HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1922-03-10, Page 6I �Fl' !# 71
al. There is it o more A
I IFb# the"idle rich til
>✓s xi c -$dor , be intim
ing o the question of ' I
rf, ho Swelled bbat, it
. � (: ,
will draw half a dozen circa oluf.,on
Lap of the other and ''drop them into
the narrow $lot of (the metal urn by
almost imperceptible turn of tial
hat .
I --
The After Effects Often. More
d Serious Than the Disease
e & Itself.
e No reasonable precaution. to avert
e• an attack of influenza should 'be spar -
ded. The disease itself often proves
fatal and its aster ¢ffects among those
n who are spared, n*ke the idfgg .of the
d victim one of almost conetgi, isery.
t. Ask almost any of those//who 'Lave
t been attacked by this trouble what
their present condition of health ds
tand most of them will answer`. "Since
I had the influenza I have never been
en fully well." This trouble leaves be-
e C. pit a persistent weakness of the
$ linr+bs, shortness of breath, bad diges-
bion, palpitation of the heart and a
iv tired feeling after even slight exer-
t tion. This is due to the thin -blooded
ti condition in which .the patient is left
after the fever and influenza have
e subsided. This condition will Con-
t binue until the blood is built up again,
e' and for building up the -blood and
hanks strengthening the nerves nothing can
- equal a fair treatatent with Dr. Wil-
e liams' Pink Pills. The value of this
°• medicine in cases of this kind is
n• shown by the statement of Mr, Ed.
etc ward J. McGuire, Pembroke, Ont.,
e who says:•—"In the fall of 1918 I toss
dattacked with the influenza—and not
in a mild foam either. I was confined
y to my room for three weeks, and al.
° though the influenza subsided I did
not regain my health. As a 'matter
n of fact I seemed to be, growing weak.
t, el'.
I had no appetite, was subject to
° fainting spells and my feet and ankles
y were badly swollen. The doctor told
me that my condition -had develop.
ed into a serious case of anaemia and
although I' was under his care foe
over two months I was not improving
in any way. At this stage one of my
g friends advised me to try Dr. W}I-
g liams' Pink Pills. I was loth to do
- so, as I began to think my case hope-
- less. Howtver, I was finally persuad-
feet to try them, and by the time I had
- ased two boxes there was no doubt
an they avere. helping me. I continued
t taking the pills until I had used a
dozen 'boxes, when I found that every
s symptom of the 'trouble had left me
t and I was again enjoying the best of
- health. I returned to my work and
e have ever since been in good health
y and feel that I owe it entirely to Dr.
d Williams' Pink Pills. I .think that
y anyone who is suffering from the
. after-effects of influenza, or any form
of anaemia should give this medicine
t a fair trial."
You can get Dr. Williams' Pink
e Piils through any dealer in rnedicine,
I or by mail at 50 cents a ,box or six
I boxes for $2.60 from The Dr. Wil-
- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Philadelphia has 263 women phy-
Y sicians and nine female clergymen.
e Miss Lillian H. Tuteber is Eng.
e land's first woman insurance broker.
t The bread distributors of Paris are
e almost exclusively women.
a Women mayors now preside over
three Minnesota cities—Goodhue,
t Saint Peter and Cohato.
° In Spain a woman's mantilla is
held as sacred as it cannot be sold
for debt.
e Single' women represent 27.3 per
£ cent. of the total population in the
e United States.
Approximately one-third of the
lit. federal employees .throughout the
United States are women,
By shaving their heads the. Basque
women of Spain think they render',
themselves beautiful.
Every year the number of women
in New York city is increasing more
rapidly than the number of men.
Miss Florence Miligan and ,Dr.
Marjorie O'Conne7.1 of New York are
walking from New York rte San
London's women's patrol .is. to be
disbanded, it being claimed that they
are too costly ' to maintain as a
Twelve -year-old Alice Mann, chant-
pi6n swimmer of Panama, recemtlyi
swam serosa the canal with her
hands and feet manacled.
'Mrd. rMelberdie Glover recently
travelled by horseback from her home
in Atoka, Ok., to Clovis,. !Cell., a dis-
ta'tie , of 1,200 miles. •
Miss Mary E. W. Risteau, only
woman member of the Maryland leg-
islature, claims that She owes her
Political prominence -to a dare.
Instead ofreceiving a -.wedding
ring when she marries ,a girl in the
New (Hebr.}des'Islands leas two of her
front teeth ]mocked out.
Though she is only 22 years of age
Misfit Florence Mornberger is deputy
sheriff of Erie County, N. Y„ and
carrlts a gun and handcuffs.
Miss Helen Pettigrew, who fia>s op-
ened a campaign for the nomination
for governor in Kansas
be elected on a beer platform.°
(Princess Kalamansole, of Honolulu
has taken the position on the Hawai-
ian RebablWation 'Commldssion, made
vacarrt.bbyy the death Of ter husband.
Mica ifazt1l Toafpkirie ,mss r fly, -
eloctecl„gtleen'o$ the'VlWunuipeil .. ,
t r; , .
% jj�QRgRII t0'4$iC 1 ► 4,
}aa,�!JFtI'llll this a4#t'
ut , , It Is-rt�aealtriu0 to I
”. , wb.ileb Winn aaabla you to ilaeei
' . . t111A CB of tq p10rrow.
I , a►e #n . "d to open a savinge
I Dom=
BF.WORTH BI%?1NP`l, • '
failure to qualify.
Mrs.'George Harrison, one of the
few women golf professional in the
country, lose .been engaged to teach
woman members of the Cleveland
Golf Club..
The death of Mrs. Cornelia Adair
in London removes one of the wealth.
Jest women ranch owners in Texas.
Her cattle ranch pear Clarendon com-
prised more than 300,000 acres.
. It is it custom in,Tripoli that a
bride be attended by 40 - or 50
bridemadds, all powdered to ghastly
whiteness and wdth'I vivid crimson
triaggles painted. on Tach cheek.
Mme. Marie Curie, noted scientist
and co -discover of .radium, has
been elected a member of the Acad.
emy of 'Medicine. This is the first
time a woman has ever been elected
a member of any French academy.
Mrs. Arnold J. Tsdhantree, who be-
fore ,her recent marriage was a tele-
phone girl in Baltimore, has been deft
a 'bequest of $1,500 in appreciation
of her politeness find courtesy to the
testator. '
According to Dr. Elizabeth Thele
berg, who has been studying gir;
graduates at Vassar College for the
last 34 years, the women and girl;
of to -day are very much healthi^i
than those of 20 or 30 years ago..
The Hungarian assembly is trying
-to put through a law requiring s
higher intelligence test and deprivmni
women under 30 of the vote because
'they are romantically ,inclined in fa.
vor of the deposed sovereigns.
—A quiet wedding took place at
the Manse, Wroxeter, last Wednesday,
the Rev. Dr. Harkness officiating,
when Miss Catherine A., eldest daugh:
ter of John and Mrs. Fitch, Howick,
was married to Clark H., youngest
son of Walter and Mrs. Renwick, of
Howick. Mr. and
r . Renwick M s will
take up their residence on the Walter
Johnson farm, 18th concession, How -
r ` r
14 ,..
'; .ill
I.�ii �i&�!�a1111�'�a4`il.w4#a' .'
` '' p Ypy1¢:au eki7 ,�' W�� :t
from three Bnybiah',�SoY.erei'gps, she
would be only deferring to Ibis views
by following his Silo dol4bt
, 4l •i1
!r .'
i' OA fli S
Mr. Austen Chamberlain have
i t
?; Al,
y tf kb fs t.rc,.gr cd
Mr wan any ower oa enc auc
can an
ea2lom any time he cares for one.
( ► 9
.. ,
b4orray batt E u Ertl. to si' reset
Though Queen Victoria had no
X _1
to gosea tor. fb•
�14� Wit+
great admixat#on far >li2r. •Cr18(♦9tAAe,
mobiles -which 'have been taken y
+ far, Neae, and "!Eros!
W. L IMLH t ryll� a�awt at. ra,..a
she oSere'd :him a Peerage.
T Queen was only following piece
note 3n Medicine, University of
dent in making the offer, since on
turers are taking to co-operate with
lichee bureaus throughout the
each ocosion ,the Grand Old Man
New York Ophthai-
- Sold in Seaiorth by E. UMBACH.
resigned the Premiership and an-
II iiaetitute, Moorefielda
nouneed intention of entering
qpd Golden Sgaare Throat Hoe-
private lice. The .first offer, it is
br ails, London, EnS, At oliice in Scott
of the teat, also thrush
said, he accepted, firy principle and
made it known that he purposed to
t over Umbaeha Drug Store,
assume the style of Earl of Liver-
etc. Stops bleeding at
Y , third Wednesday in each
tSsiotDcttl4t' from 11 a.m. to- $ p.m. 63.
Soldiers are fond of singing, and.
pool because he had long family and
affiliations that city
the duty of r he public to see
work, is provided for all. -
s+„ Waterloo Street South, Stratford.
,the Canadian soldiers are no excep-'
political with
There are lour ways in which
' ,`'" lie 287,.Stratford,
tion, In every camp in Canada, Bri-
When this 'became known to Lo
y' who was akar timuse e
unemployment tsituabion can be p r
lain and France, familiar son s—
Maple Leaf, home Tires, Annie
Lord Steward ad the Royal
Lord Sew o
manepbly remedied. The first an
the least ir)xportant is th
Laurie, Mother Machree, Tipperary,
a filed
hold and high in royal favor, he filed
second, is 'by ,providing count; th
James, Proctor &Redfern Ltd
Canada, and others—ars sung in
objections on the ground that this
title belonged to mother's father,:
third, Is unemployment insurance
?� 11 iI
' E_ M, Procter, B,A.,So , Manager
tune and out.
The Canuck is also fond of parodies
and that through ugh this relationship
whack the t�peaker asserted is surel
coming in Canada- and the last an
w '
36 Toronto St, Toronto, Cat
with a playful thrust at an officer,
he had a lieu upon it. Since it
,is an unwritten law that no peer
most important of all is sucial}zatio
.,It',� ;�
- Drtdsea, P.vemrata, war '..ort., a—
Indnaraton, Schools,
unpleasant 'bit of duty, or the camp
should assume a title which has
of capital and 'industry.
.�,. $yetema,
Publto Ha1L, Howin�, Factories, Art}-
One favorite, in Canada, hits the
belonged to a family still , in esti-
soel4liaation of capital an
induylry will not be brought abou
x `4-`'
a`g0°' W atiO°
oar Fera:—Usuaily paid ace of
multigau handlers:
fence and which may therefore be
revived for one of its menibeiri, Lord
tarmarrow," said the speaker, "but i
' }
th. mina, .r..ava aur client.
"They say we get milk in our coffee;
Haw-kesbur prevailed. Since he
y P
will surely come• and not until tha
time arrives will the unemploymen
The say we
y get milk in our tea,
could nut have this title, Mr, Glad
stone would have no other.
problem be entirely settled. When
They say we get milk in our coffee,
But it all looks like whitewash to
A curious reason prompted Sir
one man dies and leaves eight or nin
millions, while another man woricin
I I,Specialists
in Health and Accident
Edward Valet, for long British
Ambassador at Berlin, to decline x
e(lualty as hard finds it all 'but im
policies liberal and unrestricted.
"'they say we get beef in our mulli-
Pe ;'age. lits wife was a dgttghter
pussble to make ends meet, we kno
there is something rotten in the Stat
'i of
Over $1,000,000 paid in losses.
Exceptional opportunities for local
Thr say
Y Y we get hoof in our stew;
of the former 'Duke of Bedford, and
i:he retained her rank as a duke's
of Denmark, 'I refer particularly
the system rather than to ,the man."
They say we get beef in our mulligan
But it
daughter, since for lir oars of
g purposes
etiquette, knights and baronets are
Mr, McIntosh stated that there ar
seems just Pike mule -meat to
considered commoners. Lady Malet
two material causes for the press
te773-b0 Toronto, Ont.
therefore, outranked the wives and
unemployment situartiun. One is th
,.,.,Itralization orf capital in the ban
+'€ `.
The disappointment of hope de-
fencer as they await the overseas or-
of all earls, viscounts
''ad bbeco , whereas if her husband
while the other is the fact that in
l:isu•y is controlled by a few peopl
der is tutted thus:
had lost th an earl, she would
h,ite Inst this Precedence and would
„Illy There are moral causes also
R. S. H4YS.
"'rhey say we're going over the ocean,
have had to take a lowly position
uc•h as reed, distrust among me
serve of injustice, racial hatred, e
Barrister, Solicitor, Collor sneer and
Notary Public. Solicitor for the Do-
They say w'e're going over the sea,
as rite cotta uF + newly -Fled ed earl.
Sc• 1•::Iward Malet could well afford
In .this connection he asserted ther
adnion Bank. Office in rear of the Do-
Bank Seaforth. Mone to
Y'he say we're 6
y Y going •over the oce�ut,
But it all sounds like bunkum to me."
to C neo �o the honor for another
� ro people of Means We' ring shabb
ur•dcrclothing be ause they are afrai
when the order comes, they $in.
rsa on. Il is family is one is the
n'rblevt in Y:ngland, and he w:,s able
to purchase now for fear prices ma
b,- ;ower later on. They should g
Flg:iln in more cheerful tune, changing
to show descent in the direct ma!u
.tit to East London and byy'the cloth
the last line:
lin-• fn,m Sir Hobert MRlet, cousin
alike of William the Conqueror and
int now and frost their fellow me
Barristers, Solicitors, Convey-
"And it seems like a re -al -i -t R"
King Har.tld. Pcrrxges (rave be,•n
declined because
tvi,l not charge muco than righ
s•+id he. if ev,•ry person would d
enters and Notaries Public, Etc.
A thrust at the "Slackers" is ex-
more than once,
th—' offered them did n°t.have the
t11is the situation would be great!
'cis th according co the speaker.
Office in the Edge Building, opposite
ceased in a
p parody to "We'll never
money to maintain the dignity
The Expositor Office.
let the Old Flag Fall:"
rc,"th:!t'. and doubted that they
— --
would be able to have a sun}cicnt
"We'll never let the Homeguard sail;
fortune fur their descendants to
If we did, they would all turn pale;
In times of peace we hear them sin
support a title. It is on this account
that most of the great lawyers in
I Amid the re_cUesd, ragM throng
.11 f'God
Barristers,• Solicitors, Notaries
save the Right, God save the
Engiard, who arc rais<Kl t° the
House of Lords fol•'their services as
which haunts a Riviera gamblin
r°um there is inva,iably one indi
Be. etc. Money to lend. In Seaforth
an Monday of each week. Office m
To the end of the world their shout
judges, accept only life peerages, in
vidual wfio sits complacently, watch
utg with inscrutable •x cession th
]Odd Block. W. Prondfoot, K.C., J.
L, Killoran, B. E. Holmes.
shall ring,Y
But the Homegtlard will never sail!"
order h their descendants m+
I t Rc I,
not be hardened with great expense
joy's (,f thosg who win and the sor
and be practically from
''"cos of those who hrsr. That m
ntu.:t muncy-making pursuits.
k the (!N*,pier—outwardly the mos
But, to decline the Order of the
Garter is much rarer than to de_
passionless soul alive.
A prospective cruupi+r begins his
cline a peerage, and the honor was
training at the ter of eighteen, ba
Honor graduate of Ontario Veterin-
a ;)articular line in the case of Mr.
for a lung time he makes no profes
ary College, and honorary member of
Our Canadian winters arc exceed-
Balfour, -because in the last two
sional •appearance in public. Th
the Medical Association of the Ontario
ingly hard on the health of little ones.'
centuries it has only been bestowed
pupils attend �.at the 'Casino ever
-- !Veterinary College. Treats diseases of
The weather is often so severe that,
upon two commoners, Robert Wal-
morning, when the building is close
all domestic animals by the most mod-
the mother cannot take the little ones
poic being one and Sir Edward Grey
to the general public, and there the
ern principles. Dentistry and Milk
out fur an airing. The consequence is
the other. It is true that both were
are schooled by the brad croupier
—Atever a specialty. Office opposite
that baby is confined to overheated,
raised to the peerage shortly after-
They are taught to make rapid cal
/ click's Hotel, Main Street, Seaforth.
badly ventilated rooms; takes cold and
ward. One notable instance is
culations, and 0 wield the racgve
All orders left at the hotel will re-
becomes cross and peevish. Baby's
cited by Mr. Cunliffe Owen. It was
or the padictme
give prompt attention. Night calls
Own Tablets should be given to keep
offered to the Earl of Brownlow, a
Even when the pupil has won th
received at the office
the little ones healthy, They are a
territorial magnate orf great wealth
approval „f his teacher he is oblige(
mild laxative which regulate the
and sense of public duty and use-
to attend school every morning wit;
stomach and bowels and thus prevent
fuluess. Ile asked to be excused
all other croupiers in order to prat
Honor graduate of Ontario Veterin-
colds. The Tablets are sold by medi-
cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a
on the ground that he had merely
done his duty and that there were
tics the art of handling these two
College. All diseases of domestic
animals treated. Calls promptly at-
box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
others of greater merit on whom it
The art of handling the racquet—
tended to and charges moderate. Vet-
Co., Brockville, Ont.
might more properly be bestowed.
the long rako-like instrument used
on the roulette and petits chevaux
r `,
a2inery Dentistry a specialty. Office
and residence on Goderich street, one
----. 0
tables to place or draw In mons
door east of Dr. Scott's office, Sea-
thrown on the squares — and th
uranipulation of the pallette—th
trowelalike piece of wood with which
cards and chips are lifted in th
C. J. W. HARN, M.D.C.M.
It may be that when Mr. Balfour
declined the offer of the King to
baccarat rooms—is not learned in
day. Aman may become fairly pro
x .
426 Richmond Street, London, Ont.,
dpecisiie Suro
t, e*v and Genio-Uria-
him a Knight of the Garter, he there-
ficient after a month or two, bu
even then he daily
aro diseases of men and women.
by opened the way for Viscount Las-
cellos to receive this honor, since the
.requires practice
in order to keep up to the mark.
�• '
•Garter Knights are limited to twenty-
Saskatchewan Man Tells of Relief
When the pupil .}s considered lair
ly reliable he is introduced into th
''' r
Graduate of Faculty of Medicine
five, and itisnot often that there
more than one vacancy at a time. If
From Suffering, and Gladly .Ad-
vises Others to Try Dodd's
rooms in order to get some idea o
McGill University, Montreal; member
the only vacancy was that filled by
Kidney Pills.
the atmosphere of the placefrom th
: I .
of College of Physicians and
the bestowal on of the honor ulwri
point of view of the croupier.
of. Ontario; Licentiate of Medical Coun-
the Viscount, 'the compliment
p profer-
Percival, Sask., March 6th. (Spe-
( P
A gambling crowd is different from
CH of Canada; Post -Graduate Member
red by King George is intensified•
tial).—'I am more than glad to say
any other collection of human
of Res'dent Medical staff of General
since the acceptance by Mr. Balfour
a good word for Dodd's Kidney Pills. •
'beings. The croupier must study its
Hospitfil, Montreal, 1914-15; Office, 2
-would have made it impossible to
These are the words of Mr. John
Psychology and make himself. famii-
doors east of Post Office. Phone 56.
confer this dignit3 'Ipon E}s
Nordgn, a well ]mown resident here.
'tar with the 'types who haunt the
smann.Ontario. -
Majesty's son,in-'nw. The onlyAnd
Mr, Nordin is always ready to
'ta'bles—}the parasites of society, as
well as the -'fiends the
royal honor Mr. Balfmir has so far
. ccepted is that of membership in
give reason why,
For about ten years 7 suffered
gambling and
wandering holiday-maker who gam-
Office and residence, Goderich street
the Order of Merit an9 he chose
dreadfully from backacne and rheu-
ties out of curiosity or a mere desire
east of the Methodist church, Seaforbh
this, perhaps, btrairae it seemed to
nlatism," he says. `Then I started to
far pleasurable sensation. After -
Phone 46. Coroner for the County of
be a recognition of cis scientific
bake Dodds Kidney Pills. Now my
Wards he is given. charge of a table
and liters
literary Tabors rather 'than
backache and Theumatiam are one.
and his career has begun.
It,; ...
t -
tho:a directly concerned with Poli'
"I always keep Dodd's Kidney Pills
iCrou iers are, of two kinds—the
' t
c :sed a dukedom was not surety
on hand in case of need and to every-
crou ter who
P presides in the baccarat
: `
G Mackay honor 'graduate of Trip-
tics. That he should haze decPned
body with .kidrAy trouble and back-
rooms and tho who sits ,in
lty University, and gold medallist of
s dukedom was not surprising, for at
ache I sayjudgment
`try Dodd'e Kidney
over petits chevaux or
'Trinity 12edical Collo
College; member of
#y9 GgA ego of Physicians lair
east twice, before he refased a peer-
Doild's Kidney Pills put the kidneys
in slope to strain all the uric acid
roulette. Petda chevaux eau
have In man ova
Y Ys an entirely lis
1;c :
aeons of. Ontario.
age, once King Edward and a-
gain . from King Ge hrge. Being an
Lint of the blood. With no uric acid
tinct trade to learn, although there
vnassailatite bachelor, he hereditary
}n the blood there can be no rheums-
8Te �y who can act as croupiers
character of the honor had no charm
for petits chevaux, roulette and bac-
Graduate of University of Toronto
Faculty 'of Medicine, member of Col-
fur Mr. Balfour, and in remaining a
simple "Mister," - he is surely in
Ask your neighbors if Dodd's Kid,
Key Pills are not the ,greatest of all
The must be men, of steel nerves
Yege of Mans and Surgeons of
'godly company.
Kidney remedies,
and clear he pts. They must have al}
Ontario; pass graduate- coarses is
Thrice did Joseph Chamberlain
-- ' --
the tact of diplomats to combat or
appease the claims of those who
IV rt
LLicago Clinical School of Chicago;
Al Ophthalmic Hospital, London,
refuse, peerages, simply from pride
in ,his own name, which he had
pure bens. And what is coven .more
�6"ngland• University Hospital, Lon-
made a household word throughout
important, they must wield .their
4�oR,,, England. Office—Back of Do-
n Rank Seaforih: Phare No. 6,
the Empire. He had plenty of
money hpfith which to, support the
racquets wibFt nimbleness and des-
iterity, for tire wheel never stops,
kt`eatta nawered from residence;
rank and a, family to irrheri7t, but
The man of leisure whose most
and no sooner is a number called then
the table must be cleared for the
i►iCtbria:street, SeafortiL
he politelly refused when asked by
strenuous work pis riding around in a
King Edward to accept a peerage,
is a scandal to the ,cam-.
When he passed away, we;dear{1, on
munity at large, declared Rev. W. R:
r' `� BR04d DT
the authority of E. Ctrl Cunliffe
McIntosh, in a sermon on "The Idle
Gass" last night in 'King
:% r sucillnrer for the counties
C B.E., th'st a trrtigne(�honor
Church, London. "This
jS'Oer ppm kltorva
^ : said POOL Coi'ieaponaenee
was paid to his widow, who .*48 by
and pari roan
and his wife will scowl at the laborer
flhait is Ca their •
aids! are tiara
, sneaf4 �iI sale ,dates can
an American. She was .urged, 'by
in the
t "j
c ° pip�j bone'fla8eftforth
" 'har'own'rig'llt
g'' Dugs to accept a, peer S$e
trench when the 'ogress os
the limousine is but
} r (mer,. C'bargekitgod.
and satisfaction .
ifs roc • od jper
USbandio pat se
gr' r and also: of
.blocked, the
sewer digger is the one who should
, Terri letanis
cur be honored,n said MT. rMcrIntos'h.-`"We
t are during ithe Song
Ca ul
v K i1 Ia '
, i4 leer ; Y that Co
,,-� ;,.:Cr-iii,.irt�waiu aU. is =_i ,.,��Q'�Nl�
are leaving behind the age wlien the
public will kowtow to a man who
-Stas 'money."
,.o The speaker
i �0�� Deli. p. Irr. t �Elrat there ,
NI' k pointed ou
OoI� than other RhepmatiC
ifi e
m die• m l
band !or R ' �,
.�...�,_. �,,..,_ - leu
al. There is it o more A
I IFb# the"idle rich til
>✓s xi c -$dor , be intim
ing o the question of ' I
rf, ho Swelled bbat, it
. � (: ,
will draw half a dozen circa oluf.,on
Lap of the other and ''drop them into
the narrow $lot of (the metal urn by
almost imperceptible turn of tial
hat .
I --
The After Effects Often. More
d Serious Than the Disease
e & Itself.
e No reasonable precaution. to avert
e• an attack of influenza should 'be spar -
ded. The disease itself often proves
fatal and its aster ¢ffects among those
n who are spared, n*ke the idfgg .of the
d victim one of almost conetgi, isery.
t. Ask almost any of those//who 'Lave
t been attacked by this trouble what
their present condition of health ds
tand most of them will answer`. "Since
I had the influenza I have never been
en fully well." This trouble leaves be-
e C. pit a persistent weakness of the
$ linr+bs, shortness of breath, bad diges-
bion, palpitation of the heart and a
iv tired feeling after even slight exer-
t tion. This is due to the thin -blooded
ti condition in which .the patient is left
after the fever and influenza have
e subsided. This condition will Con-
t binue until the blood is built up again,
e' and for building up the -blood and
hanks strengthening the nerves nothing can
- equal a fair treatatent with Dr. Wil-
e liams' Pink Pills. The value of this
°• medicine in cases of this kind is
n• shown by the statement of Mr, Ed.
etc ward J. McGuire, Pembroke, Ont.,
e who says:•—"In the fall of 1918 I toss
dattacked with the influenza—and not
in a mild foam either. I was confined
y to my room for three weeks, and al.
° though the influenza subsided I did
not regain my health. As a 'matter
n of fact I seemed to be, growing weak.
t, el'.
I had no appetite, was subject to
° fainting spells and my feet and ankles
y were badly swollen. The doctor told
me that my condition -had develop.
ed into a serious case of anaemia and
although I' was under his care foe
over two months I was not improving
in any way. At this stage one of my
g friends advised me to try Dr. W}I-
g liams' Pink Pills. I was loth to do
- so, as I began to think my case hope-
- less. Howtver, I was finally persuad-
feet to try them, and by the time I had
- ased two boxes there was no doubt
an they avere. helping me. I continued
t taking the pills until I had used a
dozen 'boxes, when I found that every
s symptom of the 'trouble had left me
t and I was again enjoying the best of
- health. I returned to my work and
e have ever since been in good health
y and feel that I owe it entirely to Dr.
d Williams' Pink Pills. I .think that
y anyone who is suffering from the
. after-effects of influenza, or any form
of anaemia should give this medicine
t a fair trial."
You can get Dr. Williams' Pink
e Piils through any dealer in rnedicine,
I or by mail at 50 cents a ,box or six
I boxes for $2.60 from The Dr. Wil-
- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Philadelphia has 263 women phy-
Y sicians and nine female clergymen.
e Miss Lillian H. Tuteber is Eng.
e land's first woman insurance broker.
t The bread distributors of Paris are
e almost exclusively women.
a Women mayors now preside over
three Minnesota cities—Goodhue,
t Saint Peter and Cohato.
° In Spain a woman's mantilla is
held as sacred as it cannot be sold
for debt.
e Single' women represent 27.3 per
£ cent. of the total population in the
e United States.
Approximately one-third of the
lit. federal employees .throughout the
United States are women,
By shaving their heads the. Basque
women of Spain think they render',
themselves beautiful.
Every year the number of women
in New York city is increasing more
rapidly than the number of men.
Miss Florence Miligan and ,Dr.
Marjorie O'Conne7.1 of New York are
walking from New York rte San
London's women's patrol .is. to be
disbanded, it being claimed that they
are too costly ' to maintain as a
Twelve -year-old Alice Mann, chant-
pi6n swimmer of Panama, recemtlyi
swam serosa the canal with her
hands and feet manacled.
'Mrd. rMelberdie Glover recently
travelled by horseback from her home
in Atoka, Ok., to Clovis,. !Cell., a dis-
ta'tie , of 1,200 miles. •
Miss Mary E. W. Risteau, only
woman member of the Maryland leg-
islature, claims that She owes her
Political prominence -to a dare.
Instead ofreceiving a -.wedding
ring when she marries ,a girl in the
New (Hebr.}des'Islands leas two of her
front teeth ]mocked out.
Though she is only 22 years of age
Misfit Florence Mornberger is deputy
sheriff of Erie County, N. Y„ and
carrlts a gun and handcuffs.
Miss Helen Pettigrew, who fia>s op-
ened a campaign for the nomination
for governor in Kansas
be elected on a beer platform.°
(Princess Kalamansole, of Honolulu
has taken the position on the Hawai-
ian RebablWation 'Commldssion, made
vacarrt.bbyy the death Of ter husband.
Mica ifazt1l Toafpkirie ,mss r fly, -
eloctecl„gtleen'o$ the'VlWunuipeil .. ,
t r; , .
% jj�QRgRII t0'4$iC 1 ► 4,
}aa,�!JFtI'llll this a4#t'
ut , , It Is-rt�aealtriu0 to I
”. , wb.ileb Winn aaabla you to ilaeei
' . . t111A CB of tq p10rrow.
I , a►e #n . "d to open a savinge
I Dom=
BF.WORTH BI%?1NP`l, • '
failure to qualify.
Mrs.'George Harrison, one of the
few women golf professional in the
country, lose .been engaged to teach
woman members of the Cleveland
Golf Club..
The death of Mrs. Cornelia Adair
in London removes one of the wealth.
Jest women ranch owners in Texas.
Her cattle ranch pear Clarendon com-
prised more than 300,000 acres.
. It is it custom in,Tripoli that a
bride be attended by 40 - or 50
bridemadds, all powdered to ghastly
whiteness and wdth'I vivid crimson
triaggles painted. on Tach cheek.
Mme. Marie Curie, noted scientist
and co -discover of .radium, has
been elected a member of the Acad.
emy of 'Medicine. This is the first
time a woman has ever been elected
a member of any French academy.
Mrs. Arnold J. Tsdhantree, who be-
fore ,her recent marriage was a tele-
phone girl in Baltimore, has been deft
a 'bequest of $1,500 in appreciation
of her politeness find courtesy to the
testator. '
According to Dr. Elizabeth Thele
berg, who has been studying gir;
graduates at Vassar College for the
last 34 years, the women and girl;
of to -day are very much healthi^i
than those of 20 or 30 years ago..
The Hungarian assembly is trying
-to put through a law requiring s
higher intelligence test and deprivmni
women under 30 of the vote because
'they are romantically ,inclined in fa.
vor of the deposed sovereigns.
—A quiet wedding took place at
the Manse, Wroxeter, last Wednesday,
the Rev. Dr. Harkness officiating,
when Miss Catherine A., eldest daugh:
ter of John and Mrs. Fitch, Howick,
was married to Clark H., youngest
son of Walter and Mrs. Renwick, of
Howick. Mr. and
r . Renwick M s will
take up their residence on the Walter
Johnson farm, 18th concession, How -
r ` r
14 ,..
'; .ill
I.�ii �i&�!�a1111�'�a4`il.w4#a' .'
,': 1, ,,, X . r till �
, t�
,IS1Ft ' t. ,�e7 -44 )L''
, 4l •i1
` .'Ll" ee ,<k,i� M��'' .tai' .,
u Al.S
R. M JONM ManI ..:_
ager: . ,
80:1M FOR RENT _
stave, mounted on a concrete babe
furnishes a sutl3cigntty .
depositing 4=1 h* ''Ste
gas upon a ,
meter. '
1b help owners to recov'ea• A -
mobiles -which 'have been taken y
thileves, stolen car bulletins SamxW
regularly with. car numbers, motor
numbers and owner's name, are one,
of the means automobile manufac-
turers are taking to co-operate with
lichee bureaus throughout the
Relieves caked bag, gar -
get, spider or infection
of the teat, also thrush
in horses' feet, fistula,
etc. Stops bleeding at
once. Removes proud
flesh, soreness and swell-
' At all Dealers and Druggists.
Manufactured only by .
200 More M j
o e en WantedI
II 1
. - ------.*— — I
. v a "' , vw,"", u• _a y """ s
THE MOTOR DIGEST I No experience necessary, $126
to per month o r tin s
200 a a
$ P Pe g g'
Automobile fire exports from the 1 I tractors, driving motor trucks,
United States in 1921 were valued at , cars and farm power machinery,
approximately $16,000,000 or auto and tractor machinery,
John H. Ely, 70 years old, a promi- I I city .and country garages. Steady
nent architect of Newark, N. J., is I.work. We have a plan whereby
one of the oldest automobile drivers I you can work in our shops to pay
in the state. I for part of your training. Under
Nearly every country requires that I this system, you can soon be train -
an automobile be equipped with two I ed, ready to accept one of these
adequate brakes in good workingI -big paying jobs. This special of -
order I fer is good for a short time only.
-Farmers in the country districts of .I Day and evening sessions. Don't
Johannesburg, in South Asrira, are i delay. Write or call for full ,par -
becoming important buyers of motor' titulars immediately.
cars. .
The police department of San Fran- 4 HEMPHILL'S MOTOR SCHOOL
cisco has equipped three armored 1 163 West King Street, Toronto.
motor cars for use in the pursuit and I 2828-tf I '
capture of automobile bandits, I
A large motor manufacturing plant
in tire United States is experimenting
with a mixture of formaldeyhyde, ----------
--- —"--
glue and cotton for automobile bodies, FARMS FOR SALE
An ocean--to-ocean concrete high
way is being constructed by the re-
public of Panama across the isthmus, r,•A1tLAs ) R SALE. — I HAVE SOME
The cost of the work is estimated at choice rm,a for sale in the Townships
of ------a and Hibbert, all well built and
$7,000,000. Unproved, on easy terms of payment THOMAS
To provide facilities for American CAMERON, Exeter, Ont. '2668-tt
automobile manufactures in extend- FARM FOR SALE.--FOR'3ALE, LOT 6,
ing credits to European distributors, Corweseion a and west bait of Lot s,
thirteen motor companies -are report- Coneession 10, H.R.S.. Tack—mith, con_
ed 10 plan a co m!bive. taining 160 acres. Tbere are on the premia®
Out of the thousands of cases of a good .two story brick .house with state reef,
traffic violations e0 min - before tlhe larae bank barn 100.69 feet with first class
g' stabling, water in the barn, drive shed 26x86, '
Brooklyn (N. Y.) tratlle court, only pig house and ben house. The farm is alt
one per cent. of the offenders are cleared bac shoat zo acres of gees hint.
said to be -women motorists. wood bush, principally maple. All well fene-
ed and file drained. Eight acren of fall
The United States sorest service wheat sown. 86 acres ready for spring crop.
and the Oaliforma 'State Automobirle The farm is situated ,0 miles from Sesforth
Association 'are co-oeratin to and 4 miles from Hensell, one-half mile from
IP g P re school: carni anvil and phone. Will. be sold
vent the mutilation of mad signs and on easy terms. For further paruenlars "-
other direction markers. , ply on the premises, or address R. R. No. 2,
New York City has 10,000 taxicabs Kipper. ANGUS MCKINNON. 2829 -ti
operatin rn the heart of the city,, col- ARM FOR SALE.—FARM OF TWO HUN -
letting ug yward of $200,000 a day in Fdred acres adlofning the Town of Ses-
fares. The (busiest time of the day forth, conveniently situated to all churches,
is between 7 and 9 in the evening,-lisels and Collegiate. There is a momfort-
Approxiim'ately 1,680,000 passenger able brick cottage with a cement kitchen;
barn 1°0x66 with stone stabling undernesw
automobiles and trucks, with awhole-
for 6 horses, 76 head of"eattle and 40 boss
sale value of $1,222,360,000, were pro- with steel stanchions and water before all
luteal in the United States in 1921, a -stock; litter carrier and feed carrier ggppe
two cem
24 per cent. decrease 1n units from foCCpt allm: driving shed and pLb
tam amles. 'watered by a rack well and
the previous year's turnout of 2,210,- windmill. The farm G well drained and In
000 vehicles, a high state of cultivation. The erep is all
Accordingto the bureau -of census, in the ground—ab.fee clay loam. Immedi-
ate van.cesion. Apply to M. BEATON. IL
the motor v-e'hicle in the United'States R. % Seafarw. Opt. 2M41
ranks ]first among finished tlroducita
and in volume of business. It i'8 EXECUTORS OF TRE LATE ARCM -
third in 'line among all m'anufacture's, bila McGregor offer for sale Lot 16,
receded only b the 6th Concession, McKillop. 100 pares yf Rest
P Y y peat packing alas. farm lands. The land is in a Bret
and obeel industries, done state of cultiwatton and there are
The State •highway department of 'erected oa the premises a good frame dwel-
ling house. with kitchen attached; frame
Pennsylvania i$- given advance warn- barn 76x69 with stone foundation, sthbling
ing' by the United States weather 'underneath and cement Room and water
bureau of anoWstorm8, which ma t. throughout, driving house, pig pen and hen
house. Alec about ten acres of good hard
'np trafiLe on sections of the .,wood bosh. Thi property le. well fenced and
miles of Highway which the depart was, drained ens• convenient to good markets,
ment keeps open during the winter. churches and sohools. For farther. art}oalers
The Automobile Club of Missouri aDDiy to MISS LILLY J• xeVAGS04� Dn tbs
premises. or. r H. S. YS, SW 'Soa-
offers a reward of $50 for tlhe arrest fortes, Ont, .¢r
and conviction of any person who ---------
stesis an autemobide from a menfber FA FOR SALE.—�pR� SALE LOT 20,
of the 'oril"lestie i and $10 rk- r -rd Concession 4. M�op$yJ1IDp. eemffihdar 100
for the arrest and eonnvictlbn erP any Limb.' TLore� x o fhe D �ta h bankk
person fl mvdltg glass on the streets. barn with dtolne end cement fopindatlon, 48x82•
Open-air ges stoves are provided with aameot:,Room; driving shed, 16x96;
for Ynrlitotiata is •a camping and , ic- frame wtabla 28x92, 1 trg¢ee Gravel base 7
P coma aral',elta'hen, eemetot Boors in 'cel�ae.
Pasa a ground a t i>`Anpoksida� �asrd loss a .scar in tamheh c re scorn
carnival ' �,y a to • . to`kalling .,.nadre P te' �• tike two °f U�*, a „� n at �Ur :-na ah
than Ithree times; the population, o4 11 a bmrh. This b a rood f�rm--•enc
Cauadn. ' . , . E+f" tin McKiucp, rt D etbmstea 6
WPmen bath �tfo>m the Town Af seatoeth and one
S1ig oenebtg maffitain- r 'Matte• f s .succi wad ,alma ., Burd, man
M on the beach at Atlantic ,City last ani oti Will be .old on ret eonable tenth.-
' - summer, , ar n0 �,: �: + ,Fpr fa r pYstler I— app en .pr•n-
' p 14gre,, they having Iliac: er addreds R $a r. saaertb.
be to ltw,ldaaeu beoavaf9 ,bf 'their
'` ,1 - -
o, ~
� t .ua, S :, s . „}1 . .,.,'( i , ., . ,;:x:: ., .. c,i ,r- :
�x f•
r' 1
r •I
tG�•�Fzl �u{ r yr ��`+l