HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1922-01-13, Page 8am} CASEY" at the STRAND THEATRE ItAY AND SATURDAY ober 8.15 pm. Children 10c 8 p.m. SATURDAY trand ls. ds of Quality Club Bags, $4 to $25; Suit Cases, 65c W $16; Shopping Bags, $1.40 to $5; Ladies' Auto Gloves; Auto ,Gauntlets, Warm Mitts, Gloves, Piave? Auto • Wool Rugs, Heavy Re- versible Plush Rugs, Knee hugs, Wool Horse Blankets, No. 1 Buffalo Robes, Fancy Jute Blankets, Set Fancy Harness, Sleigh Bella, Whips, Halters, Trunks. Shoe Repairing a Specialty Broderick's LEATHER GOODS STORE —Shoe Repairing a Specialty— ,144, 9t L'L�l it STRATFORD, ONT. WINTER TERM FROM JANUARY 3rd. Western Ontario's best Com- mercial School with Commer- cial, Shorthand and Telegraphy departments. We give indivd- sal instruction, hence "Entr- ance" standing is not neces- sary. Graduates assisted to positions. Get our free cata- logue for rates and ether pan - beaters. D. A. McLachlan, Principal. 0 ,�yltt'lew`` G. W`,r' �, a eat e1 4189D ho imide lw able ladfee, C Pi + `a e and;1 'row'�q •: v n the anaj19C81� , . W. Y. 11.:, . q l' ^ weed> llen0enS .i.. ' , > A: their club TOSM, .o. r9ded eve. ; bo mild: unio at;Cx9fi111--.'lids a The winnel>k1iz,.yF4xe; re. A, t 1 a ow of @ Mulllci l likeri be and 'Mrs F4, ll c, Toile, subaembed�r eadh n4eAd9xer.aaa the Qlerlr c3latf}papman-Jlat a t '" "'' "-' of '5400 he given the Band 'and a-, Fractured AAkle:—A desPateh frills lave prepared for salve. 'no-, Idatowel to the,daiiy .papers on Men- Smith—That the Childree!:: Aid, So - day says. Mise Glare .Mason, aurae ciety of Huron be granted ;IA.'Parke= intraining at the Memorial Hospittl Beattie -.-That a ear of 'di -incl: lamp here, fractured the small bone in tar Gibson Elkhorn opal he got for the ankle. She was coming out cif her Waterworks. Cardoso -Smith That boarding house with Miss McDonouttit, .that Iiy-law 230, appointing °Metals, nurse graduate, when she stepped 'n Il TEs The Double Track Route Petweeu • " )MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT, afid CHICAGO. Unexcelled Dining Car Service. Sleeping cars on Night Trains and Parlor Cars on principal Day Trains. the sidewalk and fell." Miss Mason be read its several times, as follows: Wilson,Clerk,0• J A. if - A.60 WH- IMS J W o was an employee in the J. Maotavf@}l :son, Treasurer, $300; M. Broderick, atom here for several years and hal( Assessor, 8150• Wan. Gillespie, $70 .many friends here who will sincerely, regret to learn of her accident. per month; Knight, $65 per month; A. W. Stobie, $40 per month; A. Me- Henderson—McIntosh — A et Kay, $80 per month; A. Scott and John MacTavish, auditors, $25; J. M. wedding was solemnized at the.' iBest, solicitor, $100; A. R. Box, Fite Killop Manse by Rev. J. A. Fergnaoa Chief, $76; fence viewers, Wm. Wil - on Friday evening of last week, when son, Wm. Morrison, J. Grieve; John Miss McIntosh, • daughter of the late Finlayson, member of Collegiate .In - George McIntosh, became the bride otic» to Board; Wm. Hartry, member of John Henderson, of Seaforth.MB1ff of Library Board; J. Hluchley, mem- friends will join The Expositor in ber of Board oi< Health. Cerdno- congratulations and best wishes to Smith—That by-law 231, appointing the newly married couple. Wm. Gillespie fruit tree peat inspec- ' tor, be read the several times. Beat - Mission Auxiliary Organized. -,A tie.Grieh—That by-law 232, to borrow Young Women's Missionary Auxiliary $86600 for current expenses, be read named hi honor of a former pastor, its several times. Beattle-Crich— t,ev. Neil Shaw, was organized an That three barrels of tarvia be orden- Saburday afternoon in the Egmond- ed Parke -Beattie --That the engin- 'Title Presbyterian Church. The fol- ser put the plans of new waterworks lewing .officers were elected: Presi- in such a shape that the council may dent, Mrs. (Rev.) S. McLean; 1st ''''''ice- proceed as early as possible with it. president, Mrs. R. McKenzie; 2nd vice Smith-Cardno—'rhat the Council ads president, Jean Hays; secretary, Miss vertise for tenders for snow plowing Grace Knechtel; treasurer, Mis8 and that the street committee deal Jessie McMillan; Press Sec., '4lisst with the same. The council then ad - Billy Chesney; Strangers' Secretary, journed to meet at the call of the Miss Grace E.Igie; Pianist, Miss Pearl mayor. Strong; Convenor of Music, Miss ; o Claire Sproat- Convenor of 'Look -out' (lu onnittee, Miss Pearl Carnochan; For Sale. -Nine young pigs three months old. Apply te L. G. VanEgmond. 2822x1 Convenor of Flower Committee, Miss,Muff Lost -A mink muff with four tails. 'rieird Simpson. Apply to The Expositor Office. 2821-2 --+'"'---- l For Sala -.A set of black fox furs, nearly 'Phe Expositor.—As an indication New. Will sell reasonably. APpIY to The of the far-reaching influence of The Examiner oeiee. 2822x1 Expositor, we may be pardoned for Another car f teed born ane is eom- mentioning the following incident: A •Iruc at once. Let us book your orders now. local subscriber hard an ad. inserted W. M. Stewart 2822-1 Car No. 2 western Onto and a car No. 2 for the recovery of a stray steer. I American Corn ill be in in a few .dove. His adjoining neighbor has a brother Place your orders now. A. McCuaig, Phone living near Vancouver, also a eub- , 81. Seaforth,, 2822-1 scriber, who noticed the ad., and writ- , For Sale: --Scranton coal. egg, stove and ing to his brother here inquired if , nut coal, ils.80 a ton. mixed coal 81500; the steer had been found yet. The , earth°"�• Ils.00. wPpny to w. L. aey 22zea 1 loss was news to the Ontario man, but it is needless to state that he lost no Twoive inch and 15 inch leather top Heavy 1 time enrollingas a subscriber to i 80 50 at a5.00 a pair. Regular in and , 56.50 velum. Gat in bePoz. your tiu is Huron's favorite newspaper. He gone. Tho Coot Shoe Store. opposite the didn't want to be out of it all the Expositor ofsee. ¢822x1 time. Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning; District Passenger Agt., Toronto. W. R. Plant Agent FURS WANTED All kinds of Itaw Furs, delivered et the Dick House, Seaforth. Highest Cash Prices. G. E. HENDERSON, 2819-tf Licensed Buyer. DON'T THROW YOUR ALD CARPETS AWAY They make new reversible "Velvetex" Rugs Send for Velvetex Folder 29. CANADA RUG COMPANY, LONDON. ONT. Key No. 29 A Painful Accident.—Mr. William Wright, machine expert at Carlin Bros.' Garage, met with a serious and painful accident one day last week. He was working in the garage under' a car suspended by chains, when the chains slipped, allowing„ the- car to fall on him, with the result that one tooth was knocked out, Ms arm Was badly bruised and his nose broken. We are glad Mr. Wright is able to be about again and although his in- juries are still very painful, he thinks be was fortunate, under the circum- stances, to get off as well as 'he did, �rr- Family Re-anion.—A very pleasant family reunion was held at the 'home of Mr. Robert Scarlett in McKillop last week, when Mr. and Mrs. Scar- lett gave a dinner to sixteen relatives of the family in honor of the host's brother, Mr. James Scarlett, of Innis - fail, Alberta who is spending the winter here after an absence of 31 years. It is needless to say that all present thoroughly enjoyed the re- union. Mr. Scarlett is one of the many Huron old boys who have made good in the west, and he is now one of the prominent men in his adopted province. He is greatly enjoying his holiday in the east, but sees many changes in the people and the town- ship, during the years of his absence. The annual meeting r the Seoforth Agri- cultural Society will be held at the Library building on Friday, January 20th, 1922. t 1 o'clock. George McKee, President: M. Broderick, Secretary. 2822-2 to an 50 51 1s.' ;iqfmx0; Fat the now priais �, . Keene of .i1 i• land t eek, Fate 1 Lyse,- D,Itra. Johnaton. of ' o>Sn well,'.ia *siting hex! sieter,', ra Whet* Also'ln Gold M e et=00 conte eaoh.; $ogg. sivedieet} if:,(tui'. "Always •t' particular aboat., ,keg, is 'Biting at ••8b0 home •of• ',. your Corresppl(ance Paper O.g•-you mother, Mss. J. H•• Bradoot• ^4' e are 'about yp winlothee--bot'h reveal members, of the Gaa diad":Grier p$ your taste.",: i„ i F erorlters intend holding four 430044, s+r evenings touring the Winter months s p8on s on the :evenings of January. February 7th, February .2let,ai' Thi aMarch 7th, to which'aid' members ilf BOOKSTO;P.SEAFORTIf 'the Order are; cordially 1t -..ed Ma. IHugh Welsh of Ce'balt, spent'the week end with kris parents, Mr. slid era y i pg 'GiW ap►tg. bnhtilplae breve aIi It i 4E6114°11. chocl to:..:ordet` t l i dry ,- t110 r li p ell ; Flci- tr bated to idle:: • A s r free; fir. ,ytt>.t,>,a�1yp, i!amme w i; ee C w'&9 e>,.ti+<•at .c <I'''h•1 • then-'$yd�o7lrlle(�r '+..U7,'., A Wednesdwy..9dt'hyoFeb ,'•tR=''"pi laalr dnUite l 'wd s R et on :Jan. one ii�lEif:XN 1 c- 9klh,1ernerdtsig is ,I • u, this Mem- Na ,--06. .Gaff' eon h i191n.., r t rr d, ted , t iWe e eTe.. S' P d ; ataxia a#) said his wife, of West Monkton, wera� subsoeTh d th .. 11 o£: Iter al-. ''guests of Rev: P'�ather,. Oafiley� ifaetfon -and of q JiH, dord'art; (3Hnton, on P 1d4lyy. last,.-iMfao Erat• was agpointeaeleei fg;the yea>? 1962.. Maloney reborned.'from a Pleats*, at bhe�'a ma 44441'y fi last Mai!, Win. visit with her nista, /firs. J: V. ny Mlle, :Tr surer far !bhp r0kr.022-= at of Stratford,—'Mr, Will Redmond iiia• , pl bank. herr: Joel? rose t.- is filling his Mra J (W'elsh.The Young People same elrlaxy as lethlreer• Geri g of the -Methodist Church intend held- r l- home f}•om ttlwapkee, fie opent ell.-. place here at sent. -,Mise Agnes i a bole ilial in the ehureh on son, sods' tgfr, ' eaxn+) salary as, ` t:04•. pleasan anoint with his C arl:e ter/ on same ice en Friday evCarnochan had,,- Vie enito ng lase Monday evoniiig,hJtlnusy. 28td.-4iFr. eddy-jr. 515; Adin.4447Women - id 1/...'-Mrc. Connolly, widoonele, Mr. and Mrs, wnof the' Ia% and sprain 91st„aakle badly even ng sad and Mrs. W. Vii . can d and daughter, Templeman,. said m Wary '4115,00 .Michael beel Connolly, 10th concession o•¢” Mise Helen, have:a Mrs. Finkbeiner.:and Yaalily have re visit stilt Detroit irl@tit•—AZr,: Mc each, with Albert W.Norms alternate. Logan woe buried -in Mitchell' o 'turned from Itoilld�on. )l iss Kathleen •Ta an. t1 nt "of-@c4he„_,. the ` oedsy Deeease cslady bad:, beck'. Burrows lett.;llonday afternoon to tioninDominio Ban hgrop0ud tvuo l,e g'wnable to.aci; MiGs J "' ing"tor abauf two months. SIGs' resume her .at ,les at Toronto Uni Mr. Murch has been tranpDarred-lo Allen, caretaker of town hall, ealary, leaves a fsmfiy. of eight, all growl. varsity.—Mr; 'Wi Bell left Monday to .Scampton.—Mr.' J. F. Naugle, •: q $35 Sam1 r MoKelilar. and Andrew p The.sone are:, John J., Michael, attend an autotaobile school of inatruc- Lucca, spent a few days this wse Mc 6lian, sheep valuators, •reinunr ; William. Marten, polar, Joseph and. tion in tore:A(: ,. 5rs. Keneben andintaen';for tacrvfces'as ioiiowty: Fo;' tem chat htem Mrs. 'Patrick . MS - Sound, Maas Evelyn ; schen, of Owen the guest of Mr. and Mrs. LouLDeur, vihivatio z and (' tion $2 for Ir � g ereux,Huron Road.—Mr. and Mrs. E. inaPec ,Lau lits, of McKillop, and Mise Sound, are guests at the home of If atzrnmeyer and family, of New in lei is, y• $ e • A' H "'Nil at hams, Rev, Father Kell York, are guests at the home of their a ficer; James lth" an ' i ren a e re me from Board of Health" Grimsby ✓Mise Ina Grey has return- ed from Toronto where she was at- tendingthe funeral of a cousin.—Mr. Peter Scott, of Brussels, was- the est of the Misses rine onMonday." Miss Madge Stewart was visiting friends in Stratford last week,-1Mr, Robert Gemmel] of Brussels, was in town on Monday,--tMiss Clare Gaetz- meyer, of Detroit, is visiting her mother and sister on High Street.— Miss Harriet Murray was in Brussels on Tuesday attending the funeral of the late Miss McLaughlin.—Mrs. Gottschalk, wife of Mr. Samuel Gottschalk, for a member of years a highly respected resident of Sea.forth,. died at her .home on Wednesday af- ter an illness of some duration.—Miss Florence and Ethel Beattie were vis- iting with Stratford friends this week.—.Mr. Melvin J. Clark, former- ly of the Huron Road, west, but now of Goderich, was called .to Pontiac, Michigan, last week owing to the death of his'brother, Win,. who was ill only a few days from pneumonia. —Mr. Fred Neelin, of Toronto, visit- ed his hither, Mr. F. G. Neelin, Col- lector of Customs, this week, --Mr. Roy Morrison, of Saskatoon, was a recent visitor at the dome of his uncle, Mr. Wlm. Morrison.—Mrs. 3. F. Roes and son, Hugh, returned on ' Tuesday from Toronto, where they spent the holidays at Mrs. Ross' home. —Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Chapman who have been the guests of Mr. and Mr's. John Webster, have returned to their home in Toronto.—Mr. James Harburn, of. Deliale, Sask,,,is .visiting at' the home of his brother, Dr.,F. Hasiburn,=Mies Bertha Mooney. its v- isiting friends in Toronto, -The an- nual meeting of .the Red Cress So- ciety Willi be held in Carnegie Library on January 18th at 8.30 pun. All are cordially invited to . attend. The remains of Mrs. Ryan, wife of Rev. Francis Ryan, a former rector of St. Thomas' Church, Seaforth, who died in Owen Sound, on Wednesday, will arrive in Seaforth on the morning train` from the east, and the funeral will be hekl from the G. T. R. Station to Bayfield cemetery.—At the Curlers' weekly Wednesday evening bonapeil the winning rink was composed of Messrs. C. Holmes; Thomas Beattie, W. E. Kerslake and R. E. Bright,skip, Mayor and M'ed.:W. H. Golding.— kine of Dublin' a1: Iiealbh -Ct.,'sang, ;he- requiem masa in Logan . $- Mr. Robert ntera is taking a aunt Mrs George Seip.—Mrs. ' Flett �r, ne the mepiber. where she -Wan: p' deviated. r 1r oho ',Business College at i , ",is.@ eve course ,Ism Co g d c}1 lel h v bu d fr rY' p me:tilier. ' Id¢3'$; D..Mshony, presided Stratford. -431. Falmer Whitely, of tor; John Roger, and C,;;E at ;t orgap: Two tyle young Hamilton, spent''the week end with the township engineer ' for Carrying ladled,' .MiesAnna Doyle and „Mise' his nether here:,--'M'r. W. E. South- out the provisions of the D .and'pp, Convent ,fit, eobe2ha gate left on )Monday on a ,business Act; F. H. Thompson, K.C., the town-. Convent `at Loudening weds'- The trip to Bebe,; -Quebec. •M.iss Hazel h B ship solicitor. A grant of $50 be many.,birds,: t21st .verb fsedll 1pjt, Tueay-. Thompson retitlrrid to her home in made to. the 'Fullerton, Logan 'and day' indicate a much Milder winter; Listowel on SatUrelay for the winter Hibbert Agriotal sal Socity for 1920 than was predicted two months ngo. tholidays.—Mrs,' -R. F. Jones is con- sad -1921. Total amount of orders is- —Rev. Father Noonan, RP:, is still fined to her house this week through sued, $429.31; the Treasurer, William under the care of his physician. illness.—Mr. J. L. Broadfoot is at- tending the furniture men's conven- tion in Toronto this week.—Mr. Hor- ton and Mr. -Healy, of Stratford, were town visitors this week.—Miss Alva Grimoldby is visiting her aunt in Clinton. -,Mr. Orden McCormick has returned-''tb. Bridgeburg after spending the holidays at .his home here.—Miss -Marion Larkin returned last week to Toronto.—Mr. Jack Ad- ams, who spent the holidays at his home here, 'heti returned to Dayton, Ohio. --Mr. Ggorge Jackson is in Montreal this week. — Mr. Jaynes Cowan has been oonfined to his home for some days with an attack of sciatica.—Mrs.'A. D. Sutherland is visiting friends'- in Toronto this week. —A social woof* and euchre was held in St. soups' Parish Hall on Wednesday evening last. Owing to th d' bl th there The Maple Leaf Sewing Circle of Blyth invite you and your friends to public dance given by them in Blyth Memoriod Hall, n Friday evening, January 20th, 1922. Danc- ing to commence at 9 o'clock sharp. Luncheon at 11.80. Blackstone -Buckley Orehears will supply the music. 2822-1 Harold Lloyd Comedies at the Strand. -A ,. Harold Lloyd. one reel comedy, will be,ebown at the Strand evert second week on Mon- days. Tuo' toys and Wednesdays. These are new films just released in Canada, re- issuw of the comedies that made Harold Lloyd famous and without a doubt are the best one reel comedies on the market, The members of the Canadian Foresters, Seaforth, purpose holding a social evening on the following 4 evenings: January 17th; February 21st, March 7th, to which all Cana- dian Foresters are cordially invited. especial - ay those Forresters not members f our court will be made welcome. Come out and have a good time with the boys. Wm. Hartry, B.S. All Roads Lead to Bruceaeld.'-BrUCeaeld next stop, change here 'for Walker's Hall, where you will enjoy yourself at the Bard Time, Old Time Dance, to be staged on Fri- day, January 20th, 1922. Forsythe Orchestra and Billie Hayter in attendance. Prizes giv- en couple in best ,hard time costume. Ladies please provide lunch. Admission, Girls in costume, 7bc r gents in drew vge Ivo an Eaton Special. 99c. '1 ji 822-1 Wanted. -Representative for this territory. a self respecting salesman. (Experience not necessary, we'll teach you and give you every assistance.) We want a man' whose ambi- tion is beyond his present place. You might find more congenial employment with us and at the same time double your income. We require a man of clean character, sound in mind and body. and of strong personality who would appreciate a life'noaftion with a fast growing concern where industry would be rewarded with Inc above average earn- ings. Married man preferred. Some 4.000 already with this organization in two years time. Apply E. H. White, Room 4, Gordon Block, Stratford, Ont. 2822-1 Annual Meeting.—The annual meet- ing of the Seaforth Horticultural So- ciety was held in the Carnegie Libr- ary on Tuesday evening. The finan- cial report for the past year was read showing a membership of 221, re- ceipts of $757.14, and expenditure of $748.82, leaving a balance of 58.32 on hand. The following officers were elected for 1922: President, Dr. John Grieve; 1st Vice President, William Hartry_; 2nd Vice President, Foster T. Fowler; Secretary -Treasurer, A. D. Sutherland; Directors, W. J. Dun- can, Rev. E. W. Edwards, Rev. J. A. Ferguson, Robert F. Jones, William D. Hoag, Mrs. Alex. Scott, Mss. Samuel Somers, Thos. S. Smith, John A. Smith, Charles Stewart, Andrebv . Scott; Auditors, Robert M. Jones and Dr. Mackay; Delegate to annual con- vention, Mrs. Alex. Scott. JAMES WATSON Main Street - Seaforth went . far Singer Sewing Maehhies, and General In- oe Agent MONEY The Council. The Seaforth Council for 1922 met In the council chamber on Monday morning last at 11 o'clock and the following .members made the declaration of office: Mayor, W. 11. Golding; Reeve, R. G. Parke; cillors, Cardno, Haigh, Smith, tie, Crich and Chapman. Cardno— Haigh.—That the Mayor, Reeve and Councillor Beattie be a committee to strike thetanding committee$' ..for1922.., The Council then adjournedtin- I1m 8 p.m. The council met aV'per adjournment, all members (Preget19., Crich-Chapfnan.—That the following standing com'mittees be appointedxfor 1922: Fire and Water Coniin4ttee, IIParke, Bettie, Crich; Streeter Ooml- ' � '© � mit-tee, Beattie, Orrell Haigh; Proper- ,.ty Committee, 'Haigh, Sfliith ha d Chapman• Charity Committee, Ma , 6U, paid Weekly for Cardno, Heigh' ,.Finance Com .Cordno, Ca�Ysnail, Smith;eveCouart sfo ' Wi�i' 'Revfsierli " Mnytir{ Re, Carden, liar Beattie Beattie;Crieh-.Tat. No cam- ;, the fallowing secotitlta be paid. W. r vynd :Gillespie", hMy$ 19, tTM$ 80, $iettaty A W 9tobto-,VA lf PPt; J• iillo3le G'athctlNi}. >$erten e very di a wee er was not as large an attendance as usual but a most .enjoyable evening • tet, , AN -C E BLNNIIS' HALL BRAD GIN *44 An. I8t-h Reeves' orchestra Excellent' Lunch ADMISSION 51.00 Accommodation for Stabling Horses -e -FREE Princess Now Showing Annual Meeting of W. M. S.—The annual meeting of the Egmondville W. M. 5, was held in December, when the report was given and officers elect- ed for 1922. This society reports 39 members, 12 meetings held during the year with good, attendance at each meeting, also increased interest in mission work. The total amount raised during the year was $348.12. The following officers were elected: President, Mrs. W. F. McMillan; Secretary, Mrs. Wm. Govenlock; Treasurer, Mrs. John Cameron; Mes- senger Secretary, Mrs. Love; Litera- ture Secretary, Mrs. Brown. This so- ciety with its staff of very efficient officers looks forward to greater work during the year. PAYING THE PIPER A Paramount Picture with DOROTHY `DICKSON ST. COLUMBAN Catholic Women's League...--: The social given in the parish hall on December 27th, under the. auspices of the Catholic Women's League, was a gratifying success, the net proceeds amounting to one hundred dollars. A romance of New York's double life The hall has been remodelled recent- Gemance sl produced villa,ly and is now one of.the best equip - Y p, ped in this district.The members of town house and este. Directed by GEORGE FITZMAURICE In 6 Parts Monday; Tuesday, Wednesday ELAINE HAMMERS.TEIN THE MIRACLE OF MANKATTAN Princess Local Briefs. --'"Phe Log House," a reminiscence of pioneer days, which appeared in last week's Expositor, and on which many favorable com- ments have been made, was written by' Mr, Newton Maetavieh, Editor of The Canadian Magazine, in the Jan - nary issue of which it appeared. Mr. Mactavtstl is a brother of- Mr. John Mactaviob, the well known merchant of this town.--WIrs..F. H. Larkin, Mrs. S. McLean, Mrs. L. 1'. DeLacey, Mrs. J. C. Greig, Mrs. R. S. Hays, Mrs. Nation and Miss H. I. Grahafn were in Clinton on Tuesday attending the afmnal business (meeting of Huron Preebyte iaie--Aire, Harry Eyre, olio spent the lfoIkGtt at the, oma• o her parents, Mr. and Mra.V. Brie* ton hag r d•tiro fisr homi8 is Sas<rflfayr L( '1 coat,, of+ tl. don, Wae R tedeSt- at; �the Marne of eedit4 * i1Nee li9i Jit the Barak ei zleript Strand. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday . If you.have- a weak heart don't see-:lthhi showt • 'TOM' MIK" • Is .; "THIS .ROAR DEMON" For SPEED, THR?tJL$ and Hair- raising stunts, it ins them all beat, - —ALSO SHOWING-- , • 'aJ`BE-HAL1+ttOOM BOYS" • "HIGH iAi11D DKr' More. Speed, 'Honore Tlirlils , Inore i3buitte, • but ifiditly • it'A.i1GHS• We 1iape stool- aon''o- real geed tutee lately, balite above 13 Antala t all tke bNtt. our sub -division sent two boxes of treats, weighing one 'hundred pounds, to the House of Providence, London, at Christmas time. HIBBERT erg Are Values r-' That will make many new friends for this store and draw the okl ones closer. Dont miss the big values in Ladies' Coats, Dresses, Suits. -Waists and Skirts this. month MMMI Don't miss'' JLLurlylalues:,in Millinery, Dress Goods, Silk Fabrics, Furs, Etc. i { • School Report.—The following se 1 r the school report for School Section , No. •3, Hibbert. Those marked (9) 1 were absent'for one or more exams: Sr. IV—Howard Leary, Allan Vivian, l Harvey Hambley, Robbie Miller.. Jr. IV—Vera Treffry, Fraser Oliver, Clara Elliott, Henry Harburn, *Verna Drake. Jr. IU—,Ada Elliott, Leo Peary. Sr II Marvia Drake, Marg- aret Golding, Robbie Vivian, Cliff Miller. Sr. I — Mabel McDonald, , Margaret Drake, Marvin Harburn, Edith,?Tufn, *Elmer Tuflin, *Sylvia ; Tuf Thi Jr, I—Irene Collins, ; .'Ethel Elliott; Primer -,Myra Treffry, John I}rake,—M. E. ,Living lton, Teacher. ` - f LOGAN The C. W. L. a %O7ln will hale a social evening on Jenuury.'COtti InLaoby'0 clap, Good orchestra. Lunt9;t. '.wl'ti. be . provided. Everybody welcome . . 28224 Death Of. An Old Resident. --Marg- l met Burke; widow ofthe late Midhael Connolly, Sr.; *ho had been i11 for a considerable time, died on Saturday at her home in Logan at the age of i w 79. The late M'rs. Connolly and heri_ husband •were' among the pfoti+ler ttlrs of Lo an' townshi Give us. a chance to: make a cus- tomer out: of you and we'll_ do it. We'll sell you such satisfactory good s that you'll soon learn that this is the store for you. , seegp Values so good that they will con- vince any woman who will com- pare, that at this store you receive greater real worth for your money than elaivherea 1 and died about six Si sra�' S[ti8 cuss e, consistent membri$ d1r St: Blidgid's Roman s' i in *belch re(iuiem 111811 Tuesday morning; ber $eFrtairls.'' and were intelrfed•.. in } PaPI de Vin*•. cedt,.:httetl%I ti ,t 'ii"tti',1f14,1pa t Q, Fs• WE are dry goods tiealel'n ail n ' ing else o711'i,;;; V V heart's in it and our mind'son We devote our every effort all our ertergles that we;may coli . stantly know tat.is newest:and best for Women to wear and -then provide it for y'on in the,. best : qualities at. the .lowest prices • E want your business 'but Wedon't expect it' if ' "you eau do be'lter elsewhere, -and we want you_ .to know lit your own espellISSI oe that this store is the biist store. u, { ire