HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1922-05-19, Page 3re +11011101.1 sitgtaille is of a 11 proved by LM14 bank. 7oaM9r fssi►h'Q it rho Isomer and to Who ildir 4r' itssig as Ipb itenee in file lam of 'lean i"itt RAvells mp�l�'San , apeman, odalrted to format it 1, sire,avai4 sot snob one dab our bvaacbes. Meostbk our local ut saK.. SEAFORTH BRANCH, . R. M. JONES, Manager. SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FOR REM'. $FHE HURON EXPOSITOR u'° 1w/mid" ma+s INee.a wiled ands by dlbe spray and ityylys•s etalble aoaaure or fertilises tio Um entire toed ,lo b lawn arbor &woo alg . meant* for restoring eeraplately Ohs vigor old emanwbh wiwpoiltirnaieof a weihkigAi darn. Dlid'17t1C8 MATTYl18 1AILDBOOD AILMJ1NTid Its ailment* of childhood— comile- tota, indngcstion, colic, colds, ete.— woe be quickly banished through tbo woe of Baby's Own Tablate. They two a mild ,bat thorough laxative rwl$tb inlleatly regulate the bowels and amino tis atoemade They are grarat- aasbeed to contain no banadal chase sad mon be given Co the youngest baby with 'perfe et safety. Concave, ins them Mrs. Alelde Lepage, Ste., i•eatrix, Que., writes:—"Baby's Own Tablets were of great help to my baby. They regulated her bowels pati rtomac-h and made .her plump and wail" The Tablets are sold by medi- cine lealere or by moil at 25 °cute a bort from The Dr. Williams' ldedi- oist .Co., Brockville, Ont. MMSLL A GOOD SI1tE AT FOUR- TEEN YEARS OF AGB Macy breeder' are afraid to buy stl bulls, ohough 'Linty know ,that it in only from the srnven sire.. Mart the best can be ,elected. Breed. sea roan get food for thought in the fest that the boll, Imported Champ- ion Power, owned by Joen Pringle, tendon, Canada, is s.gll breeding et the age of fourteen. Importe+l Champion Power has been in the show rings of Jersey 'eland and had n very hard time afbr importation W 'ibis country, but with care and exorcise is still working as well ae ewer at 111E eativanced age. 1114 i 0aogelriuls &ekeSpfillgtr to Youag`rattle. Investigational Work by Prev1aMaa Vdterinatians -... It Makeo Castes - tion and Dehorning Risky --Mora Research and' Expetrimenetbg Necessary/ (Contributed by &Mario Department 01 A1grtcu)ture. Toronto.) Receptly considerable sickness and looses bave been reported among cattle beifig fed on ensilage. )n same instances only a few animals have been affected en a partionlar farm. but to a few eases the looses have been serious, as one farmer is known to have lost 17 animals opt of a herd of 50 cattle. The frequenoy and peculiarity a these Mases baa led tib Depal}tment to have InveeUg$tOna and etperimenis made to detennbine I the kaase. Investigational Work by Ontario Veterinarians. UmI GARB Ila TEEM MA><IABE- 'File staff of the Ontario Veterinarsy ]lien, or Tut c aOwoor ('orle•ge have been in close tooth with the veterinary surgeons timoileltout WICKS , the pr'ovinee, and 'pliable inloua6tl Hou obtained as tbeit.lie prevailing. Do no* deed .baby A ick. 'oral sirn all scances cases investigation ttitiliave has e i. after they aro w balmsma old; matey.g ed the fact that the losses bass tinny,you can wart away ed are oevuseed among cattle fed extenetveler 72.(',.in them oc eccrine warmed water Most, then place a Mean peen or on sweet clover enailage which bae11 board on 'the floor of the brooder, become mouldy. Samples of the ea - or brooder house, and stpsiaklo sol- sciage were shipped to the Veterinary led oats that yoga ,hare crumbled' College, and experiments cent/tutted in your hands en tbae gaper, and dearly tudieated that mould; sweet clever ensilage was harmful 1e cattle. over i Gloats rather avarsyo. gaol Worm observations and information over the oaths so that taxa mill available of the present time, it would/ r9 til tis'' : / feed- ' coati as they will clean try m 15 oa ee mouldy, and that the reignited got scone Give t wt R rE appear that the harm is confined to be - Mg. Alert as stash o- taboo eat glover enMiage which bas Qe to YA minute, Ave tianae n day, feeding of it is Sable to cause death. removing theepapent after oath toed- YoungCattletheFirst to laueorwnb. Mg. When they are eve days old you It kr' an interesting tact Thal young can begin keeping a good growing mese before thews, and you can mix freer eomanerei'al baby thick feed with uhe oats, and gradually de- cria'-e the oats and iacrease the a- me:unt of chick feed until you have Orem changed from oats to chick Ned. It is all right to give buttermilk or sour milk, but do not ever give sour and sweet milk. too. Sour is beat. When the chicks are a week old is net too soon to begirt feeding green food, unless thy are mooing on the grass, when they will get plenty of it. A small amount of bone meal added to the mash will (help prevent leg weakneos, which is caus- ed h3 g feedin too muck Pat-prvduc- feedia and not enough muscle matte under three years of age areh the ones wkli puffer moat selesebe sad suceemb the quickest. In Illus- tration of this the case meatiOnedf where to a herd of 50 eatble nine b7 which died were ail yowng eaten un- der two years of ape and in Beed condition. No isemallnees had been prea- eat in the herd all after the feed- ing of the ensilage commenced, and the losses occurred within a few weeks. Apparently mature eaentitle.over tear years of age are able to withstand the ill efforts better than yellow; cattle. However, continued feeding of damaged sweet cover en - enrage may be harmful to cattle of aM ages. - --- --49.-se¢r 11 Makes ('a-wtration and Deborntngr, rind lone making food. Charcoal Dang0rOus. is •gsod fur their digestion, and pow- It is also interesting to note that derced cfnarooal can be mixed is the operations alien as dehorning and mash, or finely rut charcoal can be castration performed on cattle that WRY JOHN HAMiLL PRAISES kept in a hopper after they are two have been kept largely on mouldy we old. . sweet clover ensilage caused sodden DODD'9 KIDNEY P[i.LS' It is not best to keep grit in a' &oath in many cases, While the mane 'Whoa He Found The. His Wife1 beeper 'before them until they are ! operations similarly performed on. Found Relief. That's why he I east two weeks old, for they may eat ; cattle fed differently have not boon too much. Little chicks have to learn , followed by ill effects. The exact na.' Tells Sufferers to use Dodd's i eat an they should. ture of the poisonous factor Kidney }'ills. to The shover should be kept warm associated with the enailage, and the until they are old enough to be able • manner in which it produces barm- fitarietown, Sask., May lith. to do w•i.thout heat. Try to feed Iul effects is cattle and to cause their sial.)—Mr. John Hamill, a well known so that the chicks will be hungry at' death bas not yet been definitely, and ,highly respected resident here, is each feeding time, and do ,not teed determined, and any opinions ex- ri firm believer in Dodd's Kidney Pills, anything that is mouldy. If the pressed at the present time are based "I speak on behalf of my wife," Mr, on practical observations. More Research and Experimenting Required. In fact a large amount of intense` study, investigation and researeh will be necessary to obtain reliable con- clusions regarding the possible dan- gers incidental to the feeding of mouldy sweet clover ensilage, or as to whether sweet clover cut at cer- tain stages and under certain con- ditions develops harmful properties, as silage. In the meantime sufficient evidence is at hand to justify warn- ing farmers against the feeding of mouldy ensilage to live stock In order to avoid losses, and under no circumstances should operations in- cluding dehorning and castration be performed on eattle which are being fed on sweet clover ensilage if It appears mouldy. Such animals seem to develop marked vascular changes ere whish produce a tendency to internal hemorrhage resulting in death.—Dr. C. D. McGflvray, President, Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto. 'nand Used is foe- Cowpoke, ce-Cowpo e, OUou Vjc*1netf+$o "Reel Thing"..... Itaatern Otos Also Dsefn3—g,hi • Use ofSia is Beoon Popular With Breeder's .- eaa't .. native Eggs and Mites, toe. (Contributed by ©ntorie Deportment of {a,grtouftuze, Toronto.) Now She Doesn't Need The Doctor The ultimate object of the game Paten for .better sires is to tmpren' the quality of the beef and dairy herds of be country. To achieve the' ebjeot tt le eeoeaaarY, brat, to eiveto In the minds of farmer's ma nate-lest. In and a desire for a better class of c.ittie. Thiscannot be done by writ- lag and talking Moue. 'Fie Ideal way to create this interest would be to have the people mo stunber' of good cattle. Aa tele is seldom preeticab1e, the nest best thing is the ase et good piotur0s, It Is hs tide direction that we have found motion ptatures. useful. if yen can straw um audience, a number of reels of bbgh class Battle, yob, secure their .int'r.et immediate- ly, and when abown in pastures sbrel- i:u• to fie pastures In their own Herds the oaperol is very strong. .Vhs•rever such pie:tures have been shown. It has retreat, .I in a number ' the t edienee making enquiry .ibuut breedlag, teedlne and methods •d caving for catale to obtain the rest seen i te. water gets turned over, clean et 'ap, and guard against dampness. Sometimes brander pneumonia is mistaken for diarrhea. In fact, there is likely to be more or lose diarrhea with any baby chick ail- ment. If you feel theft you must give them medicine, three drops of refined carbolic acid in a quart of water, or a teaspoonful of camphor I to a quant of water, is as good' as anything. It is economy to pull the heads off of any very weak ones at the start, for they usually cause trouble. - •� The Simple Pleasure of Main St.— In a small town there isn't much to .do except wonder which of the local boys will marry this ear's school teachers.—Winnipeg Free Press. Bernill says, when asked the reason 'why. "She has been ailing for years. I bad doctors 'attending ,her but she didn't seem to get any better. "At fast I found Dodd's Kidney Pills and any wife found relief. She kept taking them from time to time. New she doesn't need the doctor. "Also since ohild'hood Mrs. Hamill leas been a sufferer from constipation. Bile found relief from that in Dia- mond Dinner 'Pills. Nine -+tenths of the ills that dog the pathway of suffering women come from diseased kidneys. Ask your neighbors if Dodd's Kidney Pills do' oat make strong, healthy kidneys, IRON SULPHATE TO DRIVE OUT THE DANDELIONS The Experiment Station of New York State is recommending the use of an iron sulphate spray for the +eradication of dandelions from the lawn which the Station experts as - nett is a cheap and effective method of exterminating, this pest without injury to the grass. '11he spray was' used for eight years on the Station grounds with satisfactory results. The spray solution is prepared by dissolving lei pounds' of iron sul- phate, also known as copperas or green vitriol and obtainable at any baadware or drug store, in 1 gallon of water. This amount of spray will cover about 375 square feet of lawn. The best results are secured when the spray is applied as a fine mist and is driven well down into the foliage by the use of a power outfit for large areas or one of the. small bucket or hand type of sprayers for the small lawn, it is asserted, al- though fairly good results are ob- tained when the spray is applied with an ordinary, sprinkling can. Since iron sulphate corrodes .metals, the solution should be made up in a wooden or earthenware vessel; and in applying the spray care should be exercised Ito prevent it from wetting cement or stone walks, building foun- dations, clothing, etc,, as it leaves a yellowish -brown stain which .is ex- tremely difficult to remove, A blackening of the grass im- mediately mmediately following each applica- tion should Hat occasion alarm as this will soon disappear if the .grass Its growing vigorously. According to the Station exports 'pie spray should be 'applied in May utast before the fleet blossoms 'appear with one or two other applications at intervals of ,Margie or four weeks. One •or two additional applications in Che late summer and fall may else be Inescessaa'y. If properly managed keep the lawn practically free from at GO menta a box or alx ,boxes for Children Ory dandelions. $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medi- �t�a FOR FLETCHER'S Reseeding Che br'a'e spots where cine Co., Brockville, Ont. I V A 81 O R l A RHEUMATIC TREATMENT This Trouble Can Only be Got Rid of by Enriching the Blood. In no disease does the blood become thin so rapidly as in rheumatism. Not only does it become 'thin, but it in loaded with rehum'atic poisons. With- out proper treatment these ipo:isons in- crease, tlfe general health is under- mined, the inflamed joints swell, and are very painful, and often the suf- ferer becomes crippled. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills build up the blood and enable it to ca'r't out the rheu.maltie poisons with the natural secretions of the body, thus driving out the pains and benefitting the gen- eral health. Sound proof of these statements is offered by Mee. George Stanley, Sparta, Ont., who says:— "For a number of years I was trou- bled with rheumatism, which ae tames was very painful. My general :health was also affected, and I could scarcely drag myself around. I had been doc- toring a good deal, but did not get. any better, until one day my daugh- ter lrovgght me a box of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. By the time these were used I could notice a slight .improve- ment, amt I continued taking bile pills until I had used about 'A dozen boxes, by which time I felt like a new per- eon—and looked like one. I could do my work with ease, and have since enjoyed the best of health. I have since reeomended 'Dr. Williams' Pink Palls to several others who re- ceived the same benefit as myself." The beat timeto begin taking Dr. Williams'illPink Pills is the mmmeent you 'feel the least bit out of sorbs. The sooner you do so the aoaner you will regain your old timeenergy. You can get these Mlle Omagh any aeepyimg every third year to said to medicine dealer or by mail post Maid '.!,ileo Pismires Have 'Mee Limits. tions. :.lotion pictures are ant well adapt- • ,1 for mucking sterile, , f type. It to 'n this connection that wo have found 'a:tt+'rn slides vanish!,. 'Fie elides • have 'deed have rncicd,•d allose -up .,iotnres Of Ideal rr lue,e istatives of .1i hreedu contrasted w16h slides Of tnde•:drable and 11 (1 .1..t:;lde types. ere of the most 1141 .•sting Is a ••-I0' showing a nomle,r of scrub the good bulls in which they bred and the re,rdting calves. in the next herr to has- , i1lhee a•titnuls ael,w:be Mere. In ei�.•-f, motion' piot,u9' - : ccuro the 'inn of the au,tR or. :vol create ,'• er.• for !:more H,i,,ratatiOn; San- :• rn • :,li•ie•s ttbuetmal.• types and -'lads 1letfon pirt.:re:, made oa ,tnio farms have, t.,ns used to los+rate the leadslu 6e.Y and daisy heeds. Wherever iereeeta groups of by one sir.- ;rye lurlrtded to show nniferntity alt I,io standard nr breed type. propelled to n' .1 o. picture of smarket animals : v :cine different Soaae Ox:trip: ..i rrado sews poor to fair ge.,ll'4 With their calves by high eta, Lail', showing masked intprovela't,l I,. ,.no gener- ation by the use. of .s e,ud sire, have loon srenred. It is b•rre'.1 to segue more of these as t!,• ar' the very hest of objeetlessons_ The Use of ❑a6o In an educational e.sntpalgo there are a climber of '-• ntials, One of which is to erects n: .`ate.rest in the minds of those you wish to influence. It is not an easy matter to reach the man who most requires instruc- tion. Bulletins ansi- other literature sent to him ofh'n Lind their way into the waste basket unread. Ile Is not easy to get ant to meetings where the matter is 1„ Ire discussed. The main object In ening these signs is to reach the roan who does not read bulletins or att'•u,l meelings. When he sees a sign en his nolghbor'a gate announcing Inc fact that a pure- bred hull is kept on that farm, It starts him thinking. If every farm where a. pure -In -v(1 bull Is kept is indicated in this way, natural curios- ity will as a rule lead a man to make inquiries. Such an .individual will probably have been claiming that his grade hull is just as good es the pure- bred, but he soon realizes that tf he keeps a hull and bas no sign up stat- ing that it 1s pure-bred, the Inference is that it fs inferior. The spirit of "Keeping up with the Joneses," while it may In some cases cause discomfort. Is a real fao- tor in human progress. When you get a man in a receptive frame of mind, you have accomplished con- siderable; In other words, you have fertile soil. The' mission of the gate sign is to create interest, and In this It is sneceedin:. Sn a great measure. —.T. E. Rettie. Assist. Live Stock Director, Toronto. Clover Seed Grown at Home Is Safest. Clover seed from Italy and other countries of similar climate produces plants that are not hardy in north- ern districts of Canada and the United States. In 1919 four and one- half millions of pounds of this seed came into the United States. This seed is not sold to farmers in the condition that It comes in,'becauee seed -houses know it is inferior and will not produce good crops. There- fore it is mixed with native clover seed and undoubtedly is the cause to a considerable extent of the un- satisfactory clover crops. The only way to be safe is to buy from reliable firms which w111 guar- antee the source of the seed or per - chase from growers in the immedi- ate vicinity. When purchasing direct from growers care should be exercised to secure seed free from noxious and otherwise troublesome weed seeds.— A. C. Arny, University of Minnesota. Keep Records. Adequate records are necessary to the emefent management of any busi- ness. The farmer. to be successful, must be a business man as well as a grower of crops and producer of live stock. As a business man he should have suitable business records. Uniformity Desirable. Every poultry raiser should make a study of the market demands. A uniform color of eggs and flesh In Poultry is desirable. A mixed Sock will not produce uniform eggs or meat. and eggs from each a Sock ora not desirable for hatching. v.T he'es?`t�r�ri.'W tea Altw�, .v. :'. 5l,uf o,di;.�. rd,:mph �ltz'4ua6't < �5,5:� tis.-luirv�.3s:lrall C'an't Have Frees and Mites, Too. Itot weatheer brings the roost mites. They multiply so fast that the hen -hoose 1s i,warmiltg with thein and the egg yield has dropped o al- most nothing, perhaps, ou realize what is the cause. Therefore, don't watt for !hien. Make the house disagreeable to these pests before they show thr ms"Ives. The proeess of keeping out the mites is one of 1.1te simplest in poultry culture. Kerosene will do it. It is easily ap- plied. either by a broad fiat paint brush or a spray. The paint Brush will save kern::,no, but takes time. The spray will sav^urtime and use iCe, but kerosene. Take 3'- naint or spray the roost and supports with kerosene l.e'fore the mites put in an appear,m''e. The morning to the best time, :.,s the roosts will be dry and much .,f the odor from the ell will have disappeared before the (tens return at night. Spray or paint every two weeks during warm weath- er. A good -sleet egg check every month keeps tire hall rolling. Don't let the mites get it. The New Farm Honse and Trees. 'When planning to build a farm house It is well to select a location near good trees. so that their shade may be used and enjoyed by the fam- ily every day during the summer. It takes Bo long to grow good trees that existing ons should be cherish- ed and utilized to the fullest extent. If trees must he planted they should not be placed directly in front of the farm house. but should be put some- what to each side so as to make a frame through which a view of a portion of the front 1s obtained. Obildsje� te-OOOrr FOR � .alta. When ►v we *.«.0 hope -10.0000J 04 buyer.a new Melon- . cL - Because we 'know lha:* c Hess, power .and unfaililag ability," and day -'in and satisfactory service, MeL ug i Buick is in a class by itself. But we know tliat we are not going: • to gain any buye.r's good will by selling him a usedrear that will dis- satisfy him. If the car is not fully satisfactory, he is going to blame uils as well as its manufacturer. We gain his ill- will and being McLauglhlin-Buick dealers, McLaughlin - Buick gains his ill -will also. - Therefof;e we are extremely careful what cars we take in trade for re- sale, and what is their condition when we let them go out. When you b=ay a used car from us you cola hno w definitely that you are going to get the fairest, squarest business deal — the deal that will satisfy you and keep you satisfied. A9 E. H. CLOSE, AGENT, SEAFORTH, ONT. B U'C a. _4 0 b, DUNLOP CORD TIRES FABRIC q "There°s something in the Quality of Dunlop Tires that's missing from other tires. Don't know what it is, but when I make that quick stop I know instantly I have Dunlop Tires on I" q One motorist thus spoke for himself. He really was speaking for thousands of car owners. q Live Rubber and Blest Egyptian Cotton go into Dunlop Cords and Fabrics. No shoddy. no skimping. The day of the short -mileage tire is gone; the day of the high -mileage tire is here; and when "tire -mileage" is up for discussion now, yon find the word "remarkable"` generally precedes a reference to DUNLOP. DUNLOP CORD TIRES DELIVER THE MOST MILEAGE—ARE SAFEST TO USE Dunlop Tire & Rubber Goods Co., Limited Head Office and Pactetiea: Termite ,, .,.o4 v ,t 7r' i„1si,.'t, Ml e,tfs+nFl9. Z,1„•1`�?'6iaS�,, ,.tN`•,';1,,.. r a9,.