HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1922-05-19, Page 6btdk rho
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z.t'j+N+�'�+•""b2b�i .�'.+.y 1' P`i ISM. ,r,,
ew w I won 41vf.
U Toronto St., Toronto, Cas
of forage stored in between fifty and
Excellent morale principle, but be-
�' `
_(e"t ' rYfG�i���,= 5' �x7�FA,L •�.�y-��� �
,,, Bases>, F.v®tea. w.�rwvrE.. "•.cog
ass araegme, inuramntore. 8ahada,
Z7[tN13Q0Ta 1W.9, �d%d..
'1SkM immucrloN or CORN
summed up
I healthy rltdckr bu mart with, clean
he; ,` nr u� small' colo dtovpd.
th'st 1 betas 'will dr,
.:dtwli et�r�fa
v; Pa►oe sen., aau.naa. Faotorlw, arse
t t. ' y
will talk, but will talk only on eros-
io as o
or sI li !
as rf ontwto' olnil pf
'gronta. Lstg Isis-
Minister of Agriculture
TU Danrtuinlour,
for rtka Dr. J. H. Grisdale,
do a rcevro address dealt with the
bay, yrodurAion sand utilization of
dames. Ilaraati"a.
Dia repaired wed disiu-
fe e ted 'P1a+eed tzL a avhelhcr&rl Ioc alt3os
u pon' now, ,gronpd-
ditiun t.ttat his identity be. kePt
a •
corse and tells of the devastating
strrot. Newspaper men servng a
�•--Tie c'hick's aro ted often butN
na she wlw in ignorance of Hol e'q
tal Faxen, Ottawas, detailing tike cost
Postal D[llitaTy "'
J-AQaaI t. 09ice hours at
spread of Who corn hover . the grim-
w'hereabou'ts. 'But now tMt she saw
not 'boo maven at a time sand kept
away from the the
of cultivation, and wiowia that the
4 Out., ui louday, 7Pednesday,
odpal Dorn-gacrtving districts of tars
rest of flock.
A}+tldicial brooding m -ay be made
the information they get.
More to the polut are sone of Ms.
+ - --
reaction agninst Ler for the a kvm.
and d she had caused thver
sad Saturday, fraw our to
b i stn. 2Blb„1$
P'vm - Early "Plorers Of the 'nor-.
thorn half o1 America, wa far "bu+;k ss
Iluddles7wt'a other somnvats:
"Eve journalist worth his salt
rY j
successful, if in addition to what is
"My dear Hope;' she said, "is every
ing con for vasitatre is (Janada are,
he said, Ma cheapness and succulence
has find bis must cows
one to be sacrificed for Madame Ai -
Coluunbues in 1498, record the fact
for need, this tar return
gt per acre'
said above
'moll as natural attention is given
as atur applies to is given
Continued from
( page 7)
Iloye suddenly broke awe from .the
varez? What possible use could
Iw you
be to her at such a time? It was
Over IP1,000,000 paid in losses.
best crap on which to apply ,
that vast fields of corn were grown
by tthe •aborigines. E' UTopean settlers
ur etuvstetl its cultivation. The �t ea
0 0
to the fp11owingc—
1:-JGood brooding conditions are
is exhmuvtis itself. " • " Tho
her -hands -held ou.t•
yuvng girl. You wore only another
up a sod field, easiest crop to bar-
t,ublic should :sot 'Lave troeu foraod
Aye, Ear, Nose and Throat
grown to the early days were the
. tar'tificial
P-Aded- this is more important in
brooding than m�ui9•
by the autborities in all mountriea
Mr• MacWilliams?" &,as asked,
� >
>linduate in Medicine, University of
same as �y are .to•dRY, excepting
far elm now from
The brooder cahotrld be heated so 8b
responsibility," said Langbam, wAh-
��� ��
in leading, boat lkar oupplemeating
varieties eip�atsd
them, namely, 'hie Flint and the Dent,
�(�p p
T�E f Ior
100 degraee bofure Who chicks aro
Iu this lien some hope, thougl"
la must ask advice front his thief
ed, "if Hope brad not been with ss
flambe Assistant New York Ophthal-
WA and Aural Institute, Moorefield's
-the firat-Aamed being used by the
Indians for making of hominy and
- 1
put f it and What after a thorough
dis3g2eoting of robe brooder and house,
�i )I, Ti ��►Tt,�T
j ,["jj�, Jj rj[;,,,` I.
and Golden Square Throat Hoa-
ghats, London, Eng. At office in Scott
IiNael over Umbach'a Drug Store,
similar foods, and Who latter for lour.
The Indiana also appear to wave sur
- --- - - ---
correspondent who broke the 'pledge
2' -'Tho brooder must have plenty
of vent ilafSon without drau� Too
many of the box -like brooders sold
up and down. llia usual confidence
1 s
10 for 1� ` �^ {�
13Aaaiater, Solicitor, Conveyancer and
f�►edorth, third Wednesday in each
loped the roasted Sar. 7b day the
of `e'•nvy, rsp v:ially if he did A to
are only death traps•
Natw7 Pattlle. Solicitor for the Do-
v e V J c '
th<•re are ease. in witiulk the ulneial
srsatlh from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. 68
States crop of corn runs an-
ntutliy from two and a half to three
Prove That the uf$Fixle and sot rho
3.-IVot more than fifty chicks todwomillill'IllillillIll�i'll
denial deceivte n"body -such as
assured drat lits son's wound was mot
daliverous, and that his daugbter was
�Ipterloo Street South, Stratford.
36mme W7, Stratford.
billion bashola of grain and from
crorrespontient was a liar, would get'
't.' more interviews with that oseial. 1
any Small brooder.
4, -The Colony brooder stow@ is aloe
gn•ite safe.
id.inl<tar predicted roLat the war
thirty-five to over forty million tons
of ensilage or forage, most of the
Mr. H•uddloston remarks:
consider this system to be do-
best for Lamge numbers tut even it
should Wever be crowded.
very serious 'Lest by following ie.-
"u!d last "out It -so tlian three
latter being stored is }sail a million"I
silos. Canada's enrp txf corn in ovvr
testable. if a stttssarrart has svmt�
him it in his
6. $sed little and mien obis is
energetically at t^,:,y. "And that's
had been much firing in the city, and
,itmes, Proctor a Redfern, Ltd.
fifteen million bushels of grain of
when Ontario yrvdveaA close bo
thing to sap, lot say
own name. 1f .fie does not wish A .
more eTnportant is artificial ,than 3n
national, for the bmt week or two a
this v
"Why did
9 yon 'Croat arse like
You ka ld
]L Prostor, H A„Sc„ Manager
seven eights, and six nillioa tons
lrubl,uhed, be its nut ybLyed to
hungry Ch'lck as a healthy ckrek.
ew w I won 41vf.
U Toronto St., Toronto, Cas
of forage stored in between fifty and
Excellent morale principle, but be-
--The essentials in artificial
brooding may be .in
I could not help it,,? 'hope erred.
,,, Bases>, F.v®tea. w.�rwvrE.. "•.cog
ass araegme, inuramntore. 8ahada,
sixty thousand eiyrs
side the faint. Fur the stat4/rrlan
summed up
I healthy rltdckr bu mart with, clean
"I had to go with AMada:me Almttrez."
v; Pa►oe sen., aau.naa. Faotorlw, arse
Ur. told of the cultural
will talk, but will talk only on eros-
i ,broodert'e vitlh plunty of frea'h 'air
Her sister hard suffered as acutely
dames. Ilaraati"a.
experiments with corn that have twos
ditiun t.ttat his identity be. kePt
Kind no draughts, fed little and often,
as had Mr. Langbam himself, as long
ow Faaa Uenany pard out of
carried on at dice Central E:xpenimeu-
strrot. Newspaper men servng a
and fresh opus which they
na she wlw in ignorance of Hol e'q
t6. m.a"v we vara .ur ouwr
tal Faxen, Ottawas, detailing tike cost
public chat wants to know oanmoEground
should 'al'lowat sa sxrn ao they
w'hereabou'ts. 'But now tMt she saw
of cultivation, and wiowia that the
refuse to listes to 'hint, or to bliah
can )h let out.
Hope in the flesh agxin, she fe}i a
averaago yield per :ten for four years
was 16.40 tons and the pmfita per
the information they get.
More to the polut are sone of Ms.
+ - --
reaction agninst Ler for the a kvm.
and d she had caused thver
acre, $34.21. '.Irks advantagesof grow-
Iluddles7wt'a other somnvats:
"Eve journalist worth his salt
rY j
Soldiers Fortune
"My dear Hope;' she said, "is every
/ltsts ru asci AasiaLeat
ing con for vasitatre is (Janada are,
he said, Ma cheapness and succulence
has find bis must cows
one to be sacrificed for Madame Ai -
• lraliai.a liberal and unrestrietail.
for need, this tar return
gt per acre'
wiJIAuANot air
steel ufltciatllY. I wi11 sot complain
if that. Indeed, I am hopeful that
Continued from
( page 7)
Iloye suddenly broke awe from .the
varez? What possible use could
Iw you
be to her at such a time? It was
Over IP1,000,000 paid in losses.
best crap on which to apply ,
easy •me'thoci of offleial demunui 6
others Cud turnud toward Attars with
not the tame nor the place fon a
Xw"ptioual opportunities for local
for cleaning land and fug breaking
is exhmuvtis itself. " • " Tho
her -hands -held ou.t•
yuvng girl. You wore only another
up a sod field, easiest crop to bar-
t,ublic should :sot 'Lave troeu foraod
"Have yon m,thitg ,to say io me,
responsibility for ,the Toes,"
vest as to weabher conditions,no
by the autborities in all mountriea
Mr• MacWilliams?" &,as asked,
"Clay seemed willing to accept the
p74S 80 Toronto, Oat.
cheaply banned, most easily Laadled
to Tewur l Goverliments as autburi-
MacWilliams looked doubtfully at
responsibility," said Langbam, wAh-
in leading, boat lkar oupplemeating
tative liars."
Clay, as bhouglt Innn for" of behi't
out a smile. "And, besides," he add -
dry pasWaxes and to help is isducing
Iu this lien some hope, thougl"
la must ask advice front his thief
ed, "if Hope brad not been with ss
cattle to cossnns coarse &M poor
there is room for doubting ,they
, first, and then took the 'hands 'that
we might never have reached baste
roughage, and she rump that poraaita
telli•y;erice of rho publie. We shave
she held out to hi'n Asti shook them
i . R. S. HAYS.
thy carrying of most live stook per
4-1 r,rerrt evi•lauv• sear -home stat
up and down. llia usual confidence
But it wan Only after much earnest
13Aaaiater, Solicitor, Conveyancer and
acre. Turning to bhs corr►burer Dr.
authoritative lying is the easy r,ad
t' big a:atj•rn ems. But uaduulrtmdly
s+ earl to Lave I' " •.tkaa hire, and he
protest and man
P Y explanations throb
Natw7 Pattlle. Solicitor for the Do-
Grisdaie stated that is all lou bows-
erhipa is Oatwnio, covariag an area
th<•re are ease. in witiulk the ulneial
ut•,od ehiftin; fr.,:,r Duo foot W the
Mr, I angham w•as pacified, and felt
- tauten Bank- Office in rear of the
s iniion Yank, Seaf»rth. Money to
comprising 7,At30 aqunre miles, are
denial deceivte n"body -such as
g usher, smiling and abasted.
well, I al a';'l'" Anid they didn't
assured drat lits son's wound was mot
daliverous, and that his daugbter was
kns owto bo xnieand d n far-
r'ifv�l f
MT. Irvin Cbbb's interview with
lord Kitwhoner, in which the War
.Snake them any b,?tor than you," he
gn•ite safe.
men to eo opezato to control rP anis
id.inl<tar predicted roLat the war
-;t.pecl at Istat. "I was alwaYs, tell-
Miss Lat;gham and :himself, he wid,
very serious 'Lest by following ie.-
"u!d last "out It -so tlian three
Mf hint that, wa.;u't It" Iia nodded
had •Paved a tryiug night. There
' BEST 8r BE"
astruetions given is Leaflet No. 16,
Years" when the- geseral public sus-
energetically at t^,:,y. "And that's
had been much firing in the city, and
dontrol of the Ltru'pe A Clurs-
obtrauaa'ble Os •rypliax}tium to
fulently expa:ted that it world he
su; they dosis wJ,t• 'urn any better
continual uproar. Tjte houses Of sev-
Sarrlsters, Solicitors, Convoy-BOTer�
oAoers and Notaries Public, Etc.
the Publications Branch, De irtnteut
I ni g:'eel h • the •'ring drive" ut
y 1
191fi. Phe more depi.il&, the leve
than {
Ile elmppexl }r- hands and crossed
rral of bhv friends of Alvarez had
Leen burned suet sacked. Alvares
Sao in the Edge Buildin o
®g, opposite
of Arrimltuxo, Ottawa.
uver to Clay, atnl oh d surveying him
himself find been shot as noon as he
Whe Expositor Office.
In the n:eautime, the British seem
with a smile of wunder and admira-
-had entered the yard of tiro military
U3 have Horde matters easier for the
prison. It was t+hon out
i►Hl�d LLOYD G170B6)Q Dle.'31)oH
Politicians by the inveatiou of Lord
"liow'd v
Y»a .i-' it ." he• demasded.
he had committed suicide•
Riddell. At tie Washivgtun Confer-
"Now did you :ln it? I suppose you
brad not dared to kill Rojas, becanse
once and elsewhere, this gentleman,
know + ;}N xskr i stern!Y, "stab you're
of the feelityg Of then people toward
Barristers Solicitors Notaries Pub-
On Karl& 81, 1919, MO wesiasa-
wvfessing himself only s seeker for
truth like• the other reporters -
not gnud eaougL '"r mim Hope? You
hirn, and had even shown him to the
r.. tis etc. Mom to ]end. In Seafortb star know that, don , you? nab from behind the bare of. one of
Money Gaiette published a despa" though enjoying exceptional facilitien "Of course I :,,:,,w that," said Cla the windows in order to satisfy thm
as )Monday of each week. Office in from its Paris correspondent. Mr. for getting at It -was the okief RvtWilliama walked toward t -he that 'he was still living. The British
Md4 Block. W. Proudfoot, K.C., J. Sisley Huddleston, giving what pars- meafium for news from the Britian Minister haul cent to the Palace for _
<3/wr a•nd stood in it for a ascend,
L Killoran, B. E. Holman. Ironed to be the anthems British delegvttiou, whether that now& ha
P looloiog back at them over hie shoul- the body of Captain Stuart, and had
view" of the prober peace Cerrns ,ac punct to Ibe facts or Ma prvte'nao der. They don't maka them any had it escorted to the Legation, from
F. furnished to At correspoucietu by ••a 1 tbrown out to test opinion." Of better than that," he reiterated gent- -fierce it wreuld be sent to England.
Irdgh authority." Since Cha }caeca tz>uree, Riddell'a news cook! always 1 pp,are,i is the direction This, us far as Mr. Langbam bad
VETERINARY + Y I •, he dila hcutrd, was the news of the night
F. HARBURN, V. S. policy there set down was much shore be tor; so this
for he was only a eat of the horses, shaking his head and
Honor graduate of Ontario Veterin- moderate than the "ahiilirrg for ah 1L porter; so ¢hit system left the real mwttering 'his it+toaishment and de- just over.
M19 and ton for ton" programme on reporters three jumps awe from
Ory College, and honorary member of which Air. Lloyd George had won the the truth, as Plato used to say. The light, "Two native officers called here for
the Medical Association of the Ontario T• 9Plela_se ggiae• me some awner'° you about -midni ht Cls he con -
general election in the previous education of public opinion would g Y+"
Vaferinar•y College. Treats diseases of P e Hope said to' -Olay. "All the money tinued, "and they are still waiting Ir IF
All domestic animals by the most mod- December. 870 members of Perlia- cue a the scull, but that education pro- you have," she added, emilisg at her for you below at
to ave principles. Dentistry and Milk mend, alarmed by 'Chis and other gresses with painful elowne". 1n the your ofPoce. They ;
P rresumption of authority over him, came from Ropas's troops, who are
pisver a specialty. Office opposite evidence, at to the Prime Minister meantime, newspaper men have to and you, too, Ted " The men emp- encamped on the hills at the other
Dick's Hotel, Main Street, Seaforth. their famous telegram demanding grin and bear it, tied their pockets, and Hope poured side of the cit The
All orders left at the hotsd will re Haat he "present the bill in full" to -- the .mass of silver into the hands of join them with the me,, wanted
room o tb tP r ^>
'^ saive prompt attention. Night calls the Germane. Mr. Lloyd George STUDY TOUR FOR BOYS. the women, who •gazed at it ancon- mines. I -told ihern I did not know
'- @aeeived at the office quieted their fears, and eventually About the best ftug a father can prehendingly, when you would return, and they said '
rrspoaded, in a considerable de- do for his boys is to encourage tbenr "Thank you for Your trouble and they would wait. If you could have
t4. Igree, to their dosmntis. M07-00ver7, to :travel and see somethingof :the your good supper," Hope said in been 'here fast night, it is possible'
JOHN GRIEVE,, V. S. corning back to Parliament two world, before they become too keenly Spanish, "and my so evil come to that we might have done something,
Honor graduate of Ontario Veterin- weeks latter, Us pooh-poohed the engrossed in commercial life. Travel
Dry College. All diseases of domestic assertion that the despatch to the in a t educator -it enriches the Your house." but now that it is all over, I am glad
animals treated. Calla psis L The woman aitd her daughters fol- that you saved that woman instead.
prom at- Westminster Gazette was "a reliable mind and fits the youth to bather fill ]owed her to the carriage, bowie I should have liked, though, to have
4amdod to and charges moderate. Vet- source" of information as to the his lace in life. A normal bo is g ' g
urinary, Dentistry a specialty.Office British P Y and uttering good wishes r¢ the ex struck one blow at them. But we
policy at the conference. observant --he assimilates and retains 'travagalit metaphor of their country; cannot hope to win against assassins.
and residence on Goderich street, one Now, after three years, publication knowledge. Travel gives 'him hie oP and as they drove away, Hope rose- The death of young Swart has tnrrt
door east of Dr. Scott's office, Sea- of Mr, Lloyd's George's private portunity�-it fits him for every phaee ead her hand to 'them as she sank clot- me terribly, and the murder of Al -
forth• memorandum of Mareilt, 51949, coca- in life. er against Cl'ay's shoulder. varez, coming on top of it, has shade
y' firms in the main this `anonymous
MEDICAL A tour of Europe is at present be- "The world -is full of Sochi kind me wish I 'had never heard of nor
article" of which Mr. Lloyd George ing organized under the personal sup- and gentle souls," she said. seen Olancho. I -have decided to go
C. J. W. HARN. M.D.C.M. complained. Apparently it was a ervision of Mr. T. H. Matthews, M.A., In an hour they had regained the away at once, on the next steamer,
425 Richmond Street, London, Ont., 'reliable source" of information. Then (Oxon) Assistant Professor of Math- •main road, and a litdle later the stare and I will take do daughters with
Specialist, Surgery and Genic-Ur3a- who was the ",high authority"? emetics, McGill University, end bate grew dint and the moonlight faded, me, and Ted, too. The State Depart -
w7 diseases of men and women According to Mr. Huddleston, it was Instructor•+Lieutenant, Royal Navy, and trees and bushes 'and rocks be- me.nt at Washington can fight with
.lir. Lloyd George •kimiself. In what l In addition local guides will be secured an to take substance and to
DR. J. W. PECK sense that gentleman can be de-, to conduct excursions and give lee- into form and outline. The � b good stand,
fbr the mines. You made a a C
scribed as "reliable" we leave the turee on the artistic, historic, liter T Y Rood etaxtt but they made abetter ri o
Graduate o4 Faculty o4 Medicine Wry the cool, gray light of the morning one, and they have beaten us. Men_ u
McGill University, Montreal; member Men -
professors of ethics to determine, and economic significance of the sights the familiar hills around the capital dova's coup d'etat has passed into tris- l
Of College of Physicians and Surgeons says the New York Times. Asked seen and the places visited. and at a cry from tide ,boys on the tory, and the revolution is at an end." s
bt Ontario; Licentiate of Medical Conn- recently about the matter in the A most carefully planned and in- box -seat, they looked 'ahead and be_On his arrival Clay bad at once
eff of Canada; Post -Graduate Member House of Commons, he fell back on teresting Kinerary bas been arranged, held the harbor of Valencia at 'their asked for a cigar, and while Mr.
of Resident Medical staff of General the -usual excuses of the politician. including visits to Montreal, Liver- feet, lying as -placid and undisturbed Lan m was s
Hospital, Montreal, 1914-15. Otfic 2 He had auo rLeolleetion of any such pool, Chester, Stratford -on -Avon, Ox- 8 peaking he had been r r
a' Pr a to the water in l tato tub. ad they siting 3t between his feet with the
• doors east of Post Office. Phone 66. interview, the tett of it had not ford, London, Poria, Versailles, Fon- turned up the L.i11 into the road that serious esatisfaction of a man who had
'NI Honsall, Ontario. been shown to him for revision, and tainebleau, Rheims, Lyons, Marseilles, .led to the 'Palms, they saw the sleep- been 'twelve hours without one. He
in any case 'he had been misquoted. Cannes, Nice, Monaco, Mentone, Gen- ing capital like a city of the dead be, knocked .the sakes from it and con -
DR. F. J. BURROWS The incident raises a question of oa, Pisa, Rome, Naples, Sorrento, low them, its white buildings redden- sidered the burning end 'thoughtfully.
'. Oisce and residence, Goderich street ponsiderable 'importance in (Ake Capri, Pompeii, Vesuvius, Florence, g
' asci o4 the Methodist enure-h,Seaforth morality not only of journalism, but Venice, Trent, Innsbruck Munich, the ed with the light of dine rising sun. Then he glanced at 'Hope as -she stood
From three places in different parts xm»ng the group on the veranda.
Phone 46. Coroner for the County of of politics. The interview with a Passion Blay at Oberammergau, Nur- of the city, thick columns of smoke She was waiting for his reply and "a
Enron. statesman who begins by saying entberg, Mayence, the Rhine, Cologne, rose lazily to the sky, watching 'him intently. He seemed
"Don't quote me," and -has to be Brussels, Louvain and Ostend, return- 111 'had forgottenl" said Clay; "they to be confident that she would &p -
veiled under the designation of "a ing through London and Liverpool. have been having a revolution here. rove o4 the onlycourse he saw open
! o
+. C. Mackay honor graduate of Trin- Hgh authority," is commoner in This exceptional tour starts from It seems so long ago." too him,
Washington than .in Westminster, Montreal on Saturday, June 24th,
Ity University, and gold medallist of and is r $Y five o'clock they lead reached The revolution is not at 'a end by
h Trinity Medical College; member of responsible for one of the calling at Quebec, by the < splendid the .gate of the Palms, and their hp- any means, Mr, Lan Lam," Pte said
Rite College of Physicians and Sar- most serious problems of Washing- White Star Line Steamship ' Canopic" pearance startled the sen'tr on + g
y• ton reporting. Obviously, it affords (12,100 tons.) A period of approxi- Y pos. at tarot, simply. "Lt 'has just begun." �ssq
=eons o4 Ontario. excellent protection for an unscrupu- mately two months will be occupied into a state of undisciplined joy. A He turned abruptly -and walked away y
1. riderless pony, the one upon which in the direction of the office, and
loos correspondent. The ,high by the ,tour as by the itinerary the pe when the MacWilliams and Lan ham rote !
DR. H. HUGH ROSS' Jose had made his escape
authority" may he -anybody, even the return .trip is made from Liverpool firing be ll peal
Graduate of University of Toronto p "Regina" (16, pan, dad crept into the stable off robe veranda and followed hIrn as
s correspondenthimself. by the Tine steamshi R an hour
Faculty of Medicine, member of Col- previous, stili and bruised a matter ie course.
� As a matter of fact, .in Washington 500 tons), arriving at Montreal on
lege of Physicians and Surgeons of and weary, and had led the . ole The soldiers i the arm
Ontario; pass graduate courses in he is almost always a really high August 26th. at the Palms to fear the worst, y who were
authority. Instances of the abuse The arrangements for this tour are known to -be Faithful to General Ro
: Chicago Clinical School of Chicago; Mr. Langbam end h.is daughter
of this liberty .by correspondents are most complete and ,the charge,'which jas belonged to the Third and Fourth
Royal Ophthalmic Hospital, Landon, is a minimum one, covers everything were standing on the veranda as the regiments, and numbered four thou-
England; University Hospital, Lon- almost ran.existent. bts abuse by g dtorses came galloping a the avenue, sand on Lon
g c P statesmen, unfortunate) is common. in .the way of transportation, hotel P g p' e' paper, and two thousand b ear
Bort, England. Office -$act of Do- y> They had been awake all the night, count le heads. When fire y
The Westminster Gazette, in some aecamodation with three meals a day, y ,had seen aaa777
minion Bank, Seaforth. Picone No. b, end the face of each was white and
} editorial com'm'ent on this episode, transfers, sigot-seeing fees, in brief, their leader taken 'prisoner, and
Night calls answered from residence, lays ,down the general principle P all necessary travel -ling expenses for drawn with anxiety and loss of sleep. swept off the
]a P pamay ,had end •at Mem- 1l�jRST-because they are made of highest
Victoria attest, Sea4orth. g ori role, !that g P Mr. Langbam caught Hope in Iris doze's caval j` _
a politician talking under pledge of the entire 'tour. arms and held her face close to his ry,'thuy it first attempt
a'nOTlYmotY ought to tell the truth, Apply to any 'agent of the Can- in silence. ed t4 4od:law in pursuit and recapture quality tested materials
and not a pretense thrown out to adian National Railways for further him, but the men on horseback had
THOMAS BROWN "Where have you -been"" he said at--cashmpre silk cotton mercerized, lisle, teat Opinion," and .that if 'he repvdi- particulars.
at once shaken off 'the men on foot d r f
o Licensed auctioneer for the counties — �---- and left them, paMri.Trg ,and breathless Bilk an Wools YBncy mixtures.
ares has statements upon finding that
Of Huron and Perth. Correspondence reporter - - - _ -- in .the dust behind them. So t4ey
Arran ements for sale dates can be they
arebe unpopv'iar the SUGGk7S1IONS ON BROODING
g permitted to name his in- Natural brooding need not be socia TNMiA halted uncertainly in the road, and SECOND—the dyes are fast --they posh
made by calling up phone 97, Seaforth formant .The life of a newspaper a trouble if:- UJl? their young officers held counsel to- v tiveiy will not run.
or The Expositor Office. Charges mod- .min would be a good deal easier if 1.--Mbe chicks are health bred i2AZ MAH gether. They first considered the ad-
aitte and satisfaction guaranteed, g° Y' vi of Attacking the mil We intend Mercury hose to wear well
dais were the ,case; but in Washing- from 'heavy, Bean -parents.
y g military y
r , - ton, at ,least, At wouldn't work. A• 2. The chicks 'are free from lice. IN=NO 111/- NO Shill prison, but decided against doi'µµg so, and we make certain every pair is right
R T. LURFiB The setting hen should be dusted be pt SNslllttis f C0ps0i0 at it wou'!d load, t feared, vfllether by the strictest tests
known in the trade.
i Trp g g le Gaarantead it roe 19
— fore aaNbti and a sin before comm proved s'uecesagarl or not, 'Fq the
( idconsed auctioneer for the Comity off the nest with the chicks. Q murder of Rojas. ''It was •im'possible
Bond for iraa Opopop�g »ormtl•bmt4ain�'� Mercury Mills Limited
t j$ibrdn, Sales attended to is all g full partly 8. ---The -ben :makes' a good Mother, in tilt br ae lobar, gl- to return to the city where Men- rY r
01 Bks coasts. Seven can' ex aro Treoab's doza's First 'std Second re
yy F1TS.",�`--',-n--d
-famone rep this can be ascerbaiaed dur.3srg un'cv osl grdtt s1e % rea'tl ou'tnumlbered them. Having Ha efnlearxollfg,rr r aaa vaaerueanada
Ain lifaeltoba and 9saitutclte- osforEpiQep basica, if a 'hen .proves clumsy and haieraLg L<LOOitei awr3te g y
t �"erbls fdasonabTe; Phone, No, and Flr.,-arm} no leader and no head Ja, moa, wa a,+d Child ra.
crass she 'should ant be used 60 ono- i oura(en eo or quarters, the
1i, etsr, (Centralia P, t►„ IL tome ere snout ther 'the chicks. 144 �!e= �V.. Truuabo officers, §rramcrhed the nett bo •toe lailla
/ivaa• 8eggneer eaocers, grest'ome to nt MonnnrN
wf U rablli laft at ills Nmon ptaaeWarrd•orerteff mad wraontona"aea 4.--ftartangemente pare above the city and •wen¢ into camp to 139
r *see, Seato7ra m 2807 U5akaW * onrR.79Auelatiegt,31L rtnade for 'broody coops These ma
y E. Umbaco. mit further developments.
Sold b
Roramo. ontarlo be just age enowgdr for one hen and In Walton Eby W. G. Neal ('Continued next week.)
r ' r ` l ry;.
;ufE 5i:
d t $ F•y = Yr'S s t•, k l "� . ':Jr.ru4'�c li!%c.,.,. ..• 'rt'��'s'c�rft:u`j�.rt.,ti^ar....sCriat?i;x .n.. h. ,c.M r,, r, .