HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1922-01-27, Page 8FAII'3tIUM. 4 4 "tIF H ISCU'1TLE tlir °+1slog 'Fate of a detective s bath adventure {lift . a shipwreck, ,-._ALSO-e- "WILLIAM DUNCAN" In his new Chapter Piey "FIGHTING FATE" Chapter Play is ens coatinu- 8d Amazing, Thrilling Story of Smashing Adventure, Intrigue and Romance. A BIG SHOW AT USUAL PRICES Adults 15o 8.15 pen. Children lee Matinee Monday—.4.15 p.m. All Seats 10 Cents STRAND Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the Seaforth Agricultural Society Will be held at the Library building on- Friday, January 20th, at 1 o'clock. GEORGE McKEE, President. M. BRODERICK, Secretary. STRATFORD, ONT: WINTER TERM FROM JANUARY 3rd. Weatern Ontario's best Com- mercial School with Commer- cial, Shorthand and Telegraphy departments. We give indivd- nal instruction, hence' Entr- ance" standing is not neces- eery. Graduates assisted to positions. Get our free cata- logue for rates and other pan- ticulars. D. A. McLachlan, Principal. The Double Track Route Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT, and CHICAGO. Unexcelled Dining Car Service. Sleeping ears on Night Trails and Parlor Cars on principal Day Trains. X11 information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning, District Passenger Agt., Toronto. W. R. Plant Agent FURS WANTED G. E. HENDERSON, 281941 Licensed Buyer. ..DON'T THROW YOUR OLD CARPETS AWAY They make new reversible "Velvetex" Rugs Send for Velvetex Folder 29. CANADA- RUG COMPANY, LONDON. ON T. Key No. 29 - ;AMES WATSON ' ah' Street - Seaforth Ageift for Singer Sewing Machines, and General In- nurance Agent. ALICE MONEY AT HOME fa $GO paid weekly foulk. No ; aPaxe time wri e ins t [ <1 1tcL t` cial inn, he14�tohe`CCoou ereiel Hotel in Seafortla, which has not been runningfor the pant two years, to r• Mr. Dungey. of Mibeheli. Mx. Dungey is well known to the travel- ling pub l' lc, having mux the Collison House in Michell for several years, and is making preparations to have the hotel redecorated and refurnished throughout, Which will make it one of the best hotels in western Ontario. It is expected the hotel will be open- ed about. the first of. March, and the new proprietor is secured a success- ful business as Seaforth has been badly in need of additional hotel ac- commodation for some time. Curling Notes.—The Seaforth Curl- ing Club seems to be more alive this winter than ever in its history, and has a larger membership. At pres- ent the three pair atone competition. for the W. D. Stewart trophy is in full swing, with the club veteran, John Steele, who l8 80 years young, still in the first flight and prepara- tions are now going forward for .a big local bonapiel to be field in Febr- uary, for the J. R. Lyon Cup. Each Wednesday evening all the ice ,Is taken up with the weekly rink prize competition, which is one of the most popular events. A rink composed. of F. C. Jackson, W. E. Southgate, Geo. Bethune and W. Ament, skip, are -at- tending the big benspiel in Owen Sound this week. Juniors Win The District.—.lSea= forth defeated St. Marys in a play- off at Stratford on Wednesday even- ing( 5-2, winning the district and qualifying for the next round. 'The game was one of the best exhibition ever put up by our Juniors, every player doing his full share to enable us to win. St. Marys supporters went over to Stratford in hundreds, there also being a good bunch of hooters from Seaforth. Seaforth scored three goals in the first period, St. Marys drawing a blank. The sec- ond ,period was closely contested, St. Marys getting bhe only goal. In the final period Seaforth scored twice, while St. Marys was only •able to find the net once. The game was very clean, very few minor penalties be- ing handed out. Seaforth will see some grand games in the next round. Seaforth Agricultural Soeiety.--,The annual meeting of the Seaforth ' Agri- cultural Society was held nn the Carnegie Library Hall on Friday last with a good attendance of members present. Mr. George McKee, the p-esident, occupied the chair, and the different reports presented sh'ow- ed the past year to have been a sue- cessful one from every point of view. It was decided to held the annual spring fair on Friday, March 31st, ann the fall fair, an it has been for a number of years, on the first Thursday and Friday, after the Lon- don Fair, which this year twill be September 21St and 22nd. It was also decided to enter the Combined Thresher Gram and Field Crop Com- petition in oats, the entry to be not less than five acres. The following officers were elected for this year: President. J. A. Stewart, Seaforth; 1st Vice President, Thomas Living- stone, Hulieett; 2nd Vice President, Russel Dorrance; Directors, McKillop, F. McKercher, Jehn - Eckert, James Carlin, Jr.; Hallett, W. Mason, T. SIc- M•ichael; Tuckeram]'th, George: Mc- Cartney, James Hay, James •Carno- chan; Seafoeth De. Harburn, F. T. Fowler, G. D. C. H.arn; auditors, C. Stewart and Andrew Scott. Duncan--Syivester.—A quiet wed- ding was solemnized at St. Stephen's Church, Calgary Setnrdav, January 14th, by the Rey. Canon Samos, B.A., when Shirley Jackson Sylvester, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Sylvester, of Cslgarv, was .united in marriage to Mr. William Wallace Duncan, only sen of the late Thomas Wallace Duncan, of Seaforth, Ont., and Mrs. Dnnean, of Victoria. The bride's cnstnme was of white broad- cloth, with hat of silver Lace and cor- sage bougnet of sweet peas and lily of the valley. The wedding recep- tion was held at the home of the bride's parents which was beautifully decorated with holly and roses. Re- ceiving with Mr, and Mrs. Sylvester was Mise M. Goldie, cousin of the grooat. Those assisting with the re- freshments were Mrs. A. Moffat, Mrs. E. S. Rennie, of Toronto; Miss Betty Watchorn. Miss Marie Beattie, Miss Agnes Robertson and Mies Florence Robertson. Mr. and Mn.sDuncan deft on the evening train for the coastal cities, the bride travelling in anavy suit with squirrel tape collar:sad smart hat of e r v end grey. Their futurehome will be .in Victoria. The groom is -a native of Seaforth. and has. many old friends here who will extend congratulations. Mr. Duncan is a son of the late Thomas Dt,aeall, one of the members of the firm of Duncan & Duncan, which, for many years, carried en a large dry goads business in Seaferth. Wild Cats vs. Bankers. --.In the Palace Rink on Friday eve& 1g Jan- uary 20th, the mild Cat Puck Chasers in their 'Atat game of hockey met their defeat to the Seaforth Bankers by a score of 2 to 1. The gramme throughout was a splendid exhibition of amateur hockey and the girls aliened they had great Staying wers atld.'were there 'a11 the time. The Ink - Ringers were .somewhat "handicap- ped". as they. were only allowed the tree of one hand, and Referee Daws Reid was kept more than busy in geeing 'that there were no fouls hi this 'respect. Individual rashes were 'mtteh do evidence and it a vita 'e`r, Was e i eb r► atdt Pugh, P. lie al 'Wia.iti1I is o MMI n 6 that Mae McGeocl it1 a}meq q wonder, and aaved the ..dey 'ntxa g times. Several penalties wet 1la114=. ed out but no casratties''were raiport. ed. The return gam will Se d in the near futare and will. no o 'bt, be looked .forward to with touch 'in- terest by the enthusiastic taws. ' The line -up: --Wild Cats, goal, Mae Mc. Gooch; defence, Verna Graves and Norma N Jeffrey; centre. M$ry 'Hab- kirk; wings, Janet and Jean Hays; Bankers, goal, Tam -$meth; defence, Allen ,Reid and Gord. Kaye; centre, Edmund Keating; wings, F. Downie D. McTaggart, Rete oi61, to satisfaction of all. We 'box of BQAK$ of- Pion r o ',Awe eligbtly ern and nail - • from batt This is all en` the metal we are now of- fering 'tll,>Jg ' t: Greatly Reduced Prices were regular 1614 0140, 014,a 1d.$1,6O Books, now 59 CENTSH OR 2 FOR 51.00 Joists For Sale.—,Fiftben joists 242 induce be 10 tee, new. As,ply to William Smithere. 2828,58 Vet Sala—Some good young Dire. about 0. months old and about 50 pounds each. L. G. VnnEgeaoud, 8eufoeth, Ont. .2024x1 Don't forget the tea at the home of Mrs. Adam Hays on Saturday, Jbnuary 28545 un- der theal/spiced of the Neil Shaw Aunillar•r of Egmondville Church. 28244 For Sale.—One flat topped deals 30 inches by 42 inches, with three deep drawore and one abNiow one. Apply to J. C. Laing. Sea. earth. 2020x! Wax Candles for Caodlemee Dar.—We are still doing bushman at the old stand. Gro- certeu and cored meats, just a little cheaper than the cheapest Give us a call. Thomas , Daly, Grocer. 2024-2 The Neil Shaw Auxiliary of Fgmoadville Church would be pleasedto have you pateonlac their tea at the home of litre. Adam Haps on Saturday. January 28th. frbbm 8 to 7 p.m. 2024-1 House and Let For 8ale.—Mr. Samuel Gotts- chalk has placed with me for sale his rani - dance on the wet side of Victoria Street - This property in in the very beat condition, bevies. been completely overhauled two years ago: hard and soft water, good petiar and - house heated by furnace, electric lighting. This in a good property and will be sold reasonably, as the owner is leaving town. For portioulara apply to John Rankin, Broke,r,. Seaforth, Ont 2024s8 Red Cross.—The annual meeting of the Red Cross Society was held in the Carnegie Library on Wednesday afternoon, January 18th, when a num_ ber of ladies were ,present. The of- ficers and executive were re-elected. The,secretary's report showed a great deal of assistance given to returned soldiers and others requiring H. Mra. F. H. Larkin is -a delegate to the annual meeting of the Ontario Di- vision of the Canadian Red Cross. to be held in Toronto, on Tuesday, Jan- uary 31st. The following is the fin-' ancial statement of the Red Cross So- ciety for the year ending September 30th, 1921: Receipts --Balance on hand October last, 1920, $24.72; fees, $227.25; donations. $14.70; Famine Fund collections, $256.67; proceeds from "Gipsy Maid" operetta, $175.40; proceeds from tea, $76.12; total, 1773.86. Exuendl'ture--Ifo headquar. ters, 8368.67; local relief- work, $212.50; delegate, fees. 516.60; sun- dry expenses, 8120.35; balance on hand October 1st, 1921, $55.74; total, $773.88. Grace Mullen, Treasurer. r St. Thomas' Church Club—The en tertainment given by the Lady Min istrels of St. Thomas' Church Clu S Seaforth on Friday evening Fast, ant -classed , ' w"o' ilD�llq • wing a1�Als:da'yp iv'rifdta'iI� int' .�.ntlYrt �aisge��:-ta�f ��aI 'g5ro.; walpbhtt, Reel<o a# �3adeptoti, tali tsll1It was else $d >ltxd.en •et t21g ,/0"413' puar session of t2.4 +Mlirti+3t "3: - 011= ell in Ge4eriels fin . �'asatW iddr. Cha it 'Ih IT5',e'i'' London, is visiting at the •k erg -of Mes. l'itert "Strong in w it oadv m thin Agneas McLellan'' and abater, Johnston, ' Meh)lroy, are 'visiting in Landon tibia Weeel —Vim Glew, ' of, Clinton, agent the week end at *e, home of her brother, Mr. W. A. Crieh. ,--Miss Helen Itugheai. of Ingersoil, is lit ''vleit4ftg her aunt ' Mrs ' BOOKSTO$)ak - . SEAPORTS' t the guest of lass Madera Stewart. -r 8 Sadie Campbell of Hamilton • Sidney .141tI56, Centre Street,-•-sMra. D..Ohit- tender meat. a few, days this -;sneak with Gln friends;—Mies -+Ganes Three Stephens 'and Miss Rdse Dorsey .are visiting with -friends in' Detroit this, pullet year'. total of 2,546 eggs Their indivi' records are as fol locus: 181 :., 210, 231, `220, 210 - 219. 183, 2 ' 62, 197, 201. Thr of these b{ -sn t with accidents which keret. it '1,04;. dual 'record w '—Mins Annie Baxter fa attend - down co Vowel Ai .-rah ing of th>) Sat of was 'held lit '47 150.4' thtil``6 an{1 odicafia clew AidtP 740 00 MO hetet since;=. the Leagpe /a teWance . at enfl work done by atclai atateinb tt treasurer, Mra. Showed that -a f ehrishin apt ceipts to 0602 80, expos a aim" of a ani ual meet- , r iithsnall en ' Will- risrt: wap gl�sn' 1122. • aqr ; �tbgaae h rlth nt at=` las sly. Fourteen pullets log the rnil3iiuery open a in `Ibrouto. $0 on ilsod: 'rhe' hatched —The G. W. V: •A: alpe rfioldin . ',a Alto and i ors � all Etgrt¢were !hr 'these twelve birds in • $ a g; • 1921 laid, d ling the- month • of De- dance In bhelr elub, teolrs' *1st,Fri- camber,officers t of 388 a days evening.—.11teaveParke o a oltel eggs. These Sean pullets atalted to lay at about six forth; Merfaugbtod, xf Taciogpelnith, McQuaid, of McKillop, and �t :God h x - months end till but two df them laid the full Relief,One started on the strong, ad Hallett, are in second and ='bother on the third. this toils attending tbe_Counby Colin- The individerliTrecord of each of these. The M Plaled yers Wivpouted es" in 28, 28, 27, _ 24, 26, 24, 274 27, 26, 26, 28, 27., 2 ;;'total 366. These birds house.—Mr..Jack Edmonds has ro sea a trap -nested and a u rom t, were he spent pullets foe DeC situher was as follows a coinedY, !'Bcramb Clinton on Monday night to a large have b II t ed f Debraih complete teedof each kept." the (past couple of months. -The many friends of Miss'Marylfiling; Remand- LocalRrit4—Whin London vile are •pleased to see her -out again week Mr, S. T. Holme purchased a after having been confined to her very llandsptlile motor hearse from home fez the past two months with the well /maim firm of A. B. Grear an attack Wof •Johnstontors soul" & Son, which will' be delivered here olsm Mr' W Johnston has sold the in about , }veeka. Mr, Holmen old Colbert property in Egmondvillex now has a nti motor equipment es to Mr. Ingram, of :Woodetoele,.� 'liar, comlectioa' wi k his undesiAl n and Mrs. Johnston . Larkin, alma . to fors—Mrs, William Chapman is V y- Condon.—Mos. F. H. t eiddr ss g.. in icing in Wigigleam at the home of her Clintoneon Friday last addressingry daughter, .Mae. A. Walker.--Mr..Fi. meeting of the Women's} Missiorlga�y Society of Willis' ehuncll Z , G. Neelin and ,Mr, J. G. Mullen were Y. McLean is spending:ek w(*ye in Toronto on Thursday attending at the home of her son in Goderioh, the Luncheon given by the Lieuten- ant Govern -4 of Ontario.—Miss St.. -Mr. W. Laidlaw, of Alberta, ille.— Clair, of Tolroato, is visiting her niece, M ng his m, oinf Egmond visiting Miss Uai1Cp;'inf the Collegiate staff.— at her • hone of Buffalo, is visiting Miss at home here. Ir sIn. J. G. Pommel BO�h�fy'�,gf 'Si�. 'Thomas, is ' a is visiting with friends in Parte:--. guest at'tii t e of Mr. W. G''Wil- .iVlrs. Isaac Mode]and `was in Olinton lis �Mi•A, - Smillie, of Toronto, this week visiting her brother, 'Mr. was visiting friends here this week. Crieh, who is ill. — Dr. McKenzie ___ ___ Smith and Miss Campbell, nurse, of :0111,111111111111111111MBii ilimllilliiillt: SeafortTorontoh paid $n o!ooial visit to the ,- public school on Thursday.. —The ice harvest is in full swing, and the' quality this year is excellent. _ DR E.E.REID ALLEN —'Mrs• L. C: Jackson has been eons fined to her livnlethrough illness for ' Chiropractic Specialist = the past two weeks. A successful box social was head in the Methodist Church on' Mond&v evening, under the susliic ofWde• w 98$e Hours: 2 to 5 p.m. 6 to 8 = taught by Ms, F.. 1 , Hutchison, sir, p'lu` ▪ F. Crich'" presided. Mr. Ed. Bright Consultation Free. t▪ ributed an instrumental. Theboxes Roy'ii Apartments, tr were sold and a nice sum added to fi. ' the treasury.—Mrs. $. Colqukoun, - Ontario. = who- was'here attehding 'the fumeral _a of .her fstlle¢, the •late WiRfiam Kers- Guy Bros. or the 'Sunny South Mi strela in point of merit 'with the witty jokes contributed to provide.the club members with social entertainment. The musical selections in point of ability were pronounced and to par- ticularize in the merit of the acting the various roles would seem invid- ious, yet the Highland Fling and Scottish sword dance by Miss Dilly Freeman, with bagpipe accompani- ment by Miss Guera Brown assured- ly took the cake, and in 7esoonse to the well deserved encore, were each presented with a bouquet of cauli- flower. The poetess leturette of the club Miss Margaret Edge. is .guilty of the following looa•1 quips: • We have a noble .army of martyrs They are everyone self starters. If you want to hear them singing, Come to church when the bell is ring- ' ing. There's a worthy band of women, They call themselves 'the W. A.; They work very hard for the heathen, Especially when they are drinking ray. There's a chap comes out from Kin - burn, He plays the organ like a /ark; Perhaps some of you have already guessed That his name is Mr. Clarke. There are two men who show their braineume, They have no hair on their craneums, They will soon be growing fathers--. Johnny Archibald and Wm. Smithery. Thea town has a:wonderful Reeve; No, we need nit longer grieve,• No one now can play any larks,' That Reeve's name is Richard Parkes. 311111I111ij111111dt111111 ,i,it11Hi1111111111 ' Min lake'Winnipeg, leas returned to her home in We're a club of men and winlmin,' .Evergthing would just go svrirninin' Etat our funds are getting low, fiecauee William Little told us' so. This Club is for our amusement,.• We are not what you call straight laced; But we have a dandy President And his name is Arnold Case. There's a men who, for our comforts, Every Friday gets we steam, We would surely freeze without him, And his naso is William Deem. There is a .man, who, as a rule, Always comes to Sunday School, For every child he has got Iselin', That 'man's Name is Mr. Neelin. The Kind of Hens the May* Keeps. —A communication from Mayor H. Golding to the Globe do Mond� pd says:."] have been very much inter- ested in ,reading in differentpapers the (splendid egg laying moonlit that dbeen +made by Indic*** liens alis illy Soaks. 1 belie► aaguild + s!i .fit rot theon tr Princess Now Playing HOPE HAMPTON —in— "THE BAIT" A Paramount Picture. The tale of a crook who fished for money with the charms of a beautiful girl. Directed by Mauriee Tourneer, the screen's' greatest master 'of Melodrama. ADDED ATTRACTION Oddfelloe s Convention 10,000 Oddtellowa parade and 'Carnival at Toronto last Sepiee. ber. (Official Pictures). Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday EUGENE O'BRUIN "THE LAST DOOR" trtmd Friday ,and Saturday GLA r$ WALT(9N Ia DESPFATB YOUTH Two wise oft thaws—"the course of true love never : did run smooth"— and—"there's mooth'-sand—•"there a nothing so interesting MI the ,people 'tither people marry,: Thst''why PEitATE YOUTH" is just the lad 'of Went -Mesa love etdry that gives you one perfect hour of entertainment,. "LA Ri itilg Orb's" Funniest hard ninatiSatiariplug Comedy "I CE 'Thrills; "Lan `it. and New Stun* keepis yoth+sbeatas mproar, "Thq� iEtrap�ittefe COltttdy we hare ever {shown. Adults; 15c $45 p, a, Children !Oe Heat'. err,: fin Calnuw . BRODHAGEN Dance at Btodhagoa at Dennewels Hell, on Wodneaday, February I. Nays Orchestra. Excellent lunch. Aooammadation for horses, Everyone welcome, 2828-0 The Late Jolin`'E tie, a burbly '66teeiae McKI11op TonmantP, suddenly:ani ilPejcpeot y.,.011 'day 'afternpnu of:laat wee.- Ile been in hie usual health -milk -had goii 0 out atter dinner to"gat Wttreturnin as §oorJns gsuarble tt Miss Beattie, ,pi'eelde4 with became alargy$d and',went , of -him and foulldr•him Jq) daat)�w' the orchard, an, iirter2 linin 11 ruptured in bis brad! Hey;, speared mbar.Asa 4 !�N Church and h0 , i Oji Mc,KIllen. The -funeral Thursday aftesmooi fro " gals residence to the Maiblandbank . tory. REG ULAN lES THIS APPLIES -TO EVERY PIECE OF FUR IN STOCK J Notes.—The School Board granted our genial teacher, Miss Rose Dor- sey, with a week's holidays• and she left last Monday to spend the week , with friends in Detroit.—A number 03 the Liberaia will attend the meet- ' ing on Wednesday next in Carnegie Library, Seaterth, to select a dele- gate to attend the convention to be held to select a Leader for the (party' in Ontario. DUBLIN' Notes. --The intense cold wind: on Sunday last, mingled with the 'flyin dust and snow, prevented many from attending church services;—•Mr. Thos. Molyneanx is improving slightly,— Mr. Thomas Fawcett, of the few* th concession of Hibbert, is very :ser- iously il•1.—Mr. P. Judge makea a good business man for the Don inion Rouse. Travellers find " the hotel well heated and the ' meals bf the best.—,Ney's Orchestra will furnish the music for an old-time dance on Friday night in the Opera House. T1aTCKERSMITH Box Social In Schoolhouse, S 8. No.. 4. Tooketnmft 118 minas west of �Egmoadvine. on IN -day eveltniie;: Pelirniyy 8t�d A- good .programme will e' !even. b .:iad1ed . please btdnat'a box.. Gehtlenten. -be Aare sad buy one. 2884-5 Reeetptjon,..-. 'inoa% enjoyable,even- ing was agent at the- home. of 'Mr. and Mrs. 9amtnfel Ilenstn, of the Ot)i concession 'of .,Tuckersmith, on Mon- day evening, the 10th, the occasion being the reception tendered to Mr. and 'Mrs. Alex. Park after : their wed- ding. As a mark -Of .their apprecia- tion of Mr. and Mra. Park, the people of the neighborhood presented them with a handsoine gift,of silver ware, aeco'inlpaaied by -a suitable address. - Mr. Park made a very feeling and appropriate reply. The evening' was spent in dancing. In the early haat$ of the morning the compatoy fellate - ed to their several beiaeli haV1slgg spent a very pleasant -wain' goat fs, . are lend in their ycelpes i a loin- 1pitality of the:Ili: `d hoeteie eek4 at the sante tilri$�eaii$apg tc they. bite` newlythat y 's -long. and prosperetio..W l to and thq't:they would 'IR tri sake theeir new ',mike in rriteA rt herlkoud REmARKABfak ':'Q1oARA cE of LADIES' COATS and DRESSES Remarkable because the styles are so good and the prices are so low. A little money will buy a beautiful Coat or dress at this Sale if yeti don't delay; ONE.QT1ARTER OFF regular prices, even o n Coats and Dresses that have only been in the store a few weeks.