HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1922-02-03, Page 54 A01124 lasitiatterilors jr. 1 a 9t4ctisatio./1111.* htittes; 1•11-1 82/AFORTH MARKETS Sector* February 'hitter, •per lb Siggs, per dozen 40 Potatoes, per bag Wheat, per bushel 20 Barley, per bushel GOO Flour, per cwt $535 Bran, per ton $80.00 Shorts, per ton $30.00 flogs, per cwt 811.50 South Miro •Liberals A meetist of the Liberals 44 &nth. JOHN FINLAT204 2, 1922. UM= will b• /NM in the Town Iloilo 2826.2- A` Satretarg. Boo liensel4 on Saturday, -February A,9,. 1922, At 2 o'eloelc pm., for ths fol. 51-i 'Owing pummels: s FARRIS FOR 84E, (1) To appoint delegat, to the Provincial Convention So held in Totorrto for the selection of a Pro- ytneial Leader. ' 42) General business of the South Huron Libeoal Assoeiation. T. J. SHILUNGLAW, 2825-8 SeeretarY. BIRTHS Sareferth. on Janus:try 21111., to hir. mad Neu. R. J. War, • sarn-411ebert ' Tanen Tuatkeremith, on listurdsy. Jen. 2411th., 1922, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex. widget lerine-gen and daughter. Tapple.-I* Tuckerienith. on January Sea. to Mr. sod km. David Penefit 414011"0. IlleverOft-In Wfufeter. ela Jemmy 2106, to Hr. end Mrs. Thema. Heiteroft. a daughter. 11040.. -In Cadged', on January 111116 4. Mr. and Mn. Leonard- KcG.s Id.conees- Goderieb TownehIP. • denghter. Goderich, on January 15th, eu Mr. and Maw. Henry Kerr, • daughter. llibbea Jantewe 21tha to Mr. and lin. Frank Jordan. • alughter. Tuckersealth, on January rah, to Nr: and Mrs. J. E. Magill, a daughter. MARRIAGES Hully-Currie.-In London, by Rey. Mr, Rey, Hi. Ague Currie. of Bayfidid. tie Gerald of Seaford', now both of louden. livaps-Hutelaineop.--In Goderia. on Januere 1111s. by Rev. J. F. Reyeraft, Lillian Hutch - %eon, to William R. Evans. both ef Garde- nia. HEATHS , Fortune. -In Tuckeresaith, on January Iteth. Jane Dorsey, beloved vide of Luke Fortune, in her 760* year. Broadfoot.-In Tuckensmith, on January 2740, Maria 19therington, relict of the late Jas. Broadfoot. aired 77 yeans and 6 month.. Dickson.- In MeKtilop, on January Mary Dickson, daughter of the bste George Dicktson, in her 74.0* year. Tristarkfoct-- At Greenville. Smith Caroline, on January 170*, William Proudfoot, formerly of Goderich, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Proudfoot. 'Erahaint.-In Fordwioh. on January MIL Lucinda Griffith, beloved wife of Jamei Graham, aged '19 y.rts. MacFarlane.- In •Goderich, on January 25th, John Henry MacFarlane, in his llth year. IN MEMORIAM Note.-Iterns under this head will be charg- ed 60 cents per single Yeree and 25 centis ter each additional verre. le tenderest memory of Mary Ann mons, beloved wife xf Henry Hougarth, departed thie life February 4411, 1921: Death hides, but it cannot divide, Thou art but on Christ's other side; Thou with lOm. and He with sue, And so together .4011 are we. 2825x1 Husband and Son. In loving memory a Lloyd ld. Dodds, be- loved .on of Peter and Annie Dodd., who gassed away February 3rd, 1920: Oh, for the touch of a vanished hand And the round of a voice that a still. The place is vacant in our home That never ran be filled. 2825z1 rather, Mother and Brother. MoGregor.-- In lovIng memory of Mrs. Dun- can McGregor, Oho peer& sway on Farriery 4611, 1821: Short and sudden wee the call tgt one so dearly loved by all. • 'The blow was great, the shock severe, We little thought her death so near. Forget her? No, we never will, For in God's we she liveth .8110. 2825x1 The Family. SALE REGISTER On Wednesday, February 22n4. at one p.m., on Lot 24, Concessio• 5, Mcgillop, sleeting male of farm stock awl implement. Robert B. liabkirk, Proprietor; T. Brown, Auctioneer IMPORTANT NOTICES VOR SALE. -1500 BUSHELS OF SEED oats, grown in 1920, good and clean. Apply to ALEX. SPARKS, R. R. No. 2, Seaforth. Phone 14-236. 2821-4f vOit SALE. -ANNUAL SWEET CLOVER, "Hnbarn" seed, Government Standard No. 1. saarified and Ontario grown, $2.00 a pound for 10 pounds or over. Shipping ehaxges pregiaid. MURRAY GIBSON, Bruce - field, Ont. 28.25x1.6 $2na WILL BUY A SECONDHAND FORD Touring oar, in goal running order, with good time, nearly new. Call on Lot 11, Conceesion 1, Iribbert, east of Dublin. FRED XTATTON. 22.24x2 MENDERS WANTED. -AN EXPERIENC- . 14 hand to run grader and atone crusher for the season, if suitable. State eaters Par day. Tenders to he sent to John McNaugh- Om before the llth of February. JOHN MeNAUGHTON, Kippen. 2828-2 WOOD FOR SALE. -THE UNDERSIGN - .4 hag on hand a quantity of hard maple wood, both dry and green, all body wood. Prices reasonable. Delivered in large or small quantities an required. Phone 14 en 188, Seaforth. Tilos. SHILLINGLAW. 2817-11 B1JLL FOR SALE -FOR SALE ELEVEN months old Durham bull. This anion) was sired by Mr. Peter McKay', Imported eteek bull, Conqueror. Color, roan; also a few Northland oato sufitable for seed. Apply on Lot 20, Conceesion 3, L.R.S., Ttickersinith, or phone 2 on 79 Heneala, WILLIAM C. SPROAT, No. 3, Kippen. 2824.4-41 RUPTURE EXPERT HERE AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE OF rasa STOCK AND Implessents.--11e, Frank Metier bee bees instructed to sell by public auction on Lot /1, Concession 5. Taskernalia,' en Wednes- day, February Inh, at .lar'eloak p.m., the dullard's* Horse. --One broad mere 10 years old in teal to Commodore, good used work mare, good work mare 0 yews old, matched pair geldings rieing 2 and 8 yea. old sired • by Conamodor. f101y tired by Gomraodore. Outdo -Cow '4.In1 4 nom old due to calve in March, cow 5 years old due to calve in Mara, caM vine month. old, also thoreugh- bred Due. Jersey sew, bred. Implementa- 1 Massey -Harris binder 6 foot cut, her cut , 8 ere.; Ileasey-Karrie mower 6 foot cut, Meow -Harris die& new; limmer-lierris cul- tivator with need bez corablued. Deering rake, Froat & Wood steel land roller. Frost and Wood hay loader, 18 -hoe fertiliser drill used only one season, scuffier, clover bunches.. Olin - ton fanning mill with full sqb of sieves, set 2,000 lb. weigh scaler, see diansead harrows, top buggy, emitter. good farm wagon, 164o00 bay rack, with elide rack combined, set bobeleigha with holsters and bunko, gravel' box, 'straw cutter, emery grindstone, 11/2 horse power International kerosene engine, 2 sets of double team barna., 2 seta single harness, hay fork. set Ilerope ensure, forks, whiffle- tre., ago a quantity of Siberian Cl.ter seed oats and other articles too numerous to mention. Ternse-Ali sums of 210 and un- der. cash; over that amount 9 months' credit wig be given on furniehing approved Joint notes. Five per,cent per annum* allowed of/ for sash on credit amounts. WILLIAM WALPER, Proprietor; Frank Taylor, Auc- tioneer. 2824-2 AUCTION SALEOF FARM. FARM s'rOcx and Implements, on Lot 3, Concession 2, Tuckeromith Tiny -Table, 44, miles east at Hemphill and third lot south, oil Wednesday, February 16th. 1922, at 1 o'clock sharpthe following: Purm--100 acres, being atiove named lot; good frame house, bank barn, drive shed, henhouse and hog yen; -7 acres wheat, 10 acres plowed, 10 acres bash, rest seeded to grass ; farm Pt well drained and fenced. llontes- Mare, rising fi, 2 uged mares, smire rising 3, horse rising 6, driving horse. Cattle--Thoro ,bred Durham bull, 2 freah oowx, no due in April; one milch cow, fat cow, fi heifers rising 2, 2 steers riaing 2, three Noting oalv., 2 fall .1v.. Hugs and Poultry- Thorough bred York boar, 4 SOWS due time of gale, 25 chunks, 2 geese and 1 gander. 35 Barred Rock pullet., 50 Wyandottee and Leghorns. Implements, Etc. -I mplem en ts are nearly tall new- Massey - Barrie binder 7 foot cut, Malmsey -Harris mower 54, foot cut, seed drill, 13 disc, rake, cultivator, roller, 3 -section harrows, walking plow, 2 -furrow plows, scuffle, manure sgraid- er, wagon, stock and hay racks, gravel box, 2 set sleighs, buggy, cutter. grindstone. Clin- ton fanning mill, 2000 M. .ales, 2 sets double harness, set single harness, churn, butter bowl, Bap pails and pans, 18 grain bags, cross cut saw, gasoline barrel, 2 oak lbarrebs, eeparator, couch, table, hay slings.. rope and pulleya, shovole, Whiffietrees, neck - yoke. and many other articles; 10 tons of timothy bay, 10 tone straw, 15 cords hard- wood. These all cash. Terme--$10 and un- der, caah; over that amount 5 months' credit, on approved Joint notes. Six per cent. per annum off for °ash on:credit amounts. Of Farm -Made known on day of sale. FRANK HUNTER, Proprietor; F. 'Paylor, Auctioneer. 2825-2 111 alen rite Broolrirts ,TENDERS WANTED PARKS MSitALIS " I HATS IMMIX tholes farms feral in She itiornelalell et Mamma anden .beiN and 1p en 0007=71' Pert. elenTHONUUI OIM"016, lilzeter Ont. 16614 (loop FALSE YOB SAUL 014 WI' " tame, being Let.11, Cenetleies 1, Stan- k". "meow el 100 am" otilest elms lant well drained sad in goad lade arf eultivotioa: 12 sera fal wheat, 41 seta modal to ronaindee Ploughed nab for stir* as& tug. Onedafif mile to Wool. good bank tam. gage inalanent boa., hen house. Pig boai sod good dwelling home. Ter further ' eatilahos Weir Ito JOHN B. MIDI, Kip- ' 2825x2 LAU FOS BATA -LOT is, cosioSSISIosi 4, Hibbert, 100 .or; ; bask ilwaliat house, large bank ban". frame stables. hot aad hen home, drive blouse, orehard, Sare acres bash, field of fall wheat, all ploughing done,three nail. from Debits, rural mall end telephone. If not .1d privately Deere first of March. wiU 11. add by public amities at the clearing sale al A. It. ftor. Nosy termo of payment. For 'Ewalt' apply an gremlin,. to A. McIALLAN, er THOMAS CAMERON, Anatol:ctn. Bon 164, radar. 1/192-4 -law& iron sAIJI.-TAAN OF Two HUN- .; ()red acne dJoining 411. Tone of Sea - forth conven0ent/7 eitnated to ell elinrebsies schools and Collegiate. There able .beiek cottage with a cement = barn 100:16 wtth stone stabling underneath fw...6, bores, 75 bead of cattle and 40 hogs with Steel etanchions and water before a11 stock; litter carrier and feed earlier and two cement slim ; driving shed and plat- form scales. Watered by a rock well and windmill. The farm is well dmined aad in o high .tate of cultivation. The crop Is nil in the ground-cholce clay 101IM. Immedi- ate possession. Apply ts M. BEATON, 5. R Seatorth. Ont. 2717-tf THE EXECUTORS OF 41132 LATE ARCH1- .. bald McGregor offer for sale Lot 16, tith Concession, McKillop, 100 acres of first class farm lands. The land is in a first class state of cult -Nation and there are erected on the premises a good frame dwel- ling house, with kitchen attached; frame barn 76z64 with [stone foundation, stabling underneath and cement floors and water throughout. driving house, pig pen and hen house. Ago about ten acres of good hard wood bush. The property is well fenced and well drained and convenient to good raarketa, churchri and schools. For farther partienlare apply to MISS •LILLY IdieGREWR, on the premises, or to R. S. HAYS, :Solicitor. Sea- fortth, Ont. 2795-tf pARM FOR SALE -FOR SALE LOT 20, Concession 6, McKillop, containing 100 ucres, all cleared except 8 acre, of hardwood bush. There are on the premises o bank barn with stone and cement foundation, 46x82, with cement floors; drivtno shed, 14z86; f rame stable, 28x82, large gravel house. 7 rooms and kitchen, cement floors in cellar. Hard and soft water In kitchen; two acres of orchard. The farm is all wire fenced and tile drained. Well at barn and also well at the bush. This is a good farm -one of the best in McKilleo. It 0. eituated 6 miles from the Town of Seaforth and one mile from school and church. Rural mail and phone. Will be sold on rehsonable terms. For further particulars apply on the prem- ises or address R. R. No. 1,, Seaforth. ROBERT A. HOGG. 2801-01 Teellese for a. eunetrueden et the Jana Men and Irvine Liteneion Dods, amen Mar tile portions. evid be received MU *stuffier. Fibrilar! Mia. INS. when tendons will be opened at the Cermet. Idbeirr Hag ad 11 eeleek Plane and specifications may be seen st rho Markt WS.. Lot 85, Conemeion I. Ho. KReAta arkedTh"aligi. cheraest for DM a emerset Pelee to ampronimny mob Wader. The .kerrest or aey tender not neseasedlle ateepted. Parties tendering to sign an agreement with security to complete contest awarding to'efurrti°us. redge preferred. l JOHN nasAY. 2123-2 Ma& NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the annual meet/leg of the member. of .the Uaborne and Hibbert klutual Fire Imuranee Company will to held In the Town Hall, Fermat., on Monday. February 60*, 1422, at 1 p.m., for the purpose of receiving the reports of the Directors and Auditor, for the past -year aad tor die election of two Directors aud twe Auditors and for other buidneas. The Direetors, WhOor tvris of office expires. but Vit10 are isligible for re-el.tioa, are:- Rob.t Norris asd J. '1'. Ali.. W. A. TURNBULL, 2824-2 Secretary. 000000000 S. T. HOLMES Funeral Director and Licensed Embalmer Undertaking Parlors in Beattie Block, opposite The Expositor Office. Residence Goderich St., opposite Dr. Scott's. Flowers furnished on short notice. Phone Night or Day 110 O. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0000 Reductions In Jame, NarMuLadas, Jellli,sta., white they last. Choose your *mart - !Tient: Black Currant, Peach, Grope, Apri cot and Marmalade in glass law at 86c, or for_ . . ... .4130 Strawberry, RasPberrY 12191, Firer 3 for 030 Red Currant, Crab Apple Jelly, tumbler ic Strawberry and Raspberry Jam in 2 lb. Tins 50e Strawberry, Raspberry Marmalade, ApricOt Jam in 4 lb. tins, each $130 Pure Grape Jam in 3 lb. tins for 66c Red Rose Tea, black and mixed, regular 155c, for Orange Pekeo Tea, black, best, regular 20c, for 70c Highest Prices Paid for Fresh Eggs. Sproat & Sproat PHONE 8. Valentine Cards and Booklets, a Books, 1.5o eiaqh. Other Big.Specials with IS are Dinner Seto, Fancy China, Teapots, Gran- iteware, Table Oilcloth, rowelling, Curtain &rim, Curtain Net, Aluminum Ware. Come and look over our price tickets. There's a Saving for You BEATTIE BROS. Where the Variety Grows 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W. T. BOX & CO. Embalmer and Funeral Direztore H. C. 110% Holder of Government Diploma and License Charges moderate Flowers furnished on short notice. Night Calls Day Calls Phone 175 Phone 48 000000000 0 0 0 0 Teas have advanced, and are still advanc- ing. We expect the -next lot of our Special Black Tea will be 2 pounds for $1. If it were that price to -day it would still be better value in our opinion than any other tea. While our present stock lasts (which will not be long at the rate it is going) we will still sell 2 pounds for 74. The wise'buyer will take advantage of this offer for the short time it will be possible. TWO SPECIALS IN LEAD PENCILS A plain wood pencil with pretty fair lead at each lc. A regular 6 cent pencil et 2 for 16 inch elm wood for future delivery at, per cord *3.50. WANTED Choice dairy butter in 1 pound prints for which we are paying more than market price, also Fresh Eggs. F. D. Hutchison THE CASH GROGER PHONE 166. Dominion Stores, Lim MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH The',Best Quality Goods at the Lowest Possible Prices, Every Day in the Year Lv 4 STRINGTirooms39 cts Best Quality LP each SNOWFLAKE AMMONIA 3 for 23c TOILET PAPER 6 rolls 25c BABBITT'S CLEANSER 3 tins 25c LONG BARS CASTILE SOAP 2 bars 31c A IJCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND •"` Implements. -William E. Nairn has been instructed to sell by public auction on Lot 28, Concession 9, Hibbert, on Thursday, Feb- ruary 160*, 1922, at one o'clock p.m, sharp, the following: Horses -1 home rising seven years old, weight 1650 pounds; 1 horse rising 10 years old, weight 1650 pounds; 1 roadster horse 9 years old, good single or double; 1 three year old filly roadster; 1 aged mare. Cattle -Registered Shorthorns: Eva, No. 1162019, due to calve March 16th; Princess Mary, No. 156146, due April 12th; heifer calf eligible for registration. Grades- 4 cow 7 Years old. 1 cow rising 4 years old, fresh; 1 cow 3 yeans old, fresh; 1 cow 5 years old, fresh; 1 cow 5 yeara old due to calve March 10th. 1 farrow cow 5 years old, '1 cow 8 years old due about time of sale, 1 heifer and steer 2 years old, 2 heifent and 7 steers ris- ing 2 years, 1 heifer and 2 steers 1 year old, 8 young calves. Sheeo- -8 ewes; also 120 White Leghorn hens, gawp and gander. Ini- Diemente.-Massey-Harris binder 6 foot cut, new; Deering mower, new; Sharp tooth rake, hay tedder, Massey -Harris cultivator; Deering disc, seed drill, 1 set 3 -section diamond har- rows, Fleury walking plow. 2 -furrow riding plow, twin gang plow, root scuffler, land roller, root pulper, set seal. 2000 lbs., one Bain wagon, hey rack, set sloop sleighs, 2 sets heavy team harness, top buggy, clatter, scraper, fanning mill, wheelbarrow, coitting box, grindstone, grain grinder and ilac4c, fork, shovels, hoes, horsepower Interna- tional gas engine, 1 new 8 -inch 5 -ply thresh- ing belt, 150 feet; 21 horsepower Bell thresh- ing engine. hank and wagon. Terrns.-All SUMS of 210.00 and under, cash; over that amount nine months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. A discount of 6 per cent per annum will be given for cash. GEORGE BUTSON, Proprietor Wm. E. Nairn, Auctioneer. 2825-2 Do you suffer from rupture? If so your big opportunity has now ar- rived. Mr. Reavely, the noted rup- ture expert, will be at the Queen's Rotel for one day only, Wednesday, February Rth, and will be pleased to give free examination to any sufferer and to demonstrate his Moons appli- • ance., This appliance will contract the ttpening in 10 to 15 days and will mire cases in from three, to mix • months. This appliance is positively demonstrated to you right dB yotrr own person without any charge. You do not spend a penny unless you are • £u'fly satiefied that it is the right 4'.stlance for you. • A consultation Mr. Reavely will cost you noth- int. iDon't let this opportunity get away from yea. ' HOMIMIIMBR THII HATE How Universally Popular Are the Movie Stars? That le the questiou which the Movie Diller a the CANADIAN BARMER is trying le solve. We believe that the Movie Star, •re Just ais well Insown in every biwn, village and farming communit, of the Dominion 14 In the hig cities and Just ta prove it, our anis, has devined How To Solve The Puzzle In thta picture the artist has depicted Ole Inside of a Movie 15.'..'.. The operator of the Movie mavhino in this theatre dr rilled to play a Joke on Ids audience no he throw three re-arrarured movie players' names on the eereen. To ram the puzzle. all you are reguind to do is to rearrange the letters so that they .11 spell the correct .acters' .r actresses' names. ror example Ne. 10 Is Charlie Chaplin. Cah you guess the °there? 11 0.. win $1,000 In cash or the -Special" Overland Touring Car whirls would otherwise cat you 61,112. Don't give up Mo 040111 V at first you lind it a little hard. D. your best and win the beet prize. See Me full Ilst of prises below. ....... . oysoberriub WHO ARE THEY? TWAR !NO SLOGDMdWRNLN BEI. LUCY MK RAT TfroGrA MOW 43ALA CtIER,RY IDLE 13AY CAR. +FIND PURE RICE klICSURY HOG IS IV PARCK MY MD 101 PREACH KUHN r 1.111111.. Rolled Oats, 6 lbs. 24c Cream of Wheat, 4 lbs..25c Tapioca, 3 lbs 27c Pot Barley, 3 Ms 15e Corn Meal, 10 lbs 33c Rinso, 2 for 15c Old Dutch Cleanser. Ale Soap Chips, ('hulk) 19c Palm Olive Soap, 3 bars 24c Ivory and Fels-Naptha Soap . 81/2c Choice Canadian Machine VriecaeAfast Bacon 29c lb. CHOICE BLUE ROSE Rice 3 lbs. 25c FINEST CALIFORNIA Prunes 2 lbs. 27c NEGOT N9I0 CHARL3E 'CHAPLIN -a SHREDDED Wheat 2 pkg. 25c FINEST CANADIAN Cheese 24c lb. P & G, GOLD, SURPRISE AND SUNLIGHT Soap 10 -bars 72c SPECIAL BLEND Tea 40c lb. • UCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IM- plements and Household Furniture. Mr. Gerge Elliott hux received instructions to sell by public auction on Lot 31, Concession 3, Tuckersmith, on Tuesday. February 70*, at 12.80 p.m., the following: Horses -Aged draught mare, agricultural mare, filly rising 8 general purpose, sucking. colt 4 menthe old, 1 aged driving mare. Cows Durhem bull 2 yours old, 1 cow due in Auguett. 1 cow due in Mara, 1 Ayrshire cow 5 years old. thor- oughbred, good milker; 1 thoroughbred 3 years old, TAlly of Romney, -117320-, Lilly of Romney 4th =116123= 5 Year. cad. Sontitv of Huron .1f at foot bred by J.. Snell one red cow due in February, 1 cow 4 yearn old, freshened. 2 yearling steers, 1 calf 6 months old, 1 calf 8 months old, 1 calf 1 month old. Sheep --10 Leicester ewes, elegible. chunks, 1 thoroughbred York hog. 1 thoroughbred York sow with Pedigree, due in March, No. 63348., Poultry -100 one year old hens, 100 pullets, Rocks and Leghorns. briplements-- 2 seta double harness, 2 seta single harness. 1 pulper, 1 Massey -Harris binder, 7 foot, sheaf carriers and truck, ss good no SeW 1 Massey -Harris mower, 1 eteel rake 10 foot, 1 hay tedder, 1 bean cultivator, 1 Massey -Harris cultivator, 1 disc harrow, 1 seed drill 14 hop, 1 roller, 1 seuffler, 2 sets diamond harrows, 1 gang Wow, 2 walking plows, 1 single buggy, 1 democrat wagon, 1 cutter, 1 new Bain wagon box, 2 wagons, 1 hay rack, 1 pig rack, 1 set scales 3000 lbs., 1 grinder, I Chatham fanning mill, 1 bag truck, forge, 1 sap pen, 170 pails, shovels. chain., 1 extension bidder 20 foot, 1 gravel box, ehicke.n house 6.10 feet. 4000 bushels of toots. 2 steel barrels 40 gal., sev- eral tom ensilage. 40 rods wire fence, one Daley churn. Furniture -Parlor &hie, rock- ing Andre, writing desk, buffet and eMne Cabinet. est...ton tabia dining mom drain, soya, 3 bed room suites, mattress., spring. .guar Dillow., whits enamel dre.er, iron bed, 2 bureaus, sewing machine, carpets, lorge and small rugs, 1 glans cupboard, kitchen tables' and chairs, Moffat range, 1 home burn- er coal and wood header, Perfection coal oil itardlnerie. pictures, clock, toilet eete. dishes. lane's, cooks, jars and other artiolce. Terms of Sale. -4110.011 and under, cash; over that &recant 19 months' credit will be styes on furnishing approved joint notes. or a dis- count of 4 per tend. ,gitt Sabena off for eash. MM. A. ELCOAT. Preprietreirs ; George El- liott, Aectimseer, 2124-2 • The Big Prize List! $2,200.00 in all lat Prize "Spe- cial" $1,112.00, Overland Auto o r 2nd Prize 3rd " 4th 6th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th llth 12th 13th 14th 15th 18th 17611 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rti 24th 25th $1,000.00 600.00 250.00 100.00 50.00 35.00 25.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 15.00 16.00 15.00 15.00 16.00 18.00 10.00 10.09 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 All Ties Receive Duplicate Prizes ofillh 111111111111111111111111111111111r PURE FRUIT, 4 lb. TINS Raspberry and Strawberry Jam 74c a tin Can You Solve this P01215? Anyone living outside of Toronto Is privileged to take part. Pnt on your thinking-i•.iii and soh, the puzzle and send in your answer. 1'101i:slily you know the names .1 tin. -1 of the famous star,, but jwit to refreeh your menatry e give below a few of the se it, popular or,: Charlie Chaplin Mary Plckford, Charles Ray, Fatty Arbuchle, Norma Taimaqe, Wallace Reid, Beverly Bayne, Thomas Meighen, Mabel Normand, Dorothy Gish, Pauline FrederIck, Gloria Swanson, ccuglas Fairbanks, Mice Brady, Dustin Farnum, Pearl White, Blanche Sweet, Theda Baro. Costs Nothing to Try Wouldn't you be the happiest person in tho world if you were the winner tif the $1,000 in a contest like 551 ithlch took only a few minutes of your time? Well I should say you would be happy! Anti you can do It Inc. It's Just thru such little opnortutili as this that hundreds' and thousands of rommon folks have obtained their start a nd have risen to be tbe great men of today. You probably know of sornei ,11011 CS,,S yourself if you think. Thle le the CANADIAN FARMER'S offer to YOU to glee you a like chance. And it won't cost you ono tient. Only 195 Points Wins 41,000.00 The answer gaining IR:. points (which is the maximum) v the $1,0oe In eash (or the beautiful "Special" tverland). Serond highest will receive $500,00 and so on down the list of 25 prizes. For each Movie Name that you correctly arrange you wilLreeeive 1(1 pointe, or 100) points in all If you arrange all ten namem vorreetly. Then you can get 60 mote point. hy "qualifying" your answer. That is. tre proving that you have shown a ropy Of the CANADIAN 'FARMER to three people during this Big Publicity & Booster Campaign. A qualification Hank will he mailed you on receipt of your answer. The final 25 points will be awarded by three prominent and independent Jude,. tie the neatnese, etyle, handwriting and soollInt, of your answer. Strike while the iron is hot, and send In your answer today. Rules of Contest 1. Write all ten Movie Naecles on one side of a sheet of paper. 2. Write your name and Addreas plainly in the upper right ha.ad ecrner of the Sante sheet. S. If you wirth to write anytking else, use a eeparate 'sheet of paper a.nd sign your name and complete addee*� on it al.. 4. Three prominent judges, having no connection with the CANADIAN FARMER, will judge the qualified answere and award the prizes,. 6. The answer gaining 125 points, which le the highest number obtainable, wins First Prize. Ten points; 1411 he given for each correct name you send, or 100 points If you get ell ten ham. eorrect. Sixty additional points are gained by qualifying your anewer, and 25 points will be given for neatnesa, .tyle, hand- writing and epelling. 6. When the Movie Editor receives your solution, he von send you a letter telling YOU just exeetly how many poInte your tsolutlem earned and also send you a sample copy of the CANADIAN FARMER to help you in "qualifying." 7. The contest/ closes on Saturday, March 11, 1922 and announcement of Pries Winner* will be made in the CANADIAN FARM-HR.lihortly after. R.T. HAMILTON; Mold': Editor, CANADIAN FARMER c•r•Hihs. Acs„;,'*" 0... 10 pounds Best Granulated Sugar 79c Dominion Stores, Limited, Seaforth Kerosene and Gasoline Engines for Sale One 13 H. P. Good -Shapley & Muir Portable on trucks. One 8 H. P. Goold -Shapley & Muir Portable on trucks. One 5 H. P. Wolverine on skids. One 12-25 Waterloo Boy Tractor. One 12-25 Happy Farmer Tractor. One 8-16 Avery Tractor. One small Grinder suitable for 1y2 to 5 H. P. Also a quantity of Belting, Pulleys, Shafting, Hangers, Saw Arbor, Saws, Etc. THE ROBT. BELL ENGINE & THRESHER Co, Limited. Seaforth - - Ontarba, ,111)4.1,4 r