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The Huron Expositor, 1922-03-03, Page 5
. 1,17 ,.�°:q ;i, aF,p. ,...p�y'r ;•'?,7u < r; fp4 +f cis; ' 1. �•.,'.r^3' V h4`7,7-7,""" *11.' '�',, ;..'xRli'.`A' "P, ° ,.>,,;. fr, ' yR,.;. , ,.; " P9 j' -_ i � q1. ]MARCH 3o 1',�. I.I I .1,Y,' ,11E HAS NO MORE I MCC ILLor TM]WHONIM AUC. UN SANS __ .� ,, �� ' PATNA_. xN THE BACK sem° �, „ ...-.°. AuOn eALx Off' FA" srovic "ID �+ Tliee seve $104 smarm kat oom- IN .-Mr. Tba�nr)I,mwu b" re- ""' ! '"-""- i. Delved 1 rel! M pnbib auatba 11 1 P 1. f14 „` NU SINGS THE $>)� plly demar�Ilaed cels �vmIclpal an Lot tt� e. 1HoK1 on, wed- + r ". ! { y� , Q Tetepkone , but we re to n --day, 2. st one a't le•k p err ' DODD S ItIDNE7� ',,i�ILL�!- x " i ' ' 'thoa"na that evo� the folb t -Aired tasm of =arse, f I ? °rt } �4, p0 1R X111 be done �t0 1 afi;ed work riawls or doable; 1 gas " l; �. 1►IW filen Wllo Has F4nlmd seai:5.0. passe horse, good drives rr Yearn said, 1. iI C L E A N'"S W EE And ((�� ed I > i4 . dp y as P9a&1 1 T sesta old. Cows Ona coos dos 0 f W t Iieoo 311 et�" *1,1 'turn out. and do. ' Ob4t '�thou oaf sale, 1 cow aw Natoli hm 21th, ', fl 7th. 1 cow due May �• u ;i „ � • tlhe� Qan to clean tlp . the trees fi=bs �4u a. $ � i'1114 ' Idltey Pll4.� % erg, arrow coos. 1k • 14 7_ to Sark., Febmazy !link . `and other wreckage, their == !� WW oaf % her aids, A .- .a..�;, .. • 3 " i8pegial -- inion Gs , W. oro►ld very nWberially t .. t%o 0=11- t waw+►. 0"dw 2 Yeas odd +�---� mak' is Maeelon to et the cunvotll $'X4 W � .a �°' q7 nts-�1t�.an�t ilsroty o n rag d of re dd % l� � 1R , ' Pte► , at least, 'would 09M saws. " 4 sew �s s tis. moo t111►01'nrlemd of Dadd"b .. be to o({1a ration again. 1 111e• He )bus tried. theaR llmwio1� >K+lo► on J..11. GOVT)<eOCIi.' ', 1. w,9to liwwa . t 6aY rale., • It,jj . , I � 1 dye. 1 T VrIV4A. "y� hive comae fora r St clea;�- '�' ` a watt led to use Dodd'. $idne7 8 1 6a+rerr� >es�irr,i`qi«r.O�DERS Mr. Golwlc,atater4 "I diad baaladoh• >lios'raAas Diss � ps' 1� p�r+'r..e '.I Ala 1 .Cllntcae ahas'tteal, .� ScoCes of b+e t� st1 6. �i41179alns �+ To ritltuh �� ' 1 s1<<Aailaa•. roar;' a '. oa"�ia' > . b elRld ' a MOO Sddlil y Fltlis j w404"'lis"M. Il esti tale bars.=.. 2 serfs ,' .1 grOW„?r 04i A : I it Gdnedajid. bs vJsAw os the .vowV*. t..:k: sissle bs1r.WM. 5 eaMt');"w .nd w number w ever seen now cut. tremendously, f r • is a ontaln Wel virei .ww& -ill pot�lds�''�al w�� be 0 P” end at the date ef;. else. there will si '� buakab. 1 pair dodos. 1 u gnlaMi ,r ; I ldtleaictdlMW I : .»: Ira% >aably >".... "ad "�0e1t dome. opt; 4k1h4 M' eyed for angtiot{ _ bid • raom dab, ! la#Wviw. 1 erlb, d =110 0r4 ,tukAm i 11/ rise = M ,iLnelUnn f la the i4�4 00 gam, ���1 loo a 1. heck' Lao b hm up. town of altafion. 4n toe aonatJt Ot f� ��� �1��s i t� • �t,�, yen ibt.dar. tae ,het d•v of T/s+rh. stied M6t6 b of Irur 1 .et °aG .11aa., MEN'S "DER"" DE1wf'rt r " . F* a : ik tda bene ad two deloek fa 3 , daig • ash oN9er Z h ei tae H�wer- c,« �roa�a,l «•e.• s�aa�e ,•�+•.st >�i .ems T....-s�.i. .>od Wool Combinations Watson's iamQus make ., �m. • 101 I ' 111 tis•), Cn eaierr>16it,' at /M tol t *eek.', ASF stun od Diss." and ander, comb rbe .�, m �sis.' ot bs eat bi F' at U pita. = that amount 12 mmdfis' credit win be • �,,,} t . fvn �" " •,*`�,� pn1f� p bpd maistd>vetam 111x) � { ,' 4rth�jt 'livgn on Rnrplshing ap�r9vad force : i�� UW wool. A ba aj� . $t . I.app i a . WA sore en. his==s. hirepe1� oast. 'otr for mob on credit •� t• 90, . *IWV I 6y remedy: Tor boa,,., : am$ Zhlm . yr fr emos a ebm* s" anile. regi., Mrs l<B ,BELLA Ross, Proprietress; Tbes. ' ©ol . Combination, Watson s famous ribbed Dom' teatiDneer. "` wool. Regular I in fogtkea -.0t Irina ice mp lluo leatr•de sad z nibs Dish gll $4 54 C1rIt to.. .. : biood.a�i• imlrnrit%It ' tlr bo "slbliain sad ttkemv good tzse m eol.d. to , . • • ..... . . . mat of the of D �'�' ""' 'wed �" 1 Fleece Combinations, ]Men's high grade wo91 �iR Oeblood. PIIig":Id I00d i'ow a e�sAttio dosre s al house era arAUarION BALE OH FAw Vj�[' Am to °Onwd°�'° Implement Mr, zhe>m.. Dmern ba, bear Fleece combinations. Were cheap at $2.19, now. � � ....fen aaeawtr Cites.r on tam ,rad irrtructed to eraU b7 yubRa auction atr Lel your .P���,H �'• XA•' (20 cont of the purchases 82. Gbnc«eim, a. »self �► '>�. Wool Combinations heavy nib uhshrinkable 80 r 4•ey Pills do'•not make Bound kid r March 18th, 199. at one clock, the ,follow- � f 11 1� tllg�, Hoag f. to be paid -on the dal 'of cele and Ow bm&Lw% �witht' inteiast within thirty , $sag: Hones -.One AirrlctOfNral =are elghl cent. wool. Re 'rays tpeterfter• '1Mta pardjrear will be re. i earis 0� � 4 yeah o 1 re V years old .. �ai♦�.15........... ........ ��•�� IN MMORI" 4pt�� reign an osresmeW to complete his nor mare wen Cut to bred, quiet and rdlable. 4 years ofd., Cattle Further terms and condition of sale *ill --4)ne sow 7 year old due to calve in May. It�mte r=acer tby hood will b. etbaarg- s, am-. .rears els due to calve in May, 1 Fleece Combinations, light weight, Turner's 1 1 1 - 1 20 CA 4W 1400—Ito" ents � s� voce and to iontr be made known at the time of Hiss and mai soq o years old supposed to be la calf. 1 kit make. A bargain at �+.W, cut to .........$1950 1. I I -be had in the naeantzime from the undee� L. hdiar •teeing t Yeats odd, 1 calf 9 months aO�' old weighing 400 pounds. All these cattle Dated at Seeforth, Ontario, this let day ldlabklrk.-In loving mesory of Gamed are bred � tftaotougbbred' stock. Pigs and Wool Shirts and Drawers --a great quantityof heavy, of Mares' 1922' ideas --1 thoroughbred sow supposed to be in �` •'f< 1HaLkirir, who died two years ago 4p -&y, lt. 8..$AYf3. March 1st, 1920: lleartg:gaso8olidton. ,1!:O, . ,White Leghorn bans and Barred -oastic wool ribbed. Regular $1.79. � 1.25 � Kell Galespfa, lames Rivers. Fae°utors. 2 White Leghorn roasters. and oneCut toJure when hl life was owe chest; Sleregageea„ Thomism $town. - Auctioneer. thoroughbred rock rooster. Inplemenb--1 .•.••..........................• ....... - Jurat. When his have was bast: meg_$ Md,ohoHanle errs, n 6 coat eat with truck. Wool Ribbed, Shirts and Drawers, Elastic Knit, Ged a answered, ansa foot Derriere. new; 1 McCormick mower ' .. ..$IA In (rod's fiends twos he :sir. _ 6 foot cut nearly new, 1 10 -foot MeOoarras corn "Eureka" Brand. Regular $1.50 for f IMPORTANT NOTICES hay scan nearly new. 1 Massey -Harris Darn . , ' � 'Some may think that we've forgotten rima, and bean cultivator and attachments,; new; When at times the, see u- smile; 1 Cocksbutt cultivator nearly new; one ,steel Job $1.00 Line—Odds and ends from better lines 65c Dat they little know the borrow land roller nearly new; 1 Frost & Wood disc That our smile hides all the while. �pR SALE.-TilmOTAY SEED, e4.0o A nearly new, 1 single furrow riding plow, 1 in our Wholesale House . 4929x1 Loving Wife and lidomher. 1 %he). Apyly to LORNE FORREST• walking ploy►; 1 Massey -Harris 12 hoe Beed ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 Btwc°8eld. Phone 10-86, Hensall. 2818-3 drill, 4 -section diamond harrows, I new Troyer. -3n loving memory of our dear son, scuffles. I three-quarter wagon nearly new, Mens ecce, Good Quality. Regular 95e. • 59cGeorge E., only son of Mr. and Mrs. E, J. I top buggy, 1 cutter, Chatham fanning mill w Troyer, who passed away two years age t-- FOR SALE. -A BARN, 30x60, IN GOOD and b-gger, 1 root pulper, I met heavy bar- Higher for next Fall. Cut to.. . . .. . . .... . day, March 8th, 1920: ewndition-an extra good frame. Apply nese, 1 set single harnes" nearly new, ex- f + to T. J. WEBSTER. R. R. No. 3, Seaforth. tensdon ladder, 1 augur kettle, 1 grass aead- Boys Heavy Shirts and Drawers, wool ribbed. 55c l� Oh bear George, how we miss you 2827x8 er nearly new, 1 se6 truck scales 2000 tbs. In the years that have gone by ; ' - -- -<•ay.city,JnternationereatmaeparaWr, set bob_ A job lot bar.L,,un at 79e, Cut to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . You have left us *ad and lonely FOR SALE. --ANNUAL SWEET CLOVER, Oeiuhs, gasoline stove and oven, craiscatt saw, 4 For a home up in the sky. genuine Hubam Seed, $2.50 a pound, or rack honey extractor, 120 egg Chatham in - $g,00 a pound for ten pounds or over. Cash cubator, brooder, I 60 -foot bay fork rope, LADIES' UNDERWEAR L' AR Heaven now contain* our treasure; with order. A:, PETRIE, Bru ,ofleld, Ontario. pulley", "knees and car, 300 feet rock c1m I Earth, the lonely casket keeps • 2829x4 plank, about ?..5 grain bags, 1 Favorite churn , But, oft, we linger mutat team and flowers, ` No. 2, 1 washing machine, post hole digger, `y who a our darling loved one ",ceps. v •;hovels, spade, hoes- and other article♦ tow Bloomers—Children's hear fleece. Splendid 59C OR SALE. -A QUANTITY OF 19_0 OATS, y p 2829x1 From the ones who never forget. F numernu9 W mention, some hay and straw, Siberian and Golden Millet, and a qua,n- ( r P --- tit,v of turnips. Apply on 'Toot 26, C,,nee:- too bushels of clean seat oats. Terms of garments. L alar 95c, cUt to . . - a1RTIIs `;ale --All sumes of $10 and under, cash over inion 3, 'Iircker"mith. A. PETRIE. 'L 8'19x1 that amount 10 months' credit will Ire riven Flannelette rir;_1werS—Children's high grade white 29C Earle.- In F.grnondv'ille, on February 22nd, is on furniAhing approved joint ,rwtes. Three Flannelette f'1' .lir. and Mrs. John H. Earle, a son --Henry T.NOR SALE. -1500 BUSHELS OF SEED per cent. off for cash. TRUEMAN BRINT- , astic knees. Regular 40c, for. .. . . Glover. oats, grown in • 1920, good and clean. NEIL, Proprietor; Thomas Brown, Auc- Bmith_-At Centralia, on February 19th, to Apply to ALEX. SPARKS, R. R. No. 2, tioneer• 231912 Waists—Children's well made fleece lined Waists. 33c Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Smtth,.-a daughter. Seaforth. Phone 14-236. � 2831-tf _ Pedersen -At Dashwood, on February 20th, --- ` -- - All sizes. Cbeal) at 65e, for ..................... r tis? Mr. and Mrs. Olut Pederoen, a laugh- rj OR SALE. -ANNUAL SWEFT CLOVRR, CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM ter. "Ilubar�" seed, Government Standard No. l� Stock, implements and Far•nitnre.-Wm. Child Vests --A bargain line 25c eats made 15C Potter. --In Blyth. on February 19th, to Mr. 1, searified and Ontario grown, $2.00 a E. Nairn has received instructions from A. R. i7 and Mrs. Charles Potter, a son. pou9kl for 10 pounds or over. Shipping Oliver to sell by public auction on Lot 17, from best grade mill ends at charges prepaid. MURRAY GiBSON, Bruce- Concession 6, Hibbert, 1% mile west of Staffs MARRIAGES field. Orrt. ' 282bx16 School, on Tuesday, March 7th, 1922, at 12.39 98c Vests—Ladies' Vests cream good weight 65c o'clock sharp, the following: Romer -Agri- > > > Hammer___C rtiltara.-Miss Jean Carruthers, WOOD FOR SALE. THE UNDERSIGN- caitural mare 7 yoary old. aged heavy draft good quality, UOd s1Zes; �'ut t0. . . . Ic of Wingham, to Mr. Edward Hammer, of W ed has on hand a quantity of hard gelding, driving mare quiet and reliable. Listowed, at. St. Andrew's Manse, on Wed- maple wood, both dry awl preen, all body Cattle --Fresh cow with calf by her side, cow r' \ nesday morning, February 22nd, by the w�• Prices reasonable. Delivered in large flue at time of -ale, cow dos' in April• cow �5c Fleece Dra�Vers—Misses' sizes, nature ��� Rev, Dr. Perrie. or small quantities as required. Phone 14 due in May, cow due in June, cow due in color. Splendid garments. To clear. . . . . . . ...a.. Irwin -Bell. -Miss Myrtle Bell; of the town- on 133, Seaforth. THOS. SHILLINGLAW. October, heifer due in April, heifer due is of of Culross to Mr. William G. Irwin 2817-tf September, 3 s rs rising two years old, 8 ' $125 Df HllTOA Township, at s> Andrew's Metre, heifers rising t a year ala, Ia Daly® raairrg $4.75 Combinations—Moodier best make fineon Wednesday, February 16Th, by the Rev. one year -old. Those cattle are an DurhamvDr. Perrie. FOR SALE. -LOT NO. 17, CONCESSION wool garments Cream soft beautiful ...... .Itathwell-fMacLean.-In WNngham• on Feb=u 2. McKillop, containing Sia acres of land; andin goDd condition. Hoge and Hera -Six r>> 90 aacrer ploughed, balance in grass ; frame FboAb3 about 150 pounds each, 4 shoats 75 ' $1e65 qtly 8th. at St. Andrew's Marra, in Rev. pdunds each, 10 shoats 60 pounds each, also $2.39 Fleece `combinations—Excellent quality, 1 D: Perrie, D.D., Idella Pearl McLean, to barn, horse stable, 2 never -failing wells with Go choice Barred Rock hens, two Barred Wilddam F Raathwall, both of Wingham. wind mills, also an orchard ; well under- Rock cockerels, two guinea fowl, one goal white, medium weight round neck. To clear . Renwick—Fitch—At the Manse, Wroxeter, by drained and vaell fenced. Also a quantity collie dog. Implements. -Massey -Harris 6 foot e� f Rev. rDr.ia Harkness, to February 15th, Mies of grain, O. A. C. No. 72 seed barley war. cut binder with sheaf carrier, Deering 5 foot $3.75 Wool Combinations—Misses ; with IODg $2.60 Catharine A. Fitch to Mr. Clark H. Ren- ranted clean; O. A. C. No. 21 oats, clean. wick, all of Howick. Apply to TOBIAS NASH, Scaforth. 2827-3 cut mower, Frowt & Wood hay rake, Frost & f _ Wood 12 -hoe reef{ drill and cultivator com- sleeves; ladies', with short sleeves, cream . tined, Brow disc harrow, 2 sets 4erection y f $1925 DEATHS BULf. FOR SALE. -FOR SALF, ELEVEN iron harrows, 1 2 -harrow doabletrte, land $1.89 Combinations—Misses , white, nicely fin- _ Howson -In Clinton, on February 20th. Chao. months old Durham bull. This animal roller, Massey -Harris manure spreader, Fleurg Howson, son of the late Mr. anti Mnr. Jen, was sired by Mr. Peter McKay a Imported plow, .twin furrow gang plow, seufller, wagon, ished, long sleeves, round necks. To clear . stock bull, Conqueror. Color, ronu ; also a set sleighs, top huanry, cuttlIr, trailer and 7� , Howson. few Northland oats suitable for 'seed. Apply stack rack combined, set 2.000 TV. scales, Pure. Wool—Ladies Vests anq Drawers, cream, S1.35 Grigg --In Clfdton, on February 23rd, Mary on Lot 20, Concession 3, L.R.S., Turkersmith,A. Biddlecombe, widow of the late Wiltiatn Chatham fanning mill, 1-8 Inch grinder, 2uor phone 2 on 79, Hensall. WILLIAM C. small cutting boxes, new steel pole frame fine soft ribbed 100'" wool. Reg. $2.98, toe ear. •, Grigg, in her 89th year. SPROAT, No. 3, Kippon. 2824x4-tf Davidson -In Brusee'8, on February 16th and saw, 2 H. Y. gasoline engine, 3 H. P. Christiana Lambie, willow of the late Thos. Gilson gasoline enuine, secondhand, saw frame TOOL GOODS SLAUGHTERED Davidson, in her 76th year., -- --- and saw, hay rack. No. 12 Delarval cream 9 Speir.--ln Brussels, on February 19th, James AUCTION SALES separator, 3 steel gasoline barrels, one-half Speir, in his 71st year. barrel motor oil• wheelbarrow, set double �f Bowler. -In GoderIch, on February 22nd, Mary harness, set single harness, met of chimes, Gloves—Wool Gloves and Mitts and Boys' 35C Verna Bowler, daughter of the late William 'AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK. --MR. good side saddle, bridle, collars, sweat pada, /v Bawler and of Mrs. Bowler, aged a years 1 Thomas Brown has received instructions and other harness, 85 feet hay fork rope, Leather Gauntlet Mitts, lined. Regular 50e for. . and 2 months. to sell by public auction on Lot 16, Con- hay fork, sot slings, quantity of belting, pul- Walper.-dn Exeter, on February 13th, John session 3, McKillop, on Friday, March 10th, leys, etc.. 2 sets of whiNletrees, 2 neekyokes, Rob Roy—Jumbo Sweaterg, solid'wool; no better�L O 1Dquglaa, twin son of Mr. and Mn. J. W, at one o'clock p.m., the followinu: Horses i roll of barb wire, chicken wird, salt. got 3- o Walmer, aged 6 months and a weeks. -1 draught mare 4 years old elrigible for , block pulleys and ropes, 2 bunches of shin- coats ever made. Regular $8.50 for . .. . ... . . Kendall. -,In Grey Township, on February 18, registration, 1 draught mare rising 3 years , gles, quantity of piping, pair banks, quantity James Kendlall, aged 69 years. old, mare eligible for registration, matched i of tile, hinder twine, about 12 cords dry C l 6 - S3*60 farmof snares 6 and 7 years old, matched 15 -inch hard wool, som4 hay, quantity of $o Sweaters—All Men ti famous Wool $5 lines, r -- _- ism (i black o Percherofour ns and c ears o'l I plank and lumber and scantling, feriae, and Ladies' CharmingSweater Coats. . crew to freshen about time of sale, 1 cow 1 spades, hoes' etc" and a host of other art - CARD OF THANKS doe Mater 20th, I Dow due March 26th,. 1 4 Poles. tension table, oak buffet new 5 Child Sweaters V Neck button front many - 50c foot extension table, fl dozen dining room f f r saw due April Ist• 1 coir with calf at foot 1 chairs, J.dozen kitchen chain. kitdren table, three years old, 1 cow 6 years old' with calf shades. A Snap at .. .. ... . Mrs. James' McIntosh and family desire at foot, 1 cow f years old with calf at i writing dank, large wardrobe, bureau,ill's • four , -to thank their neighbors and friends for fit. 1 heifer supposed to be with calf. 8 ; `M stands,tree with springs, child's m penman Wool Sweater Coats for Men, first $2,� -Abair kindness • and symmathy during their steers 2 years old, 2 steers 1 year old, mix bed room dishes, hanging lamb, 3 Tampa, recent bereavement. 2929x1 yearling heifers, 2 year old fat heifer, 2 parlor lamp. stair carpet and quantity of quality, Norfolk style .................... . I v '' I butcher steers, 6 calves.. Pigs -One sow to , carpet linoleum, set of flat irons. pictures, Hoer March 25th• 1 sow to litter April 10th, ohm. Daisy churn, washing machine. cream f $1935 1 maw and B young pigs.10 chunks, 8 atom `ears••milk pails dna s lot of uae(nl articles BoysJumbo, Up to size 36. A great bunchof 1�T�1/etICE hogs,- 1 Bronze gobbler, 2 Bronze turkeys, 5 , around the house. Positively no reserve as � dandy Sweater Coats ..................... . 1 NOTICE i llyL Rhode Island Red roosters, The above stock the farm is sold. This sale will start -harp s i in good condition and will be sold with- on time. Terms. -All sums of $10.00 and out; reserve as the proprietor is shore of under, cash: over that amount 9 =e=els• Wool Jerseys --Boys, Navy and Brown, Can- lfre 1Lomtrly Meeting a! else l(cllllio9 feed Terms -All sutras of $10 and under, credit will be given on furnishing approved 1 8Oo . 47eamil will lib held Ia oarn.de LIMaat fir. over that •amount 8 months' credit will , joint totes. Five per cent. allowed off for adian wool, regular $1.50, for ................ . 314K sesforth, on Saturday, Marcs 4t1. at be glowed on furnishing approved Jbint 1 cash in lien of notes. A. R. OLIVER, Pro - r l..cloek a m. $135 JOHN jItNA7.-' six per keret per annum off for cash prietor; Wm. E. Nairn, Anotioneer. 2825,2 Wool Sweaters, a grand lot girls fine Sweater, . . -1 �. ea credit amounts. WILLIAM RYAN, Pro- _ _ Coats and Jersey Coats ....................Wistor; Thos. Brown• Au-tioneer. 2829-1 ,� AUCTION SATE OF FARM STOCK AND FARMS FOR SALE Wool Socks—Our famous ribbed, light grey im- . S.AIM RWISTBB . Iarplements.-Thomss Brown has been in_ ported soft wool, cheap at 65c, cut to ............145c . &Vi dted to sell by pnblio auction oh Lot Atnlis►.,tale of Dar= Blsslt on Let 10. 6, Concession 5, MaKiltori. on Tuesday, March rj ARkT -FOR' SALE. -FOR SALE, ioT 6, 11J �. oa lyEidmsy. Merck 14th, IiW2, at 1 o'clock p.m., sharp. rhe' Concession 11 and west half of Lot 5, l .1 irletsw:� throwing: (Hones- c)na heavy drmdt mare ; Concession 10, H.R.S.• Tnckersmlth, e>orr OTHER DEEP CUPS 4Atne 4 yeses old, 1 heavy dmft any rising tainhur 160 acres. There are on the prebelse- tpme P4idbl. raarob 17th, sit aaa e'estamif; erg a years old, 1 heavy draft work mare rising a good .two story brisk ,rouse with slate road, • ' S ,;ears old, 1 aged driving hone. Cattle- lame bank barn '100x69 feet wilds first class < Lit 111, Conewaiera 14, 11tae8dllso, ertmelitsta arise ! 8 �� stoat to salve at time of sale. one "{ab{{ng, weter'Ifn the ]rprn, drive �� !6x88, Ladies' Coats Cheap. at $25.00 each. •Choice • . iaD j t3ktra 81nek asci IamedsweMs. Atbea't taw due to oalve on April 16th. 2 serosa dne pig home and hen hotibe. The taryri 16 all w1%res. Pnnp.- T. Brown. Aodtliocar�.��p 1. foal, in May. 1 beifar' dne to calve April cleared but about 20 •acres of 4aard- Of entire lot .. . 10 7 �>X � Lot Y, •�emias 6�`N"91ep• <ft 1*1& lest; 1 'heifer due to naive in Mal, 1• milking wood bush• principally maple. All Mg11 rfene- ' ; :=dole e[.!'ataa stndt and Islptsam6A, os coos, 3 eVtce=s rieing 2 yman oM, 2 heifer g,d ale drained, bight sot® odd fall Ladies' Dresses --Grand clearing, balance Serge ,,t -- _ imlf'. March Ilth, mil 1 9,906 iemti tfp86111A . ,wing 2 yews o4d, 1 heifer 10 months old. whewlt sown, -85 sates rawly for' spring :or". C �V t.. r 7troi�is lPgt litter about time Rack 1 f FILL dn°launks, and 26 due to � farms 1e ai�t Het&d 7 miles t IfJli�� and Poplin, $lU and $�0 -Dresses ................:.. V T. 13eewa, 1 resist 4 months A. Piss --4 sows ark, 4 miles from Hetrell, vise -hal! fimile' , i' �.' � on nd icr. a°l°fsos lemma p p wedaeadtgh���,W „� 1 pa- Ilrs, it with e®O°l: rutnl mail dna yhane will be, - MackiriaWS—l�e ar $0.50• cheap 8t $8.50. -��•50 ' '7MiW1a Raaa�9rtulsae9m: Theses iepwn '-`1 Monsey -Harris Birder in good a+ipo on easy Lerma. For further DtattletsLn am- b"" 1 .. , .. . . 71�, Ynnlui, 1 Frost & Wood binder, 1. Prost k ply op the premises, or address R. R, Na 2, t _ Astdlontar. wood mower. I sten-foot hay raked i solei- K prim ANGUS MCKINNON. X2520 M To Vlear ... • • • • • • • • • • a b f �On •Lot rich cWhesselos e � aaeutlost 1 ,ator, l seat drill. 1 roller. 1 ■ed 4Oe!ction y Q[ mite► 166& d. sou, so her; wW,, hale interest is H.rria Arm Blankets—all, wool, brand new, verylarge, .' �� tri, 7ClastaH' to 1 pee Tttes9man n re spreader. B hay racks. Dna nearly t , i ,p- fae.� .. ..................-... .,l . 70 -i T. Dta. A0atlerreer.I with muss nick attached, 1 hay, loader, Cheap as dlrt: .:. ... r• a walking Plows, 1 2 -furrow riding , DTow. I. J illl --6h root puber, 2 scunlers, I turnip adorer, one $5 Electro-Condite FREE Gowns --L• adies' splendid white Flannelette I I Eanndng mill wM bagger %machtd, 2 cutters, ` L O g set bob .leigbe, 1 wagon, 1 truck wagon. I Clarifies, 7deriows, , PnriBes, Ages Gowns. Were cheap at $1.95. Cut to ...... , . 1 •20 0 M E i 1 1{�t wagon top buggy, rubber tired buggy, all lklui&, perfumm, homemade beverages. l ,i ;�f " y r�..r... , a*k =, , g99,.ve� sax. 1 wagon box, Heather Hosea --Ladies in wanted shades pure s S 'iio�o'+al, liir l�•Eke1ars lies harvester extension laddgr 28 feet. 40 etc 1[wkfr wares fist for drNotidi In mod ' a .. �... . 1; I :beLr lon coal od cask, 1 DeLaval cream separ- s+'mat•s• D$sod Yeast Nothing sed fine wool ribb4d. Regular $1.75, for ..$ 1 •� t`,Il'i ,;.,, R Dui ' will" ��Wr 600 Ib-. e+apactty nearly new. hay fork but >Sllectalolt7 sad our CeneBUa. and ear, rropea, alirsspe and qulleys, a sehe TAa.y se. *• > Winter Ca s -;SAI:. famous make, pure wool, with Of -TA64 am a harness. 2 ef,Abl RIT04e barns", ffd�ty we speegwie is .uVid I*Mfa 1�In Om;taads. sad '.v:� e�obl Tmru dress-hi9,�a gams plank. and r,a e9� if". airy a a.. ear lugs. RegWak $1.35, to clear .................. 85ci f i:.i ' i tAealreb sefod tratb, some giMess aced. stoat our Cattadlaa vaelri 1RaetM �tii _ l 114eu ]k'>y e, t' toga= mi► boy. gr•e+ feed, "tat" per case of, amiss tredve fraedta.. soeh Wool Shirts-- "inter Sport Shirts, soft v�ool,t I ne grass seed so7eu'. gtOln boWa will fbvar ons ga'Noa 01. year -fAv- g- ems, epc{ra $lock and tackle, wire orltea Goods �Ipped from ,tzaaada ar l7. diagonal weave' Were sna at 50 • t0 Clear .. .. ,_ 11� i ♦kettle, DaM7 churn, dash churn. S. Mm¢ back guaranteed It set saW- b 1� s '• f $2.,00 N. Gim ' A1Det+tdhe dnirst ase large size, coal or wood. AaL Ask Igor face sample of our Tinsel- f leaeib: raw ,wlth bat air pipe ailtaehed, cook cloy Aarmb9: °"art ]!iDIIT oIt•srI seta OTHER CUT PRICES NOT ADVERfTLSED ► t u•{ a . AamirMars ! ; ! =eat barrel. aiderhrs lame• Deer IIilmtntod catalogue with everltMlag ! +ws. icer! 1e tE cattle 1lir 1 �Ivg ikiee antl mliasd. TV. �'• bye and aches Notre• ,In ,lleM its from A to Z. "l►getet 4isb wt1 be kid farm or±ti.. shovel ease Dtlret A�,i. p ORerr itsllMNs COCKBURN 'L " data'_ lis• same♦ +i ma sirs Harcus wMi is s "WK•w b menUoa. 'rears• � qulak -lrea 1' it IlAiiw Lida• tef and all 44 jeaununik460. s • I IAg A. >1y!y k " seta.. , ..� a 4tN IINi f;>:. N��. Y. , A `SEAFORTH - - Limited NI�MNIu.� i 1Pmeprr' "X�ee I • . • f�i.L .I.,-. .� . I.- t I . , ,ILI . L. .. r , . _ ''I L.� , ", I I - . I . - , . � I . . I ' . I I , 11 . �". . I I , ' L,L o. "I ,� , , 1. . . I — ., ". , ' � L I , -� � � . - , 'J" I I � eL ' L . I L,)," . .., � .�. I , I � r �`� . "L.' Rj r _.. ,_': t ra/m5$".vxkt..t3 a' cryo.. d* s i t w 7 t 5' 1 1• < L2_i;` � '�• ar, +a 1 ^ . t. t q l �. f+ 'urs. d 9 �': • n v: , coos., l 1 , �` a t •: rf3 $ " 5c >l �i%?; i s 1 s. lt: k^„ 7a�. » av ., K.. .::.. 5... .*: , , 1\ r, r 'l , wF 3 .: .� , S"L�Y .ek..- 'L x.. d"` r ,II,.. i•� .�1>:'. ��ii 1111 xA . �, �. >r, t �w 11 ... r -'.. T Big Specials D ; ,,• Hibh grade GranitewalrQ atMd "illa+a '' �: 14 quart, dish .........woo...**....,.,*." tele . 37 quart, dish pan.....,,.10.•�..' -__ Jumbo Bath . r ... .::;.., Milk and Rice Boiler, No. 52.:..,.T" is Tea Kettle, No. 8..................... «.. 7- .Tea Pot, No, 20............................:!.. 'Bound :Roasters ......... ................. 90 = Everrything in. Graritewar, .-„These are First Quality G .8eo Our Windows and share in the many 'Aiouey ieavM& Sp cialpl during March. Everyday a Bar- , Baha Day. The Clash way Corsage ,'„EATTIE BROS. ' � - . . ,; I I .. I I - I - ConsignmentSale11 200 Mone Men Wanted , ' To 11911 Poshioms In Early Spring. 'As Ri1D011 County Bfaebtieald As- "eis'tim are boldierg 4eir aum experienc necessary, l . oo sale of Pure Ba.+ed s No e� ppe inl� , Win tam on wit,. to >ji200-per Iron sari ,: tars,s ; cars and farm power Mrt madiilawy, , ' l orChoru of both hiss• .,. or auto and tractor machin"7i . t7'' a a !berme A & city and country garages. Steady work. We have a plan whereby � wo now �y far di* - you Can work in our ebops to pay � on'p ' to the Seers"-, fer vlart of your trainiliig. Undeoi• this system, you Can soon bet S. B. stodws, . . ed; ready to accept one of1. big paying abs• ThU special of- ' > . fer is good for a ehort time only. I LL Day and evening sessions. Don't delay. Write or call for full (par- , ticulars immediately. . 1 - � �'” HEMPHII,L'S MOTOR SCHOOL { - 163 West King Street, Toronto.. ; �, 28`T$hf I ti i 0000 000000000 I ''f S. T. HOLMES We T• Pemer O Funeral Director and O O Licensed Embalmer O , O Undertaking Parlors in O announces thtit o Beattie Block, opposite The O O Expositor Office. Residence o J B Knight Sc sGoderich St., opposite Dr. O J.11. ,00 Flowers furnished on short O late of Dorenwends will. beif O notice. O at O Phone Night or Day 119 O The Queens,, Hotel 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 011 W. T. BOX & CO. <> Wed., March 8th x t. O Embalmer and O` O Funeral Directors o Ladies and Gents Hair Goons O H. C. Bog 0 Free advice on sea 1. diseases. '<c Holder of Government O p O Diploma and License 0 Phone Mr. Y,,Wght fbr• ` Sp- r O Charges moderate 0 pointment. '.:i O Flowers furnisked on short O O notice. 0 W. T. Pember O Night Calls Day Calls O O Phone 176 Phone 48 0 129 Yonge Street, 000000000 0000 Toronto, Ont. , :1 j. - - - a �`, -- - iy 1 r _ _ Greig Clothing Co. Stock Bought at 50c on Dollar of Wholesale Cost Sold at 50c on Dollar of former selling price ", + - r •r--• . .... Sale ar s Wednesday _ at 9 A.M. arc r 'I J . . - If you have not received a bill drop us a card and we _will cheerfullymail you one. . gU Fer L L & Co. .�� t �.- (If Greig's Old St&nd Seaton- '.1 .11 — _41+�•�er...e.-t a Fro e e y a - - 1 - - - .•, a - Better �`,-$345 1 - et� . ,n. . Ichi,� . tib - -. 11 ,. C. -