HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1922-05-12, Page 4r� •, ,^ -tfs ta4irk; ;a,'4 1104 p-weting, waa called tat 4niA �:. v, ,1� e k:: ,Nin 'vm'dlr I%—Wol.:4tF, '-r '1, ;�' <r', ,,, + M1' 3"af?y. 'r,,. .;i "': : •i''{ i �" 9^. C ,+4.ye+�Q'� #7F 't1°xWI ,'11f7,9AJj'�d(I k t!sS4: i ., q SIA n 'A�A.�. .(',; lfut'a: i� qt, . [ x CIuB e' Por, t}� district anadul meatit4 Yox t .;,#Sann , %oz. "O. i'ud > lei,• ur ,: ';i' Pa .. i I s 8 lugs of joy, eadn4ysy: we. a fe d . __�' 11�1R klipldZ�w M11e, I ,: r.tytioip of oi$tcers for the istri t u 1 Ya - n'' 4#11ts •. t; v Vt Ir I , ° 7r >, 9�irpese P91f.: Q wrests a'Isd c 4 Ya t Amy. , frienda of S�tmRut Moth oP, FiI s „ A '; a1u; idle Hai is f � ' 1' t i 3 A ti packbaza-a arly wll ,wok ate in the discus I }y t, r en�4yed T' for the `r'�w+w�+ « P alb �htltd meet h' iaa bo-niBh PTd9 -,v Y b L P E �i 1 s�iiior a .Bl`ouhtaou a .Alone on the work to be taken up and 'iw Your depamture leant our tnuidat, su & 'E" Let dace I � �" t�'''+ r carried on for the ao ear. e. (In ]ea us t6lere'is'areat n1 6 They pibae the e : t . *; �. . "' °t r 4f' or novin1. -Oka Manny -a acre$ Y leaving od ra 'vwe 4jWgW mw audnollco' Ghat more ' a' . w land gr olaamsn to stn,.bury-a A. M. Kuck. presided at rthia mestiak- ancy that will not Be emaidy Shed. Ip th,tr „ 1te s¢arting ttaPtY. T dp . in Patmandvnln—W. J. Pinni an -s It was decided to haus ?ha tennua! I the choir You shave served for stall p th P enia. , 4% i nTha.kka�Thi� la ea s� ntrre±ing ou kh¢ 8th of June im Blyth y¢ars wish nlaTked fidelit , vrhirh i1a ah, g Plot ; ' ;c "the ' $ems PPe�a and were stoat ,boa- vim Z1 Our line4t of ally sero "looted with the .. r(f d0 Sale atm samba A. ttettt-s Hall. Members and oelegates from , mak'es a great gap, A'llsoy in its pit jY d by the WadCpn Polk. (Inji}u'comeCery ae to DOOR greatest; care -no dehall 6p �y� � .j��' after. Mia , t --.rumen wamoa--a all branches an requested to be Pres- Ladaea' Aid Soviet T4ey 'will 'h'� that at some 2utura at ellen In { iI.'Situs Quartecto.'s Y You heave helped >b. 'good sltalpe err year.. will 'be interested to kitoW ;11 �,"'ulm, labbention do en'e o4e,rds--Cash sboo store -a enc -A'11 mofl¢y. raised by Women's with great enthusiasm. You tttave aY shay be able to. axyGurp CLia ,[ivatks gnyproveinent 37t'ibhe:'#waq o4 Children's Footwear. Wle r cry j " s at aB a` r i : J.Allarages-William T. Griew -6 Institutes is �usad for community work, been known amore the ladies and � s n X18 n le wall -kept plodls, and, ,isle }�al+npalp�l and see that the Chd4dmen are'�►� the seaman n 4 `Ther Old oaken Bucket Strand--, social service, hos ta's, etc. n Trait n. All the people do lGhim V14, ,oro doubt, be read .the styles Wellpap.r--ThomW.Wo Boo Store -8 p; biuotlghuui the congtrgatlon as one Y do .itis ty ¢s in Children's Ski r. 0.9 it nlevtrlcauy--4teta Bros. -s of the standbysco p y eve •this a - ?S sRd art Tb Great Redeemer—Friueese—a and what -has count- � g (�' Pim• A l;aDd,cam'etrt'trott'glh %x hold- -one and two straps in PWNalup Lgktl)t�•, QOs�'I� ed most of all 'has 'been the spirit that y)' >lPaY 12th, set apart for dtstsr- ing water gar vpateririg '!lots ,is a two Azaps in Brown Kid and one two . - t or, .' Honaecloan;ag--sootre--a STANLEY u P ink b}ie gland sacred oratbrin, "Queen pressing aced, wjt{ch should,lave +as SpA `k'''�hi� C ;' „ m;� Stowart--s School Report. -The following is yo have always shown- that cheer- bher pp , .given by Blyth Chtmmi- -su lied 3 n ttad all at most mwdorate prat.1. fpl unselfish, o tlmistie spirit _ that PP orng • ago. -Mr. A; W. F. . :" Football mamb-i the •report of School Section No. 7, 1edp abhe2a to do nears Soaietx -dn ,tSt. Andrew's Churteh, 11 way in to Jit week Intantn Pact ankle etrgp glippel�er Oman solea, ad ways i There is ,l�ikel to .be a record crowd bin n ,business with 4 visit wit At 4 ^�- _ Swnleq, for the month of April, and ,better service. others that your y g 14 coin -b R- n k ' -- --- Those.mark¢, with an asterisk miss- so acerae ear1Y• relatives and frielyds. - Mr. Waffler Infants' Patent sndale,'ta2n solea, crises 4 to 7, at .. home is no longer in our community, Madge is making some improvements Infants''Pabent two•srai Sli lV1 ed .ex7rmirlations: Sr. IV, -Eileen I we feel that and will not see Stewart P DPms, turn soles, sizes 4 to seven, ' THE HURON EXPOSITOR Turner, Anna hors, WW^alker Carlile, and Harold and you as frequently as IILNSALL to his dwelling a couple of "riles at »..... •, $� Ent,ma Love, Billy Anderson, Mao Successful, Concert. -The concert southeast of our village. -Mr. Robert I Childs' Patent one -strap S • • � • • • • � • • 7 q in the Vast and would like you to ac- P kippers, sizes 8 to 10, at $1.76 X0'$$:25 y .'' - Stelck, Vera Smith, Ted Welch. Jr. given in 'Carmel Ghuroh, under the Higgins and family have moved into! Childs' F'a+bmat t'wo.sbrap Sippers, turn axles, sizes 8 to ten, g IV, Graet Coleman, Edna Cochrane, I sept lids chair and tis 'n_.rror as sus cess of the South Huron Choral dwelling Iectntly occupied by Mr. at ........ SEAFORT$, Friday, May 1 , 19'L . , mere tokens of our goodwill and P1 the ... . Lawrence Reickert, Russell Corlsit". I wishes for you. and yours for the fu- Society, on Friday evening last, was Owen .Geiger, on Richmond St., south. Childs' Whltte Canvas two -strap Slippers, sizes $' to,1Q,,. • 1•,$2 8 - - Sr, III.--GGladys Stephenson, Clarence ture well ,attended and a great sucoeas in -Mr. land .Mrs. A. S. Case were in Misses' Patent one stla es, sizes 17 to 2, #lar $2 I'-- W'AI TON Stephenson, Dorothy Welch, Muriel I and c ntgned on behalf of the choir every respect. 'I'hc selections ver Detroit ,uric cite p Pumips, turn sad gregation -Mea. R. Sadler, g+ g Past week, visiting Misses' Patent two -strap pumps, sizes 11 to 2, for .. ..$g,86 Carlile, Earl Luve. Jr. III Wilma ' and Wilson, by the _large choir, under the able theeidr, relatives 'and attends Misses' Brown Kid two -strap P ,mpg, adzes '11 to 2, foe'.. , ..$8.26 Notes, --Walton is no back number Love, Elmer Turner, *Viola Steick. Mrs, A. Norris, Mrs. J. leadership of '1'n:f;•asor Anderton, of uatian of Mrs: Case's sr er ore a and oiling our streets is one Warden. nurse: Mn Frank Peart, who quite BAREFOOT SANDALS \ g proof of Sr. II. -Martha ('xrlile, Ralph Turner, _ Janos Street 1lrthudist church, Exe- dt. Lcronani Leeming, of McKillop, Grace Love. part II. - Clarence ter, were splen;lirl;y rendered, show- severely strained 1i@aments in ,tis has been seriously ill with pneumorlia. Reickert. primer. -Alin Reic -ert, HAYFIELD intraining, knee some four weeks ago while ,an. i Barefoot Sandals are just the thing for the Childlien's Sum- 1 %� g fine talent and 6^uod t,. -Mothers' Day will be observed at Gladys Coleman. Jr. 1. - Russel: I Breezes.--iDr, Partridge, wife and while the solos n•ndured by Mr. Haul- gaged in his duties with Mr. D. A, 1 mer pleasure and Comfort. We have a famil good assortment of h(re 11 a.m. next• Sabbath in the Metlto- Welch, Flossie Stelck.---Ruby Taylur, y, of London, spent the week man, the famuuy tenor singer, of Cxntelon, coal. and ,producemereltant, 1 best otyles in the extension sole -the foot protecting 'kind. dist church. -We are sorry to report TeaoheT. end art their cottage here. - Dr. 'fill- Toronto, and by )liss Elizabeth Ren- ahv w able to be out again an& WHI ! IrdUl.' 11an •Barefoot Sandals, sizes 6 to 7, for .. , .. , , , , , BL2b the ill health of Mrs. Armour Dun- mean and wife were here last week.- nie,. Of Zurich, drhghted the large Y be able to ,resume 'his duties.' Children's Tan Barefoot Sandals, sizes 8, 9, 10, for $1,50 das but hope she will soon be better. C'ONSTANCE Rev, A. Macfarlane and MT. John audience as did also the fine violin -Our business ,men started last Misses' Tan Barefoot Sandals Sizes 11 to 2, for . -Walton agent at C, P. It. 1b been Fraser .Attended the Presbytery meet- selections b Miss Greta Laramie. Thursday aftern on their Thurs . •$1.75 THE CITY OF THE DEAD Y da afternoon holidays, pronated to Ca_ -cil, tree reliev- ins at Olinwn on Tuesday. -Lucy Every number csll.•tl for encores, and Y are, which will be I ing agent is r . u:. r.-1'he an- To My Sainted Mother. Levy, of Clinton, spent the week end it was without d,.ubt one ofthe finest continued througmtrt the summer nuad congregati-i. t' .meeting was held The sun had sunk behind the hills, with FAhei Jowett-Izertta Mercer, of concerts ever gitrn here. Mrs. Milne months. -Mr. William Craig and cis- • in the Methodist crurch on Thursday ClintO 1. visited Lucy Mcleod over Rennie and Nies Torrance and also 'ter, Miss Hannah, intend loavitrg next A flame of fiery red; week for Moose Jaw, Sask., their late evening of last week. -The residence Artd misty stillness crept about the week end -Rhia Hill, of Seafurth, Professor Ander;.un very ably presid- of George Clark has been sold to ' The city of the dear!, spent the week end with Alma Me- ed at the pipe ury;an and piano, add- hOrpe, where they will be during the . , a John Smillie, of Grey .township, who Kay. -Gordon McKay has secured the ing .greatly .tu the pleasure of the summer months in company with 'd 1 with Mrs. Smillie, will move here.- Fantastic, feathery fulda it wreathed garage occupied last season by J. entertainment, their brother, .John. They ate re- I r • .SE/�Fd� . Airs. Thomas Hackw'ell, McKillop, is Around each glistening tomb; Parker and also has the gasoline Oddfellows Atwnd Service. - The building their dwelling on the farm I net 'having her usual. good health. Engulfed my soul in sadness tacit, pump. -The three -sat play, "Nothing members of Hen.all l udl� I. 4. O. F. which was accidentally destroyed .by I TELEPHONE 11 OPPOSITE COMMERCIAL HOTEL Anaemia is the cause. Many friends Amid sepulchral gloom. But the Truth," given by the Bayfield attended annual divine service in the fire a number of months ago: --We hope for an early improvement.- Dramatic Association on Friday even- Methodist ehurrh here on Sunday are likely to have a pretty good base- e4�' '— Goderich District meeting will be Night dark and drear encompassedmie ing last, was a big success, the hall evertingg last, accompanied by visiting ball club hem this summer, and the held in Victoria Street Methodist And sorrow and despair being well filled .by an appreciative brethtdrl mostly from Exeter, and a boys are getting down to praetice,- �t _- _ efnrrvh, Goderich. Rev. MT. Button Had clutched my soul with iron elutch audience. The various players took few also frtlrn Brucofield. The at- Mr. Arnold Bell, Who is attending and Albert Dundas will represent And held me prostrate there. . their parts well.y Those in the play tendanae was large, filidng up the the Toronto University, is at present signed his charge, the resignation to Imted lots to -day. General quotation was the can circuitheThe presentation of were; William parker, George Castlx, centre ,pews of the• ehureh, and the here visiting his Another, Mrs. Bell, I -take effect August 6th. Rev. R. B. I $14.60 , $14.76 for "elect,. Heavy hog. were the cants Down es the cold, un skis s pastor, Rev. (;. W. Rivers, still quoted At $12.25 and up, according to tor, "The Galilean" last Sun- y1 ng � William Mtvtealf, H. Baker, H. Rath- ,gave a and reiativts.-Miss Mabel Cudmore, Ross, of Auburn, also resigned hie weight area quality. as evening :� g;A I pressed wear I tt•e11 and Charles Getninhard, Anna most able and intcrev[in of Toronto, s y gin Duff's O'hura las y face, pen and Hills Green choirs, attracted Nor colder was it than the brel$st Woods, Grace Pinder, Floy Edwards, ta'kin for his subject that ]penman, with her Parents. -The the relatives and therWest. ge in -The new adrder to dition work lbnloa Stock Yards, Toronto, May e. -The a large audience, the church bei" Of childhood'a restin lace, 8 J passage P cattle trade we, slow in opening this mora_ g g P Jean Woods and Ethel Jewett. Af- in Scnipbure, where it says, "Bear you friends of Mr. William White will re- Mark Drysciale's residence, corner of ing owing to the .omewh t heavy rue, cad i filled to the doors, The talent did Can memories yr mounds O£ clay, I ter the play, a number remained and one a0lobher's burdens." The 7rverend $ret learn that dee is and ,bas been King and AWbent Streets, 's now' Prices sir alll nes bees suers butcher. •were. we[I and the programme was .pleas. A mortal woe assuage; enjoyed dace ng for an hour or so.- gerntleman reviewed the good vlork very ill for same weeks, -Our buss- ready far roofing. -The wardens of ora whore ass r than at last week'. Mase. ing. Rev. and Mrs. Lundy sere a- Or calm the troubled sea of life Mothers' Day will be observed in St. done by the socit•ty, its lar ¢ mem- Hess men report trade as ver I rheavalue of heavy steers showed an sncreaae g y good St. Paul's church have sold the stable f a quarter as the result f the reduneption awns the visitors. At the close When adverse tempest raged? Andrew's Church next Sunday morn- bershi;p of between two and three on the whale. --The pant week, with at the rear of their sheds to Mr. T. of buying for export atter a somewhat lunch was served to those taking ing by suitable services. It is ex- million, and the praiseworthy fact fine rains, has been most :helpful. Murdock, who will moire it to his lengthy period of quietude, 9hippata were evi- Pa.rt. Night in my soul, deep, darkest night, 'pected that the praise will be led by that over seven million dollars (had The crops and fall wheat in this sec- residence. gently awake to, the opportunity for d6tpa4- Through which I groped in vain; a motfiers' choir, and all parents and been dietribtateKl b the Order in a tion are •gi vin 1-9 f .holes heavies, and there won a e,T LOGAN Was these a God, a God of low, children Are urged to be Y g Rud Promise.=Ours fuireiud Deering t that kind. -twelve present. In year for relief, benefits, funereal and villagers are all t well throw h leads were disposed of, with the bulk making Gaffrne WhY burden me with in? the $venin at 7.30, an 7l rrstra ted other disbursement= and u PTS Y g LIVE STOCK -MARKETS from 8% to s env, sna one top sot of 16 y -Waters. -The marriage of Pa g urged the with gardening and with good weather !head averaging 1,-2, pounds, shipped tv Ed, Mies Margaret Waters, second daugh- service will be -held in connection members, while ft•eling justly proud have got everything pretty well maul.. May 9th'-cattle-Rscslpta, 2,600; ii south, Brlgden, a.4 said by Me United perm_ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Cormac Waters , p clOudlet ]covered overhead, with the Hvron County Branch of of their Qrd¢r, never to _ Y Put acttve, is to 26 cents higher; shipping eteere, ere• eo-opera.. d s to J. a Uri, mpptAq Then moved anon a pace, the Social Service Council of On- the living church of God from Whose intendd goinThe g out bers to the n Mon_ $7.75 to -50 to butchers, fes, to s8.65; year- the cows w et rm. with, per pound. fron- to Mr. Joseph M. Gaffney, son o! the lingo. sa.bo to $9.E6; heifers, $6.76 to $8.26: er cow. were firm, with choice kind at from lihen stayed again, as if quite loth tario. An address will .be given b cows, $2.50 to $8.715; bulls, 4 to $6.75; stock- 4 to 7 cents. Belle sold slow and a quarter late Mr, 'and Mrs. Patrick Gaffney, y word and teaching a)1 blest was best day evening to attend a special meet- rows' feeders, 46 m $6; fresh cows and easter than test week- Handywe rht butcher Of Logan, took place at St '$ridgid's To leave the hallowed place, one of the Field Secretaries and views and truett,tgrinated• The choir rend- ing being held there and turning a .Prnngere, $46 to $iso. will be shown, illustrating social ser- erect fine aNthems and selections and visit g cattle were A good lot a through, but it church on April 26th. The marriage Despair and sorrow blinded me: paid by t'he Zurich Lodge to $s,ao ve $9.60.ceiPt`, 8,200: Be cent. lower ; as only n odd kind of extra choice kind ceremony was performed by Rev. At first I did not see vice work. the church was filled to capacity. Mr. the 'Hensall Lodge a number of Hogso ph. 14,600; tearer to 24 cents that made 81e to quarhter. bulk being aaa Father Gaffney, PP., of Olin -ton, bra A bright and'ahining radiance �� J• passtnore very ably filled the of- months ago. We believe a :program higher. heavy, $11.26 to $11.60; mixed. $11.40 ieedere were again a short supply; .some 8 they of the groom, assilsted in the Descending down on me, KIYPEN fice of Marshall and after service the ip .being prepared which Yorkers, right do. and ptge, 111.60 to $11.80; loads were a ld At from s,to a sy, Grand Stratford; Mass F Rev. Dean Han- W. M. S. -The ladies Of the W. M. members of the Order marched to be a very interesting promises to as ugh., %nor •la sings. ties 0 to is,s0. b0crs, quaThe lity run ofwed calvlittles was Huhn, but $neral Then z rY ng one. -On Fridav tin, 01 Stratford; Father Kelly, D° P., gazing, upwards, I beheld, S, met at the home of Mrs. T. Moore their lodge, room where votes Of evening of this week a medal conttsst, to $1 lower' iambs' 86.00 to $14; yearlings, dealers started by asking higher Priam, the and Rev. Father Gaeta, ,of SeaPorbh Upon Cite cRoudlet's rim, far their May meeting. The press- thanks were passed to Rev. Mr, under the auspices of the Women's to E . 011 mixeaetehereey,$Oa 6atQto 1fa. av es $2 from bulk sold dto toady, with odd choles vents at - 41The bride, who ds one of Logan's most In seraph form and feature, dent, X. Finlayson, had charge of Rivers, fori.his ablg sermon, and to Christian Temperance Ur(ion, wtl'i be Montreal, otay 9,-Gsttie- _eiPm, 884. Year10 lings lamna .ala steaar at form ra 'Popular young ladies, ,looked Lovely A celestial cherubim. the acetic g the choir for their fine service of held an the Methodist church. The Th increase in recetyta wets meas up most to t6 cetfa per pound. spring lambs also y g• A Bible reagin on is a navy tricatine suit with hat to Christian Love was given ••by Mrs, Praise, and .to the visiting brethren contest as to singing, oratory, etc,, ! tool s u°D entsa atoms wlnnipeg. There was ala ateaay for the good kind, tope making snatch and wore a corsage bouquet A Palm branch bore he in one hand, Ltuldy. Formosa, the stud Yat the for their abtendarlee. very good cattle on ease, tls.00 each in a few instances. However, His outstretched wings were spread da y Bri¢fa.-Dh2'•.dramatic „ Promises to, be very keenly cant •ted : end ne load or choice heavy eteere from there were too many in(n, young lambs t� of Urphelia roses. She was assisted y, which was of special interest to Play, The and of a ver interesElrg alature, end , the on. towrhtpe. [load cetsle 'twos she offering .and three sold 'nrps, .and . In tender and protective care, ry, was in charge of Mra. Home;' wall be repeated in addition to the contest a fine liter- price was nkety to be ia.6o dor three load, sheds ower.decline, eo rice ewes a- ac. by ,ler cousin, Miss Laura Nicholson, this auxiliary, Old Ontario Y easter and sates of thea since were slow, Top hese lower. Sheep prices held 410W. sr the w�ao wore a rnavy spit and corsage O'er Olre city of the dead Cooper, assisted .by Mrs, Mustard, under the auspices of St. Paul's ar and musical i sna $a.75 for one load common gases of 1bo t of sweet Mrs. Monteith, Mrs. Metre Ch'u'rch Womee,s Guild in the town y Programme has been cateie moved -Gree at prices almost °goat to tr a Rna �tostii eutiban on 11mt"�y'a a peas. The groom Winith .pitying love ,he looked at me, goT red hull in Hensal4, on Tuesda Provided, so that the entertainment those para last week, Prices almos sna hest watc Xmas assisted by his cousin, Mr, Wm. Why weepest thou?" -he said; Mrs, Sinclair, A number oP visitors Y> May 16. wi•19 .be one well worth attendin ere. mostly $s.fio to 7.50; common to mea- aquarter'"d' the higher price being an advance of Gaffney. A reception was held at the "Behold the onQ thou grievest for, from Brucefield and Egntondvi lie were This play was given some manbhs ago Mr. T. Murdock :has the painters at .0 h "tcbr cows, a .round $5; good cows, An, ed°12% last week'. f.o.b for T rya thane 'of the bride's Parents, near f„ present and enjoyed the social ;inter and took so ,well that it is to be re- they were, brought $a; bolts were loading, lett wtth .!,ors $tang et outside M'bnkton. .Later the She is aIioe, not dead work p his dwelling which will add to from $3.50weighing to $6.60 ; one choice young breedy pointe, the volume of supply will probably Young couple course at the close of the meeting. A pests,. There is a Ion•$ caste of its appearance 8a well 88 preserving 'bun, elrhEnq sauna 1,000, brought $7.50; decide the ala -week price llefit for Toronto and other- points. The frailty of thine earthly eyes very pleasant social time was spent characters, and all baking Pati do it --Mrs. R. McArthur win called to beavy bulla were not wanted; the few can, Receipts to say were 8,622 cattle. oras calves, Their -last of friends in Logan Fill Is why thou cant not see by the ladies Present over a cu of their Parts .remarkably well'. --Our "ere offered brourht from 41.5o up, 2,s7e .hog. and 177 sheep sna lambs, In Ad - O3 P Niagara Falls On Saturday d8at Ow- Quotation: Butcher ateem, choice, $8,60 ditto. there 822 western feeders billed through .e •. join. in wishing the bride and angelic p' y paper hangers and painters are work- to $8.75; good, $7,76 to $e.0; medium, $7 to Ontario point.. Oman +on and ha $roam The an lie s Irrt mother, tea Jnovided b the hostess. These ing to the critical illness of her cis - y l > PPY years of wed- Ever watching ,over thee, monthly meetings of .lite 3ady ,mss_ lug over time to keep up to the de- ter, Who Passed away, however, be. to 57.60; common, $8,0 to 87; butcher heif- QAofntione:�hoice heavy steers, 48.80 to dei life and may they long remain sianary workers are always': looked 171ands on them. Dr. A. Moir has re- fore 'her arrival there. -pub Citizen's t7 be; cannon$7.6o O$a.60 to '$6.50; 4 butcher 7oown $9.0 goobutcher � e .holes, $7'7 to $8.6o; residents of good old Lagan township, She ever hovers by .thy sid#° forward to with interest aid much turned from 'Set, Joseph's Hospital, Band, under the able •leadership of choice, $s.50 to $e; medium, $8.50 to $5,00; $6.25 to $7,00; do. common, $6.00 to $s -s0 where they ,have many :true and Thou'rt never left alone; (profit, where he had been for a number of Mr, Milne 'R. Rennie, are now busii canners, 5t.rp to $2; cutters. $2.6o to 4s.,o: butcher heifers, choice, $7.26 to $8.25; do„ staunch friends who showed by the In Heaven's fair lands that mother Notes, -Rep, R. A. Lundy and his weeks owing :bo blood :poisoning in engaged Practising Y butcher bull., good, s6.0o to $6.50: common, medium, $6.60 to $7.00; do. common, $do$ many beautiful and easel one of his 'hands, received from dress- g and will soon be $8.50 to $5• to $s.24: butcher cows, chafes, 65.60 to $$.50; presents Has tenfold stronger representative Elder, Mr. James Fin- ing a patic t$ wound, and wilt, in ready 'to attend :public functions, to med'um quail y calves b arrket steady; fair 60 d++. medium. io602.to: $5.00; butcher ;„,,A= Ana 11 received a the bride and -groom. the ge grown. 1a mon, attended the acetic of Pres- n garden parties, etc., and will be able to $6.60, wit” the bulk coins around $6.00: cutte$5.00 to m800 do common, r,00 , $gx08•; - dii¢ah esteem in which -day are held. bytery 'at Clinton on Tuesday. -Mrs. the course of a couple of weeks, be to also ive street concerts. _ And often tensa, with spirit hands, Hugh McGregor and her sister -in- able to resume .his $ -Our $6.60foacaly ' Wotdy drinkers, $4 to $5 and feeaere, rood. $6,00 to $6.75; do, fair, 46.56 11 Thine hair she doth caress, law, Practice. His Main Street is being surveyed for the good heavy calves brought $7, to $8,00; stockere, good, $5.50 to, $6.00; do., TUCKERSMITH And often Mrs. James Ross, have returned }tome many fiends are pleased to know new pavement, and we ho Quotation, Good 1-1, $6 to $7; medium, fair, $5,00 to $6.50; milkbrs, $40.0o hu too; draws try weary head after a ;pleasant visit with friends at that he has returned 'and' is making near future to see something $4s to $5.50. s7a; market weaker; cheep �iopno w'$iioo� as me9a0i,6m°u, $4000 to $80; Se}tool Report. -The followiteg is Down 1A her spirit breast. such •a calves, choice ile; .1 the report of +Sr}lool Section No. 3, Simco$ and Landon. Mrs, Roas also, good recovery from a very and su'bsbantiaf� Rev. J. A. Mc Can- fan $6,60 to $7, and wring tante from t4 do. 0 to $1on. s4.od to And often soothes they troubled sleep visited her sister, Mss. Shaw, at Sim- severe case of b9ood voisoning,-•Our nell, pastor of Chrmel Presbyterian ter d. ° There were no good I. -b. of. $14,00 to $15.00; oro. Aammon, teosobe, Jioo; Tuckersmith, for April: Sr. IV- cele. These dailies villagers are vdefa' eprinre ininba, 411.00 to $1,.00; sheep, choice Hazel Haugh, 294; 'Lyda Chapman, Or wipes away the trace Jintend taking a g with each other church, attended the P;esbyierp resect_ Quotations: Ewes, $5.50 to $7. Of bitter tears of anguish, trip to .bit¢ West in a few weeks, 'as t`- who will 'have the best garden Hogs-ateceipta, 1.551; A few l is of hors cannon, $8-50; do- 9-041- o$6.0 t and 0; do ✓ 290; Ina Scott, 288; Mae Simpson, g where they have a host of friends, and well kept ing held at Clinton on "Tuesd'ay asst. were reoeivea on contract At ;is.°This pies cd, mon, 4. $1 o $5 do, hes, etor to $1a water 370; George Munroe, 259; Kathleen That bedlm her loved one's face, pt Premises. -Mr. T. C. Rev. S. Mlhean, oP Egmandville, ;e- was Raked and possibly paid for a few ore oro. country points, $12.76 to $18.00. Elliott, 265• Wilson •McCartney, 201. She reel red are sure to have a grandrouting. gently y guides thy faltering steps, -We are sorry to note that Mrs, Jr. IV -Clifford Braadfoot, 84• Leon- For God, in love, (hath given Robert Elgie for some weeks has not and McKnight, 63; Lillian Richardson, Her spirit influence over thiole, been enjoying her usual good (health, st - 54, Sr. IIl-Iieken Davidson, 175; To lead tree home to Heaven. but we trust :things will soon take a Ella Papple, 166; Wilson Broadfoot, turn for the better.-Mothera'. Da' i 156; John Fothe7ingh e, cot Erma E'en, as ed spoke, a cloud of mist services will be held an our These . COCKBURN Bargain. Blice Mun e. 1 Willie Scott, 116;ons Obscured ri'r from my si ht: The heaven] g Churches an Sabbath next. These Mice Munroe. IM; Harold Armstrong y radiance faded, too, services are always looked forward A*' A., Store' 97. Jr. III Crnf1 popple, 54; Aus- And all again was ni.glut. to, T•he choir Will be composed of tin Zapfe, 51; Ewa Stackhouse, 10. Jr• mothers for this occasion and'is MarY Papple, 105; Ma me Chap- IT.- cloudfet Lost its gloriousness, F?ro man, d T Doroth $ yad forces, a -sombre grey; -Mr. special.Demusic for the a&caslon. Where can you buy ae Y ro irgt , 103; -Mr. A. DetweilerI of Kitohener, ^ y� &4 Mildred Taylor, 99. Sr. First. rein Lt hesitated, yet awhile, was the fore part of the week visile G +�j $23,50� � Zapfe, 36; Murray Walters 24. Jr. Then floated guile away. ing among hits young friends there, Guaranteed Suit for I. -Greets BroadfOot, 47; Ellen Mae And, in its place, the stars appeared 4 'P • who Were a leased to see him. By Servb it (equal) Dorothy Wilson, le; In heaven's .high vaulted dame, here i going, Mr. Th,e, s,le in trip One Pair GlovesI unr McKnight, r (equal); Helen I fanciedthem the weleame dishes, here wlll.med goadhisTee seeding has Munroe, 31; John $road£oot 20; Ciar- been finish¢, in this section and ecce Taylor, Of my eternal home. /'� �� Y 20 (equal). Primer,- farmers are now .getting ready for ��//' Robert .Papple, 40. Number On roll But. d it soul, the star d hope beans and routs, There are no ,kali- Value $1.50 for April, e average attendance, Had ]ret the path I'd trod, days for the farmers, eage,Wly in 37.11.-M. Mollis, Teacher, he path, that ever leads me on, ter, wummsr time. -The snail freest " West End Notes. -Seeding is now To Home, and Mother, and God. crop never promised a bigger yield Men's Sox Ladies Hose r finished and the farmers here are By Mary Wheatley Adams. and if the frost stays away, fruit Of Preparing for the corn and root crop. -- - all kinds will he very abundant. Mr. pairs, ���t 11 ' Giv n Away [; -Sunday next will be observed as STAFFA William Sproat has returned home P !' CCCJJJ 5 airs for......... C With Every Mothers' Day at Turner's Church. A from the hospital at London and ap- " ` 6 mothers' ¢Bair will lead the singing. Notesn (n Friday evening Mrs. A. pears'to have been .greatly benefitted r -Tire ,Prospects are McLellan (nee Grace Spears ti'as C0�1 good for an a- ) by :his treatment and many friends Balbrl an Underwear L bvndant fruit crop thisPresented with a chair at the home Pe Y Balbriggan SPECIAL Ladles' Underwear Rain --,w,P ��zar' of Mrs, Whldiam ,Jeffrey from -the ra its complete recovery will be rapid and permanent -Messrs. J. per Qal'met....... SoC (C �90 t BLYTH chair of which she was ,mealier.- Doig &t Some -Are now busy st ere Print r ' Miss Elsie Stewart, teacher of No. 2, saw mill sawin Man's u r ti= WOmen's Institute, - Tb¢ annual visile, her friend, Miss M. Livin g UP their saason'a p O1 �+ meeting for election 'of of tiers for Ston over the week end at the 'home stock of 'lags 1n the yard. They have , 38 inches wide L - ' the Blyth Branch of the Women's In- of Mrs. Hotham,-We ,are sorry to nbesy season ahead of them in from- BOA s Braces 19C Ladies Corset Covers b ✓stittrte was held in the new Memorial report that Master Arthur smale ig ing carpenter work and also par- &fen's Braces 37 47C Reg. 32efor 25 Re % 4 Ha11 an May 3rd. A flood crowd of ill with pneumonia,--�SSacramental tomer- thelnsebiuil during 'fineding Q resid er,-fo g'.'SI••0Q for 55C � self, g as tt¢mbe+rs (and visitors was hPreseret; viol waa ,he at Bethel appointment and Mrs, 'ltho.ma I't. Mrs: R Richmond was .again electl;d .on 'Sunday. -Mr. and Mee, F. D. r� s KYIe spent', very OVfTa1lB and Smocks Raincoats � ,a0' i'6,, ,bresideft along w th a good staff 'eF FEutehifarib, of 9eafarth, made a short a ClintoiiaY 'this Week with friends Ladlels F�arilnerette Suit9. r i , o,ffittels. The District President, Mrs. 19,11 in the village one day last week. mother, Mra, M - Kyle visiting her Regular' $1.75 nOViT $1.10 Regular St!."f T5 now $2.00 ��.n(� (� * r ^ A Mi Kirk was present ,at ttlria meet- Th+e property of the late James zie, of near Ba ujv to 1 (n.�O �I .a: its$ 'mull '$ave a very interesting and Allen has been pureM1lased :}ry the fin- yfeld• was in the vii- ll) ■ ll ✓6 ve address on Institute wouk ancial committee of the llfebhadist Olds, week, viOttrng her brother, ,'_ lirltelLt of a live Womea's church, rote price list ng $coo -A p vim`eKanzie.-MrB. �At¢r Ma- A. A - ,Cockburn Men's Suits latest models utt the tbrll8nv 'are Ewers and *on, of GOderich, were hers . f eller. The pleasant evening was spent at the Otis w4yek visiting wnth tote former'a $TORNS IN SEAFORTH, S7'RA�'1+Y1"' ll"MOIO, ST, 'CATHARINES. o , h&A Valibd over one hoirne of !lir, WdUfam Jeffery on Fri- sister, 'Miss M. MoKa .of I h N�i5tlW,I he y&f. There' day, (ods R about snot, of Mhe Mebho- Mil VY,lliam �bt9Who ho vjllba� + Cts; E. !i$���, Gelneral Mall�}p*bi`'' a nY gElrig (held 'at 4fFeNe dint ohaureb ass¢mlbled to do fienat to raelfltrar in go„fth for We Sell for Less $ j ���0 t� $3�e�� +, ' Y � hhe�Itlg'''b! edM# Mrs. Mevpy ,And family, Who ares is ll -�bnr-r ' } o 1 gJg ?pli" y'c +. i,;•; .:. n�• PaoaN oth "pi4k'' C $ i xsome 9 1 1. i t I 11 ,. Nulv,s 1 n•? w 4kv I'll 1'�`rb'v $ :i , y _ I - ., s I j., i` r;r: ..t _ i11 ayP �l r (• .ty-tf •ry 4 . ,;,05.. N 1'? i .l .y. , , ., 11 y,. ;.:.ip.:,r. �u 5: 1. „r. ,.:'.J, r9mY.•i"`., 1>f .at�,J( r v s1r ,a,,..y .i.1 r a isi t �re`'u�a�,"dR' tj r . .. 'f. 4? _`A"QkJJ7�' n'iliv{�kBfuZlk:EarF,k�JR'Al'.'.',�1�09 ..Yri.NtEIY•TRt.S�t'4#5.:.,u er.�.»l1 _.1�b,A�.etrt, .%�..i:..n r.V�l., ...n.r., Hat-:?i.,4,a{,i3iuS&31 Sine'`'l,';N�1�fnuew..fx,ntw.:': a sft . .., , , .. , y r .t.t,