HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1922-03-17, Page 4„ . ..,..r,. - v>r •7. X.G• „tH,.r.t„i'11'i`.. ...,�:,, r..,.r, r reg•+t ,µ51y ,..,.gn+'. ' e t - - e , '.1',� . , ., h I{ "fir -
a . 7 11lOi� LtsiII ' ? s3 Ye f' lygr tt '' a. �k,:. it t' dr
,gd,.,=>w•„n,i:, ; 5,.. „ M1..4 <.„ ,. II'n ':sk•. �� 9ui'.. •+A s ;A`. ,.. .r Q;'
1 40411 ate d Tt' �eiiurs 411 i. i. G9lo►ii per. . 4bd • g? '
a „ r +� .. .tied Ta ” vV: • I?. eat I +i p ~ . , ,,. , • , r
it r. $e (,40W,
un MT. Y e e reaQlika.. li :,` x t n and , eb 1 i ; k
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�. i' 02° iaa$ While �r, r
CY - ,*er' e." i 1 `t'esaIe a. i1@'YQ1" iCllid" :f''
, sy the +TOW ! ,t st r �lf&.;
q e 'trip" f>w ns address t ,
wauf L p e^..
qtr, k a eb 9 .4'h 1'k
. .. ,1$ Qwtf ylre w Yn '�: ln....' :: "pT �., r ,'4 .{ 1, •1.. s,.•y
to a sl+res khat th Gov Canning. .W� the anorrt a ;o +. Glc I 1de9 "tvolk 're&11Y aN ..
e +3rniniatyt iB doI TA > .Y qhs` olid 4lxderit}�anfNc; a ..� ,.. ti al' iA
n 1. nK '+St. Color ,'. i soot et', ,Q II, t
its fiest.to' re t61s'wi' riil>an,' CathQll,' Womeaa a >91�`tkYue.' seen iu'ttl><a'•.nlded A
sou lest poseibl0 ea 4 H ice' i}oxter♦ighL,� d yb dW lit t , bv, 4
id rode s markets and to car out the &t+ goo, take this aPPorLWlikY.o# sae inxiote'.. yls Q;Acr69:�! ,4rete eAyyh.' T$, t I¢ �p
_ rryy pr Pied 20•,v$e19as
'tbwoa-•4 form it laid down beYpre bein el . :the sevegi• P g we Yeai at fruits., ` ethii 'Unii0va'1'..to mat `iilri I3e 1; ", e AM _boitlt ...3 q; ,,
f"Ied bo offi a eot wain the des rc ret Iplso says T,he Toaitgr o the� i '
•- FF z e s ye• « a e arca of Your oonneetdon w$th Uceejra . f all in closq toAdh wikh t%mb6r"'tha£'flgr a ; l tiolc qY i
, us as lot ske P. ek - ` r s s? s :..
yrs, t. �" as acs, Jvha A; Wilson, --5 President oP our attb,. their old;. -'. ds in Ki dt +would, k ,g.,'n, _ +',(, r ,y,q. , f 4 ).r' , 'i
¢q i m, & Y. mcLsan-s division, end your remov&1 Ymm our roundizi h� PIt4n, orad sur oY mon'' to vaaTg. andsb h t ( 1 { ,,�ti i "
i; I di or Seta -•w. Stu art -8 Forecasts as to the length' for the g, 1„ trio. posdtion Qn' the
tt parish. ,,Since the organizakfon of the building, '• ..,.+;e; , t4;, 1?,i"' , ,w 4',o ,
w Ftp Bhe Old shoe p, c. wulia 4 activities of'khe session at tris stage League here last Ms - sq !o O WiW 41- T'W �'• OT $hp� AD0 8s a t a t r q I',
l ,.,, Shu old ]Kelt-kunion St scold be oni mer. beenY, You have 5��+_ F- ii$ 'QO a01in lbered by those -110 every zl a It 1 AleArSY- 9 SM=• t '�,d�, , i1. .
*$ I euro Fooae-nomintoa storea. Ltd, -a are so many unknown quantities bein ors and whenever a c Il fOne Of 'our Most o�astiwork- Yeses .ago wrere.iri ?lbe habit of ;it,- it xlul8 .trim -W-its nis t �a'�"
7. .,.Forma t°r eal�-M(udv 1)orrance--a i HENSALL tendin d9 7an' ss: at x� 1
1. 1 For sale MoAah tt eat��s the House this yeear that nabodY aan wont forth, Mrs. Canelo wassalwacs The LPekaow, whlhe wag a dnehpT �e lttapep �'rY '„i
�wW. say what may or ma not La g y uat�°I?onald Urquhart,- As we With'ite olioi .
Y Peen• one of the first to respond. You go-tq we learn of the deabh of o am n�blxe coal years 4n bugs.of-war `SOT i6 s �bFkp�,->qa�$P el o �h � �,1�i; P s 1(
I The one thing outstanding is t►$at the havo always labored for our interest Mr_ Don Urqu}tatt, wlrioh occurred` Huron andw between $soca' amd:+� $node110tte Ari�O• ;
�' THE HURON EXPOSITOR ggvernment is in better poaibion than and advancement and we assure you at his It as ithiough.him, as '
anyone else ahonld an adverse vote that in itme here on Thursday mprn_, oaci'ated whth a cbtipla pY his b4rptherm' The ohne ij Die neon ”
be forced aeon them, 'and that is church and lsocial gCircles. missed
dwill some fir nn Ulneaa ex'Condi ( Hjm RtllBs ut biAe FIJ` ', }
ng over now' deceasled; and: several athens� a, ve.,ymr sell ma ;t tem over. r
h - what the Opposition are keeping in always remember with pleasure our of the . Mr. Urquhart v'"s otic from the Towuahip of (Hey, !that, the ". /. t• .. •';'l
' ,9EAFORTH, Friday, 1Harch 17. 1922. mind at all times man pioaveer business scion of'Hen- Huron team were able to'a"
g Y meetings and sincerely regret sall and was widely known in West, khe $race team flee laurels Wrest m Wft on4.8011 ,, Twp'•','
Neither the Pro ressives nor the that our pleasant association must ern O. Y pair w tea• 'TeD' "
r'' --_ , ___-_.___ Conservatives could afford to o back soon be terminated. We ask brio• Fuller partieulam (of tong had head t such "tu
1 ,l . and face their constituents until (they accept these yon t° This Iife d'riil' be published in our next It 'was m _ g's-of+war, ► A., '3 ".t $6.00 . J
I PARLIAMENTARY LETTER have given the new gifts as a to of good weeks ueoue. vOTY noticeable Bac that
Mena Guam al
government time will and gratitude of 'the members of wben IVIr, 1;011 relaxed hie lmld to Oa1i i9hoea, onader Net""
$� to function and show what it can do, the Catholic Wlvmen's League of St. 8 'efs-ter• and Mrs, Franklin C. take..mRrre rope that it would right Year we'cen Boles aHyl soI4tl rpbber heeili '
" March 13th, 1'92'1. --With a promise amd that alone is going to have aunter w away ��4.'� go., ;%
ro yf extending the abarkets fur C anal- CoColuntban and we extend to you and � now residing in g0 to the Bruce side, but as Men's Brown Oald rShoes, 0nade on the new Faet[i i* 1j1,0x
N n r great bearing on the votes during the Mr. Canning our .best wishes that Stratfoivi,;rovere here ,this week tom- soon as he threw his 'weight and dle strap 'stitghmg, Ggadyear wolfed soles end soli
rani farm produce, by opening ncgotia session. But with so many new and you may be spared for many years p
u r; tions with other countries; securing untried members from all parts of to en'uy bmiY rC1'aki'vea andhfriends. wilPlz Jnr s' Aeng;a the hold, that the heels. Per pain ................. •,�,• b�.i:.
lower freight rates; amending the J'the country this year, there will be where, no doubt, home In SeaPorth, sloe and roe q y 'change over to Men's 4Gunmetal Calf aboss, made on the mew Fhenoh toe last'
k,r tariff as far as g gov- I Plenty of high lights in the P e 9ii's. J. B. Simpson have been visited the Huron side. In Politics byte de- 'with saddle strap stitching, Goodyear ,sewn soles and solid possible; aloin f your noble exampi by a friend �m a distance during aced s Reformer, as
1z ernrirent railways ownership proceed- will result in great good, Signed on e a
11 p and op- Ings and plenty of surprises, and behalf of the C. W. L., Mrs. William the Past week. -A ,public meeting to Lgious belief, a Presbyterian, and slat;
oration of railways a fair„trial and a some of those may come from the Du,'sey, yresident; Miss Tessio Lynch, b of pastor, Rev. Mr. McCo Hell; Of Carmel d in ore�Pit ....
whssiheld in the
To ,
ani heels Per a' $7.00 h
thorough investigation, and with Senate, where there is an adverse e.,rrespund,ng secretor Town Hall rods, A' P000111, +
s� , other similar indications of the y.” Mrs. Can- aft y(, _ church, at the funeral service on'Moit, J
r.gov- majority against the government and ❑in• nesday evenin last day afternoon last,
sae down
t plans and policies laid a majority which may decide to la R• orbs was completely Luken by g The attendance Paid a high trI.
down in the Speech from the Throne, Y .play _urpri,e, rePlied in a very fueling teas fainlY good and much interest bute to litis worth and the deepening
'a alt;:, it is already evident that the King Politics when the occasion arises. way, thanking the officers and mem- manifested•-'M'r•s• C. Cook recently int'e'"t he took in spiritual matters ° Y ' J r4"WZY Go r�
4 Government has been by no means tiers for their kindness and generos- entertaimed a number of her married wrtb the advance of years. The re -
idle in the few months it has held HULLETT ity to her. Father Ivhite commend. lady friends. -Our business nien are mains were interred in, the Hensall SEAFO�TH
? F, office. Ordinarily the S eech is not- 4nother }loran PiontKr C,One,- ed lit`- address hall also expressed his showiitspring slu, ks is all lines y and a large number TELEPHONE'11
P g ButeUnion d the
'` 1 able for what it i mitsPrather than There regret at losing Mr. and Mrs, Can- "f business. -Mr, and Mrs. Del -bridge, attended the service at the home• The
s, Passed away un Monday, Mar, ring xs lits parishioners. The }{ever- "f Winchelsea, vis"rted tlt Mr. J. D, nail bearers were his three sons,
for what 'it says, but this year the 13th, in Devils Lake 1[ospi[al, North
y Governor-General had a really inter- Dakota, a tIuroner- end Father also gave much credit GI Ite°id's last week. iMr. Reid was also Robert, John and William, hi.s son -in -
h est,n:; anesstge for the members of sun of John Dunl(�p,jtwho u'nderu nt our president, Mrs, W. Dursey, f,,,• visited by friends front Manitoba.- law, Duncan SItewart, his nephew,
t the senate and the lady and gentle un operation f"r kidney trouble, which }ter good .management of the Lr:,gue. We regret to state that our respected W'II,am G. Bell,. and his relatiye,
men of the Commons when they were however, 11t•oved unsuccessful, ; anti .•hid Ile hoped that by co -opera- resident, 'Mr, R. I. D,;vstlxle, is and Robert Me.4rtb,r. 11Qsides the three
summoned to 'his resence on Thurs I this was the st<ond operation this thin between officers and n,enoberx has been confineYl to his room for sons he is survived br three Baugh_ Hundreds p that thin veal - ould fveral weeks theca • ters, Mrs. D. Stewart, Miss Margaret
rp, :. day. There is sufficient in the Speech last year, His wife predeceased him prove as sac_ through illness, but we
- to keep the legislators busy for some I just two years ago. He was a life `c'rsful a unc to {hent is the past a",, Pleased to see M,-, George Se and Vis; .lean who 'have the symaa-
a time sell if the Ion had hell. Solus given by Mrs. .I, 'N'` D• A. Cantoiun, 34r•. •I, W, Bon' thy Of u!1 in their bereavement. out and Thous
government's plans K member of -the ,Presbyterian throe and others, whO were shut im Y ands
;. are carried through as laid down in church. Rolla. ?.forth Dakota, beruan• Downey xnd :Miss Ctamillx 3furr;ly Of a f:unil crf seven brothers And
that document, to bring about better Ing Eider some twenty n'urit apP�'fcisted; then all I. a week or so from .evere en}ds,, five �istcrs, ,the dPceaswd la only ear_
' conditions in this country. Mr. Dunlop leaves w muu'nax fam11
_ I,d in ,teeter Ji1° the tube out again. -Mrs. li• Arnold vivid by one hrothrr,
r 1 God Save the hang,^ }aha, and two of people visit Montreal every year. The
has been suffering front a severe cold "015 3L"5 R F}urrt and 3fiss N.
ip • • a I icy of two suns and tor° daughters in fi,r the Past week, but we are pleased Bell, Moth' Of this t+ilia(•(•, Mr Bell large tourist tra�c has been greater than
tiurih Dakota, 3 brothers, William, KIPYF.N (o learn is now int u•„cin r ,nicely._ httd been failing for the oast two ever this Fall, sell even more people I Parliament is open and the condi- I11r Saskatchewan• I[ugh and Rupert, Waited On The Guvernnunt• \7 r. .Air. and M'ns..lxntes ily', 11 Lean y% expected t P P e arb
l iso; ' tions facing the mernber, Jrl the next of Hulleht, and one sls:er, Mrs, Wal- W�• I-, Doig, of Port Huron, who ora, ;Ileasantly entertains, very years, althoutrh he suffered 'in 'Pain' P o visit'Nontreal each succeed-
+ few weeks are interesting. .The gov_, g pert• two R 1 a large num- or dnt"t's" and his end was very ing year,
ter Rogerson, of Tackersrnith, hveeks-aro, was in 1'o,vntu ber of their friends in the town hall. Peaceful after only two days' siclo-
+ ernment meni•bers, confident and ,1. Ihst week xcein as counsel frr a The antRtrGaQrnnvnt principally trek m
smiling, have taken their places on j g
Horeb"" of ;Nurthc fn Ontxni'u o'er- the form Of a dance and those prey- (�}
the right of M.r. Speaker, in this case, I DUBLIN dents in arra utterview with the 3.L•,- oats eakrof a
The present hotels are overcrowded most
�---� of the year. It is next to impossible -to
v Po Hon. Rodolphe Lemieux, a earl a Notes.- he many friends of Mr, tafiu Gueera, ent. In speaking of "a'r P very `'I'ioY;+tile time. LIVE STOCK MARKETS secure accommodation Of any kind during
r r .. mentarian of lonz standing and of Peter Dill are Pleased to see him the event, Mr, Doig says: •'I was was n H IS#A. dlton aournd $rt illage clerk, he Summer and Fall tourm
unloubted integrity, while Rt. Hoa, i able is attend to his business agam, eIII11oYcd by a deputation from Blind "vig the pastr•week vi:iti Bur- a°Iftl at"vn ra-cauls rr•°,nt,, ;{,zoo; P, mOIItit9."
slew: teas>•, r,,r.-Dt ro,nm�n, -s t„ as cent" Td�e B% convertible debentures o
Mr. Meighen, with u sadly decimate -Mrs. P. Judge hada pleasant resit hive"', Ontario, to interview she lion, ter, Mas; Alexia, :uul mg his laugh- tower; ahlvvbu atrem. s7.so u, ss.7s: but- f Tlae
1]'; following, as judged by the last see for a few days with friends at Strat- Bcn'ruh I3ownran, who i slanves and `'h,T"• $7._., n, $a,e^,; yra,hror,. $a w $9.00; Mount Royal Hotel Com •"
r Sion, sits tO the left. The Progres- e Sin ]) er' of friends in both place=._ '1 he District h"ire $ o $ (7r,, I,n,a, s_.zs u, $0; carr i a Company, Limited,Ill
ford, -Rev, Father Noonan, I.P., is ],a'nds, Forests ar,d Minis in ]hury's 'Deputy Grpnd Ma:ctsf of South Huron s ll,' sa""° t" $:..,: ,n,ckery nun feeders, Y ng bona8 of 3r7°fo of Common
sixes left to him the honor of lead- not improving in health, and his Cztbinet, and urge on him th pro- "3fasonic •'District No, q, $ten $u; fr.a cows ",Id anc;rrue,a. sae w Stock, Hoot being offered, d'
ing the OPtwsition, and ihev held parishioners feel his •absence from his y of constructing t paid his Of- ,promise to be ?
prlet ), : gsrvernmenc ficial visit to our lural Lodge on Wed- °arvea--kec°,Dm, '-.o°°; a very profitable investment,
themselves free to support the gov_ daily duties ;emong them. -Master ''"xrl from Blind River to Pa rkinsun. nrsdaY last„ when :, Most pleasant sttiu,--a r,.' $t lower, $s to
11 ernment on such measures as the Joaeoh K. '.Nagle will resume his On Wi,dnesthty last we had the inter- tuul ua, t.i3Oon: ss u, r,o rent% low_ The Hotel will be opened in October
may see fit to do sO. Y studies a the high school n Profitable tins tr:u spent, Re_ heavy` $10.75 t„ ber, 1922
One of the t g ext week. view ill Mr. Bowman's uftice, 'Torun- fl'eshntents wI•re sirv,d xt the close Su.°°° m,xi.l. $ti.zv Construction ie under ora alld
ll.things they feared, apparently, was' -111. McPhail, agricultural repro- to. AL my re[Iuestf YL. Andrew of the lodge turd fur';h,.. w $il.a0, y:,rkrc and hubs d�., ell._:, to Y, is being
that if they did t ke the Oficial op- Ificks, the U. F. O. member for South which will be mart $rt"'0 Diu• $u rn su. ;: ugha, $a , I Carried On by One Of the wOrid's largest
1,' sentative, gave an •excellent demon- sfsrt•nce of $r 1 '0 ' D,g, $a t+, $s.
1.Position, as they were being urged to strat.ion on the judging Of cattle un flu"u r'. and 34'1, GuvenlOvk, M.P-P., -3I r• John anode in ;, future fsauu. `hely °na iamb, _it,, iPt,, r,.n0o; lam "• contractors-T17ompson-Starret Company
do, they world be the victims of all Wednesday of last week. Mai y for Centre Huron, also untended the many $ °'In' a rs='dent far higher othe,•, ,0 <rnL, to $1.00, of New York, Chicago and Pittsb P y
t " surfs of pints which might lead them, useful hints were learned frgm his g and urged the Govcrn;uehe a inn yes lain the ltnitsd States; and w u. $s$is',u1fi ;,,','"".wru"• $t0 t° $i': Pittsburg. This p
tt,Peti" $2 t„ $11,00; assures the job being finished an time. - @,
in their inexp(nience, to embarrass viSIL to construct the propose road, A lure, was 'here duringnthth Astg icuul- ,"ixeI ^n"'.P. sit w su.so.
the government when they did not I -+�� large Peti'ti°n was also Presented b accompanied M.,n,,,no cttil, ' .cattle t, r,.cwa, ao. Dividends are assured under the operation 4
u' wiaii to, do. sq., 'i',•a,,, "' w v:a slow Ind y, Ire ,i>aat of the United hotels Co an of
CONSTANCE g I . 1 Y Partied h> his wife and family, r,nt, ra.a•r. Harker% w ntrerins Dr;rev P y America,
he settlers aloe the -Mr. sed route visiting hay {tier, Mrs, Wi,lli:tm ''" c""' 1.,w,•r u,an last we"k. and most of gest Chain hotel operators on i
a a. s Nofes.-Mrs. ,F. B. Ha•11I entertain- asking for the road. •iVir. 13Otvnian,, Buchaillait a the learn that Mr. "" no:"° uWas tiuu•ner.,• ..,no the lar p this
in reply to me'and the other speak- Buchanan in
in the ni';n• fuuru half o;u�S,Oao tore by meal autrhers. q continent.
ti T a number of her lady friends on ers, stated that he was very Pavprably again. bee int alta heifers,
That Rt. Han. Mr. Meigheh has not Tuesday afternoon of this week -The i nnm,da amugne $7.50, and
t„ _ taken kindly to .the change in his I Public school was visited by the schnu] impressed with the proposition and Province of �g ar r""I'',n of the a'row 0thrr l.,.r or ;u.t end ht $? ,un And
Write for our circular describing 1
, ltlt<4r10, taking tt a r(rnu,rht frvnn $7 to Si_'. Nil." stc— and this attractive offering, ' n detail r I fty
fortunes was evident from the mem- r Beetles on Thursday. -The Epworth P"umLsed to have it built as 400n as chard land, o " helfr,x .vrluhing , rom,.l sn0 to 900
4 f r:. eat the House first met on Wednes League is holding a St. Patrick's so- Possible'" in the Niag.tl;, Dlstl in I r:,u,:ht su..,ol t, $s. ,. 'rhes, t«.,,r,• pseuCda
-14rs. W. C'. •Ch•arters has h,',•n vl<_ '„"y anhh„1 ate r., ,leered: but uv t° St
day. He had objected to being kept sial On Friday ,evening -Plaster Geo,
in the dark as to who would occupy, Hoggarth, .stn of Mr. xnd Mrs. Chas. Notts.-,.14iss PIcN:a'in, leashes nt "sting in Exet6r an•d was here during �m th, br,t vrl+•e obtainabler
No. 14 school, Stanley, was this week he ?imst is r•, n rut rows ,nd ben was $s. $tfsa um
t the official Opposition benches ant 1 H°ggxrth, of the 9th, was kicked on taken tO London to be operated on G• N. Hill.- k•v}siting her aisle r. \ors, •„lob's ,-owe of dairy tYne were n,.ound $a.so
the Opening day, and then when the the forehead by a horse on Tuesday for al"Pendicicis. Her many friends and daughtc• -Mrs. jean,F. G. Snta!lacu"'bs t” t�owtlnns: Liu her ,tr,.ra. rho' r I To Ws �' �� ��Zl
iiousO met fat the election of 'the morning. He was y hope th v oration will be successful recenW,v snrndia few m, nth$ ter n k s,::,o e®rlLt[�•
} ' speaker, he immediately showed how, the doctor, where hesrh dl touhae 16 P$' ,,a,• $7 t $Iso, n.rdlum, $0_s to $0,7;; 38 King treet West, Toronto.
t and that she will have a rapid re- Mrs. Ellis, Mrs, S IIs a -n r,' $s,,,,u m6.' b St.7s hof R:7s; eol
": ho. felt. While admitting the {itches covert -Miss Olive Coo mallacombe's I Deur slrs: Plea;w s� d me a r`
fications of quasi- = Put in tO close the wound, Per, whit for mother, hat's. arrived home. -Mr. ,Lola ”' ' ' w $11.50: butcher cows, rhn;rr. $r, m tete ego Convertible Uube °m,y of the clrcniar deaeelbt
Hon. Mr. Lenrieu: fur the' FIu is getting along nicelp._The soma weeks has been visiting with Urquhart, uC Chatham, w s'' m"'ihl 4 $ase w $u: ws, cb $z; cut. fJmit% and Convertible
nttrresof Th.MouutRoyad hotel Corn nyg,
{f Mr, Meighen could not re- I Young child of Mrs. Robert Ander- he"° re- Irl:• s: z0 w $3.00; butcher bolt,, good, $;, 'may' I <
}wsition, her aunt, Mrs. J. Patterson, iu Tu_ centl vi=i.inr his brother, ro ss common, sa to $s. � ttsaw In soli
Erste from scaldin the (son's is down with pneumonia. -Mr. Y '� Mr. Den-
g government ron'tu, Iris returned haute. Miss aid Urquhart, who is so very ill ca 1
for having named t'he 'Speaker in � Lloyd Schoales, of Toronto, is visiting ghl en'o ed her vis'i't, Mrs, W- f. Sheehan, of Perunivlvca rwrervm, e . Th, morke� was
Cooper 'thnrov ,f 1 Y h•udy. and while aJea ere mase low Fall addre�a
advance and also for having chosen """""
his relatives here. but still prefers country life. -We rest, "' sa ter rapt ;nPertnr awes, the bulk or
SO else besides the would remind our readers of the Irish rs also- hire• visiting,her father in his II"' nl"'rum w better ifradea sold around
" f`' Deputy illnEss.--Wt regret to }earn that ,. $I` 0 in $7.50. One chotce tot of .sols. weigh -
z•, Speaker. There was little difference LONDESBORO social to be held this (Friday) eves_ Thomas P:n'hner, "' ,,r' ,,,.,Ind Iso Dounds cash. Neaght eiso rtes S
5',., from custom, however, inasmuch, as� ing, March 17th, in St, Andrew's Present Sr., is qui'te ill at y"i�•wit
Notes. -_The W J. will hold their `4(($vrl e .Scarfs.
L it was alwa s known .a month or so, annual art 1 is in Mrs. Patterson , ong: Good veal. $7 to $s; medium, ® a am alim
y , ' pie social on Good Friday Church, under the auspices of Lire Hospits).-_-Ilany friends in Hensall s' W $0'F0' � EW ® am ®0 t Nm
1. r . before the Hrnrsa met who would be 'event❑ Y YOmtg People's Club, which is mai;- and vicinity will extend rongrt s"ll ,o: nh-1 r s heybl. 100hc Th re winmbs goo de NJ
chosen. Probabrg the on] ehan e ' in g' A good programme is be- ing every effort to nrakc khis eater- tions .and best wishes for nien ha were steady.
was that the Deputy Y g g Prepared. -The Orangemen are y pry r,I.. offered.
r� Pty Speaker had .having , oyster supper this Frida - tainment the best of the season.- returns to Mrsf Burns, who resides $m to t""':, ��
Hat been promoted, but the former tt•csting, .V4anh 17th. A good time i,",tl't'° s`$1,00 ilwa• $ot g7< lambs, good,
Premier sate in the departure from i is ex cele(! Mr, Henry y i Miss Margaret McLean, who was vis- .lust west ..f Hen aI1 and who f•P!o_ n„c r 'u;Dty. Ssos. xog Defers vartea -T�
icing with Dr. and Mrs. Aitken Ito testes her !lith birthday to- from $12 60 for smooth Pnt <•orn•rwd hem b ) y
' that custom a slight,of the functions I and Miss Lemond spentYSundayrsgt Toronto, has returned home.-6yrWp. day). Y loos, (Fri- , ,.ytreme t.D of $Isco far setert,,- •rhe e e
Of parliament,and was bound to east- I'th home of Mr. William Brigham making is engagingtho attention of
agate' the -Mr and g many in this iciatit, The wise men Beath of Paul] D. Bell.. ---In thedeath r - likely ouataeton -lase m $ts.z°' �®ml n 1 %�
dentally, -bis°outbn sttcreated r ther spending this4week withtheirtdaugh� P 1 poor +notnuons: otr oar eighm, serwem, eta on Stores
who rofers to know, predict a °f the tai`' Yavl D, 'Bell, Of the town- a t �; °;gtock Ya a • Alnreh 74.__The num-
?+11 . a bad impression on some of the new ter, Mrs. J. Vodden-Mr, and Mrs. season"Mea. Woes. Harvey was vis_ s'htp of flay, which occurred at his
home, •a little over a mile west Of her oe came otreT far ante .env ores
l 11 Progressive members, Knox, of Saskatoon, who have s7.ent (ting with Seafonth friends this week. ns mcmore ethann000 outsof 1Lhe ani i' ere nrrka
` + • • the raster (here with frienis, left on -The young ye0ple tlf the Methodist day l s on the Zuri Road on Fri- x'„nc on hhrnugh billinfi to Partlnnd, Maine, The Home of Pure Foods,
church are making big day last at the age of over nine{
f' Wednesday for their home. The g g Prepare frons y_ 1,r exvnrt, The market, so ear uutcher
The indications from 'the first few 'many friendl 'of Mrs. A. Vodden will for Hie holding of the play, entitled two, the township loses One of its ;'° ' and hetfe v are canrernea, had not ie
days' proceedings are that this see_ be sorry to 'learn she is not so well °We tan+t Afford It•” Whatever these oldest and most respected pioneer UDDir, f a {thee fiin tthatl st week's heavy
'! $ion will at no love feast. if Mr. again. Young people undertake the always resldenes. The deceased was the Richmellbvv Special Blend '
Y Y third son of the •late Robert Bel] who wn°t draggy, ,th nrires ox zs to ao cents (� p
Meighen's' attitude is to 'be fo]Itlwed; make a success of and this will be „m Isar Monany, on rhe other hang, heavy Tea S9e lb, ` 1 1
3 by his supporters, as it probably will — -- no exception. -Many homes in this lived on I.he London Road at vdhat irtol nu were at dy'ei hese ch°,ore' two
loads T�a 45e lb, I
be, it will lead to same reprtisal5 STANLEY vicinit still have sick was so well known to khe older rest- "
from the' other side of the House or y n- B obsom ° Ble for White $IOs Om one payient Patients. As dents of these were strong where choice, with severe] Something with a Flavor That Red Package
' fa
passes otr in good health pais as the Kipper ni 7 cents and two at a cenm, aeluns to the
cool at $s.00 O1l al. al sweet clover again, another takes his or her lace, Mills Which were awned and oper- Kocher
trudee'n of the wort cow Snge were
and seek to enliven things to a 'great Her bushel, and gls;ke seed at
extent. In the meantime, the Pro $So.00 Der in,snel. 1 also have a anantity 'but no serious oases aro re A ated by the late Robert Bell for many
Rk' of mixed clover'.'r'ening. at Por a Ud in AO"ted and na env above medium auellty met a brink
gressivea are holding to their lector- on eta Pasture fields at moor Per aoo O° J g g by the number who have al- Years m tle early '•history of the demand, the bulk selling at seem ay to $
. ation that Lhey will- support the gov. Murray Gibson, Hru'esela- younas ready been Sick, there can not .be C°unty of Hurn n• The subject of eentis. Wads to h 8 much, were ora lige t of. Special in Laundry Soaps, Gold.
erntnent where they fool they can Lowden-Rabimson ver happy many more to our sketch wa's born .in the Old Govn_ th cent.. ,seat )Deas of handy-we;Rht t_
`'' -do so. yep undergo the on try and emigrated with his ((►
Y PPY deal . -Miss Edith BOWeY, of Bruce- 6,, SU 1i8e. O7YlfOrt, P. & G.
event was quietly celebrated on Sat Parents °'01 steers and heifers brought from Tt/, "to white �iaptha, Sngli llt.......... 15 b r t
t • s • y field, was visiting with her when little was- known of the County 7 lrheeh x aeDaty was right, and the DrotrNa- �i W
vela the fourth Of March, when in the viol parents of• Huron, and with his father and
3 ,I The committees mill . Miss Eliza, g frW;en$ were Pleased to see and man fottests that old e Dr,9e tallea to annt'rtaltz. the talk tiux,, 8 packages 8be IRoLled Gab,
be announced Youngest daughter of Y trot} ors, clad much. to out down tilt¢
Ixi an ;a very short time and the indica- Mrs. Annie .Robinson became the IYIT. '•h cents, fed 'and apt- Rinse, 8 packages •. • • • , ,2�6 ffie. • • • • •. •290 a
dos are that several of them m1I1 bride of 'Mr. Edward Bowden, of °>'m this week shipped a then stood on every side ReceiDm to-dey were: s,z59 e0tile, 275 Pearline, S packages . , , . • .U'c
oar of turnips C g PP and also did much in the ora calves, S,aSe hose and Iso sheep Cream of Wheat
d Iba.., •2�
I have a very busy time. The Pensions Hamilton. Unkil a weak ore to the r pica o market, coatstrucfinn and bridge -building, and ona,ce eep and Sarah.. Ammonia, 8 Rolled +Wheat, 8 lbs . • . , •230
Committee wall be recons£ituted, her morels e, Prior to tyle. Cooper }a ome pf Ghe lar Fres Dunn sold for Hann end Levaak:, packages ... •2$C
the nursing Miss Robinson was on turnip .growers in ne district. -Jud alum. s18.00 to Panshme, 8- tins -.......:..25c , Seeded Raisins, pm Ipkg, 21e
gest aftezwards located am hie fine farm 'slurs, sir m ata; common oni °e,°, $a w �°em Leh Closer, 8ltitre..82e ibs..........0
probably within a couple of weeks g staff of Vieltozia •Hospital, in g'- where he Old Dv Corn Mea] 7 Ii
?!;r I or so and will make a start on the London, having graduated .front that g by all the Old harness .that is Passed away only a very choice sheep. Esso; medium sere
Probe which will determine whether snstitotion .last October. On leavi coming in for repairs it is quite evi- pew days ago. When comparatively $91111-b", 00aala �B�yA, $2 eo ss; eD' ®7 to Ma e� oboes ........29c Pot Barley, 2 ffis. , • 1pc )
Cj ` or- 131317 there as- amything further, to 719 dent that MT,, McKenzie and his r' '- Youngm'an, I gseasons, .
the lwapit_I she was 'made the re hamd man, Mr C' barn• fond of travel, sat iso peso of the sheep ane Iambs ReB0k Groh' 2 lbs
2 lee done in the matter of cipient of several dainty arui vale- ti��k a ttla tither toand the land oY pia wear through to Iiutralo. A sew amus tom Shmriflips almalade, 4 Ibs.,89c ..
Penaiona and loosen wii'I not be TaPiocm, .$ lbs,
u re-establishment ,for • the returned able .giAts by her friends of the ours- i6le for some days Do come - Dlr, y►, while thecretl to Miss A Was 'married oY a°`"btl b'” ght IA rent., :but .from 12 to Rinao, 2 packages . , . , , Mile ShreddedSUgar -2 lbs , . 1g0
�k oil .elth14 O in L. Mellis, our vil Sa cenm took the bulk of 'holo°. One lo.d Wheat, 2-
vwrt@Y r, 'it is ender- g Prolfeasion, and a few days. before lege blacksmith, who, nn ,Murdoch, of choles ehasD .oM at st/. artm. ane a row Oi Line. 48 deet......29c Blne Rom Rhe` 2� r ''
her mania Y for some weeks has .been laid aside dd byalla whog4 ad& thegpl asvte scent., wi,,ich w as
.,$%" l"�b� itliovt ihahands marriage, she was showered with t_ smau nom of a;5 8 1be .. 2Ge
tine_ d w911: tis 'a host of useful :linen r by illness, is again about and'm'akin of vanoe di amaf a c eekemckree 2 an t, Nugget: 2 kIrfs.....25e I Shredded ,art, 1 lb�...2&e .
i w196Ie prdblom "r 'fD take np the P e its ^by .her the sparks if f g 'beT acquaintance and alio bUt medium to good kind were last srxn. 0 Cbdar R11e}irtd Vencor ....2Crc i Phrre lyu•1k
decide what ;girl friends of Goshen, IThe young mare. -Mas. Anam tihe old anvil once' ceased 'her husband some ten. Prede- Barba week oases era about IMr. even Were alto thle rOCos, $ lbs.. i 26e
ra`f trlltetrt?ssaay. The Speech tfrom tits couple took the afbeznoom train at ter Angus Brown and his- ago ata Years strop s abase
I_." i
P rion� also indicates tight (there YviII "Godcrich, $rid vvete married in Ham- ilPira' Frank UpshalI and little Beil was a rertimrkable man estma er an Seat week's close, real ehoiee
P tirrther caat$mittee work on the Rton. at eight o'clock an gaturda daughber, who were in ,the r9 ad''.m'akional cvenrin Y shopping arse da last w k, village gOOd °M age, and .hfs•m'enior at Prom Sa to ia>,t oertle, wltri S eCilal in Cp,ndi8s ..
Sri odd toy at la cents.
,; ways, while g by Rev. Mr. HoRinrake, of Y Week, met with .ver `,,�t a was Qaotmtld®: Ohoi¢e beau$
s0 s C lie Accounts Comtrt'Itee, also 'that city The ceremo ho unfortunate accident on their' yea y �o d r1gt "Itr .a the last and taMoi do, soca. Ezoo to $q,so: ,♦7fit° Pure JaYn$r
r • ceremony was witnes- home. The Y pard fan Y L y
r ,, a .of'being a bees and sed by the gmom"s contains, and af- horse beaame urnriatsaga ori' iy rel evenfs, khat w ve'26: do, m�diulo $7.74; do.•. d f.'fs• 20c •a pound
Cs. C tt` ., aRrle said had kra m $a.00 y"o 4 lUr, ` G:
iry,r j dg:; g $Pot tlt ring the eamirrg tee the aignimg. of the r�gaster the the'Idies eat on therohard r ad�Fo� was wo1i add back
yeah. He' a ls.eo'0%. i7.45.0at bye ek lied Cfim4mB, umbo s r
fin, s bePPY couple motored to their home 8.a Break teller_. domok"bift
{rt on ,the Mountain- t'1mately Sm one was hurt, flint ileo, eat in a l public; ifratters and vote's(_ 1 'eb`i0oiee,D1p1O 1'4.00 to,_ L2 • ♦bnto♦het' ; Mixed, Chocolate RSntr�a�W�Ei Q.t}f'J
D6„ ►: s1.
A host of friends buggy w,as somewast of g°Od c'nmvereabltrhal /s.s0 oY0:20- t6eafifm, 60 i . +'"" t! 9 � ,+
u t join in Wishing .them Godspeied as 4diea �>� 'with a keen to $a.ao; oannem ei,d:outit�#, iki°.0o t.t �a
tn71 11'slit the session carom_ khey j0uxfisy together down the nth- Pluckily 'hang on 'to the 'horse sense of humor; land was fond .of buteberu' bulla tmo♦,s Isle to :'Issoo fa��; ,.tpr;fav � • _
" ` a 3u t 3ntei+emtin s&tr of to. p -Messrs. $owe gt meeting friends and shaven kala .to an, /s.00:. a$ oo,.:Zeeae.
_ ^,. + seed $6.LiG:' 1 e„+f ,, f
Y' vg poi' week 9 erevebed ay8aeatp . baukY this
bein g c WJt1a to sitodo fail ya Uo 'ia' 'EG.ob P . ' [�
>i ih gable to rwnverse on folftS dr ler,'10.a0 i0 k 0 CSnada ►� U �I,
sHt ¢ !' ADI' .nn Wdiit of 1lhefr'Mare 6n.t �i�ent.sleveny"t a8''a Inv Ibdb i mekeia.-tso'Ga:'.to.,tstB o, 0 i. �!�pl it .4.010"i
d s'' p r `i, ,., . x ii!hr0h well he "aa': $'0>tkry arta t o f n Otl •'- ^., r r�#� pltua.,., 7tyapt �y,Y . . .
a � . p at $.--The ,, : ,. aibt only ate ion- rb id(f d, .ate' he, a aad ,10 • t ,. ,i rR, .: la.•i1.
+ Fye t �t .L., ?tT C r re eii b$ Bail#es-snd.";atlti' •t} +tmw iof� , n:. :, I
„ ta$
Itttt r , u •,
s t8ir ueciiai3iul sewiat'g. 113 . , kh :h itS' „I ,
opt a
edkkdiikaL} iieeron i>ppdnetfda elt$?ihC..:Avell. wttak .:;ht< �iSuAr%.eh. ♦mss t7:ai;$§,,ao ta°�A ► e Pt 1_
y, March t3Eh, m khei iBlatvrtice, who' was Por tele' R ' �iked. YCingdomtrl]'u>? mAtt lithe of oley,. • �om�titQ �'' `t'`
°.�. 1+ ': $ • a many years Y�-, do , dl dD,. ,”" S
fl } tv< i ,,=_ e .. .. xd ($P tCt y l?1b., kime g a�.� tt,., •i;r t al' b.
iii` dirt
Q „ Ir.: - ,a,. 1, ro11ta�, brtti, -��r�, Mokli a,:',saw 3 i'7, I«"'dttt0." gill
,.Y?+ a a, ,.r+lbl'��'�,'.,.,.t'�'ttl'[t 'r;W"'On-I An.B$, l fdeo'couutrp 1: c R,.:, f,
< l4 " 1. _ ,L r dRatyN: '.,Val r z•plo 20 „q,:
M -
r ,
'jr ,..�-.¢ .r,, >E ; 's 4 y. ,,, r,.. ! , ,:.y.. ,t.. ° 't;• i. , ,?A, °(. .:.^t1.ira ,o -y - _;i>:i
i, ..u^y .',.a WY; ...i.'L. ... .. -.,4', 8. ,. •fd. r i r�-i:.' :rli,'j?L.
rot...:'...• .. .. , t„ .j::a�!-.R t. .. rr'v , ,4,j t. i..;•. r'v>"�'q,r yi <.. ,,f. ::jr: Iy , :M- 1 „�h?y' r;`,R yy+V:�U' d .(.
t ,r 113?w.. , ,_.-.p?!4'"'v .:y, .t.r.., ., i2-:'`., • - .. - - . '. wri... ,„,•Td•.„,r.•,- , - +st,�Y
9L 11:t, I,,,' r I 'r ' p+ tt yt
y Vis', :' 7tf * E, j ,• { �.., ,�0{�!,1,,, .1 �t ,
ori .Y»i., - 1, „tl, V r r'.. ,,. 1 ry C.,,. :f ,.: °', t • , t: :. t
s I 11
, .. J:.'.. 9. v.• ,...r. ->,, , . a:..t e_ „ ren, ..e. „ i
r .k > .rt.,,: F' ,rF l .. ...,.,.. , ,1 . ..h... '4:. - Nr , t wJ ."a ' r' _ 'r ,�`a.
„te,. , :,. 5. r ..a tl f,, ..;' +. «, r.:=i'$.. .. r, &,;�• +F^ ,..) s tib: ap'c�,a. r':i,, d' � o, 't v ?I.
.. t K a I 9 l ' •t t u.,; t rb . k,.; t"# i� y i, ,Ycr;,' i .; „
}. '' "r .'t :'•` M
l r t' f. 1 .