HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1922-06-02, Page 5THE ; JM4#.,I RO EXPOSITOR, ro- 4144krodleE stosstliooxs week. to ladies to get the men to Mary Moore, of Toronto, 'tier •brother, Will, end in- d;bo. Stay for some time and keep '-,for him. --The Iaadies' Arid in- I j ntd holding their garden ,party o he 288th. Further announcements 'will • be made later. -Hall & Co.'s Store will close eadh Wednesday afternoon et 12 o'c'loc'k until ,the first of Novem- ber next, and herafter will Close esck f Monday and Wednesday at 6 gyp. m. the year round. Football. -On Friday evening feet. the Clinton. footballl team played ,their first game with our boys !here. The Rome Packed good bail. The wore stood 8 to 0 in favor of Kinburn at the call of time. -On Tuesday evening in Brucefleld OUT boys had to step some, and the match was very fast and exciting, and at times some eloee shaves were wade on scaring. When time w'as called the score was 0-0. This was a little disappointing to the Brucefield fans, as they expected their boys to win. 'The Mos 'o er ii Cool, Comfo tab1e3Footwear. � We are ready 'with , fit>U lin"! af: White' Canvas Shoes Flay Sandals White Canvas Strap Slippers Tennis Shoes will be besd event a Juntri1 to Spred. SEAFORTH MARKETS Seaforth, June 1, 1922. Eggs, per dozen 25 to 26c Butter, -per lb. 30c Potatoes, per bag $1.25 Hogs, per c:vt $13.00 Wkeat, per bushel $1.2U Barley, per bushel 60c Flour, per cwt $5.35 Bran, per ton $30.00 Skorts, per ton $80.00 BEAN MARKET hand-picked, bushel, 34.25: Primm, 43.75 to 48.90. DAIRY MARKET Toronto, May 30th.-Chaese, new, large, 15 to 15' t18, 15 to 16c ; triplets. to 22c. S'tiltons, new, 20c. Extra old, large, 26 to 27e. Old 21c. Butter ..Fresh dairy, choice, 21 to 25 l,ntis creamery prints. fresh. finest, 36c : No. 1. Margarine -20 to 22c. Eggs- -New laid, candled, 32 to 31Ie new laid, in cartons, 36 to 37c. POULTRY MARKET Toronto, May 30th. -Dressed Poultry - Spring chickens, 65c chicken, 30 to 35c Live Poultry Spring chickens. 5Sie roos- ters, 17 to 20r f 24 tAl 26e duckl:ngs, ; turkeys, 30 to Wedding Gifts AUCTION SALE POLES AND WIRE jtutur. etvW be offered tor NU Poblle Winthrop Saturday, June 4th,1922 at 2 p.m. al Wire. SYSTEM. 2942-1 Thomas Brown, Auetdoneer. MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The Council of the Corporotton of the County of _Huron will meet in the Council Chambers, Goderich, at 8 p.m., Tueeday, June lith, 1922. All accounts should be in the hail& of the Clerk on or before the Mon- day preceding the meeting of Council. GEO. W. HOLMAN, County (;lerk. Goderich. May 18, 1922. 2841-2 s. Beath:, In Seaforth, on May 27th, to Mr. and 51ns. Alva Beaton, (nee Rheabell j, a son Kenneth McKenzie. Graham.- In Stanley, on May 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. H. Goldie Graham. a daughter- - Barbara Jean. IMPORTANT NOTICES ., Apply to JAMES SPROAT, Egmondville, Ont. 2842-1 11)1tUILDING FOR SALE. -ONE BUILDING - 40 x 50. It would make a good straw ehed. apply to C. G. THOMPSON, Oatmeal VOR SALE. --THE UNDERSIGNED HAS 'for sale on Lot 13. Concetsion 13, Ilib- bert, ,,20 thot.and white brick, which have been Used in a barn wall. JOSEPH SPEARE, Cromarty. 2841-€ COWS FOR SALE.- ONE FIRST CLASS Ayrshire 6 years old, fres. h ; one Hol- stein cow, 7 yea rs old, due to freshen in about one month. Wanted -20 p weigh- ing 70 pounds each. Apply to JAMES B. MacLEAN, Kippen, Ont. 2842-2 r ARM FOR SALE. -BEING LOT 28, IN • the north half of the 13th Gonc.sion of the Township of McKillop, Containing 105 acres, be the same more or less. On the premises is a barn 40x50, with stabling un- derneath ; a barn 36x56, no foundation ; a comfortable frame house, 18r26, with cellar and cistern; abundance of water, drilled well at house; also a good apring well et rear of farm. It is sitUated within two rniles of Walton. Well tile drained and fenc- ed. For further particulars apply on the premis.. MRS. JOHN CAMPBELL. R. R. No. 1, Walton. 2&42x2 Drain Tenders Tenders for the construction of the John- ston -Irvine Drain, tile portion. noeording to plans and specifications Tovrnahip En- gineer, will be received till Tuesday, June lath. 1922, at three o'clock p.m., at the Carnegie Library Hall, Seaforth. JOHN McNAY, 2842-2 Clerk. NOTICE Commencing June 7th, this store will close every Wednesday art 12 . o'clock, until the first of November. Also will be closed on Monday and Wednesday nights the year round. HALL & COMPANY, 2842x1 Constanc,e. JUNK DEALER I 'OM) buy all kinds of Junk, Hides, Wool and, Yowl. Will pay good pric- es. Apply to MAX WOLSH, James, Proctor & Redfern Limited. 38 Toronto St., Teresa°, Can. Bridges, Priveme.mis, Waterworks, Sewer- age Systems, Incinerators, Factories, Arbitrations, Litigation. OUR FEES-Unually paid out of the money we save our clients. Phone Adel. 1044. Cable: JPR Co., Toronto DEBENTURES FOR SALE Town of Seafortk "SAY IT WITH FLOWERS" From Geo. Stewart's ylorist, Goderiek, Ont. Cut Flowers always on hand. Wedding bunches and Floral designs a Specialty. Member of the Florists Telegraph Delivery Association. Flowers delivered to any part of Can- ada and United States, also principal cities in Europe, All orders delivered promptly. 2830-12 CREAM WANTED CREAM Ship -by Express; send by our cream drawers, or deliver your cream to the Seaforth Creamery. We are determined to give our Patrons better service than ever. Watch our prices, consistent with our accurate weights and tests, and consider the many advantages of hav- ing a thriving dairy industry in yOur Do not ship your Cream away to other Creameries ; we will guarantee you as good prices here and our very best services. Write, or call in our cream drawers and we will send you cream cans. When in town, visit our Creamery, which we want also to be your Creamery. We are proud of our plant. THE SEAFORTH CREAMERY CO. C. A. Barber, Manager. 283441 MOTOR WI ru us TO Goderich and attend the Dinner Dance At Hotel Bedford Next Saturday Evening JUNE 3rd For The June Bride We hive at great Variety of useful and fancy ' articles to choose from. Dancing from 6.30 to 12 Music by Miss Gene Connon and London Orclaestra. Sunday Dinner -Music, 1 to 2.45. Sunday Supper -Music, 5.30 to 6.45. Write or phone for Reservations to Hotel, Bedford, Goderich. RATES: Saturday everting, 6.30 to 12; $3.00 per couple. After 8.30, 1$11.00 per couple with additional charge' for lunch a la carte. AT Hutchison's White Canvas Oxfords Women's Strap Slippers Men's Oxfords - Suit Cases For Tired, Aching Feet Try our Arch Support Dept. A Perfect Fit Assured. PRESTON PORT.ASLE GARAGES AND COTTAGES in several designs, also Steel Trtiss Barns and Implement Sheds, all sizes. For further particulars write The Metal Shingle & Siding Co. WILLIAM T. GRIEVE, Walton. Phone 14-234. Alsu agent for Chicago Auto Oil Windmills. Better Prices Prices on many lines are reduced. China, Staple Crockery, Aluminuni Ware, Trays, C-lassware and all the other lines carried in our Greater Variety Store. See Beattie's First H. R. Scott - Seaforth Beattie Bros. __ Ferguson & Coiy. Alen's, Young Men's and Boys' Furnishings Men's Light Weight Mo- tor Gaps. Special $1.00 Men's Fine Shirts in a few odd ,sizes, 16 to 17%. Specially priced $1.15 ____ Boys' Fine Light Caps, just the thing for Ilot Mcii's Fine Silk Stripe] Panarna Hats, Spe- Raw Silk Shirts, the ii.iesI Balbriggan Underwear, the very best quality. Men's Fancy Knitted Ties, a real value at 50c Also Silk Knitted at $1.50 gle garments at 50c and 75c Don't forget the Maratiion Belt in any color; sonm 111,,r, Men's and Boys' Rubber Belts, with fancy buckle. Alt going at one price 45c Men's Silk Lysle Hose, real line and just the tliiii2: for Summer 15, and 65c Boys' heather Belts, strong, and i in :>ne color only for •-):- Invisible Braces, rea strong point, at 50c Boys' Jerseys in blue and Khaki, at 50c Wait for our Nr,,, Striped Flannel TrouserS. They are a Strong Hose for Boys; fine lot and will arrive very As these are all New Stock we know the Quality and will Guarantee the same. TOILET SOAP SPECIAL.-Seward's Toilet Soap in assorted perfumes, .matle to sell at 10c, or 3 for 25c; Special, 5c, or '7 for 2fc CORN STARCH. -Royal Gold, a good one, 3 for 25c BISCUITS.-Weston's No. 2 Sodas, at 2 for 25c TOMATOES. -Tip -Top Brand at peh can 15c Maple Leaf Brand at per can18c CORN. -Excelsior Brand at 2 for 25c Maple Loaf Brand, at 2 for35c LARD. -We have more of that extra qu al ity, which is so hard to get . One user says it takes just about one-quarter leSF, than of ordinary good lard, and then the result is DAIRY BUTTER. -If you have dif- ficulty in getting Jr.,' Dairy But- ter, come to us, for we are getting abundance of it. The price is low- er, too. BLACK TEA -Special, 2 lbs for $1.00 We have sold considerably over one ' rbon of this ' Tea in the past year and have never Sold so popular a tea. in our 25 years' business experience. A 'genuine •grade -high price -low tea. MAPLE SYRUP.: --We kave some high grade home-made Syrup to clear AT COST. DRAIN TENDERS WANTED Temlers for the eorotruction of the Canada Company Drain will be received till Turn day. June lath, 1922, when tenderts will be opened at one o'clock p.m., at the Carnegie Library Hall, Seaforth. 10 per .8 contract price to accompany each tender. Work to he done according th plans and specifications of Township Engineer. Wolk to be done by Dredge and, to he completed in 1922. LOWletit Or ny tend, not necessarily ac- cepted. Lot Conce,s ion 3, !VIcKillop. JOHN McNAY, 2841-3 Clerk. Ditching Machine WE CAN USE MORE • MEN AND BOYS in our shop, learning driving, repair- ing, overhauling, motors, tractors . Garages fraying $5-$10 daily to our successful ,graduates. Learn auto, tractor niechia.rnics.• Be expert igni- tion, lighting, starting systems. Big vvages, steady work. You can earn while learning. Write free catalogue. HEMPHILL'S BIG AUTO GAS TRACTOR SCHOOL, A Ditching Machine is corning to our dis- triet. Parties inter.ted will do well to 163 King conanunicate at once with the undersigned, US we have quite it quantity of work alrettdy - contracted for slid will only be able to do a limited amount. We will dig your ditch, lay your tile end delis er them at your farm, So now bi your chance. Act quick ; we want to get this work in linc. WILLIAM M. SPROAT St. West Toronto. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby Siren 2...Ruud fo statute., in that behalf that ell pesos bow. ing ciahrig against the state a wawa st,,th, late of the Town of Seaforel. in the County of Huron. Carpenter, lo• ceased. who died on the Ilth day of Ma.Y., 1012 are required on or before the 1rd d.r 'or June, "1922, to send by poet. prepaid, or deliver to the undersigned, full oartfoodue of their claims, duly verified by ailklauft and the nature of the security • (if any) Mid by them. Farther take notice that after Ike iaet. mentioned date the assets of the , said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard et& to the claims of which notice shell Oleo have been given. Dated the 15th day of may. 1922. Solicitor for Adnilaiatratirle. 2840-3 LIBERAL& Attention. The Annual Meeting of the South f Huron Liberal Association, as consti- , tilted for Federal purposes, will be held at the TOWN HALL, HENSALL on TUESDAY, JUNE 6th, 1922 A full attendance from every mun- ici•pality in the Riding 'is respectfully1 :old ardently solicited. A sptxUal invitation is extended to the Ladies to be present. A, Good S'peaker is being secured for the occasion. T. N. FORSYTH, 2841-1 Secretary. FLOUR Rub Roy, Pure Alanitoba Hour $4.15 11)3rg Chieftain, Ontario and Manitoba blended Flour. $3.85 I), rg $3.50 rarg Clansman, for Pastry at Smaller packages at proportionate prices Not better than the rest, but just as good as the best, and a whole lot cheaper ; .also a home pro- duct. For sale at the leading grocers, or a phone call on 13 will bring it to your door. Rob Roy Mills, Limited A REAL SHOE SALE Don't Miss This Glorious Once -a- Year Round -Trip Excursion Goderich to Detroit on the PalatialSteamer Greyhound Tuesday, June 13th Si Roi.ind Trip TAKE YOUR Leaving Coderich at 9.30 a.m. June 13th, the Steamer Grey- hound reaches Port Huron at 1.30 p.m. and Detroit at 5.30 p.m. To enjoy the sights of Detroit you will have until Thursday, June 15th, at 1 p.m., when the steamer leaves the Griswold st. wharf for the re- turn trip to Goderich. AUTO ALONG. Any make ear 11111111111111111111111 ONE 02 WAY a 00 each way, released. The Last Trip t,o Detroit Leaves (10,1erich on BASEBALL FANS: Ty Cobb's Tigers play Ne, York Yankees at Navin Park Detroit, Wednesday, June 14th. MOONLIGHT MONDAY NIGHT June 12 Don't fail to enjoy the three- hour Moonlight Trip out of Goderich Monday evening, June 12th, under the auspices of the 33rd REGIMENT BAND Music and Dancing Aboard. NECESSITY KNOWS NO LAW! OUR STOCK OF NEW SPRING AND SUMMER FOOTWEAR MUST GO. We Need the Cash --You Need the Shoes This is not a Sale of shopworn, unsaleable shoes. All our High and Low Cut Shoes go into this Sale, the best Shoes we have -Outing Shoes, Sandals, Oxfords, Pumps, White Canvas Shoes, -in fact. our entire stock of New and Stylish Footwear. WE CAN USE THE MONEY BUT NOT THE SHOES. Here are a few of the price inducements: - Men's Oxfords, new styles, Brown and Black Calf Leathers. Regular Sale Price, a pair $4.95 Men's Gunmetal Calf Shoes, new French toe style, rubber heels, Good- year welt, just put in stock. Regu Sale Price a pair 50c Children Under 12 25c S4.95 Women's White Canvas one and two - strap Pumps, Black Patent Leather Trimmed, low heels, the very A A latest. Sale Price a pair.... JAU Women's White Canvas. one -strap Pumps with buckles, also two -strap button styles. Women's Sally Sandals, buckle styles, Brown Calf, Black Calf and Patent Sale Price a Pair... 3.60-4.20 I:oys' Brown Running Shoes, Fleet- oot and Speed King brands. Sizes sale Price a Pair $1.45 to five. ouths' Brown or Black Running :•,11(ws, Fleet Foot and Speed King 1,rands. Sizes 11 to 13. si .25 Sale Price a Pair • Women's Black Tennis Shoes, a good house shoe. Sizes 21 to 7. silo Sale Price a Pair ( hilds' one -strap Patent Leather Sale Price a pair...2.60-2.70 Pumps. Sizes 5 to 71/2 - Sale Price a Pair S1.20 This Sale will not last long, and first buyers will have the best op- portunity of finding their exact . sizes in the best styles. TERMS: -STRICTLY CASH -NO APPROVALS. SALE STARTS ON SATURDAY, JUNE 3rd /be 00rimratIon of the TOWn of Sentorth lave debenture., with interest eonnona at- taelhed. for sale at rate to yield five and one- ludf Oar Slat. sm. annum. Per par- tied.. IIPOlir to the utglersigmed. 'JOHN A. WILSON, 1240 -ti Treasurer. F. D. Hutchison THE CASH GBOCIIR Phone 166. THE CASH SHOE STORE Expooistmlle.