HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1922-03-24, Page 311 "14 r "Yale' IO tovh ,, n t9 1240 ife is often 66adblekin Pr146it4 baOly vend. Sated gdpliefl .06 WOWS cold e whack wick Ns -whole system. To guard this a box of Baby's Own Tab ebonld be kepi e belittle erna an occasional dose given the • bby_to keep his stomach and bowebl worldng regularly. This. will prevent • colds, constipation or eolic and keep baby well. The Jablets are sold by sne&cine dealers- or by mail et 25 cents a box front The Er. Williams' WEedieine Co., Brockville, Ont. • THAT DISE RAG Whew! "Jess, smell his breath." It does not smell delicious, and if you will take the trouble to examine It under a microscope, you will find, that the one 1 am telling you about, even worse than it smells. Why? Because it is the common practice of many ;otherwise, clean, common sense hoiase wives,. after washing the greasy, fishy,..mixed dish- es, to squeeze the dish cloth into a tight b,a11, „grease and all, and put it into one corner of the sink, or 'hide it behind a post in a dart place, if there is one convenient. Result. Microbes. Microbes big and microbes small; microbes fat and microbes lean, microbes gaunt and hungry for human blood. Microbes by the million. Why, if all the mi- crobes in that one dish rag were con- verted into pounds, they would pay off the national war debt. But why am I telling you this story about a dish rag? Well, 1 will tell you. One day in the course of my business 1 had occasion to go to the back door of a very well -kept home. Mother and daughter were about to wash the dinner dishes. • The .mother said, "Mary, get me the 'dish rag,'" My atiention was at- • tracted, and my stomach distracted • by a most peculiarly offensive smell, that penetrated to the very bottom Aof my stema:.h. To my surmise and horror, I found it was corning from the "dish rag." noticed the mother washed the greasy, fishy dishes with it then squeeze.d it up into a tight 131111, grease and all, and put it in a corner cf the sink, in the darkest pi ice, there to breed 1110re baCteria, and bee -Mlle 1110re foul smelling till the next dish wash - 0. A 42c.:.,t4)4 VI 4 A‘.114.1)!' itS '0,1 412.4....C...i/kenautibla,p14',.4.41.tteV4tAikte7.140.1022.4f11, .Ee) ,AL 4461g440 " he AN - 'LA, N1)1V..-) FAVCII-e ITUk kef Breed, well, yes they are 'far more prolific than health germs in the, Vell best soil, for the whole course of Nature is toward corruption; hence God -likeness is the opposite of filth and corruption. You may not know it. but a massy, ill -kept dish cloth is a menace trk the • health, not only to the inmates of that home, but to the health of the community. There is diselse and death lurking within its ill -smelling, folds. 1 am not just now prepared to state how many, and just what kind of germs are bred in such dish rags, but I ani prepared to say there are enough so-called bacteria, whatever that means, as 1 do not find them defined in Webster, to poison and kill a whole community. These death -dealing germs get in- to the fond, then into the stmnach, pass into the blood and apparently re- main quiet until the pathalogical soil is sufficiently corrupt to breed them, then we have a case of fever, and from that one there may be spread an 'epidemic of typhoid, etc, it is true we live arid thrive on germs, but disease germs are not (masticated and cannot be digested, they are wily little imps from the pit of destruction. Now add, to the germs from the dish rag, the germ laden stench, car- rying millions of foul disease germs, germinated by the hot sun, under the kitchen window, or just by the kitchen door, where you throw your dish water; slops and refuse; to this add the filthy, poisoned germ laden air wafted into the house, from the open, out -door, uncovered cess pool, ton of- ten standing near the kitchen door. Read Dent. 23. The odor may not be even pungeant enough to be detected by the foul smell, but just the same, it is carry- ing Heath and destruction, for you breath it into your lungs and swal- low it in your saliva. Remember, the curse causeless does not corne.KSicliness and disease are the direct'effects or a cause, and most of tbe causes are preventable, with a [little thought and care. The cause is (not infrequently hid in that dish rag, or lies just 'outside your kitchen door. In these days of advanced scientific knowledge we 'hear much about "dis- crifectants." No doubt they have their place. But is it not just pos- sible to "miss the mark" and kill the health germs with the disease germs? Every harmer know# that it is much easier to kill the good ,plants than it is to.destroy the weeds and thistles. These pesky little evasive disease- creatint germs, for moat part, elude the scientific grasp, such as cancer, which according to the healtJh ports is killing off eight in every thirteen in Canada, and one in every ten in the United States and rapidly ion the increase. The .germ may be found in 'swine's flesh and the other forbidden meats of Lev. 11, and the ground prepared by the use a tobac- co, alcoholics and the denatured foods which create superacidity, constipa- tion and its train of foul blood-cer- troding diseases. Nature's disinfectants are sinisirine, pure air, fresh water and Cleanliness. Prevention is better than sloe. • Until ' nve stop these disease germ .propagat- big habits, and .boll and stir) dry out -dish cloths, fevers, glagues and peatilences will ride upon Lite wind, Ilto eurge the rich as well AS the poor, tor death and destruction do not re - :Aspect persons nor position. A Word 40. the wise is sufficient. Intel* of year 0*. 1!)i#0,410, in that ;Mieti rag,' and •cat flamers- 6er. "Prevent!' ig better than cure." - 487' , "t4 en. ;' Buy a 40e tube of Rexall Shaving Cream at the regular price of 400 and you will get another tube for 1 cent or f" 41c 4. and C almther'bp,t4it ''t -coot or t 2 for. Sale Thursday and Friday, Mar. 30 & 31,. ,Saturday, Apr. lst This ONE CENT SALE Plan was originated by the United Drug Company for the Rexall Drug Stores. The United Drug Company are the largest manufacturers and buyers of Toilet Articles, Remedies, Chocolates, Perfumes; Rubber Goods,' Stationery and Drug Sundries in the world, and this is an advertising plan pure and simple, of which they bear most of the expense. Instead of spending money in the regular way, such as Free Samples, etc., it is' their desire that we place full size packages, or articles, in your hands, giving you an opportunity to judge the real value of these goods, the cost of which they charge to advertising. We will only be permitted to run this sale occasionally. Beware of imitations in other stores, and take advantage of this exceptional opportunity. We can not afford to charge or deliver goods during this sale. Come in and see the display of all New Merchandise. TOILET CREAMS Almond Bloom Cr eam Softens and Whitens the Skin j2 for .61' Large .60 Bottle 25c Peroxide Fare :2366 Cream.• for 35c Camphorated 22r Coldl.i'reant f 35>35azfor .36 Hel Cream , Ilan,: errant 50e Jar 1-)isappear- for .51 g Face Cream. liexall 2for.61 Cold Ci.cain 06c Jar Paradis Cold Creamfor •61 j 60e Jar Pii radis 2 for .61 . Dry Cream , . 60c Jar Para.IN 2 ,Mas:,ago (room. • • For Your Teeth & Mouth for.36 FOR THE '-ABY 15c Tiny 'Tot Air Filled Soother . 2 fuc.1 13c Tiny Tot 2 .16 Baby Soap.. for 75e iny Ti Baby Pants, Small, e) 7c Medium, Large L• for 4 STATIONE1•11( 50c Bcx of e0' Tangara Linen / -5c 'ittricia Lawn Piper and .En- rcfor.76 velopes .......z 50c Toppy Linen 2for .51 Papeterie 35c Kirkwood Note Paper and Ell- 2for .36 velopes ........ 15c Linen Writing Pads, Note Size, 9 4", 45 Sheets .... „ • 25c Linen Writing sPiazrels, Salisbury 2for •26 35c Linen Writing Pads, Letter Size2 for .36 50 Sheets 15e pkg. Monclair 2 for .16 Linen Envelopes 10c. pkg. Business 2for .11 Envelopes • 10c. bottles Ink2for .1 1 lOctube Photo Paste 2for .11 In tints with Coroured Borders 2 for .51 60c Tube KLENZO TOOTH PASTE The one that gives your mouth that cool, Hears feeling, whitens the teeth, prevents decay and sweetens the breath. 2 for .61 35c tube 2 f er 36 moth Paste.. • 50c Klenzo 251 Tooth Brufor shes.. • 60c Klenzo Tooth Bru...;Iles.. 2 for 75c Elenzo Tooth Bru,thes.. 2 fur, Drugs acid Sick Room Needs HOUSEHOLD REMEDIES Every One is Guaranteed 25e Box Laxative BromideQuinine 2for .26 Tablets 25c Box Rexall q • Carbolic Salve., C. for •CAU 25c box Rexall Healing Salvo.. 2107..26 25c Box R.•xall cold Tabl . 2for .26 si.00 bottle Peptonized with PEYTONIZED IRON TONIC Gat LA,: !- 2 25c. Bot. Peroxide of fly- drogen 2for.26 -I0c. Bot. Peroxide of Hy- Irode n 2 fur Al (i3c. Bot. Peroxide of Hyn - og:P2ror.66 25e NA,. of 100, A. • ll. 9 Tablets . 4.,for,400 25 Box Aspirin 2for .26 Tableui 507 Box Aspirin dr"A for .51 $.1.00 B. .1. of 100 , fp n TaHots 25e Bot. .;; 100 9 iiiatuls Trot rills rtl,, for .26 50c But. <,1 100 Tiwil and :\ 1,11.- 2 51 50c bot cf 100 Cascara SftgradA rp ls, 1 gr, r 15c pkg. Puretest Cm ae 'Fableapho rtd Z f . 6 Chalk n 50c pkg. D;retest a) Soda Phosphatefor .51 $1.00 pkg. Pure - test Sugar of $1.01 25c I30t. Poretest .26 Tr. Iodine.. 2 for 40c Bot. Purctest, T. iodine.. 2 Pr .41 25c Pkg. Puretest, 2 for Epson Sa(ts._ . - .26 15e Iloll Gauze 9. r Bandages... ... .1,,or ,,10 10c Iloll Gauze Bandages 2 for .11 , ;- • 1' '‘r ' ; •••,1 International Stock Food Tonic, 25 lb. Rage ... International Hog Fattener, 25 lb. Bags, Regular 3.50 per bag International Horse Specf&c, 25 lb. Bags, Regular .$3.50 per bag Regular $3.50 per bag International Stock Food Tonic, Regular 75 cents per package Wodkouses Animal or Poultry Invigorator Regular 40 cents package Regular 75 cent package bitenuationa"Eralast" Calf Meal( 2 for $3.51 2 for $3.51 2 for $3.51 2 for 76c 2 for 41c 2 for 76e 2 Imo for $1.51 Iron Tonic ...,....-,,.....• Cod Liver 7-_,,,....!.. .„,,,,,z..c.,,,-„,,, Extract ;-::::::::"-;-Ii 'it ...-.---- ....-...-... 2 Alo01 I......rro, $1.0O hot. nix an1iron T.ant (r) Tablets.. , 4../ °I 1•U 1 S1 1)i) Bot. I', him Talit '... f" /1.00 Bot.11cxall Tonic Bitters. 4for1.01 $1.00 lint Rexall Blo,,d Purifier. '4. $1f ;0 bot. Rexall Syrup of Hypo- phozphtes Compound Th, best tonic fnr the nc.,e and t!le blood. TOTICA you up and •gives Yd... ar, t.tito. EUNDRUZS 51)..11,1ir Plish.. 2 .51 .t , Hsi ng rii-m (.0 and C. 50c. Haml Brush.. 2/".51 Mpidkol 2 f“, .26 Pencils 15c. Menthol 2 for.16 10. Styptic 2.11 Pencils 50c. Transparent, 9 Tobacco Pouch . Af ,•51 eef.Wine and Iron $125 Bottle Rexall Beef Iron and Wine The old reliable tonic and builder 2for $1.26 25c Box Rexall Stomach and Liver Pills 50c Box Rexall dr? td? Bronchial Salve. L. for .J1 60c Bot. Rexall Health Salts ... 2/0,•151 50c Bis Rexall Kidney 35c Bot. Pexall Bulling .4, .1 or.a1U $1.00 bottle Petrofol Liquid Parrafin Recommended by physicians for con- stipation. Colour- less, odourless, tasteless: 2for $1.01 2.fur.26 23c. T,.ns 11ex:„11 9 Zinc 1n011,s1t.. for,.Z.0 50e Bot.11ex,ili '25c Ib''. It. ,11 rt. 1-2( SPLt-NA.I. &MAI ,• .49414 TOILET SOAPS 60c Cakes Odorkist Bath Soap Rose,' Verbena, or Almond 2Lerttuorce.16 15c Cakes Rexall 15c Tiny Tot Toilet Soap .... . 2 Cakes for :fol., for .16 25, Bexall Skin 13sSohaaalp:pSclaPSoap 25c Kienzo Tar 2 for, .26 50 e B ) q et for, 15c:Ccaakkes11ny 1:illoi 357 Stick,: Rexall Floating Bath l•;11.1111i1.1\1•Piii:g S. 11.1).. , for, 2.1.07..16 FACE POWDERS Compacts and Rouges 75c Box Jonteel Face Powder White, Rash and brunette 2 Pr.76 $1.0015(..'itiet Romeo 2J°r (1'1 el All • 50o 1:.y Face itruntto, L,P9r.4:01 35c ',,ic Com- pres,,ed Face es .1,1'.• ,L Powder.for Mr. 7o chi.. -Rouge 2 I or,41 :25c ‘plour Powder 2 pr 26 "0(7.:1i;:. a'> C,,I•J: . Okiaer 3.91r 2 :5\if..i2,1:nli)'i.,1,1"l1 er• 2-6)7..23 2 Bo.x es for $L01 E. $1.25 Jontecl9 fti 'Vanity C'ase. for 0.11) • a',1,0 Face Chamoi' 2 for.16 Umbach Mks "Pit Shays Phone 28. Seaforth, Ont. OPEKO COFFEE 2 One Pound Packages for OPER() PEA -a Sturdy High Grade Tea 2 One-balf .Pound Packages for 71c ,-•••61c FOR YOUR t • tv Good Form HairNets iTirS6.4 - all shades " 2 for .16 $1.00 Pot. Eau do Quinine Muir 2 for $1 el Tonic 757. Petroleum 2 for •76 Hair Rub $1.00 Box liexall "03'. Hair Tonic t•orl•01 40e. Bot. Emulsified Cocoa- nut2Oil Sham- • for 41 poo 50e Lorie Brillian- tine (Solid) ..... for .51 TALCUM POWDERS 75c Jar Paradis Talcum Powder The favorite everywhere In white, flesh or brunette, - 2for .76 25c tin Rexall cipe Baby Talcum .. for. 50c Bouquet Ramee Talcum.. 2 for. 35eC°1°.P.s.is Talcurn...... 2 f" 36 25c Rexall Violet 9 Talcum 35c tin Faseinette Tale,u„ 2 for.36 35c Ipomea Talcum.: ....... 2 for.36 AND PERFUMES St::LiIac BILntE. WATERS (i0c. Bot. French Lotion 2 for.61 Gocc,°Bl°0gl..h`;,:.]:e; ..........for, ‘Vut.4er, Rose, Lilac, n,for Si Bot S 1 f -\.'5:10:311: 1.t.'. )1. 1"1.:1.1 :14'4 .; . Par- ' S or 51. 00 1'31 rg t.l.S:1111-Sj °/.7^ :r S .:‘/33 2 for.26' 511:5'0lito7.01slulk ?1;1 51 Extract,. . fir• 757 oz. hulk Ex- , traets,popular od: "r Phonograph Records All New and Good Music, double -sided. Will play on any make of Phonograph Rego - tare 85c Record SPECIAL FOR THIS SALE M.araekino Cherries in Liquid Cream 2 for 86c -• .49c Th. riliJEWER GOODS This $2.50 American Beauty Ht Water Bottle mull 2 quarts and guaranteed for 2 years. 2f0>'$2.51 111.00 Sorb() el, f 1 Al .1 ni Rubber Sponges L. 51.75 Sorb° Rubber Sponges 4-1°r 1. I SPECIAL r r" A large full Cabinet Phonograph, 46 inches high, 20 bolosWIde, wide, 21 inches deep. Finiin shed fumed oak. Plays oaten of records perfectly. With every $8.00 Purchase of le Sale Goods, you bave the opportunity of making your own bid Ca OW $160.00 Machine. There will be no reserve. The Machina vrill be sold to tke highest bidder on Saturday nigt, A lot. A PHONOGRAPH A,T YOUR OWN P GE. IP' Name Address Price Bid i$ '111 Th;irsday,, Marc]) 39th Friday, March 31st • Saturday, April le , tttd&Oiltailtko lielltkillti:(1 • L.t