HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1922-05-26, Page 5MAY 2t), $ , THE mmON r raa - i'kafo't11da, xar 1967. 26to Pc , per ib. 80 to $ purrr per dozen e . B 5#to _ r $18.04 L I.; i' )Iter eye , pr bushel Mint, per cut ITB , Il en 709140011. per bag BIRTHS 66.85 $$0.00 $8000 $1.00 +I.r-Sed Mullett, on May 10th, to llir. ane it Mia. Awtlo Dextce, a daughter. atabeoaon.-On the Parr Line, Varna, on May 19th, to Mr. and Mn. -William R. Stephenson, a daughter (Jolene Marloylo). Duenther.-At Dabwood, on May Mb, to Mr. and Mn. Earl Guenther, a MO. 7L8ar. At Dasbwood, on May 13th. to leg. end Mn. J. Fisher, a daughter. 3►DUams.-AL Goderich. on May 7tb, to lir. and Ms. Harry Talbot, twin. Eiarn.e-Iu tiodertch, on May 1460. 00 Mo. pe4 _Ys. Marna Hear, a daughter. llotabon.-LAt lot 23. Compel= 1, Wert Mawanah, on May 16th, to Mr. and Ms. John Houston, • son. ](:yens. -In Logan. on May 1893, to Mr. mad Mm. William Myer., • son. MARRIAGES Mekmier--Elliott.-At Mitchell, on May 17th. by the Rev. H. J. Urea. Mn. Anile El- liott. to Daniel Ecksokr, of Clinton. hall=Elliott--At Knox Church Manse Gude- riot, n May 17th, Mgr Annie Elliott to Mr. John H. Bell. both of God.rlch. DEATHS Reids -In Seaforth, on Friday, May 19th, Serail, Evelyn Waugh, beloved wife of Johns IL Reid. aged 62 years. Foot. -At Bannockburn, Stanley, on May 22nd, John Foote, seed 04 years. Cons. -In Ooderleh Township, on May 11th. Alexander Cox. in 8th 78th year. IN MEMORIAM Mot.,-Iterse under this Mad will be charg- ed 60 cents pe single verve and 26 cents for esrr11 additlenal vane. O'Connor. -In Loving memory of Aldh.lm Nilue O'Connor, who died in Seattle, Wash- ington, on May 26th, 1017: Oh. tor the touch of a vaniehod hand, And the send of n voice that is atill. 2841x1 Parents. Brothers and Sisters. CARD OF THANKS I wish to acknowledge ray sincere apprecia- tion and thanks to the Ninny friend. for their kinder... and exprettsions of eympatlp eo generously extended m me in my recent treat bereavement MI2S. JOHN McDERMID. IMPORTANT NOTICES p01Ui BRED YORKSHIRE SOW FOR sale. carrying wooed litter. due 8th of June. Apply to JOHN B. HYDE. Lot 8. Concession 2, Stanley, or Kippen P. 0. 2841x1 BUEILDING FOR SAL+ ---ONE BUILDING 40 x 50. It would make n goodtraw shed. Apply to C. G. THOMPSON. Oatmeal ,Male. emaforth. 2638-12 VIOR SALE. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS ▪ Cor sale on Lot 13, Concession 13, Hilo. bort 20 thousand white brick; which have been peed in a barn wall. JOSEPH SPEARE, Cromarty. 2841-2 SEVEN YORK BACON TYPE PIGS FOR nee.-Farrowedn Mar let. Grand Dam weighed 680 pounde,sire! by Livingston. Tun bred hag: also the mother of the pigs. Also a spruce tree 18 inches across- atump. between 60 sad 60 feet high.' Apply- to C. H. HOLLAND,. Crescent Poultry Farm Sea - forth. . 1 2141-1 SALr-.e:214 ° ..AL3... MINH • Lob 3 and • Cones,lon 4, Hallett Taw•obip. in good etate of cultivation. Large *tone house and two bank horns with stabling _ underneath; windmill and water piped through the stable. W W Bell with or with. out crop and would separate either farms. For particulars apply to EDWARD PRYCE. R R. No. 2. Seaforth. 2841-tf WANTED. -KEEPER AND MATRON,- �l Man and wife to hove eherge of the -'Huron .County Home near Clinton. and the farm in eonneetion therewith. Applications. personal prefermd. to be made to the under- •tgned. the appointment to he made at the next meeting of die County Council which -meets on June 6th. JOHN TORRANCE, In- spector, Clinton Ont Clinton, Man End, 1922. 2888-0 DRAIN TENDERS WANTED Tenders for the Construction of the Canada Company Drain will be received 'till Tues- day, June 180, 1922, when tender. will be opened at one o'clock p.m.. at the Carnegie Library H.0. Seaforth. 10 per cent of contract price to accompany each tender. Work to be done according to plans and .peciticatlone of Townnhip Engineer. Work to be done by Dredge and to he completed in 1022. any or tender not necessarily ac- cepted. Plana and apeci1datione at Clerk's Office, Lot 85, Concession 3. McKillop. JOHN MCNAY, 3841-3 Clerk. "GLEN RAE" (8353) Enrolled and Inspected. Form 1. Will stand for the improvement of atoek t his Beeson at hes own stable, Lot 8, Con- cession 3, Mullett Tern -To inane, 810, payable February let, 1928. Accident., at owner's risk. THOMAS MrMICHAEL. Manager. 2838:8 MARSHEL GUEDO (8091) Pure Bred Percheron Stollien, foaled Meg 7, 1917. Enrolment No. 5484 Form 1 Monday. -Will leave his own atnble, 7% miles north of Seaforth. and go to the Royal Hotel Stables, for noon; then to John Murphy's for night Tuesday. -To Henry Buerman, for noon: then to E. Drngcr's. 1801- aoneension for night- Wedocedny:-Wet and north to the 17 concession, Grey. to John Sholdice's, for noon; then to Harry Clerk's, for night. T hny Nelson Nicholson Rth Conct. Sion,. Morris, for noon. then to Andrew An- drewe, Blyth; lop night Friday. -To An- d drew Hntt' . f, far noon; then hie owph Yonrngtnblos, for night. Saturday.-Toremain until the atnble when he will remnfn until the following Monday morning. Tern, 614 to Tonere. JOSEPH BREWSTER Proprietor. JOSEPH STOREY. :2841 Manager. GOLDEN GUINEA (20739) Enrolment No. n275 ' Approved Form 1 Monday.- Will leave his own stable three '3 -toil. west of Senforth on the Huron Ron& and go to Kinburn at George Dale., for noon; then to .lames VnnEgmnnd & Sono. Mullett. for night Tile dey.--By wny of Bele Line end Irth esnr.si'to David ' Lind- eay'e, for e then an b)(way of Holmesville n And the Maitland r sine to Willlerd Lea's. for night. Wednesday.- -To Aron Fisher & Son., forn; then by wny of lbnmiller, stern., end Carlow to R. M. Young., Rth emu,. Ion roe night. Thur. - day. -Ry Rth commotion to Fred U+mld's, for Spon; then by way of Goderich end the ' Huron Road 80 Wilmot Honckea. for night 9'tiday-By 7th concranion. floderlrh Teen, 1111111P, to Fred Pickard'n, for noon; then be Cut Line and 9th concession to Steep Brm., fen night. 8aturdn0.--By way of Cliatnn and the London Road to Fred Pepper., for ,neon; then to his own stable for eight Terme to Insure, 115. G. W. MOTT, Proprietor. JOHN CARTER, Manager. POPULAR STA JLIONs The 1bi1o.AnK. /seals. 140.000004. Stand fog the. ,kap8oveStdMt_K '*his i00eBDn, si dielRat ' IarNaled ,01T4nlale MOO • CUMBERLAND STH® [»enl (10a0 Eniolmsnt We. MM. Aoprosid. Ppm Al. Wul Mewl for We imoovwa.mt ef Moth thin moon •6 T. 3. BERET'S BALM STABLE. 1/E71/A81I. Camber*nd 86.01 [22070)] (11800)) w1a bred by taw Maas. Oak of I.. A$, ton, Cumberland, and le seven Tees ell. Re VIM imported - by Ws praeni mums, T. 3. Berry, in February, 1000. He 1. • dark dappled bay. stands Nig kande high, Mel weigh. bettor than a Gory• But with ell hb Nae he le an ohs was belaneed hose and will breed the big draught bona that the market 8 calling for at prneat, Cumberland BUM was aired by Edda Haat (14669), dam Lady Lothian (86400), 87 Lothian Again (11804), g. den Malted (24413). by BoysI Champion (8055), g. g. dam Pt'1's. erre Rose 120419), by Prince of Item (61*). s- g. g. dem Borm, (0F1011), Mr tree (2840), a. g. g. g. dam fimilaicy O3.O.ag r (1088). Terms to Imam *20.00. T. J. BERRY, JAB, B. 8111188016. P4.prieter. Maeager. The Grand ay/sedate COLONEL GRAHAM No. 12108 (9266) Passed Enrolment No. 1870 Pont 1 Will travel the toBowtng route th4 mason: Monday. -North 10/4 'mita, then nowt $ roiled to Mao. Montgomery's. for noon; 98a west 3% soil. and north 11/4 mild a A• - drew FYynn., for night. Tnaday.-North 184 mils and east 5% miles W Bert Stephen- so•'0. for noon: then south 1% min ..d eat 2% mels to Re rt McFarlenee, for night Wednesday.- Ease b 1% mil. and north to Winthrop to Ge0r10 MaBpadden'e, for noon; thea north 2% miler and eat 1% Iles to I. McGavin'e, for night. Thundsy.- Ea.t 4 mil. to 5, Elligsen's, for noon; tees 211 mile boutb and Ph mf. w,et t0 Martin Murray's, for night. Friday. --Booth 5% mils and wet 11,A miles to John loons, for roan; then south 6% miles to John McIroiti. for night Saturday.-'W.t W Yifmondville t. his own stable. where he *111 remain until the following Monday-mildning. The shove route w111 be continued through- out the season, health and weather pennitttng. Terme to Insure, 316.00. DOMINICK REYNOLDS. Pr..rletor & Manager. The Pure Bred Imported Clydesdale BMWs LORD MANSFIELD Imp. [215071 (10306) Vol. 20, B. C B. B. Passed Enrolment No. 1734 Foam 1 Monday.-..Wi)1 leave his own stable, Beeek- wood, and go to Allan Row', 10th coneemion. McKillop. for noon; then to hie own stable for night. Tu.dey.-To John Shanm,n's, Ooncss ion 0. McKillop, for mon; then to Owen Fiyan'a, for night ..,Wednesday.- East to William Anderson., ,McKillop, for no00; then to hasown stab). for night Thnwhry--- '('o William Dorsey's, Huron Road, for noon; then to Joaeph Atklmon'o, lifoberi, far nicht Friday. -To Martin Curtin, 1% mike east of Seaforth, for noun ; then to hie v • etuble for night. Saturday. ---To Thorne, O'Rourke., 8rd Concession of Logan, for noon; then to his own stable for night The above route will be continued through- out the season, health and weather permitting. Tereus to Insure, $13.00. JAMES EVANS Proprietor & Manager, Baschwood. Ont The Imported Clydedal.. Staillen MAKWIRA (Ii93s), VOL.- ERXI[I. Pooled Enrolment No. 8267 Form 1 Will travel the following route this O0.eon: Monday. Will terve Ma own stable, Staff*, and go north to the 701 concession of Hib- bert, west 234 miles and south to Richard dip.ry'e, for noon: then south to the Crom- arty Line .04 east to his own stable for night Tuesday: -Senth to the 13th eoncae- noa of Hibbert and west to John MoDoug.il, Jr.'e, for noun; then south to the Boundary and eesst to Janos Ballantyne'., for night. Wednesday: -South m Elimville, for noon; then south and east to William Brook's, for night Thundery. -East 10 Wlilam Thomp- son, Jeb. Blanabard, for noon; then south to 'DtRR Yiikton Llai end *.t to Taylor's Hotel, Kitktort, for glght i'ridey-NortL to. the 1 .one..ierf of berg then west W An- drew Cbriatte'e, for noon : then weist and north to hie own stable for night Saturday -East to the Town Line, Fullerton, and north 1114 mils to Melville Gray's, for nos then watt along the 7th eoneession, to his own stable for night.'Phe above route wiR be continued through- out the season, health and weather permitting. Terme to Insure, 615.00. JOHN LIVINGSTONE. Proprietor & Manager. Stags, Ont • INVOLUCRE 121451 (82966) Passed Enrolment No. 3.54 Form 1. Monday -Will leave hie own stable. Bruce - Add, and go w.t to Varna at Sherlock Kspe's, for on: then north to the Hayfield Line, Goderich Township, and west to Arthur WaMh's, for night. Tuesday. -North by way of 6th concession to Porter's Hill at George Vanderburg'o, for noon; then north to Jas. M Millan's, 6th concession, for night. Wed- nesday. --North by way of Jewel's Cornea and Benmiller to Wm. Ilfll'., Colborne, for • then by way of the Maitland conces- sion to Holmmville. at Harry Sweet's, for night Thursday. -BY way of the 16th e - cseion to Summer Hill and south on the Base Line to Ed. Welsh',, for noon; then south to Clinton at the Graham House, for night. friday.-south by way of the Lon- don Road to Granton. then east to Frank Walter's, for noon; then south by wny of the London Road to .hie ownstable for night. Saturday. --South and. emit to Isaac Moore's, for noon : then north and west to his own stable for night INVOLUCRE, has proven himself the cham- pion are of Canada,i of hie got were sold toone buyer for 53,200,1an average of nearly 535 per horse. and their average weight 1774 Thu. 'These homes were shipped from St. Mary's station to Vancouver. Terme to Insure, $15.00. WILLIAM BERRY, Proprietor & Manager. The Premium Clydesdale Stallion. BLACON'S SON (20869) Approved Enrolment No. 5277 Form Al Tern to Insure. 315.00. Monday. -Will leave his own Stable. Bruce - field, and go west on Hayfield Road to End concemtion of Stanley to John Ruched',, for noon; then northand west to Ed. Glenn, Jr.'s, for night. Tuesday. -Down Fourth Concession to Bannockburn, then to Varna at the Temperance Hotel, for noon; then .oath on the Parr Line to Wm. Foster's, for 'ght. Wednesday. -South to Hills Green and E ast to the Town Tine at Wolter Fairbairn'. for noon; then east to Kippen and south to Robert Mrlmrenn, London Road, for night. Thoo.day.--Enat. by White Schoolhouse end by s McKinnon'. side road to Angus Mc- Knuu K M Kin8],, , for noon then by KiD,en Road n the Rel Set Fi and wet 1'1 'Ica n- Orth to Robert [sign, for night. Frldny.- West on the 2.1. cnnroo csi n to Gemmel'. Corner and north t.. GeorgeMcCartney's, for noon: then to McAdam's Side Rood and north to the 2nd conce,sion and wont th James Cnrnochan's, for night. Saturday. ---By Broad - font'.. Bridge and south to the Mill Road, to his own stable at .Bnsrefieid. ROBERT MUIRDOCH, Proprietor & Manager. CONTOUR (imp.) [233681 (191181) Pruned Enrolment No. 5930 Form 1 Monday. --Will start from James Horton'. and will go went to the Loudon Rond and Doth to elks Rowelilf,. a. Inc noon: then home to Jim Horton', by way of Mrs. Harry Horton's. south and .est, for night. Tom - day Morning. Two and one-half mesas north, then west to John Simon.. for noon: then north en most to Hugh Norrie', for night. Wednesday Morning. -North one mile end a quarter. east 2;5, south 11/4 to William Jef- frey's, for noon: aouth 11/ milt.. e.nt 255 miles to Ken McKellar's, for night Thurs- day Morning. -South to Hackney Bros.. for then to James Horfmn's, for night. Friday Afternoon. -North 11,4 m11011, west 2/ miles, ooth and e.et to Jams Horton., where he will remain until the following Monday morning. Terms to ]neuro. $10.00. BRANDON BROS., Forest Proprletore. JOHN A. WREN, Manager. 2140-10 M1AETING OF . HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The Connell of the Coo)erat4om of the County of Bores' IOU moot fa the Goone1l OoderW. at $ pal., Tomos, Jane 6110:4r231. All aeoosttd should he fa the hoods of Hai Olerk 90 on or b,fer, 1 Mon. Men - day areo.dley Hoo' nat+trg of Ooaaap.. G&0. W. BOLMAN, GoderMb, Msy 18, 1922. Caaah 2341,2 LIBERALS Attention. The Annual Meeting of the South Huron Liberal Assoo}ation, as consti- tuted for Federal purposes, will be 'held at the ' TOWN HALL, 'RENSALL 01t TeESDAY, JUNE 6th, 1922 at 2 o'clock p.m. • A full attendance from every mun- icipality in the Riding is respectfully and ardently solicited. A special invitation is extended to the Ladies to be present. A Good Speaker is being secured for the occasion. T. N. FORSYTH, 2841-1 Secretary. $800 SECURES RIVERVIEW FARM EDGE TOWN; HORSE, COW AND Heifer, Poultry, equipment included : on 1m - proved roes!, shorts walk, all town advent- ag.: 53y acres rich axil: orchard ; good B- room hate, burn Culled usury, ell 62000, only 8800 lash. WILLIAM T. MILLER. Strout Arenas Agency. Winghem. Ont, Can. 8641-1 NOTICE Commencing Jane let, the undersigned stores will be cloned Tuesday and Thundery eveningn of each week during June, July August and September at eight p.m. COLLINS & McKENZIE . W. SCOTT & CO Braeed.M, Out 3841-1 COURT OF REVISION 1,wNI aror W ILL*/ gThe 1 IgBi•A , 11 van rause as a goat et judo" far110, et t_ Aaawawnt Rol0u. 144 at Oa3'..' Miran en Mw 110th at o'eleek s0.. By otd.e pt Ow01iML 6*99-6 JOHN MOAT. COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIPOF TUCKERSMrN Th. TuekentaitA 000114 ill mat a • Court of Bevlo(pn an the Aasesnma0t Sall at the council ekamber• Seaforth, ea &Maw day, Mey 2198. 1092, .2 eleven o'clock a.a. Appeals against the aeeeeeMent moot be b the hands et the Oiork on or before May 2011,, 1922. D. F. McGREGOR, 2540-3 CIarIL NOTICE .TO CREDITORS NOTICE 1. limbs given pursuant to the Statutes In that behalf that all pennons 8ae- Iog Oahe. against the estate of William Sleeth, la4 of the 'Powe of Syafortk, to the County pf Huron. Carpenter, d. - ceased, who did on the len, day of May, 1912, are required on or l.,forc the 3rd day of June, 1922, to send by poet, prepaid, or deliver to the undersigned. full pertlealam of their claim., duly verified by atlIdavit and the nature of the security 11fn,) held by them. Further take ounce that After the .old last mentioned date the assets of the said deceseed well be dmtributod among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the datma of which notice 'hall then have been gives Dated the 16th day of May, 1922. R. 9, HAYS. 1040-3 Bendier for Admt•Ltr.trtx. Ditching Machine A Dttdring Machine is coning to our dis- trict. Parties inteestel will do vrell to communicate at once with the undersigned. as we hare quite • Quantity of work alma6y contracted for end .611 only be able t do a Ifni td amount We will do rear envie,MY Ycar tile and deliver them at your So sow it your Magner. Act quick : wo want to get this work in Brie. WILLIAM M. SPROAT R. R. No. 4. SEAPORTS. PHONE 0.115. WH ITE' STAR LIN E / Don't Miss This Glorious Once -a -Year Round -Trip Excursion Goderich to Detroit on the Palatial Steamer Greyhound Tuesday, June 13th IIIIIIi3IIIII111111111111 $Round ,3 7 rep 1111[1111[11111111111111 TAKE YOUR released. Leaving Goderich at 9.30 a.m. June 13th, the Steamer Grey- hound reaches 'Pert Huron at 1,30 p.nl. and Detroit at 5.30 p..m. To enjoy the sights of Detroit you will have until Thursday, June 15011, at 1 p.m., when the steamer leaves the Griswold st. wharf for the re- turn trip to Goderich. AUTO ALONG. Any tnakt: car :f. ) eaC•h way, IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIBI11111 ONE WAY $2 111111111111111111111111 The Last Trip to Detroit Leaves Go:1'rich on Friday, June 16, at 9.30 a.m. BASEBALL FANS. Ty Cobb's Tigers play New ': irk Yankees at Navin Park, 0t .rota, Wednesday, June 14'th. - MOONLIGHT MONDAY NIGHT June 12 Don't fail to enjoy the three- hour Moonlight Trip out of Goderich Monday evening, June 12th, under the auspices of the 33rd REGIMENT BAND Music and Dancing Aboard. _.stir' • i',) 11 50c Children Under 13 25e Ai Hutchrson's PINE APPLES, large slue', right prices, • TURNIP SEED, pordlued by ono of ale best Scotch growers and bard E to beat for quality, at :pew db, 50c MANGEL SEED, Yellow Leviathan or Intermediate, at per lb 511c BISCUITS, Weston's No. 2 Sodas, at 2 for - 350 FANCY BISCUITS, 4 -good num- bers-, at per lb 20c 4 -SPECIALS -4 at per lb 40c These were ordinarily 50c up. Two of 'them are exact copies of Eng- lish biscuits that are being import- ed and sold to -day at 80c per lb., and are richer than we have suc-, ceeded in getting before. A trial order wild convince. BROOMS, at 39c. 65c. 75c, 90c ROLLED OATS, filill��st Western roll- ed Oats, PURITY brand, per sack $3.75 Good Dairy Butter and Fresh, Clean Eggs wanted at all times. F. D. Hutchison THE CASH GROCER Phone 166. Motor With Us To Goderich and attend the Dinner Dance at Hotel Bedford Next Saturday Evening MAY 27.11 Dancing from 6.30 to 12 Music by Miss Gene Connon and Landon Orchestra. Sunday Dinner -Music, 1 to 2.46. Sunday Supper -Music, 5.30 to 6.45. Write or phone for Reservations to Hotel Bedford, Goderioh. RATES Saturday evening, 6.30 to 12, $3.09 per couple. After 8.30, 41.00 per couple with additional charge for lunch a .la carte. DEBENTURES FOR SALE Town of Seaforth The Oorporatlon of the Town of Seaforth hove debenture,, with intereet couwna At- tacked t.tadi for sale at rate to yield five and one- half per cent. per annum. For full par- tleukers apply to the undersigned. JOHN A. WILSON, 2840-li Treasurer. JII1111111I11IIIIIHIUIIIHIHNIIIII 111UU11111Uii -Wedding Gifts For The June Bride 'We have a great Variety of useful am) fancy articles to choose ;from.. Better Prices Prices on many lines are reduced. Clans, Staple Crockery, Aluminum Ware, Trays, Glassware and all the other lines carried our Greater Variety Store. ' See Beattie's First Beattie Bros. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS hereby glue, that all pet'oeo having elalm. against the estate eK Ddo.W Uet.bart, late of the Village of Smell. k the•Ooanty of Harms, who died on the 1698 des of March A. D., 1923, are requested to formed their claims duly proven to the 00- dcnig•ed on or before the Ant dew d Joe. A. D., 1022. AND NOTICE I8 FURTMA 8IVH11 that ▪ iter qts maid date the Iptaatoes will pro- ceed tssed to diatribe. the estate, halt* mesad ▪ nitr b the dame of .3ie8 they Ikon .6011 have notice. DATED at Hewell t3f. 611: day .I May, A.D., 3992. GLADMAN Heaal[ 2889-9 & BTANHDRY. and Rx.N.. Raasst.e.' 8oltdter . • NOTICE' TO CREDIZ NOTICE 18 hereby given that 511 having clot. egalnst the amts d 7Y.aa a1.tr. kin M the Towaavi• est 807, Is t8. County of Blows, .3. died on the 1790 deg at January, A.D., 1922, .as raqu8wd in Yoe - word their slab May proven to the Hader. sigma on er before the est do= of Jame A.D.• 1002. AND NOTICE 7S FURTHER GITZI[ tent " after the said date the **eemtr.eg oral pro. Deed to distribute the satiate haying then= my to the deem.. f which O m t en .ltaH have trace. DATZD at Mendell 9811 8th day d ma. A.D.. 1981. CLADIIAN & STAMBBEY, Hoven and I a.0m. • 2900-3 E.aeue.ra' 8.W10.... FLOUR Rob Roy, Pure Manitoba Flour at Chieftain, Ontario and Manitoba blended Flour. Clansman, for Pastry at ... $4.15 trg $3.85 mr. $3.50 bag Smaller packages at proportionate prices Not better than the rest, but ,just as good as the best, and a whole lot cheaper ; also a home pro- duct. For sale at the leading grocers, or a phone call on 13 will bring it to your door. Rob Roy Mills, Limited DOMINION STORES Ltd Seaforth-The Chain Grocery Stores of Canada Dominion Stores Limited greatest asset, 163 Stores all built on a Reputation of' Square Dealing. Bulk Cocoa 2 pounds for 25c1S2hpraeltegdesWfohreat 25c Shirriff,s Marma- 6 3 c L Bars foram S 1.00 lade 4 lb. tin . WILLAIt.I)'S E.\SIFIRST LILY \VHITE I SUNFLOWER Maple Buds Shortening Syrup Salmon lb. / C tn 7c 39c?n'348cIL_ Special Blend TEA eWe Y versel Week 45c lb. Fair- Soap, 3 for 230Sonp Flakes, 2 for 25e Sherrif.l 's e'.ly Powder, 3..25e Ammonia Powder, 2 for ...1.5cI Tnilet Paper, 6 rolls 25c 'Finest Cheese, per lb. 25e !felt Naptha Soap,10 for .75c ;,res Starch, auks e 10 � String Brooms, each R °,, • t r lOc 'o' cele 1 Ib. 5c Tapioca, n Castile Sea ,. Pot 163 3 for l'a - 3 Y Pp 25c 1, Special Blend Dominion 1 Sunflower Coffee /� �C Matches14c 'S 2 t nen per lb `� 3 boxes 25c Raspberry 111' Jam Marmalade strawberry 4 lb. tin75c pound Jar 1 Blue Rose Rice 25c Good size 3 pounds for _.!-� Prunes 2 lbs. 25c 29c CANADA'S LARGEST RETAIL GROCERS l W. T. PEMBER Announces that J. B. Knight Late of Dorenwends will be at Commercial Hotel SEAFORTH Wednesday, May 21st LADIES' AND GENTS' HAIR GOODS ',,, Free advice on Scalp Diseases. Phone Mr. Knight for Appointment. W. T. PEMBER, Hairgoods, Etc., 129 Yonge Street, - - - - Toronto, Ontario. WH ITE' STAR LIN E / Don't Miss This Glorious Once -a -Year Round -Trip Excursion Goderich to Detroit on the Palatial Steamer Greyhound Tuesday, June 13th IIIIIIi3IIIII111111111111 $Round ,3 7 rep 1111[1111[11111111111111 TAKE YOUR released. Leaving Goderich at 9.30 a.m. June 13th, the Steamer Grey- hound reaches 'Pert Huron at 1,30 p.nl. and Detroit at 5.30 p..m. To enjoy the sights of Detroit you will have until Thursday, June 15011, at 1 p.m., when the steamer leaves the Griswold st. wharf for the re- turn trip to Goderich. AUTO ALONG. Any tnakt: car :f. ) eaC•h way, IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIBI11111 ONE WAY $2 111111111111111111111111 The Last Trip to Detroit Leaves Go:1'rich on Friday, June 16, at 9.30 a.m. BASEBALL FANS. Ty Cobb's Tigers play New ': irk Yankees at Navin Park, 0t .rota, Wednesday, June 14'th. - MOONLIGHT MONDAY NIGHT June 12 Don't fail to enjoy the three- hour Moonlight Trip out of Goderich Monday evening, June 12th, under the auspices of the 33rd REGIMENT BAND Music and Dancing Aboard. _.stir' • i',) 11 50c Children Under 13 25e Ai Hutchrson's PINE APPLES, large slue', right prices, • TURNIP SEED, pordlued by ono of ale best Scotch growers and bard E to beat for quality, at :pew db, 50c MANGEL SEED, Yellow Leviathan or Intermediate, at per lb 511c BISCUITS, Weston's No. 2 Sodas, at 2 for - 350 FANCY BISCUITS, 4 -good num- bers-, at per lb 20c 4 -SPECIALS -4 at per lb 40c These were ordinarily 50c up. Two of 'them are exact copies of Eng- lish biscuits that are being import- ed and sold to -day at 80c per lb., and are richer than we have suc-, ceeded in getting before. A trial order wild convince. BROOMS, at 39c. 65c. 75c, 90c ROLLED OATS, filill��st Western roll- ed Oats, PURITY brand, per sack $3.75 Good Dairy Butter and Fresh, Clean Eggs wanted at all times. F. D. Hutchison THE CASH GROCER Phone 166. Motor With Us To Goderich and attend the Dinner Dance at Hotel Bedford Next Saturday Evening MAY 27.11 Dancing from 6.30 to 12 Music by Miss Gene Connon and Landon Orchestra. Sunday Dinner -Music, 1 to 2.46. Sunday Supper -Music, 5.30 to 6.45. Write or phone for Reservations to Hotel Bedford, Goderioh. RATES Saturday evening, 6.30 to 12, $3.09 per couple. After 8.30, 41.00 per couple with additional charge for lunch a .la carte. DEBENTURES FOR SALE Town of Seaforth The Oorporatlon of the Town of Seaforth hove debenture,, with intereet couwna At- tacked t.tadi for sale at rate to yield five and one- half per cent. per annum. For full par- tleukers apply to the undersigned. JOHN A. WILSON, 2840-li Treasurer. JII1111111I11IIIIIHIUIIIHIHNIIIII 111UU11111Uii -Wedding Gifts For The June Bride 'We have a great Variety of useful am) fancy articles to choose ;from.. Better Prices Prices on many lines are reduced. Clans, Staple Crockery, Aluminum Ware, Trays, Glassware and all the other lines carried our Greater Variety Store. ' See Beattie's First Beattie Bros. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS hereby glue, that all pet'oeo having elalm. against the estate eK Ddo.W Uet.bart, late of the Village of Smell. k the•Ooanty of Harms, who died on the 1698 des of March A. D., 1923, are requested to formed their claims duly proven to the 00- dcnig•ed on or before the Ant dew d Joe. A. D., 1022. AND NOTICE I8 FURTMA 8IVH11 that ▪ iter qts maid date the Iptaatoes will pro- ceed tssed to diatribe. the estate, halt* mesad ▪ nitr b the dame of .3ie8 they Ikon .6011 have notice. DATED at Hewell t3f. 611: day .I May, A.D., 3992. GLADMAN Heaal[ 2889-9 & BTANHDRY. and Rx.N.. Raasst.e.' 8oltdter . • NOTICE' TO CREDIZ NOTICE 18 hereby given that 511 having clot. egalnst the amts d 7Y.aa a1.tr. kin M the Towaavi• est 807, Is t8. County of Blows, .3. died on the 1790 deg at January, A.D., 1922, .as raqu8wd in Yoe - word their slab May proven to the Hader. sigma on er before the est do= of Jame A.D.• 1002. AND NOTICE 7S FURTHER GITZI[ tent " after the said date the **eemtr.eg oral pro. Deed to distribute the satiate haying then= my to the deem.. f which O m t en .ltaH have trace. DATZD at Mendell 9811 8th day d ma. A.D.. 1981. CLADIIAN & STAMBBEY, Hoven and I a.0m. • 2900-3 E.aeue.ra' 8.W10.... FLOUR Rob Roy, Pure Manitoba Flour at Chieftain, Ontario and Manitoba blended Flour. Clansman, for Pastry at ... $4.15 trg $3.85 mr. $3.50 bag Smaller packages at proportionate prices Not better than the rest, but ,just as good as the best, and a whole lot cheaper ; also a home pro- duct. For sale at the leading grocers, or a phone call on 13 will bring it to your door. Rob Roy Mills, Limited DOMINION STORES Ltd Seaforth-The Chain Grocery Stores of Canada Dominion Stores Limited greatest asset, 163 Stores all built on a Reputation of' Square Dealing. Bulk Cocoa 2 pounds for 25c1S2hpraeltegdesWfohreat 25c Shirriff,s Marma- 6 3 c L Bars foram S 1.00 lade 4 lb. tin . WILLAIt.I)'S E.\SIFIRST LILY \VHITE I SUNFLOWER Maple Buds Shortening Syrup Salmon lb. / C tn 7c 39c?n'348cIL_ Special Blend TEA eWe Y versel Week 45c lb. Fair- Soap, 3 for 230Sonp Flakes, 2 for 25e Sherrif.l 's e'.ly Powder, 3..25e Ammonia Powder, 2 for ...1.5cI Tnilet Paper, 6 rolls 25c 'Finest Cheese, per lb. 25e !felt Naptha Soap,10 for .75c ;,res Starch, auks e 10 � String Brooms, each R °,, • t r lOc 'o' cele 1 Ib. 5c Tapioca, n Castile Sea ,. Pot 163 3 for l'a - 3 Y Pp 25c 1, Special Blend Dominion 1 Sunflower Coffee /� �C Matches14c 'S 2 t nen per lb `� 3 boxes 25c Raspberry 111' Jam Marmalade strawberry 4 lb. tin75c pound Jar 1 Blue Rose Rice 25c Good size 3 pounds for _.!-� Prunes 2 lbs. 25c 29c CANADA'S LARGEST RETAIL GROCERS