HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1922-04-14, Page 5's xalils h, April 13, 1922. 30 to 85c 26 to, 20c amt Walk',jar ton .' $ilkrtsi, VW ton $$0.00 Bain, ,per cwt 418.00 CHISBLHURST Notes. There was a good abtend- *nee at ,the Epworth League 4n the TNebkodeist church on Plriday evening est, when ,slues 4nte eet was . ieho'tvn• in et debate, "Resolved that rho Hoasa was o GTeatee Disports** OBIS *11s Barn."' The debate was opened by Miss Muriel' H eind Ma Douglas. bibs negai.. teres,' being taken Ivy M:. J. F arid. Ma'.. St .A4t:,: gala give*de mason alwio4' of the la4Hss wiw had aut..splendid cum. -The syrup awe= ie now over and tile farmer& have boron operations on the land, but this heavy rails of Monday .*sight lass held up the yolk for a few days. -'Ise hall wheat has come out well. and promises to be a good crop. The new seeding pais come through the 1 winter in excellent condition. DUBLIN Notes. -Word was received here of the early demise of Mr. Charles Gormley, in Detroit, where tke young man bad a good business. Mr. Gorm- ley was one of a large family brought up on tke seventh concession of Hib- bert. His another died last autumn. Mr. Gormley was a' brother of Mr. William Gormley, late undertaker of Dublin, but now of Hamilton. His other brothers residing here are; John, of Stratford; Edward, of Hib- bert, and Uouis.-Mr. Patrick Ma- loney, of our v'illage, is confined to This home through illness. -Mr. Patk. Ryan, of Hibbert, is quite ill in the Stratford General 'Hospital. He was taken sick while visiting with his daughter, Mrs. Jack Evans, and his son, Mr. J. V. Ryan. -The sixteen- imonths-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Rowland, of Logan, was bur- ied on Friday last. Pneumonia and bronchitis following whooping cough was the cause of his death. Other children in the family are very ill -with measles. GODERICH Death of Charles Bedard. -The Advertiser -Topic, of Petrolia, con- tains the following obituary of a 'former resident of this district: - "Charles Bedard, father of Mr. A. A. Bedard, of this town, died at his home in Courtright, on Friday, March 31st, in his 78th year. Deceased was born at Sharbot Lake, Lenard Coun- ty, on April 5th, 1844, his father who 'was a veteran of the war of 1812-13 (laving settled there. Ten years later the family came to Huron county and settled near Goderich, where Mr. Bedard married and took up a farm of his own, remaining there until 1884 when he moved to Moore town- ship and settled on a farm on the river near Courtright where he re- mained until his death. He was the 'father of a large family 'and is sur- vived by his daughters, Mrs. Morise Michel; Miss Mercelline Bedard, of Courtright, Mrs. Victor Jarrot, of Wilmington, S. C., and by his sons, Charles in Montana; Edward and Dan, in Courtright; Alex. A., in Pe- trolia• William, in Sarnia; Peter in Detroit, and Thomas in Minuke, Alta. Tke funeral took place on Monday morning, the remains being laid at rest in Oorunna cemetery." TEES WANTED received and addressed t4 et the buildi of �et Itio• Si►tur�, A]Dr►► H%tb. fog " whole work or ter seek trade espe moor Plans and.pa.idelMens baa be seen • at the Store, Egix sew lowest tender not acTlie 1804 W. J. r1NN s« -Fes Amiss' FOR SAL$ Alt *SWIM home on (ipderiab street, o Wolk west of Methodist (bphteh, .a.ekk Y)gbR, Yard and .esti Iu Ant elem. rat'. Awply tip0-r KU4. or A. K. -Isla] • X} . T"UT IT WITH FLOWHItIr From Gee. Stewart's Florist, Goderich, Ont. Out Flowers slays on band. Wedding bunches and Floral designs 4r Specialty. Member of tke Florists Telegraph Delivery Association. Flowers delivered to any part of Can- ada and United States, also princjpal cities in Europe. AU orders delivered promptly. 2880-12 IMPORTANT NOTICES PASTURE. -A LIMITED NUMBER OF ,young cattle wanted to pasture. S. THOMSON, Brucefteld. 2884x2 HATCHLNG EGGS FROM BRED -TO -LAY Barred Rocks, 60 cents per 15. JAMES FINLAYSON, R. ft. No. 8, Klippen. 2885-2 �EED .FOR SALE. --JUST RECEIVED AN- L" car of Wee,tern oats, beet quality. Also bran, shorts, oil cake meal and flour. Prices right. W. SCOTT & Co. 28864 FOR SALE. -46 SUCKING PIGS, FIVE dollars each. Also a six-year-old draught horse. ALBERTA FORRF.ST, second conces- sion of Tuckenmith. 2885.2 PASTURE LANDS TO LET.-McKILLOI' Township, 225 acres, well fenced. Good well and new wdndmtll on land. CHARLES REGELE, R. R. No. 1, Dublin. 2834-2 FOR SALE. -300 BUSHELS OF SEED oat, grown in 1920, good and clean. 90 cents per bushel. Apply to ALEX. SPARKS, R. R. No. 2, Seaforth. Inone 14-286. 282141 WANTED. -CATTLE TO GRASS DURING the pasture ,eas6n. Apply to MRS. PL'TER FISHER, Concession 8, Stanley, Kip - pen, Ont. 2834-1 E4 GGS FOR HATCHING. -BARRED ROCK bred -to -lay, from O.A.C. breed, good laying strain. Apply to J. H. CAMPBELL. R. R. No. 1, Seaforth. 2833x2 WANTED. -CUTTING BOX WITH 12 -INCH mouth piece, and reverse gear. Must be 4n good condition. State pri.e and loca- tion to EXPOSITOR OFFICE, Seaforth. 2884x2 WANTED. --A LIMITED NUMBER OF Cattle to pare on Lot 27. Concession 12, Hibbert. Plenty of grass and water guar- anteed. Terms reasonable. Apply to T. G. SHiLLiNGLAW, R. R. No. 4. Seaforth. 213,35-tf FOR SALE. -BARRED ROCK BRED -TO - Lay egg,. Exhibition ,train from E. D. Thompson', Imperial Ringlet, the strain that has won every prize and cup at Madison Stouare Garden the last. 8 years. Apply to JAMES DORRANCE, R. R. No. 5, Seaforth. 2884x2 FOREST HOME ANNOUNCEMENT. - Durha,n,--Sire Roan Sceptre by imported Gallant Sceptre. Terms --Pure breds, 85: padea, 32, payable January lot. 1928. York- -,Site, -Senior Sire Vineland Prince, from a Wel.tead, out of first prize sow, Toronto, 1920. Junior Sire, Meadow Brook Hero. Terms -M.59 payable time of ,ervice. For Sale -Two sows coming In in April, carry- ing second litter, and 4 sows coming in in May. first fitter; 1 boar, 8 months old. White Wyandotte,'• --Pen 1, headed by trap - nested bred -to -lay stock, from Trivett New Market; pens 2 and 8. by Utility bred stock. from E. A. Moore, London. Eggs fpr hatch- ing, 5 cents each. We can spare a few ton, of hay se follows: Timothy, 315: Red Clover 118 ; Sweet Clover, 811, at the farm. JOHN HAY, R. R. No. 2, Kippen. 2835.2 BIRTHS, McLean. -In Tuckersmith, on April 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. David McLean, a daughter, (Clara Margaret). MARRIAGES .Jackson -Robb. -At the home of the bride's parents, "Sprucedale," Brussels, by Rev. J. P. McLeod, on April 5th, Mr. Albert Ed- ward Jadkson. Harri.ton, to Mise Jean Beatrice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Robb. Reid -McGowan. -At "Woodley Farm," East Wawanosh, on March 81st, by the Rev. George Telford, pastor of the Presbyterian church, Blyth, Dixon, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. McGowan, to Fred Reid, son of Mr. James Reid, of Varna. DEATHS Smith. --In St. John's Hospital, Fargo, North Dakota, Margaret Sproat, wife of A. J. Smith, Carrington, N. D., aged 50 years and 6 months. McQuaid -In Toronto, on April 11th, Margaret Desmond, beloved wife of Martin McQuaid, aged 52 years. Elliott --In Bayfield, on April 9th, Maria Smith, widow of the late Edward Elliott, aged 82 years and 6 months. ldeLean.-In Tuckenmith, on April 5th, Clara Margaret McLean, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David McLean. Baby Chicks For Sale Will have during the season about 6,000 Baby Chicks. bred -to -lay single comb White T ees:whs. the cockerels being from 808 -egg strain. $15.00 per 100. Send orders early ea we have never been able to fill all orders. INGLEWORTH POULTRY YARDS. Holmeaville. S. J. Trewartha, Phone 22-611. 2882x6 NOTICE TO CREDITORS ]In the Matter of the Estate of John Allen, late of the Township of Hibbert, in the County of Perth, Laborer. Deceased. The Creditors of the above named John Allen, who died on or about the 19th day of March, 1922, are requested on or before the 15th day of April, 1922, to send to the undersigned Executors of the said !]state, full particulars of their claims against hi. Rotate after which date the assets of , the .said Estate ',111 be diatribuied among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only -to tboee claims of whb6, notice has been received as above. This notice is given pursuant to Sectfirn 48 of "The Trustee Act." Dated at Bothwell this 28th day a Marsh, ..A. 1)., 1922. REV. JOHN HENNIIR. E:.enter, Bothwell. Ont. All Darvon indebted to the estate of the ' date Jessie Allen, also of Hibbert, are hereby .hofised to pay all accounts owing the said /•estate forthwith to the above named Segall - ...ter. . Netie. Is also hereby 'further Riven that hoo.e, shed and lot located in the ell- ei . Staffs, the property a the late is offered for .ale by tender. en any tender not neeemarily .e - emoted. Tenders to be oast to above named lieaalear ea• al¢'' before Aril 15th. 28884 We Are Selling Shoes Bring your Shoe worries to Egmondville. We have the First Quality Shoes at prices that should please you. ---SPECIALS--- Wire Nails, per Ib 6c Fence Staples, per lb 7c Redpath Sugar $7.00 W. J. FINNIGAN. 1 - SALE REGISTER In Dublin, on Wednesday, April 19th, auc- tion sale of. wagon, buggies, cutters, robes and harness, also hogs. L. J. Looby, Pro- prietor; Thomba Brown, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE OF FARM, FARM STOCK and Ittiplementa.-Mr. 'Thai. Brown has been instructed to sell by public auction on Iot 18, Concsssion 4, Tuckersmtth, 11/4 Miles south of Egmondville. on Tuesday, April 10th, 1922, commencing at 1 o'clock, the following: The Farm --The farm - contain; 100 acre. of choice land, 6 acres of bush, 20 acre, seeded down. balance under cultiva- tion. Good bank barn 160.36. drive shed, frame house, all in good repair. Horses -1 hone 9 years old, 1 horse 7 years old„ one home coming 4 years old broken in, 1 colt coming 8 years old, 1 horse 4 years old, 1 hone 6 years old. Cattle-Fourcows sup- posed to be in calf, 2 yearling calves, two calves eight ` months old, Implements --One Massey -Harris binder, 2 Massey -Harris 6 foot out mowers, 1 Massey-Harria hay loader, 1 Masaey,Hareia side rake. 1 Masses -Hear dump rake. 1 Massey -Herrin cultivator. one Superior drill, 1 .McCormick low down manure spreader, 1 Oliver corn cultivator, 2 sets of teeth; 8 -section harrow., 1 roller, 1 Ring eoufi.r, 1 vet a Bain sleighs, 1 Rain wagon, 1 Soggy. 1 cutter, 1 single plow, 1 sing] furrow riding plow, 1 24utrow riding plow 1 gam plow, 1 Chatham, fanning mill, on root Pulver, 1 Dray reek 16 feet, 1 wood rack, 1 large wagon box, 1 Ford Touring car, 1 set single lowness, 1 set breeching harness, 1 set plow harass. 1 cream separator. one grindstone. '40 gallon gas tank, 1 Sandy'. Choice ormaieut Naw, 1 hey knife, las, shovels. chola., eta Th. :bosomimplements aro almost new. F owi- 4 hair gee. and 80 hem. Porno -On Musa made known on day ed ..le, -0-r on to the nader+igned. On Ohdt. . fS ' and littler, .ea.h ; over that amount 8 e.oathe aredtt 'On "Moved }Dint notes. A dt.eoul.t a6 4 on the dollar allowed left' 'sigh • ie.omrl.. MRS. WILLIAM 0 Pr iotrw :' Thee. Drown, Aw.go ate.. fli4.t a ' r . , ,t r .. c, a Go-- NoP. sooneri,#d than done wiles you own a Ford. It may be a drive oto 1,' e'coulltry, or it may beaWI? totown, It may be to hear a sermon or to see a t OnS "movie." It may to visit the old folks, or to See your young folks. Birt no matter whT$>t"e it is or what the object the Ford will get you there and bring you back. • We are in a position to x ake immediate delivery of any model -easy terms if you wish. .,n ------"-.. `. >e e e n1 1. t>M.',!!`. 1 Vii ,r. . ;lari� fi. w� y; 1 Irl \\\ .f.- \\ J. F. DALY, SEAFORTH Authorized Agent for Ford Cars, Truck and Tractors. ' Tom Beattie, Salesman. •-AMM=NI_I=■ My o_= Ill -_ ■ _ Isv-- o • ' The Q uestion of Price, • Price seems the Allain consideration -,but it is well to remember that some clothes are dear at any price, how- • • ever low. " "Clothes of Quality" are a positive proof tha- Correct Styles, Fine Fabrics and First-class Tailoring can be ob- e tained at reasonable iprices. • Before you buy your new Suit, give us a call and look a over our Samples and Styles. We can save you dollars and • give you 'real value. • • Suits $20 Up at • • "My Wardrobe" Main St, Seaforth , Ferguson&Company BANKRUPT SALE of CLOTHING, GENT'S FURNISHINGS AND LADIES' COATS AND FURS. SALE ENDS APRIL 22nd , An Opportunity to Secure your Wants before Mark- ing Our Goods at Market Values MEN'S BOYS' Fine Peaked Spring Caps. Odd N Teter,' at Regular $2.50, 1 e35 for- 95c $1.50 $2.50 MEN'S MEN'S Wash Ties, fine fast colors. Best Felt Hats. 2 Reg. $5.00, for .. .9J Whilelast they 35c A FINE LINE -- - ----- BOYS' Peaked Caps, just the thingall of Men's Sox -silk, 59c colors, at s for school, Ltisle thread ox 40c 3Q a for C QLook like Silk. BOYS' MEN'S White and striped Blouses. Overalls, all sizes, striped Regular $1.00, an to for 55c Blckd. 1.1 0 1.80 BOYS' MEN'S Smocks, Blue and Black. All Good Serviceable Cotton at one QQ Hose, all 25price .Vo sizes c c Kahki Trousers at......1.65 35 0-! - Just received, our Navy Blue Suits. They are a choice lot, bought at the very last price, and quality the finest. These are not a cheap lot, and we in- vite your inspection. Greig's Old Stand p'be' *taw win) wide er .Teti t* . Wilit-1""^ `i' lag , stocks. w# . iutve lent facilities tor, baadllits your busioeies. As inerabere of . the .Toronto Stock: Excbangef we ere is a positiop to execute your orders in the best market. Writs w for more YN. in rapid to Jiri est1-i t..-• • L. It Green & Cp. Member■ Toronto Brock Exokaag• Union Bank Bldg. Termite PUBLIC APOLOGY I do apologia. to the farming public in'not being able to produce snow for winter sleigh- ing to allow you to have your Spring supply of drain tile home. But I have produced a good stock of tile from $-inch to 10 -inch. and I have reduced the price, although clay sirwln tile always paid their way. I have bought a truck for delivering anywhere on good road. at reasonable rate. I am prepar- ed to give you any service or convenience you may need. You will owe me an apology if you don't drain that wet field with good cla' bile supplied by 888-tf WILLIAM M. BRPOAT, Pawn. 9 en 136. Seaforth, P. O. Mixing Bowis New Crate this Week of Mixing Bowls, Bake Dishes, Bowis, Jugs and Mugs all sizes, brown outside, white inside. The old line at the old price. CURTAIN RO--Flat extension Rods, let us show you these at 15e and 90c each. SMALJ,,WARE-In this line we carry a wide variety. Granitsware, Alaminionware and Galvanized Pails. ntrNER,SETS-FruitAetft Salad Bowls, odd cups, cups and Isadeeraand a bi went of Fancy China. Yon are under no obligation to buy. Coale and see. BEATTIE BROS. TENDERS WANTED Tenders for the construction of the Dickson Drain (tile portion) will be received W the Municipal Council of McKillop till Tuesd.y. April 18th, 1922, when tenders will be peen- ed at 11 o'clock a.m., at the Carnegie Library Hall, Seaforth. A lepoedt of 10 per cent to accompany tender. Plans and specifications may be seen at Clerk's office, Lot 82, Con- cession 8, Mc lop. JOHN McNAY. 2884-2 Clerk. N r Th. business of the foe Jobe. Mutt* be oontlalwd by ht. tote* •slim"• Rankin and under the superrisioa e[ 1:r. Sohnested, IL -C.. who has new traatea.Mi his office to the late Mr. RaFnkin's OW*• '. The estate wishes to thank all gar Nair patronage in the peak And r .Si licit,' a continuance, watt will be every care and attention. 7/RANK H. RANKIN. F. BOLMESTED, mass -s WOMEN'S COATS EASTER TRAVEL Many Women do run away for a little vacation at just this time of year. They wish to be correctly and becomingly attired -quite willing to pay for the dress -up, too, if the right apparel is to be found. This Spring brings a most insistent demand for Coats, and assort- ment after assortment has been sold out as soon as received. We give our Patrons, especially those who live at a considerable distance from our store, an opportunity to select from an Extra Large Assortment. An effort has been made to obtain something very special for this Easter Week, resulting in our obtaining a big lot of WOMEN'S SAMPLE COATS of the very highest grade, to sell at very pleasing price.reduc- tions. With these Coats, too, to our out-of-town patrons, the same fare -re- fund offer will hold. On purchases of $25.00 or over we agree to refund railroad fares both ways between your home and our store. Millinery, Gloves and Hose in Biggest Easter Assortments. J. A. Duggan, Ltd:, Stratford, Ont. DOMINION STARES Ltd WEEK END SPECIALS Shredded Wheat 25C 2 pkgs. _. Kelloggs' Corn Post Toasties Flakes Our Price ,V), c 22c 3 pkgs .. 2 pkgs.. Pure Breakfast Cocoa � =, 2 lbs BROOMS Reur Prig. finece 3 C O Pure Lard in Bulk 1 tiC per lb. St. Lawrence Best Granulated Sugar 13 lbs. 98c Icing Sugar 2 lbs. 19 cents Comparison Benson', Corn Star^h, per pkg...15c Our Price, 2 packages 24.c Matches, 3 boxes 45c Our Price, 3 boxes 34e Royal Excelsior Dates, per pkg..loc Our Price, 3 packages 25c Sugar, per cwt. $7.25 Our Price $7.00 & $6.80 Corn 15c Our Price, 2 tins 25c Soaps, 08c Our Price, 7 bars 50c 'Campbell's Soups 18e & 20c Our Price, per tin 15c Pure .Tarn $1.00 Our Price, per tin 75c lOc Our Price, 3 packages 25c Jelly Powders TOTAL 1$9.48 TOTAL $8.29 TEACH YOUR DOLLARS TO HAVE MORE SENSE. Pastry Flour 24 lb. sack 95c 1Pure Maple Syrup BREAD FLOUR Our Price 41,5 51.95 per cwt. . _ per gallon Highest Trade or Cash Prices for Butter and Eggs. {I