HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1922-03-03, Page 8° 1Frotu ln,
ogaaannt'ei ware evert 'la
and wan said,to:-be Well
'a Dihi't W one who was
ar? r ... .2$ Cents
Il ale vie ben. Pa
on pag
iillzee i1Xt error 'oeakt grin quoting
'ttjle price on Mn'es F'je e I i led U
tlerweax,. Tt. ahomlild rand 'regular
:.ttard'erWear at -ane, nwt 1260 q
• The -Late Mts. ,Jams Barbour.-
' Jame Miller, wife of Mr. James Bar
bout, passed away, est her home on
High +Street, Seaford), on Wednesday
.inomiing, March Set. Mrs. Barbour
stllf eyed a ABACO about two weeks
ago, from which .she never recovered.
She wan in her 68th year. The fun-
eral, which will be private, will be
held from her late home on Satur-
day atternoom interment being made
in Stafi'a Cemetery.
I G. W. V. A. Notes --'Phe Challenge
Eue'}+re held in the club rooms Mon-
day evening, was a decided success
in every, way. After two hours of
euchre, won by Tuckeramith, by the
Close score of eighteen points, lunch
. was served at the forty tables. The
dance following the latch was per-
haps the most enjoyable part of a
fine evening, music being supplied by
Miss Forsyth and Mrs. O'Coneen. as-
sisted by Messrs: Forsyth and Cltes-
ney, to say nothing of a solo effort
by "Pansy" Hart. The' Sootell Reel,
danced by request by couples from
Tuckersntith, was a fine effort well
executed, showing the modern danc-
ers that they really knew only the
rudiments of the !popular pastinve.
Altogether the event was one thor-
oughly enjoyed by' all. The G. W.
V. A. EXecutive are bo be congratu-
lated for the institution of such af-
fairs, creating as they do a better
feeling with our neighbors from the
country districts. •
can. be
rnye, Then Miss ell, • 'd>teke , of
stn Miens in C atthl 'India as ttelgat.
Che *eatenajdren
nd chi,and the Werk"
a thatcan be doe amongst thine . v
4tJewels of India." as Musa Filpatrlolt ` OurNBW
clled b tem. Diming a1 & aet'vdce lilies
Bessie McMiclraeY and , Miss ;Pearl noW oIl' di
Patterson ;sang a very tweet ` end invite ) qu,�
Those urembers who t10q The
ikoed furniture requires bar-
aaollioue 'backgrounds. Our col-
ledtion of, Wallpaper includes a
wide ,selection ,4f New Patterns.
Come in and inspect them.
to 33 1-3% off all 1921 Papers
, t:iplposite Expositor Office. .Phone 62.
: utchison's
49te in lice witih seasonable goods at
aught prices, or a little lower. It
!bas always been a fault of Hutchi-
son's .that they are inclined to get
Mie: price, too low, but the general
public have been very forgiving fil-
'SUGAR looks like a good buy new
at $7.75 per cwt. for Redpath.
7AUR is also good buying at our
,prices. We have soma, brands so
• good they, rouse our customers' en-
'thusdasse, at 500 to Me per twndred
less Uksn present values.
OQJMS--A $4.00 Broom for •85c;
hoc Broom for 50c; a 50e Broom
Tr'i es*. to sell at 39c.
R PIES -We have good Dates at
Pounds -for 25c
i.. RUNES at 15c, 20c and 25e per lb.
GS at .2 pounds for 26c
pound T,1 superior quality 23cc
Jr ' Ptire 'Pratt Jam,_ 4, fib tin; 75c
-.strawberry or Plum.
-.Ramo. UP -Oars is a dark
puger syrup and we *inform Bak-
ing Syrup in bulk is superior to
in tiara'.
, any rwwn .... Appointed
Court Reporter. -The
Wahpeton, North Dakota, paper of
last week says: "Miss Beatrice Ag-
nes McMichael, a sister of A. E. and
R. V. McMichael, of this city, 'has
been appointed secretary and court
reporter in the United States district
court under Judge Andrew Miller, re-
cently appointed federal judge for
North Dakota; .Miss McMichael was
to leave Friday evening for Bismarck
where aIle will make Beer new home.
She began her new duties yesterday.
Before her appointment to her new
important position Miss McMichael
was for thirteen yearn a stenogra-
pher and secretary in the law offices
of Emgerud, Holt and Frame, the
firm which A. -G. Divet, formerly of
this city, is .now 'a member." Miss
McMichael is a daughter of the late
Robert McMichael, and a niece of Mr.
J. G. McMichael, of Seaforth.
!Western Ontario's beat Com-
mercial School with Comanes•
Dial, Shorthand and Telegraphy
departments. We give indivd-
ual instruction, hence "Eatr-
alIne"- Standing is not neoes-
alaay. Graduates naaiated to
poshims, Get our fres eata-
14E i rates and oYhx par-
.- D A. McLachlan,
xliteatel ed Dining Car Servics,
eephi cars on Night Trains
nal Parlor Cars on prinulipal Day
information from ale Grand
Ticket Agent •r C.: E.
mMg Diettlet Pesss r Agt.,
diwpmtb•, i...Alfl1t
Death of Miss •Martha Taylor. -
Mise _Martha Taylor -passed away at
her home on Centre Street, Seaforth,
on Friday last, after a very brief ill-
ness- Miss Taylor had attended
church the previous Sunday. but was
taken ill shortly after returning home,
iand gradually -sank until deal h came
on Friday. ?he *detailed was a
daughter of :the late Jahn Traylor, of
iStanley towna'gtp, and Was born in
the Province of. Quebec 72 years ago.
She was a resident of Sarnia for some
forty years, coming 'from there to
ISeaforbh neven years ago, and has
since resided Sere. She is survived
I by three breakers and two sisters: W.
J. Taylor, of Stanley; Robert J., of
Dashwood; Solomon, of Winnipefg,
and Mary and Rachael, of Seaforth.
The funeral took place on Sunday,
Rev. Dr. Larkin conducting the ser-
vice at the !rouse, and interment tak-
ing place at Bayfield, the service at
the grave being conducted by Rev.
Mr. Macfarlane. The pall -bearers
were six cousins: W. J.• Robert and
Joseph Pollock, and Robert English,
of Boston; William Pollock, of Stan-
ley, and Archie McIntosh, of Port
Killed In Toronto. Phe Globe of
Monday amiable the following ac-
count of the tragic death of George
Patterson, a former well known Sea -
forth boy, which wall be read with
regret by many personal friends as
well ashy many friends of the fam-
ily: '"Falling from the top of a box
car and under' the wheels of a passing
f erigbt train, tarty Sunday morning,
on the C. P. R. tracks, just west of
the eele Streit Sub'w'ay, West To-
ronto, George Fetterso*. aged 24, a
C. P. R. brakeman, of 502 Annette
Street, waa cut to !Assess. The remn-
ants, orf the body were picked up by
railroad employees aaJ removed to
the Morgue, where an inquest will be
opened this reaming by Coroner M.
M. Crawford. John Luster and Ed-
ward Knight, bath C. P. R. employees,
and eye -witnesses ef'tit, tragedy, told
the police that Patterson was walking
-along ilhe top of elle cars daring
shunting operations when he was
sifddenlly.jolted off' a box car, and on
to the tracks, where be was jean alit
by a bight engine and run over." The
deceased was a son of Mr. J. J. Pat -
hereon, formerly: in b leitiess in Sea -
forth, and a 011:16011 of, the late
George Patterson, for a great many
yearn one of the best known residents
G, E H16NH$11i!(1Nare The February meetlg a n
1temtsed i, 3nydr. Barbara Kitikmsri Aterilieryn Sie1
, Tuesday evening' proved a most
teresting attd Mkpfai• one for thee",
in attendance. Mise McLean presid-
ed and :'gave an iastrlsetive syttopfds
of the stork and conditions In Cen '
India, as Written b�qq • Dl: Menge
M%cKeliar. Met. Plant took . the
Orrilattur reading, and Miss Anna Bell gave uA a very full and iratereat-
ig report vif the .lectures and work
dome at the 'Winter Sahoot thiols was
held do Eno Cali b bet=
l�a e .eMtrept l 4t wraita�3nr
Jti y
Muffin' ed it
'peps are Ho n, .Rl,v� en evenfng'pv#a.
we !pent throngholt; fa4,loW,ed by "a dol
Jr lnspec- „- E' wful lunete •
were absentfrontthe riee'tiing missed ._ signs are j . '•
Barn' For Sala.—For pale frame kora 88822
w1th roof and ail timbers In good agape
Apply to H.'Chartors, Victoria $tree, San-
fortb' . 2828-tf
Attu. W. H. Connor, Oat rio'e well known
entertainer, has been secured for the Maths•
diet Sunday School annivomary oerekee on
Good Friday evening. 2827-tf
Clrl Wanted. --Wanted a girl for general
house work. Apply to Expositor Office.
8828 -Of
Young Peondee Evening in Sodort'h Pres-
byterlan Oburo)a School Items, ea Ttunday
evening. March 7th, at 2 o'clock. Commun-
ity, Instrumentals. Solas. Aunt openollegi and
r Fred mama. Five cents odmdeeion. $q
there. ; 2829.1
Her Sale.—Ona drivingmare Cour years
old. trotter; 1 brown m 6 years_ old, pacer,
meetly ; both reliable and not afraid ofautos.'
Apply to 'ilomos Fergueen, James2829x8 Stave,
, Seaforth.
Wanted.—,t gentleman or lady ropresenta.
tive In Seaforth to handle Watiina' Prq-
duchs. All or spare time. Fine opporhrnity.
Write for fun particulars. The J. I. Wat-
kins Company, Dept. H. 7, Hamilton. Ont.
Mouse for Sale.. Seven roomed 'cottage,
welt of Merner'e flan Mill, in 8rnUoraee
re,palr, also plenty of hard and soft water;
cellar under whole deuce. electric lighted;
Mao a barn with stabling for two cows and
. peuitry. Ideal place for retired farmer. A
mid bargain. Apply to George Lowery. Sea-
' 60''x• 2827-t1
i a ,
Ordained Forty-three Yearn Ago.. -
The following from the Victoria Daily
Times, of Victoria, B. C., under date
of February 11th, will be of interest
to many-ffiends and former parish-
oners of Rev. Joseph McCoy, a fomn-
er pastor of Egmondville Presbyter-
ian Church: "At Knox Presbyterian
Church teimorrow will be observed
the forty-third anniversary of the
ordination and induction of the Rev.
Joseph McCoy. The morning servic-
es will be conducted by Rev. Dr.
Smyth, Principal of Westminster Hall,
Vancouver. Rev. Mr. McCoy was or-
dained on February 3rd, 1879, and in-
ducted into the pastor charge of the
Presbyterian Church, EgmondvilIe,
Huron County, Ontario. After ,re-
maining there for ten years he was
, stationed in Fredericton, New Bruns-
' wick, and came West in 1897 taking
charge of mission stations on the
'Columbia and Western Railway dur-
ing construction. Among these warp
the once noted, but now abandoned
mining camp of Phoeniz. In 1900 he
moved to Vernon, and became pastor
of St. Andrew's Church there. Upon
the death of the late Rev. Alexander
Fraser Rev. Mr. McCoy took charge
of the Associated Charges at Victoria
of Knox, St. Colombo and St. Aidan,
all of which are now separate congre-
gations. In the re -arrangements' Mr.
McCoy was called to be pastor of the
Knox Church charge, and has con-
tinued his ministrations there until
the present date,
• ppi Local Briefs. --Mr. F. T. Fowler and
Mr. J. R. Archibald took two loads of
I Boy Scouts up to Clinton on MondayNaw Showing
to hear the famous Jack
miner lecture on Bird Sanctuary.-
: Mr. John Rankin has been out of his
2 ore for two weeks through illness.
-Mr. Walter Ross spent Sunday at
' his home in Goderich.--r1Qre ,last. of CIVILIAN CLOTHFES
• the Lyceum Course of esopeetts wan
hold in the Strand Theatre on Friday
evening last, and was the most suc-
cessful Of the series. The programme
was an excellent one and thoroughly
enjoyed by the large audience pres-
ent. -Mr. W. Corbett, of Fort Saskat-
I chewan, is a guest at the home of .Mr.
1 and Mrs, A. D. Sutherland. -Mrs.
T. DeLaees, spent the week end in To-
ronllo.•-Mr. Thomas Sickle has been
very seriously 121 for some days from
blood poisoning in his arm. Many
friends hope ire will soon be conval-
eseent,-Mr. and Mrs. James Sproat,
of Egmondville, received a telegram
on Wednesday morning announcing
the very serious illness of their
daughter, Mas. Horton, in the hospital
at Calgary. Mr. Sproat and his son,
R. J. Sproat, left the same afternoon
for Calgary. -.Mi'. J. Maotavish has
been confined to his home this week
through illness. -Mrs, J. E. L. Pang -
man and Mr. Gerald Cage, of Toronto,
are guests at the home of Mrs. J. H.
Broadfoot. - Mr. and Mrs. George
Lilly were visiting friends ,in Zprieeh
week. --A special collection in
aid of the Russian Famine Fund well
be taken up in the Presbyterian church
on Sunday next.-111(iss M. O'Conaeli
and Miss A. Shea,- of Dublin. • were
guests of MT. and Mrs. S peer this
week—Miss Maud Steillliigslaw has
returned from Toronto, lilt;. Wor-
den, of Stratford, wires called here this
week owing to the death of her
mother, the late Mrs.: James Bart.
-airs. Downey, of Toronto, spent iffre
Week end with her fon,. Mr. F. L:
Downey, accountant in the Dominion
Bank. -Mise Pearl 'Teeter retur'ned''td
Brussels on Monday :Miss Margaret
Edge was ,visiting friends an-Tdronto
this Week. -Bey. Dr. Larkin attended
the meeting of Presbytery in Clinton
on Tuesdays -Mrs. R. Strong was the
guest of Mrs. C. Troyer in Heneall
this week. -'Mrs. W. M. Bell and lit-
tle son, of Hensail, spent llhe week
end with Mrs. Bed's sister, Mrs.
Thomas Elder, John street. --Mr. and
Mrs. F. S. Savauge, Mr. Ross Sav-
auge, Mr. Harry Livens and Miss H.
I Graham were in 'Clinton on Mon-
day 'evening attending the Jack Mier
leeture.-Mass Annie :Saicter lefttlkie
week for AilMI Craig. fo accept a
position' as milliner. --Mr. W. Stod-
dart. receiied Me sad stews on Mone
the quality a n d prices 1' o„ F o l uta. -Tyle q tar month);
will please yo-' meow, °' t7 n o, writ' to hyla
Walaer'P on Tuesday, Marr, 7th; 1888.
Yr,r A i attendance. Is requested, J. . 6. D Id- '
con, geareta l U. F- 0- 2821
lietea he date for the Women's
Olen a
Thom' 0121g pay' of Pr,syea-in Union Cbursh bar,
been changed ���•000m ,Friday, Mlarelh
BOOKSTORE - SEAFORTH 3rd, t , Weans y, Manch 8th, at
2.81 f m..^s�j,ll. t e ladies df the com-
munity are. in ted to attend. -:-The
many friends of Mtn Robert Watson
will be ;loci to knoly that sire hag re-
turned amine after . undengwing ton
operation for appendicitis in the Clin-
ton Hospital, and is steaduuy gaining
in strength.
guest of Mrs. R J J`arrott, for a few
days last week. -...W .understand that
Rev. S. McLean„of ondville, plac-
ed bts resignatmuthe hands of
the Presbytery. at •ttieir meeting in
,Clinton on TuesdayAt -Wednesday of
this week was Aslt.. Wednesday, the
first day of Lent.” Special services
were held' in St. ereenes' and St.
Thomas' churches. 'flood Friday falls
- on April 14th this year. -Mrs. Butt,
Who was spending the •past week with
friends in Goderkki blas returned
tomo. -Mr" M. McLeiid,'who has been
occupying apartments at the Commer-
cial, has 'leased the''1$ome of Mr. Me -
Garr, on Railway Street -Mr. Jacob
Webber has sold •bis•residence on East
willies, Street to Mr. James Cleary,
who has sold his`honie on West street
to 'Mr. Joseph 10annimg• of McKillop.
--Miss Grace Stephens has returned
from Toronto.--Ol4sg''Nina Robb has
been appointed Distrl$t Nurse for the
Wingharn school' siltation with 'head-
quarters et Wingba n. -The Sacra-
ment of the Lord's.Supper was dis-
pensed in First Presbyterian church
4n . Sunday morning Iaat. The pre-
paratory service on''Phureday evening
was conducted b "Req: S. McLean, of
Egmorldville:--rMi and. Mrs. W. R.
Plant spent Saturday -with friends' in
Toronto. - Mrs.' Ligan and little
daughter, of Teeswater, were guests.
this week at the home of Mr. and
Mrs, G. D. Haigh. --Mira. Thos. Grieve
is visiting with' -hey sister, Mrs. Mc-
Leod, is Exeter.=Mr.i'and Mrs. Wor-
den, of Staffa, Were Week end guests
et the home Of Mr, and Mrs. James
'7iitcheson at Rosiioro.-A pupil of A.
T. Craig's, former organist of First
Presbyterian church; Seaforth, made
the highest record oft+hny junior cans
didate in the Toronto Conservatory
Junior =heel exarminaltion, ••held in
London early in February, taking 99
marks out of 100 in ',theory exanihra
tions. Considering that next to Tio-
ronto, London is the largest centre,
this young candidate alas made a re-
cord of which 4o liet'proud.- Miss
Anna McGrath, of 'lawn, entertained
her friends to progressive euchre on
Saturday. Miss Gertrude Stapleton,
yin cess
day of the death of his mother, which
occurred • Stet day in Mooaornin, Seek.,
The body is being brought here for
i termeaM;,+f..'bii a .Eva Hamilton, grad-
�i a o't48tIatford, and her cis--
�e9t :1teoYraYit Youngs, visited
Daisy E, Iiamiiton,:
Street, this week : "
MiOne'ltery, of :'AVellesley.
the Week end.
Ol $fin
-A Paramount Picture -
From the Great 'Stags
They met in the Argonne. A ro-
mantic girl toad her beau ideal in a
Captain's uniform. Melt and Vowel,
and secretly married.
But when the war glamor had fad-
'' ed, and her hero appeared at hear
exquisite glome in a' loud suit of
hand-me-down civies,' she didn't rush
M lay her head on his rainbow neck-
So fi'ghtfin'g Sam McGinnis loaned
another uniforns her father's butler's.
Come and see a Snob made safe
for democracy.
Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday
The Old Nest
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
A limning Happy -go ` Lucky Hero
The Rollicking Story of "Three
Lovable Mueleeteers" A Big Thrill
A Minute. Western, Feature of
Friendship and Fights, Love and
Laughter. You'll say its the Best
Western you ever aat4,
The Boys Who Nevts, Dleappoint
Notes. -Mrs. J. Chambers qe aC
present visiting at the home of Mr. r
and Mrs. Mooney in London. -Addie, ,
the young son of Mr. and Mrs. F.
Fitzgerald, is in bed suffering from
pneumonia. It is to be hoped he will
soon be . enjoying his usual ?health.
There are quite a number of' people
down suffering from cold and severe
cough, especially young children. The
cause is attributed to the changeable
weather. -The ice storm of last week
did considerable damage to fruit
and shade trees, besides putting out
of ease all the telephones. -Mr. Gillies
has teams drawing_ logs freer the
Latta 'Swamp to his saw milt in Ex-.
Sho lug
• Waists
,Corsets l
WesJ1 Go'oda
Ineludjng' ••
Voiles, Prints
Notee.=Mrs. Quigley has returned
to her home in Clinton after a pleas-
ant visit with her sister, Mrs. H.
Nelmes.-Mr. and Mrs. John Feeney,
Stratford, are visiting friends in the
village. -,Miss Myrtle Aikens, of To-
ronto, is spending a month with her
parents east of the village. -Rev. Mr.
Roberts of Mitchell, oalled on Dublin
friends on Tuesday.. --,Mrs. William
Evans, of Galt, is visiting .her sister,
Miss ,Maggie Horan. --+Mr. and Mrs.
Blackwell; of Dunnville, have return-
ed to their home after a two months'
visit with their daughter. Mrs. (Dr.)
Simpkins. -Miss Maggie Horan and
sister, Mrs. Evans, spent Wednesday
the guests of their brother, Mr. Jahn
Horan, Seaforth.--Mrs. Jas, .catemin
is visiting with, friends in Toronto
Mr. Hendershot made a business t�
to Stratford during the week.. -title
dance in the opera house on M•onida
night was a success. Everyone hada'
good time. -Mr. L. J. Looby has dis-
posed of his creamery to Mr. O.
Flynn, of Stratford. The latter will
1 take possession shortly.
,4 t
You like to feel at home
when you call at a store to
look or buy. '
We try to always make you feel that way
here. We like to have 'you meet your
friends here, stop here to rest, to get
warm, to make this your down - town
Notes. --Mr. William Barr, of To-
ronto, and Mr. P. S. Barr, of Mitchell
made a flying visit to the village last-
weeka-Mrs. Dwight. IFSscher land;
family, of Harriston, spent the week
end with her parents, Mr. and; Mas. •
William ButIer.•-,-SMr. and Mrs. John.'
Young, o4 Motherwell, motored up
and spent a day in the village with
relatives. -Mr. and Mrs. William
Morris. who left here four years ago
for the West, are renewing old ac-
quaintances here. -A funny wind that
does not blow some one good. Since
' the telephone is so . Completely wreck- ,
ed by the ice storm, the people who
spend so much time listening will
have a chance to dq their house.,
cleaning while the repairs are being
made. -The U. F. O. shipment for 1
the weak was one car of cattle and
one deck of hags.-�llir. and 'Mrs. Robt.
Livingstone, of Hamilton, were visi-
tors at the home of their parents, Mr. '
SPA Mrs. J. Livingstone over Sunday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Walter Edington, Wel_
land, and Mr. and Mrs. Johnston
Roulston, of Ripley, are visiting at'
the Parsonage. -It will be some time
before the telephone service will be 1,
restored to normal -Mrs. John Leary i
and Ilittle Iva have contracted pneu-
monia. With Dr. Simpkins and a
trained nurse in attendance, their;
many friends hope for a speedy re- 1
revery. -Mr. John Sadler has been
confined to the house through in-;
nese, but is recovering. -Mr. P.
Hambley has been unable to attend .•
shop, owing to • limens.• -centra Median' 1
is, convalescing after a few days' ill- '
ness.-•-!Mrs. C. Tear, Jr., is recover -1
ing from a serious illness. -Mr. and
Mrs. Venter? of Stratford, spent Sun-
day at thh .home o8' Mr. A. Milder.- ;
Mr. Robert Sadler, is in Brantford ?.
this week on business's -Miss Pearls.
Treffery and Mrs. W. O'Brien agent
Sunday in Stratford. -Mrs. F. M.-8
Drake returned to her home in Strut-
ford on Friday after spending a pleas-
ant three weeks' visit here.
Notos.-Mr. Joe Eekarttax return-
ed oto town after spending several
weoks amongsit ua.-Mr. Thomas Pur-
cell and Matt. Murray have repaired
our 'telephone to such an extent that
the neighbors have communication
among themselves, but it will take
several months to get all lines re-
paired to Central, on account of the,
trunk lines havingso many
broken.- Miss Rse Donley, tlrlr ,
teacher, who was on the sick list. lese.
week, is again on duty but Mill aomre'
what shaken up-Evieryene ie belay
getting their woods and •oroha}ds'-
cleaned up after the sleet Sterna, and
there will be no . scarcity of wood for
several peen's, but bihere, Will be a
scarcity of i4» 4t of 4r • Johli kart
hint been i!t ltta ttlo>�ban al r4
tit "Beek a -'Ii X1110 i7 'F`1r en
hl a ydrlt hh. gfn'kai1:.'
5 eii :i�ttlated s tgite'frw.
Don't think that we expect you . to buy,
something every time you call. We cer-
tainly do not. The oftener you come. the
better it pleases us.
Of course -you'll always see lots of new
and handsome things to tempt you. Our
values are always just as tempting* our
styles.' That is our guiding, aim all the
time... to offer better styles, and bet-
ter values than you will find elsewhere.
When you need anything in our line,
Dress Goods, Silks, Wash Goods, Dress
Trimmillgs,Linings, Table Linens, Un-
derwear, Corsets. Hosiery, Muslin Un-
derrrdar, Suits, Coats, Waists, Skirts,
Etc., you'll find it especially to your ad-
vantage this season to inspect our offer -
You'll find Fashion's very newest fancies
, exhibited bare in every .department- and
values in every iinstenee wilt .demand
youripatronagee oat ol? siniple justice to,
your own interests -
Good goods;" Considerate Service, Fair
Prices and B1 -Values at "at home" here.
You`ll feel`" at�home" here too '