HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1922-03-03, Page 111777
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n "'i'Ax 1 SEAFORTH FRIDAY CH 3 1922. z:oo a Year in Ad `
".T 4 1t 8ER 2829 ' r r. ' I'McLejan Bros., Publishers � , <
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tlhie teed''atores. It should also>'1tave shadows in im rtance that oat 'bine I,ncal. Well manure
., .. po , .you ,nes, I's►e only a Neill, a goad ty rd stutter; Quartz asp�eati after seeding.
I :r • • air a I ominionstores imited r�oh�ibited an feivuer from sli riff companies,: This etottern alas, ` * But they axe vaDry lee; dashionabl bred and a winner 8) W den the �m t�e�e all
pp Y an inventor of x131,Qp0,00f1 . Aller. quash. The
-1 D ,
lets then $ ca�rbad`ot Yat,certtlh-•tom ea�ng Y `M y kre ties gar- On 'the turf. the land it at y
would proteet thee. rights and meat# +4t the end of 1920, a there Imo 2 ,. +eat-pota+t�b, Bran e¢keR1 King h good substance .goes into � the
of Bob W'ftsr, $may G<ivenMa>t, Billy doubt will be as mastic writing dower 1�ani:, variaby you see. �bak the land, 'and:I hubs from past exireri- ,;
P9 , Devereux Pe4,e. Butlivan, It as well as beory operating losses. At pzlme at the:'Poketown Fair for- BAIDS1' ME1'liOAB`.,.OF HANDLING a left in b arnyaaN
neo whepi it, was he' b
r might also ba wall' tq forbid the sale.. With inventoilit, • rittmi down to site: My wife Bays they are.'bhe A* until after seeding. a great deal was
t [Q'phain Grocery Stares of Cg oda. --- W6 BOO of lees .a full wagon load of marked or ,o aa)E is admit- pIs stns rshe ever' handled), and �V g �tANU�I+I wasted by being washed +frith �ep�ing F
a >� O le Of IItariQ �0 lIl Qrief3 la8t 8&p• a" potatoes or'a... W' If the hontoraW tedly or. .. ,.spiel it is poli!-• 'a 4reen tnakin' pies right haste on rains." .
p Q , f C 1 epuaFil mil! st iifolude these thia4e, eotevnbirib+o+, . advce of ance f ¢' larita for fltty+Ave Ysara s eiac The waAr I l�andle.'msrmuraa f wtater .
—were yogi one. l � �: ! this gamin' ring,, off and is from the+maiture t4ar,-whkh holds
and a few �abhez+a in this by law produce
"t farmers w1T1' have to gib to some "of Farmer w311 l d'ly cemmft himself on; -and my word for it, Mr. Rquae'h, about'.; �Tvstls;'.'wrlte a. er.of HURON NOTES
W -0--m 00 I 0000amribs other sunrouuding towns with on mew pur,eUses with old notes out- ladle knows a pumpkin slier she sees 3'arnt''si44' 1Wry in Broms Co.,.Que.
- ; 11 • their business, and this will keep the etaDdl'i 6' - *' and for that matter, ed. do I," "I havo rroany, advantaaigo Oy •�sioiitsg --A "Jsoic" rabbit that %r. F. J.
1 er Catsup 140 area. WhiteCliwer streets of Seaforth free from these +sire wagon was loaded to the full, so on'aoeen it of being.more,or,' ebot: the other•day, meas- •,
. In Operation thw price was paid, and ,MT. Squash busy doiing lumbering and other "F* lured frprt�. Up, 40 tip 33% inches.
pestiferous producers. SOME PUMYKIGNS• was pleased wfth himaeJs at the Ido not: have to stop and `haiW oallas)'of , ' T: 8 .Beatttett, Wfngham, has clic- _
Quart 'size We11
w."' Honey 5 lb� J. A. L: , thouh
i prytsinville iv3>s Date of those quiet 011&ted when she saw the load: can do all at onetime when'*, mild 4;sB° triose off :£lceq, to Alex. Brown,
25c tial 98C e1+1Y towns, virhera' the pa'nlE` went ���,:'�after atl'ittle reflection hers. Squash won.spe11d tootwo 1esrat'her thsllx'eOA4*,Of malwre to the Sfraaezitag F liatt,�; 'who, nimediate� y;.
i LOW -!'ARM PRICES MEAN 1"<II.-, bed with. the fowls, and a yt up •.d what they would do with a out every dgw days. I std .net baa!th- posasesitory r
,the actin of the birds. i''e,r most ' whole 'load of pumpkins. But then ered •mw& by manure being, !recon, -0ms {� gbh' !cast., at Wingham41-
, hirri s �e ite�� me LIONS FROZEN CAPITAL t , were healthy, wealth and 11
1919-2 iStore� e3' y he consoled himself with the nhougaht because .my pit is double boarded and 'M W. B; R&t]�y*l, ,an old time,-, 11 Marmalade Pastry Flour 'The far-raachang- effects of $e- ""Py' The nerarby farmers brought tbe were ve choice 'and won pered,atM by dropping a carrier 4l' '"!y 1920---41 Stores. _` their butter, eggs, poultry, milk, y �' MrsidErlrt orf Cratrbrt*a laMeff a wase
1921--97 Stores: +fret eat the Fafr, so Mr. Thrift .bores manure in a place here and mar>4yed tp peaxl Ik[ of • "
pressed prices ,for grain, ,livestock che,etle and ve'getaliles to town ev d 6o be felt satisfied w5th ft's there, .it 'heats and jceepg the pile yPiysg & p g the
I 6�C tin No Jim--= stores. 95e 24 lbs. and other faztn products nipon tho � 1 }
r Thu )so that what the townf K gitrchase and went on his way ham- warm and easy to fork. matrfmott3$1 ,
industrial activities of the. country, m the tune `The Old Cow Died My cattle stand, taila.tog'etber end
$ ' lacked In 'their own gasrs]ens, they •�
�, the liquid ra3so�urces of the banks and-'I`I►e 2lrth anniveseary of t1aR dlpd%-
y p� butainess conditions ga;t►erally, as well could buy at reasonable rate,. In Che on—" r carrier tuns betweep and 'needs a>zsiy
Machine # achine Sliced g fall the farmerscamein with apples. , 'Now how strangely one str ht track to it with alit- cR!ion of the EyangeHcal ehasauoiwt.
Granulated Sugar as ;the buyiti power of the farmers, and wimokins by the wagon lwids, and ' g Y things do hap- P !'ton, was bold 'last �=
( w kmen and investors• was em- pen when you are not looking for tlebe fall, fi e pit is five or six feet� eo le `bon t and stored u aM!- a .day. R,ev. J. P. Ha g�,
', In lbs. 75c Bacon 35e pound the people p below 'the l,le and makes gid p
phas'ized' by the experiences of bhe them. Just as Mr. Squash was kuru- limbed two very +inept aiSrssMOYiet'
ouzh to last. all winter- with no lack. i . aro also the`•, utter slant to he pit
Mats'sey-Harris 'Company as indicateaf Sometimes the supply was u ifs. nn at his gate, along came Farmer P; g Sunday, morning and' e9 14M , f�D'
�:reata!r and this'savees all liquid, whic is oaf
„� . `tit t annual meeting of the share= Sksanaum in his gig. As soon as he Monday evening an ; e
than the demand, an "the question saw Mr. ash 'he shouted "How Feat value. I have proved this by , .
. horlder'a. These conditions are added Squash gtnment watt. rendered by tire' "/i
was, How to sell their anuinlus stocky field test. M, manure stands -and has
arguments that there trust 'be a fur- Mr. Thrift was one of those wide- 'are you Mr, Squash , How is Mrs.'- Y Society under, the leadership of
EXCCIBIUT. � Fin+ Sr `• Cookin ,Seedless „ash? How are all the little a chance to rot !tam four oto six '
ther adjustment between buying Sq Anderson of Exeter.
` awake, 'progressiva kind of farmers. Squashes? [How's business?" And months, which is a1J advantage, and
Dates, ,3 148 Cur ants ' Figs Basins power and •the coat of manufactured He not only subscribed for the local' � —Hugh Bolt has bought the liotase.
y then he saw the um kine. "Hello sometimes lays over to next
t �j Q goods to bring about a normal move- paper, but made 'it a practice to ad- P ? r which ,adds to the quality. 'I can of Robert ' • `McKinnon to Bruiwe� l l
25e • 2lbs. 3 3,c 2lb6, 3 5c 2 lbs.4 /c ment in tra�de. They indicate, too, veztiGe any surplus oz choice roducta 'and what have you got there? Why �d will possession at once. Mr.
that while b?ae e�resent depression is y p I. didn't know so use this manure for tap dressing. get Po
he had on hand. you ,grew any Pump- 'Boli will 'move his farni to fowls
due to the readjustment taking lace kins down here in Pokeberry Plains this
pit is e a separate igi Oeig, as �,�,
g p from Tnrnberry towaaship vv'het+e 'lies
and while Canada's. aition is funds- One day Thrift was sghing „ ., „ this is necessary. The big lien f
� this season. And neither did we,
P° on a stun wheraT he was ploughing „ , laced on one side of -the pit so it has been farming ung 'will ass]lst D. ,
mentally sound an earl return of P' said Mr. Squelch; "I've just been up P
Lemon Crisp Bi Cul s l 9c lb. Aylmer Peas ...........:... 16C Y some ' new, stumpy ground, read3ns nei. hbor, Mr. Thrift, on makes all manure easy to pitch into M. Si in pushing the scale of
c prosperity eCl the local while restim his , to r next11
requires that there should paper, your � yak,•which, of course, is of cement. �, tractors, etc•, of Brussels ,,
Frankford Corn 2 tins--.,. 15C $uokleberry Farm, and bought this
Tel er,ss�da N(sCults 15e lb not only be,a 'good crop in 1922 but horses. Just , then Mr. Skinum u "ut drawing manure, I' some'timej locality- Mr, and' Mrs. McKinnolL.aad
A lmrr Pork &Bean$..... that ,it should find a market at rices load. W -h -a -t . said Mr. Skinum g. , , .
• 14C P came by. They had a chat ahout the ' change time with a neighbor and rein danghker frays' gone to the hoa�nesEea
Special Bl nd Coffee 45C lb. Y to analis a fair margin of profit to prospects of tela the corrin election;with $ s'kunnered cloak on his face. of Mrs. McKdnnon's father, near Blue`
Sunkist ()e angeS, 59c dozen Lyle SYruP- . -..........«.-....30C bhe farmer aasd t4k such mtargin P g "w.e-1=1 'I nye-•v-e-r--" but he didn't two teams with three sten. I leave be� h �,
women entering pointies, going to dos „ one man in t to fill the carrier and vale, w not good. a
«e AhovlB represent buying power to toss and acting as Mayors: what say what, but caked, As a fair quer- Pu
s�rssaasraeh .s,.rRw.,EEWft% move a fair volume o! goods. g y tion, what did you pay for them Mr. as soon as the team Domes under, There were eleven Tenders f as11 r ;'
g the W&A would be on the male sex it Squash?" `Vel1" said Mr. Squash they drop the carrier which snakes for the purchase and removal of tbra �-1
Because of the inability of the women of into the Ipits and did �+ half a load so the erten 'soon finish frame buildingon fhepoaed post
Large farmers, particularly in Western the preaching; the price of wheat next b e Pnce was pretty $bill, but then
Canada, to meet theft obligations, the Die' you know they are the first prize, loading. The teams usually run in a office site at Brussels. These were a
2 1 bs a year; the oukcome of the Irish Quea_ I Sugar Loaf, Sweet Potato, Crane- circle, ao as not oto interfere with opened on Saturday eyenit>g and were Prunes Massey -Harris 'Company is carrying tion; high cast of living; gay for farm I Necked, King Edward variety, and each other meeting. In this way I found to range from $60 to $125. A
millions of outstanding accounts on labor; and finally, lisov► sbo market took first prize at the Polsetown Fair. can handle the largest amount of later offer came from Baeker Bros,,
1 its books. Because of the same con- their excess products at remunerative manure .in the shortest time I l now and was accepted by'the CCouncil.: The ''-
Extra, you see. I was very lucky in
clition the farmer,cannot buy further rates. . + of, as it is a dirty job and I like to purchasers will �talee the building • '
implements, and output is curtailed, Farmer Thrift oasuall asked Faxes getbtin em at all, as There was a great „
Dominion Stores Limited, Seaforh. y run on 'em this morn after the it ars quickly as Possible. down end use the material for eat-
1 1 with attendant unemployment. At , mer -S'dnum, if he 'took the local pw, Allowing manure to rot as-advo- tensions to-outbuildingls at -their '
— - the same -time the miUlona outstamd- folks saw the advertisement in the g r'
f per, •and w'he'ther he used its columns Local so Mrs. Squash hurried me Gated by our Brome County reader, e•1aalghter house property. Five of,
cam--- = ing represent Moans- ftrom t'he bank i as an advertising 'medium for his ex- ; .. ftfvoIves a serious loss of fertilizer. the Undepa were upwards of 4109. ti
always awn and I got a load. Mr. Dard'ly Finch, Elgin County, Ont., The b g up past'
which are now "frozen" and catmotbras, He said Ise else 4ound t6t ntldgn has been for the
THE MEAT BY -LAA whi " i ly into the eta used f r further, industrial prodtse- paid him well k» advertise. "No," W -e-1 +1, Y e -s, they are a mighty
tion. holders are $Secfed be- fine pumpkin, +� avoids such as loss in the system she. forty -dour sand contains a sup» . t�.
Pock said Farmer Skinum, "it wouldn't pay P ,p I'll allow, said Mr. Baal followed for the past ten years. ply of exce Ient timber.. 'r.
I of the% n eats and tie •grafters, ser iso re- vvs me and' Skinum„ but 7nine are just as good,
cause 1 'Lear iftg power me.. Why, everybody; He writes as, !allows:
Sesdorth, March 1st, 1921. a>ad bei is it not just as I and a 'little bit better, for the took „ The annual meeting cru' the Sow-
tree f t the 1 tru ' is goes dost to salted i ', c'han,& a! the compaay's I lenses I raise the best stuff in 'the ' Y Our stables are planned so that i to k V, n, re Insurance' Cosaptia r
Dear &'xpoasebor: dividend ; ypliey a3md the ,return on .Wintry, yOW I haves_hived mere far j the dou'blerblue ribbon, first prize over e
E e"pi " bniy4 !his meat f%om capital heated. just .tnrtttaag fr6 years. 1'i4 m * .:wd• m-sighbor Thtift's pumpkins five eyeasrs de s truck with. ,behind Hgsboc'k..'enci hold rtwoti• of rpt ,
tut a sadia+g of. eve, I r in succession, at the Pokekowan Fair week in that " towneQt P ahs11,
I in The Expositor of Pastes-. ' , These �", � tditioza apply to other, i vortving ds va,400d to 'issal M� *amtld • „ >x ' haul directly tas the field; prestersl,ly celtetit reports were gteea�ente7 a ` .
1�• that, the. swor�th ''flovncil, .siic or fev'!!ft ednts a d►aund, whtcf cultural imple- be, just so .mach rustles, thrown do you know? "Wien; no, • said
dry anufaa�irera of esti $� ., a clover sod, and spread every day, ,the Directorate and Auditors, �whiGh � }•.
s tri kin own: pocket, ie just ae " � Mr. Squash, you see I didn't go to :"•
on, Plelss+asaatyr 1'8th; passed airy=2a�, keeps be meats They aipply to all manufac- ,Away." except Sundays, when we load wagon were adopted without much . debate. y e
Genesi, a. bye-iSW,.'to 1^egulate t'he- aide gogd a oitizea aH t elan who part's Curers and wholesalers and retailers. So they Parted, plowe�, p�atited 1 the Fair; I didn t see the putripkina, and leave until Monday. Our read- W. H Gregg, - e, was voted . to
Of meat iif the, town of S.eaforfilr, Sed'forth ,,rices, when' almost no part Millions of "frozen capital" are car- and; gathered; but pampkige were a : and I didn �t ,know you had the pump -
by -law �Proh /it! the sale of iAlts o! t7u extra coat benefits Seadorth or through the reflate aciosa t}se river in Pokeberry kins, because you didn't advertise in ons for following this system are: tlm Gbeu and rile election df ditect�Ca
khan a► quarter cam . without' a its people! Tke i terchants of sty ryina; the farmers, who, g the Local." `"First, we have no muanute pile. and auditors" vas's proceeded wz
decline in The rprices of their pro- Plains, - -But 'Mrs.- Squash must have I � s We have fess flies, also less mud, and Vice.Pre�sident Hugh Edgar rand- Jell. "'li
Ucettse 1. -have also 'read +t opy. of cirtk or .tows must come very nearly ducts, have not been able to meet. Pumpkins for the winter at ,any cost. I `Well, Mr. Squash, them pumpkins the :bublding surroundings are always Kirton were reelected to the, Boatel
bhe bylaw `aaroi3'`fadled to aee' tUt any meeting outside Prices and 'siva as obligations. These millions have l So she told Father )Squash 'to 'keep I are a'11 right for the season, but any dry and clean. Next, it aids:, us -in and the Auditors of the, Past Years, .,
provision was made for the pa me� t good serrxx, oT trade will soot d'rif+f 'his weather eye open for pumpkins, word for i't the wont -keep lou
y rp as a been advanab{i by the banks—the env- Pn y ..lir P g. ,giving ryearly employment for. aur A. ,>,; Graham and Thomas; R; 8esre- .`
of a license or any license fee 4i>.ed. away, justgreat deal of,business rags aK the people. And yet we stave �T pntptpkina she must have. One !they'll rot long fore spring, but I men and also enables us to keeap our
Wfiety we consider the pereotmel of the now goes ie tie T. Eaton Co., and morning rather Squash came •rnasihing 'allow they"re m'i good while they nett, were Te-apPainted' a comnpiiment .
donncirl and note b9 whom tlr4 motion others, 1eea,osss o! better prices and the fatRtier governments of Manitoba ng e3' rhorses in good condition, 'always in all canca:tmecl• io�viok dillutnai
w and of Ontario --and now Alberta ie'• into the -house, his .race red ; �aa . e do last. Now, Mr. Squash, do you shape dor a days work and, as we d� a 'large and well tti'snaged trial- 'r
to pass this by-law was wade, , we service - also discussing it—launching into the I'bQet and puffing like a porpoise. I know 'I have the New Zealand and have two and three loads each day,
would .-De' inclined to think of it sae Jnat a row words about the Pflce banking business to bake deposits., ., 'Hold'ing out- the ideal paper before Iron bark, Double -ribbed, Ohaeawai they are in good she for rin and although they had asomne .
11, elapse legislation, or legislation, of. t'hie o! niea4 in b1•e late call or begining g Pon e3' Pe spring heavy lAsaea to PaY •nothing eh3e mar .
winter, when the Sea- (which form the fund 'from wbicf Jho eyes. of , his beloved Sonaassh, said: � (Oh-hy-a-wye) pumpkins, .the finest in work. It gives us a big advantage be expected when such a volume of ,1.
few, by the few and for tb's feww,.iif- of the pre omb bank loans are made) from the banks. "Read that, my Darling SgI k. I the market. Why, it takes two mien , with spring planting, espeoially roots risme are carried. -.
stead oat'legislatdon od'the people, by fortlR Irntuletb could buy beet by the and put them out on 'long term loans. Mother $quash wiped, tyre 'dream and a :good sized boy, half sa .hour and corn, as we can get the ground �, t Ma y evening the nomSn- v
' bhe p le and for the people in whose carealps at d'rom thirteen and ore-ialf .l he inevitable consequences of suck from her glasses- with one eoraer of with a saw and axe tb .get bhe bark plowed during of! weather �in seed- alOa p��ings ;to fill vacant seat
,__ b est the Council is slluppqued ro Geste to. 3sarUssa an'd ohe4alf vents a movement in its. effect upon esti- a �r apron, adjusted tham on Ther eyes off' one, but believe me, Mr. Squash, ing. We also believe we have less at Brussels Couyei Board caused by ^
;; 'act and Work in the• fate. ` per pouni, tbs•peO'ple of Seaforth and culture as well as upon industry and with stately dignisy, feeling Ler im- I you've" got:•sof ie pumpkin when yon waste as the snow here very seldom the resignation of Councillor Malcolm
consuMer, as well" as ''the•astursoutdbet asousitry were pa Ot trade re not chard to foresee. Thea portance, that Father Squash had ask- I Ret there,, 16ut. Mrs. Skinum always gets any depth in the orpen field. We I Fraser, were on the programme ak', 3
There s lin ATsu'a4ce o! twenty-eight � s vernment b some ' ed her judgment, for once at least, cooks hers in tike shell. And they7l do ,not spread on deep snow. Somue khe council chamber. During the ase -
people. {n, !:�O
Idea tat a go y t
tie thought in dapstderation .,ii, - rPoa S)bsas caress bxtchera farrtfisti alagic can make momy work twice j and from his mien, "it must bE stns- I last, too; tve'iue had 'em keep round might take exception to this method ecri'bed hour the fallowing names were
by-law of the interests of the, same meat, wills t'he butayietis had , is economically uasnund. If the gov- ;thing of very great importastco. With till spring. Mighty handy to have on the basis that there is probably submitted to Returning Officer W. 13.
i p>rbHc, i M!, pirhaps, the aprl- sand ' Tactleal'1T so •6w, as 'h o*tirs car- evnments take deposits from Otho !Measured words she 'lead the follow- i 'round the house, Mr. Squash, speci- more weed seed germination in the Kerr, in order given: Mrs. A. Me
feeling' in 'The matter was muash tis ease+ was asaiiarble most; tr*e, some �� fox long term loans, prardnctfve ! 'ing 'advertisement: ally when° you've got a lot of hungry fields than where the manure is al-
lowed to rot, and again, that swine G+nre, motion of A. 'W. Deniraaoa and
► game }rr that o� the railroad Germ- cmrts �M i<. low than twenty-eight �fnduatries of all kinds must snSer. I r { mou't'hs' to feed 'these hard 'times. And g J• W, Simmons; William Armstrong,
n many years.-Ugo, when a rail- cents, bul it to also true that-lootne I Pumpkins. Pumpkins. Pumpkins• I do you know, Mr. Squash, I would and poultry have no opportunity to ��'
Iia y �_,{,� The above was clipped- tram a To- ' Po rY pPo y by Jahn Crerar and J. W. Simmons;
mad man said; "The public be dam- data boli res figl as thirty -flys eefsbs haTe sold you two loads for the price utilize waste, but, Makin eve hi
z+onto paper and shows what one of pumpkins white and pumpkins green, I paid for this one?" g Alen. L. Stewart, by 14I. Holland tad
red," and since that time it hats seem- Per POUR• lfow at''this.: rfste - the the lar Pum kins bi and umpkin@ erriall• TO° Pa into consideration, we find the ad- S. Carter John Lon by P. Seott .'
►' < ed that eve man's iteel has beet butebe'r ,� mmkifg one hundred per 8' If7anadiaan Implement + , p g P , „ g' I
every Manufacturers hag to contend with. i Pumpkins Dere for one and all. "Wl 1, w -e-11, is that so, raid vantages far ex eecl the dissdvant- and William Armstroutg; D. M. SctoA71., '.
a eainast the railroad companies. cent, 'on .ills turnover, or -"' es ass Tie maninfaa tuners of the larger im- ' Squ' y geB by -R. Thomson and, J. C. 'Basher;
;, mntl sae ifs farmer �' ad 1 Pnmpkinb ;forts slid pumpkitaas round, tide, sail. "But you see MT. Skin- a : z
', �negv�er the -rights rights and got Ve 1XM um,
iota _ plements, such as stemn, traction e=- The finest pafmpinks to br found. I didn't know that you had any "Id manure must be 'hauled any Jdltn Crerar; by William Armstro� t
11 ' o tbo genMra���blio are ignl fired, it for railiax a ad Deeding that same �a. ethnehere and sae tractozs I Come with your wagon, or Tonr pail; pumpkins for sale." great distance, a farmer will gave a and William Baeker. The atartuta�r
fii,dn!t'Ititmg trouble and opposibIon, aro .bei r or three yearis. have been 'hit event fardel• than the 'Come quack, only a few s.re left for 'The.truth was, everybody knew Mr. lot of time in the spring 3f he will arnnounceme'nts were mends rollowad ;a
Buteber, go leaiefully, danger is near. conte, ,Mo mat admit that. in lat+geI manufacturers std . asmall implements. stale. Skitnm, that :he had r rise put it in large piles in the field, is 1, brief eeu�h +making, most of t1Ms
`! laees fibs Torofito New 'York and f � P sale—except
he .the inion of T. A. Mel ean, Carle- y �
Ptailuite to recogn$ze 'the interests .oP P These b}treefer manufacturers anti, 7lkrift Huckleberry Farm. and lead them for sale—except khe P nominees bong absent. John 'xt
the iioiler, producer.. and 'consume:r is 3essdortt'f, �rl~saee rents are high asd carrying 'large amounts of overdue mat who wanted to buy because the hon 'County, Ont. "My plan is � declined the honor, and William Ariz-
yet3r largely 1`esfiosuiible for the ll. -e it kpP °P I notes, runnriag Kron Chree to saver i • 'h%w kieat sounds like some pump- didn't advertise in the local paper. eke bbe pile in the field the same strong was the oniY candidate present x
' i v O. w'hic .might be spokes cif sm Uuey' del'iv'ery wagons, 4% *all ps years past dee, largely for Western kins dton"t it? said Father Squash. J, THOMAS WILHIDE. as in the yard, Make pile large Cot- who was willing to lend a hand. The .'
mile little stone stAtted out of the otbor' txDeasea, tie busfnasss seen tai !senates, whose crops have failed for ' aMotier 'Squash took one long, full, 187 Grange Ave, Toronto. ough so that you can drive on top snt'uation was not changed on Tues-
, mountain and is ,gaining force as ifi entitled be a good profit, but it strikags several years, or who have had par- ;deep breath; and, feeling under yet of it. Scatter each load of the dif- day as the only eindidate quali�g
Tolls, and if iavramgs are not righted 'me that owe kautdra►d per, conk. of a tial .craurp failures. Farmers cannot Waistband all the pangs of hutrger of ferent ,kinds al,l •over the avrlace of w� 'Mr. Armstrong, who was ailoclar- ,,»t
-;' this little stone may yet gait esongl, bnrnovaa► !ia going it pra;tby' tts!troag. accilas the Eastern Implement Manu- ' bhe 'little 'Sgnaahes, during the losg I the pile so that at will be well mixed. ed elected by atcclama0en and will
totes to smash kh$ feet o! e1aY uaial� Now, „?!t, Slim By law No, 2"'• 1 facturers of not being generous in winter days, raised herself to the dig- TO IMPROVE LIGHT HORSES Do not throw a whole load on one taike leis seat at :the next council meet .
i Iy called the big interests. , ,. ; thfisk, it 4s•--tiwaq intended for the ape -
their methods of handling these long rnity ai the oecasiot, saying:. "Yr. ' tails as it is almost sure bo 'start the ing ori NLara>im 6th;
W+heatha3r this by-law was aimed at sial lknhet sett �fe daratert; instead asaf credits, i9quash we moat have olein pump- i 1*or the purpose of improving the pile, to heat. Tito more you heal _The death °f Mr. John Cowan
ribs, paddlers;.or'the farmers, or both, fhb pairs; sleet da .. the (bntcil klub. '62aiickl• Out with the .wago>t! breed of light horses'ln O.trtarib, seven manure, the more value ,you lose by occurred at his home, lot 88, ootoes- s;
tlltis% ' aRaontT . 'It is judo as wise to I Annusi reports of some'�rf the la'rg- Berea; the money! Off yon ! ' 'kiglh-class sitaflions have been im- it tats it evaporates in the air. sion 1, East Wawanosh, at 2 o'dock
I do not but several otktera ba- I eat Atnericat Hanufaaturers of tied rearm England wind will be
asides I ave our .opinions about kill bhe goose that laved the golQasa , Zltsfxrl► tip, or tlley9l all he gone, for Po ,I know there are plenty of farm- -Thursday mtprni#ag, Feb ry k
' It in as much as a butcher 'hair laeta>Iy eggs as to shot out the fat'nmers, that Thresher and Trrotoze and other im- 'the man said, 'OCome, quiok, only a I�+ at different partes od the prop- ge t,ad boon cat►llned rto lied sines
been ing ineasst dtr 9eaeforbk teed the D�Pbe� Any irate I :,'lsakvb 'plementa already publishaxl, indicate-- lr are left for sale."' , i>.ee for serti+ide aBont the firsIt of ors who wild differ d'rom ane on this1.
I''?�+ pp the •drastic
readjustment praScesskreatment and there are plenty, of f3epbember least, when lie was ta3oen
an ,trhet+e I hays ever bees�d - evex bees bfe farmers frays a>h!(aya, An Mr. Squash lashed hie 'borates Y'ay them who think the heating of man- down With plenrco pneumonia. +g'
y 'dad lead tLrt grrarile a of wlidch the Yarm machinery induatr_ These stailnons are now at Wood- :
I ha'ae Iigeid, a dt eker lieense thatr gg peddling ,Aiff dawn bite"]sane, Mather Sgitaet stood ure is the real quill. Some will say which he rocovered for a time,
estab�3a&ed. 'i<aceg of _%%U3ineee' buf"s► osis produce without as license,, Joat':a�xperieneed .last year, which wdtf rite vvibh arms akimbo '.at the gate, about- bine Park int'`i'oronto, and beffore the
e. P curtailed buying power of Ys+rm�ers r !trek of 'Ma will be joined they want t!he straw to rot and will erfter several ,light attacks � ;,; `, .
fl!1 :� 1.ts.jslor ays_fixed Q within so -Ung as They do not buy front arks- :bio ht about ane a>f'the worst ears ing with all 'her might. Aunty nip. y by three �� out a load of warm horse manure out trite winteq,.succumbed an one ba
. 11season, Vis, til' "v •largely a_?i i►t- era`i'nd, sell- this ban alirays b!set � y Get a movie onl Get thrm'pmimpkins : more -•-'Rancher, Spri'ngside and one or pig manure in the fall and velli ��1ay morning'. He wa+n born in `
qty shed. esus Dein right. Surely in' mora than a decade. The out- at an 1" � other. They will be amernbled and11 I
ter of tivAe and protection. Now r'eC� g T I standing than a! the year in the y price?" start it to boat first thing sand will and was bort a► b" oemhre-
I am flor. proteedon, but protection bbe producer fns a Iwght to' dispose g y With 2'aaming 'horses Farmer kept is Toronto, free of expense, keeplin on the, manure to the vdbh' his parents and 4 family of trine
of his saws roduct i' an' alnranbit small sak* and large losses enrtailed ash drew rein ,pt Farmer Thrift's; from about the first of September to '
tor:" t% masses . and not for the so- , P y p aida d keep it heating all winter. children, five boys and foul �ir1s ,
��rr through .operating, and inventory ad- barn door, just as the old farmer was bhe first of Apr l or Mlay each year about. ,'�
oallked classes. I do not wish to 'talk rte' w'is Why should tbe farmer, . , j I do not ,arpprove of this .method ars ensue to this country and
cr p suer be compelled to puss bis �natment." coming out with a pumpkin as big as, *'hen they will be harried over to a it spoils manure to have it creat; my three years on a farm in Ootttt
polities but merely for comparison. g Reports already published, forecast he could carry. "Hello,', says :he to suitable mean for service in the coup- p°
M I.atttl.for q r11
obeWon; of home indnrasatry, precinct throw h the trend's o4 the libel can be expected of the annual method 'lets it do its fermenting ar �, after which the family ttso�isd tic ,
••, ;&t'lier it lie national; 'prgvineigt or mi 161= titan, or why abould the con- . Mr. cruaah; tjten looking at the try during the summer mo>tths. The the �i1,► East W+ayvanosh when it was: asatdy a
sumer be compelled to receive his figures of other Companies. sales pant! I fosarrfng horses, "he *said, ' Places where the :horses will be sta- Tf
avg4it'dadwn,to":the hot' conapnnutdtg, throughout' the industry range from " Mr. W. G. Duke, Dufferin County, solid bus ,and clearing bike fat+rn and 1
'butt: bhis ahmald be protectlotm Yor all ; goods, fhrotrgek the bands of the mid- Well, now, u ve been gois:g some tinned will be suggested by the Do- I r;
', pqo 1' and not sitecti to. r all alb pus, wiw Makes aEl bfg rake otT around forty to simbyQive per cent. I 1 _ ., .�� y�� rathe ;►' paid Mr. I minion government, through the mal- mit.. is short and to t'he paint. He marking a home ichJ t9se b;
oat fisc se ayf 1920. ,. s - • wtRtes : both died, amcl which John lues aDcdh- l F1
plc a atf the 'le+o► to the 'bo%, g and.,goingt` i 8"ash; you see I saw yaw adveer. , itia depat`tmtmt. Service fees will be �� since. There are threes bm!ltehns
men �' , very great ma�o>E3ty+ 4 ,V I' 'sObre est termer diE' producer I ' Vnimereon-rBi+antingharm r7o.'is aYf- kisBment do the Local than you had a : nmit Al I Ae I hay e a litter carver installed
It re cit for i 2 published . a fes and s, ,pnrchas- i tkz+oughout my eatables, I ,have the a �i1e sir avr°fving'. may:" x
pints 'fib!' ',: rbaironable ' protecti0il" ,,'.Ale'` Rtdg3 to Bala .bhe Gattyl that "would Pr , p pumpkins for sale, a that we The stallion which were Alelaatidei, sof Colborne; David asblE
�Osaa 'tl _tnaitusstties, for ,the ` ei!!si6p ► s .ise]li!►g my, *",produce in short tifte, ago showed's, net loss of must come quickly if we *anted• to I ed in England by W. P. Fraser for manure dumped from the litter scar- Ioaac, of Blyth; and Dlts. Jolt' Awl ; Y'
�, ' rani a!' Csit%atda'rs resoui`ces Caul- trtity filtat astral the buvtt' $8,808•,?00. Ueere`bt Co., showed. a' �et +em. Mee. Sgamash said ii mast get bhe Canadian Racing Aargociations, rcier onto the sleigh and then hauled eteon, ad IlnHett Ian i8si6 'O
'as far aposaible, ':t a {+fie' -lavers of dale lead still loss for 12 months ar! $9,669,841. Tlse aytrt at any aprke." "And about how ;will form a tiucieus of 's breeding stud to the field and spread on bbe laid. married to bianst ITwint fail �� ;i''
r.'worked in the resent a- as tr-t]ghte and priviteges to, J: I. Case Plow Works, Who mainu- many do you want?" asked Yr, which it is intended to develop from The advantages at this maythod are: Mise / �a
cltilch+en were born, .. tw
'D'�'h ,ot111
attllt 1!an keit al the opittiott that the eo facture tractors and plows, show. a Tbrift, "Ob, well, I calenlate I'd take year to year. (1) Saving of tittle amifd lalrar fn *
t>M hsa![ :'wjto, ads made ]n P In ,; k a . feel tuat net Ion@ af, $2,986,x. The Advance- about a w!lwle load just. to lease The horses asecnred by Mr. Fnasarr the scaring when here i:s ao arooch MTs. Albert E. drips, of Of a
!fro ,Co.,8umaely•#how a loss ofoapppno�xi- Mrs. $quash and �te chittlr.mrp you are Alasnam, winner of the Derby other work to be dasse• and hT5 WA � ,� `7.R ��•.
;,,6s! >l macule in the "Ry..- abiot is . The J. I. Tresh 1pvorw.!' I Gold Cup: Oattegat, a wanner o'u the (2) "You cart get)P'o+n'r,.2 t'noirbwur* Romeo. a Vats In ,
gars all they. are the feet # - , ti Fite .
' asdded'•tMrty: alt forty sale-; of Wft i�tudb. '.lit or )ll+tas % 'report Is -not yet "Well, ,'I,. i—. I dont know ms I' turf, General Probyn, bred by the ped inti Rtbs ground, eb mudt ea►i'iier iY► am ;per a int rl�+
` • !s, '1nlo . Cfmada's otre buWrsd k?+ Wit 'b onderdilood It will, ears fined a whols load, bot I.— I— Kits land a winner of King's prsmi- t*e , *Web 1 0 f ' �' $04 a e lIS : .
e : •V.Q.Vim. fye ��_ ' i of `*Oat 1'M,MO.000 tri .11U loo�ky &Tom and. t1" slash I Rh9IMA; may, whose 3 '.yipseiYfltR '.tom : ="
• a,I , d f .;11o,. w.. P .. .+w• al a e" in IY . � ' f � �' 'a
*W 40 pat; drodbt, elataav a kts'a»e psa for '1Camt are hn time i:>re+t an . F''
a UH ,. � ` WIM bbey woke oR no > i boft, 1ptaen i ' +foeleier , A M'� 4:^
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