HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1922-02-03, Page 2ates
We wish to clear out our SKATES before stack tak-
ing and are offering a substantial reduction on all kinds.
Full line of Pucks, sticks and Straps.
Feed Boilers, 7 gallon $i 75
Stable Shovels arm to $14(i
Hated made Baskets, 2 bushels Mtn
Clothes Racks 5�
Horeshide Mitts, not split $1.60 to $1.75
Washing Machines, Red Star $19.50
Halters, special sewed $1.011
Chemical Closets
Special Strong Padlock 45c
Geo. A.
Sills & Sons
-the'ri ht
sweet fast e !
Roll that fragrant smoke across
your tongue—close your eyes.
D'yer get that flavor of real
sun -cured tobacco— the right
taste of sweet Virginia leaf i'
It's ripened into every strand
of the golden leaf by the sun
of of Virginny.
P. M.'s a man's smoke.
1Ofor15? 25for 35c
No. 12
Poult y
Depend on the Condition of our liens
Winter laying u the most Mahle. To Ware your potful and birds laying throush the winter period
6 addition to increased erg production it acts m a splendid tonic and win mule sturdy. hwld,y hind,.
Sohl and guaranteed by
'T'HE roan who smokes
I Master Mason KNOWS
the flavor of good tobacco.
fie demands the big Master
Mason plug, because to the
last pipeful it gives him the
best for the least money.
r -TIE HilRON - mum cO1TNC,1i.
(Continued from page 1.)
Geed Reals Contmiesioa
The Good Reads nalmisefen go -
Ported as follows:
Re motion of Armstrong and Col-
lins asking for additional county road
in Mullett, we recommend the same
be added and by-law passed.
Re motion of Neeb and Webb, re
uniform wage on county roads and
township roads, we recommend the
same as far a(6 possible.
Re motion of Robertson and Collins
re setting wages for county good
roads, we recommend no action as
the preceding motion takes up the
Re motion of Klopp and Webb, we
recommend the same be Looked into
by the engineer.
Re motion of Gallow and Maser
for grant of $8,000 for connecting
link in Goderich, we recommend the
work be done under supervision of
County Engineer and grant be made
if approved by the Government.
Re petition from Perth Council ask-
ing for a memorial to Provincial
Government that they pay fu11 cost
of Provincial Highways, we recom-
also recommend
ed to
, we
Corn -
g re
h re
k. --
trend no action. We
that the Government be eek
slake no change at present.
Re letter from Secretary Trea
Ontario Good Roads Association,
ing for membership fee of $15
recommend payment.
Re letter of John B. Mustard
accident on Bayfield Road, the
mittee met Mr. Mustard and
settlement for $150.
Re claim of Neil Mackenzie
damages for auto accident, the
mittee recommend payment of
for Baine.
Re engineer's report, we rec
mend that the matters ontlined
this report be considered when e
ing the levy, and the report be p
ed in the minutes.
Re motion of Beavers and Tip
re London Road, we recommend
action, but would recommend
County Provincial Roads.
Re motion of Smith and Tiplin
grant for Hensel! street, we rec
mend same be made if approved
Department of Public Works.
Re motion of Tipling and Smit
grant for Wingham roads, we rec
mend same if approved by Dep
ole n t.
Re motion of Neeb and Armstr Clause 3 of Report of Com
tee at January session, 1921,
•strictly adhered to, we recom.m
that such reports be sent to Roe's
each township instead of the Cler
B• W. F. Beavers, Chairman.
County Property,
The County Property Committee re-
ported as follows:
Re the motion of Messrs, 'McQuaid
and McNaughton appointing Dr. Gal -
low county representative on the
Board of the Children's Aid Society,
we reconunend that the appointment
1* made.
Re request of William Coates,
County Registrar, for more filing
space, we recommend two filing cas-
es be added and come linoleum for
office floor.
We visited the jail and found the
prisoners and property in good order.
We recommend some purchases be
made for the jail residence.
We recommend that the flag at
the Court House be repaired.
We visited the Children's Shelter
and found twelve children in all, and
everything in good order.
Re motion of Dr. Gallow re 161st
Band instruments, as the committee
is without the. necessary facts to de-
cide this matter we recommend that
it be left over until the June session.
—John McNabb, Chairman,
County Home,
The House of Refuge Committee's
report was as follows:
Re motion of Smith and Dodds to
make the weekly pay for board at
the County Home $3.50 for paying
inmates, we mecommend that the
weekly board rate be $4.00..—,W. J.
Spotton, Chairman.
Executive Committee.
The Executive Committee reported
as follows:
We neco amend the County printing
he given to Vanatcer & Naftel, the
Goderich Star.
We recommend that Thos. Legg's
tender for (neat for jail be accepted
at 12 cents per pound; that the ten-
der of John Cutt for groceries for.
jail be accepted, and that tender of
J. W. Smith for bread for jail he
accepted at 9e per 1',t pound loaf.
We recommend that a grant of
$100 be made to each Agricultural
Society holding a fall fair, including
one-half to lfirkton and Lucknow,and
that a grant of $25 be made to spring
fairs held at Clinton, Seaforth and
Re motion of' Beavers and Tipling
for grant to Horticultural Society, we
recommend no action.
Re on
we recommendthatthatQaalgrani off
be made to each public library in
the county.
Re motion of Tipling and Miller,
we recommend that a grant of $1,000
be made to the hospitals of Goderich,
Clinton and Wingham.
Re 'motion of Douglas and Naylor,
we reconinnend that, a grant of $25
be carie to each School Fair held in
Re motion of Gallow and Moser,
me recommend that a grant of $16
be made for flowers for Court House.
Re motion of McQuaid and Mope,
we recommend that a grant of $500
b eq madeto tothe Children's Aid So -
Re motion pof aid Be vers and Tipling,
we recommend that a special grant
of $4,800 be made tri the high schools
and collegiates to be divided in aa.;
eordanee to the number of county
pupils Attending each school,
Ste request from Goderich Hospital
for grant, we recommend no action
Re resolution 'from .'Clerk of York
��ty, we est of no action.
grant, we recommend .League for
no action.
Re request of Western Pair As-
on. w>>dah file ?'i�i�ial Giaveruaitant
LAST' agreed. to ape 4'balle of tet
oast, the gystom v/ar# laid, outlwith
view to.gsvdelfeli equal ri'POz+tiau of
r din sh to
"Frlittlros" Brought tier
Health and Strength
"Far 8eyears, I suffered constantly
from Ki[ja y Disease and Liver Trouble.
My health was miserable and nothing
in the way of ordinary medicine did
me any good.
Then I atarte4 to ase "Smit-weiives"
and the effect was remarkable. All
the pains, Headaches, Indigestion
and Constipation were relieved and
once more I was well.
All who suffer from such troubles
should take "bruit a-tives"
500 a box, 6 for $ 2,50, trial size 25e.
At deafens or sent postpaid by
Fruit -a -tires limited, Ottawa.
sedation for grant, we recommend no
request of
Chilldrenn National HSanitarium Sick
grant, we recommend no action.
Re request of Mrs. Greenway for
grant of *600 for Memorial Children's
Hospital, we refer this matter to the
County Council for their decision.
We recommend the following sal-
aries be paid county officials: For
Good Roads, $2600; for Oounty Roads,
$200; Warden, $100; Treasurer, $1650;
Clerk, $1600; Crown Attorney, $1,100;
Criminal Justice accounts each $5.00
per day and 10 cents a mile one way; i
County Auditors each $60; Caretaker i
of Court House and Registry Office,
'800; Inspector of House of Refuge, n
$3001 Physician Hbuse of Refuge,
1400; Manager House of Refuge, s
$1,200; Matron, $500; Assistant t
Matron, $400; Chaplain, $150; Jailor,
$800; Matron of Jail, $225; Turnkey, I a
$700: Physician to Jail, $120; School 1 t
inspectors for expenses, each, $525;
i -aunty Councillors, $5 per day and I 1
10 cents per mile one way. o
Re motion of Robertson and Jamie- 11
son, we recommend a grant of $75 I a
be made to S. B. Stothers to aid Boys'
Judging Team. ----John Douglas, Chair- fi
man. t
Oa ea. >tirn ;iry cha�it
that • haage'i%u , sktae'thab 'L
have bees made a vier to
arcing and conspleting the syste��yy
atthentim ottha ginandeslgn
tion, but which have since been r
!Mead, an attempt was made, ,by b
law, to make each ,township pay
all expenditures within the to
Thie by-law was found to be illeg
and was repealed, but nevertheless
understanding continued to exist t
the expenditures within each town*
were overate entirely from those
other townships, in spite of the. fac
that the eyatem was operating as
county system.
A system whereby the expenditur
in each township, aside from the go
ernment •grant, would be met by th
township, is, on the whole, very u
fair for the following reasons:
1.—Provincial highways .pae
through few townshipa and the count
portion must be met by the county.
2.—d'mvincial county roads are u
equally distributed so that some town_
scrips have no roads on which more
than 40 per cent. grant is paid.
3. Te Department of Highways
gives more a'tten'tion do petitions for
increased mileage, grants, etc., 'if
they know that the whole county is
behind the petition and that it is not
for the sole benefit of a segregated
4. ---The interest of the tow -ns in the
county system is not so readily de-
5.---Practioaily all of the main roads
of the county were originally buult
and maintained by the county, the
councillors of those times recognizing
the interest which each municipality
had in the roade of other m•unieipali-
ties, and the automobile has increas-
ed this interest very considerably.
6. —The administration of the work
s done by the county council, having
n mind the welfare of the county and
not specially that of the individual
l u nisi palitios. ,
The special report on equalization
ubmitted last January was based on
he direction from the council and
on what the council expected, and not
'together on what the members of
he committee thought most proper.
The special levies proposed in that
•sport were distributed over a period
f years so that ample opportunity
-sold be given to modify it if found
To my mind the only proper basis
er equalizing County Road expendi-
lres is to have an equal ,proportion
f main roads in each township desig-
nated and equally well maintained.
.his condition exists and our re-
ords .show that it is equally costly
maintain roads in all townships.
ach township enjoy+. the advantages
f .good main roads in other town-
ies and if it so happens that, dur-
g a certain time, the construction
a bridge or other cause makes it
eeessary to spend a little more in
e township than another, the lib-
el Government grants and the fact
at it is apt to happen in any town-
ie, make this condition very easy
'bear until the expenditures equal -
themselves. I would therefore re-
mmend that further consideration
given this matter before special
les are raised.
The annual returns to the Depart-
ent of Public Highways of the ex-
nditures on our County Road Sys -
in may be summarized as follows:
Provincial County Roads.
Special Committee.
Re recommendation from Depart-
ment of Agriculture asking for conn-
ty advisory agricultural council,
we tO
Recommend that this matter beleft E
over to the June session, when more o
information may have been received. sh
Re communication from county : in
clerk at Cornwall asking a memorial i of
be sent the Attorney -General of On-. n
tario, re pay to counties for deten- on
Hon of prisoners for B. O. T. A., we
recommend the memorial be sent.
Re resolution as passed by Balton sh
County asking that the law exempt- to
ing certain properties from municipal
be repealed, we recommendano be
Re communication from Provincial ice
Secretary asking opinion of votes for I
women at municipal elections, we re- t"
commend votes for husband and wife. pe
What increase should be made in to
the number of municipal electors re- I
quired to entitle a municipality to I
on in the county council,
we recommend if the wives and bus- Cdnsttvebion $20,996,04
bands are added to the list of voters Maintenance 39,838.35
that the increase be 50 per cent. , Bridges 5,223.54
Re letter from Ontario Municipal
Association, saving, ovier,,,,, s _ Total $66,056.95
under way to notify ,,,
y municipal clerks ; Anticipated subsidy, $39,634.16.
of ;proposed legislation, etc., and ask-
ing membership fes of $25 for.said I
association, we recommend no action,County. Roads,
Re resolution from town of Hespeler ;Construction *18,487.74
as ing that no change be made in -Maintenance
standard of entrance for matricula- Bridges
tion to universities, we recommend no Machinery
change be made.—B. W. T. Beavers, Superintendence
County Engineer
The report of the County Engineer and
Loss receipts for sales
rentals 633.64
Anticipated subsidy $ 44,402.48
Total expenditure 177,696.78
Total subsidy 84,036.64
This expenditure has been met as
Levy - $93,759.60
Special levy - from Wing -
ham 11,000.00
Government subsidy 84,036.64
Other receipts 633.64
Expenditures e177,696.78
wad as follows:
When in the year 1917 the County
of Huron assumed a system of roads
under the Highway Improvement Act,
Relieved by Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound
Lindsay. Ontario.—•'I used to have
very 11;,+1 pains in my hack and sides
���� B9)(11lU11ty �� and often w,u+ not
lrf< 1 /Daily r„e li-
i.,''• t eine ;ore I , hr-/
1 r', 1,1,llr R.
Pin lee • ; s •
lates moneyed ad-
vertise,; in !h
'Toronto Moire' and
now that it has
helped nie I recom-
mend it to all of
keep It in the noise a ilg theHineand take it once In a while no mat-
ter how well I fee?, for one ounce of
prevention is wor 11 a pound of cure.”
—Ewen anT1t CASH'S LL, 13 St Paul
8t., Lindsay, On arlo.
To do any kin( of work --and you
know there is mnoh to be done -els
next to lmposaihle if you are suffer-
ing from sone form of female trou-
ble. It may cause your back to ache
or a pain In your side; it may make
you nervous and- irrltahle. You may
be able to keep up apd around,• but
yon do not reel good.
Lifdte R. Plnicbani's Vegetable
11 laCompound
especially is amedicine
nt a tofirer ve the
chose Of these troubles and restore
therm to normal health.
2,729, 49
1921 Surplus $11,733.00
Accounts with boundary municipal-
ities have not yet been balanced, but
this should ineoease this surplus a-
bout $600.
Our maintenance accounts have
been composed of the following items:
Prov. County Roads County Rds.
Culverts $ 1,177.70 $ 2 620.45
Resurfacing 29,758.39 68,34084
Dragging ' 1,369.96 3,392.19
Oiling 24.34 2,826.88
Snow roads 19.40 152.22
Bridge repairs. 4,627.88 2,773.91
Weeds 18.00 19.05
Grading, etc2,742.68 6,813.29
Total $39,738.35 '.:1,938.83
(During the summer it is noted that
the roads become worn and rutted
during prolonged dry apelia. The
only remedy for this condition is
prompt attention to dragging where
necessary after every rain. Our
dragging costs for 1921 were $1,369,96
plus $8,392,19=$4,76216, and it is
believed that to increase this amount
by 50 ,per cent. next year will effect
a big improvement to the roads. --,Roy
Patterson, County Engineer.
Education Committee.
The Education Committee reported
As follows:
We recommend the appointment of
'the following gentlemen to the posi-
tion of trustees for the *emira1 col-
Capital Paid Up *4000,000
Reserve Fund ,$S,000,11)9
It is not neoeasary to .make a special trip to the nom;:
eat branch of The Molaona Bank every time you *mit4
to deposit money. Send your deposit to the Bankby
avail. Write to -day to tide nearest manager of The
e Bank for information
Brucefield St, Marys g,(rkyon
Exeter - Clinton Henson Zuidch
legiatga and High Schools: Wing -
ham, R. Vanatone; Clinton, R. Man-
- Hing; Seaforth, J. MOTavdab.; Exeter,
Wm. May; Goderich, Dr, McDonnell.
We also recornmen4 the.jayment of
the following accounts to the follow-
ing schools: Parkhill, $369.92; Lis-
to*Vell, $491,20; Seaforth, $8,812,73;
$4,659.39; Clinton, $7,062.16•
oder h , $5,462.09; Wingharty, $6,-
This committee would also recom-
mend that'Sayficf* a 6th class school
employing two teachers, although one
pupil short receive the double county
grant; also the Dungannon school,
'Re motion of Douglas and Dodds,
commend same grants as last year.
re continuation schooT grants, we re -1
Re motion of McQusrid and Tipling,
re tuition fees of Collegiate, High
School and Continuation pupils, we
recommend they be as they have been
in the past.
We recommend that when the aver-
age attendance of the fifth class
.pupils is five or more and two or more
teachers are tenployed the county
grant be double the legislative grant,
said grant not to exceed $300 and in
all the other fifth class schools the,
county grant be equal to the Legis-
lative grant as provided by statute. '
Why envy the nobleman, back in
ancient Egypt or Bagdad with thirty
slaves toiling fur him?
He had swift -running slaves bring
him fish from the ocean and bird
tongues from the mountains.
To -day, with a few coins, you can
get a tin can of shrimp brought from
Japan, a package of dates from Syria,
a bag of nuts from Brazil; sardines
from Norway.
Your slaves --machinery and power
--bring them.
For a few cents you catty buy en-
ough matches to start 1,000 fires.
When the ancient nobleman's fire was
doused by the rain, he shivered in the
cold until slaves made a blaze by
friction or brought firebrands from
Plenty of old settlers, now Living,
can recall the days before matches,
when they ran a mile from the near-
est neighbors, with a shovelful of
blazing coals.
Your real wealth is measured, not
in money, but in the number of things
you obtain to eat and wear, the ease
with which you get them, the com-
forts and conveniences of your 'home,
methods of transportation and amuse-
It is only a few centuries since
even the richest kings had no sewers,
running water, rapid transportation,
or any of the commonplace things
that brighten the lives of all to -day.
Each year adds to our comforts
and conveniences.
A tiny beetle, smaller than a lady-
bug, is causing much damage to tele-
phone cables in California, reports
Popular Science, by gnawing tunnels
through the protective lead covering
of the cables. The rain -water pene-
trates to the wires inclosed in the
lead tubing and causes short-circuits.
No effective method of combatting
these destructive beetl`e's .has as yet
been devised and the telephone com-
panies have sent an urgent appeal
for aid to the entomological bureau
of the Department of Agriculture, in
Washington, D. C.
We have frequently heard J. J.
Morrison alluded to as "the soul of
the U. F. O. movement"; now Agnes
McPhail, M.P., calls him "that com-
mon old soul with a bald head," So
the U. F. O. secretary is sufficiently
identified,—Hamilton Herald.
Back of the Ears and
a Nostrils- Proof of sue-
, nn mitry by in - drugaiat,
oe sit CAN:^o„
0 Cay
For Sale by
E. UMBACH, Seaforth
A new oil lamp that gives an anaz-
ingly brilliant, soft, white light, even
better than gas or electricity, ,itaa
been tested by the U. S. Government
and 35 leading universities ani fouai
to be superior to 10 ordinary aid
lamps. 1t burns without odor, smoke
or noise—no pumping up, is simple„
clean, safe. Burns 94% air and 6%
common kerosene (coal -oil).
The inventor, F• N. Johnson, 246
Craig St, W„ Montreal, is offering
to send a Lamp on 10 days' FREE trial
or even to give one FREE to the first
user in each locality who will help
him introduce it. Write him to -thy
for full particulars. ' Also ask Min
to explain how you can get the agency
and without experience or money
make $250 to 1500 per month.
J. Connolly, Goderich - - President
Jas. Evans, Beechwood vice-preeideny
T. E. Hays, Seaforth - Secy-Treas.
Alex. Leitch, R. R. No. 1, Clinton; Ed,
Hinchley, Seaforth; John Murray,
Brucefield phone 6 0n 137, Seafortk;
J. W. Yeo Goderich; R. G. Jar-
muth, Brodhagen.
William Rinn, No, 2, Seaforth; John
Bennewies, Brodbagen; James .Evans,
lock; Geo. McCartney, No. 3, Seaforth,
Beechwood; M. McEwen, Clinton; Jas.
Connolly, Goderich; 13. F. McGregor,
R. R. No. 3, Seaforth; 3. G. Grieve,
No. 4, Walton; Robert Ferris, Her.
Children Ory
CAST -0141A
Nothing Else is Aspirin—say- "Bayer"
Warning! finless you sec name
"Bayer" on tablets yon are not getting
Aspirin at all. Why take chances?
Accept only an unbroken "Bayer"
packaIg e which contains directions
worked out by physicians during 21
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Colds, Headache, Earache, Toothsehe, ,
Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Neuritis, Lum-
bago, and Pain. Made in Canada.
All druggists sell Bayrr Tablets of
Aspirin in handy tin boxes of 12 tab-
lets, and in -bottles of 24 and 100.
Aspirin is the trade mark (registered
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Monoaceticacidester of ,Salicylicaeid.
While 'it is well known that Aspirin
means Bayer manufacture, to assist the
public against imitations, the Tablets
of Bayer Company will be stamped
with their general trade mark, the
"Bayer Cross:"
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