The Huron Expositor, 1922-05-26, Page 6e Jiff O BMW _ itil Some. �ieralp
oiOataalo ' .
Taln7ttfu.. Ilato�t0 teat, Enemlies, ,
• _
llelu(i e
A tittutedy at, 17httd for Eve" .!seat!-
altday, �edrieAdaYt
�a $atttrday, Prom one' tst', sort -in (old Weather idpray Id i
I 2814-12 ( this Mornings -- t5rerferoua Cows
r . Need a Good G11aMa Ratans.
(4'oata4bute4, bytp� -,tar . DGpartmost OL
],, F. J. R• FORSTEIL Agtdcultorn, eroato,)
� r Ike, .Ear, Nose' and Throat Spraying with water under Pres-
.+ badvato in Medicine; University o1 sure 'with a fine 6Pray is a good
,:� i 0*00t ',,, . Preventive for t•tta various Posts that
Lem Aealstant New York Opbthal- tnffict rose bushes. This, ho' never,
e" bald Aural �'' lldoozefleld's ! Is often times not full effective, but
A alts Golden. $quare Throat Hoo-
, London, Eng. At office in Scott oulY a help-
I hick, over Umbach:s Drug Store, lrobacco soul 6oap Sudutioas ESecttvo.
hickawhiirth, third 'Wednesday in each Strong tobatono or soap splutl'dua
maoni$ from 11 a.m. to 3 Affi- 53 septics in the aswe way as ntattsddor
Waterloo Street South, Stratford. the' inter are good remedies. Thres
F11one 287, Stratford. I ounces of whale oil soap dleaowed in
: a gallon of water will make a good
solution fair green aphids, re's apiaries
James, Proctor & Redfora. Ltd• I and thrip• A solinUon of t0baoso
Il, M. Proctor, B,A»Sc„ Manager water can be made by placing to -
:6 ?pronto St Sorrento, Can. I bacco lour eteaas or' raw tobacco
nodo-, rev_ . t., wecc,-awriv..eocr• leaves is a Pail, 1 or 3 D-ouad�
rss fly,ta.,a, amineratur,. s.b..". ' fill the pdil vita boiling Soap sods.
P,aw H.tlw Heat-¢,. F.ctorto. Arbi- 1 cover up, and allow to cool- Rrefu
tmttom, tdtla don- ,
oar Fee.:—U.aally paid at of and spray it o0 the plan't's as a`o-
1b, money ,.e .• sur Cucuta , Paired. '
Another good forusula -is made by
1 mixing ono Part ailighaUy sour milk
]iBSCHAN?S CASUI.TY CO. ; apd two parts of coal cit. These must
Opecialists in I; •s'.'�' t,._J Accident be mixed (Churned) tor;,•ther tltor-
Inar.1 .1s1e, oughiy firelu thea add 20 part's of
policies liberal nmol unrestricted. I tyater tniw•th -ouaaltly. Thiemaat
Over $1,000,000 paid in losses. he used qulckl9, as it dues n6t keep
Xx0eptional opportunities for local long,
Agents. The fQl owing preparatioits sold at
904 ROYAL 13A1Yg BLDG.. large sgfjx staren •are alpo good. •bol-
$7,78-50 Ttoroato, OarL pho-tobaec Soap and -}Block Leaf B
are goad remedie T"o ars
sold •at"scope d: ug'stores. Firil >idree-
r tion for use art giy,•it on the pa,bk-
LEGAL i ages. I fin$ it an iuiprvrvement to
use soapy water in mixing Blitck
R. S. HAYS. Leaf 4"0.
awmister,Solleitor,Conveyancer and Tlieaeretaedtepawforairhie,thriP
Notaa9 Public. Solicitor for the Do- slid led spider arta r,t f
Isflnioal Bank. office in rear of the Do- DeaunR Avith the Shur. '
samlen Bandl, Seaforth. Money to
�� mother Pest that infra[s rose
bushei is what is knnsvn as the rose
alug, a slimy gree,' cateri,rNar. al>?au.t
BEST & BEST one-Sneh long, that owls the leaves
and also eats into the flow, r. Diast-
Barristers, 8olkitors, Convey- ing the bushoa when th, leaves, are
anoera and Notaries Pulblic, Eta. ds P (Sot too wet) with dry belie-
'fFGm an otic baking.,powder tm
office in the Edge Building, opposite having a perforat,.d lid, will help to
The Expositor Office. kegp down thes,' P,•sts; or an quuee
of hellebore pawd,•r naay be mixed
with,a gallon of water and sprayed
PROUDFOOT. KILLORAN AND on thee..,,,plants. Tfwse are all ver,•
HOLMIc9 effective •remedies for pests on ,,se
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Pub- bushes. Care must he taken, cu{v-
fle, etc. Money to lend. In Seaforth over. not ondY to be pert-ict)lar In
coxing bhe ingredients. but also to
an Monday of each week. Office in apply thorotit;hly to all parts o'f' the
Rids Block. W. proudfoot, B.C., J. plant, more esppriolly to the o,nda
1(,. Killoran, B. E. Holmes. side of the leaves for the white thrill
and red spider and start •✓,S ,i
r the season before the pests aPPeam
VETERINARY Preveutios is better than cure.
F. HARBURN, V. S. I \Viten to Spray.
Honer graduate of Ontario Veterin- in applying any of these solution.
ary College, and honorary member of any tpraying necessary in eti'1)
the Medical Association of the Ontario weather should be done In the moasa
Veterinary Coliege. heats diseases of lag. .During the very hot weather
aB domestic animals by the mdst mod- I spraying may, be done tm ills avenin
urn principles. Dentistry and Milk, If sp ng is done in. ch4lb; Weatfi
Fever a specialty. Office opposite' it indtikes mHdew. The repaedy fo
IDiek's Hotel, Main Street, Seaforth• i downy or powdery mildew is to dO
All orders left at the hotel will re- the plate With floyrers of•aulphlb?
give prompt atteniiion. Night calla i spray wif4< a solation made by nab
received at the o ics I Fug one ounce of pot�esiutn sudphi
la three ga9iona of water. An apP
JOHN GRIEVE, V. S. entice of any of these remed
should be made every week or tae
fish" graduate of Ontario Veterin- days from early is the season On
ay College. All diseases of domestic the end of summer. The petaesf
W dmala treated. Calls promptly at- sulghide is also a good remedy f'
toaded to and charges moderate. Vet- •'Black Spot," ametber fua%gae d4
winary Dentistry a specialty OiBce I ease that atiaeka the Maven of re
and residence on Goderich street, nae bushes. All dead or diseased lea*
♦nor sash of Dr. Scott's office, Sea- caused by black spot or milde
forth. should be gathered up .4 bur
—T8 late Wm. Blatnt, O. A. Coll.
C. J. W. HARN. M-D.C.11I
a cause. They threw their anuakets
425 Richmond Street, London, Ont.,
Generous Come Need Good Gr
specialist, Surgery and Genio-Urin- I
cry diseases of men and women.
with bite pasturing season at
end, every owner of dairy eo
abould begin to_plaa his winter fe
Graduate of Faculty of Medicine
ing. tows often suffer more for Is
IfleFgill University, Montreal; member
of Cellege of Physicians and Surgeons
of feed between the time when t
rasttare is good and Life time wh
of Ontario; Licentiate of Medica) Comm- I
winter feeding in earnest begins t
cil of Canada; Post -Graduate Member,
they do after winter is really at ha
tar Resident Medical staff of General I
Every experienced feeder has lea
Hospital, Montreal, 1914-15. Office, 2 ,
doers of Post Office. Phone 56,
ed that It to easy to let cows
in milk as a result of poor. feed,
Bonsall, Ontario.. I
very hard to bring them Sack.
good Production fbr the year is p
sible only when the cow is kept
a high level of milk production
Office and residence, Goderich street r
the time.
„mast of the Methodist church, Seaford •
Phone 46. Coroner for the County of I
The foundation of all good d
rations is a, succulent feed, sit
silage or roots, and a legume
winch meatus clover or aFf9iPa. J
as soon as the grass begdbs to
C Mackay honor graduate of Trio-
short, therefore, the feeding of all
lty University, and gold medallist of I
and hay should begin. It never p
%1 inity Medical College; member of 1
to scrimp on row0age. Let the c
On College of Physicians and Stir- I
have as much as they will eat
neons of Ontatio.
clean all the time- That is wit
cow in for—to convert roughage
Graduate of University of Toronto
A good grain mixture should
Faculty of Medicine, member of Col-
lege of Physicians .and Surgeons of
twin at least three different fe
one of which is rather high in
- Ontario; ass graduate courses in
isles! School of Chicago;
teln. A good grain mixture
of medium production is ground
,Ciaca 0
Royal Ophthalmic Hospital, London,
or barley four Parts, oats or bran
parts, linseed meal one part.
England; University Hospital, Lon-
don, England. Otfico—Back of Do-
The grain feed should -vary
the milk produced. The cow th
. fnlrito$ Bank, Seaforth. Phone No. 5,
Night calls answered from residence,
utlilktng heavily is the one to re
the,liberal grain allowance. A
. Victoria Street, Seaforth.
rule to follow with referene
amount of feed, Is to give one p
of grain to each three pounds of
produced byGuernsey or Je
Incensed anet)oneer for the counties
and one pound of grain to each
of Pare and Pertb. Correspondence
and one-half of milk
•..,reiaa"islrgnts for. sale dates can be
ailing up Phone 97, Seatorth
pusher Office. Charges mod-
asitisEaction guaranteed.
R. T. Lim
I itnetioneer for the Cohen
Solas attended to iso a
hb counW Seven yyeast
It' uw i;Ua-and Sagksteb
• 1fi "'.3 't gold'. F i9. VOW, , t}iT17P"k,Atilir'�'�otala3A , r,'aaA.D ,w, .a' d ... wv�� ..,�"a+"ts .:'.a. r,7 -.r+r±.rva } . - - bht; - ... y. -'.s ;.i;+,
Ffi1, r,, l; Of toaa,..0 "k164ALC4tlsO�l►�feF!" llSi9Nltfiatt,lltl"?oP I) j t,
�ed,., .. , * mast a Qin alpe 1 en' . trhei lxe (Comtinaed . >sa1. 3. '„
T ;A,iRWTFS y,y btDgeaea of a s9landar, t^ Ad d� v el. t of oto dug as t a:, vw. -�. -- .,... , , - ,•s.31. , p.
ilt�i�.. 'W!ttat. ed 41114 Cha, ..., .. .•, iQ , 1' �'.:. ,:I":. •{ 1,1- rs ...,Y r 'r.'.7•t m: •'?:+'.:
.. 1 tbh9y vdded ditto t�tlnub l td.. At, . .r wan.• f(ebanit f . .
d cells Rork- clad ��s Cita , u)1ut
Ail Marie tea of +Gk Pm rasa sh4ult ' t night ttDail . ,ago egniTrped thwt d 1; 0.S ,e t�g '. 'of la b tel, tsd , itWt d ' t)01,'J I I t Lf OR Q7k t:, t s'�
ey are descendants of ibe Ne la o,s '
er}cam osis turlfay$ lobar sxaamed If per' eWteds are thse�i; ttho nr ooru�sated aki14 by be-5e�}eo: heti N,1+uit of t(mgdk8,+AIa'beT blunt a Yatap {$iAlc €t:
Am fo es in lar Aaelgs when the Itusk�i7 may be cWtied 9n of the Ufatttd, He Ural !cillo 4t1bI .6*M* 'tkat war monde (mist tjfi Q1?!i•it9 :ko ystaonTaKo Qjhh9n► . ,
the r to large suec. ' has been proved glove croayted• with �i�opphPtn)s, mans!!) at.TiMs, ltbanties with th4ir d i r.� g$�� atomy9thing of t6a
acGOgWn'aId'a71m OS O'RT .provairee Were chap
Ili thctir cult. Wild hbletta have in ddi d:, •,, dp:W-v�rttotit parts of On-,, dnto the form of a lttatud 'by dq agdgti. mt2Pti rind it struck. slim as 'being.,anoil r q1 :N gy.,..; oAe,me too keomlg
t Carlo 'This da covered with a rb�anh daava(i+ atliaua(! ,that titrangetu should send ��e sjj : e"w fife, T
been shot in the early days flout nS tqt. Allatys, Oat',. keschiej, to the corner oY w6tdeL 5a up Hud lay to kill one another, t4sA le'a 00 iuiifigt rt ..,. t � =
were found to weigh sixty pounds. ' Moa MaabY,` mind pmt �J rtt(to>.
There are vary faYw finals of the a U' 'A. W1,14ff, sold lE5 dt)akeja, tabtaehad a thread, whiich Spaaye out who ed so d3tblo itt eomatlon un t gbh a his puts pt "i 1t lnai 'boy 1
wild turkey known to oc st tat. pre- averagiilM1 •$iltteeTI pounds east, at 68 I as 'the and is quickly extis ed. TSte did rot even' know nate 'smother , , is
p The soldieim who wore fight ,;•
scut.' There are a few in the South- cents a' realising $1,080 froim oncbhe b nbltesgad(hering to ithe neon ionto owns silo were equally an- k ao rvattb-,h '-(linins
western States and some in .the for- her flook.,tn' 127. longi dies 0 pd Y�r+ 0,11
tests of the ' AllegSuaey Mountains. .00
R. P,'-$�yoa. ;live stock deader of I aniddde of the roam, tate Siatpdker- knawu to' sum, and dee 1oolced in vain m life. t d�,
Some of the 'experimental farms ThorndalW,' 'duTang the Christmas trisf is suddenly wtbadravm, and, for Olay. 13e saw 'gQ'acW5111ams for frya.
item m treed rvms season, a'kaipped 2,bfi0 imnnda of fin-- thews the wanderers see floating,-ap- a moment 7bhuaoagh .the smiaka, jab- A ,tour of Europe -is'at preil.. I t .
have ,auade attempts keys of SO •eenta a pound to Toronto. I liamently, a 'htuuan :hand. Gaadua'lly Bing aR a jaanaraed cartridge with Suds dug or$g�ndacd, under, the rllersMl4) Axe , ,,
turkeys, r- Ile elan .shi ped n !urge quantity to it descends, and, by means of tiny pen�cndYe, and �nao tg the lead away,' erviaioii o! i1U. T. H. Aizuttteaa,',>Yi ' 's r�
It is wel•1 to rote sdme of .the stn iy . hooks, fas'Cene ippon the glowing ball, to make of clip. He 'limon. a`ethonatrat- , (pytou) 1.101'. * ,Professor of ",fit 4
acterfsUes and habits of wild Rork- London. g - gm emvatic®, M6G.11 University,
eys, as the dotWestic oaten rebain� Ebhol Pitt, a merc.hant a few uaiteilt H=ding the .gauze, once ,more rolled dal With the a n 04 Swearing at It and 44'9
north of Terttdale, whipped over one tight, the hand *ckers a1*0 iblte exioldly as b noses dd were humans, �s n� ,leutenant, Royal Nldeg. �,
m1uny s f biose features, ate' with thousand suds of turkeys too Baf- .wont, eventually dropping da true dap am8 as liansham :ran to him he In addition local guides will be secured
A better understanding of ,turkey Po ug D to conduct excursions anti give lee- .
raiSing malty farmers' wives "light These . the
eyafmonth of ll a purchased, in theI Of tglove eaand alta gauieekl Thencottig from the gaeynridd'ea•Knsoling snider turas on the artistic, historic Sit „�
increase the bank taawnnt and also Buffalo at 60 cents and 65 een$s a federate contracts the steel,mod. The `the wounded ants who bad droppW and economic slgnifleanof of tate s� ,
enjoy .store feasts of roast turkey. ,modiwn sighs. The seance is tat an it and picking the cartridges from Side seen and the places visited,
Whom the mating of ,turkeys has . POund• end belt, he assured ,him cheerfully that A most carefully planned and iia-
been properly made, u large meas- I � I he was not so badly huts as he teresting itinerary ha's.•been iarraatped,
urs of success is aohiavetk The hens i — thought. including -visits to Montreal, "Liver-
selaeteel should be of good size, all i HOW THB FAKIRS WORK AT I - "You all right?" L'aggham asked. pool, Chester, S4ratford-on-Avon; 0a -
the smaller op es or weaklings tieing CURRENT WIT AND ViriSDUId "I'm ,all right. I'm trying to get a' ford, London, Paris, Versailles, 7091-
discsma sbr x small Hoek bhe SF,AtiCtfiB little laddie bilin behind that blue ~
tum may be a atroaag, vigorous year- There's an end to all good ,things. g ta)aebleau, Rheims, Lyons, Marseilles,
silk sofa over rhere..'He's bakes an j
ling, but for larger , vxfvj o mature Joseph F. R'm'n, of New York, Is a' Wait until they atarA to play chess Cannes, Nice, Monaco, Menton, Olen
member of the Ancettcan Society of by radio.—Kingston Standard- uartaytural dislike Do use, and he's oa, Pisa, Rome, Naples, Sorreabo,
bird should be solectsd. I Ma icians, to which belong Life chief nearly got ane three times. I'm Capri, Pompeii, Vesuvius, Floteaaeo,
if the turkeys have boss, well win- r g . g Venice, Trent, Innlibruck, Minnick, bhe
tend the first bene usually begin' vrestidigiltabeums of the United States Unfontw»ately the man whose ad- knockin dtorae4sapim Out of his temt-
aiui is sat aan'Stear magilrian of paarie. vice is worth While isnl6 going around 'part, though.- Passion Blsy at Oberammergau, Nus -
to lily while Ile weather is so cold it "also a savoata enemy and ett offering any.—Boston Trasiscript. The mea oY Stnant'e body -guard emberg, Maysnce, the Rhine, Oofogne, i
that the eggs will ebill at night. sem of --trot modimns. 14Mr a I were ftghtdng outside og the. breast- Brussels, I rsuvain and Ostend, return-
They should be gathered and a nest- po spi lute Werke 'and mattresses. �tey wore Ing through London and Liverpool-
e•gg placed in their steed imbil flvt• I aomineni epiriGirt appears Cts 'his This is about bhe season of
,are laid. If the meet ( neighborhood romtom he does not chat- year when the lotviar,a b t.— caioba using 'their swords as Irishmen
Almy. This exeeptionad tour starts 24 t
is six e'd t lenge, and, of courea, he did •nay ex- a tennis racquet at 'brat.—Manitoba werg machetes, and the Irishmen were Montreal on Saturday, June
s allowed W fill with eggs the ,lurk- , e rpt (Donnan Doyln, wits is aieout to Free Press, swinging their guns around. (their calling at Quebec, by the splen
ey may lissome bawdy too, scum. A*' a2pear in To2atto, and wh, Inas been shoulders like sledge-hammerm, akd 'White Star 'Line Steamship "aaueipic"
the nights .grow warmer, and thkra lrcFnairtgg in (Che lin•fbed States for a The cheapest looking thing at a beating their foes over the Stead and (12,100 .tons.) A period o1 appt'mu- ,
is no danger of front, 4he eggs nosy I few weeks'Patst. Mr. Rims says ddtai bargain counter is u mum waiting &>r 'breast. The guns at 'his own aide mately two months will be oceudiied
be left out, provided no vermin in all his investigations be .tam never his wife to get through.—Manitoba sounded close at Langham's ear, and by, rt)ae tour as by the itinerary die
can find agrees to the -last. pound ,the slightest evidence dlhat Free press. deafened him, and those of'bbe enemy return .trip is made from Liverptfot
'Me breeding Hoak should not be 1 s nitist sehucee; are what they pre- expl•tded so near to his face chat he .by the fine steamship "Regina" ("--
kept in a squall pen, the most sne- W
cessful practice is, to 2tave a lams !Rend to be, or that any o1 the pdttmr- A health hint is .that year wear a was kept continually winking and 500 tons), arriving at Montrealon +
anewa are prodveed by sapernatmal diamond Pin. It promotes chest ax- dodging, as
though he -were being August 26th.
range for them, and to feed, them I nieans. Ise fact, 4e utnderto6tes to pansiun.—Bnatrhfari Expositor. taken by a flash -light photiograrph. The arrangements for this tone ass
at night to a smaller eaelosure, roprodtr¢e any pllttomona, and orders When he fired be ,aimed where ,the most complete and .the charge, which
where the hems con be cb a2 in until I tc, wager a darige sum with arry iscpir- With the ,price of wail paper de- mass wag thickest, so that ,he might is a mir.immta one, covers everydaing
after they have laid the sent daay- hist that ttae will be unable to say e)inin•g :here is mo reason left for 'bot see what -his bullet did, but be re- in the way of transportation, hg*44
Ag the hen tvnkey
is very acrvoes 4ww the trick is done, unleF6 the buying some of the Texas oil stocks membered afterward t'bat he alwnye accomodation with three veeals a day,
at nestiag t$wio. A is a good plan to sgriritietStappena u, be a medium tales- row being offered for sale in these reloaded with the most ans:ious swift- transfers, sight-seeing fees, in bttftsf,
forniah covered nests is these tvns. sell, in which case he will be pre- parts.—Kincardine Review. nos* in order that 'he might not be all necessary travelling expenses for
, An old barrel or O -Okayed "Of" surmLd ,to know all about it killed before he had had snorter ah®t, the entire 'aur.
witch scone ev0;,Wa6+u benaishs tlfowll,Recently 'he gave the New .Yo'rk Fresh air is the one thing that can and than. the idea of being killed was Apply to any agent of the Cher
over it, u very arsepaeble. Iinri%t„ 1'.e,a.ald are account of what he be depended upon Uu do its utmost of no cca:ern t'., him except on .that adian Natiuna'. Railways for further
rho is
period food rich ni pre alleges is A typist! apia•ftfmt seance, at all tithes to prevent persons from accouv'_ Then the scene before him particulars,
taro t;ltuuld be fell, but as sono as .a cabinet seance, as it is called, h.avi,ig influenza.—Utica Observer. c•hnnged, aaxl apparen'try hun(lrede of r
the hens begin tro set, the base of - -
Cha ration she old be whole
c rn, whereon a *pint s brought from a tlerPAIn s soldiers poured out room —
1 ae�a natrr alauld ba pintos where c`ahenei and performs ghastly tricks. An vp ountry paper refers da a the Ps?ace and swept down upon flim,
This is a common spirltfgt phenome- youth who drank a -pint of yeast in cheering as they came, and he felt
;he birds cant get # cxctb day• non, and, as a rule, greatly' int- mistake for buotermilk as one of the hins:lf failing back naturally and ns
It aakets twenty-esgbt te, S'wt•nty- n:.eaaes those w•hro ser it for the town's "rising" young Wren. --Kisch- a m=otter of course, as .he would leave
nine day,; Par turkey ogles to hatch, (first tante or du 'not uadeasstand how honer Record. stop.;c' our. of t:ne way of a lecomo-
r.rd it wiU pay to dusts the nest and .it it done, As a trait, there entre a five, or a runaway horse, or say ^
scion as well ws the ben turkey, vvly couple of omfolerates, the m#dium In spite of the new government the other• unreasoning thing. His shoul-
ihorougitly' with insecri powder lawn „nd one atber mernher of the cunt of living is still about the saatlo pushed against a ,mass of shout-
ur three days before Ake is dine to audience tine ,l:,tte• being often the —a11 a fellow has. --Halifax llena9d. ing, sweating assn, who in turn press -
hatch. Remember that "cc are master of ceremonials or person ed back upon others, until the suave
Faire death to young FWrkeys. 1)ast under Whose arispjc-" the seance is Woman who demands a divorce be- reached the iron fence and could move
them with insatt powder a4 least being held. T'ho audience jo Ithi� cause -her husband neglects her to play no farther. He heard Clay's voice
every ten days until tiltcy axe a typical seance, says Mr. Rina, Wil leows now that one cannot always shouting .to them, and saw -him Tun
mumth old, if ,there is amY Presence be ,made up of three classes. There quake a happy 'stroke with a mashie, forward, shooting rapidly. -as tie pan,
Who marriage utter.- Ot- and -he followed ,him, even though his et mo it who believe those nvh That's where mar g P
of lice. If they f py will bt those
ie an iadi+caRsun of lice. Look do not believe, : nd Chose who df) sect taws Journal. reason +old him it was a useless thing
for therm na top of the tread, in know her they believe. There to do, and then there came 'a great r
bhe Icing feathers, om tops of 'their y+I11 ha ,those an !a, approach the ariti- Ireland is free. Them what's the tihout from the rear of the Palace,
s wings, and down the lower side of cal mome.ats in. Hippont pretence, and fight about? To settle which Irish- and more soldiers, dressed exactly
y the body. Nine tinres out of ,ten when theee, the eayp,Are usually the true be- met shall have all the freedom.— like the others, ivshed through the r- they seem sick and stand around lieveas. 'There is always a convers'a- Christian S'tates'man• great doors and `swarmed around the `
sleepy, the whole taouble is lice• tional prelude, which is as necessary toil wings of the building, and he
g' Look for Item. if there fs' to be a .successfhfi Mani- The motor accident record indi- recognied them as 'R.oja'a iften and
er Young `turkeys are tender, and festation, as is the duning up of the cater that there are too matey speed knew that ,Glee fight was over. �
t dampness is fatal to ttiaem. They instruments ivefore 'a concert. It is. trials on the 'highways and not en- He saw a tall man witlt a nogro's t
aitould not be allowed to got wet, mit and for the intra- ough in the courts.—New York Tri- face spring out of the first mass of
r neeessarY Y
x_ and need to be driven into shade or menta, but for bhe periosaneas as tune. soldiers and shout to them to follow
barns during a heavy rain. They well, that $they m'ay be brought into i him. Clay gave a yell of welcome
}i- are often set back is their growth t -he .proper musieai mtood. The pessimist Saye that business and ran at 'him, calling upon 'him Itt _
1� by being allowed to run through the There is the hushed talk about nowadays is flat an its bank. The Spanish to surrender.' The negro
n long grain or stay when it is wet. In spirits, the certainty that they up- optimist can, of course, ,paint oat that atoi-ped and stood at bay, glaring a1
R warm wt;nther, when the son shines pear, and the iaupossibility of them in that position it must be looking tip. Clay and at the circle of soldiems
rim bob, Provide shade for them. They appeaming. The medium, as likely as —Halifax Nereid. closing in 'around him. He raised his _-___ __ or should never be allowed to get too not, will he rather !jocular, and wi!1 revolver and pointed it steadily. It -
s- licit or too cold, lest they die. fissure the .gathering that there is A,�tamous band deader remarks chat was as though the man knew he had
se The adult turkey is extremely nothing gloomy about sp►iAt" and that the most embarrassing moment of dos only a moment to live, and ,ueeant
so hardy, and daring the severest gaiety is not out of place. When it life occurred when ,he was introduced to do that One thing well in the short
w weat})e.r will frequently roost upon is deemed that the .proper atmosphere to Hon. W. E. Raney, attorney -gen- time left -him.
nod; the roof of a barn, or in ,the braneltes been created, the lights are turn- anal of Ontario, as John Philip Souse. Clay sprang to one aide and ran
ee$e of tall trees. As they are heavily ed out,only one small, dimmed jet or —Ottawa J UT1111l. toward .pian, dodging to the right and
feathered, w+hem kept .in too warm lamrp being left ,leurtaing. The idea left, but Mendoza followed bis anove-
quarters, perspiration dampens their that shoals; will appear only n the A Se'oteman and an Australian were menta carefully with -his revolver.
6 ,
Gra, feathers and they become victims of dark is -a superstition, says Mr. Rian discussing the eoaditions. in Scotland It )acted but an•instaai. Than lite
roup. that has served, the spiritist well for and the commonwealth. The best Spamiard'threw hist arm suddenly a -
an Young turkeys should be fed often many centuries. In fact it is the said, 'he 'believed there were many cross his face, drove the heel of his
We and the diet changed. frequently darkness that permits the fake Scotsmen in Australia. "Yes," re- boot into the turf, and apinaing about
ed- Millet seed is good, or any whole mediums to operate. T•he atedtum plied the Auatra)ian•, "Met the 'worst on it fell forward.
ck grain or need that they can eat. is seated in a chair slightly with- feature is the rabbits." — Passing "If to was shot where his @as'h /1 J
he Corameal moistened with water' and drawn from the cimcle, rind is just Show• crosses his heart, I 'know the ratan ej�j
ea milk curds is good for them. When dimly visible. There is a cabinet, -..a — " who did it," 'Langium board a voice
S I r
ti) about a week sold they can oat wheat or recess, formed' of dark cloth , say at .his elbow, and turning saw
lad. or wheat screen -111198. which will net ,reflect the faintest Soldiers of Fortune MacWilliams wetting his fingers at
rn- Always keep a shallow box of gleam of light behind bar, and dhC his lips and ,touching ,thean -gingerly S 1
proceeds toefall into a trance. Previ- 7 to -the heated barrel of Suis Winches- / I
ire ground meal before them, also ttrae erne (Continued from page ) - f�
but one to tke seance the medi(fm, usually ter. 0 ��Afff"'
A a wonu ny .has provided herself with stood up .and showed iilemselve6 a- The desibb of Mendoza left his fat- t
os- a tell of gauze which ,has been treat- bove the barricatdes amid called to Cdey lowers without a deadem and without .
at a
pro -
• '
ed with iphoslyhorsscent paint. This that -the cannon 'were deserted.
om of
a cause. They threw their anuakets
ean be -held in 'her -hand or concealed Kirkland had conte prepared for the
on the gaound and held their bands
in her dress. The .gauze bas been barricade and runniatg across the
shaped like a . loose, flooding Sown, street, ftene1 a dyn•aanite cartridge
above their -heads, shrieking for
.mercy. .Clay and 'his officers ataswan
J Aho i
with openings for arms. to each gate post and lit the fuses.
ed them instantly by running from!D
to another, ,knocking up
Since everybody knows that the The soldiers scattered tmfore as
in in-
one group
barrels of the rifles azad cal�}ing
demonstration .is to take place in he came leaping back, and an
(hoarsely to the mem on the roofs to
the cabinet, the soft -footed medium etamt later there was a masking
from out of
firing, and as they were olfeyeai,,
finds it not difficult to slip and the gates were pitched
the noise of the last few mandom
her seat while all eyes are fastened their sockets and ,,hhaOwn
upon. another part of the .room. The and those in the street swept across
shots was drowned in tumultuous
master of cereinionies then -proceeds them and surrounded the cannon.
cheering and shouts of exultarbion,
00. tv.
to call for the spirit. What appears Langham caught it by 'the ,libroat
that, starting in the gardens, were
by those in the streeta -and
first is something mysteriously glow- its though it were human, and not
caught up
ing on the floor. It is the rolled -up feel the :hot metal burning ;the ,palms
-passed on quickly as a dine of
the ihousetopa
- ..
gauze which the mediums has deposit- of (his stands ss be ich*ed and
along swaying
ed, :her hand clad in a 'black glove. ,pointed its muzzle toward the Palace
The native officers sprang capon
him their fashion,-
At this moment the last remaining. while the others dragged' at the
end embraced after
1 th is extinguished k the wheel It was fighting
hailing ,him as, Liberator of
corn d•ag•tt an e ro spo es
two ---- ---- -- -- soli there is dense blackness, except at close mange now, close enough to Cho, as bhe Preserver of the 'Constt-
what comes frmn,,,7the cabinet. Gradu- suit even Langham. He found him- tution,l and their brother patmiot. LEONARD ,
with RHE McHILLOP MU`fUAL ally the medium' unrolls the glowing self in the front ,rank .of it without Thenaneof them climbed to the to EAR OIL
at isauze, which seems ,to grow into a knowing exaobly :how 'he 'got there. of a.gilt and marble -table and pro
eel is �' RE INSURANCE CO''Y. larger ball. The .gauze is manipulat- Every .man on both sides woo ipialying claimted'diian military President, RELIEVES DEAFNESS and /
good I ed until the spectators believe 'they Us own handy 'and -seemed to know "You'll proclaim yourself an slot, STOPS HEAD NOIS1r)S, I'
e to BEAD OFFICE--SEAFORTH, ON'T• I see something rising from the floor, exactly what to do. He felt negde'et-' if .you den'' :get scone from there," eglnbitinBack oftheEars"
nuns which gradually takes .human lshaape ted .and very much alone, and was C147 said -laughing. "I thank. you (Never Put in Earn)
milk OFFICERS: ' as ,the medium thrusts her arms into for permitting ane to serve with you, Insert in Nostrils
rsey, J. Connolly, Goderich - + President the apertures, and draws the hood gentlemen. I skald have -great (plea- Deaf.a.. 1. ar. lir res.b.d by s
tbree Jas, Evans, Beechwood vice-president ' over her head and face. ,Mbat -hap- '\ sure in telling our President -how well simple tr.atm.ntw�thfeonardE.rOU.
USE u ac uilded yourself in Chia mow— special imtructions, by a noted Ear
by a T. E. Hays, Seaforth - Secy-Treaa. I pens subsequently varies in each ri Specialist fo?dlfforent kinds of Detl -
AGFNTS: But what the spectators see is.sup- Ail��pRAZ-MAH battle, I mean. And now I would ne.esndHeadNoleoecontained ln"all
•tch R R N i Clinton• Ed 'posed to be bhe aplrit that -has been _ Np Slrrfl suggest
ansthn thea Palet a ,ande the put
raek.a. vara East Oil ha not m
euperimeot, but has had a mccmfnl
't th' t mo- ki —No normfitnp .al i 18 You rrnnot afford to
Cultivate the soil at the earliest Alex. Lea o• , o evoked. It may be a spare a N $� dp, es nm
possible sato at which the land tem Hinchley, 8eafozCla; John Murray, body identif'ie's. Et ntay be claimed Jnot &wallow a COOS010 ,guard over them, and then conduct be d..f." TRY 'rate Oit- It bus
proper condition. Brueefleld, phone 6 on 187, ----- la; by the master of ceremonies, or, if a��.�� the men themselves to the mailibaay Wood D.Mptiveofpeopie. Why
A sow with a litter of 13, par- J. W. You, Goderieh; R. G. Jar- nobody else .is eredulloye enou gh to sv+a•'1 � •la is t.41!lQed Yost Deserlptivocircalnrnp.nreaaeat
g Windbrtsthing,etap inuatr 'prison, where you rasa release General MADE IN GANADpp f
chased by Marchmont &Sons, And moth, Brodhngdn. meso tz , it, the a -it may 'at 1F. -e M . 4` b Rojas and escort Shim back t o, the city L%R6dlin sC"&lasAtasta,Tcanto
DM=ORS: ffra id the bronchial to es, gttr+ __ tt�
over, England, on October 8, 1919, itself as Robert Ingersoll or William h�p ; ,nrah91 In a ,triumphal procession. You'd dike . A.o.LEoatab,in..,M rs..7o 6tssv:;lQ-C1tV
has since had litters of 14, 19, 13 ShakeR-4 o�(f � Ob,at rdrnq that, wouldn't you?"
and 19, making a total of 77 in 22 William $inn, No• 2, Seaford Jolsn as 'u' flrraouu q��
Bettnewies, Brod'hagea; James vans, an the s are elft 'and answered. . `elf,)"3re40 nate e{/notwrits But the natives protested that Hltet For Saye .Se
e- Then the 'spirit glues signs. of din- t tgt f Toronto ttoaor was for him alone. Claq de+ R T[J1yLBACH, Seaforth.
months lock• Gee. M Cartneq, No. 8, Seaford : Iyy .
caring, Caused,%
the medium da- ' alined it, pleading that die an(aflt took stud 911 good' druggists. '
�. Beechwood. Mck'vren Cldntou• Jath. ming ,herself of a gown and soil-, :. after itis wounded•
,\children Cry C_nnolly, l�'rdderich; D. �F, McGregor, , . Sold by It. IItdbaclh.
L R. it. N, 8, f8eaforth; J, d:.,Citlmrt. 1g 't n 'a' oq*e more the "T ran hardly believe roht�re �a� day+ .
�/t��sk yO t ,�p�t Iowdafg on In Walton by W. G. Nett!, ,dead," be sold to Kiritldnd "Poir,.df }
lad a l-7 i No. 4. 'W', ti, l)6eint e1rP a Hax� gpaetatotti son lluGhing g . � " 1
' til,,.j�` 94 r .a. e i .. �.
- a, ,� 1 .,, , rk,tix:.'` ra,, .let 4x 1 t'�:i q't s, .;;
.'moi 1 x .J.. .9. ,D. rI id, c,_ - r :, 9
11 . ..,, ,: ,
.,; ..
.; ',,,. ,. .:-:. ....::., '..,;, ''r .k. ;. ".a k. y:,.1ra .3 fa', •',+ J! ,i r R);t&.. �,'u'%1+' r .Y, .'et
y. V.. t I' -,h:. ..:% r,,.. `I�,J l i `' [ y. y t•
' _. . ..;':; ., ... a-::..-, :;;,w`t',.., 4 :::,R+f:. ,.:ad ....•,.a.-_..awl.a,'disk.:;tf�'..:—.—.,e!`+.f. r. k.1YGu�.r.i�.iY.,t ,,, 'r4' lY..r4'S?tsttl:isa., ktit»i ti `h:i ..�. W. -. .� , }t 1 r>�.' i G� p 79ft� .41t dSa. ,. ,. ,eW�i tisni`�"e h..".
Cultivate the soil at the earliest Alex. Lea o• , o evoked. It may be a spare a N $� dp, es nm
possible sato at which the land tem Hinchley, 8eafozCla; John Murray, body identif'ie's. Et ntay be claimed Jnot &wallow a COOS010 ,guard over them, and then conduct be d..f." TRY 'rate Oit- It bus
proper condition. Brueefleld, phone 6 on 187, ----- la; by the master of ceremonies, or, if a��.�� the men themselves to the mailibaay Wood D.Mptiveofpeopie. Why
A sow with a litter of 13, par- J. W. You, Goderieh; R. G. Jar- nobody else .is eredulloye enou gh to sv+a•'1 � •la is t.41!lQed Yost Deserlptivocircalnrnp.nreaaeat
g Windbrtsthing,etap inuatr 'prison, where you rasa release General MADE IN GANADpp f
chased by Marchmont &Sons, And moth, Brodhngdn. meso tz , it, the a -it may 'at 1F. -e M . 4` b Rojas and escort Shim back t o, the city L%R6dlin sC"&lasAtasta,Tcanto
DM=ORS: ffra id the bronchial to es, gttr+ __ tt�
over, England, on October 8, 1919, itself as Robert Ingersoll or William h�p ; ,nrah91 In a ,triumphal procession. You'd dike . A.o.LEoatab,in..,M rs..7o 6tssv:;lQ-C1tV
has since had litters of 14, 19, 13 ShakeR-4 o�(f � Ob,at rdrnq that, wouldn't you?"
and 19, making a total of 77 in 22 William $inn, No• 2, Seaford Jolsn as 'u' flrraouu q��
Bettnewies, Brod'hagea; James vans, an the s are elft 'and answered. . `elf,)"3re40 nate e{/notwrits But the natives protested that Hltet For Saye .Se
e- Then the 'spirit glues signs. of din- t tgt f Toronto ttoaor was for him alone. Claq de+ R T[J1yLBACH, Seaforth.
months lock• Gee. M Cartneq, No. 8, Seaford : Iyy .
caring, Caused,%
the medium da- ' alined it, pleading that die an(aflt took stud 911 good' druggists. '
�. Beechwood. Mck'vren Cldntou• Jath. ming ,herself of a gown and soil-, :. after itis wounded•
,\children Cry C_nnolly, l�'rdderich; D. �F, McGregor, , . Sold by It. IItdbaclh.
L R. it. N, 8, f8eaforth; J, d:.,Citlmrt. 1g 't n 'a' oq*e more the "T ran hardly believe roht�re �a� day+ .
�/t��sk yO t ,�p�t Iowdafg on In Walton by W. G. Nett!, ,dead," be sold to Kiritldnd "Poir,.df }
lad a l-7 i No. 4. 'W', ti, l)6eint e1rP a Hax� gpaetatotti son lluGhing g . � " 1
' til,,.j�` 94 r .a. e i .. �.
- a, ,� 1 .,, , rk,tix:.'` ra,, .let 4x 1 t'�:i q't s, .;;
.'moi 1 x .J.. .9. ,D. rI id, c,_ - r :, 9
11 . ..,, ,: ,
.,; ..
.; ',,,. ,. .:-:. ....::., '..,;, ''r .k. ;. ".a k. y:,.1ra .3 fa', •',+ J! ,i r R);t&.. �,'u'%1+' r .Y, .'et
y. V.. t I' -,h:. ..:% r,,.. `I�,J l i `' [ y. y t•
' _. . ..;':; ., ... a-::..-, :;;,w`t',.., 4 :::,R+f:. ,.:ad ....•,.a.-_..awl.a,'disk.:;tf�'..:—.—.,e!`+.f. r. k.1YGu�.r.i�.iY.,t ,,, 'r4' lY..r4'S?tsttl:isa., ktit»i ti `h:i ..�. W. -. .� , }t 1 r>�.' i G� p 79ft� .41t dSa. ,. ,. ,eW�i tisni`�"e h..".