to $8.50; do. medium, $6.75 to 37.25: do. common, $6.50 to 06.50; butcher cows, choice, $6.50 to $7.50: do. medium, $6.50 to $6.50; canners and cutters, 11.00 to $2.00; butcher bulls, good. $5.00 to $6.00; do. common, $8.00 to $4.00; feeders, good, $7.00 to $7.50: do. fair, 86,00 to $7.00; stockers, good. $5.60 to $6.25; do. fair, 86.00 to $6.50; milkers, $40.00 to $80; epringets, $60.00 to $90.00; calves. choice. $10.50 to $11,50; do. medium, $0 to $7.25; do. common. $4.00 to $5.00; lambs, choice. $17.00 to $19,00; sheep, choice, $8.00 to $7; do. good, Pose to $6.00; do. common, $8.50 to $4.00; yearlings, choice, $12.00 to 813.00; do. dbmmon, $6,00 to $7.00; hogs, fed and watered. $14.00 to $14.25: do., f,o.b., $13.25 to $13.50; do., country points. $18 to $18.23. Buffalo, June 6th. -Cattle -Receipts, 2.600; uneven, steady to 10 rents higher; ehipptrr. eteer , $8.25 to $9.31; butchers, $7.75 to $8.7'); yearlings. $8.75 to $9.55; heifers, $3.73 to 88, coca. $2.50 to $6.75: bulls, $4 to $5.75: Mockers and feeders. $6 to $7; f•mh cows and rpr.J;oals. $40 to $120. Jal+et--Re- ce- pt+. 2,800 50c higher, $3.00 to $12.60. Ifogx-Isereipts, 13,800; steady to 10c h gher; bra,. 611 to $11.25; mixed and rakers, $ 11,24 to 011.55; light yorkers told pigs, $11.35; roughs,( $9 to $9.25; stags, $5.00 to $6.60. Sheep n d lambs -Receipts, '1.005; etcady; lambs, $10 to $16; yearlings. $5 to $12.50; wethers, $7.50. to $8; ewes, $2 to $6; mixed sheep, $6.50 to $7. Montreal, June 6. -Cattle -Receipts, 806. Cattle market steady. Top price for good steers was $8.75, paid for a lot of well -fin- ished steers averaging close to 1,000 poonde. One load of good Winnipeg steers, averag- ing 1,275, brought $8,50, and a couple of other 'loads of fairly good cattle were weigh- ed up at 88.25 to $8.50: medium steer. and heifers brought from $7.70 to $0.26; and common light steels and heifers generally from $7.25 to $7.75, with a few real com- mon ones at $8.50. Good cows from $6.50 to $7, with four choice ones reported sold nt $7.25; medium cows, $4.50 up. Good bulla, $6.50 and common ones from 04.60 up. Quotations: Butcher esteem, good. $8.25 to $8.76; medium, $7.76 to $8.25; common, $6.50 to $7.26; butcher heifers, eholee, $8 to $8.50; medium, $7.25 to $7.75; common. $6 te' $7. Butcher cows, choice, 8 to $0.50; medium, $7.25 to $7.75; common, $5 to 7, Butcher cows, choice. $6.50 to $7.26; medium, $4.50 to 35.75; canners. $2; cutters, $2.60 to 53.50: butcher bulla, good, $6 to $6.50; common, $4.50 to $5.50. Quotations: Ewen, $4 to $5; limns, good, $11 to $13. Hoge -Receipts, 1,5,78; selects strong at $15.25: mixed lots, $14 to $14.60, and heavy rough hogs. $13 up. Quotations; Off car weights, selects, $15 to $16.25; heavies. $13 to $14. BIRTHS Alexander. -In 'l'uokersmith, en June 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Alexander. Jr., a nun. McLeod: -£n Senforth. on ,Imre 4th. to Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Mcleod. a daughter. Houston. -in Tuelfersmith, on May 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew .1. Houston. a daughter. Tn1nn.-In Ribbert, on May 28th, to Mr. and Mie. Charles Tnflin, Jr., a danghtet- Dorothy Amelia. Patterson: --In Grace hospital, Winnipeg, on May. 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Patter- son. (nee Mina Gertrude Greenwood), a son William Claude. MARRIAGES Godholt -Hewitt-At the Main Street Par- sonage, Exeter, on May 31st. by Rev. W. G. H. McAlister. Charles Oliver llodbolt, of Unborn, to Mise Myrtle Hewitt, of Exeter. - DEATHS Windsor, In Exeter, on May 27th, Mary H. Smith. wife of Mr. George Windsor, aged 66 yens. Knglnon. -At noyflel.l. n May 23rd, Matilda ,Boyd, wife of Mr. Wm. idngleoon, aged 87 Crich. -In Clinton. on May 24th. John T. ()rich, in hie 62nd venr. Foote -At Bannoekhnrn, Stanley Townehip, on May 22nd, John Foote, aged 84 years. Keyes,-Inndon, on May 24th. Mary 'O'Neill, widow of the Into Robert Keyes. of Logan, aged 89 years. Patterson. -fin Harriston, on May 27th, John Patgason, formerly of Wroxeter, in hie 07th year. Manna. -in Buffalo, on Jane 5th, William James Halm., aged 49 years, 8 months and 24 dues. tit 0, MAN W4NTl4D -W, man to run falas,Ap2' Saatorth., i .....ler'. 240 FARM FOR a 4.41;`6 E LA11T C044000104 12, LUXt4ois, 'aontain4tg 60 worm; good bulidIngo. About lour mein. frolic' Seaforth and .globe to school. and churches. Apply ,to. The Pzpmltor Offico. 2848x4 BUISALE,-4731118G FOSALE,-473111BUILDING 48 x'60. It would make a good etmw abed. Apply to O. G. THOMPSON, Oatmeal MBI., Seaforth. 286$-t1 WARM FOR SALE OR RENT. - FIFTY' sores, out half of Lot�4. Conceoaton 8. Tuckerautlth, a good grape farm. APPLY to JAMES ,T, MoQUAID, 218 Ford Avenue. R$J1ggll,i))� Park, Michigan, or to PEPPER H. ASdGR.ATR. St. Oolmnban, Oat. . 2848-8 %l ANT9(mr-,A LiatrixD NUMBER Ola' • Oattle to plotucs on Lot 27, Consents* 12. nabbert real/ of tees and water -goats. soloed. Tomo reaevnable. Apply . to. T. U. SWLLINBLAW, R. R. No. 4, Seat�lsa COWS FOR SALE, -ONE FIRST CLASS Ayrshire 6 years old, 'fresh; one Hol- etein cow, 7 years old, due to freshen In about one month. Wanted -00 pigs weigh- ing 70 pomade each. Apply to JAMS$ B. MacLEAN, Ripon %Ont. - 2842•,2 FARM FOR SALE. -BEING LOT 28, IN the north half of the 18th Concession of the .Township of MCKIllop, containing 105 acrey be the same more or law. On the prefninm is a barn 40550, with stabling un- derneath; a barn 68x50, no foundation; -a comfortable frame house, 183E20, with cellar and oletern; abundance of water, drilled well at drone: also a gooda ing well at rear of farm. It in situated withinttwo mum of Walton. Weil tile drained and fenc- ed. For further particulars apply on the premlem. MRS. JOHN CAMPBELL, R. R. No. 1. Walton, 2842x2 FARMS FOR SALE • FARM FOR SALE. -200 ACRES, BEING Lots 8 nod 4, Concession 4. Hallett Township, In good state of cultivation. Large atone house and two bank barns with etabling. underneath; windmill and water piped through the stable. Will 'Bell with or with- out crop and would separate either farms. For particular. apply to EDWARD PRYCE, R. R. No. 2, Seaforth. 2841-t1 'PARE FOR SALE, -FOR SALE, LOT 5, • Concmaion 11 tend west half of Lot 6, Concession 10, H.R.S., Tuckersmith, con- taining 160 acres. There are on the premise. a good two story brick house with elate roof, ledge bank barn 100x89 feet with fleet elms, stabling, water in the barn. drive shed 26a36, pig house and hen house. The farm Is all cleared but about 20 acres of good hard- wood bush, pnneipally maple. All well tone- aedd and tile drained. Eight aerm of fall wheat sown, 86 atom ready for spring crop• The farm Is situated 7 milesfrom Seaforth and 4 mom from Hensall, one-half mile from school; rural mail and phone. Will be .old on easy terms. For further particular. ap- ply on the premiers, or address R. R. No. 2, K lppen. ANGUS McKINNON. 2829-tf PARE ARM FOR SALE. -FARM OF TWO INN- ,'dred acres adjoining the Town of Sea - forth, conveniently situated to all churches, schools and Collegiate. There Is a comfort- able brick cottage with a cement kitchen: barn 100.66 with atone stabling underneath for 8 horses, 76 head of cattle and 40 hog. with steel stanchions and water before all stock; litter carrier aid feed carrier and two cement ilea; driving shed and plat- form sales, Watered by a rock well and wind/11111. The farm is well drained and In a high state of cultivation. The crop is all In the ground -choice cloy loam. Immedi. ate ' pomeeeion. \ Apply to M. BEATON, R R 2, Seaforth. 'Ont. 2787-tt MAE EXECUTORS OF THE LATE ARCH;. t. bald McGregor offer for sale Lot 15. 6th Conension, McKillop, 100 acres of fleet clams farm lands. The land is in a first alms state -of cuttivatton and there are erected on the premien a good frame dwel• ling house. with kitchenattached; frame barn 76x64 with atone foundation, stabling underneath and cement floors and water throughout, driving house. pig pen end hen house. Also about ten acres of good hard wood bush. The property is well fenced and well drained and convenient to good markets churches and schools. For further particulars apply to MISS LILLY J. MCGREGOR, on the premises, or to R. S. HAYS, Soli,itor, Sea. fortth, Ont, '-If VORM FOR SALE. -FOR SALE LOT 20. ^• Concession 6. McKillee. containing 100 acres, all cleared except 8 acres of hardwood bush. There are on the premien a bank barn with atone and cement foundation, 46x82. with cement floors; driving shed, 14x36. frame stable, 28x82, large gravel house, -7 rooms and kitchen, cement floors in cellar. Hard and soft water in kitchen; two acres of orchard. The farm is all wire fenced and tile drained. Well at barn and also well at the bush. Thin is a good farm -one of the best In McKillop. It Is situated 6 miles from the Town of Seaforth and one mile from ' school and church. Rural mall and phone. Will be sold on reasonable terms For further particulars apply on the pr$m ism or address R. R. No. 1. Seaforth. ROBERT A. HOGG. 2801-tf MOVING Having purchased the moving optfit prev- .ioualy owned by P. Jordan, f am prepared to do all kinds of moving and jacking on short notice. Roof raising a specialty. Sat- isfaction guaranteed. Will he in. Seaforth this week.. JOHN J. BRENNAN. Phone 17-r-12 Dublin, Ont. 2843x3 • JUNK DEALER I will buy 'all kinds of Junk, Hides, Wool and Fowl. Will pay good pric- es. Apply to MAX WOLSH, 2842•tf Seaforth, Ont. DEBENTURES FOR SALE a Town of Seaforth I am in..a position to 'thrive you anywhere ) ou wish at your own time. No waiting on the streets for buses, just say the word and I will be at your door. Charges reasonab e. Careful Driving._ Jack T. Wilson �Cxoe Quality! Footwear We have sold a large quantity of Shoes to the surrounding public, and they tell us that our Values are a Wonder. 'Have a 'look at the Quality and Price of our WHITE CANVAS OX- FORDS, BAREFOOT SANDALS and CHILDREN'S RUNNING SHOES. Get your share of She money we are saving the People on their Foot- wear. W. J. FINNIGAN. Phone 72. AT Hutc,hison's 1,000 TOMATO PLANTS just receiv- ed. Fine healthy stock and prices no higher. BEST SOAP BARGAIN WE KNOW OF. -Extra large oakes (twice the weight of Sunliglht Soap, for in- stance) and the price 10c, or 3 fur 251c TEAS HAVE ADVANCED. -Salad's, Minto and Red Rose have advanc- ed 10c ,per pound, which means 65c for the cheapest. We have a Tea we confidently 'believe is better than any of them, and our price is still 2 lbs. for $1.00 F. D. Hutchison THE CASH GROCER Phone 166. THE Annual Convention of the Huron County Social Service Council will be held in North Street Church GODERICH Wednesday, June 14th Afternoon & Evening. The Public is Invited. BANQUET AT THE CHURCH at 6 p.m. Tickets 60c. J. A. IRWiN W. H. WILLIS President. Secretary. NOTICE TO CREDITORS OE$ ells her keep. The Milk Record BO* which will be given to you by eny of our breaches will help you to keep track of the milk production of your anilaaal& eo, CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAIDAIP CAPITAL - - $15,000,000 - $15,000,000 SRAEORTH BRANCH, J. G. Mullen, Manager. RESERVE FUND FLOUR Rob Roy, Purl' Manitoba Flour at , ..... Chieftain, Ontario and Manitoba blended Flour. Clansman, for Pastry at.....,..,... $4.15 $3.85 $3.50 per bag per bag per bllg Smaller packages at proportionate prices Not better than the rest, but just as good as th� best, and a whole lot, cheaper : also it home pro duct. For sale at the leading grocers, or a phone call on 13 will bring it to your door. Rob Roy Mills, Limited MOTOR WITH US '1'0 Goderich - and attend the Dinner Dance At Hotel Bedford Next Saturday Evening JUNE 10th Dancing frgm 6.30 to 12 Music by 61; Gene (10nnon and Iond'on Orchestra. Sunday Dinner `"sic, 1 to 2.45. Sunday Supper Music., 5.30 to 6.45. Write or phone "it. Reservations to NOTICE is herr•hy given remnant to the Hotel Be.I "d, Goderich. SMdu to: in I hat. hello If the all peonns hav- ing rinimx nen ins.. the et tato of William Sleelh, Into of the Town of Seaforth. in the County of Huron. rarpenter, de- Saturday ev cen'md, why died on the 11th day of May. ' per couple. 1912,ar• required on or before the 3rd couple with day of June, I922, to send by post, prepaid, ; n, ,a a la carte. or deliver to the undersigned. full perticulars . of,/ their claims, duly verified by affidavit and the nature of ,',.',',r,rdy (if anY) held ___._. _.. The Corporation of the Town of Senforth by them. Further la k r n,eo that after the have debentures, with interest coupons at- anid loot mentioned date the assets of the tached, for sale at rate to yield flee and one- said deceased will he distributed among the half per cent. per annum. For full par- partite entitled thereto, having redhrd only , ticuleen apply to the undersigned. - tothe clnimo of which (notice shall then JOHN A. WILSON, hove been given. 2840 -If Treasurer. Dated the 16th day of Noy, 1922. R. S. HAYS, 2840-8 Solicitor for Adminiatralrix. It VETS: .nil • 6.30 to 12. $3.00 Ir 8.30, $.1.00 per n.hi ' conal charge for D"rain_Tenders Tenders for the construction of the John - Ston -Irvine Drain, the portion. according to plans. and specifications of Township En- gineer, will be received till Tuesday, June 18th, 1922 at three o'clock p.m., at the Carnegie Library Hall, Seaforth. \ JOHN McNAY. 2842-2 $ Clerk. JAMES WATSON Main Street - Seaforth Agent for Singer Sewing Machines, and General• ]n- surance Agent. D tching A Ditching Mael. trio t Perti,e in, • renimun icnte nt r h e on'te e. tnct,l for and • M Iim,tnun:. 1\ son r the and d,•1 Canow IA Ym,r eh- t.. yet this work in WE CAN USE MORE MEN AND BOYS in our shop, learning driving, repair- ing, overhauling, motors, tractors.I Garages paying $5410 daily to our successful graduates. Learn auto, tractor mechanics. Be expert igni- tion, lighting, starting systems. Big wages, steady work. You can earn while learning. Write. free cabalolgne. HEMPHILL'S BiG AUTO GAS TRACTOR SCHOOL, 168 King St. West - - Toronto. 2840-4 WILLIAM R. R. No. 4. SF.A1'il Machine is corning to our di,di,- alill do well to with the undersigned. arflity of w rk alread; I my be able to do l dig your ditch, lay them nt your form. • Act quirk; we wont 4f. SPROAT 11TH. PHONE 9-136. DRAIN TEN )ERS WANTED Tenders for .she " Company Drain iany. lune 19th 1.' opened t 1.ihrary Hell Scar,. 10 per cent. of sor each tender. Work to he done specifications of Tea .whip Engineer. Work to be done by Dredge and to be rdrnpleted In 1922. Lowest or y tender not neceooarily bo- eeptrd. Clam Lot H. traction of the Cansdn he received 'till Tom. when tenders will he p.m.. at the Carnewle tee Y price to accompany oceotding to plane and 2841-8 and sperifieatiano at Clork'e Office. Coneension a. McKillons. JOHN MONAT, Clock. PRESTON PORTABLE GARAGES .AND COTTAGES in several designs, also Steel Truss Timms and Implement Sheds, all sizes. For further lr:u ticulars write The Metal Shingle & Siding Co. i'reston. nr WIi+LI.AM T. GRIEVE.. Walton. Phone 14-234. Also for Chicago Auto Ol: Windmills. ('REAM WANTED CREAM II a'ardiuers, A'iugs an, land. A till crate ,lust goods to pick wedding Bride Come and see our inore0ee� of useful goods. Marathon ' Gralsitfwuj • Big Winner. Beattie Bros. Ship by Express; send by our mean' tirou'erv, or deliver your cream to the Seaforth Creamery. We are determined to give our Patrons better service than ever. Watch our prices, consistent with our accurate weights and tests, and consider the many advantages of hav- ing a thriving dairy industry in your district. Do not ship your Cream away to other Creameries ; we will guarantee you as good prices here and our very hest services. Write, or call in our cream drawers and we will send you cream cans. When in town, visit our Creamery, which we want also to be your Creamery. We are proud of our plant. THE SEA FORTH CREAMERY CO. C. A. Barber, Manager. 2884.0 Ferguson & Co'� Men's, Young Men's and Boys' Furnishings Men's Light Weight Mo- tor Caps. Special $1.00 Boys' Fine Light Caps, just the thing for Hot Weather, at 38c Panama 'Hats, Spe- cially Pried $2.50 and $3.00 Balbriggan Underwear, the very best quality. Men's Combinations ..,$1.50-$1.75 Balbriggan Underwear in Sin- gle garments at 50c and 75c. Men's and Boys' Rubber Belts, with fancy buckle. All - going at one price 45c Boys' Leather Belts, strong, and in one color only fur 35c Boys' Jerseys in blue and Khaki, at 50c Strong Hose for Boys; something extra at 50c Men's Fine Shirts in a few odd sizes, 16 to 1,1%. 3 Specially priced $1.15 Men's Fine Silk Stripped Shirts, extra quality. .. $3.00 Raw Silk Shirts, the finest to be had. Our ,price.. 44S0 Fancy Knitted Ties, a real value at , 50c Also Silk Knitted at'....$1.50 Don't forget the Marathon Belt in any color; some more Shan the ordinary at....$1.00 Men's Silk Lysle Hose, real fine and just the thing for Summer 45c and 65c Invisible Braces, real strong elastic, two and four point, at 50c Wait for car New Striped Flannel Trousers. They are a fin+, lot and will arrive vary sot, n, As these are all New Stock we know the Quality and will Guarantee the same. r __„.), The Glory of a Woman's Beauty is Her Hair Every lady may now be proud of beautiful hair, for nature has releas- ed another secret in KOREEN A. perfect preparation for the hair which not only removes and prevents dandruff, falling hair, itching scalp, but also cleanses and improves the hair in every respect. CHRISTIE RIMMER SALES CO. 8% Lombard St., Toronto, Ont. If your druggist cannot supply you write direct. PRICE $1.50. D • A .. ITE STAR LINE FLOUR Rob Roy, Purl' Manitoba Flour at , ..... Chieftain, Ontario and Manitoba blended Flour. Clansman, for Pastry at.....,..,... $4.15 $3.85 $3.50 per bag per bag per bllg Smaller packages at proportionate prices Not better than the rest, but just as good as th� best, and a whole lot, cheaper : also it home pro duct. For sale at the leading grocers, or a phone call on 13 will bring it to your door. Rob Roy Mills, Limited MOTOR WITH US '1'0 Goderich - and attend the Dinner Dance At Hotel Bedford Next Saturday Evening JUNE 10th Dancing frgm 6.30 to 12 Music by 61; Gene (10nnon and Iond'on Orchestra. Sunday Dinner `"sic, 1 to 2.45. Sunday Supper Music., 5.30 to 6.45. Write or phone "it. Reservations to NOTICE is herr•hy given remnant to the Hotel Be.I "d, Goderich. SMdu to: in I hat. hello If the all peonns hav- ing rinimx nen ins.. the et tato of William Sleelh, Into of the Town of Seaforth. in the County of Huron. rarpenter, de- Saturday ev cen'md, why died on the 11th day of May. ' per couple. 1912,ar• required on or before the 3rd couple with day of June, I922, to send by post, prepaid, ; n, ,a a la carte. or deliver to the undersigned. full perticulars . of,/ their claims, duly verified by affidavit and the nature of ,',.',',r,rdy (if anY) held ___._. _.. The Corporation of the Town of Senforth by them. Further la k r n,eo that after the have debentures, with interest coupons at- anid loot mentioned date the assets of the tached, for sale at rate to yield flee and one- said deceased will he distributed among the half per cent. per annum. For full par- partite entitled thereto, having redhrd only , ticuleen apply to the undersigned. - tothe clnimo of which (notice shall then JOHN A. WILSON, hove been given. 2840 -If Treasurer. Dated the 16th day of Noy, 1922. R. S. HAYS, 2840-8 Solicitor for Adminiatralrix. It VETS: .nil • 6.30 to 12. $3.00 Ir 8.30, $.1.00 per n.hi ' conal charge for D"rain_Tenders Tenders for the construction of the John - Ston -Irvine Drain, the portion. according to plans. and specifications of Township En- gineer, will be received till Tuesday, June 18th, 1922 at three o'clock p.m., at the Carnegie Library Hall, Seaforth. \ JOHN McNAY. 2842-2 $ Clerk. JAMES WATSON Main Street - Seaforth Agent for Singer Sewing Machines, and General• ]n- surance Agent. D tching A Ditching Mael. trio t Perti,e in, • renimun icnte nt r h e on'te e. tnct,l for and • M Iim,tnun:. 1\ son r the and d,•1 Canow IA Ym,r eh- t.. yet this work in WE CAN USE MORE MEN AND BOYS in our shop, learning driving, repair- ing, overhauling, motors, tractors.I Garages paying $5410 daily to our successful graduates. Learn auto, tractor mechanics. Be expert igni- tion, lighting, starting systems. Big wages, steady work. You can earn while learning. Write. free cabalolgne. HEMPHILL'S BiG AUTO GAS TRACTOR SCHOOL, 168 King St. West - - Toronto. 2840-4 WILLIAM R. R. No. 4. SF.A1'il Machine is corning to our di,di,- alill do well to with the undersigned. arflity of w rk alread; I my be able to do l dig your ditch, lay them nt your form. • Act quirk; we wont 4f. SPROAT 11TH. PHONE 9-136. DRAIN TEN )ERS WANTED Tenders for .she " Company Drain iany. lune 19th 1.' opened t 1.ihrary Hell Scar,. 10 per cent. of sor each tender. Work to he done specifications of Tea .whip Engineer. Work to be done by Dredge and to be rdrnpleted In 1922. Lowest or y tender not neceooarily bo- eeptrd. Clam Lot H. traction of the Cansdn he received 'till Tom. when tenders will he p.m.. at the Carnewle tee Y price to accompany oceotding to plane and 2841-8 and sperifieatiano at Clork'e Office. Coneension a. McKillons. JOHN MONAT, Clock. PRESTON PORTABLE GARAGES .AND COTTAGES in several designs, also Steel Truss Timms and Implement Sheds, all sizes. For further lr:u ticulars write The Metal Shingle & Siding Co. i'reston. nr WIi+LI.AM T. GRIEVE.. Walton. Phone 14-234. Also for Chicago Auto Ol: Windmills. ('REAM WANTED CREAM II a'ardiuers, A'iugs an, land. A till crate ,lust goods to pick wedding Bride Come and see our inore0ee� of useful goods. Marathon ' Gralsitfwuj • Big Winner. Beattie Bros. Ship by Express; send by our mean' tirou'erv, or deliver your cream to the Seaforth Creamery. We are determined to give our Patrons better service than ever. Watch our prices, consistent with our accurate weights and tests, and consider the many advantages of hav- ing a thriving dairy industry in your district. Do not ship your Cream away to other Creameries ; we will guarantee you as good prices here and our very hest services. Write, or call in our cream drawers and we will send you cream cans. When in town, visit our Creamery, which we want also to be your Creamery. We are proud of our plant. THE SEA FORTH CREAMERY CO. C. A. Barber, Manager. 2884.0 Ferguson & Co'� Men's, Young Men's and Boys' Furnishings Men's Light Weight Mo- tor Caps. Special $1.00 Boys' Fine Light Caps, just the thing for Hot Weather, at 38c Panama 'Hats, Spe- cially Pried $2.50 and $3.00 Balbriggan Underwear, the very best quality. Men's Combinations ..,$1.50-$1.75 Balbriggan Underwear in Sin- gle garments at 50c and 75c. Men's and Boys' Rubber Belts, with fancy buckle. All - going at one price 45c Boys' Leather Belts, strong, and in one color only fur 35c Boys' Jerseys in blue and Khaki, at 50c Strong Hose for Boys; something extra at 50c Men's Fine Shirts in a few odd sizes, 16 to 1,1%. 3 Specially priced $1.15 Men's Fine Silk Stripped Shirts, extra quality. .. $3.00 Raw Silk Shirts, the finest to be had. Our ,price.. 44S0 Fancy Knitted Ties, a real value at , 50c Also Silk Knitted at'....$1.50 Don't forget the Marathon Belt in any color; some more Shan the ordinary at....$1.00 Men's Silk Lysle Hose, real fine and just the thing for Summer 45c and 65c Invisible Braces, real strong elastic, two and four point, at 50c Wait for car New Striped Flannel Trousers. They are a fin+, lot and will arrive vary sot, n, As these are all New Stock we know the Quality and will Guarantee the same. • ,la y .. ITE STAR LINE Don't Miss This (glorious Once -a -Year Round -Trip Excursio n Goderich to Detroit on the Palatial Steamer Greyhound Tuesday, June 13th Leaving Goderich at 9.20 a.m. . June 13th, the Steamer Grey - .11111t11111111111111111' hound reaches Port Huron at lll$11111f1IIlll$$11111 1.30 p.m. and Detroit at 5.30 ON1: trill Detroit you will have until WAY -�3li.tltlIII! 7,101. Ta enjoy the sights of 02 Thursday, June 15th, at 1 p.m.. I ttllall1111111t111f11111 when the steamer leaves the Ilitllliin111ll11111111 Griswold st. wharf for the re- turn trip to Goderich. 'T:\iiE 1Ol.'R AL"I'() ALONG. Any make car $,.00 each way, ,.:eased. Thr i,act 'frill in 1lroit Loaves (:)(leri,'h on Friday, June 16, at 9.30 a.m. i;ASEllAl.l, FANS: Ty f'„ Lb': Tigers play New 1'•rrk Yankees Nov 'r Park, Detrnil, We,!n' • Ily, .lune 14th. A i)nn'I._ fail 1lO.I).11hal MI,onlight Gouderich NI C i I'I' June 12th, t' a 33rd REGiMENT dun Music and 1 1G Io Oil the three- Trip out Monrlay evening, under the auspices of the BAND Dancing Aboard. H c of .506' ( 'Nickell trlitI I 1-2 25e L 1 r -4fl_- . u l;tom,, �,-,!..11,..4...e ,,J -,..,,,,J-t,,,, 11 1,,1 i[-_:‘ Ii t - �1,P•'a,i4^o0,- Y .:.a rill 1."eYw . daR• . , - .�9�'fJ'',"----7.--- ._ • ,la