HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1922-05-12, Page 5e • 4 • 41 jflI bu8 buel. { - toll )t+$$' , ton REAM MARKET 'lhrento, May 9th, - Beane, Cnndfan, and-6dak.d, bushel, 54.25; Primes, X8.70 te to 2,8e $1.25 $1.29 $rbc $80.00 $80.00 DAIRY MARKET Toronto, May 8M -.Cheese, new, thine, 37 .to lfl§e; twine, a7% to Seel iri01848 18/b to 190. old, large 51e; tondos, 2a>� to 22e; 9tilto,e. sea, 20e; extra old, large, 201 to -17e Olddtiltoas, 24a. ingne-dBNab' dairy, elude*, 24 to 58.; 1reasrrey 9riats. frceb $neat, 89 to 40.; No. • 08 Lto 80,; Na Y. 86 to 67e; cooking, 20 x4aa$srgarine-00 to Wm aiylo--New laid. candled, 60 to 91s; saw Said. Oa embers. 85e. GRAIN MARKET. Toronto, Seas 9th.-,1fanitoba Wheat- .No. 1 Northern. $1.52; No. 2 Northern. 1114.40110: 110. $ Northern, $L881,14. Manitoba Gate --No. 0 C.W., 00%e; extra No. 1 feed, 66e; Na 1 feed, 57e; No.. 4 teed, 541(,e. 70antteba barley ,Nominal. A71 the above titre! Bay porta. American corn -No two, Yellow, 78e; No. $ yellow, 77c, all rail. Bar - Jag -,Ne. 8 extra test 47 lbs. or better,. 60 eo ire, adeording to freight. outside. Back - '.beat -No. 8. $1.00. Rye -No. 2, 96e. SSBI - geed --Delivered, Montreal freight, bilge m - eluded: Bran, per ton, $26.00 to 580.00; shorts, per ton, 680.00 to $82.00; good feed Bony, 61.70 to $1.80. Baled hay -Track, To- ronto, per ton, extol No. 2, $22 to 5281 mix- ed,.018.00 to $10.00; clover. $14.00 to 818.00. Straw -Gar luta, per ton, track, Toronto, $12 to 018. Ontario wheat -No. 1 commercial, $1.46, ontetde. Oaterlo No. 8 oats, 40 to 46e, oupelde. Ontario corn --68 , to 69e, outside, Oatarlo flour -let patents, in cotton smoke, 98',, $7.70 per barred; End patents (bakers). $7.20. *freights, in bulk, sea -board, 56.55. 17anito1ia flour 1st patents, in cotton ea.ke, $8.70 per barrel; Ind patents, $8.20. BIRTHS Hokum.- In Turoberry, on April 28th. to 12r. and Mrs. Bert Holmes, a n Miura.-In Exeter, on May 1st to Mr. and Mrs. William Blow, a daughter. W ilson. -At Dr. Hyndman'e Hospital, on May tat to Mr. and Hrs. R. 8. Willson, .8 Crediton, a eon. Morgan.. -,At Dr. Hyndnmet, Hospital. on April 29th. to Mr. and Mrs. Archie Morgan. of Ue borne, a daughter. Tletoher.-In Exeter, on May 3rd, to Mr. and Mm. W. E. B. Fletcher, of Osborne, a dmghter. Green. -At Parr Line, Hay Township, on April 28th, to Mr, and Mrs. Robert Green, a daughter. MARRIAGES CamLlte-.!M akinga.- 0n Wednesday. April 29th, by Rev. W. E. Caswell, Mary Ereb. Makings to Clarence Hale Carslake M.M.. son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cerslake, all of Toronto. Thompson -Levis.- -At the Methodist Person- age, Holmesville, on April 27th, by the Rev. J. W. Johnston. Lottle E. G. Lavin, daughter of Mr. Edward Levis, to Fred D. Thompson, of the Bayfield Line. Yale -Taylor.- At Exeter, on April 26th, by Rev. W. G. H. McAllister, Mary A. Taylor, of Exeter, North, to Adam Yule, of Fut. farms. DEATHS Hunter. -In Osborne, on April 80th, Mary .Ann Cooper, aged 68 years and 1 month. Horton. -In Usborne, on April '28th, Henry W. Horton, in his 47th year. OHorlock.-At Crediton, on April 28th, Clara Wein, beloved wife of Freeman Morlock, aged 27 years. Sherritt-lei Stephen, on April 27th, George Sherrltt aged 84 years, 9 months and 22 Logan, days• Dougherty, nbels ed wr wife ofJeremieh Regan in her 48th Year. CARD OF THANKS Mr. Thomas Klein wishes to thank his oeighbom and the Seaforth Fire Brigade for their kind and prempt nsaietance at their recent fire, which threatened to burn the house, and which woe checked before 839 lch damage was done. CARD OF THANKS 19r. James Beattie desires to express his thanks and appreciation to friends and fraternal societies for their many acts of kindnese daring his illness. and hopes to be out with them again in the near future. IMPORTANT NOTICES WARMS FOR SALE. - I HAVE SOME choice farms for sale in the Township of Usborne and Hibbert, all well built and Improved, on easy terms of payment THOMAS CAMERON, Exeter, Ont. 2658-41 BUILDING FOR SALE. -ONE BUILDING 40 x 60. It would make a good straw ,shed. Apply to C. G. THOMPSON, Oatmeal 6N81e, Seaferth. rt OR SALE. -1 GRADE HOLSTEIN COW freshened three weeks; 1 Registered Hol - .stein cow doe in Jrrly; 1 Registered Holstein . "sow due in September. Six months time giv- en to rasponsibie parties. Apply to IdR. T. COULTER, Egmondville. - 2888-2 WANTED. -A LIMITED NUMBER '09' Cattle 0,4 pasture on Lot 27, Concession 12, Hibbert Plenty of grass and water guar- anteed. Terme reasonable. APPle to T. G. SHILLINGLAW, R. R. No. 4, Seaforth. WANTED.--KEEPER AND MATRON.- Man and wife to have charge of the Moron County Home near Clinton. and the farm in connection therewith. Applications. pcasual preferred. to ,bo made to the under- -signed, the appointment to be made at the next meeting 'of the County Council which .meets on June 818. JOHN TORRANCE, 1.- ,pettor, Clinton( Ont. Clinton. May 2nd, 1922. 2090-4 MORTGAGE SALE FARM LANDS in the Township of McKillop. Tf, RO,4101,112N Mad sal tnua ?I".?fd 1AO,AN8W The Mgink* Ra at Iterloloa oft Afipgdpalffy tit t s.orwo. alq 'Amp, .. oBY order e1. 4o,1Au1 • JOHN 1 NOTICE :TO CREDITORS NOTICE, MI IMO, given that all DDernep81d rift j,b *a tr allefmt the Mate of Dfl. in SlteeKert late of the Village of Henan% in the Cooney at Enron, who died on the 16th dee' of Idateli, A. 11., 1922, are requested to dopwsrd their dales duly proven to the an. truer oA or lefties the dint dee off Jtme, & M, 4022. AM) NOTICB DS FURTHER GIV67N that .leer me ilteExecutor. regro- • 0a dtrbutethe t, vingrard onto to the claims of which they then anal have notice. DATED at Henson IOL lith day of Mae. A.D., 1922. GLAD►IAN & BTANBURT Hansell and Exeter. 2880-8 Remitters'Solicitors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS • dNOTICE IS hereby given that all persons having claim, against the estate of Thomas Moir, lata of the TowneMp of Hay, In the County of Huron, who died on the 17th day of January, A.D., 1922, are required to for- ward their claims duly proven to theunder- eigned on or before the first day of June, A.D., 1922. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that after the said date the Executors will pro- ceed to distribute the estate, having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have notice. DATED at Hensel] this 6th day of May, A.D., 1922. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Hessall and Exeter. 2899-8 Executors' Solicitor. It Will Pay You To Buy inEgmondville The demand for the Shoes lee are sdlling is greater than ever. Every -day Needs at Spot Cash l'rices 90 pounds Rolled Oats $325 High (Patent Manitoba Flour4.10 Redpath Sugar ... 6.75 Corn Starch, 3 pkgs. .25 Corn Flakes, 3 •pkgs. .25 Shredded W. Wheat, 2 pkgs.25 5 -pound Tin Arctic Cup Grease.95 BRING US YOUR EGGS 28c CASH; 30c TRADE W. J. FINNIGAN. Phone 72. A CORRECTION Where we make a mistake we should try and make a correction. You have mode a mistake by sowing grain in a wet field Don't do it again thio year: make a correc- tion; drain it You know it pays. no ques- tion about it. I have plenty of tile on hand from 8 inch 1, 8 inch. 1 will quote 500 at my yard or in yours. When yon drain, do itith Olay Tile, the the that lasts beyond a lie time and you make no mistake when you buy from WILLIAM M. SPROAT Phone 6 on 136. Seaforth. 2886-tf Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in a certain mortgage, which will be produced at the time of dile, there will be offered for sale by public auction, by Thomas Brown, Auctioneer,'at the Commercial Hotel. in the Town of Sealorth, in the County of 'Huron, on Saturday, the 27th day of May, 192e. at the hour of two o'clock. in the after- noon, the -following lands, nafnely, The west half of lot number Eighteen (18), in the Fourth (4th) concession of the Township of IMoKilIop, in the County of Huron, eon. 'keeling by admeasurement ditty (50) •sores of land, be the same More or leas. This land 4s situated about 4 miles front 'seadorth and the property offers a good op- portunity to obtain land near said town. (TERMS OF SALE Twenty (20) per cent. of the purchase -money is 'to he paid on the day of sale and (,1he ()amass, without interest within 80 days thereafter. The purchaser will be required ,sign an agreement to complete his per• 0heee. Other terms and condiMem of sale will a theent St the time of sale and may Oa had 1n the meantime. tiara the under - Dated at Seaforth, Ontario, this 10th 407 '.04 5a5 19.62• • R. 8. HAYS, ,71101110 BOOM n. Aft neer, Mortgagees' S HAYS. ,ata°✓r �j({f Ili) , ti`,11/0%60.4" W,0.4"'i BLANK CARTRIDGE PISTOLS Well made and effective. Ap- pearance is enough to scare BURGLERS, TRAMPS, DOGS, etc. NOT DANGEROUS. Can lay around without risk or ac- cident to woman or child. Mail- ed PREPAID for $1 -superior make $1.50, blank cartridges .22 cal. shipped Express 0 75c per 100. STAR MFG. & SALES CO., 821 Manhattan Ave, Brooklyn, N.Y. FARMS FOR SALE FARM FOR SALE. -FOR SALE, LOT 6, Concession 11 and west half of Lot 5, Coneeesion 10, H.R.S., Tuekemmith, con- taining 160 acres. There are on the premlaes good two story brick house with elate roof, Targe; bank barn 100x69 feet with first class stabling, water in the barn, drive shed 26,36, pig house and her house. The farm k all choral but about 20 acresof good hard- wood bush, prihcienlly maple All well fenc- ed and tale drained. Eight acres of fall wheat sown, 35 acres ready for spring crop. The Sarva is situated 7 reties from Seaforth and 4 mon from Hensall, one-half mile from school; rural mail and phone. Will be sold on easy terms. For further particulate ap- ply on the premises. or address R. R. No. 2, Kippen. ANGUS McKINNON. 2829 -if FARM FOR SALE. -FARM OF TWO HUN- dred acres adjoining the Town of Sea - forth, conveniently situated to all churches, school. and Collegiate. There le a comfort- able brick cottage with a cement kitchen; barn 100x66 with stone stabling underneath for 6 horse., 75 head of cattle and 40 hexa with steel stanchions and water before all stock: litter carrier and feed carrier and two cement silos: driving shed and plat- forth latform sealer. Watered by a rock well and windmill. The farm Is well drained and In a high este of cultivation. The crop le all in the ground -choice clay lolue. Immedi- ate possession. ADDIS' to M. BEATON, R. R 2. Seaforth. Ont 2787-tf r51HE EXECUTORS OF THE LATE AROHI- bald McGregor offer for sale Lot 16, 6th Concession, McKillop. 100 acres of first close farm lands. The land is In a first class erste of cultbraUon and there are erooted on the premises a good frame dwel- ling house. with kitchen attached; frame barn 76,54 with stone foundation. stabling underneath and cement (loom and water throughout driving house. pig pen and hen house. Also about ten acres of good hard wood bush. The property is well fenced and Well drained and convenient to good markets. ehdrehes and schools. For further particulars apply to MISS LILLY J. McGREOOR, on the premises, or to R. 8. HAYS. Solicitor, Sea- fortth, Ont. POPI3LAR STALLIONS The following papular stallions will stand for' the improvement Of aback this 0,e860n, Bs follows: „ • The Imported Clydesdale Manion CUMBERLAND STEEL [220701 (18809) Enrolment No. 5606 Approved Form Al. W511 stand for the Improvement of stock this season at T. J. BERRY'S SALE STABLE, HERBAL!, Cumberland Steed 1220704 (18809) was brat by the Mesons. Steel, of Lesson. Ilea. Wig- ton, Cumber)and, and is seven years old- He was imported by his preieat owner, 'Y, 3. Berry, in February, 1920. He is a dark, dappled bay, stands 17% hands high, .nd weigla better than .a ton. But with all hie Sim he in as extra 'well balanced bons and will breed the big draught horses that the market is calling for at present Cumberland Steel woe sired by Erin's Crest (14669), dam Lady Lothian (86460), by Lothian Again (11804), g. dam 'Mabel (30417), by Royal Champion (8956), g. g. dem Prin- ose (20416). by Prince of Unna (0195), g�• B, g. g, dam Bonny (22700). by Gartaherrie (2800). g. g. g. g. dam Smiles by Challenger (1088). Terms to Inhere, $18.00. T. J. BERRY, JAS. B. SIMPSON, Proprietor. Manager. "GLEN RAE" (8353) Enrolled and Inspected. Form 1. Will stand for the improvement of stock this season at his own amble. Lot a, Con- cession 3. Kellett. Terms. -To insure, $19, pa>a ble February 1st, 1923. Accidents at o Br's rink. THOMAS McMICHAEL, Manger. 288809 The Grand Clydesdale COLONEL GRAHAM No. 12103 ,(9255) Passed Enrolment No. 1370 Form 1 Will travel^ the following route this season: Monday. North I% mile, then west 1% mile. to Mac. Montgomery's, for noon; than went 3- miles and north 1% miles to An- drew Flynn's, tui night 'l'u,day.-North 5l^ miles and east 9% miles to Bert Stephen- • , for noon; then south 1)A miles and east 2)L mile+ to Robert McFarlane s, for night Wednesday. -East 1% miles and north to Winthrop to George MoSpadden's, for then north 2'1, miles and east 1% miles to 1. McGavin's, for night Thursday. - East 4 miles to 2. Ellgs n's, for noon; then 2',, miles south and 1l^,, milee west to Martin Murray's, for night. Friday...South 830 miles and went 114 miles to John Lane's, for noon; ,hen south 3% mi). to John Mclvor'e. for night Saturday. -•Wert to Esrmondville to his own stable, where he will remain until the following Monday morning. The above rout, will be continued through- out the season. health and weather permitting. Terme to Insure. $15.00. DOMINICK REYNOLDS, Proprietor & Manager. The Pure Bred Imported Clydesdale Stallion LORD MANSFIELD Imp. [215671 (16303) Vol. 29, B. C 8. B. Passed Enrolment No. 1734 Form 1 Monday. -Will leave his own stable, Beech- wood, and go to Allan Ross', 10th concesolon. McKillop. for noon; then to his own stable for night. Tuesday. -To John Shannon's, Cone®cion 8, McKillop. for noon; then to Owen Flynn's. for night. Wedneeday.-East to William Andersons, McKillop, for noon; then to his own stable for night Thursday - To William Donley's, Huron Road, for noon; then to Joseph Atkinson's. Hibbert for night Friday. -To Martin Curtin, 151, miles east of Seaforth, for noon; then to his own stable -for night Saturday. -To Thomas O'Rourke'e, 9rd Concession of Logan, for noon; then to his own stable for night The above route will be continued through- out the season, health and weather permitting. Terms to Insure, $13.00. JAMES EVANS Proprietor & Manager. Beechwood, Ont. PAM FOR SALE. -F01 SALE LOT 20, Conceselon 6, McKillop, containing 100 acres, all cleared except 8 acres of hardwood bush. There are on the premises a bank barn with atone and cement foundation, 46.82. with cement floors; driving shed, 14x86; frame stable, 28138, large gravel house, 7 rooms and kitchen, cement floor. In cellar. Hard and soft water in kitchen; two acres of orchard. The frm Is a)1 wire fenced and tile drained. Well • at barn and she well at the bush. This le a good far -one of the boat in' 500$11(09. It- ie situated 5 miles from the Tenon of Seth:nth and one mile from school and ebureb. Rena, mall and phone. Win be add enp reee a For feather address R. apply tees or addiees R. R:' No. 1, ROBERT A. HOOD. 28014f The Imported Clydesdale Stallion MAKWIRA (15938), VOL. XXXIII. Passed Enrolment No. 3267 Form l Will travel the following route this season: Monday. -Will leave his own stable, Staffs, and go north to the 7th concession of Mb - heft, west 21;1 miles and south to Richard Sillery'e, for noon; then south to the Crom. arts) Line and meet to his own stable for night Tuesday. -South to the 18thconces- sion of Hibbert and west to John MoDqugall, Jr.'s, for noon; then south to the Boundary and east to James Ballantyne's, for night. Wednesday. --South to Elimvitle, for noon; then south and eget to William Brack'e, for night. Thursday. --East to Wllilom Thofnp- son, Jr.', Blanchard, for noon; then south to' the Kirkton Line and went to Taylor's Hotel, Kirkton, for night. Friday. ---North to the I3th concession of Hibbert, then west to An- drew Christies, fur noon: then w.t and north to his own stable for night. Saturday ,-Eoet to the Town Line. Fullerton, and north 1 miles to Melville Gray's, for noon; then went along the 7th concession to his own stable for night The above route will be continued through- out the season, health and weather permitting. Terms to Insure, $11.00. JOHN LIVINGSTONE. Proprietor' & Manager. Sega. Ont. 0000 000000000 0000000000 0 S. T. HOLMES Funeral Director and Licensed Embalmer Undertaking Parlors in Beattie Block, opposite The Expositor Office. Residence Goderich St., opposite Dr. Scott's. Flowers furnished on short notice. Phone Night or Day 119 O O O 0 O O O 0' O O 0 000000006 0000 0 0 0 0 00 0 60 0 0 0 0 FE.rid$j$ , d eS .Co BOOR TO 'ABEEH'AR,T'8 DR ' )) I+`or Aiio'`� l reek we offer any Suit Length, tailor-, no reetrietion on any piece, and your Q own style. Made to your measure at...$45, d ODD' TROUSERS These are a fine line for Summer.' $2.35, '$3.00, $4.00 $4.50 and $4.95 MEN'S HOSE We offer , Men's Fine Silk Lisle Hose at 45c and 60c; Silk at 75c. MEN'S AND BOYS' Cotton Hose, tine black fast colors, 25c at BOYS' AND GIRLS' Heavy Black 1.8z 35c 1 Ribbed Hose at A Bargain. WORK SHIRTS Best quality, at 88 cents and $1.10 Khaki Shirts ii real heavy at. ..,1.35 BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS with collar attached. Reg. $1.50 and no. $2.00, for MEN'S TINE Shirts in assorted colors $1.15, $1.25 and $1.75 `FANCY WASH TIES White and Stripped. Regular 50e 3 and 75c, at 5c BOYS' GOOD HEAVY Braces at Other Lines at 25c 15c MEN'S SUSPENDERS Good, strong Brace, new stock with good elastic at J 50c ALL LINEN Collars. Regular 25e .and 30c. All going at 2 for... 52C Khaki Combination Overalls 3.25 for Boys' Khaki Pants, cuff bottom,at 1.10 W. T.BOX&CO. 0 Embalmer and 0 0 Funeral Directors 0 O H. C. BO% 0 O Holder of Government 0 0 Diploma and License 0 0 Charges moderate 0 Of Flowers furnished on short 00 0 notice. 0 Night Calls Day Calla 0 0' Phone 176 Phonon 0 *000000000000 Seed Potatoes Early or 'Late, guaranteed good 'keepers, good cookers and prolific yielders, at per peck 50c FLOUR of Splendid Quality: Mani- toba's Best and •Hunt's Thorough- bred • • • $4.50 . Harvey's Model milli Hunt's Dia- mond $4.25 Harvey's Welcome ,and Hunt's King .Pastry Flour $4.00 MAPLE SYRUP, of extra quality, ,per gallon $2.75 OLIVES, per imperial quart sealer, of extra quality 75c We think this the bent value we ever sold in over 20 years' business, CHINA DINNER SETS of best Jap- anese China and hand -painted at that, in 97 -piece sets at as low a price as is being asked for some patterns in ordinary porcelain. If you need anything in Dinner Sets, call and .investigate before buying. TEA, COFFEE, BAKING POWDER, We have often told °the public about our Special Valles in these lines, and there are many people using them .almost exclusively and corning or sending long; distances for these :specials. If y.ni 'have not yet tried them we shall he pleased to Give you 'a Free Trial. F. D. Hutchison THE CASH GROCER Phone 116. PRESTON PORTABLE GARAGES AND COTTAGES in several d, .-'gns, also Steel ' Truss Barns and Implement Sheds, a.11 sI', o. For further particulars wells The Metal Sh,ngle & Siding Co. Preston. or WiLLiAM T. GRIEVE, Walton. Phone 14-234. Also agent for Chicago Auto Oil Windmills. JAMES WATSON Main Street - .Seaforth Agent for Singer Sewing Machines and General In- surance Agent, GRAND TRUNIISYs M TRAIN SERVICE TO TORONTO Daily Except Sunday Leave Goderich . 6.00 a.m. 2.20 p.m. Leave Clinton ... 6.25 a.m. 2.52 pan. Leave Seadorth .. 6.41 a.m. 3.12 p.m. Leave Mitchell .. 7.04 a.m. 3.42 p.m. Arrive Stratford 7.30 a.m. 4.10 p.m. Arrive Kitchener 8.20 amt. 5.20 p.m. Arrive Guelph .. 8.45 a.m. 5.50 p,m. Arrive Toronto ,.10.10 a.m. 7.40 pm. RETURNING Leave Toronto 6.50 e.m.; 12. 56 p.m. and 6.10 p.m. Parlor Cafe car Goderic'h to To- ronto on morning train' and Toronto to Goderich 6.10 p.m. train. ,Parlor Buffet car Stratford to To- ronto on afternoon train. Maxatholi- and 3-egat, W so carry single coat Ware, re F./' r F. Another May Special. --Cups aid S a' , 5 Bowls, Fruits, Salads, Plates' and Oatmeais a breakage ;here -but it's In . the pricer.; Come and See. BEATTIE BROS. "SAY IT WITH FLOWERS" From Geo. Stewart's Florist, Goderich, Ont. Cut Flowers always on band. Wedding bunches and Floral designs a Specialty. Member of the Florists Telegraph Delivery Association. F o ers delivered -to any part of Can- ada and United Stares, also principal cities in Europe. All orders delivered promptly. 2880.12 NOTICE We have on hand a fun line of 4, 5, and 8 -inch Ceaept Tile, the kind. -that 1..58• also on order from 10 to 18 -inch tile, 9404 114,, good Brook of verandah cement Moltke. Nate; is the time to. •loprove tbo appearance Ok:. your home by the addition of a ftw cement' block, verandah at a reasonable Wee. R. FROST & SON, ' Seaforth, Ont Phone 183. 2688-2 Shoe Talk li Men and Women, who know, say most emphati cally that our Shoes are the best that they can bgy. We've been told this and we state it positively,111 without fear of contradiction. viii. The Quality of the Stock in our Men's and Wo- men's Shoes -the Style features and the Artistic and Skillful Shoemaking lift our Shoes way above the plane of just "ordinary Shoes." Whether you are from Missouri or not, we'll "show you" if you'll come in, and we trust that you will. From the world's best makers we get their best Shoesand, at every Shoe price, we crowd in all the good value we possibly can. Our qualities speak , for us and sell our Shoes. There isn't a flaw anywhere in any of the Shoes, we sell and we'll see that they fit you perfectly. ( H. R. Scott - Seaforth DOMINION STORES Ltd Seaforth-The Chain Grocery Stores of Canada OUR MOTTO -Cleanliness -Service -lei ounces to the pound Puffed Wheat 14c1Zulk Cocoad2 C per package....pouns for Special Best Vue Blend TEA in Townal45c a ib. OldArmChair ChoicePrunes good 5 string! Raisins Corn 2 5 C fobs. 29C each.Brom' ) 9c lb2s45c 2 tins o.. _ Machine Bacon 33c a pound Rolled Oats, 6 lbs Blue Rose Rice, 3 lbs Tapioca, 3 lbs Cocoanut, lb Currants, lh Pot Barley, ib Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs Shredded Wheat, 2 pkgs Special Blend Coffee, lb .w_ 29c Matches 3 boxes 34e 25c Klim, tin 25c 25c Eagle Salmon, tall tin 130c 20c Gold Dust, package 07c 17c Lyle's Syrup, tin 29c 05c Campbell's Soup, tin 15c 29c Carnation Milk, tall tin 15c 25c Crown Syrup, 2-1b. tin 19c 45c Marmalade (Shi,rriff's) lb. jar25c Toilet Paper Peanut Butter 22C 6 rolls for -_,. 25c per pound Pure Raspberry or Strawberry Jam No. 4 tin 75c Canada's Largest Retail Grocers. -We pay highest Cash or Trade Prices for Eggs. tdi(4.,e t fir Odi �;