HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1922-05-12, Page 6qRA q r -- _•_ .. --
t .I. w ^•*• - MwMr t4•hnNr ',,q
v7'":, (JQURT mended as among the beset. Grout e ; '
r v ,. l,. � „. nth; wad,; ' r*
•.. v the abeea that want. Get tl
Pot psopie V WAteh
wi oma rd be- � .. �'
all e. Deo
i tin.
'� s e from I is Bed YTe Y m disease, t
& N ' +h . nd tlr
'�+ aril xt
-�iru ere -..4 a '�erbte
`igen to zua'lta eiocuise.
1 wile, Select it rigorirusly. Treat it t es and •PYoolamwtians ii
"Your worship, I was only taking with fungicides 'before cutting:. Use voFi6 4ruage, reports ,a le.
r ; i. , my modlher in-0aw for a (little Airing .large fresh *late, infer rg.:bW- detectives, dial es an,
`when all 04 a sudden she had a sling
of a At, and I had to step on the Seed cash seunt@-•there Arae a dubtet L
e loess to get her to the doctor In 'a m'anY 'rl le' houses, and demandf
+hurry. He says it's her heart Potatoes require a.•lot of work and an°nYru+2na ,or .boldly signed, wet
.,..� a � "Five dollars and costs," intones his attention and like other worth whit made in the press of Dublin and Lon
r worship. Newt!" -hangs, pay back most when edhey re don that all 'private' documents it
the erchioea of the Castle should lr
"Your 'honor -I mean Your worship cfr+e it. Plow and work the soil, de rod by some respon;"hie, b)inl
i --dropped in at limovie. I came out .make it friable, work it thoroughly authority, But nobody appears t,
the Victoria street exit and clean for- until the necessary .tilt" is obtained. have stag the courage to sot un i
i t got I'd my oar parked on Yonge, and A clover sod, top -dressed, with ten became vide t the ocher la
I took the street oar (home, You see, buns of barnyard manure, plowed in 9 th Y tba'
h.;, il the eyes of the 'enemy' would see i
, it was a swell show -and it made such early Autumn and .thoroughly Spring all Titer the auto da fe `of bh
p a impression on me—" woo iced, makes a good seed ie:i for e$
�,. a "That impression will cost you ten pr:atoes. Should your ;and need possibly eloquent witnesses was or
Vit,. � dollars," the magistrate observes un- •none fertility feed it with putmo fur- ""Of course,, there are other records
feelingly. "Next. tiliArrs. g Up
"I'm left-handed your worship. How Planting. °f the teat duel fought in the v
courtyard in lief 3 between the sous
+ did I know I was on the wrong sed ins, Connor MaeGornlack O'Connoi
(,� of the street, and anyway those white Flc,nt as soon as the file r.1 l warm
lusts didn't mean nothing to me! I emu:g Do not allow the see! to get and Teague Kilpatrick O'Connor, it
.T,rI __--__ ._._�.-_-_ -lie from the other side. Eh? Oh, •'h:litd before covering. PI ulUng !)is- ++'Ids Teague cut off the head of big
chine; are satisfactory. MAL- the cousin and pres,•I,jed it on the pokfr
I I noticed, them, yes; but I thought y' of his srworfi t„ thv Court and -the
you painted them that way just for r ,v:; s' :glt and from SJ G 36 inches
1, s effect_____" apart. Thi, will cheapen -you; e,st • Lord Justices Im-nt as a sign .than
IT This one drew thre bucks and a of f,u:3uctiun. Plant the seed about Judgment •hed been decided by
warning. The roster continued. t -«rhes deep and from 12 :o 11 inches Heaven.
_�:�,, 00 "Ilhere was a time When no win(
THiSS Seemingly, it was without end. "Your ala:'" was served at banquets; the gaesti
b; reverence," "your excellency; "your• Cultivation.
{,,;. merely armed ch.-in,i•Ives with gen
7 "judge" "my lord," platin `misterBrous • oble
Fi: I "judge" and "sir." l was a Friday,�!"�'''+`' the potato 5e•d +c;th thv -goblets a.,.l, descending into tit
1 g 1
j �,,.,,.,tFir• harrow tethers the yon•( cellars, drew from the .butts their
which, as the inspector said, was al- 6 g favorite r This ways the day uP the biggest haul. p!:,r.c; :appear and once 't{,.;r they aro band. 1'.,i, caused cased
Sometimes .,u many as 1G0 cases are "0 ibeer the plants w!.It three. stable waste, a- thv spigots were no'
disposed of then. ;nchis of soil when thre: inch••s a- always 'turned orf. The custom o'.
,It c LEONA!? If you can't uffjrd that carathis have the ground. The rear d,:cs on Placing chairs fw• those who tarries
'w: . �r rM) year don't .mope. Go down and spend tit"' ,"'tato planter do the; best. Use long at the bin:, was discontinue(
a u `+ a few minutes in the traffic ouur•t !'orsv cultivator after every rain :end, by the 'Duke of Ormonde, the Lor(
f' RELIEVI,'�, 11.'AFNESS and counting our blessings and the rue- :tt least every ten days until the I Lieutenant of t'hctrles II., who an
1.STOi:s HEAD NOISES sidle fines u'll escape. e. There, ;in a Plran[s crowd you out. Threw sod trounced with trvo Irish wit that ht
"Rub it in Back of the Earn" lar a room filled with stern manis- towards plants with each cultivation, would not encourage .his guests tc
(Never Pat in Ears) terial atmosphere, policemen, rep,rt- pilling them so that the tutees ar•, drink longer tb:u, they could stand
aur would tie l.• rrspjr„ible for then
II Insert in Nostrils ors, lawbreakers, interpreters and cur- all ++-ell covered. death by dm++•ring.
d-, ne.fa®e is asntty hevvd by ious public, may be found much con-
sin,plstreatmentRitht."wneHEnroil. Spraying. "dt is doubtful, however, if the Olt
sti.i.d instrnettons by . noted Far solation for the car -less. For the records could have produced anythinl
8ped.list to,diRerent sends of Deaf- Bae acareless-well, that's something else Spraying is safe insurance that more tragic Head Not- in hr+a gic than an event which tool
rwItaae. Leonard Isar oil ie not m again• pays its own premiums. Start spray- place in the fins decade of the pres
ezperiment. bat has Ind . eucee.sf.l The court proceedings are enliven- ing in July and keep all the foliage ent century which, for a time, threat
sale .Ince 1907. 'You moot eaord to rY,
be deaf.^ THY THIS OIL tt h.e ed front time to time by some cogent covered with Bordeaux and poison or sued to blwght ,mer ancient noble "oust
I` helped thousand. of people, why not rernark, in the accents of Erin, from dust fungicides throughout iia sv.e•on with scandal and actuallydrove tt
roar Deeerivd- dttnlaraponre -I.; the iwpevtor. until t -he first frost kilgs the '.Ilsease an untimely grav,• a noble Irish gen
MADE IN CANADA '"What kind of a kair was it?" is a spot
LB.BcAingtonCo-WeitAteutsjorento A Certain. This ++a, the robbery of tht
frcyis interjection of his. Harvesting. jewels „f King William IV,
A. O. IPONAND, Inc., Idhs•, 70 5thAl.. N.r.Clty Crown
His worship knjw; well the def- who had sen; thvm over from th,
Terence between a reason and an ex- Harvest immature plants for seri. Tower of London in 1830 that rhes
For Sale By cuss. The former, while effective us- Dig potatoes in dry weather. When might serve is regalia for the in
E UMBAC I, Seaforth. wally, is nearly always prosaic. It's disease is present leave them in the vestiture of nv+v Kni its of St
and all good druggists. in the' excuses that imagination, ready ground until a frost *occurs if pus- Patrick. They rvnsisted of a (Ila I
_, resourcefulness, and humor of a dis- Bible. When the soil is very dry lava badge and a Iarge diarnund 'star, al
tinctly refreshing brand are to he t}e digger move a lot of clay an that. I of an .intrinsic +'slue of about a quar
--- . __ _ -_.-_ found. The inspector is reported to the potatoes may not be injured by ter of a •milli„n djllars, but histori
YEING•have said that a sizeable handbook the machine. Handle all potatoes as 1 sally and sencinrrntally worth muss
might be made of these excuses -no carefully as eggs. Every bruise low- I more. They m-rr kept in a century
two of whirl are ever exactly alike. urs their value and renders thorn I old safe in the „ffi(e of the i"Ilste
` On a recent Friday the following it- more susceptible .to disease. Allow I King of' Arm,. Not to this day ha:
'.'' ems were jotted down offhand out them to sweat in the open and give 1 any trace of th"•nr been discovered
of a total of a hundred and more . them good ventilation and cool not even .the slig:htest clue to the
YOU will be astonished at the re- cases. quarters for storage. Potato tuber:; mystery has b,•en found by the mos
sults we get by our modern sys- Motorist's wife had just -presented must ,have air to live. skillful detectives.”
tem of dyeing and cleaning. him with twits, and he was hurrying —_�
Fabrics that are shabby, dirty or home to see them when cop held him
spotted are made like new. We can up. MOtorisk hinted to court that STUDY TOUR FOR BOYS,
reapers the most delicate articles. '.MAYBE ADAM LAUGHED AT
1 cop must be a bachelor.
-' Send one article or a parcel of Motorist hits a rag)•'and-bone w•hg.,n THESE About .the best thing a father car
goods by post or express. We will with two Jews in it. He stops, gets do for his boys is to encourage then
(° I pay carriage one way,and out and gives Jews card containing Where the "S" Counts -Eve from to 'travel and see something of tht
'I are most reasonable his name and address as he thought. ( world, before they become too keenly
g the bushes): "Adam, dear, close engrossed in commercial life. Trave
When you think of clean- Turns out that what he gave them your eyes so that I can come home."
ing and dyeing, think of was a hat -check. Proprietors of Adam: "Wlhrn
Iat's the -matter, is a great educator -it enriches th"
PARKIER'S. damaged wagon fail to see the humor own?" Y mind and fits the youth to better fit
in the situation. his place in life. A normal boq i;
Eve: "I've been A. W. O. L."-
Corner -cutter fails to 'honk warning observant -he assimilates and retain,
g Dirge. g gives 'him his op
Parker's and runs over a woman's foot. "Didn't knowled e. Travel
r r. see the rest of her." Juxta Portunity-it fits him for every phast
�Q position -On one of ;the tomb- in life.
9<;r; a Or+w Young man hastening to wedding stones in an old New -England come- A tour of Europe is at present be
].,united when cop holds him up for "exceed- tery appears the following inscription: ing organized under the personal sup
geaners and Dyers ung" Gives as excuse that bride is "Here dies Jonathan Steele, good and ervision of Mr. T. H. Matthews, M.A.
stickler for punctuality, and super- upright c!t!zen. Weighed 260 lbs. (Oxon) Assistant Professor.of Math
791 Ytmge St. stitious as well. Didn't t to
ss Tomato wanOpen wide ye golden gates!'' --Ex- erratics, McGill University, and latt
"keep ,her waiting at the church," change. Inatructor-Lieutenant, Royal Navy
' Motorist color-blind, can't tell dif-
.il l,. ference between red and In addition local guides will be secures
green -light. Resignation Called For-Wifie (en- to conduct excursions and give lee.
- Ran into rear 'of another car. Guess- thusiastically)-"I saw the most gor- tures on the artistic, -historic, •literary
MAKE MONEY es he'll buy glasses now. genus chiffotties .to day, dear. But, and economic significance of the sight:
F Man fails to return to scene of of course, I know we cannot af- ,seen and the places visited.
AT HOME mishap Says he did return but no ford- A most careful]
t", mishap could 'be found. Declares it Hubby (resignedly)-"Wlhen have retesting itinerary tally
lbeen arranged
' , "musk have moved away." they promised to deliver it?" -New Including visits to Montreal, Liver
Driver up for mud on his number York Sun. pool, Chester, Stratford -on -Avon, Ox
plate. Declares he "bathes the old ford, London Paris, Versailles, Fon
$15 to $60 paid weekly for boat once a week." His worship re- Taking It Seriously -"So she didn't tainebleau,'R1teims,.Lyons, Marseilles
1' commends semi-weekly ablutions. accept you when you proposed?" Cannes, Nice,
;, Our spare tllIle writing Young Englishman hi hl wadi "She sure did." Mona�b Mentotte, Gen
y p g highly g- as, Pisa, Rome, Naples, Sorrento
l,, rant that he is charged with tnavel- "But you said she threw you down." Capri, Pompeii, Vesuvius, Florence
eEoweards for us. No can. ling at thirty miles. "W'y, the 'ole "She (Lid, •and held sue there till I Venice, Trent, Innsbruck, Munich, tit
vassing. We instruct and sardine -can won't ger 'arf that fastl gave her the ring." -Stanford Ohapar- Passion Blay at Oberammergau, Nur
Come outside an' try 'er yerself, my ral• Broberg, Mayence, the Rhine, Cologne
supply you with steady work lull!" Brussels, Louvain and Ostend, return.
''"' Strictest bur Read This Twice -A count,
- `ilVest-Angus Showcard Ser- g I ever was in," says Y-'Fn'ed ing through London and Liverpool.
an American speedster, as he coughs woman was visiting a hotel in the
vice, Church & Colborne Sia p g cit for her first ,time. One morning This exceptional tour starts iron
: up fifteen dollars and costs. "Why, a Y g Montreal on Saturday, June 24th
car's more bother there than a wife!" the manager of •the hotel asked her g Quebec, by the splendii
'Toronto. calling at
-Girl speed demon "didn't dream she what she thought of the service. White Star Line Steamship "Canopic'
r, was endangering human life." Hs "The service is all right" she said, .(12,100 tons.) A period of approxi
•; worship applies the screws to the "but I wonder why the 'guests adver- mately two months will .be occupies
tune of ten dollars and in ests th t tise :their rrjisfortunes." b the tour as b the itinerar th
a rousing nightmare and not amere
`"What do you mean?" ,the ma7o-
return .trip is made from Liverpool
dream might "wake her up."
ager asked.
by the fine steamship "Regina" (16;
Motorist jams boy on bicycle against
'Just listen a 'minute and you'll
600 tons), arriving at Montreal or
a :post. Was trying to
g get past a
find out" she replied.
August 26th.
truck to catch a train. Pleads "Be
And presently
Y page boy was
The arrangements for this tour are
lenient, your excellent I
y; gotta sick
'heard calling out: "Mrs. De Vere,
Mr. Mrs.
most complete and ,the char
P gee whisk
Carr! De .Vere, Mr. Carrl
is a minimum one, covers everything
Driver intoxicated while in charge
Mrs. De Vere, Mr. 'Carr!" -Judge.
in .the way of transportation, hotel.
of a car. Remarks plaintively: "Itshl
accomodation with three meals a day.
a hard world-'hic--on a poor orphan.,,
The bee eoper's problem at the
beginning of the honey flow .is to
transfers, siglrt-seeing fees, in brief,
Out-of-tOwn Motorist accused of
all necessary travelling expenses for
trying to bribe a traffic cop. Admits
quire over thirty-five. millions acres
of land and produce over five billion
the entire tour. ,
that a clear conscience is better than
The Dramatic entrance of Michael
Apply to any agent of the Can.
a -Pull vjit'h the police.
Ca'lins and other members of the iris"
adian National Railways for further
Ward from the city hall: Now that
Provisional Government into Dublitri I
the motor season is upon us; absolute_
Castle ,recently when they called will
. -
Iy no quarter to be given speed
meet the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland
given from experiments ori "Sped
recalls many grim as well as roman-
tic episodes .that .Lave taken place in-
`� I
side its walls since its erection by an
The control of swarming is one of
illegitimate son of Henry II. in the
the most important factors of bee -
] S CaY•
thirteenth century. It ,has, at var-
Potatoes 'are easily grown. They !ous times, gone under the ,lurid so-
keeping. Swarming is the natural
method by which bees increase, this
ct}t,C >P
are a very valuable cheap food. In
briquet of Hell's Half Acre", and
causes a division of the working force
one form or another they .are want- "the Irish Bastille." When Swift was
ed on everybody's table, every day, Dean of St. .Patrick's, the declared
of the colony which in turn is a hind -
ranee tothe beat results in honey .pro-
' . . OFFICER$:
everywhere,, throughout "the civilized
that the Statue of Justice, which for
J. Connolly, Goderic'h - - President
as, Evans, Beechwood vice-president
world_ Potatoes have been cultivat- two centuries had adorned the pedi-
ed by Europeans .fir a little over ,hent of the main ,gate, sat with her
The bee eoper's problem at the
beginning of the honey flow .is to
T. E $agar Seaforth - Seeq-Tteas.
three hundred years. They now re-
face to the Viceroy and her back to
prevent a division of the lvorking force
quire over thirty-five. millions acres
of land and produce over five billion
the people.
There was a great bon -fire created
of the colony' and, at the same time,
to maintain bhell stoning instinct of
Alex, Laltob2IL It. No. 1, Clinton; Z&
bushels Of food annurdly. The .aver.
'age this
before the Castle was evacuated by
the bees to :the btmoat degree.
Hifrchley, John N rrayy
Drueefleld phone 6 on 187, Seafora;
yield of crop is about 144x,¢
bushels per acre. The average yield
the Lord Lieutenant and .his retinue,
according to Walter Littlefield, writ-
Colonies do not 'all behave alike as
to swarming. Some colonies ,make no
,••' I.. W. Yeo Goderich; R, G,. Jana-
It K t �th, 8l'odrhagen,
in Canada is about 164% bushels -per
sere. The following suggestions are
Ing in the New York Times, and
"ashes of burning documentg ,were
attempt to smarm even i swarming
is general; Other colonies Buil-1 respond
9� I - WammRB.
given from experiments ori "Sped
seatteerred over dhe apeetatora outside.
to aim -pie preventive aneasurea ,while
. ;rt Wiltiam Minn, D1to, 'g�•13eafostb• Jolt;t
enaoviries, $rod'bpghn asilins walls,
PobtAo� do
the archives of the Castle not
only contained State documents, but
others will pen§ist in .warming until
the stoning instinct is completely sub.
�y� e,
o-�� ;.4 TNceartn k 8 swarm
u 4ttbyppoil-I. fMcl?3tlbA, (3"tool Jas,
beat in a warm rich,
deep sandy loam Boll. TJrey require
a 'lost of Moisture and should have
pri p pturedwibh
also the vete papers ca
varvous Imieh patriots •tram the mar-
lone daya of Robert Em7r'et ,sired Lord
Ordittated and ,the desire to swarm ka
t „ r p L iI r• .
rh ¢ d, ;
good well drained soil.
Edward Fitzgerald_ down to .the pree-
ent day; )t may imagined that the
�Swarmin.g may often be .prevented
by the introdi fction of a young queen
early in
°•;tY',h,p i i ''
, .
7,rlite 441ts dike., The seed poba£e collection was un$que. When in Abe '
.the season; giving gdenty of
room for ,rmaltimum brood production
t ,,. . ...
__. - .,,,
,. ., ,.. ,., ,.
�. •- ,vt.; mr ."t+' �"F'rt. c"c*4*"'r L ,r>,,....e, _"� .r �iiyw ;,,,7,et eF'-ir' :�
e giving d u while and' gen -.:' Nwhirh tri ,a .. , : , `. H•., l � , s
lwton duriflg the t petit of the, &(cater loss "tc' l to I / a111"
iteaN4tr; (sun$ s Yew aAlrb; of eln9rg- his west and 1to-lRd�n.. Tem letOI1 S ,.�
ing. brood, to a atuper t or. Wuee .Dight .or nine inoh£s eso al `', ` f1041,
,k P rippoaoo S" grazed intently at tine pJaCo .Ri hetfitiltlatic Ca 810Xfd> .tit
weelea' 3 dtiocesron to t+e1ieve eon'
tj�ynof' lebrood'•tiihA��n, or•abithetlme algin,had been ,punowr4- t . '
the stout flow Comltlayiticetii atinite's Pangs. In a �w mo>pe�t d t► 4;.t a 4111 ether Rhea�tettip.11
+Colpnles that 'have i nil#e advanced small amount of yellow atattdr ", alt', combined fo> '(thea .
Preparation for swarming by hsvwg aged from the wounds. It was �` .' i, 1+1,euritia, !Neuralgia,
larvae in queen cells often: requite poison: He suffered no after' effects: 9 �ugobapI 1., ote. ; y-1
more drastic treatment. °
_ atoliid t�4R 0,4 prescribe them,
In localities where the awamniAg gIsfl AW them. Write
season is short the separation of queen , Y?r fret t F t4"tpletgn, Toronto.
and brood is usually effetstive. All Soldiers of Fortune
13g1d by :W '(Ttp�ulell.
brood is taken from the brood cbamr1r b
of and placed in a super above a•queen lin Waltwt 1# '.
excluder. .The brood chamber is tion I (Continued from page 7) « k,
W ,:
filled+with empty combs and the queen mall. At a point a+herp¢ be thought P ,
with some of the :bees from .the brood ,he could • dismount -in safety and tear
camha are lest below in the brood down the wire he came across It T�anghant h'sd ,galloped on 'aid
chamber. A)) queen cells in the sup- i dan'ggrag from the, branches and lis, and as the ,passed through the trees
er containing the 'raised brood can be gave a sbout of relief. He eau o and came out upon ,the beacky she saw
destroyed nine days litter. the loose end and dragged it free 'a broad stretch of moonlit water and
A more etfect!ve method is to re- from its support, and then laying it the lights from the yacht shining
move the queen from the colony at I across a rock pounded the .blade of from a Point a quarter of a ,mile off
the time the first active queen cells -his knife upon it with •a atone, until shore. Among the rockw-ou she edge,
are discovered and to destroy the cella. I Ile had hacked off a -piece some •fifty of the beaeh was the "'Vestals" long=
Nine days later again examine 'the feet in length. Taking this in his boat end -her crew seated in it or
colony and destroy all queen cells and hand he mounted regain and rode off standing about on the beach. 'Trite
introduce •a young laying queen. with it, dvagging the wire in the road , carriage -had stopped under the pro- a
It is a good plan :to keep the behind .him. He held it up as he re- tecting shadow of the trees, and he
queen's wings clip ed for should a raced .bac toward it.
swarru emerge the Teen will , e n a joined Clay, and laughed triumph- k ,
g b anbly. They(ll have some trouble ; `"The yacht is :here,' he cried. "The
able to fly and will it to the ground splicing that circuit," he said, "you long -boat is waiting and .chore is not
when she leaves the hive, The queen only half did the work. What would- a sign of light about .the cusiom-
must be found and caged while 'the n•'t we give to know all this. little house. :Come on," .he cried. "We
swarm is in the air and the parent piece of copper knows, eh?" have beaten them after .a11 f'
colony moved to a new stand. A new "'Do you mean you think they have � A sailor, Who had been acting as
hive to ilia
sheets tof(lfoundati foundation with drawn
s Placed on theis or full
telegraphed to Los Bwer atelegra " + lookout on ,the full height, and shouted to the group ..
"I know that they were telegraph- #
vacant stand and the swarm will re- .ing to San Pedro Stria as I left and I around the :long -boat, and King came
turn, when the queen gun be replaced to all the coast towns. But whether • up the beach toward them running
and allowed to run in with the swarm, you cut this down before or after boav'I through .the deep sand.
The suffers from the -Parent hive is what I should like •-to know." Madame Alvarez stepped dower
should be •given to the swarm. All ""We shall probably learn that lab from the carriage, and as Hope hand -
queen cells except one should be de- ere" said Clay, grimly. ed ,her her jewel vase In silence, the
strayed in the parent colony 4o pre- The hast three miles of the journey t Intel' d,+aped her cloak about her
Sent afterswarms, or all cells may lay over a hard, smooth road, wide 'shoulders. She put out fie, trend t0
be destroyed and a young laying queen enough to allow the carriage and its them and as Clay took it in, bis, she �
introduced. escort to ride abrekst. It was in bent her head qu!ekly and kissed his
—----.'. such contrast to the tortuous paths 'hand. "You were this friend," she
they had just followed, that the '-murmured.
HANDLING DEADLY SERPENTS horses ained a fresh impetus and She (held 'Hope in her arms for an
galWhat is the mysterious power that then race. hadbut just as freely
Y as though herr hand in turn kissed o Langhaand m anen dve
snake -charmers of India ill Id .over Madame Alvarez stopped the car- Met -Williams. .
deadly serpents? Is it a power. pe- riage at one place and asked the men "1 do not know whether I shale
culiar to certain natures, or a power to lower the hood at the back that she ever see you again," she said, took -
which could under training be per- might feel the fresh air and see a- ing slowly from one to the other,
fected by anyone? If so, what train- bout her, and when this [had been "but I will pray for you every day,
ing? And what or who is there !n done, the women seated themselves ,and God will reward you for saving ,
Lhassa who teaches the use of ,this with their backs to the horses where a worthless life." As she finished
power? they could look out at the moonlit spooking King came up to the group
These are some of the questions rand as it unrolled behind them. followed by three of his men.
asked by •'A. K." a contributor to Hue felt, selfishly and wicked( ' "Is Hope with you, is she safe?"
P y he asked,
Cornhill Magazine after describing .hanpy. The excitement had kept her
remarkable performances which -be, a spirits at the highest point, and the `"Yes, she is with me," Madame A1 -
,senior official in the Indian civil ser- knowledge that Clay was guarding varez answered. -
vice, along with a senior commission- and protecting her was in itself a "Thank God," King exclaimed,
ed officer in the Imperial service and-leasure. She leaned back on the breathlessly. "Then we will' start at
a departmental head of one of the euslions and put leer arm around the once, Madame. Where is she? She
civil departments of government, wit- older woman's waist, and listened to roust come with us!"
nessed. the light beat of his pony's hoofs out- But Hope protested. "I must go
The writer had seen several exhi- side, now running ahead, now back to father," she said. "The
bitions of Nawab Sahib's skill when scrambling and slipping up some yacht will not arrive until late to -
the latter had gone out into his gar- steep place, and again coming 'to a morrow, -and the carriage can take t.
den and gathered u cobras and de me to him five hours earlier. The
A halt as Langham or MacWilliams call -
posited them in a pot without the ed, "Look to the right, bebind those family crave worried too long about
use of any musical instrument. He trees," or "Ahead there! ,Don't me as it is, and, besides, I will not
simply concentrated his gaze on the see what I mean, something crouch- ]cave Ted. I am going back as I
snake then picked it up and placed it ing ?" came." •
in the pot. Afterwards he drew the She did not know when the false "It is most unsafe," King urged.
poison fangs from the serpents and alarms w,nId burn into a genu!ne On the contrary, it is perfectly
grave them to fakirs and beggars who attack, .gut! she was confident that safe now," Hope answered. 'It was
make a business of so-called snake- not one of us they wantld."
when the time came the would take„
�charming. Nawab Sahib did not give care of her, and she welcomed the You may be right,” ({ing "'siid
demonstrations for •mer because it brought, Blit, that solace oney and .he dao "They don't know w,h�t has :happened
practised no . flummery in capturing with it, to you, and perhaps after all it would '
wild snakes. "A. K." describes the Madame Alvarez sat at her side, be better if you went :hack .the qu.ick-
modvs operandi:- rigid, silent, and beyond the help of er way." He gave his arm to Ma -
"The (Lame Alvarez and walked with her
"The Nawab stood, with right el -
e, comfort. She tortured :herself with toward the shore. As the men sur -
bow -and arm pressed against his side, thoughts w the ambitions she brad rounded her on every side and mov-
his right hand raised o his head, and
d .held, and wt vera morning; of tthe ed away, Clay glanced back at Hope
one of his fingers closing his right mocked. that very and saw her standing upright in .the
ear. All he required wase earthen chivalric love that .had been hers, carriage looking after them. t' I
,gharra, or pot, to carry the captured of the ,life even that :had been hers, g g you in a minute,"
snakes, and a cloth to tie Ever the and which had been given up for her "We will be with
mouth of the pot when any snakes so tragically. When she spoke at all ,he called as .though in apology for
were inside." He also carried a few it was to murmur her sorrow .that leaving her for even that brief space. 1
grains of rice in his left hand. He Hope •had exposed herself to danger And then the shadow of- the trees
shut her and the carriage from his
moved slowly along, ,his head bent on her poor account, and thather life, ',
slightly forward, and now and then as far as she loved it, was at an end, sight' eels footsteps made no sound
he would hesitate, as if listening. My Only once -after the men had parted in the soft sand, and except for the
friend, myself, and a few .privileged the curtains and asked concerning her whispering of the palms, and the
servants followed a few paces behind, comfort with grave solicitude did she sleepy .wash of .the waves as they
talking, if at all, only in a whisper. give way to tears. ran up the .Pebbly beach -and sank
Suddenly, after a moment's besita- 'sWhy are they so good to ane?" again, the -place was as -peaceful and
tion, be made a dart to one sire and she ,moaned. "Why are you so good silent as a deserted island, though
seized by the tail a cobra .that was to me? I am •a wicked, vain woman. the 'moon made it as bight as .day.
wriggling away in the grass. This I -have .brought a nation to war and The long -boat had been drawn up
was duly consigned to the pot. Num- I have .killed the only .man I ever with leer stern to the Shore, and the a"
ber one! 'We had the compound to trusted„' 'men were already In their ,places,
search, and did not stop to extract Hope -touched "er gently with her some standing waiting for the order
fangs or to tease the cobra and make land and felt -guiltily how selfish she to shove off, and others .seated bal-
it sit up and expand its hood. With- herself marst .be not .to feel the we- anicing,their oars. . .
fin fifteen minutes we •had five cobras -man's grief, but she could not. She King had arranged :to fire a rocket i
in the pot. Apart from the actual only saw in it a contraet to her own when the launch left .the shore, in ,(,-
capture, it ,takes some skill to psi- happiness, a black background before order that the captain of the yacht
suede an angry, venomous snake, held which the figure of ,Olay and his As lie might run in closer to pick them up.
aloft .by the Maid, to go into a dark solicitude for hcalled .to his er shone. out, the only chis d down kid ,beach, he
pot! Once the head is well inside the fact in the world that was of value. boatswain to give the
pot, the rest of the snake seems to Her ,thoughts were ,interrupted b signal, and the :man answered that
follow easily." the carriage coming to a halt, and a he understood and stooped to light a
When the match. King ,had jumped into the
Party returned to the significant movement upon the part stern and -lifted Madame Alvarez af-
bungalow the Nawab explained that of the .men. MacWilliams .head de- ter pan leaven
fie had some .power of so disturbing scended from the box -seat and step- g her late oscomt
any snake within the orbit of its in- ping into the carriage took the lace standing with uncovered heads on the
g p
fluence that it would come forth and the women ,had just nett' :beach behind .her, when ,,the rocketshot up into the calm white air, ,with
w carburet. The power, he claimed, He he a carbine in ,his :hand, and a Thar and a rush and a sudden flash
was projected Through his eyes. he after he was seated Langham handed of color. At the same -instant, as `
a proof of the latter statement the him -another which he laid aaroea :his ,though in answer rto its challeri
Nawab ,bent over the pot containing knees. the woodli back o4 them burst int
the writhing snake, -and, looking fix. They thought I was too d Cher " an irregular line of flame, a volley
idly at them, put :his ,hand, ill maul- ons on the box to do any good there," of rifle shots shattered the silence,
ing the snakes about at fits will. first he explained in a confidential whisper. and a score of bullets splashed in
be would lift the head of one to the "In case there .is any firing now, you
tothe water and on .the ,rocks about
p and then the otter. Someone ladies want •to get down on your teem.
spoke to him -and the looked up. At knees there at -my feet, and :hide your The boatswain in the bow of
'once his arm seemed ,to jerk and he heads in .the cushions, We the
are en -
cried out in pain. "All, I am bitten." tering Los Bocos." long -boat tossed up :his arms and
The snake had struck .him, while the Langham and Clap were riding far patched forward between the thwarts.
Give way, he shouted as bre fell.
in advance, scouting to the right and "ill;' Clay yelled, 'Spmll, all of
left, and the carriage moved noise your,
lessly behind them through the empty
streets. There was no light in'
any (Continued next week.)
of the windows, and not even a do'g
barked, or a cock -crowed. The wo-
omen asit erect, ,listening for the first
signab of an attack, each holding the r"
others hand and looking at MaeWil-
flame, who sat with hie, thumb. on ,
the trigger of his carbine, .glancing
Ter to the right and deft and breathing e e
quickly. H49 eyes twinkled, like'
( those of a little fox terrier. The men
dropped back, and drew
up on a, level
with the carriage. I
"We are .all right, so far," ClayOLNMI
whispered. ((` The beach slopes down - r
from the oilier aide of that line of ®c'
trees. What is ,the •m'attet w1th
{' you?" 'he demanded auddemly,.>look- I1OC ��1�{�S
��'�+, p in up at the drivel, l�ta3 qon ��YtrIdY"
' No," ithe man �w*wered, ,lrurhied=
irakinggl "it's dw �cald'" -
i _
q, .his voice s
. _ d 1 41I
r ' " w 'l±�
.,. ,c,, ,, , ..kit1$! tivt6e ,vt6',",Z R�yita 5e', , he ui�,in'tiu4r.N�. ft, ';.. i, .,_ . ..> ,.:,. w.:.�.... :-