The Huron Expositor, 1922-06-02, Page 6•:.f li ,•.:, ,. .. �.:; . ,, o �„• :•..' ,. t fy ,7 a; ^.1',t,. •t t .Tion„.,y..x Vit•; ,;», n".
.,r��'v � :f:°: .: : '- .. . -., .-. ,.. :•: : � to + ',F. '.S�x�Aa, .� i*... ..,, ern •1:-
0 ' , i � � 7: , REA! BR $NAT"9 IaSIW 1tTFATdi Wil► j ^}y�. •.70, f 71s ds nO F7f $ t (j99�Cti' s i Q� +10'x �"q i
r' wiaa bout in vrlhlt'iC �. 4• , Ve. ,�tik9
6N" s" w�m I caused By the Beat Picture He 'Eves new to•'1t1;„oallfdd Bohemia, then a ¢fart fol the
e rc Co ti of of the stiAttt ,Elingar}an Empire, and or t
;e 1},1;'4 Y4tinted, sdtroilar effagta lint lt,,* ri ordtlon
when t:ire was dismembered $ifOhlp�� �it�l!►U]A Ii0 �Ialll tag and
caotill Cl Ontario itfkd tjf after a'ar and ale had, alike .so Viii �Wi1jjOW 1' Cepta[� J7tent wit7a •iha oa a 114 tgnes at?l t ' ' bA orA n su tun,awwa from'ntl
f ,,,, "Whoa Rembrandt. 'Prince of home roatment ?•,
C$ ill Toronto. Lute 017 f 3badows,' was in his early twenties, anUrlY D*Vr residents of Vienna, to �a j
#r 0}SC4i A4iditary:.District,, + lAt he tett the old univerelty town of choose whother he would ba a citizen H �d �ua>rat��Q�A d9atov°r to tvhioh Lorca tie next^e {a Q Q 1 h TD oar. wnwnaonrstgc
i ,;',' tOAdo;lr 'Qat. Office hours at ( Le dun, where tri was born, and went 1}rMtw normal bresthin stop MUC66 :sponds. It would 'flake moo 10A �S MeolrCs a Ingo
11r (ant, •NTgnday, QVedxteaday, tr Y of Austria or of Czecho-5lovakla wh}ch bb �^& SSB n ;10 tmc o itaidol#p 8}. {
to Amstw door to make Ilia fortune o,9 of croprse, iactudea Bohennia, he tilos¢ ggss Ut° brew a, ve describe how I make ouch diagYwsial
tadtutttrday, from one to �htti oP nl°t sl contains ns nor would the iiotails interest any 1�Py un,” ways Ueno Bertvu, lu the the latter and took updhis residence q y n
Si gm. 281412 �• M,:ntui ” !ly the time he was t4orminggdrugg. ill, at yourdrn - one, but a specialist. I may say
at Caraabad, sIthuul h •he had tong sR Tiul freers ours fes orwrit however, 'that there Is no deflul
t-hirty It„ w::a thr richest and most been a professor at the University �ns148 KboX W., Toronto, fixed rule, each case shaving to be p g o�S'}ova Tih"v as h Boo-
1s18r a sayer
' I Panton painter fit Holland. But in of Vienna 'ltltd had won his fame and made the subject of experiment .store an ibis :gator qr 'iri,.lsis gptnion, as
DR. F. J. R. FORSTER another t.•n years os ods, popularity, reputation an that city. He became , Sold by, E. Umbach, we can decide what vibrations, tf any, in Ithat-of go est yn'pti W .*comer Bab-
- nd Purnun, weri• lust Gr hint, and the Vice-Pte's}dent of the Carlsbad Cnre
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat r • chief cdu:.e of his downfall was the In Walton by, W. G. Neal will benifit. In all casae of chronic jeers o4 the Auadmo« ri Jim ire .
Graduate in Medicine, University of 1 0 , • u bust picture he ever- Comduiesion, whit, c•untrols the cu ire
.�,Q,,,, ��` (
painted, 'The catarrh, affections o4 'the labyrinth is olio only ono of + 4oui�7it& 6iYPq 1�
y teh ^ live waters of that European Sara- j
Toronto. Nbgut Watch.' —�— — un of the 'acoustic nerve, I use my which the emppiire has 'bash sa�At .�kta}.D
'iJ� t°go,• tuning fork apparatus. I treat deaf- is now on the, I ,grew$, 2
Late Assistant New - York Ophthal- v( r[('jC' "He was already well established "Iasked• Dr. Mtte'.ler what was the hi>p'h vibrations. And it ie possible Hasa on the a eci � �d to ,P, 1
sael turd Aural Institute, Moorefield's when he inet the auburn -haired Sas- ,lateat and most approved method of to produce vibrations so aligh 'that Specific 'principle of ac- :Verity; this being due chiefly t9
oustis treatment for the acoustic vast resources, agricultural, snitgetst rep
LltY• and Golden Square Throat Hos- k}a Uyleiibureh at her cousin's pie- treating deafness, and if -it was yet they adtuslly'kidl rho nerve. S�I
Vitale, London, Eng. At office in Scott . _._._. ture stueo. Their life for eight years possible to 'hold r,ut to chronically "With this instrument we can pro- nerve, Thus I awaken it, stimulate and ie wise
an which it thoroughly
erinci ani! ;` }
Block, over Umbachs Drug Store, was like a lternbrandt painting. It (leaf persona any n•ai hope of cur's, duce any vibration desired and main- it, drfla it, train 'it, or soothe ft or to Ulie wise and bhoroughly d'emocramio
Seaforth, third Wednesday in each t trap cilli it mh h'
month from 11 a.m. to 3 P -m. 63
Waterloo Street South, Stratford.
Phone 267, Stratford.
James, Proctor & Redfern, Ltd-
E- M. Proctor, B.A..Sc., Manager
86 Toronto St., Toronto, Can-
Brldir. ., Pavements. &go
fico ince rF:ctortas, erbi.
tratiom, Litigation.
Our Fees Uavany paid out of
the ni we ave client.
Specialists in :'. • :and Accident
Ins(. r:: ase.
Policies liberal and unrestricted.
Over $1,000,000 paid in losses.
Taeeptional opportunities for local
1778-60 Toronto, Out.
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer and
Notary Public. Solicitor for the Do-
elinion Bank. Office in rear of the Do-
sainion Bank, Seaforth. Money to
Barristers, Solicitors, Convey-
ancers ,and Notaries Public, Etc.
Office in the Edge Building, opposite'
Tice Expositor Office.
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Pub-
lic, etc. Money to lend. In Seaforth
on Monday of each week. Office in
=Odd Block. W. Proudfoot, KC., J.
L. Killoran, B. E. Holmes.
Honor graduate of Ontario, Veterin-
ary College, and honorary milmber of
the Medical Association of the Ontario
Veterinary College. Treats diseases of
all domestic animals by the most mod-
arn principles. Dentistry and Milk
Fever a specialty. Office opposite
Dick's Hotel, Main Street, Seaforth.
All orders left at the hotel will re-
esive prompt attention. Night calls
received at the office
Honor graduate of Ontario Veterin-
ary College. All diseases of domestic
r animals treated. Calls promptly at-
tended to and charges moderate. Vet -
Winery Dentistry a specialty. Office
and residence on Goderich street, one
door east of Dr. Scott's office, 'sea -
C. J. W. HARN, M.D.C.M.
496 Richmond Street, London, Ont.,
Specialist, Surgery and Genio-Urin-
ary diseases of men and women.
Graduate of Faculty of Medicine
k1eGill University, Montreal • member
o! College of Physicians and Surgeons
of Ontario; Licentiate of Medical Coun-
,all of Canada; Post -Graduate Member
of Resident Medical staff of General
Hospital, Montreal, 1914-16; Office, 2
doors east of Peat Office. Phone 66.
Reagan, Ontario.
Office and residence, Goderich street
east of the Methodist church, Seaforbh
Phone 46. Coroner for the County of
C. Mackay honor graduate of Trio•,
llty University, and gold medallist of
Trinity Medical College; member of
As College of Physicians and Sur -
&eons of Ontario.
Graduate of University of Toronto
Faculty of Medicine, member of Col.
lege of Physicians and Surgeons of
Ontario; pass graduate courses in
Chicago Clinical School of Chicago;
Royal Ophthalmic Hospital, London,
England; 'University Hospital, Lou-
don, England. Office—Back of Do -
P bdalon Bank, Seaforth. Prone No. 6,
Night calls answered from residence,
Victoria street, Seaforth.
Licensed auctioneer for the counties
t, 4of Huron and Perth. Correspondence
arrangements for sale dates can be,
F 'made by calling up phone 97, Seaforth
d or The Plrtpositor Office. Charges mod -
state and satisfaction guaranteed.
.,•'t�,1R r
' t� Licensed auctioneer for the County
° ! Sales attended to in all
the 6ounty. seven Yeare ea -
varied between brightest light and
dark, -sl shouse, They lived to a
epleutl ill house, filled with extrava-
gaudy beautiful wear furnishings. Rent-
brand[ was never weary painting his
"There has been Little actual .ad- •Lain its tone and intensity just as
Vance in twenty ab," -he replied. long as we witch,
y yeas p
"We shave improved many ,methods `Few 'people realize what a great
z.nd learned some ::,•w details. but that effect sounds have upon nerves,
q ze as a ease ,may re-
g ; g
quire, dein hi h tones or low tones
I or ,graduating from high to low or
from low ; thigh. No redo can be
'laid dawn; there is no Pormnia or
'government w ich 7t adtypted a$d und- .
fir which it ]iveq,
attractive wife, decked in brocades
is about all that r:u, truthfully be though all nervous 'persona and many
the blind know it. I hap
schedule, nor can there be; each case
and Jewels. Ile gained equal renown
sand." of seen
"We have also 1— 1 ned that all deaf- cases of intensely ¢rahtful toothache
callsNfor individual treatment, and its
Cam Atao
fes• his art, his ons, his gay
Hess is not ,hope., • �, for many' cases in which the application of a foes t
can 'be learned only b
y y
adst o
and his headstrong, profligatehis
can be cured ami many snore much ed tuning Pork the stopped"Not
experimenting upon it,
habits. He Paiuh,d his sisters in b}a
les a
Ave and sonde
improved. We kn,,w' now the things the pain after ve
every case, 'however, responds
effective, 01,10nal way, and never
the tooth
that cause deafn,• The most corn- ert41 the nerve of the •tooth insensible
to .the vibratory treatment, but so
paid any attention to their wishes.
111011 of tl;ese is ,:,!arrah, a flow of fur a time long enough to Permit a
many do that it is well worth trying;
Patrons demurred, but they did not
t him until trouble over
nfo •t ,mucous i r ni the sinuses, or dentist to work on it. I have stop _
in most cases of deafness."
'Th,- VigAt Watch' started. Ill 1642,
fD"}' cavities in u,,„war part of the ,,'t1, severe attaeksdof�vertlga. byaep-
h Dr, Mueller 'is enthusiastic about
w l8
when he was about thirty-five, he be- skull, Which draft; .nw the back of 'the p ytng a ow tone ra or, an t8 country, 'Czecho-Slovakia, and its
Kau this great canvas, which shows nose and ,pharyn\ If neglected, the have created them by applying high •grea't Tesources, also about the intelli-'
Man -
the civic guard uP Amsterdam leav-
infection spreads -if; the Eustachian tone's. As vertiga is due to a dis- genes and ability of President Man -
lubes into the middle ear and some- turbance in the semi -circular canals, aryk, He 'pictures Vienna jpnd Aus-'
tug thr company quarters. Actually, S1tiiT°
FARMS FOR SALE the aortic was in the daytime. The times into .bhe ltl:.rl' oar, this means that the vibrat}ons Iran- tris, as all others have pictured them
suntebreness of the shadows led erf_ "But their are twoiy other causes •quillize or irritate the vestibular recently, a tra'gio example of cutting �ggfQ
of deafness, and :,t all chronic cases nerve according as they are low or off from a great capital -the territory
'L00 ACRES. np:ING Lica of x later era to think it repro- y
F Lor. s and 4, C --i_ 4. Ifotlete twitted a night scene. 1 make, or hap, mule, a thorough high, which once gave it life -and made it
T—hip. in good .Late of examination o4 t:�r• whole hod An - -
euu;r�nnr, n. r.a rrre "In the large towns of Holland
y• y
ah:ne hon.<r and two bunk barn with ambling the aristocracy organized to keep or- disease that 8ffe,'!I, the nervous sys-
underneath: windmill and water 'item will affect 't!+:• turves of hearing, -
through the ,table. Will Ren with or with- der' fu the streets. Rembrandt was
out crop and woubl separutr either IS—asked to paint the picturesh of ran,, and in such cases it is the general con -
For w,rticulnn apply to EDWARD PRYCE, Bantling Cock, of the Amsterdam- dition, rather than (it,, local, that must i
R. R. No. 2, Seatorth. _sot-tt be treated. One „f she tests I always
_ _ _ _ _ guard, and his rich young slits. The Y Ccl
�� �� �4��
FARM FOR SALE.—}•OR SALE, LOT 6, Coat Was LU be divided between make is the Wla>serutann, a 'positive
Confess ioa It and
we.t haft of Let 6, twenty-five and thirty .members. reaction in which is proof of syphilitic /
Conor -.ion to. H.It.S.. Tuelt—faith, u,n- gembrandt, at the }(eight of his pow- 'infection. This latter is a ,common I
raining ]se acres. There are on the premi+fie
a good two 'tory brick house with tate roof. ors, readily accepted the commission, cause of deafnt•s..4. But it may be plaqqyo
large bank barn t00x69 feet with first class foreseeing how Ile should make the said that any dis,:,se r,f the blood re- ,
,mbli a, water in the barn, drive shed 26x86. Canvas glow and move fn bilHiant acts upon the nerves of the ear. i
home and hen home. The taro is all sun and velvet shadow. The chief "We also examitw the eyes, for an
cle ho but flout 20 fie of gond hard- y
wood bush. principally maple. All well fent- Portrait Interest was centred on Cap- affection of the n•tina is often associ-
d and ale drained. Eight acres or tall tain Cock and his lieutenant, The ated with an liff.•c•tion of the r)erves--
Theat sown, a acres mdil for from
foot. rest of the group were mere puppets of 'hearing, and when we find the two I r
The farm ls tasted 7 miles from 3eacrop g+
and 4 mile from Heman, one-half mile from for.Rernbrant's brush to play with. together we know that the trouble ; - '•v .rY
ad,00l, coral mon sad phone. will be sola He made a masterpiece—he him- is systemic more blian local.
on easy a pro. For r addrrthetress
paR. Rare o,2, self had infirifte satisfaction In it, "Until recently, we never thought
. plv on the premise, r addrea. R. R- No. 2, �+ .
Kippen. ANGUS McKINNON. 2829-tf for It •'xprpsried, as 110 pieture had that it was pos:.b', to treat directly Y, f
ever done before, his gift for hand-, the nerves of th' ears. Now we are .r, �' ::r• ” r `'.
Fj ARM FOR SALE.—FARM OF TWO RUN- ling light and variations of light. able to stimulate nr tranquillize them,
dred acre adjoining the Town of -
forth, conveniently altuated to all Sea
churehaExcept for the Pew whose faces were as we desire, by means of vibratory
sfhools and collegiate. Thera is a-eomrorb clearly to be seen, a)1 refused to treatment. I have devised a vibrator
able brick cottage wlth a cement kitchen; pay their Share. The disgruntled in the form of a tuning fork of a
barn 100x66 with atone .fabling underneathd'
dsmen and their friends with -and
for ii heels, hens of cattle and 40 hogs guardsmen ith- rnr special actuated 1 il formactutd
with steel stanchionsnstanchionsand venter 'loetote au drew their patronage from the mas- controlled by an r• ectru magnet be-
stack; litter carrier and feed carder and ter. From that time his face was tween the arms. This tuning fork 4
two cement silos : driving Shed and via*- - R �• i
toren ales. wafered by tock well and turned toward the valleys of aha- is attached to on, end of a steel rod, t, : � ��, tic ,�d-sirY:
windmill. The farm f. well drained and to Bows. His beloved Saskia had died. the other end „f which is inserted
a high state of cultivation. The crop IS all HIS house and goods were sold to pay tigartly intois the meatus of the ear.
in the gmupd—choice clay loam. Immedf- his debts. He, had but one son livingend ir�elated with rubber to
ate t,os.®sion- Apply to M_ BEATON. , This
R 2. Senfotth. out. 2787-1,11 and then the son. Titus, died too. .prevent the e} tris current from flow- �t,�;•i• i; sy,
Poor, lonely, disparaged, Rembrandt -ing into the ear. As it fits closely
hold McGregor ober for sale Lot t.. spent his last years creating pictures in the outer passage. of the ear, it
confession, McKillop, too acres of stat that are now almost beyond prise. communicates the vibrations of the •E$ a*. �x
.lass farm Janda. The land is -n a amt When be died, at the age of 62, there tuning fork to the ]nines of the skull,
clews state f cultkvatfon and in
are was scarcely enough left in his purse the ear drum 'the chain of little bones
ereeted on the prenhlses a good frame dwel. to bury him." and to the labyrinth ting house, with kitchen trached; frame yr th in which the audi- aw„. ': ,�• .�,
�;1' •
barn .76x64 with stone foundation, stabling tory nerve terminates.
underneath and cement flouts and water Famous sword Factory. "I described #,he latest form of this {
throughout, driving home, pig pen and hea ----
home. Also"about ten sares of god hard In the famous sword factory at instrument in a brief address at tate
wood bush. The property is well fencedad Toledo, in Spain, the utmost secrecy recent conference of oto-laryngolog-
well drained and convenient to good markets, surrounds some of the processes em- ists at Buffalo. I told them that the
churches and schools. For further partloulart
apply to MISS LILLY J. McGREGOR, on the Ployed in the making of these cele- effect upon the hearing was often
premises. or to R. S. BAYS, Solicitor, sen• brated blades, although under car- quite notable, and that in many cases
forbth, Ont • Lain conditions visitors are allowed it stopped the noises and the vertigo
r♦RM FOR SALE.—FOR SALE LOT 20. .Ito go through the factory. No one, that are so distressing to .many deaf }.
concesson 6. McKillop, containing leo however;, Is permitted to look upon persons.
.R cleared accept 8 act® a hardwood the final secrets of tempering. In "It is not easyto describe the man-
ishan. There are n the premises a hank the first room there may be seen a Her in which tis vibration frets, fo:
with with atone and cement foundation, 46x12, curious round ahlel'd fastened a man-
the action is complex. It is, first of
with cement Awn; driving shed, 14x88: g . p
trema arable, zexaz, largo graver hoof, 7 the wall, where the last test of a all mechanical, and this effect is
rooms nna kftchen. cement floors in sellar. finished sword is made. It is thrown, most pronounced when we use a
Hard end soft water in kitchen: two acreo from a bow. If fig point ie perYect,
or —chard. The isrm 1. .0 wire fenced strong current to increase the normal
end tire draited. well st b.rn and also well and good; it does not turn a amplitude of the fork, '!Shen we no- � ,1
witt the huh. This Is a good farm --one fraction of the finest hair's breadth. tice the extremely deep penetration
of the beat in McKillop- rt Is aftnated s If the blade makes an escape horn of the vibrations. These are so
miler from the Town of Seaforth and one
mile fromchool and church. Rural mail this trial, and It usually does, it is deep, in fact, that they 'pass quite
e. wI Y..
nd phonin be sold on nominsble, terms wor* to be marked with the royal through the head and affect the
For further pnrticulare apply on the prem• g
Sign the word "Artlterta," that
or address R. R. No. 1, seatorth. nerve on the side apposite that 'which
ROBERT A. HOGG. 2801-a proves that it was made in Toledo. we are treating. By much experi-
If the point wavers, even in a man- meriting I have found that we can
ner imperceptible to the unpracticedf �'s �' m^`y
drill or 'train the auditory nerve. : c sb
— - -- - eye, the blade must go back to a "Tun'ing forks, as you know, ,give
renewal of its fiery discipline. At one lower or higher nots according to
O O O O O O0 O0 O O O O table a man, working by aid of wax tiitair size; the note 'corresponds to " 4
and a sharp -pointed needle-like tnthe num- ber of vibrations, and any
S. T. HOLMES O strument, is busily engaged in the note, high or low, .may be made loud
1- t
O Funeral Director and O lettering of a blade. At another table or soft. Dfifferent :pitches of (tone
O Licensed Embalmer O is an artisan pounding with a tiny 'have different effects upon the nerve.
O Undertaking Parlors in O sharp -edged sort of hammer, working Low ;tones, corresponding .to long �.
O Beattie Block, o out a handle pattern. waves of vibration, 'are more
opposite The O _
per -
Expositor ositor Office. Residence OO but -higher
opposite Dr. cepttble to the•patient,O Goderich St.,
" w
tones have more effect upon the. I5tr s i'
O Scott's. O nerves. Low tones are soothing. Ex-
O Flowers furnished on short O Armless pervOne can write with
apparatus strapped that
tremely high tones irritate- Xou
O notice. O Peed to the body Z•
has been invented in England. know how intensely irritating, even
O Phone Night or Day 119 O.painful, are certain squeaking sounds
By changing the :molten of the ,roduced, for example, by pressing d
O O O O O O O O n 0 0 0 0 spindle- in •a new drill press at is
converted into a filing machine, a (pencil firmly and 'perpendicularly
The various aero clubs in Argen- upon a slate and quickly drawing it
Lica have formed a federation for down' That is an excellent illustra-
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 the general advancement of aviation. ton of irritating a nerve by very
O W. T. BOX & CO. O Machinery ;:has been invented for v
O Embalmer and O replacing ral•Irrrad ties at elle-ithird r
e expenditure of manual Tabor,
O Funeral Dira;tore O the �di� }^
X 0 A Briti coast cit is to be
O Holder Rof GovOernment O 'Ped with a motor life boat wiitihf a DON'T �f & a •S
O Diploma and License O capacity of more than 160 persons.( r r3
O Charges moderate O _
O O D0 r
Flowers furnished on. short THISd r �`
O Night Calls Day Calls O
O Phone 176 Phone 43 O TUNING FORK. I o
O O O O O O O O0 O O O O '.Ulan Americans have travelled all \\ i Py�Yi
the way to Vienna to ask Dr. Isadore
Mueller if the could cure their deaf-
Hess, for Dr. Mueller is famous all LEONARD _ a
A East OIL
r s over the world as one of the greatest
- (if not the ,greatest) of European
surists, as specialists in troubles of RELIEVES DEAFNESS and
TRAIN SERVICE TO TORONTO the ear are called, Dr. Mueller was STOPS HEAD NOISES s
recently in America, not practising, "Rub it inBp<ekofthe Ears"
Daily Except Sunday but lecturing before medical societies (Never Put in Rare)
Leave Goderidh 6,00 aim. 220 p.m, nn fiis specialty and also on the where- Insert in Nostrils
Leave Clinton ... 6.26 am 2.62 p.m. peutic value of the waters of CaTIa- Dearness is greatly relieved by a
Leave Seaforth .. 6.41 am. 8.12 bad, Marienbad, Pistyan, and other simple treatment with Leonard Ear Oil.
p'm' watering :places of Czecho-Slovakia, Special imtracuona by a anted Ear
Leave Mitchell 7.04 amt. 3.42 pm. Speclallat for different kinds of near. Possibly no other part of the world gives up to its people a greater expanse of country for recreation purposes then
Arrive Stratford-. 7.80 'a m. 4.10 m. The latter lecttrres were delivered �ess iul fiend Nolsescoatained in each
P• officially by - Dr. Mueller, as Special Package. Leonard Ear On is not an Canaria. From the Atlantic to the Pacific large tracts of territory have been set aside by the Dominion or Provincial
Arrive Kitchener 8.20 'amt. 6.20 pan. experiment, but ha bad n successful Governments --great unspoiled kingdoms, where nature and beauty vie with each other, where bird and animal life is
Arrive Guelph 8. 0 aim, 6.60 P.m. be
of the Czecho-S'lovakfair sale since r007, 'You numotafford to
Arrive Toronto „10.10 a.m. 7.40 be seat." TRY TWS Orf. it tae unmolested, and where every' thing is as nature planned it. Just what this means to mortal man it is difficult to estimate,
p.m, helped thau.andd of people. Why not
You? neactipurodrealarnpon reeacaL but it makes life worth while for those who embrace the opportunity of spending their vacation in these great open spaces,
R&URNING MADE IN CANADA a These playgrounds are, in addition, a great national asset, as thousands of tourists annuailll from all parts of the world
Leave Toronto 6.60 a.m.; 12, 66 p.m. fmcTancamotBII� i•A.BedliegtanCo„&leeA{ente,To»oto worship with us at our scenic shrines.
and 6.10 p.m. New Eyes A 0, LEONARD, Ine.,Mffb, 70 5th Av.. N.Y.City
Parlor We car Goderleb to To- fr Ont yon can Promote Or the (great Canadian National Parks, Jasper Park, which has an area of 4,400 square mites, is without a peek,
ronto on morning train and Toronto //."� Coon,ffeallhyCoaditloa For Sale IihY In Tact, it is doubtful if anywhere in an equal area such mountain Scenery and wonder features can be found--majestle
to Goderith 6.10 pm. train. p V eMadne Eye Reared E. UM$ACH Seaforth-
i 'iNightandMgrntng41 and .110
ll peaks, snowfielda an8 glaciers, deep cahyona and mighty riven on every hand.
,Pdinlor u8 ear Stratford to To- �°pyourRYoe4Beaa Clear and wislaw. good druggists.
Tonto on � gakil. { )aster Park Lodge is at present being constructed and will he ready for the reception of this year's trroriets. It wiS
iWrltefdrbfeElfveCdrdBootr' be operated b, the Canadian National Railways.
NdriMscr•fleiSi:drtdii9CaSr4filsebts6Cllissta 1 1 r p '
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