HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1922-05-19, Page 5•41 15,AEU . i8T lb 26 In.it0 000 4180 00 ysa ten per EN bee 00 to 00 111 94a. owt 9D _ 1st MIS H� pMao, 18th, of )(It. Om. Jennie Nolan. a dauabter. Soaktorth. ren Wdllt 090. ,...n,�Imo).. and • J ftt4eber.-In zoo., en 2)n, ird, to 11br. mat Film. W. i B: Fdedaher, of Dathe'ae, 8!• W.. -'2n w e1Key lak W Mr. and • ftaq�y .' on. •1 0, f 6'1 • 41/4 e tf w 10Ab1RImme oylkngefa•--,In 8odeAah, en .AD7. of 1St ▪ °o14 U a. Lo0. oe Mou.d.0 8. MenemHtw*' B*8onan. 1wtO o[ Godo- MUM n olalb* up. onsMag 17th, Robert Leeman. only son a Mr. Thema. Tsanalog,, aped A fare, 2 months wad detk, data 18 In Detroit, tin Mny 16th, Colin 14.089- 200*. beluvad wife of William DUI 3 aaa0ella• Heady, beloved wife of Den- man McMillan,' its bar 6726 year. , CARD OF THANKS Aad lheio Beet .Fid fami7 demm to their atl*Oo tho.nke and nmpaeela- a. tho wash soba f loudness end =tee • .boom to therm during the innate aid emee the dcntb of their late Mater* and gather. IMPORTANT NOTICES &91B,AYED.-FRDAI THE PREMISES OO t7 the undereigned, ea AprU 20th, a bhwk o tter with abort horns, 2 yearn 018 Ansa. Board harboring the *arae will be oeverely peaeee0ted. Any information lending to Ile .010m,®,y will lee suitably rewarded. Orvade Etas, R. No. 4, CJTnk8.. Phone 16-2470, aY t em McA21b18 FOR SALE. - I HAVE SOME ii choice farms for male in the Township' et -paboma and Hibbert. all well built end ��rpvveedd o.sy term« o1 Daymeot. THAM ai ®AktHfn0N �' Exeter• Ont. 2668-t1 POPULAR srA. Tie *MOOS POP sd'rad for d.h.e 'f ishise this oealaoit, isle Ise hand* l41,:'' own 131 004 • • nerelrtwp/D., 6699, Marmot. Iftrenk A1. Wlil stinal -:tor Mia inthrovethent n4 .teak WO salaam et s a. BIIIKE rs 8Af.H. K AEMJ6. RGNeblele Egmberlaad Steed [221/19 60n Uwe. br the ]Keane: Steal, , 7Isa7.4- t0n, ganterlind, and b Wes Yenta d J. Rom • tmnarteb by Me present gens. T. J. Amis, fin Earner', 1910. Me Y R dart. dappled .bay, (statute P . bands e ,, weight bettor the. a lou Hued oo bb eye he in an extra yea I28u Warned basso and w breed the big draught hose that the market b calling fon at Dement Cumberland Stud wan sired by'Erlw. Orot (7p4669). dem Lad& Lothian 80460), M Lo htna nrtin (1180x), g. dam elated (204.17). by Rehr] Champion (6960, a. a. than trine moos 9888 (20410, by Prineo of Rant (1196). 'a. e• g. dam Bonny (221091, by 0arbh (2809), g. g. g. g. dam SeaBrs by (1088)• _Terme to Iure, 916.00. T. J. BERRY, JAB. B. SIMP8ON. Ptdprieter, BU 4)ING FOR SALE. ---ONE Bi3TIAING40 '. traw ohsd: A D1y l ' to C. 0. THOMPSON t wonld make a good glue, Seaforth. 2S28 -rt WANTED. -A L4MT1'ED NUMBER OF. 7 Cattle to posture on loo 27. Ceneesuiod. 12,' Hibbert Plenty of goes arid water gum - stated. spaced. Terme reawosolne. Apply to 'r. tl. SHII.LINGLAW, R. R. No. 4, Seaforth. WANTED.---KBEPER AND MATRON. - 1T. Men and wife to have chary, of the Huron Ci nnty Home noir Clinton. sad the ®arm iee tier. therewith. Applio.tiem, •eemonel proferred. to be made to the under- signed, the aprointment to be sonde at the newt meeting of the Coo.ty Council wistab meets on J8ne 8th JOHN' 'I'ORRANCE, In- opeA.r, Clinton Ont. Clinton, Ma 8nd, 1962. 2808-4 Ditching Machine A Dltehing Machine m coming to oar dim trial Parties intoes tel will do well to eemmtotoate at anee with the ondamkraeti, as we have quite a quantity of work .29,10RI eantree'.ed for and' will only' be bbl, to' d► 8 )hutted element. We Will dig your i&Mh, her year tile and deliver them at your knots. 420 now Sn your chance. Act quick; we emelt dee trot thin work in line. WILLIAM M. SPROAT R. a. No. 4, SEAFORTF. PHONE 6 -*1. DEBENTURES FOR SASE Town of Seaforth Tire Oerporntlon of the Toren of Seethed. have debenture, with interest coupons) na4' footled. for sale at rate to yield five and ...- batt per Gent per annum. Far fall sav- nieetann apply to the undersigned. JOHN A. WILSON, 9640-H Treaeetea. ..COURT OF REVISION The Grand (dale Moatsger. COLONEL GRAHAM No. 12108 (9266) Poured Enrolment N.J. 1870 Form 1 win Craver the following route 1048 season: Monday. -North. 1jd mile, then went 8% mile to Mae. Montgomery's, for neon; that west 8% miles 868 north 11,4 mil. to 0p drew Flynn', for night. Tn.,day.--North 1 milts and met t% miles to. Bert Stephen- eon'e, dor noon then south 11/,1 mike and eiot 2% mil. to Robert M.Farlane'e, fur th mike and Winthropto 0Y Geoorge 13north' th Sradd6ea' noon; then north 2'4 mdta odd east 14 milts to 1. McGavtrt., for night Thnmday,- East 4 mil. to L. Ellymen'e, for noon; then 24 miler south and 14 miles west to Martin Mu ray's. for night Friday.--8wtb 94 mutat and west 1) miles to John Lanes, for noon; thou eo th 31/4 mile: to John McIver'., for night 'Saturday, -•Wet to Etfn.ondv(Be to Pte own omble, where he will remain until the fallowing Monday rooming. The above route will be .optioned through- out the season. health and weather peraalttlng. Terme to Insure. 016.09. • DOMINICK REYNOLDS, Proprietor & Manager. TOWNSHIP OF M0HILLOP The MnUDlep Co nail will meet 08 a Court of 1levhion on the Amassment Roll of the 94anietp.11ty at the Carnegie Library Hell. 6eegorth, on Th.day, Mer 80th, at tea o'oloek era. Hy ardor of Couoo4. JOHN HeN�� 2909-Y The Pura Bred Imported Clydeodale Stallion LORD MANSFIELD Imp. 1211077 (16303) Vol. 29, B. C 9. H. ?eased Enrolment No. 1724 Stam 1 Monday. ---Will hove hie men stile, Bombe wood, and go to Allan Rose', 1,010 c McKillop. for noon; then to his 00 . ,0able far night 'Cu.doy.-To John Shannon's, (kmemolen 9, McKillop, for n; then to Owen Flyi n'n, for might Wedn.dny.,--Bint to William Anderson's, M.0KBlop, far norm: then to hie own stable ter night Thursday -- To Witham Dorsey's, Hoven Road, for noon; Mex t Jeaeph Atkinson's. Had,ort for n1bt Friday. --To Martin Curtin. 1)4 miles east of Seaforth. for non: then to his own Mehl. for night, Satordoy.-To Tom.; O'Iiourkes. 3rd C„ucesion of 1.or.o, for noon: then to his own stable for night The 'hove route will be continued through- out the sensor, health and weather permitting. 'Terms to Insure, $18.00. JAMES EVANS Proprietor & Manager. I0.cohwoo4. Oat ,.COURT OF REVISION 'TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERS11(.Lt1'S 'Dee Toetommith Council will meet as a Court of Revision on the Assessment *811 at the council chamber, Seaforth, on Bata- , inn, May 2701. 1922, at eleven o'efloek e.>m Appeals againt the asememerlt must he ha the hands of the Clerk on or before May 9039, 3922. D. F. McGREGOR, 2840-2 COURT OF REVISION TOWN OF SEAFORTH It will pay r 74. WIPE IS i1130g 7 !' Eggs its dbinitdidyitie. We airo Vix7q$ tbo Hish Pries. CASE ONLY 90 Ibis. RD'll Oda Mamitdbdt Z+iitmar, pox sw 10 Redpalbb 'Sugar, per Cwit . , , . 0.60 Wire Nails. per Ib. as Fence Staples, per db 96c Corn Starch, '8 for Corn Flakes, a fee A66 Buy in Egmondvile. With pin our faint to Ho'nent Goode, Low Prieea and 6ttaeigisb-forward methods. W. J. FINNIGAN. Phone 72. The Jm parted Cydeedole Stallion MAKWIRA (11758). VOL. X1f31I1. Paved Enrolment No. 3767 Form 1 Will travel the following rum this 00000n: Monday.-- Will leave bis own .table, Staff., and go north t, the 7th conceo ion of BIib. kart west 2n-nmile. ami south "e Richaed gtBery's, for noon; then south to the Crom- nrty Line and east to his own amble for night Tneoday.-South to the lath cencee- idea of Hibbert ami west to John MoDouga)1, Jr.'., for noon: then south to the Boundary d east James Ballrntyne'., for night. Wedneaday.-South to EJimvitle, fur,noon; then south and e. t to William Brock'tl for night. Thursday. -East to Wililam Thorny - eon, Jr.'s, Blenchard, for noon; then south to the Eighth, Lino and west 1, Taylors Hotel. Kirk* , for night. Friday. --North to the 18th a noanoin of Hibbert, then west to An- drew Cbristie's. -for recon ; then west end north to his own stable for night. Saturday -East to the Town Line. Fullerton. and north 14 miles to Melville Gray's, for noon: then wont along the 7th eonceseion to hie .table inn night n Tho nbove route will be continued through- out the se0on, health and weather permitting. Tema to Insure, $15.00. The fiat. meeting of the Court of Revision the Assessnamt Rol hearing of the Town nnie tof Seat rth, w111 be held in theCouncil Chamber, on Monday, May 29th, 1922. at 8 o'clock p.m. Dated at Seaforth this 10th day of May, 1922. JOHN A. WILSON. 2840-1 ,)M)i 't'AII1 0 To OitUe Wesa8ip W)Oplbher,,' p[!Fanoe Co.: To 'WW1)* 400:147 ►,y 'Ooaeetm: This a0 ddoc 'tify Shaul I susta(ndl Ix considenshis 1080 On Dye bars du;o1g the storm of %A.Pri1 1912h, and beteg insured in dieabove ComppaaPnay, Z. ap- plied throe --gr$ Jahn A. )ons, of Tueberemitb, ith.lr agta t, foe miss*, nice in • !palating things in ehegle a gaim. I ant happy to Gay *hat ad- justern sniped and •wAthou0 delay I was Sender,ad-.'tebat was eomeidered a -fair valuation. of 'iny lose. I have re- ceived a alieque for $626.00, and now I tall& this opportunity of ,shambles the Contpaay for their projwpt end saltisfaetory aeUWement. T. J. RICHARDSON, Tuckeritinith. JOHN LIVINGSTONE, Proprietor & Manager. Staffs, Ont. INVOLUCRE [21451 (82966) Passed Enrolment No. 864 Form 1. Monday. -Will leave his own stable, s Bruce- Leye'e for noon ;erthee northn to at Sherlock Line, Codoo:ch Township, and west to Arthur Walsh's, for night Tu.day.-North by way of 6th concession t Porter's Hill at George Vanderburg'a, for noon; then north to Jas. McMillans, 6th eon...elan. for night Wed- ne0day.-North by way of Jowe1'e Cornea and Bonmiller to Wm. Hills. Colborne, let o*8o: then by wary of the Maitland const cion t Holm.ville, at finery Sweet's, for night. Thursday, -By war of the 1611 eon - .on to Summer Hill and south on the Bane Line to F..1. Welsh'., for n; thea loath to Clinton at the Graham House. for night Friday.- South by way of the Lon- don Road to Granton. .then east to Frank Welber'sof the bn esouthn Road t hie owna ble for night Saturday. --South and east to Ieaae Moore's, for noon; then north and, west to his own stoble for night. INTOLUCRE hes proven him.elf the cham- pion sire of Canada, six of his gat were sold t one buyer for 63,20.the iaverage average 0f nearly 9635 per hone, end MerY sstation St. 4 oto Vancouver. Thine verationed k.ped dro SS Terms to Insure, 616.06. WILLIAM BERRY, Proprietor & Manager. NQTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE G hereby given p'1trsuant to the S gts m in laiom that balf againsstth the that eet.te ref ° ns haWi7wrvp- 8leeth, late of the Town of Seaforth, e ed, County ed°f ontheHuron, Carpenter. y of May, de- ceased, 1922, t send by p1912, are required on or beforethe Seal .day of June,nosprepaid. or deliver to the undersigned, full.'particulare of their claims. duly verified by affidavit and the nature of the security (if any) 1.14 by them. Further take notice that after the said lost mentioned date the assets of the said deceased will be dletributed among the parties entitledthereto, PTehichhnving noticer shall Only o the claims then have been. given.w Dated the 1810 dn8 of Yy, 1922. R.2840-3 • Solicitor for Admini0tratrix. "GLEN RAE" (8863) Enrolled - sad IwFern 1. peeted• Friday Afternoon. -North I mils, was Will stand. for the improvement el etaak miles, south nd east to James Hor•ton'e. Nile *.mon at his own stable, Lot 8, Con- where he will remain until the following *anion 8; Hallett. Terms. -To insure, 110, Monday morning. swayable February let, 1928: AeeidnTerme to Insure, 916.00. h. at BRANDON BROS., Forest, Proprietors. uewnera risk. J0HN A. WREN, Manager. THOMAS McalICHAEL, Manager. 2840.10 .se.e1411131111 I erguson & Co'y. Gent's Furnishings and LOT 1 HATS 'HATS HATS For Saturday only we offer Gent's Sailor Hats, in unlimited quantity and quality at one Q price. Your choice for 98C LOT No. 2 Boys' Sailor and other mixed lines Straw 15C Hats for school or play. All going at y LOT No. 3 Gent's Genuine Panama Hats in $2 four different styles G 353.50 LOT No. 4 Alen and Young Alen's Sailor Hats, positively the atNewest style® $1.75 $2.25 $2.75 Call at this store for your new Raw Silk 04 50 Shirts. They are fine, all going at one price Striped Silk Shirts; your's for good l�$3.25 strong wear, at BaLTS BOYS' JERSEYS Fine assortment 50c Leather or Rubber, new at at 45c Kh line Pants 1 andaki OveraPalls...- 10 . Large Variety of Boys' Ties at 15c Gents' Silk Wash Ties, all at 35c Boys' Play Suits, at one price $1.00 Small Children's Overalls 7k 50c -75c Children's Hats, at &N Az PLr.8' -+ nos aalba 'week for Pine,' Ap7104 ; Orality said bide,'WS'J rhea., ple11(y, of Oise dug - • w1lidh akfe moot seo LAli:D.-It has been d'ie>l,91t1 the extra, quality of PSI" K*1 Rendered Lard, 244100114289 '9YII have it now, however. if you,wad oto nee the differeawe hawse* 00 nrid' ordinary good Sand, just I e pound, ora 3 or 4 -pound Von, For the Quality the prise Is .sa dal, ad i TOMATO SOUP. -A 16 Can kw..10* A 20 eons Can dor or, two for IRE BAKING SYRUP. -If ' you huvLAt'i heel] buying gfk.Eulk Balking ➢, try it. We believe it too beta., tort the hest that ie putt 5n sane, wadi ishearp'2r, too, at, per pound 0 MOPS --We :have an iimproverml sit the ordinary Polishing tut "P GILLETTE SA9'lIYY mama; R•egvrle'r 85.00, hap �.�! The Premium Clydednle Stallion. BLACON'S SON (20869) Ayproved Enrolment No. 5272 Form Al Terme to Insure. 015.00. Monday. -.Will leave his own Stable, Bence - field, and go west on Bayfield Road to 2nd co.ceselon of Stanley to John Buchnrt'e, for noon; then north and wet to Ed. Glenn, Jr.'s, for night. Tuesday. --Down Fourth Cnc.sion to Bannockburn, then to Varna et the Temperance Hotel, for noon: then south on the Parr Line to Wm. Foster's, for night. Wednesday. --South to Hills, Green and East to the Town Line at Walter Fairbairn'. f or pen Robert McLaren o. London p Road, for d south ight, Thumday!-Etat by White Sohoolhodee and by Angus 11cKinnon'e side road to Angus Me- Kinnons, for noon: then by Kipper Road to the Red Scheel and east 11/, mil. and north to Robert Dolga, for night Frlday.- Weot on the 7thncees in t Gemmel'. Corner end north to cGeorge McCartney s, for noon; then to McAdam's Side Road and north to the 2nd concession and met to Jams Cornochan'a, for night. Saturday. -By Broad - foot's Bridge and south to the Mill Road, to his own stable et Brucofleld. ROBERT MURDOCH, Proprietor & Manager. CONTOUR (imp.) 1233581 (19981) Passed Monday. -Willi start ment 1fromo. 69JHorton)) 0 _ James Hortn e and will go wet to the London Road and south to John Rowcliifes, for noon; then home to Jim Horton'e by vineofMre. Harry Horton's, south end, eget, for night- Tues- day Morning. --Two and one-half mils north, then west to John Simon s- for noon; then north an mat to Hugh Norrie'ief0r night. Wednesday Morning. -North one mile and a quarter, east 24'.. south 1)4 to William Jef- frey's, for noon; south 114 miles. east 244 mitt* to Ken McKellar's, for night Thum - day Morning. -South t H.okne7 Bros., for non : then to Jams Horton'n, for night.. Pi WH ITE STAR LIN E Dou't Miss This Glorious Once -a -Year Round -Trip Excursion Goderich to Detroit on the Palatial Steamer Greyhound Tuesday, June 13th IIIn1NIt111111nHt1111 sRound 3 Trip IIIIII111111111IlH111I1'' Leaving Goderich at 9.30 a.m. June 13th, the Steamer Grey- hound reaches Port Huron at 1.30 p.m. and Detroit at 5.30 p.m. To enjoy the sights of Detroit you will have until Thursday, June 154h, at 1 p.m., when the steamier leaves the Griswold gt. wharf for the re - omit trip to Goderioh. The Last Trip to Detroit Leaves Goderich on Friday, June 16, at 9.30 a.m. 11lIIIIIIIIIIII111I11I ONE WAY $2 111111111111111111111111 MOONLIGHT MONDAY NIGHT June 12 Don't fait to enjoy the three- hour Moonlight Trip out of Godenieh Monday evening, June 12th, under the auspices of the 33rd REGIMENT BAND Music and Dancing Aboard. 50c Children Under 12 25c F. D. Hutchison THE CASH GROCER Phone 118. "SAY 'IT WITH FLOWERS" From Geo. Stewart's Florist, Godericb, Ont. Cut Flowers always om hand. Wedding bunches and Floral dealgri9 a Specialty. GLADMAN & 8TANBURY, Member of the Florists Telegraph 803.0011 and $xete0. Delivery Association. 2839-0 Exentera' Solicitors. Flowers delivered to any pant of Can - ado and United States, also principal B[ng� and Marathon Brand,; 3-eoal -.ware' I Bo carry single coat ware, ft'st'i = Another May Special ups d �a $ Bowls, Fruits, Salads, Plates[ and Oat ear a breakage here -but it's` in the pz' = Come and See.,• BEATTIE ,BROS. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS hereby given that all pereuw baying dolma against the estate of Donald lamehert, late of the Village of Hmmdl, in the County of Harem, who died ea the 1601 gam of March A. D., 1922, are requested to fervent/ their otaime duly Proven to the un- dereigned on or before the Amt day of Jane, A. D. 192E. ANJ) NOTICE IS FI7J4T1 GIVEN that niter the said date the Executors will pro- eoei to d.tribnne the estate. having regard only to the claims of which they then a.B have notice. DATED et Reno& the era der a *0*. A.D., 1922. cities in Europe. All orders delivered promptly. 2888-12 MORTGAGE SALE FARM LAMBS in the Township of MelKillep. Under and by virtue of the powers oe .ode contained in a certain mortgage. whiele *Lt be produced at the time of 3,1., there will be offered for sale by pobi1r enetam. be 'Phone.. Brown, Auctioneer, at the Com. :ol Rotel, n the 'Town of Seaforth. io the Counts of Huron, en Aatnrdey, the 27th day of Yoh, 9922• at the hour of two o'clock in the erne - noon. the lnllewing lands.namely: The went half of lot number Eighteen T(16 ), 3. IP tt' he Fourth lith1con in o M.a)Flap, the County of Hume, soe- .iniug by ndmealorcment fitly (60) erica of land. be the same more or 1.s. This loud situated about 4 mil. troth Seaforth and the property afern n good op- portanity W obtain land near .aid town. TERMS OF SALE: Twenty (20) per cent of the pe,eheee money in to be paid on the day of sale sad the balance, without intereet, within 30 days thereafter. The pureh0,er will be .eo 5,06 to sign an agreement a enmplete his pur- chase. Further terms and cenditk,0 of sate wig be made known atthe ime oe...atthenmay be had, in meantime. mad... - earned. anted et Seefortk. Ontario, this 10* day of May, 1922. Thera. Brown, Auetiuneer. H. 8. HAYS. Mortgagees' Se6dter. NOTICE TO CREDI NCTIGE IS hereby :given that all having Moires against the manta of dllair, late of the Township of flan #t. tlte�. County of Heron, who died es the 1,746.dm .' of January, A.A., 1922, are required to bre ward their claims duly proven to the udder• signed an or before the Sart day of Joao., A.D., 1922. - AND NOTICE IS the Executors after the I date the 4 tee bpo Ore• Tnisz Geed to distribute the estate, h only to the Jaime of whish they then ARA have notfae, DATED at Newall this 6020 day oY Mar: A.D., 1926. GLADMAN & STANBLIRY, Hama71 and Exeter. 11860-8 Etraa:.t•rs' Solid*ore. FLOUR Rob Roy, Pure Manitoba Flourat $4.15 5 peg j ba $3.85par bag $3a ba50 perg ' Chieftain, Ontario and Manitoba blended Flour. Clansman, for Pastry at Smaller packages at proportionate prices' Not better than the rest, but just as good as the best, and a whole lot cheaper ; also a home pro, duct. For sale at the leading grocers, or a phone call on 13 will bring it to your door. Rob Roy Mills,.Limited DOMINION STORES Ltd Seaforth-The Chain Grocery Stores of Canada OUR MOTTO -Cleanliness -Service -113 ounces' to the pound Puffed Rice,Choice rastry per package .. li Flour 24 lb sack9 9c • Pure Lard in Bulk 18c lb. Currants per 107 lb. c Seedless Seeded 1 Raisins')Raisins 19 per ib c pkg / c Valencia Raisins '')C per lb.. c Choice Prunes 2 lbs. 29c - Slick Hand Cleaner, 2 tins 25e Snap Hand Cleaner, 15c . Panshine, 3 tins 25c Old Dutch Cleanser 11c Princess Soap Flakes 19c 1 Gillett's Lye, 2 tins 29c Rinso, 2 packages 15c Ammonia, 3 packages 23c Laundry Soaps, 14 bars WOO Special Blend Tea, per lb. 45c Carnation Milk, large tin 12c15c Lux Kellogg's Corn Flakes 3 pkgs. 29c Toasted Globe Icing Wash- Cocoanut 20c Sugar 1 boards57C1per lb. 2 lbs. Canada's Largest Retail Grocers. -We pay highest Cash or Trade Prices for Shredded 14 is< AT, , >.i Il:ttr n .t1:1;e.vR'7d